#i honestly can't recall... ( tbd )
hirudou · 1 year
ok but gl keeping up with jade on a hike fr... haha
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unluckyxse7enart · 5 months
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So this is from 2021, but I was on a Sanders Sides kick and had a fun idea - Sidesonas!! Seven Sides, if you will /j
I started out by making my own emblem designs, reassigned the canon colors based on associations with each theme, and then designed the sides from there! In order of the emblem keys, red is intrusive thoughts; dark blue is logic; light blue is creativity; lavender is morality; green is deceit; and yellow is anxiety!
I initially was going to draw a lot more of these guys at the time, but stalled once I discovered.... I did not match the colors to my own skin and hair tones very well orz.... So how I'll handle that going forward is tbd, but I'm very proud of the results otherwise and would love to play with this concept again! Honestly I may even oc-ify them, the objecthead alternates in particular just sounds like fun to work with...
In-depth design notes under the cut:
Intrusive thoughts:
Ironically, despite the placement on the key, Intrusive Thought's emblem was actually the very last design I came up with! It's a Rorschach-inspired blot mirroring Anxiety's emblem, to tie the two in since for me they're heavily connected concepts.
Red was a given color as for me, most such thoughts are, well, violent.
Designwise, the sona leans heavily into my more goth/guro/yami kawaii style tastes!! Pretty straightforward given my fashion and art tends to be influenced at times in this way
For me, logic functions a lot on questions and answers, if=then statements. The question mark thus felt fitting, and an exclamation point for that 'aha!' moment felt like a good closure to it
I have to say it, Sanders's dark blue IS a very good logic color. Can't say any of the others vibed as well to me so I just stuck with it.
Ironically, this sona looks the least like me - not necessarily to divide it from me further, but just because I like leaning into that straight, angular look for such character types. I've worn that hairstyle in the past though and found it incredibly functional at the time, so it was 'logical' to use it here
Ironically this emblem gave me troubles - fortunately my partner suggested 'brainstorming' as the angle to use, and it all fell into place from there!
Since I used cloudy imagery, but wanted to keep the vibes bright and promising, I used light blue here!
This sona's design was Also a challenge - my creativity is broad, varied, and expresses myself in so many ways (True to the canon sides, intrusive thoughts also got a good chunk of some other ways my creativity has been channeled) - I settled on my tendency towards sleek elegance, as in outfits and in fashion/character design, this tends to be where I lean innately. I added touches of an oc I most associate with my creativity, Masafumi, and it felt complete!
Morality for me is not an easy topic to navigate, and can be a double-edged sword in my experience - so I made the emblem to reflect that. Sanders Sides covers the good aspects of morality well, but I wanted to capture more how it can be weaponized as the focus - and how that's what has been internalized for me.
I can't honestly recall the thought process on lavender - might just have been purple was the last color to assign - but since purple is a warm and cool color mixed together, it felt right for the complexity of morality.
This sona is a (former) girl scout! That time in my life was probably the best setting for where my own practice of morality was showcased. I'm happy to say this is not where most (if any) negative experiences stemmed from, but it was where I tried to exemplify being a good, moral person the most, so the sona reflects that!
Had fun designing this one - the emblem is a scowling eye or mocking tongue, depending how you look at it. Both felt fitting for what my deceit often hides - namely, variations of contempt and/or a lack of respect.
If memory serves, I went for a rather artificial mint green to lean into the core of this sona's theme - an imitation of something natural (fake plants vs real ones for example).
This sona leans into more comfortable, girly looks I've worn on rare occasions - both in reference to my complicated relations to gender (and how my presentation doesn't reflect it well); and to seem as nonthreatening, polite, and soft as possible. In other words, this sona isn't so cartoonishly evil as Janus Sanders, but could be considered just as devious in their own way.
