#i have pulled many an all nighter for this fic...
a-leg-without-fear · 3 months
I am completely obsessed with the @pastafossa story The Red Thread, and in conjunction I am also obsessed with our best boy Matt Murdock. I decided to do some fanart. Here’s my process!
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Started with a base sketch.
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Defined the lines with a grey pen.
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Decided against all the threads, surrounded drawing in black.
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Painted bass colors with cheap acrylics.
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Started shading the head.
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Finished shading, added title/author name/signature.
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Covered painting in mod-podge to protect.
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Scanned it into a drawing program to finish it up!
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Hope you guys like it!! Go read The Red Thread by @pastafossa for a wonderful time!!
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hugmeimtouchdeprived · 5 months
I'm just now starting to realize how badly I've overbooked myself for the next couple of weeks or so
Help me :)
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tiniest-rat · 1 year
I would be a really awful borrower bc I live for the thrill. LMAO I recently did an escape room and the last task was to run all the way back to the beginning while the actors were chasing me and I’ve never felt more alive
I would definitely get into tight situations just for the adrenaline rush TuT
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jackhues · 8 months
in love love - alex lyon
notes: this is part of @wyattjohnston's winter fic exchange, and written for the amazing @2manytabsopen !! this is my first time writing for alex and honestly first time writing in a while, but i had lots of fun with this and i really hope you like it <33
summary: 3 times the world realized alex was in love with you + the 1 time you realized it
word count: 2.7k
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
gif not mine
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you and alex had known each other your whole lives. as long as you could remember, it was you and him. sure, you both had friends that came and went, but at the end of it all, it was the two of you who made it through.
you made it through your elementary years, all the way to college, and now even beyond. despite graduating early, alex was still in contact with many of the friends you both made in university. it was a good thing too, because you could just go together to all the events you were invited to.
“i don’t know what i was thinking, making so many friends,” you muttered to yourself, nursing your drink.
it was late at night, and you were no longer the same person you’d been at college. instead of pulling all-nighters and partying with the crowd, you wanted to be in bed once it was dark.
“are you tired?” alex turned to face you. “we can go home if you want.”
“that’s okay,” you smiled tiredly at the tall boy. “it’s not like we get to meet up with them often. it’s been a long time since we were all out. we can stay.”
“you sure, love?” he asked, eyebrows knit in concern. “you look ready to drop.”
“i’m fine,” you promised. at his unconvinced look, you continued, “really, i’m okay. i think i just need another drink.”
“i’ll get you one,” he offered immediately, heading up to the counter to get your drink.
unbeknownst to you, some of your college friends were giggling to each other, wondering if the two of you were finally together.
“i mean, they have to be, right?” one of them whispered. “they’ve both got heart eyes for each other.”
“alex isn’t even trying to hide it,” another one laughed a little. “good for them, i guess. i always knew he liked her.”
you smiled once alex returned with your favourite drink, handing it to you. 
“a special drink, for a special lady,” he grinned.
“thank you,” you took it from him, taking a sip. 
indeed, all you needed was a little something in your system to get you going. you took alex’s hand, leading him to the dance floor where you ended up spending most of the night.
after some time, alex broke away from you, drifting to the edge of the dance floor and allowing himself a moment to admire you.
“so? you two finally together, huh?” one of alex’s old teammate’s wiggled his brows, sliding up next to the goalie. 
“what? me and y/n? no — no, we’re just friends,” alex insisted. 
“oh, really?” he asked, looking between the two of you. “i guess i haven’t seen you guys in so long, i forgot how close you were.”
alex nodded, despite the lump in his throat, before excusing himself to get some air.
your friends exchanged glances at that interaction — at alex running away, and at you now dancing with another friend, clueless to it all.
“well shit,” one of them muttered. “he’s in love with her, and he knows it.”
“but does she?”
“here, let me get that for you.”
“thank you,” you smiled as alex took the plates from your hands, placing them in the sink.
you were at a family friends house, inviting alex along to celebrate with them. since most of your family lived further away, you often celebrated the holidays and other events with them. alex was someone you’d known your entire life, and by extension, your family and family friends knew about him too.
after years of trying to convince you to bring him along to one of these gatherings, you finally caved in. it wasn’t that you were embarrassed of alex. if anything, you were a little embarrassed of your family friends.
not in a bad way. they were just loud and talkative and much more rowdy than alex’s family. you were worried how well he’d fit in if he came along.
so far, he had proved you wrong, getting along with absolutely everyone there. the younger kids kept trying to steal him to play games, the older aunts and uncles doted on him — everyone loved him.
you took the broom out, getting ready to sweep around the house a little. everyone was busy cleaning up after themselves or gossipping with each other. might as well make yourself useful.
“here, let me do that,” alex appeared next to you, reaching for the broom.
“it’s alright, i got it,” you assured him. “besides, you’re the guest. go sit and talk with the older people. i’ve got this.”
“y/n,” he said your name in a strict tone. “give me the broom, i’ll sweep up around here. you’ve been on your feet all day, take a seat and let me do this.”
you narrowed your eyes at him, realizing he wasn’t going to budge. “okay, go grab the dustpan. i’ll sweep, you collect it, okay?”
alex sighed, “all right, fine. but you’re sitting down and hanging out with everyone after this. no more work for you.”
“alex, that’s not how it works—”
“if someone needs you to do a chore, i’ll step in,” he said in a strict tone. he softened his voice, “you did a lot today, okay? i can do a little bit of work around here too. i’m not entirely useless, you know?”
you laughed a little, “i can think of multiple instances where you were entirely useless.”
“right now,” alex amended. “i know how to sweep and do the dishes and stuff. i couldn’t help you out in the morning, but i can now. so let me, please.”
“okay, okay,” you raised your hands in surrender. “i’ll sweep and then take a seat. happy?”
“very,” he grinned, happy that he’d finally won this argument.
behind you, one of your cousins shared a look with their sibling, wondering if anyone else just saw what happened.
“that’s so weird,” one of them whispered. 
“i wonder how long it’ll take for them to get married,” another thought aloud.
“oh, he’s in love love,” another one muttered.
they looked at you, sweeping the floor with a little smile on your face, and behind you, alex watching you with the same smile on his face. it was so painfully obvious, just by the way he watched you.
“i hope she realizes it soon.”
“come on, come on, come on,” you grabbed alex’s hand, pulling him along.
there was a new cafe that opened down the street, and based on the reviews, it had some really nice hot chocolate. alex was the one who’d found their page on instagram, forwarding the message to you.
so of course, you dragged him along for your first visit.
the interior of the cafe was chic, with a checkerboard floor and a cozy interior. you immediately claimed one of the couches at the store, scanning the qr code for the menu.
before you even opened it up, alex spoke, “you’re getting a hot chocolate?”
“i didn’t even look at the menu yet,” you rolled your eyes. 
“yeah, but it’s why you came here, right?” he asked. “to try their french hot chocolate?”
you opened your mouth to argue, but simply sighed. “yeah, that’s why i came here.”
“that’s what i thought,” a satisfied smirk appeared on alex’s face. “so, one french hot chocolate for you, and one cinnamon hot chocolate for me.”
you gave him a thumbs up in approval, letting him place the order at the counter while you saved your seats. you pulled out your phone, scrolling a little as you waited for alex to return.
near your seat, an older woman smiled to herself, waving to her own husband at the counter giving their order. she remembered their earlier days together, when her husband first learned her order and immediately went to the counter. it might be a really small thing to someone else, but she’d associated that act with his love for her. she wondered if one day you’d do the same thing with alex.
“i’m back,” alex announced his return as he took a seat next to you.
“yes, i can see that,” you replied. 
he flicked your forehead, “congrats, you have eyes.”
“you’re such a child,” you laughed.
“you’re just jealous because you’ll be old and wrinkly while i stay young and hot.”
the two of you kept it together for three seconds, before bursting out into laughter.
your waitress smiled to herself, placing your drinks on the table in front of you. the cafe was new and it didn’t get many customers yet. seeing you two in here laughing loudly warmed her heart.
she wished she’d get to experience that kind of love one day, with someone who looked at her the way alex looked at you. as if he’d seen the entire world and decided you were his favourite thing in it.
“enjoy your drinks,” she smiled at you two, heading back.
“thank you,” you smiled at her, reaching for your hot chocolate.
you smiled at the sight of how delicious the hot chocolate looked, reaching towards it as if it were gold. to you, it might’ve been.
the second you took that first sip, you sighed in content, melting back into the couch and closing your eyes.
“so, it’s delicious?” alex asked, taking a sip of his own. he blinked in surprise, “okay, wow. this is pretty good. you know, y/n, i think you were onto something when you fell into that hot chocolate obsession.”
“i’m always right,” you grinned, turning your head to look at him.
alex caught his breath at the sight of you. after all these years, and you still managed to make him speechless with just a look.
“always,” he merely agreed.
you smiled triumphantly, going back to your drink. around you, the people whispered — they always whispered the same thing, but you never heard it.
“they’re so cute,” one person would whisper.
“oh, he’s so in love with her,” another would say.
“too bad she doesn’t even know it,” one would sigh.
“she knows it, she just doesn’t realize it,” another would respond. “she doesn’t even realize how in love she is with him.”
and alex would hear it all, and he’d keep his mouth shut. because whether you knew or whether you didn’t wasn’t the question.
the question was whether you’d do anything once you did realize.
you looked at your caller i.d., trying not to cry at the sight of alex’s face.
even though you saw him a day ago, the sight of him was so comforting to you. especially after the shit day that you were having at work.
“hello,” you answered, wanting nothing more than to hear his voice on the other end of the line.
“hey — wait, what’s wrong?” he asked. you could imagine the furrow in his brow, the exact face he was making as he continued. “are you crying? y/n, are you okay?”
“i’m fine,” you promised, taking a deep breath. “it’s just — it’s been a long day alex. i’m happy you called, i needed to hear your voice.”
“anytime,” alex responded immediately. “i’m always here for you, you know?”
“i know,” you smiled to yourself, because he was. “what’s up with you though? why’d you call?”
“i was just calling because i was bored,” he responded a little sheepishly. “i wanted to bother you a bit.”
“instead you’re comforting me,” you laughed a little.
“it’s an honour to do so,” he responded, followed by a small thwack sound. you laughed, imagining him pounding his chest to play the part, even though you couldn’t even see him.
the two of you continued talking for a bit, until you finally ended the call. you took a deep breath, looking at the time on your phone. two more hours, and then you were free.
you locked the door behind you, placing your bag and keys down. 
you were finally home, and ready to put this long day behind you. except now that you were inside, you could hear some noise from somewhere in your house. music was playing softly and a familiar voice was singing along. the smell of something baking made its way to you — banana bread, you thought happily. after a long day, you needed something like that to cheer you up.
you followed the source of the noise, stopping at the sight of alex in the kitchen making banana bread and singing along to the song. you watched him for a minute, smiling to yourself as he spun around and put on a little show.
when the song ended, you clapped, laughing as alex jumped at the sudden noise.
“bravo, that was beautiful!” you cheered. “encore, encore, encore!”
“ah, as much as ii would love to do so for my wonderful fans, the banana bread i am baking for a very wonderful woman will burn if i don’t take it out now,” he spoke in a posh accent before reaching into the oven, pulling the tray out and setting it to cool.
you looked around at the kitchen, noticing for the first time how spotless it was. you’d left some dishes this morning because you were in a rush, and you were pretty sure you made a mess last night while cooking dinner. you were normally pretty clean, but you were just in a lazy mood these past few days.
“did you clean the kitchen?” you asked alex.
he looked up at you, shrugging to himself, “yeah. when you said you had a bad day, i wanted to make you feel a little bit better. so i came over, cleaned a bit, and cooked.”
“thank you,” you whispered, your heart heavy with too many unspoken emotions.
“you’d do the same for me,” alex shrugged.
it was true. you had done and would continue to do the same thing for him. people often thought you two were just friends, but you were so much more than that. you were everything for the other. alex was the one you’d run to when you got good news or bad news. you were the one alex would find for comfort or to share his joy.
you never questioned it, but you finally realized that somewhere along the way, with the jokes and the laughter and the unbreakable friendship, love had also blossomed.
“y/n?” alex called your name. “are you okay?”
you blinked up at him, realizing that you’d basically zoned out in the middle of the kitchen. lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t know how to reply.
and so you blurted out, “are you in love with me?”
alex froze, staring at you for long enough that you began to wonder if you wildly miscalculated. maybe those lingering gazes and longer than necessary hugs were something you imagined. maybe you two were just friends in his eyes. 
“and if i was?” he asked, he met your eyes, not a hint of hesitation in them. “if i was in love with you for as long as i could remember, longer than i even knew what the word meant? that i’ve been waiting for you to notice for years now? what would you say?”
you looked at him, trying to tell if he was joking. it didn’t look like he was. 
“i’d say why didn’t you tell me years ago?” you responded honestly. “that way, we’d already be past then. and then… and then i’d tell you to kiss me already because i’ve been in love with you for a long time too.”
alex stared at you, trying to figure out if you’d actually just said that. you hear practically the gears turning in his head, you could imagine the questions he was asking himself.
“it’s not a dream,” you smiled, answering his biggest one.
“oh thank god,” he muttered to himself, reaching you in two long strides.
you gasped as his hands grabbed your waist, your own arms reaching up to grab his shirt. without a moment of hesitation, alex leaned down, his lips capturing yours in a kiss just as sweet as the confession.
oh, he’s in love, you thought to yourself with a little smile.
it’s okay, because so were you.
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chouxsardine · 9 months
Permission to Fall -- Jake Kiszka x reader
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Summary: "Don't be afraid of falling, because he will catch you everytime" --Where things became too much at your company's Christmas party and Jake comes to the rescue as the most thoughtful boyfriend that he is.
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x reader
Word Count: 3211
Warnings: descriptions of a panic attack, feet (nothing gross or super detailed), a drop of superstition (let me know if I've missed any)
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort
Author's note: This is originally an idea inspired by @jakesguitarsolo and written for her. I hope you feel better now, dear. One idea spins into me pulling an all nighter...And here it is. This also goes to whoever feels stressed around this time of the year. Yes, things are tough, but you are stronger. I am so proud of you. If you want to talk, feel free to send me an ask or message. This is my first gvf fic and my first time writing anything for threes years. I really enjoyed writing it. I hope you enjoy reading it too.
🎧: I am listening to I Need You Most of All by Stephen Sanchez while writing this (you can tell the title is taken from the lyrics)
Suddenly everything is too much.
But you know damn well that it doesn’t just happen “suddenly”. In fact, shit has been building up for days, or even weeks. You don’t know if it’s the end-of-year frenzy getting into everyone’s head, Mercury is in retrograde, or the depleted Vitamin D levels due to shortened daylight, you’ve had it particularly rough recently, from small inconveniences like your favourite snack being out of stock at the local grocery store for three consecutive weeks to mishaps like you taking the blame for your impotent coworker. You are exhausted, to say the least; you couldn’t wait for the holidays. Not entirely for its cheer, but for the few precious days off. You just need a break from everything.
