#i have Several Ideas for a fic where he's on a cheese heist on a day where he's in a pretty low place
Some pre-accident Steven Boxleitner headcanons because I have Thoughts about this man.
-Look I know we all as a fandom collectively like to portray Steven as a perfect cinnamon roll all the time because it makes it more tragic, and that is valid, but it is important to my mental health to believe that he and Wordgirl used to dunk on each other all the damn time. Usually in a more lighthearted tone than we see with Two Brains, but you cannot look at me and tell me they didn’t have a cool adult older sibling-gremlin younger sibling type dynamic. Roasting each other is just part of the deal, your honor.
-In that vein he would absolutely pretend not to know about memes and the Youth Culture just for the sake of making wg cringe. He is GRATUITOUSLY misusing the word “sussy” just to watch her die inside.
-Can cook really well but in a way that would make most professional chefs hate his guts immediately if they saw this man in the kitchen. He’s committing every food crime known to man. He is eyeballing his measurements and microwaving shit that nobody else dares to microwave, yet somehow it always turns out really well. You think a man who welds a grilled cheese together fears consequences for his culinary sins? Because the answer is no. He can and will use a laser to cook a steak and there is no stopping him.
-Plays video games but gets weirdly analytical and strategic about shit that does not need that level of thought. He is making spreadsheets in excel to find the most efficient farm setup in stardew valley and actively researching the best type combinations and stat setups in pokemon before he even picks his starter. Though despite whatever he chooses as the most optimal setup, he still ends up keeping a single ratatta he catches at the start of the game one his team because he can’t bring himself to abandon him in the box.
-pretends to know shit about sports if he has to talk to The Straights about things. Very good at bullshitting his way through a conversation but if he gets called out on it he will never recover.
-Ex theater kid. One of the first shows he did was, ironically, cats. He has done his best to keep any and all video evidence completely hidden because if wg ever found it he would never hear the end of it.
-Childrens show enthusiast that will absolutely go feral over dissecting the lore, worldbuilding and the character arcs in something that is probably ultimately not meant to be that deep. [looks directly at the camera like i’m on the office]
-Has a lot of irrational fears. Clowns, puppets, old dolls, animatronics, and for some reason horses. He simply Does Not Trust Them.
-Has a habit of playing horror games or going down creepy youtube video rabbit holes really late at night and then being unable to sleep due to the very obvious and foreseeable consequences of his own actions. This does not deter him from doing it again the next night.
-Gets crushes on the villains pretty easily and always feels a little bad about it because he’s supposed to be one of the good guys and thus should not be having fantasies about being wrapped up safe in the arms of the guys he’s supposed to be helping to stop.
-I’m not saying he would make fucked up weapons with the intent to use them or cause any serious damage, but he absolutely would make something capable of mass destruction just to see if he’s capable, test it once, and then immediately disassemble it and scrap the blueprints while spending the next week or two unsettled at the knowledge of how much havoc he could cause should he choose to, even if he knows he has no desire to hurt anyone.
-Always feels a little guilty that he’s never out in the field helping wg fight villains. He says it’s because he’s not sure if he’d be much good in a fight, and she assures him it’s fine, but he knows that’s not the real reason. He doesn’t fight because he knows he’d be a little too good at it and he doesn’t trust himself not to take it too far in the heat of the moment.
-Overall gets a lot of intrusive thoughts that he finds pretty upsetting. He’s had them for awhile so he’s pretty much learned to just ignore them, but sometimes something will pop into his head that freaks him out enough that he has to just. stop what he’s doing for a minute and just sort his brain out.
-Always worried that, despite all he does to help the side of good, deep down he’s secretly a bad person at his core and always will be. When he fused with Squeaky and started his first crime spree, he had a moment of sheer panic and grief, mourning what he believed was the death of the only part of him that could be categorized as a good person, dooming him to be only the rotten core that remains. Which is part of the reason he started leaning into the theatrics of being a villain once he got used to Squeaky’s presence, even though Steven is still the one with the dominant portion of control over their body. It’s not so much that Steven changed, but moreso that his perception of himself and how he has to act did. His original amicable and caring personality is still in there and still shines through on occasion, but he’s resigned himself to putting on a front of being antagonistic and selfish because that’s what Squeaky demands and the rest of the city expects of him.
