#i haven't even played the hs update yet
ivomartins · 1 year
it's the way that i've only seen hunger once and now i'm like. malbonte who?? lucifer WHOMST???? war??? NEVER HEARD OF HIM?!?!? mimi? maybe might have seen her somewhere????
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bladekindeyewear · 1 year
Hello, what do you think of optimisticDuelist's Role-playing theory? Basically, he suggested that instead of inverting, Rose was role-playing a misinterpretation of her mother's classpect. He also suggests Terezi was role-playing Redglare's Knight class while investigating Murderstuck, and that Vriska and Aranea were role-playing each other's classes. I recommend watching "HSE: Guardians and Ancestors" for more about his theory. :D
Since I'm trying to get back in the swing of things (might still take me a few weeks), I might as well remind y'all of my earlier position:
I haven't read or watched optimisticDuelist's theories yet, and I probably ought to before I make any serious judgments on the matter. Plus, I'm not caught up with HS^2's recent new updates, and I was under the impression that oD had some input into HS^2 as a whole-- I'm not sure if Andrew gave the writers and collaborators on that project the latitude to make some changes from the system that was intended by Andrew in the original comic's run, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had, so for all we know some of those theories may retroactively fit the original comic even if they weren't initially intended! Or introduced as just a NEW thing that can happen! That's one sort of thing that I was originally so devoted to the comic's "original intent" that I wouldn't have accepted easily, but I'm coming to accept as a possibility a bit easier now, with how much Andrew has pushed Death of the Author and how much the ending of the comic showed that many of the things I judged were "important" in-comic weren't important to him at all.
However, if we're looking as far back as Act 5 Act 2, I believe there's a serious fundamental difference in scope and scale between trolls like Vriska and Terezi poorly cosplaying the trappings and aesthetics of ancestors whose classpects we didn't know at the time -- ancestors who were in fact constantly teased with words like Thief (Mindfang), Seer (Redglare), and Witch (Condesce) to match their younger descendants' classes even though Andrew likely intended for them to have had different classes all along -- and the severe, extreme, and powerful event that seems to be full-on hero role inversion.
Reading some Homestuck liveblogs lately, I was reminded of the strong and intentional connections that all of Homestuck has with Carl Jung's psychological theories and the concept of the "Shadow" self. And I'm not just talking about a superficial resemblance between the Shadow and role inversion, or the "assimilation of the shadow" and the uniting of one's Real Self and Dream Self to ascend to God Tier. No-- I mean that Jung's theories, even if somewhat discredited, are referenced by the complex stew of mythologies that make up Sburb and define how the game is played, just like all the pop and serious references to works like Lord Of The Rings that made it into the game's objectives. If you skim that wikipedia page you'll very quickly see what I mean:
Nevertheless, Jung remained of the opinion that while "no one should deny the danger of the descent [...] every descent is followed by an ascent",[54] and assimilation of—rather than possession by—the shadow becomes a possibility.
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"We begin to travel [up] through the healing spirals...straight up."[53]: 160–1
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There's a good reason that Rose was given an interest in psychotherapy leading into the comic. It's tightly tied to the whole story's themes! Trying to show players the potential they have as individuals, the power inherent in their very personalities, and setting them a stage to confront themselves and grow into someone who would shape the future and accept their own self-worth, is the entire point of the game and the answer to the Ultimate Riddle. Every major character had to go through the arduous process of confronting their flaws and talents and trying to accept who they were. The game IS the psychotheraputic journey from start to finish, complete with the same monumental challenges, pitfalls, rejection and acceptance (of help and of oneself!) that all sorts of different people must confront in order to simultaneously fully appreciate and become themselves, and also become the people they truly want to be. Because despite what self-loathing and toxic gender norms and all sorts of naysayers would have us believe, those two things are closer to the same thing than most can easily imagine. The journey to discover, accept, unite with and leverage the power of being you.
And when you tie Jungian Psychology to MBTI personality types, you can practically flip the letters into an opposed Shadow too, in a less literal but startlingly similar way to the class-and-aspect-flip Inversion Theory that we proposed. (DAMMIT i still need to rewrite the Aradia post to be less pretentious, that's been on my to-do list for years but I've never been up to it...)
Again, I still need to read/watch optimisticDuelist's theories (I've had a hard time emotionally looking deep into anything Homestuck for a good while now, and even though you're referencing some pretty old theories i was NEVER very good at keeping up with others' theories besides what was specifically brought to my attention, it was a serious problem), but from what I recall in-comic every time I saw someone mimic or cosplay an ancestor they were mostly... just cosplaying! Nothing is stopping a Seer from picking up a sword and trying to do some knight stuff. TRYING. The only issue is that they won't be very good at it, because they're not actually learning about themselves and leveraging the strengths of their own personality and power set. I have no idea how to use a gun or weapons; if I were to pick one up and try to suddenly join a battle, I would have no idea what I'm doing and would be more likely to get myself or others hurt rather than do anyone any actual good. And even when someone like Terezi picked up a (cane-)sword in the comic, she still mostly used it as a Seer would, as the threat to punctuate or act on explicitly foreseen possibilities. When she ran Vriska through, she was acting on a VISION borne of the realities that hinged on others' decisions and fronts, that revealed themselves through her understanding the Mind aspect. It was no martial superpower, no mental trick-- all Terezi had was the superpower of understanding how badly Vriska's move to fight Jack would play out, with the necessary certainty she needed in order to confidently stab Vriska.
(Brief edit: as an aside, many classes of Heart player might be more positioned to take on and leverage the skills and uniqueness of others. Roleplaying others was one of NEPETA'S strengths.)
Rose's inversion was very, very, VERY different.
The word "witch" was EVERYWHERE around Rose, almost moreso than the Void symbolism. "Witch" was plastered all over Act 5 Act 2 in both the text and visual representations. Other players like Eridan CALLED her a witch REPEATEDLY. We saw a Witch of Time using dual needles and magic. Andrew couldn't have shouted the word any louder. It came with IMMENSE power, the sort of power level we've deduced (and Doc and Rose hinted) comes from someone's Hero Title because it's more powerful than any other mundane, magical, or psychic power source, fitting to the Ultimate Riddle-- when someone pulls out their Hero Powers against any non-hero power source besides sometimes the Green Sun, the one using Hero Powers always wins. It isn't even a contest.
