#i hc that avatars have to be the playable character because they're objectively the most important character in the game
duckapus · 1 year
Susie could’ve just cloned Mario or grabbed a different Player Character to use as her replacement Avatar, but that’s boring, so instead she mixes together a bunch of different DNA(with Mario’s as the base just to be safe) to see what she ends up with.
Thing is, the combination of her random gene mixing and all the Meme Energy she has to pump into the cloning tube interferes with the rapid growth bit of the cloning fluid, so the result is a preteen girl. A very small preteen girl, since again, Mario is the base of her DNA and he’s a Short King. This actually sets the God Box Fragment’s corruption back quite a ways because Susie takes one look at this small child she made and goes “fuck I’m a mom now.” It’s not enough to actually stop her plans or anything but still.
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