#i have notifs muted on it but i can't stop anons sadly
aromacaque · 6 months
conflating having shelter with having a job is really ableist!!! think about people with disabilities next time you post xoxo
i made that post in a spur-of-the-moment bout of frustration over the fact that i'm disabled and, with the CURRENT SYSTEMS IN PLACE, i may never be able to be completely independent from my parents because even a 30 hour work week (absolutely not enough to afford a place to live even though it is technically considered full time) is incredibly exhausting for me and, unfortunately, i am not deemed "disabled enough" to get disability benefits!!! xoxo
literally put in the notes, first reply, that i think having a place to live is a human right and should be given to people regardless of employment status. however, a change of benefits being offered to part time, or idk maybe housing prices going down, is more likely than universal housing being passed
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