When Rose went grimdark, she looked like a Witch. She didn't look like her mother. And she didn't act like her mother either! Especially when we got Roxy Lalonde in Act 6, it was clear that Rose's Grimdark actions and modus-operandi were absolutely nothing like those of her ecto-sister, even with all the commonalities they shared as people. Whatever inspiration Rose received from her mother's behavior and aesthetics, all it seems she took from it in her Grimdark descent was the Void, and little else.
If you were to try and convince me that what Rose did in Act 5 Act 2 was meant by the author to convey to us the actions of someone behaving as a Rogue of Void and not a Witch of Void, you wouldn't just need to show me evidence of Roguish activity. You'd need to show me ENOUGH evidence that Andrew meant to hide Rogue behavior beneath an intentional Witch whitewash (like that prior tease with the Troll Ancestors being coyly made to sound like they matched their descendants that I described earlier), and that all the Witch symbology and actions were actually a bullshit red herring!!! Few readers thought there was any serious impact of her Grimdark phase to her Class until we stumbled upon Inversion Theory as an extension of Aspect Duality, and a red herring is pretty pointless if it doesn't convince anyone.
Saying that NONE of those witch hints mattered? THAT'S A REALLY TALL ORDER. "Witch of Void" is just way, way too strongly evidenced in my eyes, and almost half of our derivative understanding of classes and aspects is based on Seer <--> Witch duality! It'll be weeks before I have my mental health together enough to watch optimisticDuelist's theories, but like, Seer <--> Witch is the most confident I still am in any theory besides the Ultimate Riddle and Aspect Duality. It'd take quite a lot to make me believe otherwise, so expecting optimisticDuelist's videos to change my mind on this matter would be... er. A little optimistic.
And because of how dependent so many of my theories were on what we learned about aspect duality FROM role inversion, if Seer <--> Witch didn't happen, then you might as well throw out almost everything I've ever said on classpects with the bathwater and start over. Rightly call me biased, but I do really hope I don't have to do that!
(edit 1pm cdt: added a bit more to the second-to-last paragraph before the cut to hammer home that "Shadow (Psychology)" wikipedia article, seriously so many of the characters' journeys in the comic follow it like a playbook. edit 1:15pm cdt: fixed wandering read-more)
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I'm really enjoying your fic His Star - His Queen. Haven't played the game to be honest, I just came across your fic looking up obsessive/possessive behavior tags on AO3 and became obsessed with Astarion when I looked at YouTube videos. I don't have a AO3 account so I'm glad you put a link to your Tumblr. Do you have any fic recommendations from AO3 or Tumblr? Are there any fics where spawn!Astaraion and asscended!Astarion are twins?
Wowowow that's amazing! I'm beyond flattered that I helped you discover… well… all of this! Thank you for the compliment, it means so much to me. Glad you found the link to my tumblr helpful!
Well then, welcome to the bg3 and Astarion fandom. I'd be happy to give you a tour! See, this is where we keep all the batstarion content, this is where the Spawn Astarion and Ascended Astarion girlies fight duels to the death and over there is one of their many warzones. You see that in the distance? That's the dark place.
We don't talk about what's in the dark place. But the spot adjacent is where the Astarion fanfiction writers are allowed to see their friends and loved ones! See, we Astarion fanfiction writers are shackled to our keyboards 6 out of 7 days of the week and are only allowed to step away to use the bathroom… maybe even shower.
But I digress. While I love the concept of Astarion having an evil twin, I don't know of any like that. The common concept people go for when writing them in the same space - is that one time traveled from another reality (like HS-HQ). All of my reccomendations are on AO3 and I'll of course link them as we go! Fair Warning! These will have some elements of dubious consent, outright Non-con and/or a wide array of abuse. Emotional, mental, and physical. Please take any tags and warnings the authors use seriously! Read responsibly!
Lose yourself in me by Cesela
Completed and my all-time favorite Ascended Astarion story, hands down. The detailed and immersive writing, and the way Astarion is portrayed, I still reread it all to this day.
The Summary: When an ascended Astarion offers to make you his dark consort, his right hand, his most beloved vampire spawn, you reject the offer. However it appears he was not as willing to give you up as you were first led to believe. Your heart always belonged to the road, yet each twist and turn always brings you right back to Baldur’s gate. To him.
Tav goes on a journey of self and literal exploration after the events of Baldur's Gate and sort of takes up living with Gale in Waterdeep. But Astarion's shadow of obsession stalks her wherever she roams in Faerun. Their dynamic is addicting to read, the push and pull, the dialogue, the way it pulls at my heartstrings. This story had me instantly hooked, and I waited eagerly for every update until the very end. Honestly, just thinking about how much I loved this story could make me feral.
The Price of Freedom by Fawlhacee
Ongoing and dark as hell. It has Gale x Tav pairing that is the evident true pairing. It could surprise me by ending with Astarion x Tav but I'm usually not wrong - I've read enough fanfiction to have a solid idea of where a writer is intending their story to end.
The Summary: One year after saving Baldur's Gate, you and your future husband, the Wizard of Waterdeep, return to Baldur's Gate to announce the news to your parents. What you don't yet know is that your time together is limited, and your former companion will do everything to claim you as his own for eternity
Again, I love the way Astarion is written here. He's an absolute menace that you watch isolate and manipulate Tav into his gilded cage of horrors. The first two chapters are set up chapters with the Astarion x Tav story kicking off in Chapter 3. Starts off eerily pleasant and rapidly descends into dark, twisted and scheming Astarion. Definitely been an enjoyable read!
Oblivion & Obsession by alcetryx
Ongoing and even darker than The Price of Freedom, I think. Right from the gate, you know this is going to be a creepy, twisted ride like a stroll through a haunted carnival.
The Summary: You don't remember the terrifyingly handsome and cruel Vampire Lord of Baldur's Gate, but he remembers you. He insists on holding you to a vow you insist you never made. As the fragments begin to fall into place, you begin to piece together a puzzle. But to do so, you must question what you know, and separate truth from deception. Those who you swore you could trust suddenly appear much less honest.
Tav doesn't remember Astarion and I'm not sure how much I can say about it because of spoilers. It's a somewhat slow simmer until Astarion is actually introduced and not just an ominous, hushed whisper that isn't named. But everything after definitely sends you off on the rollercoaster of Astarion's behavior, emotions and the captor-captive dynamic between them while Tav tries to navigate the danger of him without remembering who he is. Also, the writers update schedule has my head spinning, very consistent, bonus points to them and an extra round of applause.
Bonus for the similar premise: Mirror, Mirror by ElleKhen
It's part 4 of a series but I didn't read the other 3. It's a good read if you're interested in Male Tav x Astarion.
The Summary: Years following the defeat of the Absolute, Church and Astarion have made a new life — a challenging, but happy life — for themselves in the Underdark. But after a ritual goes wrong, Church finds himself waking up in the arms of a different Astarion, in a world where a single decision led to a very different and devastating outcome to their story. While the Astarion and Gale of his world work tirelessly to bring him back home safe, Church fights not just to understand this new world and how his lover has changed in it, but also to retain his sovereignty in mind and body so that he may find his freedom from the elf his other self once loved.
It has Ascended vs Spawn, but they don't really exist in the same reality like in HS-HQ. It's sort of spoilery to say more than that. I will say [SPOILER] that I wish the ending touched more on the trauma that OC Tav would have from the ordeal inflicted on him by Ascended Astarion. As sweet as it is that they can easily identify the difference between Spawn and Ascended and reconcile it. There's just something sweeter about struggling with your trauma and having a supportive partner, and finding your happiness with them despite it [END SPOILERS]
Those are the three that come to mind and I'm sure I could recommend more, but I know this answer is really long already. Thank you again, so much! I'm stunned and flattered by your compliment that I'm sort of at a loss for words <3 Hopefully those recommendations are what you're looking for!
BEFORE YOU GUYS GET ON ME FOR NOT RECOMENDING OTHER LARGER STORIES: I haven't read Hellish, and I haven't kept up with Unravel. It's not that I don't like those stories or the authors, I actually like their blogs but I don't know them personally or anything. So that they're not mentioned is nothing against them. Besides, those are stories larger than HS-HQ or the ones I listed, even including Lose yourself in me to an extent. Give the smaller guys a chance out here.
I've been in fandoms where my work would be buried under the much larger stories. Only to have someone somewhat higher on the totem pole give me a shout-out or something and pull my fic up to breathe. So let me try to be that for them.
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
I haven't even played this update yet cuz I've been desperately trying to finish hs 😩😩 only 4 more chapters to go finally 😭 the only good thing is the chapters are pretty short in comparison to other stories
Yeah! At least that! 🤣
Good luck! I'll wait till the next tea party 🙈
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star-fandoms · 10 months
This is gonna be my fandom sideblog where I literally will just post art of fandom ocs and absolutely ramble about them(Them being my ocs, and whatever fandom I'm hyperfixating on at the time) Although not all fandoms I like I have ocs for and don't plan on making any for.
This is also HEAVILY a canon x oc(Oc NOT personas/self-inserts!!) so if you don't like that, that's fine! Just block me and move on, no big deal! Also I do kind of change some of the settings to fit my oc's in, but it's nothing extreme I don't think. Also I am not taking this blog seriously LOL, I will just ramble about whatever, whenever because holy moly the inside of my brain is an eternal hell. Maybe I could even make some friends with similar interests FHDGHJDGHJ. If you see any fandoms you like that I also like we should ramble about them and if we have any ocs for our mutual fandoms they should be besties! I guess I should get into the fandoms I like!! Oh also cw for some of these fandoms(Like the fanbase is huge and largely toxic, please don't group me in with those toxic people. Also some of them do have some not so great creators, I'll get into it more later. If you have any feeling that you know which ones I'm talking about and don't want to see me talk about them or whatever, then I would recommend not following!) Also not every fandom I have finished reading, watching, playing, and some of them are just fandoms I REALLY wanna get into, some of them are fandoms that I'm not really involved in anymore. FC stands for Favorite Characters and some of them are more like characters I'm interested in/like their design. I've colored the series names, cause it's a lot to read so if you're interested you can just read the series names and see if you like them as well! Long post, REALLY long post below
Kimi ni Todoke (I'm SO excited for season 3! One of the first animes I have ever watched!! Would recommend if you're looking for a cutesy romance story, although it's still filled with drama. I have no oc's for this story. FC: All of em honestly)
Ouran high school host club (Another one of my first animes, I hold this anime very near to my heart. I know I DID have oc's for this story, but not anymore. I don't think I'll be making any oc's for this story, at least not any time soon. FC: Mori, the twins, Haruhi)
Fruits Basket (Another one of my first anime's LOL! I watched the 2001 version and haven't gotten around to the newer version, though I would like to watch it eventually. I don't have ocs for this story and I'm not planning on making any. FC: Kyo, Momiji)
Blue Lock (I started reading the manga like peak Quarantine, I would be reading this during virtual learning. When the anime came out I watched it with my sister since she used to play soccer, though we never finished sadly, so now I'm rewatching it again on my own. I do have oc's for Blue Lock. FC: Nagi, Rin, Kurona, Kaiser)
Blue Period (I never finished this one, I really need to! I still have oc's for it though. It was recommended to me by my sister who watched it, and I was drawn in because it's an art anime so ofc I would be interested. FC: Haruka)
Tokyo Revengers (I believe I'm still on season 2, like one of the last episodes of season 2, like seriously just finish it already, Star. Anyways I had binged the first season and moved to the manga to finish what was out at the time and I kept up with updates as they came out. Still can't believe season 3 is out, feels like just last week I was watching the first season and being obsessed. I do have oc's for this anime, a lot of them lol I hold them close to my heart despite not having solid designs out yet. FC: Mitsuya, Rindou, Sanzu, Wakasa)
Jujutsu Kaisen (BARK BARK BARK CHOSOOOOO, pardon me. I wonder who my favorite FAVORITE is??? Yeah jjk was an anime I found freshman year of hs, back when Megumi was my main favorite. Anyways the love-hate relationship I hold with this anime is insane. All the bad stuff? never happened, k? I do have oc's for this jjk! FC: Choso, Ino, Megumi, Inumaki, Yuta)
Demon Slayer (I didn't finish the latest season, however I did read the manga after finishing the first season which was all that was out at the time, but I also didn't finish the manga LOL. I do have ocs for kny! FC: Inosuke, Mitsuri, Muichiro, Gyutaro)
Bungo Stray Dogs (I binged the first season and then got bsd burnout soooo yeah I'm only on the second season. I have ocs for bsd! I love the art style and had wanted to get into it for a while, I do want to go back and finish it! FC: Akutagawa, Yumeno, Chuya)
Trigun Stampede (Another anime I never finished, you'll see a lot of these LMAO! I was really drawn by the art style and animation, I believe an edit pushed me to watch it. I still need to finish it and then I also want to watch the original because I've heard a lot of good things about it! Yes, I do have ocs for it as well! FC: Vash!!)