Now you are stuck in your company’s holiday party. The annual event that you dreaded the most. It involves too many fake smiles, false-hearted small talk, and tooth-rotting-sweet cupcakes that clearly have too much food colouring. All the mental preparing goes south as you stand in the room, the stabbing pain from your high-heels growing more and more unbearable by the second. Too many people.
“Just another thirty minutes, you can do it. Just another thirty minutes”. You hopelessly glance at the clock on the wall, flashbacking to your childhood self squirming in the seats waiting for math class to end.
But of course, something has to make matters worse. The real straw that breaks the camel’s back is your clumsy coworker accidentally bumping into you and spilling her drink on your shoes.
“Oh my god, I am so so sorry, y/n!” She hastily apologizes in a high-pitched squeal. A few people turn their heads toward your direction.
“No, no, it’s okay, don’t worry about it.” Embarrassment. Embarrassment. Panic. Trouble. You try to wave her off. The shoes aren’t even your top concerns right now; you just want her to stop talking and stop attracting more unwanted attention.
“Really? Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to! It’s just—”
“Please.” You take the handful of tissues from her, look her in the eyes, almost pleading, “It’s fine. Please excuse me, I’ll just go to the washroom real quick.”
Once the washroom door is closed behind you, you feel like collapsing right there on the floor. You wobble your way to the sink, arms propped up on the cold marble surface. You don’t dare to look at yourself in the mirror. Your ears are buzzing and the twisted feeling in your lungs tightens. As if a cold hand is wringing a wet towel inside your stomach, as if someone is shoving your head into cold water, you can't breath properly. You try to draw a breath, but end up sounding like a stranded whale. Before it develops into a full-blown panic attack that you can’t handle, you managed to muster the last bit of your sanity and dial that number with trembling fingers.
Jake picks up on the second ring.
“Hi, love. What’s up? ”
Upon hearing his voice, your tears break free. You are sobbing so hard that you have to bite down on your knuckles to keep the volume down. God forbid any busybody out there overhearing sobbing coming out of the washroom. “Ja—Jake—-”You struggled to form a coherent syllable.
“What’s wrong, y/n? Are you hurt?” His voice immediately grows sterner, stripped of of the previous languidness.
To talk under this state feels like squeezing words out of your veins. “Ca—can—you..come p—pick me up? Company—p-party.” You stutter through gritted teeth.
There is some shuffled noise over the phone, a loud bang sounding like he had bumped into something, a silent “fuck” under his breath, then his voice reaches your ears again: “Coming right now, baby, take a deep breath for me.”
You hear the faint beeping of car keys. More shuffled noise. More beeping. That means he has started the car, right? That means he will be here soon, right? You mind is racing and spinning and your lungs are still acting up, only allow silvers of oxygen into your body. You feel like you are watching the world through a distorted filter. A scarier thought jumps into your brain: you whiny puny thing, continue crying and your panic will affect Jake. The roads are slippery now, and it will be all your fault if he ends up in a car accident.
As if being slapped in the face, you manage to suck in a deep breath like a scuba diver resurfacing to the water: “Drive safe please, please Jake, please—I will wait for you.”
Jake makes a sound that is somewhat between a relieved laugh and a resigned sigh. He knows instantly what’s going on in your overthinking brain; you are worried about him. The thoughtfulness must be engraved in y/n’s brain, he thought, always, always putting others in front of herself, even when she’s having a panic attack. And Jake knows you are correct. It is only upon hearing your words that he realizes how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. He recomposes himself, relaxing his shoulder, “Don’t you worry about me, love. I will stay on the phone if that makes you feel better, yeah? Ain’t nothing gonna happen to me.”
“Knock on wood!” You hiss between sobbing, frantically searching for any wooden material around you. Damn it, why is everything so shiny and glassy?
Jake is amazed that he even lets out a short laugh under the circumstances. Yes, his heart aches hearing his girl being a mess over the phone, and he wishes he could grow wings and fly to her side. But meanwhile, he can't help but find you cute like this. He knocks three times on the mini wooden tissue box that he keeps in the middle console.
“Yes, knock on wood. You hear that, doll?”
“Hmm.” You would honestly believe anything now. Hearing Jake’s voice and imagining him coming to you is like brown noise for babies. Your lungs finally decide to have mercy on you, and you can now somehow draw in shallow breaths albeit the pain in your chest.
Jake is relieved as he sees the green lights shining at the last intersection before turning left onto the side road where your company is located. “I’m here. Can you come down by yourself, love? Or do you want me to get you?”
“I can come down.” You say. The thought of him finding you in a messy pile on the bathroom floor makes you wince, even though he’d probably seen worse.
“Okay baby, see you in a second.”
You don’t remember how you collected your coat and pushed your way through the crowded room without many people noticing. The next moment, your sensations are restored, and you find yourself already in Jake’s arms. He's waiting for you in the area between the automatic glass door and the revolving door outside, a place that is warm with air conditioning but won’t attract nosy people. He wraps you in a hug with his wool jacket. His comforting scent fills your nostrils, a powerful pacifier for your naughty lungs. For the first time this evening, you can finally breathe properly like a normal human being. The rush of fresh air makes you release a loud sob like a newborn baby. The relief of seeing him safely standing in front of you and the release of finally being free from the stressful and stuffy environment ushers more tears to stream down your face.
“Shhhh…..you’re okay now, y/n, safe now. I’m here.” His hand wraps protectively around the back of your head as he plants kisses into your hair. “Poor girl, let’s get to the car and go home.”
Home. Home sounds heavenly to your right now. You couldn’t think of a better combination of these four letters in the whole of human history.
On the way back, you curl into a ball on the passenger seat like a battered puppy. Jake holds your hand whenever he gets the chance, his strong calloused fingers gently massaging yours, tracing the patterns on your palm, his thumb brushing the back of your hand, providing warmth. No longer crying, your shoulders occasionally shudder with involuntary sobs that escape you. But other than that, you are falling into a trance. Your gaze concentrated on Jake’s perfect side profile through hooded eyes, watching in awe as the passing streetlights formed patterns of shadow on his graceful nose and cheeks; your mind numb without a single thought.
It is only when Jake wakes you up that you realize you have fallen asleep. The car is already parked in the garage, the familiar and comforting damp smell seeping in.
“We are home now, sleepyhead.” Jake smiles at you, tapping on your wrist to signal you to wait as he gets out of the car and opens your side of the door. Just as you were about to step off, Jake reaches to cradle you by the shoulders and knees, carrying you bridle-style into the house. You hide your face shyly in the crook of his neck, secretly grateful because your feet are indeed sore in those heels.
Jake puts you down by the shoe rack, motioning you to put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as he squats down in front you, holding your ankles and taking off your shoes. If he did see the stains, he didn’t ask any questions, only cooed when he saw the blisters on your heels.
“Let’s go upstairs and get your makeup off, then we’ll cuddle and go to bed, yeah?” Jake stands up, hanging up your coat before cupping your cheeks and placing a kiss on your forehead.
You never hated makeup more than now, regretting to put it on in the first place, now that it has become the annoying barrier lying in your way to bedtime. But Jake says “let’s,” that means he’s going to do it together with you, right?
“Jake?” You whine bashfully.
“Yes, love?”
You tilt up your chin and close your eyes, “One more kissy, please?”
Jake swears he feels a part of his heart melt right there. Who is he to deny you?
“Of course, as many as my princess would like.”
Stepping into the bathroom, Jake sits you on the closed toilet seat. He opens the drawer, grabs your makeup remover and some cotton pads. He applies some liquid onto the wipes and lifts up your chin.
“Close your eyes for me, love.” The cool liquid on your eyelids makes your eyebrows twitch, causing Jake to chuckle, “I know, I know. Just a little longer.”
You sit quietly, mesmerized and hypnotized under his touch. His movements are almost rhythmic. Is this how cats feel when their owners scratches behind their ears? You fear that if you make a sound, you will actually let out a purr.
Jake continues until most of your makeup is gone. “Hold out your hands,” you hear him say and complied. Two dollops of foamy liquid landed in the centre of your palm, and you opened your eyes to recognize they are your face wash. Jake tugs on your wrist, leading you to stand in front of the sink.
“Can you wash your pretty face now, darling? Wash up, and I’ll be back in a minute.”
You nodded, feeling lighter and more relaxed now without your makeup and even more content when you turn on the tap and find out that Jake has already tuned it to a lukewarm temperature for you.
When Jake returned, he was calling you from the bedroom. You have already brushed your teeth and let down your hair.
You walked into the bedroom and are welcomed by the scent of bergamot and sandalwood from your favourite candle glowing on the night stand. Jake was pulling an old T-shirt out from the closet. It was the vintage Joan Jett and The Blackhearts shirt, the patterns half faded, and materials worn-out soft. You saw him laying out one of his boxers for you too. He knows you always prefer them to your own underwear as pyjamas.
“Come sit, angel.” He patted the bench at the foot of the bed, him sitting across from it on a small stool.
It is only when you walked close that you saw the wooden foot spa basin, with clouds of steam rising from it. As you sat down, he gently took your ankle and balanced your feet on the edge of the basin, so that the hot water is steaming your sole.
“It’s still a bit hot.” He looks up to you. “I put Epsom salt and eucalyptus oil in it.”
“Where did you get this?” You feel like the heat from the bottom of the feet is slowly being absorbed into your veins and rising up to your cheeks. You wiggle your toes nervously.
Jake lets out a giggle, “Well, mum suggested once to Josh about the foot spa thing, said it helps with stress and tense muscles. You know, with him running barefoot on stage and all.” He reaches down to sprinkle some water onto your feet, letting you adjust to the temperature. “But Josh got the fancy electric ones. I thought this is better. More authentic, don’t you think?”
“Your nails are all chipped,” Jake looks down, “maybe tomorrow we can repaint them? I saw you bought a new colour the other day.”
Tender. So tender. From his tone to his caramel brown eyes. The light from the lamp illuminates the left side of his face, giving it a solemn, smooth glow like a wax statue. Your heart swells; love makes it rise like Soufflé in the oven. The soft surface rises up until it touches your ribcage, threatening to spill those tears again.
“Thank you, Jake.” You dare not raise your voice, fearing that it will break, “I just got a bit overwhelmed at the party, is all.”
Jake eases your feet slowly into the water now that it’s the perfect temperature. The slight sling of your blisters is soon overwhelmed by the all-encompassing warmth that rises all the way to your ankle.
After a few heart beats, he speaks again. “You’ll always have me, y/n. You are allowed to fall, to break. I will be here to catch you, to piece you together. Whatever you need.”
Finally you were snuggled together in bed. You, a human koala, cling to Jake with your face pressed against his chest. His arm snakes around your shoulder, fingers mindlessly tracing your collarbone, strumming some unknown patterns. His heartbeat thumping in your ear, the perfect lullaby. The steady rise and fall of his chest is like waves, rocking you into a sweet slumber. Your eyelids feel heavy like velvet drapes. There’s still a stubborn voice in your brain keeping you from falling asleep. There’s still one more thing you need to do, even though you understood each other perfectly.
“Jake?” Your voice low like a murmur. Jake almost didn’t hear you at first.
“What is it, babe?”
“I love you.” Those words come out as a slur, and like a magic spell, you fall into the deep embrace of sleep as soon as the last syllable leaves your lips. Now clear of any stress and worries in the arms of your lover, the strained string in you brain that has been holding on for dear life the whole evening finally snaps. You’re out like a light.
“I love you back, y/n, through and through.” He whispers into your dream.
You woke up to an empty bed, the sheet on his side still has the human-shaped imprint. Jake is a night owl; it is pretty common that he just gets up in the middle of the night and ends up doing some random things around the house. Most often it’s him strumming the guitar and experimenting with his ideas for new tunes in the home studio downstairs. But you have also caught him fixing chipped paint on the walls, repotting the succulents in the garage, and pouring broth into the crockpot with chicken thighs and smoked ham hock (“so we could have warm chicken chili in the morning!”; to be honest, it’s indeed delicious; you had two bowls and had to skip lunch that day). Just to name a few, so the possibilities are endless.
You get out of bed, creep cross the corridor and tiptoe your way down the stairs. The lights at the doorway are on; you thought Jake forgot to turn them off. However, as you approach, you see Jake squatting down next to the shoe rack, his back towards you, and a brush and some spray bottles laying nearby.
You move closer and see him holding the clothes steamer near your wine-stained shoes. The heels you wore have a suede tip in the front, and unfortunately, that’s where the wine was mostly spilt on. After a few moments, Jake uses the wire brush to clean the surface. He stops from time to time, holding it further to inspect the result.
You waited until he stops again to make some sounds, announcing your presence. Jake immediately turns around. His eyes softens upon seeing you.
“What are you doing up?”
You go to squat down next to him, kissing his temple before resting your head on his shoulder.
“You just bought these not so long ago, yeah? It’d be a shame to leave them stained.” Jake lets more steam soak into the fabric before brushing them again. “I’m almost done. I saw this trick online, and it looks pretty legit.” It’s only then that you noticed his phone on the side, the screen showing the replies from some Reddit post.
“Thank you, baby.” You rub your cheeks slightly on his T-shirt; the feeling of warm pastry once again fills your heart.
“No worries, doll. I think it’s good for now. Let’s leave them here and check in the morning.” Jake starts putting away his tools before pulling you up and wrapping his arm around your waist, leading you back upstairs.
On your way, something familiar catches your eye. You must’ve missed it earlier.
“Wait, where did you get that?” You stop, pointing at what happens to be a whole case of your favourite snack lying on the kitchen counter.
“Oh, I saw the stores are out of them, so I ordered them online. They just arrived today.” Jake scratches his head, his tone tainted with slight disappointment.“I thought they’d be a nice surprise as stocking stuffers, but…”
You stopped him mid-sentence with a kiss.
“I love you.” This time you said it clear against his lips.
“Oh doll, I love you back,” he smiles, showing the cutest wrinkle on his nose. His hands brush your shoulder as you resume your steps upstairs. “Let’s get a few more hours of sleep now. And when you wake up, you will wake up to some yummy pancakes and a pair of stain-free shoes, huh? How does that sound?”
Oh Lord, that sounds heavenly. That sounds just like home.
“I’d like that, Jake. I’d like that very, very much.”
Thank you for reading :) any comments and feedbacks are greatly welcomed and deeply appreciated
(The stain-removing tips comes from malccy72 on reddit :D
If you also feel like reading a smutty (but also fluffy?) piece🤭: Mariner's Complex || Love is a four-legged word || The Lucky Ones
or some Christmas fluff: Ticked (all my boxes)
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Day ten of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
The waitress comes over with another steaming mug of hot chocolate for Kon and Tim awkwardly orders not-Robin's-coffee-order, which since he's panicking he defaults to Caroline Hill's usual for. She's a med student, she drinks enough caffeine for his tastes. And also she likes extremely sugary drinks, which is definitely to his taste. 
