#i have so much panya i haven't said anything about
For the ship questions post, I have two ships. Firstly, 4 and 6 for pre-relationship, 2 for general, and 10 for love, for Panya, because *obviously*
And the second one is just 1, 4, and 5 for general for the crack ship Larmina and Zora (I just picked randomly which drule twin to use lol)
you fell into my trap and now you are stuck listening to my panya rambling YOU FOOL This got super long lol, stuff is under the cut Here's the post we're referencing
Yellow for Panya, Purple for Larmina/Zora
4. Who felt romantic feelings first? Anya did! It was two years after they reconnected on Arus and right before the team got split up because of Wade. She never said anything because she was scarred she'd lose the special closeness they had, and because Pidge was crushing on Lance at the time lol
His crush ends after The Incident, since Pidge dedicated himself to getting back black lion, and Anya's crush takes a back burner while she makes sure Allura doesn't turn into a vegetable because of her depression. Around three years later, though, Pidge starts crushing on her in turn because she had come to visit them on Earth instead of Allura (she got dragged into royal business) during the holidays. Something about Anya laughing with the streetlights reflecting off her eyes and the snow that reminded him of home really got to him. Likewise, seeing Pidge still have so much life in him and his general excitement to have her near again brought that crush back into focus for Anya. Neither of them would act on it until like another 3 years though
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? Pidge would brush it off, he doesn't believe in destiny or ghosts or anything mystical that's part of a greater force. Anya already believes they're soulmates, but not in the romantic sense. Soulmates to her are just people who are meant to keep crossing each other's path, and that has happened at least 3 times with Pidge
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? No official first date, as in they went out somewhere, but what they consider their first date is when they both spent a bunch of time together in the Royal Archives. Only Arusian royalty and their advisors are allowed in, so Coran gave Anya a key for the door, and Pidge has snuck in there a lot before because he's not going to be kept from information period. It'd had been a long day for them both and the two wanted to spend some alone time together, so they agreed to meet in the archive, where almost nobody else was allowed in. Inside the archive was a nook hidden by the ceiling tall bookcases, it had a small couch with a lamp and coffee table. Neither of them knows who set it up, but they brought over some blankets and electric kettle and mugs just to sit and cuddle with each other. And that was how they liked it, a moment of peace together doing whatever they wanted in each other's presence
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? It was probably Zora tbh LMAOO Larmina holds grudges for a LOOONG time, and she wasn't over their joyride in the city, especially because as royalty they should know better. Eventually they do play nice and Zora has liked Larmina's spark from the start, so she just bluntly asks her out. Larmina takes it as a challenge almost, she doesn't see it as a fun time, but they end up getting along great and agree to keep seeing each other.
The Twins aren't actually evil in my eyes, I like to think they're spies who work with Lotor and feed the info back to the rest of the Drule Empire, which had kicked out the 9th kingdom (Lotor's kingdom) after dotu.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Larmina's first relationship, but not Zora's anything. I see them both as minors, so I'm not going much farther than that, but Larmina now fully understands why her aunt is so attached to the idea of someone really loving her in their relationship
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference? In the comics they look to be the same height, but I've always hc'd that the ladies of the team to be taller than their respective group (except Anya she got the short end of the stick, literally) Larmina is taller than Zora but actually younger than her. In dotu I know they gave the Drule's ages that go into the centuries, but I can't see that without some serious physical changes, so the twins are about as young as the cadets (Zora 19-20, Larmina 18)
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? This is actually kind of tough, at least for Pidge Anya prefers physical affection, she wasn't given a lot of verbal affection before either, but something about feeling the touch and warmth of another person makes her feel so happy For Pidge I guess he's the same, he's probably used to getting told how smart he is and things related to that because of his genius. When he gets physical affection though, it surprises him, it's really only Hunk Lance and Allura that are physically affectionate with him, so now that Anya is getting a lot more touchy as his partner it's like he can't get enough. Even if they're in the same room doing separate things, one of their limbs has to touch somehow or else he'll get dramatic. Truthfully, it's because of his last relationship that ended abruptly and horribly, her touch reminds him that she isn't going anywhere, especially after he let himself romantically care for and get into a relationship with someone again.
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