Osomatsu-san (I remember trying to get into it in middle school due to edits and fanart I had seen, I have some old OLD art of those ocs still. I did want to try getting into it again, but I've still only watched like 3 episodes so I'm really not far at all! I want to redesign my old oc's, but yeah I still have em'! FC: Ichimatsu, Karamatsu, Jyushimatsu, Choromatsu)
Nanbaka (I never finished Nanbaka either... I vibe so hard to the opening though, it goes hard. The character designs really caught my attention cause they were just so out there, like I was pretty used to more tame designs but then here Nanbaka is using these vibrant color combos and some interesting hairstyles and catching my eyes. I also have ocs for Nanbaka! I did start watching it again since it had been like 3 years since I watched it. FC: Nico, Kenshirou, Upa, Seitarou)
One Piece (Mmmmm One pee. Yeup. I told myself I would never watch it, mainly because of the cough cough 1000+ episodes and well considering how I struggle to finish animes, knew that the day I finished this anime would be the day hell freezes over. Anyways tell me why like 2 years ago I tried watching it and only made to episode 5 and then I pick it up earlier this year(2023) and make to episode 185 in like a month or two?? What happened to me?? The chokehold this series had on my brain is insane. I definitely have my own issues with it, such as the sexualization of the women and with that the proportions, but honestly I still really like this anime. I also have ocs for one piece, they might honestly be the first ones I show, but its not all of them, just the ones I have references for. FC: Kobe, Shanks, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Corazon, Penguin, Bepo, Nami, Robin, Chopper)
Hunter x Hunter (Oof! I really need to get watching this anime already. I've wanted to watch it for so long and I've tried over 3 times but I just can't seem to find motivation to watch it. I Did have oc's for this, but obviously since I've hardly even watched it, they're sloppy and need redesigning. FC: Kurapika, Chrollo, Feitan)
Bleach (I know a bit about Bleach through my sister cause while I was hyperfixated on One Piece, she was hyperfixating on Bleach. I sounds interesting, I just haven't made it super far mainly cause I don't have motivation to watch it. I do want to make ocs for Bleach! FC: Chad)
Madoka Magica (I had wanted to watch Madoka Magica for a while but could never find motivation, even now I'm only on episode 2. I do really like what I've seen so far and I'm excited to get to the more messed up parts! FC: Madoka, Sayaka)
Snow White with the Red Hair (It's been like several years and I'm still on the first season. I made it to the final episode of the first season before getting bored and then I came back aware of a season 2 and wanted to watch it so I wanted to finish the first season but then wanted to rewatch the first season to remember what happened but I'm still not at season 2 yet because I haven't continued watching it in months. You'll see this happen a lot as well with me. I don't have any ocs for this and don't plan on making any. FC: Shirayuki, Obi)
Full Metal Alchemist (I've only ever heard good things about Full Metal Alchemist and so I've wanted to watch it for years, but I never got around to it. I still do want to watch it, but I'm not sure when. I also don't know if I'll ever make ocs for this show either?? FC: unsure as of now)
Haikyuu (I think I'm still on season 3/4 I can't remember which one. I did start rewatching it again, I made it to episode 15 so yay, I need to watch more. I started watching in middle school, got bored and took a break and then went back to it in high school, and now I'm watching it again. I do have oc's for Haikyuu! FC: Kenma, Sugawara, Iwaizumi, Osamu)
My Hero Academia (Thank goodness I wasn't there for the peak worst part of mha. I mean I had watched a bit of mha in middle school, but I never really got into it. I do love the style and the characters though, and I really like what I've heard about with the story and stuff, I'm excited to catch up. I'm currently on the 3rd season and I do have oc's for mha! FC: Taishiro(Yes, I love both versions, there is no being a Fatgum simp if you only like the skinny version>:(, Mirio, Amajiki, Ragdoll.)
The Ancient Magus Bride (I've wanted to watch this anime for a while and finally got around to it. It's not at all how I was expecting, though I enjoy it! I don't think I'll make ocs for this anime. FC: Silky, Ruth)
Attack on Titan (This anime has a special place in my heart and honestly I was debating ever continuing it. I watched it way back when it only had 1 season with my mother and my sister and we were patiently waiting for season 2, however my mom passed away like a year before season 2 so my sister and I never watched anymore since we always considered that to be an us three kind of thing, it just didn't feel right to watch it without mom. But now that I'm older and it's over, I want to watch it again. If ghosts exist, then maybe my mothers ghost can watch it with my sister and I! I don't have any oc's yet, but I do want to make some. FC: Armin)
Blue Exorcist (Something similar to aot happened to blue exorcist as well. It was an anime that mom and I watched together. I believe one season was out at the time as well. I never watched the ova or season 2, mainly cause I didn't know they had been released, but when I found out I held back since that was like mom and I's thing, but once again, I wanna try watching it again. I don't know if I'll make any oc's for Blue Exorcist. FC: Rin)
The Apothecary Diaries (I love shoujo anime so this is a must watch. I also really enjoy the main character like a lot! Like she kind of slays, she a baddie. I don't have much to say mainly cause there's not a lot out, but I enjoy it a lot so far! I don't see myself making any oc's for this show. FC: )
Act-age (Honestly, I haven't started reading this at all. I just saw this one dude from the manga on my Pinterest and went "I like the style and this character, where he from." And then added it to my to read list. I know absolutely nothing about it so far. I don't know if I'll make any oc's for this manga. FC: unsure as of now)
Battle Angel Alita (One of my best friends in the entire universe was telling me about this. Honestly I don't know much, but it sounds interesting, I have to read it and then gush about it to my bestie. I don't know if I'll make any oc's for this manga. FC: Unsure as of now)
Pumpkin Night (Okay the website I was using to read this manga had a horrible translator and that kinds threw me off, but pushing that aside, I really REALLY like this manga. The style is really clean and pretty, and I love Naoko's design. I believe I saw an edit of her years ago in early middle school and wanted to read it since and got around to it in early high school. It's really gory, so if you don't like that, would recommend you avoid it. uhm and depending on which website you're using, you may have really horrible translations, I don't mean like bad grammar or anything like that, that would be absolutely fine, I'm talking about the translator being a shitty person. I don't see myself making any oc's for this manga. FC: Naoko
