#i gotta run but i didn't wanna quit halfway through lmao
spynorth · 2 years
@pagetorn: 🔪 from Sarah 👀 // hold a knife to my muse’s throat. selectively accepting.
There had been a poem, once ... a glossed image in a well worn book atop a desk, traced with the careful fingers of a boy who no longer existed. The words had come back to him years later, a desperate attempt by a broken brain to comfort the man curled around himself on the barren floor, and cracked lips had mouthed the verses as if by instinct. It’s author had meant it as a warning, a reminder of shadows cast by the sun, but Lucas had attached his own meaning, using it to describe a thing he couldn’t truly nail down. Neither boy nor man had understood the question .. but now, now..
Steel bites into the sensitive skin beneath his chin and the agent swallows softly, blue eyes never straying from the painting on the far wall. She’s there, just off the edge of his vision, and threatening to rob the life from his veins with the same stubborn defiance she’s always had. “Sarah..” Brows furrow for the barest of moments and the muscle along his jaw gives a single twitch, as if rebelling against years of carefully concealed emotions, and her name is a rumble of thunder between them. “Why.” It’s neither statement nor question and Lucas allows himself to turn his head the slightest bit, weight shifting so that the knife bites all the deeper.
Sometimes it’s nice to remember that you can bleed.
Fingers wrap carefully around the other agent’s arm, squeezing slightly as if in an attempt to garner her attention. He thinks of wasted plans, of all the lies they had whispered in the dark. He thinks of early mornings and smiles that had come far more easily than he could ever have hoped for, of blonde hair that fell about his face and shoulders, shielding them like a golden wall... and he turns further, ignoring the sting against the swell of his throat until his gaze holds her own. 
Did he who made the lamb make thee? That old image is in his head again now, a tiger stalking through the night... and Lucas feels the corner of his mouth twitch into a grin at a joke only he can hear. “A knife.” The observation drops like a boulder between them and he arches a brow, expression unchanging. “Intimate as far as an assassination goes. But you always were about passion weren’t you?”
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reporterleroux · 4 years
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The Hybrids Society
Characters: c!hybrids x gn!striderhybrid!reader (/p)
A/N: Yet again suggested by my friend my ideas are on a low rn lmao
I have been made aware that Ranboo is uncomfortable with x readers, I am trying to privately save any to find things that may possibly be uncomfortable for him in the future and avoid them, however I cannot do that with asks. This can be read as a friendship if you please, I personally don't think it's weird for friends to hold hands, but if youre uncomfortable please scroll.
The hybrids of the SMP always seemed to be pretty innocent, doing their own things, living their own lives. But behind the scenes there was a secret society for them. A society away from normal humans. A society built for them. It simply went by the Hybrids Society, that's all. It was a group for everything, from healing and support, to meetings for when it came to more serious times. When it came to meetings, everyone had to attend, but otherwise it was open for any of them to stroll in and get what they need any time. The main people you would normally see there would be Ranboo, Tubbo, Fundy and Phil, Techno and Foolish would appear from time to time when needed, but otherwise the others were barley seen at all. It was content, quiet enough for them. They had all the support they could need, right where only they could find it. It was only these lot, until you came along.
It was just a normal day for you, strolling around the lowest points of your home on the lava, checking in on all your friends and family, even if they were full Striders and not Human hybrids. That was until 2 people saw you.
"Uh, Phil? That's a person, right?"
Ranboo asked Phil. They were out looking for some Quartz, it would usually be Phil and Techno or Ranboo and Techno, but he was busy today, so the 2 of them went instead. Phil looked awfully confused, so Ranboo pointed in your direction, both seeing you playing with the smaller Striders in the middle of the lava pool.
"Oh yeah mate, it looks so. How are they not burning?"
Phil said. Ranboo just shrugged in confusion. They stood in silence, careful to be aware of their surroundings, watching you trying to figure out how you weren't burning.
"Why don't we go down and talk to them?"
Ranboo suggested. Phil took a moment to look in his inventory for cobble, if they were going to head towards you, they needed enough.
"Got any spare cobble? I think I'm just slightly short of it."
Phil asked Ranboo. You didn't have to ask him twice, as he pulled out all the cobble in his inventory and passed it to Phil. You could tell he was excited to meet you.
It wasn't long until they were at a suitable level and started bridging towards you. About halfway through their bridging, you noticed them, and decided to walk towards them to help them save resources. They somehow didn't notice you, not until you started talking to them.
You simply stated. The bridging blonde was taken by surprise and fell from the shock. If it wasn't for you catching him, he would've fallen into the lava.
"Sorry about that, here, pass me that, I'll help you."
You said as Phil passed you the cobble, and you began to build a bigger platform for them to stand on.
"Thanks... Wh-whats your name?"
The bi coloured boy asked, clearly nervous about meeting you, now that it was happening in person.
"I'm Y/N, how about you guys?"
Ranboo looked at Phil, and Phil looked at Ranboo, both clearly confused on who's answering first.
"I'm Phil, and this is Ranboo."
Phil finally spoke up, pointing at Ranboo as he said his name. He waved in response.
"Nice names! Would you like to stay and chat for a bit? Obviously if you're not busy, it's just nice to talk to someone since noone here speaks English."
You said. The 2 looked at eachother, remembering what they came for.
"We gotta get some Quartz, but you can come with us if you can walk on land?"
Phil asked. You thought about it for a moment. You'd never been on land before. Would you drag them behind their schedule? Striders are infamous for walking slowly on land, is it the same with you?
"Yeah, sure! I'm not sure if I'll slow you down though, I've never walked on land before."
You answered, excitement dying down slightly in the second sentence. Ranboo looked at you in slight disappointment of your excitement dying down.