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remys-lucky-franc · 5 years
Real Love : Queen of Thieves Fic - Leon x MC (Daisy)
Rating: Fluffy goodness
Word Count: 2784
Writer Notes: So, uh, hi! This is the first fic I’ve written for the Lovestruck fandom and I’m kind of hyperventilating about posting it so please be kind 💜 and if you read (thank you!) and do enjoy it, I’d love to hear what you thought!
Tag List: I don’t have one yet, but if you’d like to be on it when I do, please let me know! @wrath-gutierrez
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Daisy pulled her long dark hair up into a messy bun as she smiled to herself into the mirror, watching the reflection of Leon dress. They’d been together for a few months now, and Daisy would never tire of the sight of him; his chiseled jaw, the broadness of his shoulders... His hands, strong but surprisingly delicate when he brushed her hair back from her cheek... Daisy’s mind began to wander as she gazed into the mirror, her face flushing as Leon caught her staring, saying nothing but quirking one eyebrow at her, a cocky half-grin on his lips. Daisy turned, laughing,
“I like what I see... Ok??”
Leon chuckled warmly at his fiancée, pulling her into a warm hug, pressing a kiss into her hair,
“Good. I’ve got to go now, Nikolai has me checking some more routes today before the heist. You can join me, if you’d like?”
Daisy tilted her chin up to Leon, shaking her head,
“I have research of my own to do today, we can maybe go eat together later?”
Leon closed his dark eyes, looking almost sad to be separated as he caught Daisy’s lips in a soft kiss,
“Sounds good.”
Daisy pecked his lips again, grinning, as she headed towards the sprawl of books on the desk,
“Don’t work too hard...”
Several hours later Daisy headed into the common room in search of food, trying to release the crick in her neck, muttering to herself about how she should know better than to sit for so long in the one position. Locating a fancy-looking box of pastries on the coffee table and swiping two chocolate twists, she moved to the kitchen and fired up the coffee machine. Hopping onto a bar stool Daisy drank deeply from the oversized mug, sighing contentedly, ‘Who wouldn’t need a huge caffeine hit after hours of research?!’
Smiling widely as Vivienne appeared in the doorway, Daisy gestured to the coffee machine. Vivienne declined the beverage, but pulled up a bar stool to chat. After discussing some of the finer points of Daisy’s research, and Vivienne and Remy’s surveillance on their mark, the women moved away from work chatter. Daisy let out an excited squeak when Vivienne reached the topic of she and Leon’s first Valentine’s Day together, which was approaching rapidly,
“I only thought of it, like an hour ago, but it is perfect!! And I’m so excited!!”
Vivienne couldn’t help but laugh, Daisy’s energy was contagious when she was like this,
“Go on, Daisy, do tell??”
Daisy bit her lip, looking around like she was giving away a really juicy secret,
“I’ve decided I’m going to take him on a spa day!!!”
Vivienne nodded,
“Ooh, relaxing, massages, quality time together... Excellent idea!”
Daisy nodded vigorously,
“It’ll be perfect! Before our treatments we can use the sauna, and float around the pool... I haven’t did that since we left Hong Kong! I’m going to talk to him about it tonight so we can plan it!”
Vivienne pulled out her cellphone,
“You know, I know a lovely place that you may be interested in...”
Daisy clapped her hands together, excited at how everything seemed to be falling into place, praising herself for being so clever , ‘Leon will love this! He never just takes time out for himself!’
As arranged via text message, Daisy and Leon were meeting at the little cafe around the corner, a little light dinner... And maybe a glass of wine in the last of the weak January sun...?
Daisy practically skipped to their meeting place, Leon was already there waiting. She bounced into the seat beside him, wrapping her slim arms around his back in a hug as she went, planting a kiss on his cheek in greeting as he smiled, taking her small hand in his,
“Good day?”