Yona of the Dawn (Kimi no Todoke gave me newfound hope that Yona of the Dawn will get another season despite all this time, I am clinging on to threads honestly. I've spent so many night crying, hoping for a season 2. Everyone who has watched YotD wants a season 2, come on please! I NEED it!! Like I still see the manga getting updates so there's plenty of content to make a season 2 and once again its in high demand from those who watched/read YotD. I do want to make oc's for this show, I believe I had some but they're old and I remember nothing. FC: uhm like everyone <3)
Land of the Lustrous (Another anime I'm clinging onto to hope with for a season 2. I NEED it. I have a hard time finishing animes, let alone rewatching them, but tell me why I could watch land of the lustrous over and over again. It is so good. I do want to make oc's for this anime. FC: Phos, Cinnabar, Diamond, Padparadscha, Aculeatus, Antarcticite, Cairngorm)
Remarried Empress (Ooooo pulling all-nighters in high school to read this was definitely my favorite decision. In all honesty though, this manga means a lot to me and has inspired some of my own stories, I didn't think I would be one to like the old-timey ruler stuff, but I am. I also love the relationships between the characters. I don't see myself ever making ocs for this series. FC: Navier, Heinry)
Death is the only ending for the Villainess (Also pulling all-nighters to read this during high school. I loved the art style and the story. I don't really keep up with it anymore which happens with a lot of manga's that I read. Either their anime's come out, or I just get tired waiting for updates. Anyways, I really like the mc and who she ends up with, they scare me lol. I don't see myself ever making ocs for this series. FC: )
Today the villainess has fun again (Honestly, read this awhile ago and hardly remember anything. I know there was the one dude with pretty eyelashes and I fangirled over his blushing face. I don't see myself ever making ocs for this series. FC: )
Spy x Family (Watched this anime with my sister, though we never finished it. We finished season one and think we made it kind of far into season 2. I think it's a really cute anime and want to finish it, I can't wait for it to get more darker and more serious. I don't see myself ever making ocs for this series. FC: Yor)
Beastars (I haven't watched the anime or read the manga but I want to! I've heard so many people talk trash about this anime before giving it a chance since it's "furries" but then like when they do watch it or for those who watched it without judging it, only say good things. I do know some spoilers, like I'd say I know like the basics. But I love the animation and art style and the story seems really interesting! I know I'll have to read the manga since no more seasons will be coming out sadly, but also because of the side stories. I don't know if I'll ever make oc's for Beastars. FC: Unsure as of now)
Chainsaw Man (I remember my sister reading the manga and then us finding out that there was gonna be an anime adaptation, so I held off on the reading. I really liked the style and animation, and the opening made it to my spotify wrapped last year. I did have oc ideas in mind, I never got around to designing them. Honestly the ideas I had I'm not really proud of either so most of them will be getting redesigned entirely. FC: Power, Angel Devil)
Sailor Moon (I haven't watched this anime in so long! It been since 3rd grade and I made it to 60 something episodes. Back when anime episodes were uploaded on Youtube with little to no problems. I wanna rewatch this anime so badly. I don't think I'll make any ocs for this anime though. FC: Sailor Mercury, Sailor Chibi, Luna )
Tokyo mew mew (I need to watch the reboot, I used to looove magical girl anime's in elementary school. I don't remember much other then liking the show and watching old Ichigo x Quiche amv's and hating the main male lead. I don't see myself ever making oc's for TMM. FC: Quiche, Ichigo, Minto)
Shugo Chara (Another anime I haven't finished. I showed this anime to my sister and she got farther then I did, I don't think I even made it past season 1. I still want to go back and watch it though. The openings are bops! I don't see myself makings ocs for this anime. FC: Amu, Ikuto, Tadase)
Cardcaptor Sakura (Never even started watching it, I just REALLY want to!! I've seen some Clips on youtube, and some funny dub moments on tiktok. I can't see myself making ocs for this series. FC: unsure as of now.)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Another anime recommended to me by my friend. I've only watched like 8-9 episodes. I want to watch more, and I'm excited to see those darker moments cause I love stuff like that. I don't think I'll be making any oc's for this anime either. FC: Rei)
Noragami (I only watched the first season in like 5th grade or something. But now I'm seeing like all the latest chapter stuff on tiktok and like wanna rewatch/finish the anime and then read the manga, unless they'll animate the entire manga. Anyways I don't think I'll be making any characters for Noragami. FC: Hiyori, Yato, Yukine, Kofuku)
Mod Psycho 100 (Despite me only being on the second season, I do hold this anime close to my heart. I NEED to finish this anime, especially now that it's like over. I do have ocs for this anime! FC: Mob, Reigan, Teruki, Dimple)
My Little Pony (I remember skipping school in 4th grade to binge the seasons that were out on netflix. I used to have a whole bunch of mlp toys as well. I loved mlp so much when I was younger! I did want to rewatch it again recently, sometimes it's just really nice to go back and watch shows you loved as a kid, even if you cringe at how obsessed younger you was with the show(Pretty sure I tried doing a fluttershy cosplay with what I already had when I was younger.) I have a ton of mlp ocs, that I made on pony town since I really struggle with drawing ponies, but I think I'm getting better! FC: Fluttershy, Pinkiepie, Princess Luna)
South Park (I had wanted to watch south park for a long time but just never had anywhere to watch it until recently! That said I obviously haven't made it far lol. Think I'm only of season 3 or something. Obviously the show has horrible humor and touches on bad topics in a poor manner so avoid this if you're sensitive to that stuff, not that there's anything wrong with that of course! I do have oc's for this show and I'm working on my own sort of au I guess. The south parkies will NOT like me I guarantee. FC: Kyle, Wendy, Kenny, I don't know the other characters well enough to have an opinion.)