"Don't worry kid, it's fine. There's a first time for everything, isn't there?"
You nodded in responce, and Phil held out his hand to pull you up, as the platform was one block above lava level. You placed your bare feet on the cobble. It was cold, rocky. But nice. It was different, you liked that. Phil started walking back, Ranboo behind him and you behind Ranboo, surprising you as you were walking at the same speed as them.
You were next to Ranboo, the 2 of you walking behind Phil, talking while he looked for Quartz. Ranboo would unconsciously stop talking at times to study you and your hybrid features. You had pale red skin, dark red hair, and wore a raggy shirt and trousers.
Ranboo began.
"What other hybrid features do you have?"
You thought for a moment. The issue is you didn't really know. You never went outside the lava, never tried something new before today.
"To be honest, I'm not sure. I've never left the lava before today. All I know is that I like mushrooms, it's the only edible vegetation here for me and it's quite nice."
Ranboo let out a slight laugh at your honest opinions, which made you smile. You didn't know what you did or how you did it, but it felt nice.
You were all there for a while, you got to know Ranboo quite well and he got to know you quite well. You got back to the portal, kinda upset that it was time for them to leave. They both looked at you, before looking at eachother, and back at you again.
"Would you like to come with us? Y'know, like live in the overworld with us, meet out friends?"
Your eyes visibly lighted up.
"Yes! I'd love to!"
You called out. Ranboo offered you his hand so he could help you through the portal, which you excitedly took. You all stepped through the purple swirls, and before you knew it, you were somewhere you've never seen before.
It was indoors and decorated like your home, granted, but you cod tell it was different. You felt scared. You gripped Ranboos hand tighter, he looked over to you confused until he realised how scared you looked.
"Hey, it's ok, it's a nice world out there, trust me."
Ranboo told you with a smile. You smiled back but still didn't let go of his hand fully, you just released your grip a bit. It was all fine until you got to the exit of the building. It was pouring down with rain. Phil looked over at Ranboo and handed him a coat. You looked confused.
"He's an enderman hybrid, so he can't go into the rain. Wait, since you're a hybrid from the nether, does that mean you can't go out into rain?"
Phil said. You shrugged before you stuck the back of your hand out into the rain. It only took a single drop for you to pull your hand back in pain. You could see where it landed, it was physically sizzling.
"Ah. In that case, wanna get under with me?"
Ranboo asked, lifting up the coat so you could get under. You edged closer to him, as he released your hand and rested it across your back and looped his hand to hold onto your stomach. You reached up for his hand with one of yours, the other pulling the edge of the coat down. It wasn't overly comfortable, it wasn't the biggest coat, and Ranboo had to bend down to your level due to his height. But it was whatever it took for you both to be safe. The issue is you assumed you were running and didn't know where to go.
"Uh, Phil? I guess we're running, right? I have no clue where were going."
Phil looked at you, before looking at Ranboo and turning back around.
"Don't worry, Ranboo will show you. Now, ready? Let's go!"
Phil said before running into the rain, the 2 of you close behind. Ranboo held you close, making sure you weren't hurt at all. He was used to this by now, but was aware you were new to rain, and wanted to make sure you get back in one piece.
You finally reached where you were heading to, and Ranboo stood at his full height, letting the wet coat fall off both your backs. Phil was aware of why you both didn't touch it and picked it up for you. You followed Ranboo into the place.
"This, Y/N, is what we like to call the Hybrids Society. It's a place open for all hybrids whenever they need it. It's hidden away from the non-hybrids, so please don't tell them about it."
Ranboo said. You nodded when he said not to tell the non-hybrids, as you both approached a corner. You tugged on his jacket to grab his attention.
"I'm not sure about this mind..."
You said nervously. Sure, you were excited to meet hybrids like you, but it was also nerve wracking.
"Don't stress, you'll be fine."
You grabbed Ranboos hand and walked behind him as he walked around the corner. Phil had already walked ahead.
"Hey Fundy, Tubbo, Techno! Were back!"
Ranboo said as he walked in. You hoped his tall figure would hide you since you were considerably shorter than him.
"Hey Ranboo! Why's your hand behind your back?"
Fundy asked, as Tubbo nodded in agreement to his question. Techno was looking through chests for potion ingredients, not paying attention to them. Phil was in the corner smiling, looking for some clothes for you to wear. Ranboo looked at you, as you looked back up at him. He smiled at you softly.
"Remember what I said, it'll be fine."
You slowly poked your head out from behind him, before showing your whole self, waving at them nervously, still holding Ranboos hand.
"This is Y/N. They're a Strider Hybrid and we met them in the Nether earlier."
Ranboo introduced you. Techno perked up at the fact you were found in the Nether and finally looked at you both.
"Hello Y/N! I'm Tubbo, I'm a Goat hybrid!"
Tubbo introduced himself as he waved at you excitedly. You smiled and waved back.
"I'm Fundy, a Fox hybrid. Nice to meet you."
Phil had finished looking for clothes by now and was watching you all. He could see Techno looking at you in curiosity as to your hybrid abilities. He made his way over to him and nudged him.
"Go on then mate, introduce yourself!"
Phil whisper-shouted to Techno.
"Uh, yeah right, sorry. I'm Technoblade, but you can just call me Techno."
He said in a monotone voice before turning back to what he was doing.
"Y/N, here, go put these on, it's probably more comfortable than what you're wearing now."
Phil said as he handed you the clothes he picked out, baggy jeans and a red shirt. You took them before Phil pointed towards where you could go change. You walked off to go change, while the others continued the conversation.
"So, about you guys,"
Fundy began with a smirk on his face. