#i haven't hear the entire soundtrack yet but what little i've heard is pretty good or alright EXCEPT Mass Destruction
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maareyas · 1 year ago
WHAT did they do to Mass Destruction in p3r. what is this "baby baby"?? it's supposed to be "BAYBEH BAYBEH"
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notebookmusical · 2 years ago
Omg have fun at the Barbie movie! I'm so curious about it if you wanna give a short review. Maybe I will see it later this week on a cheap day. I think I've heard good things so far. Unfortunately I'm not sure if either show is going to work out at this point..and they are on the same day anyway lol. But I found out they will show it in another city nearby in a few months if so hopefully I can make it work then. I love Les Mis sooo much and was really excited cuz I haven't seen it before but it's also a really popular show and the balcony was all sold out, which never happened before. I thought I would be able to still get tickets the day of since that's what I usually do. We'll see what happens with the Paramore show but I'm hoping it works out. For surprise songs, I'm not that picky..it's more that I have a few that I wouldn't want..which is maybe 3 of what's left lol. I Can See You would be cool since she never performed it and it's become a new favorite. I like anything from Lover and Rep and older stuff like debut and Fearless too. I would be happy with one older song and one newer since that makes it interesting but there's nothing I absolutely hate either. I'm more worried that I'll like the surprise songs of the other show better since I'm only going to one show lol. What about you? Was your show tonight? Can't wait to hear your review of the show!!!
hi friend!!!! i had the BEST time at barbie!!! i sobbed through so much of it (but i am a crier). my friends and i all held hands at one point and cried and it was just such a 🥺 moment for me. and just so, so special to watch it with some of my closest friends. i am such a like, pink, barbie girl and i just really, genuinely adored it. i didn't know much about what the movie was going to be about going in but it exceeded all my expectations. i never felt like the movie dragged or was too long or didn't hold my interest. the costumes were stunning. the set design is beautiful; it's just a visually beautiful movie, and you could tell how much care and thought was put into every detail. i'm a sucker for small things like that, and i know there's a lot of references i definitely missed. i'm thinking that i might go see it again at some point, but i think i'll be too busy this week and then i'm in chicago next week for lollapalooza, so it might have to wait till i'm back. i definitely want to see it with my mom. i just ... i loved it. america ferrera totally blew me away, as did margot robbie. i just ... genuinely really loved this movie. there were some bits that just made me laugh (some genuine laughter, some nervous "oh this hits too close to home" laughter). and the soundtrack is so good — billie eilish's, dua lipa's and charli xcx's songs in particular were standouts for me! trying to hold off buying the vinyl right now, because... well, pink (and also because i am on a vinyl buying ban for now). oh noooo :( i'm sorry to hear about les mis, but i really hope that the other city will work for you! i am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you 🤍 it really is just such a special show and has such a special place in my heart (and i think it would have a special place in my heart even if i wasn't named after it). and this tour cast is so fun! i particularly loved gavorche; i left the theatre and was texting my friends about how phenomenal he was. and as i'm sure you've seen on my tumblr, i've been thinking about les mis a lot since. i started my reread/annotation project of it a little bit ago, and i'm trying to do "a book" a month, and then finish by the end of the year! i think i might rewatch the movie (or a bootleg of it) sometime soon, i definitely miss it. you'll have to let me know if you end up going to paramore! i definitely want to get into paramore's music more; i know some songs but i haven't done a discography deep dive yet. there's a lot of artists that i want to do that for and i used to be pretty good about listening to entire discographies while at work but i've mostly been lolla prepping and listening to the music of the artists we'll be seeing! i can see you is such a fun song! i'm really hoping she'll sing either foolish one or castles crumbling at my shows (i'm going both saturday and sunday) in terms of speak now songs, but i'll honestly be happy with anything and everything! i've been telling all my friends i'd love something from debut (especially since it isn't part of the setlist), but i'll genuinely be happy with anything she sings! i have a running joke with my friends that every surprise song we're like "i'm marked so unsafe :("/"this was such a loss for me" because we wanted to hear that song live — just a testament to taylor's discography, really! i hope you get songs that you love when you see her! are you going to the friday show or the saturday one? i'll be thinking of you next week! hope you have a good weekend, friend! 🤍 remember to drink some water + take it easy! hope you're enjoying your current read(s)!! x
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twigstarpikachutroll22 · 4 years ago
3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and since you keep forgetting, when i send you an ask it is for both of you
"I've been mostly staying out of music asks because Twig and I listen to all the same songs so I keep wondering if I'd really have anything all that unique to put in, but y'know what? We can take this as an excuse to get in more than song per question! Which I KNOW Twig struggles not to do."