Ninjago (I remember this show airing when I was around 9-10, somewhere around that age group, and I wasn't super interested, think I watched like an episode or two. But then like I had started hearing all this talk about Ninjago online and it was only good stuff and I had wanted to watch it since. Too bad the fandom's pretty much dead :( I'm still not done watching it. I do have oc's for it though! FC: Kai, Llyod, Nya)
Lego Monkie Kid (I've rewatched this series 3 times within the past 2 months, so if that's any indicator on how good this show is and how much I love it, there's your sign to watch it. I got my bestie to watch it as well and now we're both hyperfixated. It's great and the seasons and episodes are both short so it's a really easy show to binge. I love the characters and the story. I also love the Eternal Servants au by @/emelinstriker (Sorry I don't know if it would be okay to tag her over something like this, I'll tag her properly when I do fanart!) That being said, I do have oc's for lmk and the au! FC: Macaque, Ao Lie, Mk, Redson)
Arcane (I was shocked when I found out this was a League of Legends show, it also kind of dissuaded me from watching it, but I'm so glad I did! This show is so well done! I've named plants after the characters, I have a little solar light-up polar bear named "Claggor", I named my cat "Ecko", and not that this was intentional, but when my sister and I first watched it my hair was dyed blue and hers was dyed pink. Needless to say, I love Jinx and I've never related to a character as much as I do with her. I'm so excited for season 2. I won't be making oc's for this show though. FC: Jinx, Ekko, Victor)
Bluey (I love this show so much! A huge comfort. I understand that some might be drawn away by the fact it's like a children's show, but it was really comforting to me. Like it was nice to see a good family, not perfect of course, a good and healthy family. And some parts reminded me of me and my sister. And the show isn't just like some normal kids show where the characters are asking you where an apple is when its right in front of them, no this show actually feels like it's teaching me something. Like this is something that I would show my kids and be able to watch this with them. I won't be making oc's for Bluey. FC: Bingo)
AMONGUS (Among us was really fun to play with friends, it sucks that I'm so bad at it though. It's also so easy to tell when I'm imposter cause I just target one of my best friends, she does the same to me, it's great. I do have among us ocs! I even made a little story around them!)
Witches Heart (I finished watching manlybadasshero play the main game but I don't think I ever finished the bonus stories. I love the story and the artstyle, it's a big inspiration for when I'll make rpg's. I think I might make oc's for this story, but I'd want to watch it again. FC: Wilardo, Sirius, Noel)
Your Turn to Die (I haven't watched the latest update yet so I'm not caught up yet, I also haven't watched since freshman year so I want to watch it again. I was like hyperfixated on this game the entire freshman year, I was doodling my ocs and the characters on my worksheets. It was great talking to my friend, who was the one that got me into it, about it! I did have ocs, but they're old and in need of a redesign, I'll be redoing them! FC: Joe, Sara, Reiko, Keiji, Gin, Ranmaru)
Stardew Valley (It's been a while since I've played Stardew Valley, but I want to play it with my sister again. It's fun and I'm excited for their new game as well! I do have ocs for Stardew Valley! FC: Sebastian, Sam, Shane, Haley)
Genshin Impact (Oof. This one is difficult to talk about. I hardly play this game anymore, I think the last time I played it was when Sumeru came out because I wanted to explore the region. Anyways I was super obsessed with this game back in 2019-2021??? somewhere around those times. Everything was really fun in the beginning and then it got exhausting and I have issues with the creators, especially with the release of Sumeru characters. I still do have ocs and I think about them from time to time, they're still early in development as well, I want them to be detailed like the in-game characters. I feel I have more bad things to say about this game rather than good things, but it doesn't stop this game from being an important part in my life. FC: Diluc, Xiao, Heizou, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Ningguang, Ayaka, Kaveh, Shinobu)
Honkai Star Rail (I really don't play this game much but I kept up with it during development and excitedly waited for its release date. I still somewhat keep up with it but I really don't play it often. I do like the game more then Genshin though, I just get exhausted with grinding games. I do have ocs, still in early development since they need to be more detailed. FC: Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan, Argenti)
Zenless Zone Zero (I'm still keeping up with the development, I can't play it though since it's still in pre-registration. I don't have much to say since I don't really know anything. I do plan on making ocs and have a few in mind. FC: Von Lycaon, Billy Kid, Soukaku)
Danganronpa (Middle school was wild. I was into Danganronpa before it reached it's peak in 2020-2021, I was into it in like 2017-2018 and then kind of got back into it in 2020, but mainly with my own ocs and fangame ideas. I just remember the fanbase being so toxic in 2020 and even now some of the fans are not so good(Which is obvious, every fandom has it's bad apples.) I also have issues with the game, such as the sexualization of the teens and even younger in ultra despair girls. I'm not super into the fandom, but I do have my own ocs that I like and want to make a fangame for eventually. FC: Kirigiri, Mukuro, Komaeda, Shuichi, Jataro)
Punishing gray Raven (I'm sadly not very far and my interest never lasts long sadly, I think I'd be more into it if was on pc since it's really hard to play games this immersive on my phone. I do have an oc for PGR though! FC: Lee, Lucia, Liv, Kamui, Chrome, Vera, Ayla)
Animal Crossing (Dude I was obsessed with Animal crossing for a bit. New horizons is the first and only animal crossing game I've played, but I remember watching the horror places in new leaf, I loved watching the scary things in animal crossing when I was younger. I do have an oc for animal crossing! FC: Goldie, Marshal, Raymond, Judy, Coco, Merengue, and so many more but these are the mains)
Cookie Run (I don't have much to say other then I just log into cookie run almost every day and that's it, I don't really do anything like I used to. Kingdom and ovenbreak. I do have cookie run ocs! many many cookie ocs! FC: Pure Vanilla, Cotton Candy, Chili Pepper, Milky Way, Frilled Jellyfish, Snapdragon, String Gummy, Chocolate Bonbon, more so many more)
Wadanohara and the great blue sea (Okay so for the Okegom stories, I'm more so still into them for the nostalgia and my own ocs. I do love the style as well but the creator is...awful. I got into these stories in middle school so it's been awhile and I didn't realize that the creator wasn't a good person. WATGBS is really nostalgic and has a special place in my heart. Once again I love the style and the music is a big inspiration. I also love the character designs! I do have Ocs for WATGBS! FC: Wadanohara, Memoca, Fukami, Uomihime, Mikotsuhime)