Look, Robin can't drink an iced brown sugar oat milk espresso with six extra pumps of syrup and four extra shots of espresso, especially in front of the exact teammate who would tease him the most mercilessly for having a finicky drink order, but Caroline Hill can drink anything she wants, and Tim Drake is just gonna be channeling her for this conversation, he guesses. Her Twitter account already got him here to begin with, so he might as well.
“That is a concerning amount of caffeine in one drink, dude,” Kon observes with a raised eyebrow instead of teasing him over either the syrup or oat milk, which is not actually what Tim expected to hear. But, well, he's not Robin right now, so maybe Kon isn't feeling the same urge to start shit that he usually seems to. 
Tim's not sure how to feel about that. But Robin is, technically, an “authority” figure and a fellow superhero, and Tim Drake is just some guy, so . . . 
Actually, Tim doesn't really know how Kon gets along with civilian guys. He's seen him flirt up plenty of civilian girls, obviously, but he doesn't really seem to talk to all that many guys. Like . . . ever, actually. 
Weird, he thinks, repressing a frown. 
“How would you know, you're Kryptonian,” he says. 
“Half-Kryptonian,” Kon says, then waves a hand around the café. “And like, you know, also this entire planet is full of people who can just tell me these things. Five thousand milligrams is the minimum lethal dose of caffeine for a healthy adult, which is something like seventy-five shots of espresso, but more than four or five shots in a day is still not gonna be great for you, and you just ordered six.”
“. . . how the hell do you just know that off the top of your head?” Tim asks, blinking at him in absolute bewilderment, and Kon smirks in smug amusement.
“Dude, I was programmed by exhausted grad students pulling six months straight of all-nighters,” he says, pointing at his own temple. “I know every possible thing there is to know about every possible caffeine delivery system. Including the illegal ones and the ones the government hasn't yet realized should be illegal.” 
“Huh,” Tim says, still more than a little bewildered. That does make sense, he guesses, but since Kon's already told the team he has absolutely no useful background in any kind of science or math past the absolute kiddie-level basics when they were all exchanging information about all their personal training and experience, it's still a surprise to hear. Shouldn't Cadmus have prioritized an actual education over things like safe caffeine intake for baseline humans, especially since Kon's safe intake level is probably different from a baseline human's anyway? Which–well, he guesses Kon did get cracked out of his cloning tube early, but still. They at least should've been building up the basics for him. Like–more than the kiddie-level basics, he means. 
Cadmus is definitely not capable enough to be in charge of Kon. Like, at all. Ever. Tim has fewer and fewer regrets about this whole plan every minute, in fact. If anything, he should've started drafting it the day he met Rex Leech, never mind the fact that Kon hadn't technically existed yet at the time. Or after the Poison Ivy incident, maybe. At the least he should've done up an outline or two after he and Kon and Bart had helped Suzie escape recapture and then collectively lied to the government about it.
“You work for those guys, right?” he “asks” as Kon takes a sip of his new hot chocolate, because while the best time to start this whole plan was months ago, the second-best time to start it is now. “Project Cadmus?” 
"Yeah," Kon replies, looking a little surprised by the question. Tim reminds himself to con the team into brushing up on the superhero version of stranger danger, because Kon answered that question way too easily. "Well, just started to. I'm a field agent. How'd you know?” 
"I've done some research on you since we first met," Tim says, which isn't even a lie; just some careful phrasing. "I really appreciated what you did for me. And to be honest, I think we'd get along."
"Oh yeah? Tell me all about it," Kon says as his posture shifts a little and he flashes him the kind of smirk he normally reserves for, well . . . 
Huh, Tim thinks in vague bemusement.
Kon's flirting with him. 
. . . huh. 
Not actually the angle Tim was intending to take here, but . . . well, he's not above taking it. And anyway, Kon's just a flirt in general, so it's not like it means anything. 
Admittedly Tim hasn't actually seen him flirt with a guy before, but presumably Kon's just feeling out an opportunity to experiment or not ready to be out to the team yet. Tim's not, so he'd hardly blame him for that. Tim's not even out to Steph.
And he's definitely, definitely not out to Bruce. 
Well, ideally he'll be a supervillain before that becomes necessary, assuming his life goes to plan. 
Robin was always going to be a temporary gig, after all. 
"I don't know," he says, and lets the corners of his mouth curl up in amusement. "You just seem like my type of guy." 
"Your type of guy?" Kon says, his smirk widening as he leans in towards Tim, who decides to pretend that particular bit of flirtatious implication was actually intentional. Tim is . . . not all that great at flirting, admittedly, but it's not like Kon has particularly high standards past “didn't explicitly tell me to fuck off”, so Tim figures he'll be able to get by for long enough to have this conversation. 
Not much longer, but all the same. He has a plan to pitch, that's all that actually matters here. 
“Yeah,” he says. “And I wanted to thank you for saving me, so . . .” 
“You wanna thank me, Tim Drake?” Kon asks with a slower, wider smirk, leaning in a little more again, and Tim instantly turns bright red as he realizes how that actually sounded. 
Yeah, okay, he is actually the worst at flirting. Fuck. 
“Uh, yes!” he says quickly, very much needing to clarify that statement before his stupid fucking hormones try to talk him into maybe just . . . leaning into that particular miscommunication a little. Not the goal here. Definitely not. “I mean–being a field agent doesn't sound particularly lucrative? And I know being a superhero isn't.” 
“Lucrative?” Kon blinks, expression turning puzzled. “I mean, I guess not. I don't need that much money or anything, though, I just live at Cadmus these days.” 
“You live in a lab?” Tim says, letting himself sound as incredulously horrified as he felt the first time he heard that. “Why?” 
“I dunno, saves me a commute,” Kon replies with a shrug. “Also, like, it's not like I have a credit score to get my own place with. Or a legal identity. Or, you know, money. Landlords tend to want those.” 
“Hm,” Tim says. “Do you want one?” 
“Huh?” Kon wrinkles his nose in confusion. 
“Your own place,” Tim clarifies. “I really would like to thank you. I could help you get a place.” 
“Uh, thanks? But I still couldn't afford rent, even if somebody cosigned for me or whatever,” Kon says, looking puzzled. “I really don't make that much.”
“No, I mean I'd pay your rent,” Tim explains, which is in fact an insane person thing to offer somebody, admittedly, but it's not like Kon has all that reliable a grasp of normal social mores. “Or just buy you a place outright and pay your property taxes. Whichever you'd prefer.”
Kon blinks. Tilts his head. 
“So like, you're just a very extra dude, huh,” he says after a moment, his eyebrows slowly raising as he pushes his sunglasses up into his hair. “Like you're the guy who blows the budget on the friend group's Secret Santa out of the water every year.”
“Possibly,” Tim says, putting on a sheepish smile. Kon laughs and folds his arms on the table, looking amused. 
“You wanna buy me an apartment?” he asks. “What, just for saving your life?” 
“I really think you're undervaluing that particular achievement,” Tim says. 
“I think you're overvaluing it,” Kon replies with another laugh. “No offense, but I didn't do anything but block one lousy bullet.” 
“One lousy bullet is enough,” Tim says, and doesn't think of any bodies he's seen. Kon tilts his head again, then takes a sip of his hot chocolate. 
“Okay, fair,” he allows. “But I'm bulletproof.” 
“I'm not,” Tim says. 
“You were as long as I was touching the same floor as you,” Kon replies with a shrug, and takes another sip. “It wasn't like I did anything hard.” 
He hasn't actually said “no” to the apartment. Tim's pretty sure that's just because he thinks he's either ridiculous or just not being serious, but he's not above pressing the advantage anyway. 
“You didn't have to do anything at all, though,” he says. "And buying you a place wouldn't be all that hard for me either. Besides, you deserve a little gratitude for your efforts, don't you think?” 
"Sounds like supervillain talk, dude," Kon says, his mouth quirking in amusement around his next sip. Tim resolves to dial back on that at this point in his career. He's laying groundwork, yes, but subtlety is still the wiser course of action. 
"You say that like you've never socialized with a supervillain before," he counters dryly. 
"Well, usually ones who wear a bit less," Kon replies, lowering his mug to grin wickedly at him. Tim figures if a little more flirting might soften him up on this whole idea, well . . . 
It's not the most altruistic thing he's ever done for a plan, admittedly, but if it works, it works. 
"So you're telling me I should invest in a crop top before I try to take over the world and remake it in my own image?" he asks still more dryly as he raises an eyebrow at Kon with a little smirk, and Kon laughs and leans in a little closer again, giving him a not very subtle up-and-down with his eyes. 
"Only if you're trying to recruit me for your evil plans, pretty boy," he says, grin turning sharp. Tim feels vaguely faint, and also wants to lick the bastard's stupid perfect teeth. Jesus. "So I dunno, what are your feelings on Daisy Dukes?" 
"I'm going to be honest, I'm not actually that much of an exhibitionist so at this point we're just describing my ideal costume updates for you," Tim informs him. 
"Oh yeah?" Kon asks with another laugh even as he straightens back up to visibly preen at the suggestion. Tim is all for that, personally. Both the preening and the theoretical updates, in fact. And, a little more weirdly, just the idea of having anything whatsoever to do with what Kon might ever decide to wear. Especially whatever he might decide to wear for his costume. 
Yeah, that's probably a later thought, Tim decides. Like, a private-time kind of later thought. Specifically “behind locked doors in an empty house” private-time, actually.
"You're solar-powered, aren't you?" he says reasonably, because apparently he likes to suffer and also make himself low-key insane. "Showing a bit more skin can't hurt." 
"I wonder if Superman would buy that excuse," Kon says musingly. 
"Power Girl exists," Tim replies still more reasonably. "And Supergirl wears a miniskirt, last I checked." 
"Valid," Kon says, putting on a mock-thoughtful expression and tapping the side of his jaw. "Maybe I'll put in some cutouts and go for a lower neckline, tell the big guy he's making the rest of us look like prudes. What do you think, bikini or high-cut bottoms?"
"I don't know the difference," Tim lies, desperately trying not to overheat and die at that question and every single accompanying mental image that his useless brain has so helpfully decided to supply. "You'll have to provide examples."
"Will I now," Kon says, grinning all over again and pointedly striking a very suggestive pose in his seat. Tim valiantly struggles not to melt. "What, pretty boy, you want a fashion show?" 
"Well I did want to be a photographer when I was a kid," Tim says, although it was definitely never that kind of photography he had in mind. Kon laughs again and shifts in closer again, though, so it's worth it. Tim is mortified, but also undeniably into just . . . all of this, really, just everything about this conversation. Robin can't flirt with Superboy, but, well . . . Tim Drake still isn't Robin, now is he? 
He's probably taking advantage of the situation a little, Tim can admit to himself, but it's still just . . . nice. He's wanted to flirt with Kon for way too long, at this point. Indulging in a little bit of it isn't the worst thing he could do. 
And again, it's Kon, so it's not like it's serious or anything. The guy won't even remember this conversation tomorrow, much less anything about Tim Drake. 
. . . admittedly that'd be counterproductive to Tim's long-term goals here, but still. He's willing to take his time on this. There's a plan. It has steps. Layers. Processes. 
"I like you, man," Kon says with a wider grin, which is in absolutely no way whatsoever in the plan. "You're funny."
Tim stares blankly at him as it occurs to him, almost disbelievingly, that he might've . . . made a good impression on Kon? Somehow? 
Well, that's weird.
"I'll never get a fashion show out of you if I'm not at least funny," he says on autopilot, as someone who's been well-taught both when and how to press an advantage. Kon, yet again, grins at him, and gives him another much brighter laugh than usual. 
Actually, he kind of hasn't stopped grinning at him, has he. 
. . . huh. 
Tim really did not plan for this. This is just . . . not at all what the plan was. 
“Well, you definitely are funny,” Kon says, biting his lip around a warm little smile and ducking his head just enough to look at Tim from under his lashes, and Tim decides he can probably just amend the plan.
He's a Bat, isn't he? They know how to improvise when they have to.
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atinyniki · 11 months
100 things i like love about you.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: nonidol!lee know x f!reader
genre: romance, slow burn, fluff, little angst???
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, drinking, vomiting, kissing, other members of JYP groups are side characters, overthinker lino, whipped reader, lee know is referred to as minho and min.
authors note: hiii im niki (nikita) ! this is my first time writing a fic and i decided to try and make one for lee knows birthday. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 6191
(pt. 2)
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it’s mid july and you’re sat at your computer at home, unable to think about what you should get your roommate for his birthday. 
it’s never too early to plan right?
minho had given you the best birthday you could have possibly asked for. he brought you all of your favorite snacks and you two pulled an all nighter watching dorky kdramas. 
you truly didn’t know how to feel about the gift he gave you at the end of the day though. all he gave you was an envelope before he headed to bed. 
you still remember everything that was said in the note he gave you. you didn’t know minho had it in him to write such a beautiful letter. inside were a few cute polaroids you guys took over the years as well.
you wanted minho’s birthday gift to be as special as his was to you. 
then it hit you.
the best idea ever.
you decide to call it “100 things”. you knew minho deserved a thoughtful gift, and you knew he’d appreciate it. you immediately went out to buy cute notecards and kitty print washi tape.
once you returned, you got back on your laptop and check the date. 
july 16… perfect !
you decided that you’re going to use this extra day to plan. you open an empty document and start creating a list. 
at first, you thought it’d be too difficult to think of so many things, but once you actually started writing it was difficult to stop yourself. you start wondering if minho would realize your true feelings towards him after reading all those cards.
it was no secret to you or your friends that you’ve been head over heels for lee minho for the past two or so years. 
you make sure to brainstorm carefully. you don’t know what you would do if he were to find out, and quite honestly you didn’t want to pain yourself with the thought either.
you were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a loud knock on the door. you quickly saved your progress, and shut your laptop. 
“come in!”
as soon as minho opened the door, you were met with a toothy grin on his face. 
“i made your favorite, are you hungry?” you nodded quickly, blushing a little at the gesture, but not enough for minho to notice.
slowly, you got out of your chair and made your way to the door. you senses were immediately filled with the savory aromas, and you couldn’t help but smile.
you’ve always loved minho’s cooking, and minho loved cooking, so it worked out perfectly for the both of you. 
what you didn’t know though, was that the main reason he always cooked for you was to see that adorable smile on your face while you were eating. he loved the way your cheeks would puff up whenever you stuffed more food in your mouth and how you’d thank him with a grin after every meal. 
he didn’t mean to be weird, but he always found himself staring at you while eating. normally, he’d try to focus on finishing his food but he couldn’t help but watch your cheeks inflate more and more. 
this time was no different. you used the chopsticks to quickly fish out the bell peppers, something minho noticed you’ve always done. 
you glance over at minho to see that he’s not even half done with his plate yet. 