3.    a song tied to a specific moment in your life
"Ooooh, a question I actually know I CAN give unique input on! Hmm. I do sometimes think The Middle of a Moment from James and the Giant Peach fits me deciding to leave my hometown."
For me, Imma say... Problem Child, by Simple Plan? Reminds me of some of my worst times in 6th grade.
Yeah. Anyway, next question.
4.     a song that is not sung in your native language
That song from the end credits of The Cat Returns.
"H@ppy Together from Fresh Precure."
5.     a song over 5 minutes long
I feel like we know some showtunes that are over 5 minutes...
"Yeah. Like, isn't Beautiful from Heathers one of them?"
*i go and check*
Yeah! Clocks in at over 8 minutes!
"Heck yes! Now your turn, since I came up with that one."
Um... Oh! The Cell Block Tango! 'Bout 7 and a half minutes!
"Ooooooh, nice! ...Mine's longer though."
Shut up. *smirks and shoves her* XD
6.     a song under 2 minutes long
Look Who's Inside Again, by Bo Burnham.
"I Suffer More, by Elise Ecklund."
You really just heard "under 2 minutes long" and decided to go for a song that's literally 3 WORDS long and was written with the INTENTION of making the shortest song ever, huh?? XD XD XD XD
"Yep! What can I say, gotta go above and beyond!"
11.   something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live
I mean, the entire Hamilton soundtrack might be nice. We've seen the proshoot, but it's a totally different thing to see these things live onstage.
"Same sentiment goes for the entire Six soundtrack."
16.   something to SCREAM ALONG to
"Lesbian Ponies With Weapons, by Vylet Pony!"
Yeah! Listen, Lesbian Ponies With Weapons is the most brazen and unapologetic song in existence, it just goes "Imma CRASH through everything and everycreature in this town with ALL the chaotic energy and I don't give a pair of underpants what you think, make way for the hugs and arson monkeyflippers!!" If you're gonna sing it, you gotta sing it loud and proud and shove it right in the face of anycreature who'd call it cringey, or else it defeats the entire point.
"Could not have said it better myself."
Anyway, for mine since you already took that one, I'm gonna say... The Greatest Show from The Greatest Showman.
"Also good!"
18.   a song that demands lipsyncing into a makeshift microphone
Lip synching but not actually singing? Do we do that?
"I mean...you do that if you're feeling a little too shy or self-conscious."
Man, there's a LOT of songs that come to mind for this... Hmmm...
I dunno, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun maybe???
"You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift?"
19.   the last song you had stuck in your head
I've got I Dare You by Bea Miller stuck in my head right now.
"I mean, due to this sort of psychic bond we have and all, more often than not if she has a song stuck in her head, chances are the same song'll be in my head. So...same."
20.   a song you’re dying to master all the words to
"The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku!!"
"I know, right? Your turn now."
Hmm. I haven't QUITE memorized the lyrics to Don't Rain On My Parade yet, and it's one of those songs that's basically my theme song, and I think once I do get all the words down I could sing it super well, could be a pretty great karaoke or audition song to have in my pocket.
21.   a song that you could SLAY at karaoke
Okay, I'm gonna say we each have to say one song for ourselves as a solo and one song for the two of us together.
"Sounds reasonable to me. Also, you can't say Don't Rain On My Parade again. No using the same song for two questions."
Okay. Then, Imma go with...I'd Rather Be Me, from Mean Girls?
"My first thought was My Grand Plan, from The Lightning Thief, but I mean, I've said that SO many times already, it'd be too obvious and played out of an answer. So I'm gonna say...Secure.Contain.Protect., by Madame Macabre."
One song for both of us could be Take A Hint from Victorious.
"Oh, totally! Also Rocks At My Window, by Bridgit Mendler. We've been thinking about that a lot, only reason we haven't made a karaoke post of it is because there's a part towards the end that gets sung OVER the chorus, like, one of us would be singing the chorus and the other would be singing some other lines at the same time, and it's like, hard to type out stuff like that, y'know?"
