#i heard some mixed reviews on this episode but omg i can't get over this scene
littlealeta · 2 years
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Rick hugging and rubbing Morty’s hair is an adorable callback to the scene in M. Night Shaym-Aliens. Even better that this isn’t a simulation, this is the real Morty that Rick is doing this to. I know some people were thinking that he was testing to see if Morty was a simulation but I theorized that the reason he was acting weird in the simulation episode was because he knows this Morty isn’t real so he’s able to let his guard down. Now he’s comfortable enough to show him the same sort of affection/playfulness without feeling guilty. The scene in the simulation was so heartwarming despite what was going on and I was really hoping to see Rick do this to the actual Morty someday. I also saw a scene in one of the comics where he also kinda did the same thing too? It was at the end of issue #14.
I have problems with some of the directions they’re taking Rick in these last two seasons. I do think they should tone down on his softness but it’s so nice to see him being domestic and showing affection and being playful and happy with his grandkids again. He just seemed perpetually pouty and petulant around them in seasons 3-4 with only like one scene of genuine bonding between them in each season in seasons 3-5.
Also it’s interesting how we’ve had two separate scenes in this season where one half of the duo is trying to hug while the other is stopping them.
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