“what’s wrong? are you not hungry?”
“oh no, sorry. i just zoned out i guess” he continued eating but stopped again when he noticed your eyes soften.
“do you want to watch a movie after this? you don’t have to, i just thought you needed a break from all your wo-“
“yeah of course y/n.” he cut off your rambling, and chuckled a little at your words. you smiled back, quickly finishing your food and getting up to wash your plate. 
minho finished not too long after, and he went to go meet you at the couch. “so what do you want to watch?” you asked. “we can continue watching that show we were watching earlier if you want” 
you put on the show and laid back, grabbing a blanket from your side to lay over the both of you. minho stared intently at the tv, and you were starting to think he loved this show even more than you did. soon you found yourself staring at his eyes, his gaze still focused on the tv. you made a mental note to add it to the list. there was just something about his brown boba eyes that you found so perfect. 
soon, you started to doze off, but tried your best to stay awake. it was the best part of the show, when the leads find out they’ve been in love with each other for months, but you were tired. you’ve studied for so long today, and you just couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. 
your eyes slowly fluttered shut, your breathing becoming even. not too long after, the episode ended and minho was broken out of his trance. he was so focused on the plot that he didn’t even notice you had fallen asleep. a smile slowly appeared on his face, you looked so peaceful when you were sleeping. 
minho carefully pushed himself off the couch, not wanting to wake you, and went over to your room. he pulled up the covers and kept the door wide open. 
quickly, he made his way back to the living room and picked you up, making sure not to shake you that much. he carried you to your room, silently giggling at the way you nuzzled into his warmth. he placed you down on the bed carefully, and tucked you in. 
he left your room and shut the door behind him. he wondered if you could hear how fast his heart was beating. he noticed the kitty washi tape on your desk, and reminded himself to ask you if he could borrow it later.
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you woke up the next morning, not remembering how you got into your bed. you got ready for the day ahead, even though you were gonna spend most of it inside. 
you quickly made yourself a bagel, and headed back to your room to write. you decided on writing about his bunny teeth first. his cute bunny teeth that would peek out whenever he was sleeping or focused on something. you thought his bunny teeth suited him wonderfully.
you made sure to make the note sound as friendly as possible, you didn’t want to ruin your friendship after all. you kept writing, but it all sounded too sappy. when you finally got it right, you put all the wasted notecards in the bin, and headed to the living room again to watch the last of the episode you missed last night. 
on your way to the living room, you passed by minho’s room, but you didn’t expect him to still be asleep. his bunny teeth were on full display, and you couldn’t help but smile at the way his face is still puffy from his sleeping state.
you quickly make your way to the kitchen, cooking breakfast for minho to surprise him.  
noticing that he wasn’t awake yet, you left the house as quietly as you could and ran to the local convenience store to buy him some pudding. 
once you reenter your house, you see minho walking out of the corridor, indicating that he’s probably just gotten ready for the day. he was surprised to see food on the table, and even more surprised to see 3 cups of pudding in your hands. the second he saw what you were holding, his eyes lit up and he grinned. 
“awhhh you did all this for meeee?” he teased. “shut up, this is just for last night” you retorted. you made your way to minho and handed him a pudding cup, storing the remaining two in the fridge to cool. 
“thank you, y/n”
you were a little thrown off by the sincerity in his voice, contradicting the teasing voice he had just used. your heart fluttered at the tone, “your welcome” you quickly mumbled.
you watched as he quickly finished his food and headed back to his room. you didn’t really feel like watching your show right now anymore, so you walked back into your room to quickly complete your list.
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a week later, you were working on an upcoming assignment, and you jumped a little when you heard your phone ringing. you smiled when you saw the name, “jinnie” written in bold at the top.
“hyunjin! hey, what’s up?”
“hey y/nnie. i was just wondering if you were coming to the party tonight!” you weren’t much of a partier, it wasn’t really your thing. “probably not, why?” hyunjins exaggerated groan made you laugh. 
“but you never come to parties! please?” he begged. “no, there’s nothing to do there anyways”
“what do you mean? there’s lots to do! we play so many games and…” 
“minho’s gonna be there”
“wait what? minho never goes to parties though?” you were careful not to talk too loudly so minho wouldn’t hear. “yeah, he wanted to see chan since it’s been so long”, hyunjin started giggling at how invested you were now. 
“fine, i’ll think about it, but only if minho agrees to drive me.” 
“fine with me! hopefully i’ll see you there y/nnie. bye now!” you laughed a little at his excitement. “bye jinnie” 
minho was deep in his work during your phone call, trying to think of new lines to implement into his song. all of a sudden, he heard a knock on his door. “come in!”
you make your way into his room stepping over the mess on the floor. you know he always gets like this when he’s working on new songs. “are you going to the party tonight?”
“yeah, you going?”
“yeah, hyunjin somehow convinced me to” you awkwardly chuckle. 
“i’m guessing you need a ride?”, you laughed. “well yeah, obviously”, you retorted, rolling your eyes. he chuckled at your actions, “i’d be happy to drive you”
you walk over to him and ruffle his hair playfully “thanks min!” and you trotted out. all he could do was stare at the door as left, still in shock. he started to wonder if you’d play with his hair like that if you two were actually together, but he quickly snapped himself out of it and decided not to pain himself with such thoughts. 
a couple hours later, you pick out a nice red dress and do your makeup. you know jisung’s parties are always crazy, hyunjin’s always talking about them. you expect there to be a lot of partying, so you dress nice.
you make your way out just on time, minho’s exiting his room too, but halts his movements when he sees you. he’s never seen you like this before, and suddenly he feels underdressed. he can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. 
you seem to notice this, and your confidence has suddenly boosted. “you can stop staring now”, a smug smile plastered on your face. 
minho meets your gaze and suddenly realizes what he’s been doing. “oh what- wait sorry i didnt realize i was-“, you giggled at his stammering.
you quickly made your way to the entrance of your home. minho’s ears start to turn the same shade as his crimson cheeks, frozen in the corridor.
“COME ON WE’RE GONNA BE LATE” you yell from the hall. 
he rushes to the door and grabs his keys, locking the door behind him and settling in his car. he waits for you to get in, and then you’re off to jisung’s.
the drive wasn’t too far away, but it felt like forever for minho. you were sat there humming a song in peace, but he couldn’t get his mind off of what happened before in the hall. 
could you see how much he liked you? did he make you uncomfortable? thoughts like these were running through his mind the entire time, but he was just hoping that he could forget about them at the party.
when you both walked into jisung’s house, you were instantly greeted by changbin, who was sitting on the couch near the front door with hyunjin. 
“Y/N! YOU MADE IT” hyunjin yelled out of excitement.
“YAH! keep it down hyunjin” changbin scolded.
you laughed and made your way into the kitchen, where you saw chan greet minho with a smile. you were met with ryujin and yuna, who squealed at the sight of you. 
“y/n… finally at a party hm?”, yuna said as she pulled you in for a hug. ryujin chimed in, “that dress is gorgeous by the way”. you smiled, “thank you”. you don’t wear dresses very often, but they make you feel pretty. maybe you should start wearing them more. 
the drinks were all set out on the table, you haven’t had any alcohol in a while. minho had already told you beforehand that he wouldn’t be drinking so he could drive you home safe, so you figured you might as well. you took a shot with yeji. 
and another.
and then another…
it was too early in the party to get wasted, but to be honest you didn’t really care. it’s been a while since you drank and you wanted to let loose.
“shall we start the games?” asked jisung.
“what types of games?” questioned changbin. 
“oh you know… the usual”
you haven’t been to any of ji’s parties, so you weren’t really sure what the usual was. it’s not like you were sober enough to care anyways.
the set of games started with 7 minutes in heaven. 
minho’s heart dropped. he was scared. the thought of you kissing one of the guys here made him sick to his stomach. 
“y/n’s turn first!”, seungmin slurred.
you slowly went over to the hat to pick a name out. 
“chan” you read aloud. 
slowly, chan got up and led you to the room. it was dark, but the rules were the rules. you sat down on the bed with chan, a small frown on your face. 
he laughed a little at your disappointment, “what’s wrong, were you hoping to pick minho?” 
your eyes widened and you stared up to look at him. “how did you-“ 
“you’re not very good at hiding your feelings you know”, he cuts you off and smiles at you again. 
“i’m sorry chan, i know this isn’t how the game is really supposed to be played but i want to save my first kiss for someone special and-“ 
“FIRST KISS?!” chan screamed.
you smacked a hand over his mouth, “shut up they’ll hear you!” you whispered
“sorry, sorry” he mumbled
minho heard chan through the thin walls of the room. it wasn’t too hard to hear considering the fact that chan practically yelled it. minho’s heart dropped straight to his stomach. did chan just steal your first kiss? were you even thinking straight considering that you were drunk?
questions ran through his mind, and hyunjin noticed minho’s eyes darting around the room. hyunjin holds on to minho’s shoulder, “you okay min?” 
“yeah i’m fine, i’m gonna go grab some water” 
once minho returns, he sees that you and chan have already left the room. 
“have fun you two?” jeongin teased.
“you know we did”, you replied with a wink.
chan started laughing, and the lump growing in minho’s throat started growing bigger. 
suddenly, you felt sick. it was probably the alcohol, so you quickly excused yourself to the bathroom. 
worried, minho followed you there, only to see you on the ground in front of the toilet. he quickly rushed to you and held your hair so it wouldn’t get wet. you were embarrassed but it’s not like you could really do anything when you’re throwing up buckets. 
you had finally calmed down and looked at him. his hands were intertwined with yours, and you made sure to add his touch to the list too. pure worry swirled around in his chocolate eyes.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean-“ 
“it’s okay. are you feeling better? do you want to leave?”
you really did just want to go home and rest, but didn’t want minho to miss out on the fun.
“do you want to stay?”, you asked hesitantly. 
“if you’re feeling sick i’m more than happy to bring you home now y/n.” ‘you’re my top priority’ he wanted to add. 
he helped you up and dried your face after you washed it, he preferred you without makeup anyways. it was easier to see your perfect features clearly. he tucked a stray hair sticking to your forehead behind your ear, and walked out of the bathroom with you. 
“guys y/n is feeling a little sick so we’ll have to be leaving now. sorry to cut it so short” he quickly announces. he leads you out, listening to the “get well soon!”s and “hope you feel better”s. the drive back home is silent. minho can’t stop thinking about what happened between you and chan today. he didn’t know that you’ve never kissed anyone before. and now that he knows, he wished you had saved it for him. 
you arrive home and he walks you back into your room. minho brings you your sweats and a t-shirt, his t-shirt, along with a pair of undergarments straight from the dryer. you reminded yourself to add to the list later. you admired how caring he was towards people, even if he didn’t show it much.
“call me if you need help okay? i’ll be right outside the door. tell me when you’re done changing” 
not too long after, you call him back in your room. he smiled at you, the oversized t-shirt hanging off one of your shoulders. he probably thought you’d be too drunk to notice, but you couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like if you were to steal his clothes everyday to wear. 
you make your way into the bed, exhausted and tired from what had happened earlier. minho places a glass of water next to you, and sits down on the bed next to you. you didn’t mean to, but you couldn’t stop yourself from cuddling up into the warmth of his body.
he let himself sink down a little in the pillows, so it was more comfortable for you. his heart was beating so fast that he thought you could hear it. he couldn’t control his thoughts, and his mind drifted back to what happened between you and chan.
“was chan really your first kiss?, he asks softly. you suddenly felt a pang in your chest. “no, we just talked. i told him i wanted to save my first kiss for someone special and he kind of freaked”
minho let out a light sigh of relief, and prayed you didn’t hear. he began to rub soothing circles on your back with his thumbs.
you know minho isn’t a very big fan of physical touch, but the gesture didn’t go unnoticed. in fact, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. you felt tears well up in your eyes, no one has really taken the time to care for you like this. 
as much as you tried to fight it, light sobs shook your body. you’ve been so overwhelmed with your feelings, you truly just needed a hug. minho felt your body shake, and pulled away in panic.
he slid down further on the bed. “what’s wrong? are you okay?”, he made sure to speak softly. he didn’t want to overwhelm you. you clutched his shirt tightly in your hands, balled into fists. 
he was scared. he didn’t know what was wrong, but the least he could do was be there for you. he stayed. he made sure to stay awake till you fell asleep. and soon after, sleep overtook his body as well.
you never talked about that night after that. you woke up in his arms that day, you still remember the way your heart started doing somersaults. he later brought you all the essentials for your hangover, and cooked you some food too. you couldn’t get over the domesticity of it all. you wanted him to be there for the rest of your life. you just couldn’t spit it out already.
you never returned his shirt.
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a couple weeks later, you’re writing another card again, this time about his ears. you found it adorable the way they would get red whenever he was flustered.
you hear the door open and check the time. it’s late, almost half past midnight. you open your door to see a disheveled minho staring at you. your heart cracks at the sight. 
“sorry, did i wake you? i just got back from dance, i didn’t-“
“no it’s fine, i was up working on… a couple assignments. are you okay?”
minho didn’t answer your question. not because he was ignoring you but just because he didn’t know how to.
you tell him you’d be right back, and run over to the bathroom, leaving him in the hallways confused. while he waits for you, he places down his bag and gets out a comfortable shirt and some sweats.
you run a warm bubble bath for him, making sure it wasn’t uncomfortably hot, and put in a couple bath salts to color the water a soft shade of pink. 
you make your way back to minho’s room. “min”, you spoke softly, “i ran you a bubble bath”
his heart twists at your tone, he wasn’t expecting something like this. he wanted to thank you, but he was too exhausted to do so, so he just smiled. he walked over to the bathroom and locked the door. you hoped he’d feel better soon.
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it was early september now, and you were writing another one of your notes. you thought minho would really appreciate your gift, you just had a lot of trouble making it sound more platonic. 
minho knocked on your door again, handing you a plate with cut up fruit on it. you smiled at him, “thanks min”. and got back to work. 
“what’re you working on?” 
“oh nothing important, just a present”
he didn’t think anything of it so he left it alone. as he was walking out, he saw your trash bin filled to the brim. “i’ll swap this out”
“oh sorry! i didn’t notice it was that full already. thanks again minho”
now, minho wasn’t trying to snoop. he was honestly just trying to help you. he was taking out the trash when one of the scrapped notecards fell out the bin. he picked it up and read the title. ‘your lips’
he wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but he was curious, and couldn’t stop himself from reading the rest. ‘i love the way your lips sit-‘ and just a bunch of scribbles. 
his heart drops. were you writing love letters to someone? he picked up another one. ‘your warmth’ ‘i love the way your warmth makes me feel like im wrapped in a safety blanket-’ and more scribbles
who was making you feel this way? minho decided not to ask about it. he didn’t think you’d appreciate his snooping. he trashed the letters and made his way into his room. he wrapped himself in a blanket, but his room just felt cold.
everything felt cold. minho felt cold. maybe he was too late. maybe he should have confessed to you a year ago. he felt empty. he couldn’t sleep that night. 