Gray Garden (Unlike WATGBS, I never finished Gray Garden so I don't have much to say. I might go back and try to watch it cause I'm pretty sure I made it far but I don't remember. Oh yeah, this is another Okegom game. I also have ocs for this game. FC: Kcalb, Yosafire, Froze)
Ice Scream (I think this was my first Okegom game, it's a web browser game so I've actually been able to play it. It's a short little game and I was waiting for years for updates but none ever came. I also have ocs for this! FC: Shirogane, Yukisada)
Bloodborne (I've never played Bloodborne, the only reason I am even remotely into Bloodborne is because my friend is going through extreme brainrot and got me to makes ocs for it, so yes I have ocs! FC: the Doll
Obey Me (I started playing this game like a week after it came out and yet I'm still not even at lesson 16 LMAO. I also pre-downloaded nightbringer and I'm not far in that either. I know stuff that happens though! I do have ocs for Obey me! FC: Mammon, Satan, Beelzebub, Simeon, Barbatos, 13)
What in Hell is bad (oh gosh, this game is well its a game alright. It's really funny to me, like I cant take it seriously. Mainly because of the gacha animation, but also it's just funny. Although this would be torture for me if I was actually in the game since it's really sexual and my demisexual ass would be disgusted. Anyways, I definitely have issue's with this game, like some of the philia's are problematic(like Necrophilia, I don't remember all of them but I think that's the worst of them) and also due to circumstances in the game, noncon in common in the game which is yikes. Also I just used my Obey Me oc with a few changes, I thought it would be funny if in every au she came into contact with demons. FC: Satan, Minhyeok, Paimon, Marbas, Astaroth, Zagan)
Our Life (I love pouring 70+ hours into this game. I was obsessed. This game means so much to me. Cove Holden is my standard. Just wait till a get a card and some money, I am buying those patreon moments. Also I am so SO excited for Our Life: Now and Forever! Like I WILL cry. Our Life: Beginnings and Always made me sob at so many parts, and I'm expecting the same for OL:NF. Anyways, I do have oc's for both Our Life's! FC: literally everyone)
Ensemble Stars (I love finding out how messed up this little idol game is. I was into the game before Ensemble Stars!! came out, so I was into the first game, but I couldn't ever play it, and finally it came out in English and on the phone/computer. Since it came out on pc I've been playing it a lot more! Midnight Butler is my favorite song!! I do have ocs for Ensemble stars! FC: Ritsu, Arashi, Mika, Kanata, Midori, Chiaki, Leo)
Ikemen Revolution (Heartbreaking to find out it was cancelled. I never made it very far, but still. I like watching the event stories on Youtube. I'm pretty sure this was my first Ikemen game as well, so it's even more sentimental. I do have an oc for this game! FC: Luka, Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Zero, Kyle, Loki)
Ikemen Prince (This is the Ikemen game I've played the most. I love the art style and the characters! I eat that shit up! I also watch the event stories on youtube LMAO! I have an oc for this game! FC: Yves, Chevalier, Clavis, Rio, Licht, Gilbert)
Ikemen Villains (I'm excited for this game to get released in English! I've been seeing a few translations on Tumblr. I don't have much to say as I barely know anything, but I do have an oc at the ready. FC: Ellis, Harrison, Liam, William)
Twisted Wonderland (Honestly, you'll probably mostly see Seele, my twst oc, on this account as I draw them the most and also get hyperfixated on twst the most. Also I did have another account dedicated to her, I'll access it another time and delete it since everything will just be moved here. FC: Jamil, Malleus, Deuce, Kalim, all of em really)
Lovebrush Chronicles (I've played this game once, but I want to play it more! I think the premise is really interesting and I know a bit about the story and I'm excited to get to that point. I have an oc in mind, but not much work has been done on them. FC: Ayn, Alkaid)
Infinite Blue (I'm excited for the actual game to come out, so far only the scavenger hunt demo is out. I do have ocs for this game, though they aren't well thought out as of now. FC: Rory, Alexei, Leo, Milo)
Tears of Themis (I really enjoy this game, I like mystery games and romance games and boom here's a combo of the two. I do have ocs for this game! FC: Artem, Marius)
Undertale (I love this gam so so SO much, it means so much to me. Sadly I was there for the worst parts of the fandoms, I had just witnessed it, I didn't participate in it. I was a sans fangirl but not those that would make videos of killing other sans fangirls, I liked the fangirls that got together and became friends! I made an entire series off of my old Undertale oc's That said they aren't Undertale oc's anymore, maybe I'll make some in the future idk. FC: Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Muffet, Napstablook, Mettaton, all of them!)
Deltarune (I didn't finish chapter 2. I really like this game and the music if a huge inspiration for me! It definitely doesn't hit the same as Undertale due to that nostalgia factor, but I'm gonna keep up with any game that Toby Fox makes since he's a big inspiration for me! I might makes oc's for this game in the future but as of now I don't have any. FC: Susie, Ralsei, Checker King, Seam)
Wobbledogs (The silly game ever! I don't have much to say honestly, it's just a silly game where a mutate silly dogs. No ocs, just a silly game I like. Put them in the floating cheese room)
Degrees of lewdity (oop- I haven't played this game in a bit but I was obsessed for a bit. My luck in this game is shit though, one time like every move I was getting gotten. I do have oc's for this game! FC: Kylar, Alex, Harper, Robin)
Castle Crashers (I used to play this game all the time in Elementary school, although I could only play it over at my cousins house! I don't have much to say since I don't remember that much, I do have it but there's not anyone to play it with as of now. I do want to make an oc, just a little silly. FC: The pink knight)
Sims 4 (Silly character creator, that's all I really use the sims for. Although I do want to use it for other purposes to, like house designing and stuff for my ocs. I just makes characters on it though, but they've all been ruined since my mods needed updating and I forgor every single mod I had LMAO, they're all bald ad naked)
Five nights at Freddy's (haurhaur haurhaurhaur haurhaurhaurhaurhaurrrr n e ways the horror game ever ig. This game holds a special place in my heart, I need to continue my yearly fnaf phase where I rewatch all of Marks playthrough and then every game theorist video on it. I do want to make ocs for this game, I've had ideas but never went anywhere with the ideas. FC: Foxy, Sun and moon, Marionette, Mangle)
The Witches House (I think this was my first horror rpg game ever, it started my obsession. Also I have more but they weren't as meaningful as the ones on this list. Dude the twist of this game, I eat that up. I want to rewatch this game so badly. No ocs, don't plan on making any either.)
Ib (I think out of all the horror rpg's I've seen, Ib is my favorite and also the one I've rewatched the most. This game is so important to me and who I am as a person honestly. No ocs and I don't see myself making any soon, but maybe in the future. FC: Honestly, the trio ever.)