Daisy nodded enthusiastically, her dark hair falling into her face as as did so,
“So awesome! Yours? Let’s order food and we can chat all about it!”
Leon pressed a kiss to Daisy’s knuckles in agreement, before catching the waiter’s attention and making their requests.
Grazing on the selection of breads, cheese and pates that arrived, Daisy listened intently to Leon’s conversation about the best routes and their pros and cons regarding the upcoming heist. She filled him in on the research she’d carried out today, and on what she’d learned from Vivienne earlier.
Their conversation was easy, it felt natural. It hadn’t always felt so uninhibited: it had taken so long for her to gain Leon’s full trust, for him to be able to voice his true thoughts and feelings... Daisy smiled as she watched him talk. He’d avoided talking for so long, so many things passed between them unsaid...
Leon suddenly stopped what he was saying and laughed at Daisy, his eyes twinkling with mischievous,
“What?? Why are you grinning at me like that??”
Daisy gasped theatrically as she clutched his hand and exclaimed,
“Am I not allowed to grin at the man I love??”
Leon shook his head in mock despair, twirling the engagement ring on her finger as her murmured,
“Your face will stick that way...”
Daisy popped the last piece of brie into her mouth as she retorted,
“Good! Everyone can see how happy we are! Speaking of which... I’ve had the most amazing, romantic idea for Valentines Day... I’m going to take us on a couples spa day! It’ll be so relaxing, Leon! We’ll use the pool, the jacuzzi, we’ll have aromatherapy massages... It’ll be so great!”
Daisy beamed at Leon, a smile lighting up her whole face. She felt entirely pleased with herself as she listed the details of their spa experience, telling him about Vivienne’s recommended venue, until Leon gently covered her hand with his, halting her train of thought completely, a far-off look in his eyes,
“Daisy, that sounds lovely, honestly, but I think you’d have more fun if you went with Vivienne.”
Daisy stopped in her tracks, she couldn’t help the crestfallen expression that washed over her face before she managed to mask it with a tight smile, mumbling,
“Oh, ok. Sure...”
She wanted a romantic getaway with Leon, not a girl’s day with her friend... How had she gotten it so wrong? He loved floating around the rooftop pool at the Hong Kong penthouse... He would dissolve into her touch when she rubbed his shoulders... As tough as Leon was, he wouldn’t dismiss something like a spa day as ‘girly’ - especially not if it meant spending some real quality time together...
Leon’s stomach turned over and over as he walked back to the penthouse with an arm around Daisy’s waist. He felt like a jerk. She’d looked so excited with her spa day idea. And it sounded so nice. And if he were another guy, in another body, not one criss-crossed with old scars and battle wounds, he’d have liked nothing more than to have whiled away the day with his girl... But how could he? How could they walk into a plush day spa when he looked like ‘this’... Leon closed his eyes, letting out a weary sigh as they stepped into the elevator. He’d reconciled a lot of the negative feelings he’d had about himself, about his past... Adjusted his perspective. But to anyone on the outside who didn’t know him, with his shirt off, he would always look like a thug... There was no changing that.
Daisy stole a nervous glance up at Leon: unsure what was wrong, but well aware there was something gravely bothering him.
Entering the common room, Vivienne glanced up from her magazine to greet them, winking at Daisy,
“Ah, the lovebirds!”
Daisy gave Vivienne a subtle shake of her head to deflect any further conversation as Leon headed off towards their bedroom. Vivienne grimaced,
“Sorry Daisy, I thought..?”
Daisy shrugged her shoulders sadly,
“So did I. I should...”
She gestured as though to follow Leon. Vivienne nodded as Daisy turned to go.
Opening the bedroom door, Daisy frowned as she found Leon shirtless in front of the mirror, still as a statue. She clicked the door shut gently, moving across the floor towards him. He didn’t look up at her, not once. As she reached Leon, Daisy stopped behind him, placing her hands on his muscular biceps, stroking gently, up and down causing goosebumps on the exposed skin. She kissed his shoulder, finally getting him to make eye contact in the mirror,
“Penny for them?”