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it was nearing the end of october now, meaning minho’s birthday was coming up. you two have gotten closer over the past couple months, and you couldn’t be more grateful, but recently he seemed off.
when you wake up, you quickly go to the convenience store to grab some flour. even though you already had a gift, you wanted his birthday to be special. he had no plans so you figured why not? 
while at the store, you also made sure to pick up some blue food dye for the frosting.
recently, minho couldn’t get seem to get out out his mind. he wondered if you were a secret admirer of someone, or maybe you were seeing them. he hasn’t been as affectionate recently either, he didn’t want to ruin anything for you.
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it’s october 24th now, just one more day until his birthday. you prepare your cards, and place them neatly in a decorated blue box. you decided that you’d write the last one at midnight on his birthday along with a small letter. 
you leave your room to see minho at the kitchen table, quickly eating lunch before he went out for groceries. 
you groaned “oh come on, stay home! it’s your birthday tomorrow for gods sake.” he laughed at your whining “i’ll go, just text me the list.”, you continued.
“nah i need some fresh air anyways. do you want to…”, he trailed off.
“want to what?”
“would you like to come with me?”
you didn’t understand why he was so hesitant, but you nodded and just grabbed your jacket. 
you both arrived at the shop and you immediately ran off towards the pastry section. minho had to chase after you so he didn’t lose you.
“do you want the cherry or the peach filled ones?”, you asked him excitedly.
minho couldn’t help but smile at you. he wished he could go grocery shopping with you for the rest of his life, but he couldn’t. he stopped his mind before it could get off track, and decided to focus on his time with you instead. 
you two finish grocery shopping, and you made sure to grab an extra two cups of pudding. 
it was now nearing the end of the day, only two hours before midnight. you set up your gift, and got your last card ready for writing later. 
as the time got closer, you suddenly became nervous. you were worried that minho would be able to see right through you and discover your true feelings. 
it’s was only ten minutes before his birthday. once you had finished brainstorming what you would write on his last card, you made your way over to his room at 11:58. 
you knocked quietly on the door. “min? can i come in?”. no answer.
you thought he’d fallen asleep, so you opened the door and peered through the crack, not wanting the hallways lights to wake him. to your surprise you see minho at his desk, busy with some work. he hummed along to the tune of the track, his voice low.
he hadn’t heard you come in due to his noise-canceling headset. you checked your phone. october 25. you slowly walked over to his chair where he was sitting and put your hands over his. 
he shook a little bit, a little surprised by the sudden touch and he took off his headset. “sorry i didn’t mean to startle you…”, you paused. “happy birthday min”
he teared up a little at the softness in your voice while saying this. he felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips, and soon it became a grin. you were happy to see him smile, and wondered if he’d feel the same way after opening your gift. “thank you y/n”.
you heard a small quiver in his voice, but accounted it for his tiredness.
“go to sleep soon, we have a long day tomorrow”
“oh yeah? what are we doing?”, you giggled. “making you the best cake you’ll ever have”, he smiled at your confidence. he was a great cook, but isn’t all that great at making sweets. 
“thank you, y/n. it means a lot that you waited down to the minute” 
your eyes widened a little at his sincerity. he only uses this soft voice when you’re sick or dozing off. 
“of course min, goodnight”
you walked into your room and you felt like your heart was about to beat out of your chest. you packed up all the cards and decorated the box with cute little cat drawings. 
you decided to head to bed for the night, and set your alarm at the same time as minho’s. you didn’t want to miss a single second with him.
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you got ready for the day ahead, meeting minho in the kitchen. you got the cocoa powder out from the pantry. “what do you say we have some chocolate cake for breakfast?”
“hopefully you don’t set the kitchen on fire again” 
you thought back to the last time you tried to bake something last time. you got distracted watching tv and couldn’t smell the poor pie burning.
you and minho began to make the batter, some splattering on the counter. while mixing, some of the batter got on your finger, and you couldn’t stop yourself from tasting it. even though it probably isn’t safe to eat raw eggs, a drop can’t hurt right?
you turn to see minho staring at you, laughing. “you just couldn’t resist, huh?”
you turned back to your bowl and continued mixing, and minho couldn’t help but smile. he wondered what it would be like if you could always cook together. 
minho began to work on making the frosting, a light chocolate buttercream. you put the cake in the oven and waited for it to finish while minho brought out the cooling rack and placed it on the counter.
you checked the time. 1:47 PM. you didn’t expect this to take so long, and your stomach was grumbling just about every second.
minho laughed at your groaning. “would you like some pudding?”
“no i’m okay, i’ll just wait for the cake”
minho grabbed a spoon from the drawer and picked up some pudding.
“here, you’re hungry”
all you could do was smile. you wanted minho to enjoy his pudding, but if you were going to be honest, you were really hungry. 
you finally gave in, the vanilla coating your tongue. you hummed in satisfaction. “thank you minho!” 
he couldn’t help but smile at how you sounded like a child. the cake was finally finished after a while, and minho went to go chill the cake while you enjoyed your pudding. 
once the cake was fully baked through, you grabbed the piping bag and started icing the cake. you drew pretty chocolate rosettes around the top. 
minho admired your skill, surprised that you knew how to pipe perfect rosettes. he continued to let you do your thing, and soon the cake was done. 
it was about 2:38 now, and you both were so hungry. you each cut yourself a slice of cake and sat down at the couch. 
“oh my gosh this is amazing, genuinely the best chocolate cake i’ve ever had”
after hearing minho’s reaction you were glad you had looked up so many recipes. 
“thank you”, you replied, mouth still full.
minho loved seeing how happy you were while you were eating. it’s great to appreciate good food.
not too long after, you both finish your cake and put the rest in the fridge. you both sit back down on the couch to watch a movie. you decided to treat minho to a horror movie, since he loved them.
you were a little skeptical about it, since you get scared easily, but figured you should make an exception today, for him. minho didn’t understand why you were being so incredibly caring, but he didn’t mind it.
you started the movie, and the intro was already unsettling. you started to shift in your seat uncomfortably next to minho. you tried not to move too much since you didn’t want to bother. 
the movie started getting more suspenseful. you were practically on edge, trying not to make a noise. all of a sudden you feel something warm under the blanked. you tore your eyes off of the tv to see minho staring at you.
“are you okay? if it’s too scary i can shut it off” 
as much as you wanted to be honest, you couldn’t. “no it’s okay, i don’t mind”
minho’s hand never let go of yours during the duration of the rest of the movie. it was heavily comforting, and you didn’t seem to be as scared anymore.
“i can’t believe you did all this for me y/n. i was really just planning on treating myself to some pudding today.”
“well, im not done just yet”
minho was appalled. “there’s more?!”, he exclaimed. “it’s nothing much, just meet me in your room in five, i have to get it ready.”
minho was curious as to what it could possibly be. he made his way back to his room, while you grabbed the decorated blue box and made sure the notecards were sorted in the right order. 
you make your way to minho’s room, your heart beating loudly. you suddenly felt incredibly nervous, but it’s not like you could change your mind now. 
minho’s eyes drift to the blue box in your hands. “what’s that?”. you sit on the bed next to him and hand him the box. 
“open it”
he removed the lid of the box and his jaw dropped. the notecards. he picked one up, the first line had the date and time. ‘your smile’
‘you have such an amazing smile. i love the way your eyes crinkle and how you smile with your whole being. it warms my heart to be able to see it so often’
he was speechless. he could feel the tears pricking at his eyes. he picked up another card. ‘the mole on your nose’, and then another, ‘your lips’, except this time, the description was complete. 
you were practically beaming at him as he shuffled through the cards. but you didn’t expect him to look back up at you with tears in his eyes. 
i love you so much
your eyes widened.
shit. did he just say that out loud?
“i’m sorry, i didn’t- i didn’t mean to say that out loud”
“you love me…?”, you stared at him in complete shock. you didn’t know what to say. 
fuck. he knew there was no turning back now. “of course i love you. how could i not? you do so much for me y/n. you make me feel like i can be myself. your touch feels like im being lit on fire. my heart feels like it’s going to beat out my chest every time i see you. not to mention you’re absolutely gorgeous and-“
before he could say anything else, you crashed your lips into his. you didn’t know where it was going or what you were going to do, but you knew you wanted to save your first for someone special. you wanted to save it for minho. his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you onto his lap. the kiss wasn’t really urgent or needy, and instead it was comforting. you loved the feeling of his lips on yours.
you slowly pulled away from him, foreheads touching and breath fanning just under his nose. “you don’t know how long i’ve waited to do that”, your words coming out breathy. 
you can’t get over how beautiful minho looks right now. his hair is a mess due to your hands pulling at it. his lips swollen and pink from the kiss you had just shared. 
“i love you y/n”
you kiss the small mole on his nose and smile at him. 
“i love you more minho”
his entire face lit up at those few words. he let the tears fall freely now, burying his head into your shoulder. “thank you for everything y/n. you’re the best gift i could have ever asked for”
his voice was honest. sincere. soft. you knew he meant it, and you could hear the raw emotion that his words contained. you brought you hand to his face to wipe away a stray tear. 
“i can’t wait to experience so many new exciting things with you.”
he looked back up at you and smiled, picking up the box behind him and setting it on his dresser. there was the familiar look in his eyes again, and you were stupid not to notice it before. he pulls you into bed and wraps you in a hug.
“min? what are you-“ 
“shhh. please, just for a little while”
you smiled at his words, and held him back. you peppered kisses all over his face, listening to his soft whines. you could definitely get used to the feeling of minhos skin on your lips.
slowly, you heard his heavy breathing turn into light snores. you reached over him to turn off the lights, and held him for the rest of the night. you wanted him to sleep peacefully now. he deserved it.
you two would talk about what happened in the morning, but right now this moment was too special to waste.
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
first off i love your writing sm!! you’ve definitely been feeding my hyperfixation! i especially love the ones where wally is in the tv and the reader isn’t. in fact i have a request if you don’t mind. reader has had a very stressful day and everything is kind of building on top of each other. so when wally decides to check in he finds dear reader laying in bed upset. i just think some comfort from the cutie would be nice. anyway i hope you’re doing well!!
| aaaa I'm happy I'm feeding ur hyperfixation!! and I hope ur doing well and I hope u enjoy this fic I probably put too much effort it- |
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- you had so many things building on top of each other , from small work to big things like having to plan big events and it was doing a lot to your metal health. you've locked yourself up in your room for almost days only leaving for for , etc. it even made you pull all nighters and make you tired the next day or sleep in a little too long.
- after not hearing a single thing from you for a while wally decided to check in on you but once he did he saw you curled up in a ball on your bed,sobbing into a pillow. he felt his heart break at the sight of you so upset but he took a gentle approach. he stepped over to your bed and climbed up making sure not to make the bed squeak.
- a plush hand rested on your back, causing you to roll over and look up at wally. your face was stained with tears and puffy from the constant crying you've been doing. “ oh dearest.. ” he sighed as he cupped your face before using his this thumb to wipe away a few stray tears. “ what has you so upset? ” he asked as he let you pull away from the pillow and rest your head on him instead. he didn't look away from you for a second as you ranted about everything and even cried more but he was there to rub your back and reassure you.
- he even went to the extent of holding your face in his hands and kissing away the tears with reassuring words coming from his mouth with every kiss. he hated seeing you upset and would do just about anything to make sure you didn't feel overwhelmed.
- after you had calmed down he gave you a small kiss on the forehead before saying , “ your eyes are all puffy..but you're still pretty. ” he said with a quiet monotoned laugh. you laughed along with him and nuzzled your face into his chest more.
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bad268 · 5 months
hii, can i request a pedri fic? pedri always sleeps early and reader is a night owl, one night he tries to stay up late with her but hes really tired and miserable (possibly on the verge of tears) and the reader js takes care of him
The Early Bird & The Night Owl (Pedri X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/FCB
Requested: Clearly (may or may not have written this at 2 AM...)
Warnings: sleep meds (1 time)
POV: Third Person (She/her) (No Y/n)
W.C. 1405
Summary: Her schedule is crazy, and Pedri just wants some of her time.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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“She’s a student, of course, she was a night owl,” is what Pedri always told himself. However, with his training schedule and games, he had to be up early almost every morning. Most of the time, he was getting up just as she was going to sleep or right around the same time. It’s not like she slept the entire day away. They had late afternoons together and evenings, but Pedri usually was in bed by 9 PM. That’s when she would start her assignments.
It was hard. Working on a master’s degree while working in an overseas company was difficult, and she had to alter her sleep schedule to keep up with her studies and her job.
Pedri understood. No matter how many times he told her to quit her job and that could help her financially until she finished her degree, she always said no. She wanted to work with this company after graduating, so quitting just to reapply in a year or so is not worth it. Plus, it took her almost a year to get the job in the first place! She did not want to give up the progress she already made.
Pedri understood that too! He had to work extremely hard to get his place in FC Barcelona, and he would never discount the effort he’s seen her put in. It was her dream company, and he knew that once she moved up, she would have a better schedule. He selfishly preferred it to semi-align with his own, but he would have to wait and see. That’s the joy of working for an overseas company!
At the end of every quarter, her company gave everyone a weekend off, so she was able to attend Pedri’s match for once. He did not know until she took a melatonin candy right after dinner. 
“What’s that for?” Pedri asked when he saw her grab one of the candies while he was putting the leftovers away. 
“I need to wake up early tomorrow if I’m going to go with you to your match,” she said as if it were obvious as she ate the candy. When Pedri did not respond, she turned to see him frozen in front of the refrigerator. She giggled as she moved to close the refrigerator door and said, “Not expecting that?”
“Not exactly,” He muttered as he wrapped his arms around her waist and hid his face in your neck. “You’re wearing my kit, right?”
“What else would I wear?”
The next day, they woke up bright and early. It was weird for her to be waking up as the sun was coming up, but she knew she would have to pull an all-nighter tonight or tomorrow to get back on her schedule before Monday. That was a problem for the future. She was going to cherish the normal day she could have with Pedri before having to go back to her normal. 
They made it to the stadium just in time for them to start warming up for the match. She stayed down on the sidelines, and to say some of the players were surprised to see her would be an understatement. Gavi was the most excited to see her mainly because he hung out with Pedri the most off the field and by extension, her. 
As soon as Gavi saw her walk in with Pedri, he ran at her full speed and accidentally knocked her over in the process.
“Oi, get off me, Gavi!” She yelled as she pushed him to roll off her chest. “I get it! It’s been a while, but I did not expect to be attacked!”
“I can’t help it! It’s been forever!” Gavi defended himself as he helped her stand back up. “No work for once?”
“Nope,” She said as they caught up with Pedri on the field. He was busy kicking a few practice goals as a warmup, so she found a spot off to the side to stay out of everyone’s way. “I got the weekend off, so I woke up early to watch my guys chase a ball up and down a field for 90 minutes.”
