#i guess we're getting some rex on wednesday
eclec-tech · 1 year
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Good soldiers go on posters.
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It's Wednesday babes and you know that means *insert an evil cackle here.* I might be slow about writing fics...like...very slow but boy do I have some exciting ideas I can't wait to share. Here's an excerpt from one of my current projects that consumes my mind even when I'm not writing it. I'll even tell you the title so you can keep an eye out for it in the future. Without further ado, here's an excerpt from 'Cody and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad (hair) day.'
Just then, Cody was snapped out of his thoughts by Waxer dragging Echo by his arms right in front of himself and Rex. He watched as Boil positioned himself to slam bodily into Echo, but the man was grabbed and flipped by Fives before he had the chance to execute his plan.  "I wish they'd do that to droids."  "Cody, you and I both know that for whatever reason you're the only one who can punch a droid and not break anything from it."  "What do you mean I'm the only one?" "I'm saying my men have seen you fight and then tried kicking and body slamming droids themselves and they always end up having to go to Kix for something broken." "That's ridiculous! It's easy, all you have to do is-" "Hey Rex, Cody. What's going on here?" Came another voice that had Cody rubbing his temples at the headache that was bound to form. Skywalker. "We're just judging a fighting match." Rex said nonchalantly. "Oh, wizard. Who's winning?"  "Not sure yet, looks like they've moved from man to man to instead fighting on teams." "I hope they all end up in medbay." Cody grumbled.  Skywalker gave him a funny look before looking back at all the men. He seemed to be pondering something, and that worried Cody. They didn't need to have him entering this little spat also, otherwise Cody might end up in medbay himself from a stress headache and a mouthful of broken teeth.  "What brings you here, General." Cody hoped he could change the topic before Skywalker decided to do something stupid.  "Oh, I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by…" Skywalker said with a small grin. Cody caught Rex matching his grin before he found his own face in his palm. Great. If he was just stopping by to see what was happening, he was absolutely going to join in that stupid over glorified wrestling match. 
"Relax, Codes, he's kidding." Rex caught his attention with an elbow to his ribs. 
"I actually have news of a mission briefing. We're all to be there in a half hour." Skywalker said just loud enough for the others to hear.  It worked like a charm. They all paused mid-fight and stared him down for a moment before they all four began tripping over each other to get to their superiors. "Did I hear you say we're going to have a mission?" Fives looked like a massiff about to get a piece of Bantha meat. "Don't toy with us, General. We've been holed up here for weeks with nothing to do." Echo had a mischievous glint in his eye. "If you're lying, we might just have to bring you in on this fight." Cody strained to keep his body perfectly still and his face unmoving. These men were going to be the death of him.  "It's weird, you'd think there wouldn't be dead space for two whole battalions in the middle of a war." Boil mused.  "Well, I don't know much yet, just that there's a briefing in a half hour and Rex and Cody are required to be there." Skywalker tried to reassure them. "You couldn't have just commed to tell us that?" Cody muttered under his breath, receiving another elbow from Rex.
Hehehe I'm so excited for this one. I'm sure you can take a guess as to what the story is about based on the title, but I'm going to keep it to myself so everyone is guessing.
@missypup I'm tagging you to drop on for wip Wednesday.
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