Emblem took some time to sort out, but the eye imagery felt too perfect even if it was on the nose
yellow is often a happy, exciting color, but I also associate it with shock or alarm due to its bright, eye-catching tints so I applied it here
Frankly I just pulled from my high school years for this sona's look lmao. Not much to say other than it was so hard to settle on which social aversion headgear item I've used to maintain for the final design. I went for the hat since it both blocks eyesight and would hide my hair but the mask and glasses are still good alternatives imo
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deepdarkdelights · 1 year
Another two down. I read Prey For Me and Pygmalion. I gotta say, I Iove how every story has been giving different vibes. Predator was more frightening and fearful, Purgatory was more emotional, and then we jump into Prey For Me, which was more sexual. I got sooooo pissed at her ex. And to find out that he cheated on her with her sister for 4 years??! WTF. I know each story is yandere, but yet I still gasped when Jimin revealed that he killed her ex haha. Caught me off guard. I really enjoyed Pygmalion. We get more into insecurity for the MC. It honestly made me so sad to read how insecure she is about herself. Just like Taehyung said, him and Jimin are very different so it was interesting to read those stories back to back. Also Taehyung said that each member of the family has a certain gift that they gained from their human lives. His is very good sight. I don't recall if the rest of the members said theirs. What are the rest of the members gifts and why is it those specific traits? Putting that aside, I'm still very curious about Namjoon's character. He doesn't make many appearances and they don't really talk about him until they bring up troubles going on. I can't wait to read Namjoon's story once you have it out. I wonder how the MC might be and what about her that causes Namjoon's attention. I'll probably have to re-read Perfection because of all the information I'm getting from the other stories.
Oooh you're making really good progress! And I am so glad you noticed the tonal difference between them! I really wanted to give each member their own story and their own vibes while still trying to connect them.
As for their enhancements, I have talked about them a little bit before. Basically, a prominent trait or experience from their human life could be enhanced or formed into a "gift" in their vampiric life. It can also be something that develops as a means of survival.
JK is exceptionally strong and a talented hunter but also fairly callous and unemotional. This comes from a human life where he felt weak and was bullied and abused. When he first turned he experienced immense rage but he later schooled it into apathy and just became bloodthirsty and ruthless. Still, he is physically enhanced (far stronger than anyone else) while also being emotionally affected.
Yoongi has a form of future sight, this developed due to his inability to foresee his incoming death in spite of the signs being there. Now, he gets intense feelings when something bad is about to happen.
Jimin has magnetism. In his human life, he was the casanova type and drew people towards him. Now as a vampire he can attract people towards him or choose to repel them away (this works more so on an attraction basis, becoming extremely seductive and compelling, or choosing to force people away from him - it's more emotional and mental rather than telekinetic lol)
Tae was an artist and that was a very prominent part of his life. As a vampire, he already has great eyesight, but his is far better than any other vampire he knows. It's extremely clear, he can see much farther (miles farther if he so chooses) and he has a much wider scope of peripheral vision. So he can oftentimes be the first warning system of danger alongside Yoongi.
Hoseok, much like Tae has an enhancement. He is far faster than any other vampire, so fast that when he moves it looks like he is teleporting. This was because, in his human life, he was unable to outrun his death. Much like Jungkook, he is also a very talented tracker/hunter.
Jin has compulsion, another enhancement. In his human life, he was very persuasive and was oftentimes able to get whatever he wanted in whatever deal he was making. As a vampire, he has the gift of being able to compel almost anyone to do exactly what he tells them. It's not something he enjoys using often as he still enjoys trying to use his "natural" skills, that and using this ability tends to take a lot out of him.
Joon...well Joon is still TBD 😂 As the leader of the coven and everyone's maker he does have control over them, he can instruct them to do anything and they will have to do it - there is no choice. That isn't his "gift" though, this is simply true for all maker-creation bonds.
Enjoy the last few fics! If you have any more questions I would be thrilled to answer 💜
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hirudou · 1 year
jade has quickly become my favorite muse ive had tbh ,,,
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hirudou · 1 year
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octavinelle's shadow leader fr ...
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hirudou · 1 year
bro sb will need to hold my hand thru honkai, im still struggling w/ ptn and twst and onmyoji what are u guys doing to me
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hirudou · 1 year
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@concupitor u kno u stuck w/ me for life >;* <333
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hirudou · 1 year
also its funny bcause if u date his brother, u have to worry about jades opinion of you too. breaking floyds heart will result in jade making your life a living hell 😞😞😞
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hirudou · 1 year
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i love discord so much.
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hirudou · 1 year
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i think in p much any au's i give jade, his spell is stronger, and can be used more than once. and ofc, no matter what,,, he's still an eel, and he still has his twin brother
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hirudou · 1 year
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guys ortho's robo-furry skin/card is kinda dope ...
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hirudou · 1 year
i actually think a lot about what jade is going to do after he's done at nrc
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hirudou · 1 year
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hirudou · 1 year
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i got distracted again.
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hirudou · 1 year
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