“The best 90 minutes of your weekend, I bet,” He laughed before being called onto the field. 
She stood off to the side for their entire warmup, taking pictures of her boyfriend (as one does) to post later (or keep to herself, she doesn't know yet). She watched Pedri play against Gavi in a couple of practice defenses. One time when he got the ball, he sliced it left and immediately covered his face, laughing as Gavi teased him.
Then it was time for the game.
It seemed like they had more of a reason to win. Maybe it was because they knew she was there, but they would never admit that. They ended up winning the game 3-0, and Pedri scored the first one. They always had a promise that if Pedri scored the first goal of the game, she would buy the first round of drinks. Sure, he was never happy about it being the gentleman he is, but a bet’s a bet. He’ll take a free drink even if it means he’ll give it back to her one way or another. 
They went out to dinner with the rest of the team, and true to her word, she bought the first round. Everyone had more than come around to expecting it sometimes, but only Gavi knew when it actually happened. He was there when they made the bet. 
The boys had practice the next day because they were working towards the World Cup, so they knew they could not stay out too late. Not to mention they are all pretty early birds, so they were clearing out of the bar by 8. 
By the time they got home, she was thriving. She naturally got a boost of energy when the sun went down, and even though she did not sleep in as much as normal, she felt wide awake. Even after Pedri got out of the shower closer to 9:30, she was wide awake. She was blasting through a paper, waiting for Pedri to emerge from the bathroom, and when he did, he collapsed in her lap. 
She moved her laptop to the side and moved her attention to her boyfriend on her lap. She ran her hands through his wet hair before running across his shoulders, scratching her nails down his back.
“Stop,” He whined. “If you don’t, I’ll fall asleep.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” She chuckled lightly.
“No, I never get to see you anymore,” He complained as he flipped over to face up at her. That’s when she noticed the tears that filled his eyes. Suddenly, she felt so selfish for putting her schooling and work before him. “Our schedules clash so much, I feel like I never get to hang out with you.”
“Pedri, why haven’t you told me this before?” She asked concerned. She moved her hands from his shoulder to hold his face in her hands as she wiped some of the fallen tears. “I would have figured something out if it was getting that bad, but you need to tell me. I can’t know if it’s too much if you don’t tell me.”
“It’s selfish to ask you to stop your education and working your dream job,” He sighed as he looked anywhere but her. However, she was still holding his face, so she brought his face to meet hers as she leaned down. “I don’t want to be that unsupportive boyfriend.”
“You are the most supportive boyfriend for going through all of this pain for my happiness,” She replied as she started tearing up a little bit as well. “I will always take a break if it means you feel better. How about I take all of next week off? We can do whatever we want since you don’t have a match. I bet I could bribe Xavi to give you at least a day off from training.”
“I would love that,” he sighed happily as he closed his eyes and leaned deeper into her lap as if a weight was lifted off of him. “I would really love that.”
“Good,” She whispered as she leaned down to kiss his lips. “Now, get up here. I think it’s time we fall asleep together for the second night in a row.”
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mouwrites · 7 months
Hi could you do a Stan , Kyle ,Kenny , Craig, and Tweek x reader (separate) who has POTS and H-EDS , I just can’t find any representation in any fics, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day
Of course!! I'm always more than happy to give y'all some representation! (and as always please let me know if I've written anything incorrectly,, I'm always trying to learn more! plus I never want to hurt you guys qwq)
South Park - Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Craig, and Tweek With a Reader Who Has POTS and H-EDS
This poor soul spends every waking minute worrying about you
No matter how many times you try to tell him that you can handle yourself, he's never convinced
Standing up? He's at your side in a millisecond, even if he was across the room before
"Are you dizzy? Are you okay?"
His hands are under your armpits, ready to stabilize you, before you can even respond
And he's so so gentle with you, and even scolds you for not being gentle with yourself
"Hey hey hey! Take it easy!!"
When he first found out about your conditions, he pulled several all-nighters in a row researching everything about them
He has a little notebook filled with notes on the disorders
Sometimes he'll whip out a fact that even you didn't even know
He made a point to memorize everything, mainly because he was worried that if he forgot something you'd somehow die because of it :(
Honestly he's almost as affected by it as you are; he makes himself sick with worry
Over time he might get better, but in any case you can always comfort him by just taking it easy
And cuddling him while you do :)
When you first told him about your conditions, he was just like "what."
You explained it to him, of course, but he didn't bother to do any research beyond that
He figures that you know yourself and you can take care of yourself
But at the same time he's conscious about the things you can struggle with (only because you told him)
Like, when you stand up, he keeps his eye on you for a while
Or when you hit something on accident, even lightly, he asks if you're okay
And he checks the spot later for bruising/swelling/etc
"Lemme look at that spot on your leg that hit the table earlier."
He's not prone to worrying too much, but when he does worry he asks for your thoughts too
Especially if he wants to take you to the hospital
Because ultimately he trusts you to know yourself, and he's not going to go against your wishes
Unless you're like, clearly in need of emergency services
Then he's calling the ambulance no matter what you say
But overall he's pretty normal about it, he'll only make a big deal when he's worried
He definitely asks you a lot of questions about your conditions
He's not only curious, he wants to know how to help you
And even when he's well educated, he'll keep asking questions
"How are you feeling today? Is it worse or better than usual?"
They are not always... intelligent questions
But he's just trying to figure out how he can help you in the moment
Because that's always his goal; if you need his help, he wants to be there
But he'll back off (reluctantly) if you tell him to
He'll ask "are you sure" at least three times first though 💀
He's definitely a worrier, and helping you quells his anxiety just a bit
Either way he's keeping an eye on you
And he's buying you cute compression socks (if you use them)
He'll be over the moon if you actually wear them, not only because he likes knowing you're just a bit more comfortable + safe, but because he feels like he's helping :)
He already knew what your conditions were when you told him (vaguely, at least)
But he decided to research them more in-depth when he realized that someone he cared about had them
His first search was: "how to help a loved one with POTS/H-EDS"
(he totally blushed while typing in "loved one")
But after that he dove deep into the more technical side,, like medical journals and stuff
He probably subscribes to a journal that specifically focuses on your conditions,, just so he can keep up-to-date on any new information
He does all this without telling you though, of course
He'll admit it if you somehow manage to find out about this, but he's going to try hard to make sure you don't find out
He doesn't want you thinking he's obsessed or whatever
But he low-key is
Even if you don't find out, you'll be seriously suspicious
Because he'll just whip out the most hyper-specific fact or bring up a new study
"You know they did a study on how [x] affects [y symptom], and they found that [x] can actually help. Maybe you can try it, or something."
He feels good when his knowledge actually helps you, though he also tries not to be a smart alec about it
Because, no matter how much research he does, he'll never know what you know from experience
(rare "Kyle being humble" moment spotted 🤯)
I honestly don't think he'd take you all that seriously at first
Like, to him, if it doesn't affect your personality it isn't important
When you first told him he probably said something like:
"Damn babygirl, you still fine asf though.."
Only partially ironically 💀 (also, he uses "babygirl" as a gender-neutral term)
It's only when he actually sees you being affected by it that he gets worried
He totally freaks out the first time, and after that he sits down with you and makes you actually explain things to him
He tries to commit them to memory, but he's not going to remember everything
And he's pretty self-aware about that, so he just tries to be careful around you
Not "walking on eggshells" careful, just "no roughhousing/rough play"
And he always double-checks whenever you switch gears in terms of physical activity
"Doing okay? Need to sit down?"
He'll hold your hand and sit with you whenever you do need to sit down :)
And he'll talk casually; he always feels better when you're sitting
Mainly because he knows that's the only way you can't hurt yourself... just sitting doing nothing
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Thank you for this request! And thanks so much for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 6 months
I plan on expanding on this, I just need to get it out of my system before I forget because I pulled an all-nighter (thank you unidentified sleep issues) on accident and I'm frankly about to pass out
Like many of us, I too have daddy issues and so have latched onto price like many other similar dilf/dilf adjacent characters and so I grew up a people pleaser to make sure I didn't make anyone mad, right?
Imagine being that loyal to price. His obedient little guard dog. You're both fully aware he can take care of himself but you still bite any hand that gets too close to him in a way you don't like. You'd follow his order to the T if it meant you might receive any amount of praise, no matter how small.
He would, of course, notice, but he wouldn't say anything until your obedience gets you hurt. He scolds you, something you always feared. Not from him. Anyone but him raising their voice at you, you'd plead to yourself.
But there's no anger in his eyes. Fuck, he's worried about you. Why do you keep throwing yourself in danger for him? He'd never ask you to dive head first into a suicide mission just because he knew you'd listen. It was the only choices you'd make regarding him that he'd never influenced and he wanted to know why.
Well, you loved him of course, but you couldn't say that. You had a reputation to keep up. Price's guard dog and nothing more or less. So you admit your feelings through your gritted maw and don't need to look up to imagine the pitiful look he's giving you.
He tells you that you shouldn't. It's not appropriate, he says. He doesn't sound very convinced himself, but you convince yourself that it's just you thinking that and excuse yourself. You just wanted to be a good dog in return for everything he'd done for you. You never intended for these feelings to bubble up. They made your stomach turn.
More details will be fleshed out when I'm not sleep deprived lol I wanna turn this into one of those really nice big hurt comfort fics I love to find if I can manage it
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princesssmars · 2 years
trephacard with a witch reader hcs !!
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the three vampire slayers maybe found you when hunting down a rogue vampire themselves, arriving at the location of the vamp just to see you walking out with a few scratches on you, ready to go again as soon as your eyes land on alucard.
it was like love at first fight sight. it takes you a bit long to take care of alucard and trevor while fighting, the two men preferring to fight up close. but you're met with a welcome challenge when sypha starts deflecting your moves back at you. the two men are stood in shock when the two of you started complimenting each others tactics mid fight.
trevor was already tired of being the only human in the relationship and it intensifies when you join the relationship sadly.
he sometimes feels left out when the three of you are talking about some old forgotten form of magic or a tome you found in a recent adventure.
but just reassure him that hes amazing and skilled in so much that the rest of you dont know and he'll be fine. throw in a few sweet words too bc i know hes a sucker for words of affirmation even if he likes to act like hes not <3.
including him in your daily witchy behaviors will also go a long way, asking him to be your little helper as you brew a simple remedy for one of the sick kids in the village or coming with you to collect some fresh water for your cauldron that he loves to tease you for.
speaking of sypha she loves having someone who can also do magic like hers to talk to, constantly going over spells, sparring, and talking about your different magical backgrounds.
she loves learning so expect for her to force you to go with her through all of the tomes based on witches and mages in draculas library and the belmont hold. you cant even count on your hands how many times youve pulled all nighters with her and fell asleep on each other with reading a book.
loves using both of yours abilities to wreak playfup havoc, lets say if you have telekinesis she convinces you to move about objects in the middle of the night through random parts of the castle. the amount of times youve heard trevor scream is golden.
(you stopped when he brought up how the castle literally could be haunted by dracula himself, but you only switched up the ways youd prank him.)
alucard was a bit nervous around you after your first encounter, knowing you would be on edge around him seeing as he was a dhampir. but because of his half vamoure status, and also being the son of probably the most renowned vampire ever, hes very wise for being so young, and he lets his expertise come out in different ways, like telling you the history of a dish youre trying to prepare for all four of you or the cultural origins of a tune you were humming.
if you are already super powerful/strong at the time of meeting him then he will gladly play but also actually fight with you whenever youd like, eventually having to move the fights to a clearing a ways away from the castle so you dont break anything.
sometimes alucard doesnt feel like being violent though, so he asks you to join him for patrol/walks around the surrounding forest. sometimes you talk for hours straight and others neither of you said a word, but its perfect either way.
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just something short to get out before my full length poly trephacard x witch reader fic comes out soon woopee.
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sparkagrace · 7 months
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It's a leap year! I've read some incredible fics this year and kind of ignored all my problems and just drowned myself in words instead (hello floor!) I also have so many lined up for next month that I'm super excited to get stuck into!
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483,807 words read over 31 fics (average of 15,607 words per fic, not including wips) 📈 up 175% from January
current total for the year: 659,492 words
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a handful of fic recs
why are we always stuck and running (from the bullets, the bullets) by inevitablemeow (@thisispaladinbehavior) stucky | E | 10k
Latte Art and Slow Dancing in the Dark by deadonarrival stucky | E | 89.5k
Walgreens Wooing by @cable-knit-sweater shrunkyclunks | T | 2k
As Cold As Ice by @kalee60 stucky | E | 27k
A Hard Case of You by @chiyume stucky | E | 21k
He calls me the devil, I make him wanna sin by @cable-knit-sweater stucky | E | 4k
Networking by Smoll4 stucky | E | 11k
Proprietary Information by @notlucy stucky | E | 85k
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series recs
A Year in the Life by @xoxobuckybarnes stucky | 2 fics | 11k
Additional Information by @notlucy stucky | 8 fics | 165k
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currently streaming wips started this month
And We're on Our Own in the Afterglow by @voylitscope stucky | E | 1/5
Pulling An All-Nighter by Smoll4 stucky | E | 2/?
wips finished this month
twelve twenty-five by @burnin-brighter stucky | E | 43k
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be kind, rewind older fics or re-reads
come on, just do it (do it til it feels alright) by @kickflaw stucky | E | 6k
A Helping Hand by @stuckytoyoulikeglue stucky | E | 39k
two strangers in the bright lights by Claudia_flies stucky | E | 7k
Drive It Like You Stole It: A Bodyswap by @aggressivewhenstartled stucky | E | 28k
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taurusdaylight · 2 years
seven days to say i love you
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summary. you and jeno can't get enough of spending time together even when you are practically glued to each other's side at any given opportunity. but spending seven days a week for eternity with your favourite person doesn't sound like a bad idea, right?
pairing. college boyfriend! jeno x fem! reader
genre. hockey player! au, college! au, established relationship! au, friends to lovers! au, fluff
word count. 5,108
warnings/tags. none, this is 423% fluff <3 (but please let me know if i did miss out anything!)
a/n. (repost because there was an error... 😔) but hi!! i'm so sorry for the inactivity, i was so busy and couldn't put out my fics like i wanted to. but i'm back with a small something (my first non-jaehyun fic,,) i wrote this a while back and changed like 3/4 of it, and i hope it'll be a fun read!! i also came back to 2.8k notes on jaehyun bolton fic (is that what we're calling it now? yes.) i don’t reply to every comment/reblog/tag because by the time i see them it’s already so late, but i promise i read through and appreciate every single one of them,, thank you a million times!!!!!! i am working on more stuff now that i'm a little more free... so, as jaehyun likes to say, to be continued... :) hope everyone is well!
The beginning of the week never failed to come to you in a dreadful manner, as if to make sure that you felt the full force of what most people like to call the Monday blues. Whoever was in charge of making sure that you would experience it, they certainly did not miss you out today as well.
