#i haven't been keeping up with bnha for the past couple of weeks
kae-karo · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
JACK HELLO TYTY 💜💜 i feel like i always hype myself up over the same fics so i'm gonna go with some deep(er) cuts that i really loved writing? and ur getting....more than 5 cause i feel like it !!!
don't want to say goodnight (x) - bnha - shinkami
this i think was my first sincere venture into outsider pov of a relationship? i had fun with the lil bit of worldbuilding and denki and jirou's friendship 🥺
to the stars that burn (x) - bnha - dabihawks
one of my first hurt/no comfort fics and basically still one of my only ones?? but i got so enamored with the idea that dabihawks trained together as kids at the hero commission and just. how horribly that all fell out
our hearts are heavy burdens we shouldn't have to bear alone (x) - genshin - chaeya
i just. had so so many feelings about chaeya seeking each other out as a source of comfort in the wake of their own broken hearts and traumatic pasts and just. poured all of that into this fic and i love it so much i know i never shut up abt it when i get the chance to rec stuff of mine lmaooo but i really do love it
i think that i'm learning to hope (oh no) (x) - genshin - kaeluc
this one just truly captivated me while i was writing like i love writing kaeya pov generally but i had so much fun with it during this fic? just the balance of nostalgia and heartache and tentative fluffy reconciliation lmao
letters unsigned and unsent out of fear (x) - genshin - kaeluc
this was a BLAST to craft with the letters between kaeya and diluc in mind, i just truly got possessed writing this one lmaoooo like i have nothing else to say beyond that it was just so much fun
i don't bite (but i heard you might) (x) - bnha - todobaku
bro i kid u not i had a BLAST with this like the banter the tension the worldbuilding it was just so so much fun i was SO excited to post this one lmaooooo
keep my fingers crossed (that i'm somebody you could love) (x) - bllk - kaisae
jack u know i had to do it to em i have to mention a kaisae fic cause u brought me here to the kaisae basement sdlfjlksdf but honestly this ship has been UNREASONABLY fun to write???? like the fact that i was within a couple weeks living breathing these two ???? this one specifically i really loved writing just playing with their characterizations (it was the first one i wrote actually lmao)
(and much like u i am frothing at the mouth over fics i haven't posted yet so prepare for some serial killer kaisagi and silly multiship blue lock mall au fic sometime in the future and i rly have so many bllk fics impending i'm so sorry to everyone who was not prepared for me to get obsessed with bllk lmao)
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ringlov · 6 years
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vegalocity · 5 years
So I was thinking about your BnHA/magical girl crossovers,and two ideas popped in my head. Izuku/Hinagiku,and Todoroki/Yuri. They haven't really gone anywhere yet,but I thought I'd run them by you anyway.
Damn Hinagiku just snatchin up every nerd.
I wanted to do a doodle for either of these because those arehella ideas,  I personally want to keep Takuhinastrong in my own fic, but I sure as hell can appreciate that Izuhina,and i’ve yet to decided on whether Yuri and Yanagiba should remaintogether or not granted how Sir Limone’s being portrayed,  buthere’s a drabble instead because my hand isn’t obeying me.
His mother was the first relative Todoroki introduced her to.They’d been meeting for a couple of weeks now, mostly in secret dueto his relative fame compared to her need to stay in the shadows, butin preperation for the inevitable outing of their relationship,they’d decided to be the first people to tell their respectivefamilies.
Yuri had offered for his visit to the Tanimia household to befirst, since from what he’d told her, his family was a stressfulbunch, but he’d insisted. 
More as a comforting mechanism than any sense of threat, Yuriclenched her Sacred Liner in her hand, the rapidly warming goldenwand a comforting presence. Shouto nodded at her when the nursebefore the two of them began to lead them in the direction ofTodoroki Rei’s room in the psych ward.
Yuri felt severely underdressed. Shouto had shown up outside thenews room at Gondor—conspicuously close to yet not standing withBakugou as he waited for Momoko to come out of the darkroom—and hadannounced that they were visiting his mother on this day. Needless tosay Yuri didn’t even have time to go home and put on something morepresentable, so her checkered black uniform felt completely againstwhat she should have worn to such an occasion.
Shouto was watching her from the corner of his eye, the electricblue surrounded by dark scar tissue of a wound of a decade previouspeering into her as she began to fuss with her hair with her freehand. She wasn’t sure if he thought she couldn’t see him in her ownperipheral or not, but it wasn’t really helping her anxieties.
“Your shoulders are shaking.” he noted, blunt as ever. Yuriyelped and glanced back at him fully then. At the loosening of herhand, the strands of blonde hair she’d been fussing with fell back tothe side of her head.
“Sorry… I’m rather nervous, you see.”
“Well… She’s your mother! I want to make a good impression,yet I’m woefully underprepared. I haven’t brought a gift of somekind, nor am I in proper attire for meeting one’s parents, and…”She paused, eyes darting back to the linolieum floor as they came toa stop before her room.
“What if she doesn’t like me?”
Shouto thought for a moment, turning to face her fully then. Hisexpression unchanged, but something brewing in his eyes that Yuricouldn’t quite name.
“She will.” He stated simply. Then, before she could protest,reached upward and straightened her headband. Another small lock ofhair fell from its usual place, adding to the bits along the sides ofher head.
Yuri took his hand while it was still near her, and Shouto gaveher one of those rare, lovely grins, before opening the door beforethem.
“Does your family know?” Angel Daisy glanced at him only amoment before her gaze returned to the skyline.
“Of course they do.” She looked uncomfortable, but sheanswered all the same. “After Magi and the magical underbelly ofthe world became known, I had to tell them. It was the only way Iwouldn’t get transferred to Shiketsu or UA or any of the Hero Schoolsthat started ‘opening their doors’ to Magi.” she used airquotes toemphasise her point and Deku felt his hackles raise a little at hisown former highschool being referenced with such derision.
“Hey, that was pretty big of UA, after all the stuff that hadhappened to their hero classes that year–”
“I know what school your from Deku, you think Magi don’t watchthe UA Sports Festival when there’s nothing else on?” Her eyes werecovered by a sort of green winged visor that otherwise matched herhair, but somehow he could feel the teasing in her tone. “I didn’twant to wear those stupid red armbands and get my passion derided asbloodsucking muckraking tabloid bait.”
Those words weren’t pulled from thin air, Kaminari had been on PutYour Hands Up recently and said something of the same vein. It hadgotten him into some trouble back home if his whining texts about howunfair Scarlet was being was any indication.
“You’re a Journalist?”
“I wanted to be. Then we had to go public and the only placethat would hire me was the place where my parents were the bosses.”
He never knew what to say to any Magi he ran into on patrol. Theyalways seemed so sad when he ran into them. So tired. Most of themhad never wanted to be heroes. They had aspirations and dreams thatthey had to give up to fight the good fight. Deku, Uravity, Ingenium,Combust, they all got to be heroes. Sailor Moon, Mew Cinnamon, CureBright, Wedding Peach, they had to be soldiers.
“I’m sorry.” he settled on. “People don’t respect otherpassions like they used to. I mean, I’ve loved hero work since I wasa child, but one of my friends married a woman who loves photography.Like, old school darkrooms and shutter lenses and film cannistersphotography.” Daisy began to smile, and Deku honestly didn’tunderstand why, but he kept going. “Her and her friends used to doa school newspaper when they were all teenagers, and they actuallyhelped advertise our classes shows every cultural festival. But theyweren’t well respected anywhere outside their own school. Kids fromother classes would call them some pretty mean things behind theirbacks because of how the press tended to be viewed in our school.They were great girls. I even had a crush on one of them.” Daisy’shead darted up again to stare at him. “But because they were lookeddown upon just because their lives didn’t revolve around some part ofHero Culture.”
“Which one did you like?” She chuckled, her hand covering hermouth “Don’t tell me you liked your friend’s wife before they evengot together, that’s some real sappy shit.”
Deku could at least laugh at that. “No, no, it was her friend.She had hair kind of like mine, but lighter green. She was theirarticle writer, and she was just…” She was something else, thatwas for sure. “She was fun.”
Angel Daisy stood straighter then, her mask keeping her unreadablebut her stance seeming almost, defensive.
“Have a nice night, Hopeful hero Deku.” a flurry of feathersand flowerpetals wipped through the air, and when it cleared AngelDaisy had sprouted a pair of large wings.
“You too, Angel Daisy.”
She jumped from the side of the building and was gone.
Funny, Hero work had been a bit of a whirlwind for him, he’d kindof stopped thinking about his former crush for the past three yearssince his debut.
He wondered what she was doing now. Was she still working in herfamily’s flowershop?
Actually speaking of flowers he still needed to get some forUraraka’s birthday tomorrow. Maybe he’d drop by Tamano Florists andsee for himself tomorrow morning.
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