#i had more than one friend (cis and trans) who couldn't brush their hair for whatever reason or couldn't wash it properly or didn't want to
bitegore · 2 years
GOD i wish it were socially acceptable for kids who didn't want to take care of their hair to get their heads shaved regardless of gender. My brother had his hair cut pretty short because he wouldn't shower and it was gross and greasy. I did the same thing and just got the extremely fun experience of being chased round the house and literally pinned to a chair ao my mom could brush the knots out of my hair like once a week. 1 buzz cut would've fixed that (my hair grew in NEARLY STRAIGHT and VERY SILKY after i buzzed it! It doesn't tangle any more!) but we can't have little girls looking like little boys, right? Right?
I was like, 6-10 in this story, i got my first short haircut at 11 and ~mysteriously~ the godawful tangles went away. I still had hair so full of grease you could've used that shit to polish wood until i got it cut very short though bc i could not be bothered taking care of it
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