Leon stiffened, his eyes closing for a moment as he tried to search for the words he wanted to tell her, trying not to hide his feelings. Eventually shaking his head, he turned in Daisy’s arms to embrace her,
“Your idea was beautiful. But I can’t, Daisy. I... I would be so out of place there. I love you and I don’t want to embarrass you, with all of these.”
He pulled back to point downwards at the ravines of scar tissue scattered across the expanse his torso,
“I just wouldn’t fit in at a fancy spa. With strangers. I’m sorry.”
Daisy felt her eyes prickle with tears as she stared at him, mouth slightly agape, horrified,
“Leon Kwan, I will never be embarrassed of you?! I love you!! I can’t believe you think that?!”
Leon scrunched his eyes tightly closed as he breathed,
“I’m sorry, I love you too.”
Daisy gripped both his hands in hers firmly,
“Hey, I don’t want you to apologise! I don’t care what anyone thinks about you! I’m proud to be with you! Always, ok? No matter where we are!”
Leon shot Daisy a small, almost convincing smile before kissing her cheek and heading off in the direction of the bathroom.
Daisy lay awake in bed for hours, listening to Leon’s rhythmic breath, watching the moonlight against his gently rising and falling chest, highlighting the war wounds from days gone by. It tugged at her heart that Leon, who was so brave and usually full of so much swagger, seemed so distraught at the idea of other people seeing his bare chest and arms. It made sense now, he never even wore short sleeves... The Poppy were the only ones who ever saw his scars: his trusted friends... Why hadn’t she realised that before? Daisy lightly traced her fingers across the long-healed injuries, each one unique, wondering about the secrets behind each one... By the time sleep finally came, she’d formulated a plan.
“Miss you already, see you Thursday!”
Daisy waved as Leon blew her a kiss. He’d carried her case right to the door of the train. She felt a mix of excitement and regret that she’d lied to him... But it was only a little lie... And he’d appreciate it in the end... She sat back in the seat as the train roared through the French countryside, opening the anatomy textbook book she’d been told to read prior to the two-day massage course she was on her way to attend. Nikolai had rolled his eyes when she’d asked for his help to cover up what she was really doing, but he’d gone along with it anyway. She mused, ‘Maybe he’s a true romantic at heart?!’
St Valentines Day arrived and Daisy smiled like a crazy person as she rolled over in bed to snuggle into Leon, ‘My first Valentines Day as a fiancée!!!’
Giggling to herself she pressed a series of warm kisses into his neck until he mumbled thickly,
“Good morning...”
Daisy whispered,
“Not just any morning!! Valentine’s morning!!”
Leon rubbed the sleep from his eyes and quizzed her,
“I didn’t think we were ‘doing’ Valentine’s on account of you wanting romance every day,and because of how overly-commercialised it is...?”
Daisy’s mouth opened and closed, a panicked look on her face until Leon started to chuckle...
“Daisy, you can tell me it’s become a Hallmark Holiday a thousand times, I still know you want to be romanced on Valentine’s Day...”
Daisy’s eyes sparkled as she playfully thumped his arm,
“Well thank goodness for that!! You had me worried!!”
Leon reached under his side of the bed producing a large red envelope addressed to Daisy as she squeaked with excitement.
And the card was just the beginning! Ever the romantic, Leon presented Daisy with a bouquet of roses, her favourite sweets, a romance novel and a beautiful antique brooch. Daisy had bought Leon a new shirt, a romance novel and his favourite aftershave, as well as a fluffy dressing gown. He raised a brow at Daisy when he opened that particular parcel...
She had made plans that there would be no work today and they would be able to spend the whole day together.
Taking a stroll hand in hand around the Eiffel Tower, sharing chocolate crepes, Daisy grinned knowing what was waiting for Leon back at the penthouse... As they headed back Daisy suggested watching a rom-com and snuggling for the evening, Leon nodded happily... Daisy gave herself an imaginary high-five: she’d managed to set him up perfectly! She giggled to herself, ‘I am *quite* the con artist now - Remy must be so proud!!!’