Not that you enjoyed seeing other people suffer, but if there’s one thing that you’re grateful for, it’s the knowledge that you’re probably not the only one who feels this way. Though, the blaring sound of your alarm ringing at seven in the morning is too eerily similar to having someone have a personal vendetta against you, serving as a very unfriendly reminder that it is also the start of the school week. Perhaps, your disdain for Mondays could be attributed to this… but there’s always an exception, right?
Despite your reluctance to attend your morning lecture, you were somehow seated in the lecture theatre by nine, giving you more than enough time to lay out your laptop and the reading materials that you needed for the lesson before it started. 
Your boyfriend, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Often only going to sleep when the sun is about to rise, Lee Jeno has an unhealthy habit of pulling all-nighters, which causes him to miss his alarm because he’d be so deep in his sleep that he would only be able to hear it after the seventh alarm has gone off, which by then, was most likely the time that he needed to leave his house if he wanted to reach on time. The worst part of this is that he was up all night for the sole reason of wanting to break his record in his mobile games; and he plays so many that even you find it difficult to keep up too. Even when you nagged at him and said that you would complain to his mum, Jeno often dismissed your words as empty threats, still not breaking his bad habit. Reading his text message to you about how he was going to be late again, you could only let out a helpless sigh as you left his message on read.
Jeno announces his appearance by quietly opening the backdoor of the lecture theatre thirty minutes later. He makes his way over to his seat next to you, genuinely appreciating how even though sitting in front is better for your eyesight, you still opted to sit around the last few rows so that it’s easier for him to join the lecture when he comes in late without causing a loud disruption to your peers. 
“Good morning, pretty,” Jeno bends down to whisper in your ear. Removing his crossbody bag, he leaves it in the empty space between you two. Once he settles down, Jeno slides a Venti-sized Hazelnut Latte from Starbucks over to your side of the desk. The rest of the lecture goes by quickly with you and Jeno making silly commentaries about anything and everything.
“Why did you still get me coffee?” you ask Jeno after the lecture had ended, a deep frown etched on your face. “You were already running late, Jeno. You really didn’t have to.” Being late was one thing, and making an additional stop at the café is another, especially because you knew that it was definitely not on the way. 
“Just because,” Jeno replies with a loving smile. The kind of smile where his eyes would curve into beautiful crescents, his pupils almost disappearing because of how wide he is smiling at you. The kind of smile that you’d never get tired of seeing, so much so that you wordlessly lean in to give him a quick peck on the lips to say thank you. 
Perhaps you like Mondays. Mondays with Jeno where you learnt that words left unspoken speak much more volume in expressing one’s heart.
It’s Tuesday, which means that you and Jeno have some spare time to meet up and study at the café near campus before his hockey practice starts. Study dates with Jeno are admittedly not as productive as you expect them to be, mainly because you often distract each other from getting any actual work done. Because of this, the both of you become public nuisances of some sort, so you had no choice but to study at a café instead of the quiet library. Imagine getting kicked out of the library… that would be an embarrassing sight.
“Jeno, how do you work out the answer to question five? I wasn’t paying attention when Prof taught this...” You look over at Jeno with a sheepish smile, earning a chuckle from him. He isn’t even surprised by your question, guessing that you probably spaced out or dozed off during the lesson.
Without saying a word, Jeno tucks a pencil behind his ear and grabs a piece of rough paper before getting up and shifting to the empty seat next to you, leaving you confused. As if he could read your mind, Jeno speaks again before you could question him. “So that it’ll be easier to explain it to you," he mumbles.
Ironically, the close proximity between the two of you only makes it harder for you to focus, but easier for you to admire his handsome features. Puckered lips, furrowed eyebrows and his gold rimmed glasses slipping down slightly to rest on his nose bridge–Jeno couldn’t look any cuter in this moment as you watch him diligently scribble on the piece of paper. He is seemingly deep in thought about how he should explain this concept to you. Watching how focused Jeno was, you took the chance to lean in, giving him a peck on the cheek before retreating back quickly, chin resting on your palm as your gaze lingers on him, slyly pretending that nothing happened.
“You broke my train of thought!” he grunted. Jeno puts his pencil down and turns to you with an annoyed expression on his face, but swiftly looks back down on the scribbled paper upon making eye contact with you. 
It only dawns on him now that you were staring at him the entire time.
“Don’t do that, you’re distracting me.” His voice is quiet, eyes basically glued to that piece of paper. 
“Sorry, I can’t help it. You’re so handsome and cute.” You pause, seeing a bashful smile appear on his face. “Did you know that a guy is the most attractive when he’s focused?”
“Do you still want my help or not?” Jeno asks with a grimace in his voice.
“Yes, yes, I do. I’m sorry,” you apologise with a small smile. It was difficult to resist the urge of calling him cute again, but you decide not to tease him any further for the sake of his sanity.
“Good. Now pay attention, I need to leave for training soon and if you still don’t get it by then... that’s on you.”
Jeno lied. Even after long hours of training, he still went on FaceTime that night to thoroughly explain the concepts that you were unfamiliar with, not minding that he was practically fighting for his life trying not to fall asleep on you. 
That Tuesday night, you went to sleep with the widest grin on your face. Heart carrying so much love for your boyfriend who coincidentally asked you out for the first time ever on a Tuesday too.
Wednesday's child is full of woe. If there was a sentence that could explain how you feel about this particular day, this would be it. Mid-week crisis should be an actual thing if it wasn’t already one. Not only did Wednesday feel like the longest day of the week, you’d also feel extremely restless, wishing nothing more than for the weekends to come quickly.
Back-to-back seminars for six hours with only a short forty-five minute break in between had to be the most unappealing thing known to mankind, and you’d most certainly file a complaint if it was possible. Then again, this is perhaps part of the university experience. 
However, this still isn’t the most devastating part. What truly makes this a tragedy for you is that Jeno isn't there to accompany you through it all due to conflicting timetables. He also had training again, this time outside of school, which meant that he’d only be free after that.
You’re so used to being around Jeno all the time that you can’t seem to spend even the littlest amount of time away from him even though you pretty much see him almost every day of the week. Talk about being clingy.
The feeling’s mutual for Jeno though. Just like you, he seems to hate the idea of not being by your side too, evident from the numerous messages he sends throughout the day despite knowing that your replies would take longer than usual to come in.
You’re not complaining. Because in one way or another, you feel like that’s his way of being by your side, albeit not physically. It is his text messages of checking up on you and ensuring that you didn’t skip your meals that make this unbearable day a little more bearable. Most of all, you look forward to being on FaceTime with him at night, having him all to yourself after such a long day.
Jeno usually ends training at seven-thirty in the evening, but sometimes it could overrun till eight. Thereafter, he still has to travel home for an hour or so, get dinner and wash up. He hides this from you, but very often he attempts to rush home because he doesn’t want you to stay up too late waiting for him, and because he wants to talk after an entire day of not seeing you.
Jeno makes sure to call before eleven, always starting the conversation by telling you how much he misses you, as if he didn’t already tell you that through text. He goes on to ramble about his day, how he saw the time match the digits of your birthdate and it made him think of you, not forgetting to also ask you how did your day go. Not long after, you’d notice his breaths becoming louder, his speech slightly slurred, and that’s when you know that he’s going to fall asleep soon. Even so, you don’t say anything, simply watching him slowly fall into a deep slumber.
“Good night Jeno,” you whisper softly, careful not to wake him up and taking one last look at how peaceful he looks before ending the call.
Due to how busy the both of you were, you are grateful for the small gap that Jeno has between classes and practices, just so that you’d still be able to see his face. Once it's about time for him to leave, you get ready to say goodbye to Jeno with a warm hug , when he suddenly stops you by placing his hand over yours.
“Do you want to watch me train?” he asks. “You can say no. But I just thought we could get dinner after so we can spend a little more time together,” Jeno adds, his thumb rubbing small circles against your knuckle. An air of expectancy fills the small booth that the both of you occupy in the reading room as he awaits your answer. 
“I’d love to, Jen.” Flipping his hand over so that you could intertwine your fingers together, you jokingly rush Jeno to pack up his things, telling him how excited you are to finally sit in and watch him train for the first time ever. You’ve only ever heard funny anecdotes of his teammates from him every once in a while, and you’re beyond elated to finally meet the people who bring so much joy into his life.
On the way to the hockey rink, you ask Jeno more about the sport and various positions. You weren’t a sports person but thought that it’d be a good time to know more about it, especially because of Jeno’s immense passion towards hockey.
“So what position do you play?” you glance over at him with curious eyes.
“Centre,” he says, a sense of pride in his voice. Before you could ask him what that position entails, Jeno beats you to it with a rather cheeky explanation. “You just need to know that it’s called centre because I’m supposed to be the centre of your attention.”
True to his words, Jeno remains as the centre of your attention for the entire duration. You’d never admit this to him, but he becomes even more charming than he already is when he’s on the rink. Especially during the friendly match that his team had with a neighbouring school towards the end of practice, his entire demeanour changed so much that you’d think that you were watching an entirely different person.
The way Jeno plays is extremely captivating to watch. You’re not sure how he does it, but you can see him mentally strategizing his next move as the clock ticks. Even down to the last minute of the match, Jeno had not let his guard down, the fire in his eyes so prominent that anyone could see that he was determined to end this with a bang. 
Skating across the rink, Jeno moves at the speed of light, making it hard for his opponents to catch him. He is the ace of the team after all, so it wouldn’t be that easy to mess with him. His eyes follow the puck, set on scoring yet another goal despite their favourable lead. The opponents are in full defence mode too, though it wouldn’t make much of a difference since there's too short of a duration left for them to catch up. Speedily, Jeno intercepts the puck from the opposing team, skating away at high speed, still vigilantly guarding the puck with his stick. With the help of his teammates who effectively block the opponent from getting to Jeno, he manages to catch both your eyes and heart in that moment, making you hold your breath in anticipation as he skilfully shoots the puck into the goal at the very last second.
In the matter of a few minutes, Jeno returns to his usual self, smiling widely and cheering loudly with his teammates to celebrate their victory. And of course, he turns to look at you, giving you a smile that holds some semblance of shyness. It’s fascinating to watch how different he is on and off the rink, but it also reminds you how in love you are with the many sides of him; those you have seen and those that you have yet to uncover.
As promised, Jeno takes you to the burger joint down the alley near your university afterwards. During dinner, he still reenacts the funny incidents that happened during training even though you were present when they occurred. Though, this sweet gesture admittedly warms your heart because it makes you feel even more included in his life, as though he is gradually inviting you to be a part of his world, just as you do the same when talking about your interests and hobbies with him.
Time seems to slow down whenever you’re with him but that’s okay because time is merely a social construct. What matters is that you get to spend time with Jeno, who is now walking you home. With his hand in yours, Jeno slows down his footsteps to match your pace. The atmosphere is filled with shared laughter, along with Sweet Nothing softly playing through Jeno’s airpods, both of you taking one side each. It would have been wired earphones, but a certain someone claims that it gets in the way… of what, he refuses to elaborate. 
It is also a homely moment like this that makes the both of you wish that time could slow down even more as you basked in each other’s comforting presence, sharing the same sentiment of hoping that the walk to your house will last a little longer. Anything to prolong the time that you spend with each other, right?
Friday may be your favourite day of the week because it is when Jeno is finally free after three consecutive days of training. It is also movie night, where you and Jeno would take turns to go over to each other’s place every Friday evening. 
It was a few weeks into freshman year, when the two of you made this pact after discovering that you were neighbours. How is it possible that you’ve never noticed Jeno before anyway?
Funny enough, it all began with you telling your mum that you made a new friend in college who goes by the name of Jeno. That name clearly rang a bell, prompting her to start narrating her grocery adventures with Jeno’s mother, excitedly telling you how close they were. In her words, “Jeno is a really sweet boy, I’ve been dying to introduce you to him but it slipped my mind so many times!” Gushing about the said boy, she hurried you to invite his family over for dinner, rushing into the kitchen herself to whip a meal up in no time.
The awkwardness of the dinner was enough to kill you from the inside, to say the least. Mothers being mothers, you had to admit that you were amazed at their ability to jump from topic to topic in the span of a few minutes. Together with Jeno’s and your father laughing, they also joined in the conversation from time to time. Meanwhile, you and Jeno sat in silence side by side, and spoke only when necessary.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but can we excuse ourselves? It’s my first time at your house and I was wondering if ____ could show me around.” Jeno asked, giving your mum a polite smile as he glanced sideways at you momentarily.
“Of course! The two of you should get to know each other better. Ah, young lo–”
You cleared your throat, preventing your mum from completing her sentence. “Friendship,” she corrected herself.
Believe it or not, you had no idea how dramatic of a person she was up until this moment, or maybe it’s because there was something about Jeno that reeled in her overflowing sense of, you’re guessing, motherly love? That would also explain why the old ladies at the school cafeteria were so nice to Jeno, constantly giving him extra servings. You didn’t know what to think of Jeno’s suggestion since you’ve only known him for a few weeks, and being alone with him couldn’t be any better after having such an awkward dinner. At that time, however, it seemed like it was the next best alternative that you had.
“Let’s go.” You stood up abruptly to disrupt the conversation so that the adults (specifically, your mum) would not have an opportunity to say anything else to make the atmosphere any weirder than it already was. Jeno trailed behind you like a lost puppy, quickly following you upstairs to your room.
“I’m so sorry, my mum doesn’t think before she speaks sometimes. I hope you don’t mind what she said.” You broke the silence, not knowing where this conversation was going exactly, suddenly regretting speaking at all. You took a quick look at Jeno, who was now leaning against the doorframe, standing quite a distance away from the edge of your bed where you were sitting.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said with a soft smile while shaking his head lightly.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” you asked, the smile on his face now replaced with a frown as he gave you a quizzical look.  
“You’re still leaning against the door?” you asked again, even though it was meant to be more of a statement rather than a question.
Jeno bursted out laughing, “I thought I was making you uncomfortable!” He raised his hand to rub the nape of his neck. He moved away from the door to sit next to you, still leaving a small space between you two.
“Want to watch The Lion King?” you suggested, mindlessly browsing through Disney Plus.
“Are you kidding me?” 
You creased your eyebrows in confusion. “No... why?”
“I love Lion King!” Jeno said a little too enthusiastically, his eyes widening at how there were so many movies in the world, yet you somehow suggested watching his favourite Disney movie.
With the awkward tension in the atmosphere finally gone, you and Jeno made yourselves comfortable on your bed. Unknowingly, the both of you scooted closer to each other’s side as the movie played. By the time the credits scene started to roll, the both of you were already fast asleep, your legs tangled with each other’s under the sheets. 
And as most people would like to say, the rest is history.
However, Fridays weren’t just reserved for movie nights. Soon enough, Friday nights also turned into sleepover nights, which meant that other than your usual movie marathons, you and Jeno end up doing other things too.