Mad Father (This is my second favorite rpg game! Also very special to me and my heart, I could cry thinking about the memories. These games raised me, which might be concerning actually, but nonetheless, they raised me. No ocs and I don't see myself making an oc. FC: Aya, Maria, Robin)
Kingdom Hearts (Don't ask me literally anything about this game, it's crazy that I basically know nothing despite this game being an important part of my mind for the past 18 years LMAO I've only played 2 and 3 and never finished either. My mom introduced me to Kingdom Hearts and I used to LOVE watching her play it! Ofc I played it myself too after watching my mom play it. I don't know if I'll ever make ocs for this game, maybe if I get hyperfixated on it again. FC: Sora, Roxas, Axel)
Wizardess Heart (I'm so upset this game was taken down off the app store, I lost all my progress. You can still play it on the SWD collection game where it has a bunch of the developers games into one, but y'know. I do want to make oc's for this game and get back into it! FC: Lucious, Elias, Randy, Yukiya, Hugo, Zeus)
Baldurs Gate 3 (Never played it, tryna get it for the holidays. My sister plays it and we're gonna play it together. Tbh I'm mainly interested in the dnd aspect since I've been wanting to get into dnd for a while, but I never really knew where to start and this seems like a good place to start. Obviously, I WILL be making ocs :3 FC: Karlach, Gale, Glut, Lae'zel)
Garten of Banban (Say whatever you want about this game, I enjoy it's chaos, it's funny as fuck and entertaining. Is it good? No, not really. Does it need to be good? Nah, it's got chaos and that gives it at least +20 points to me lol. I might make ocs for this story later but idk. FC: Bittergiggle, Bambalena, Sheriff Toadster)
Welcome Home (I really love this arg! Definitely not as obsessed as others, but I love keeping up with the creator and seeing what's going on in the fandom. I do have ocs for this! FC: Wally, Sally, Poppy, Howdy)
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park (What an outlier in this entire list LMAO, anyways THIS is my favorite horror piece. I can't explain it, and I won't in this post, I'd need time to really get down the feelings this project gives me. I've spent several hours watching the 1 hour documentary on youtube by Wendigoon and even longer playing the roblox fangame. I love this series, specifically the part where the clowns get melted, it's a horrifying idea and I love it. FC: the pit)
Poison Bugs (More Okegom! I have no clue what's going on in this story, not much is out and I'm not sure if there's any place where I can read/watch this, no clue. All I know is bugs, and I like bugs, so bug ocs. So yeah I have ocs for this. FC: Odea)
Obsolete Dreams ( Final Okegom as of now! I think this is like a comic/manga, but I've never read it. I want to, but also like I have no clue what the plot is even about and it lowkey seems all over the place. I think the main plot is a dad who has a bad relationship with his daughter and he's trying to mend it, but he's an alcoholic sooooo. Anyways, oc's, I have 'em, but no work has been done on 'em. FC: Maekami, Jork, Kiku, Glasses)
Lacey's games (I don't have much to say, I just like it! I like horror, and I specifically like this type of horror. Where it disguises itself as cutesy but it's not, it's morbid and will haunt your days.)
Vocaloid (I also don't have much to say, fandom wise. I've been into this fandom since 3rd grade, my stalker got me into this music, its great, what an important part of my life. I want to make oc's for this so badly and make them voices and stuff, using the UTAU app. FC: Gumi, Len, Oliver, Fukase, VY2)
Homestuck/Hiveswap (So never finished this but gosh the impact the web comic has had on me. I saw this one post like a couple months ago that said something like "Every homestuck fan is trans" which was really funny since going as John Egbert for Halloween made me question my gender so yeah it really was my awakening. I do have ocs! FC: Karkat, Dave, John, Rose, Nepeta, Kanaya, Xefros)
Orin Ayo/Tragicbox/incredibox (It's mainly Orin Ayo and the spin-off/sequels. Uh warning for VERY dark content if you're looking to get into it! Anyways I'm obsessed with the story and character designs, I wanna make ocs for Orin Ayo and have an idea. Normal incredibox is fine though! The beats go hord! FC: Tab, Lilac, Cratz Pur, Kaski, Mike Scarlett(From Incredibox Airline), Mason)
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tooliltoolate · 1 year
So. Haven't posted in a while. Man. Life. First things first. College! I'm in college! LFGGGG Even better, I'm dorming!!!! I feel so much better now to be honest. I'm eating better, getting out more(though im not like 'physically active' yet) and just living more. But well, I'm still to scared to go bar hopping and shit. But man, my quality of life just skyrocketed. Still fucking depressed though. Sigh. I feel so alone sometimes. Also. Watched Bee and Puppycat. So goddamn good. Well, not the netflix thing which I've learned also exists but the 1 hour original first season thing. Sad but so, so heartwarming. Idk, just something that really spoke to me. Happy I get to write that detail down here, that I didn't forget it. What else. I'm studying computer science. Funny story, I tried looking up job sites for internships(I know I'm still first year but you know shoot your shot!!!!!) and learned that there are a lot of web development related jobs. Guess I know what to study. Also!!!! Posted the first chapter of my story on royal road. First draft, completely unpolished, literally haven't done any worldbuilding or anything yet but I wanted to just force myself to write and post something. I did, but I kinda forgot to update on it. Shiet. But at least its something!!!!!! Reading Spivak's calculus as well. Might start writing shit about it actually. Were having precalculus this sem and since I basically had calculus already during high school wanted to read something more rigorous since I'm basically just cruising through math. Still at the prologue(funny how theres a prologue to a math textbook) and, well, I guess it's cool? I don't really understand why I had to learn this, like if its just a way of gently introducing adult math stuff like proofs or if the properties and facts(theorems?) will actually come into play. Also, its been like some months and we still havent coded shit. What is going onnnnnnn. Were basically still at number systems? Like, other universities have started already, and were supposed to be like one of the best. Sigh. These nights I suddenly get... uneasy? anxious? depressed? in my dorm room. My chest just tightens and I just want to cry. Maybe its just loneliness or home sickness. Suddenly remembered tumblr exactly because of that feeling tbh.
How does one start going to bars and shit anyway, Im ugly as fuck. Really jealous of these peole who can just, be themselves.
Man. Havent like, watched anything or read anything so far besides Bee and Puppycat.
Anyway!!! Just really happy to have an outlet, even if no one will ever read this, since I just recently left my old hs friend group. A part of me is super afraid someones gonna connect the dots and realize, wait isnt this x?, but like, I dont really care.
Sorry for the messy dump lol, nonexistent reader. Good night!
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