On their return, Daisy slipped into her pretty lemon-print pyjamas and encouraged Leon to put on his new bathrobe. Leaving Leon to locate a movie she knew wasn’t available on their streaming service, Daisy quickly set to work in their bedroom! She dragged the massage bed into the centre of the floor-Jett had assembled it for her earlier in the week. She drew the blinds, allowing just a little light to creep through, and lit several candles to create a romantic and relaxing atmosphere within the room. The final touch was the spa music Zoe had helped her to find online...
Feeling very pleased with herself and slightly nervous about Leon’s reaction, she shouted through to the common room,
“Hey Leon, can you help me for a minute??”
No verbal confirmation came, but in seconds Leon was opening the door, a slightly stunned and taken aback look dancing across his face,
Daisy threw her arms up as though to yell ‘SURPRISE!’,
“I brought you a massage! I took a course and everything! I even got a certificate! I can show you?”
Leon bit his lip to stop himself laughing, Daisy was so funny when she was excited, it was adorable,
“I don’t need to see your certificate... Wow... Daisy, I can’t believe you did all this?”
Daisy twined her arms around her tall fiancé’s neck, purring,
“Believe it. Now, lose the robe... “
Leon obliged, discarding the soft garment to one side. Daisy inhaled sharply as she admired him, her fingers drawn to the flaws in his taught skin,
“Leon? You shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed what random people think of your scars. You know that, right? They just tell a part of your story...”
She reached out gently stroking the scar on his forearm,
“This was from when you saved your friends from being attacked in the Underbelly... Every one of your scars is there for a reason...”
Leon swallowed hard, staring at Daisy’s tender expression in the soft candlelight,
“I wish they were all so noble...”
Daisy reached up to cup his cheeks in her palms,
“It doesn’t matter, no single one of them defines you. It’s like chapters in a book... One glance at the cover doesn’t tell you everything you need to know. The people who love you took the time to get the whole story straight...”, she cleared her throat, “Anyway, hurry up, your massage awaits!”
Leon looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it, kissing the end of Daisy’s nose and resting his forehead against hers momentarily before settling himself on the massage bed. Daisy rubbed her chilly January hands together to make them more pleasant to the touch before drizzling a stream of warm oil across Leon’s muscular back.
He sighed as the delicate aroma filled their space,
“Hmmmm... Lavender...”
Daisy smirked, ‘Would it have been anything else??’
Her fingers started at the nape of his neck and rolled fluidly down and around, following the sinews, over his shoulder blades, soothing away the tension as she worked. Losing herself in the rhythm of the massage as she felt him melt into her touch, the texture and scent of the oil, and the peaceful waterfall sounds coming from her tablet; Daisy smiled. This was much better than a spa day. She was able to give Leon something special where he felt comfortable in the safety of his own space, something private and intimate that no one else could give to him. A warmth spread through Daisy’s heart as she took it all in, ‘*This*is real love.’
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What I want to hear more than anything is any and all of your thoughts involving Kushinada? Because I LIVE of them I need all of your ramblings about her and every AU she is currently apart of. You could type out thousands of words and I'd still want more.