Like now, the two of you just ended a karaoke singing session that you would most probably never have again. It was far too loud in the night for your neighbour’s liking, causing them to lodge a complaint, making you and Jeno permanently cross that out of your sleepover activities. 
Jeno comes up with a better idea of setting up a cosy outdoor blanket fort in your backyard to lay on. The sense of tranquillity is like no other, you and Jeno having a heart-to-heart talk in hushed whispers with crickets chirping in the background.
In the end, you fall asleep first, feeling burnt out from the entire school week. Although Jeno knows that you’re already asleep, he still makes sure to pat your head lightly, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Good night angel,” he breathes, wrapping his arms around your waist before drifting to sleep.
Saturdays are without a doubt, the most exciting for you. As a matter of fact, dating Jeno is a thrill in itself; but what makes Saturdays exceptional is Jeno taking you out on proper dates.
You and Jeno have been together for slightly over three years now, yet every date always feels like the first. The butterflies in your stomach? They never go away. 
Initially, going on a date with Jeno seemed to be nerve-wracking to you because he’d always bring you somewhere new. Naturally, you thought it was the suspense of not knowing what he planned that made you feel this way.
Deep down, however, you knew that you simply felt this way because it was… Jeno. 
“Why don’t I have anything to wear?” you shout in exasperation to no one in particular as you rummage through the closet to find a perfect outfit for your date. It feels like Jeno has already seen you in everything that you own, and you’re this close to going on Pinterest for outfit ideas. 
That is, until you hear a text notification sound from your phone. It was a text message from Jeno informing you that he's coming over in five minutes. You give up searching, hastily picking out a white turtleneck, layering an autumn brown velvet overall over it. 
“You look pretty today.” This is the first thing that Jeno says to you when you open the door, once again leaning against the door frame with a mellow smile on his face. You can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks because of his compliment.
And there it is again, the butterflies. Lee Jeno looking as flawless as he could be, a cosmic latte dress shirt tucked with a pair of black pants along with a brown leather jacket draped over his shoulders, coincidentally matching your outfit. To top it off, he’s wearing a beret today too, suddenly making him look cuter. It’s as if he travelled back in time, turning into your Victorian boyfriend. 
“But... why are you dressed like this?” Jeno asks, rudely interrupting your staring session.
“Why? Is there something wrong with my outfit?” you were perplexed by his sudden question. Did he not like it? Should you change out of it? He said you looked pretty though. Besides, what else were you going to wear? You stare intently at Jeno, anxious about what he's going to say next. You hope it isn’t something bad.
“I thought I told you we were going cycling...” He stops mid-sentence, brows raised as he purposefully gives you a once-over again.
The tension in your shoulders disappears upon hearing his words. You roll your eyes at him, pushing his right shoulder lightly. “You’re going to ride a bicycle in a leather jacket?”
“Nevermind, please pretend I never said that.” Jeno makes a sulky expression upon realising that he did not plan out his joke well. But he is also quick to shoot you an endearing smile. “I love your outfit, baby.”
“You’re so lucky you’re cute, Lee Jeno.” And that I love you.
Thank goodness though, you were definitely not prepared to make another mess out of your wardrobe to search for another outfit when you’ve painstakingly organised it ten minutes ago.
In many ways, dates with Jeno always feel like the first. A simple thing, like the slight brush of your shoulders against each other as you’re walking down a random shopping street was sufficient to send your heart racing. Jeno’s hesitation to hold your hand in a crowded amusement park even though he really wants to, but he doesn’t know when is the right time to grab it–you can feel it, he fumbles with his fingers, reaches out every now and then, but pulls back immediately when his fingers accidentally meet yours.
And the memory of today that you can’t seem to forget. It’s spring, so Jeno thought that it’s a perfect time to bring you to a flower field located at the outskirts of the city. He’d once seen you looking at pictures of it on Instagram, making a mental note about it before he went home to do more research that night.
It wasn’t an uncommon thing for Jeno to take pictures of you, but when the both of you arrived, he didn’t stop at all, you swear he probably has a thousand pictures of you just from today.
However, what surprised you more was that when you asked Jeno to pose in front of the daisy fields, he happily did, even though there was still a hint of shyness within him since he wasn’t exactly comfortable with being photographed at times. He even went as far as to ask the other visitors to help take pictures of the both of you together, which was something you usually did. It wasn’t something extravagant, but it sure was endearing, and you’re positive that discovering a new side of Jeno made you giddy. So giddy that you never knew how it was possible for your heart to be swelling with so much love for another person.
Just like how daisies symbolise new beginnings, you hope that it's the same for you and Jeno’s story too. To not have endings, but only new beginnings.
Being certified homebodies, you and Jeno wholeheartedly enjoy staying in. It is also perhaps an excuse for the both of you to cuddle and nap together. You’d think that by the end of the week, you’ll be tired of seeing Jeno’s face for the seventh time. You joke that you are, but in reality, you could never bring yourself to grow tired of being together with your favourite person.
You usually go over to Jeno’s house in the afternoon, which is the ideal time to take a nap. Sometimes, you prayed that it would rain, so that you’ll have an excuse to steal one of his hoodies. Even so, he lets you take them as and when you want to. What is he supposed to do, say no? Of course not. 
Napping wasn’t supposed to be your favourite hobby, but if it meant that you could enjoy the warmth and comfort of being in Jeno’s embrace, then clearly, any other hobby in the world couldn’t possibly compare to it. Like a baby, you snuggle close to rest your head on Jeno’s chest, putting your arms around his neck, taking in his soft cotton scent. The faint sound of his heartbeat and gentle breathing lulls you to sleep, it is very much like a lullaby on its own. 
The best feeling in the world is to wake up the same way you fell asleep–still in Jeno’s arms. Not wanting to awake him, you slowly loosen your arms from his neck. Carefully, you brush his hair to the side, getting a clearer view of his face as you tenderly caress the mole below his eye, and then his cheek. He has pretty eyelashes, you’ve come to notice.
“Jeno,” you call out softly, in hopes of waking him up, but not wanting to be too loud at the same time. You wanted to let him continue sleeping, but the sky is already dark.
“Jeno, it’s time to wake up,” you try again. The clock on his side table reads half past six in the evening, indicating that it is almost dinnertime. His eyes were still shut, but he let out a groggy sound to let you know that he was awake, mumbling something shortly after. You didn’t quite catch it, but you think that he asked you to let him sleep for another five minutes. Typical Jeno.
“But it’s time for dinner,” you try to sit up, only causing Jeno to hug your waist tighter. You could barely move an inch with the way he was holding you.
“Just five minutes.” You let out a sigh, giving in to him.
He hums in response, which you take as a cue to ask your question. “Would you still love me if I were a worm?”
His eyelids finally flutter open, sleep still evident in his eyes. He appears to be in deep thought about your question before he answers. “Yeah. I’d still love you.”
“Hmm…” You narrow your eyes at him. “That took you a while to answer.”
“I just woke up,” he retorts.
“Fine.” You close your eyes and move closer to Jeno’s body, enjoying how he feels like your personal human pillow.
“Okay but what if there were other cuter worms? Like if I weren’t your ideal worm girlfriend, would you still date me?”
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vanisnotreal · 8 months
Love 119
AGHHHH my first fic is finally here!!! I suck with grammar and I'm also half asleep rn but I wanted to post this. Plz, let me know if you wanna see more fics like this or something different. thank you for reading <3 - van
wc: 820
You were counting down the minutes till your last class ended. It was the last day before the long-awaited holiday break, and you could not wait. The combination of several all-nighters and the massive amount of projects and assignments your professors threw at you at the last minute before the break made you exhausted. “Alright guys, I can see the overwhelmingly tired and bored faces of all of you. I'll end class early as a gift.” You didn't even wait until the professor finished his sentence as you started packing your belongings. Luckily, it was a short walk from the campus to your bus stop. Opening your phone, you saw a text from your girlfriend. “Look over ;)” You looked to your right, seeing Bada smiling and waving at you. You rushed over to her, embracing her. You felt her chest vibrate as she giggled. “I missed you too babe”. Moving your head from her chest to look up into your girlfriend's memorizing eyes. “Can we please go home? I know I said we should go out shopping, but I'm just-” Bada unexpectedly cut you off with a kiss. “Shh babe it's okay, I was going to suggest we just watch a movie and chill at home for the rest of the day,” she said as she led you to her car parked on the side of the road.
She took your bag, opened the door for you, and closed it after verifying that you were in there safely. Bada had always treated you like a princess since the day you had met. You had first locked eyes with Bada during a dance class hosted at Just Jerk that your friend had convinced you to come along to. You were not a good or experienced dancer, but your friend had suggested a fun way to spend a free day. Your eyes instantly locked onto Bada’s tall and lean form in the middle of the studio. Ever since that day, you have enjoyed attending the dance classes. Bada had noticed you spacing out as she had started driving. She glanced over to the right, staring at a face concentrated in thought. “ What are you thinking about?” Bada said, pulling you out of your thoughts. You turned to face your girlfriend, giving her a little smile, “Oh, it's not important.” You said, hiding your true thoughts. Bada hums and continues driving back to their shared apartment. You both enjoyed the silence that enveloped the car, music lightly playing on the radio. Bada parked and came running over to the passenger door to open it for her. You giggled at the action she had continued to do since your first date. After insisting that you carry your bag upstairs, you and Bada made your way to the apartment. Sighing as you kick your shoes off by the door, desperately waiting to sink into your bed. “Go, shower Babe, I’ll make us dinner,” Bada says as she makes her way into the kitchen. “No, you know I always cook no matter how tired I am,” you say trailing behind her. “Nuh uh, not tonight you need to rest”“When was the last time you got 8 hours of sleep?” she said, turning to face your pouting face. “Hey, that doesn't matter” “Yes it does, now go shower love, please,” Bada says as she pushes you up the steps. You finally caved in and continued walking upstairs to the bathroom. After your much-needed shower, you changed into one of the many pairs of matching pajamas you and Bada had collected over the years. This pair was covered in bears due to your extreme persuasion towards Bada, which didn't take that much considering she was head over heels for you.
You silently tiptoed down the steps as you heard music faintly playing from the kitchen. Getting closer to the kitchen, you heard Bada’s soft hums. You smiled as you saw her softly dancing around the kitchen. You snuck up on her and wrapped your arms around her, snuggling into her side. “How was your bath?” she questioned, turning to face you. “It was nice” you respond with your face on her chest. “Let's eat and get your sleepyhead to bed, okay”. You mutter an agreement before grabbing a drink and sitting down at the table as Bada has already sat on your plate. After finishing your dinner, you and Bada sat together on the couch enjoying each other’s presence. Your eyes drifted off to the window to see snow falling from the sky. “Bada look,” you say excitedly, pushing her shoulder. Her eyes followed yours to the open window. “You are so cute,” she said, turning back to see your shocked face. “I love you,” your girlfriend said, pulling you into her tight embrace. You began to playfully bicker with her as she was blocking your view of the snow, laughter filling your cozy apartment with life.
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dcficrecs · 2 months
brilliant (like a confession)
By kathkin on AO3
After knowing Clark Kent for eight years, Lois finally realizes she is in love with him. She obviously can't go to Clark about this situation, so she goes to the only other decent man she knows to seek advice from: Superman. Clark decides he cannot play this charade in front of her for any longer.
I love this fic for so many reasons. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are my favorite couple of all time and I think the description of Lois' feelings in this fic are so spot on. Lois knows Clark was in love with her when they first met, but assumes that he had simply gotten over it after so much time. She's wrong. I'm gonna include two of my favorite moments from it. The first is when she first realizes she's in love with him:
It’s hard to stay cynical in the face of Clark Kent and his relentless optimism. Looking at him there, still in his button up shirt from his business trip, sleeves rolled up, still focused even though it’s pushing midnight, she feels a warm, steady wave of fondness in her chest.
She wishes they could do this every night. Not the pulling a furious all-nighter right after someone tried to murder her – that part she could take or leave. But it would be nice to spend every evening with Clark. She’d always told herself she liked her space, but being with Clark was like having space and having company rolled into one.
It would be nice to have dinner with him every night. To just – come home with him every night, and eat dinner, and wash the dishes and watch TV together. It would be nice to have him in her life, all the time.
Then her highly caffeinated, sleep-deprived brain catches up with the implications of that thought process, and she thinks, shit.
Oh, not now. She can’t deal with this right now. She’s had enough drama for one day. She’s in the middle of a story and she doesn’t have the time or the space or the emotional energy or the – anything to deal with –
My second favorite moment is when Clark tells Lois he's Superman, and you can see Lois' thought process and emotions shift when she starts looking at things from his perspective:
She’s thought before, that Superman must be lonely. He’s gotta be, right? It’s lonely at the top. That’s what they say. He’s the only one of his kind on earth. The only one in the whole universe, maybe.
It’s one thing to think about that loneliness in an abstract way – to picture him alone in his ice palace, doing whatever it is he does when he’s not being a hero. It’s another thing to be confronted with the raw and immediate reality of that loneliness.
To spend eight years – longer, maybe – not letting your guard down, not even letting anyone hear your real voice. To be afraid to even touch anyone, in case you broke them. How did a person live like that.
The thing was – there were a lot of different directions you could look at this conversation from. She’s been turning and turning it over in her head for coming up on twenty-four hours and she’s still not sure she’s seen them all.
There’s Clark Kent is Superman but also Superman is Clark Kent, which in spite of sounding the same on paper were entirely different experiences, emotionally speaking. There was Clark Kent is an alien; there was Superman lives in a shitty apartment in south Metropolis and works as a reporter, which was a real blow-your-mind realisation. Superman once watched me throw up – god, what a mortifying thought.
Clark Kent had dropped everything and flown from LA to Metropolis to keep her safe. He’d flown three thousand miles to catch her in his arms.
Superman had come to her apartment with dinner to make sure she was okay. Superman had sat up with her for hours, while she was stressed out over her work and more rattled by the near death experience than she’d been willing to let on.
Now that she thought about it, this wasn’t the first time some version of this particular series of events had played out. She remembers a night – early on, maybe a year or two in – after that first incident with Brainiac. He’d sat with her till the sun came up, till her hands had stopped shaking – he’d politely pretended not to notice, that her hands were shaking. They’d watched a movie. She doesn’t remember which movie.
He's always been there.
Something about Lois realizing that Clark has always been there for her when it counts tickles my brain. I also love how the whole idea of being Superman makes him kind of lonely. In this fic, he has two different voices for Clark and Superman, yet none of them are his natural voice. Superman's voice is strong and commanding while Clark's is quite and unassuming. Lois notices this and realizes that Clark/Superman has literally been acting brave half the time and acting weak the other half of the time when he truly feels like he is somewhere in between. Also the short story of Lois being so traumatized by some early event with Brainiac that she spends an entire night physically shaking, and Clark is there for her, treating her like a normal person and only wants for her to feel better is so incredible and so telling of who he is as a person, and how much he cares for her.
Anyway, read this if you haven't yet. It's brilliant.
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