23.   a song that makes you want to dance on a table
CAN'T STOP THE FEELING!! by Justin Timberlake! I mean, duh. XD
"New Romantics, by Taylor Swift! I like, keep thinking of whole dance routines I can do to it."
25.   a song with a great music video
Ooh, I have a whole playlist of these! Imma pull that up real quick...
"Don't Make Me, by Malinda Reese!"
OHHHH yeah!
"Princess overhears her prince plotting with his friends to kill her, recruits her own friends-slash-ladies-in-waiting to help her, and when the prince comes to kill her in her sleep, she's ready with her own sword to fight him while her friends fight his friends, and she ends up killing him in the fight instead! What's not to love???"
Oh! Also ME! by Taylor Swift!
"OHHHHH HECK YES, I don't think anything can beat THAT honestly XD"
Hands-down, it is THE most color and imagination I've EVER seen in ANY music video that's not Trolls and I vibe with it so, SO hard.
27.   a song with counting
*she starts singing* "One, twO, three, fOur, five, sIx, Seven eIGHT NIIIIINE!"
*i join in her singing, taking the lower part in the harmony* It's the ten duel commandments!
It's the ten duel commandments!
"Okay okay okay, we should probably stop for now, we still got a bunch of questions to get through."
"Okay, I still gotta give a song for this one, so... Paper Rings by Taylor Swift! End of the prechorus!"
Heck yeah, our second-favorite song from Lover! Top favorite is ME! obviously. XD
35.   a great song you discovered thanks to a movie
"I'm gonna say to make this a challenge, we can't say songs that are FROM a movie or written specifically FOR a movie, just ones that were featured in a movie and that's how we first heard it, or ones that some kind of domino chain starting with watching that movie ended up leading us to."
Sounds all right to me.
Hmmm... what about... You, by Hollywood Ending? Discovered that through a post saying it has broppy vibes.
"Oh yeah! Same story with Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, or at least the Boyce Avenue cover, which is the only version we listen to. So, that's another."
36.   a great song you discovered thanks to television
Same rule as the above question, I assume?
Hmmmmmm... Oh! Sweet But Psycho, by Ava Max! Found that through a Ducktales AMV!
"YES!!! Also One Woman Army, by Porcelain Black, we found that one through a Star vs the Forces of Evil AMV!"
37.   a song you’re ashamed to have in your music library
Hmm. Well, one guilty pleasure song is Made In America, by Cimorelli. Like, it's so catchy and fun and has such happy summertime vibes, but also, I can't help thinking on some level, these girls really didn't know how poopy this country is in a lot of ways when they wrote this, huh? :-/
"Yeah. Another one's God Made Girls, by RaeLynn."
OOOOFFF, yeah...
"Like, it's supposed to be female empowerment, not even in a corporate way, just like, genuinely from her heart, you can tell. But so many of the lyrics are just about what a girl can do for her male partner??"
Yeah! And some of them are so stereotype-y, and the whole thing just like, REEKS of cishet, y'know? Plus I'm kinda uncomfy with the sort of religious aspects of it.
"Yeah. Why does it also have to SOUND so GOOD? And have SUCH a pretty music video??? And why does the genuine heart behind it, however warped the message is, have to be so resonant???? Y'know????"
38.   ok what’s the song you were too ashamed to even post for #37
Honestly, we don't have anything for this. I like. Legit can't think of anything.
"Yeah, there's like, barely anything we're ashamed of listening to really."
May edit this at a future point if we do remember something.
39.   the most played song in your music library
I have no freaking idea. We listen to SOOOOOOOOOOOO many songs, and SOOOOOO many of them have been listened to tons of times over, it's like, impossible to tell.
"Yeah. Although, I think if there IS a most played song, my money's on either Get Back Up Again or CAN'T STOP THE FEELING!! for that. Knowing you."
Mm. Fair.
40.   favorite disney song
Honestly, to this day, what comes to mind is Let It Go.
"Iconic. Truly a classic."
"Hmm. For me, Imma go wiiiiiiith... How To Believe, by Brigit Mendler?"
Huh. Didn't occur to me to go outside classic Disney animation, but...
"It IS from Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue. Which IS Disney."
Yeah, that's fair, I'd say it counts.
"Woop! That was fun! I really should participate in more of these XD XD"
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