since you did write about that hot fenrir X kushinada stuff in your latest fic (which was the most adorable thing btw omg) i figured i might provide a few scenarios for that (a few meaning 1000+ words of cute stuff oops! never mind it’s 2000+ hahaha fuck)
high school au
i know i said it in the dating sim route for fenrir but him giving his leather jacket to kushinada when they go out and it’s cold??? that’s one of my fav tropes omg
also kushinada accidentally comparing fenrir to a loyal dog when talking to aphro and light hel and him overhearing that and being all embarrassed about it bc he can’t deny that he’s literally a dog in human form
he has a very strong sense of smell, always noticing all the flower perfumes that kushinada wears and he always compliments her about how nice she smells even when she’s come back from her garden (he likes the smells of nature hehe)
also he’s very protective of her and gives people the nastiest stares if they say anything remotely negative about her. when kushinada opens up about having an unrequited crush on cu chu and her past with relationship with susano she has to drag away fenrir and get him to promise not to fight those two on sight
also it’s a lil nsfw but i think he’s totally into leaving hickeys around the place so when kushinada shows up at school on a super hot day with a scarf aphro is like “so things must be moving nicely between you and fenrir huh?” and kushinada is just a blushing mess and silently nods
oh, and him just resting his head on kushinada’s when she’s gardening and wrapping his arms around her UwU
so when they start dating i really like the idea of fenrir learning how to grow stuff with kushinada (and him actually having a decent green thumb after learning the basics)
also i couldn’t get the idea out of my idea about fenrir trying to grow kushinada roses/or forget-me-nots/camellias(they all mean love apparently?? that’s cute n sappy hehe) and trying to keep it a secret from her
so while he’s checking some plants during club time, fenrir just snatches a seed packet from her collection and takes her gardening equipment and other materials when he needs them
bc he’s just a beginner he fails pretty badly and goes around asking for help from tyr (as he’s been talking about kushinada w/ tyr who serves as a sorta personal confidant and a father figure who is more stern w/ fenrir than loki). tyr’s all for this as that’s how he wooed ullr over on their first date (and promptly got laid as well) so they both read a few gardening books and search the internet for info…
…unfortunately tyr’s pretty shit w/ gardening as well so they ask chiron for help and, although he’s got the knowledge, it somehow doesn’t work out either…
…so they ask for inari’s help which who suggests that they just hire a professional gardener or just buy some really expensive and rare flowers for her(which they’ll pay for; inari is all for fenrir trying to be romantic and trying to cater to kushinada’s interestseven if it doesn’t turn out)
fenrir eventually decides to come clean and presents her with what he’s got and kushinada kisses him for all his effort UwU. she really appreciates the effort even if she was aware that he was stealing from her the entire time (she’s gotta keep a tight budget with the club, the school only gives her a certain amount of money to run the place and it’s she may be forgetful at times but her equipment disappearing every time fenrir was around was a lil convenient)
also if we’re going full cheese then i want fenrir to confess his love to kushinada all anime-style w/ cherry blossoms and everything :’^)))))) like kushinada would be the first to say that she loves him but it’s really hard for him to say, like he’ll just say “i do too” and avoid saying “i love you”
also just in general they’d probs both like going out to parks, botanical garden or go hiking and have peaceful walks when kushinada points out all the plants while fenrir listens, he likes hearing her ramble on bc it’s cute seeing her so excited about something
so they’re at some botanical garden place and kushinada is really excited and basically dragging fenrir by the arm to point out all the different flower types but all he can think about is how much she’s changed him for the better, how he doesn’t deserve her at all. he’s just smitten with her, with how adorable she is when she’s ranting, even if he’s heard all the information before - he just wants to listen to her beautiful voice. and, wow, she looks so stunning amongst the blooming flowers and he thinks, no, he knows he’s in love with her and how he wants to marry her and that sorta mushy stuff hehe
kushinada snaps him out of his thoughts by asking if she’s boring him with her explanations and then he just blurts out that he loves her and it’s just silence between the two for a moment before kushinada, as the sappy bitch she is, starts crying tears of joy and leaps into his arms :’))))))) (yes i’m the world’s softest bitch, what about it)
mafia au
fenrir stumbles into kushinada’s bakery after a street fight with a rival gang, all bloody and bruised and telling her to not touch him before promptly passing out. kushinada tends to his injuries while he’s out and drags him into her beroom falling asleep beside the bed bc she was so exhausted from work + this incident
fenrir wakes up with a nasty headache, only made worse by him not knowing where he is - he’s still alive, probably due to the beautiful japanese woman uncomfortably lying on the side of the bed with bandages in her hands. he knows he could snap her neck with ease, but something in the back of his mind tells him not to - tyr’s words and actions ring in his ears
also on a side note i’m imagining that fenrir has a rough childhood bc of loki being involved in shady gang operations and that fenrir was preened by him to succeed him but fenrir was betrayed by the norse gang and left to get caught by the cops during a major heist. i imagine that tyr, a cop (duh), went onto the scene and tried to communicate with a scared and furious fenrir. fenrir probably lashed out at him, scarring tyr’s arm (and then it later being infected or something? i’m not here for arm severing lmao) and then breaking down in his arms while tyr comforted him.
fenrir spent some time in prison after that and got out due to tyr lobbying for him and he’s trying to separate himself from his family and old ties to his gang although it obviously catches up with him here :^)
the attack was probably bc in the past fenrir was an asshole and very cocky, brash and abusive to others and he made a lot of enemies bc he thought we was untouchable as one of the norse gang members with really high connections bc of his father
anyways fenrir explores the small apartment before hearing the ring of the bell downstairs (i imagine the bakery to underneath a small apartment like this). he walks to check that out, hiding on the stairs just in case the gang members have found where he ended up
fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) for him it’s not the gang members - it’s inari, wanting to get a pastry and tea from her favourite bakery. when they can’t see kushinada or smell anything being made that’s when they decide to check on her
fenrir makes a mad dash for kushinada’s room, pretending to sleep once again while kushinada is in the shower. she gets out and greets inari, trying to nicely introduce the topic of the strange and ruggedly handsome man resting in her room (it just hit me that this is essentially just that scene from tangled but inari isn’t an evil hag lmao)
inari is really annoyed - they don’t want kushinada to get further involved with any more gang acitivity than she already is and they know about fenrir’s past and what he’s done. they fight for a bit before inari relents, knowing that coddling kushinada and treating her like a defenceless child isn’t going to help her out any.
fenrir is shitting himself - he never expected to get so close to the elusive and destructive inari and it doesn’t help that inari ends the conversation with “if he does anything to hurt you i’ll make sure to put that mangy mutt down and make him regret ever stepping out of prison” before asking kushinada to have a cup of tea with her
after they’re done, kushinada comes up while fenrir pretends to wake up for the first time. she checks on his injuries and she asks about what happened to him but he shuts her down before she has to chance to speak and tries to leave - of course, in his injured state he just makes things worse and falls over. kushinada scolds him for trying to move in this state, and says that even if he won’t co-operate that she’s still going look after him just to prove inari that she can handle looking after herself when dealing with the mafia business.
she leaves for a bit and brings a breakfast tray for him. he wolves it down, reluctantly saying thanks and apologising for his manners - kushinada finds him kinda cute when he’s all blushing and red (although she won’t admit it). she tries to more subtly ask what happened to make him so ravenous but he brushes her off again. fenrir asks for some coffee instead of the tea she’s brought and she makes sure that he uses his manners this time.
she goes down again, leaving fenrir to his own devices. he eventually walks around the apartment for a bit, taking special notice of all the greenery around the place. she pops up behind him while he’s admiring some lillies. he asks how she gets the plants to look so nice - she says that you can gorw anything as long as the conditions are right
then their usual routine sets in - kushinada will get up before him and they’ll eat meals with each other while she runs the bakery downstairs, popping up whenever she has the time to see him.
when he can walk without major discomfort again then kushinada gets him to man the counter and when his arm heals she starts teaching him about how to bake to tend to her plants - he’s not half bad at either activity and when he’s polished his skills enough he makes breakfast for her UwU
of course y’all can imagine as many fluff moments as possible while they fall in love and that cute stuff like
fenrir talking about his tats and what they mean
talking about his past, maybe a lil bit of angst and comfort bc i’m a sucker for emotion support scenes
cute baking moments, fenrir licking the spoon and kushinada getting on his case about that
i’m sure you can think of a few dramatic situations to progress the plot but i’m just here for fluff hehe
or maybe something about fenrir running into some old gang members and them giving him shit about losing his edge and how pathetic he looks manning the bakery - he’s barely keeping himself together but he does for his and kushinada’s relationship together but he snaps when one of the group starts talking about kushinada and threatening to attack her to coax the old fenrir out. it probs gets into a bad back alley sprawl with the gang needing a large ambulance as a result of his anger (i like to imagine that inari was watching around the corner ready to back him up and they’re like “good job kid”)
and maybe fenrir’s family comes to see him?? at the very least i want light hel to work for kushinada at the bakery bc i want Dramatic™ family reunions yo and she’d fit the role p well
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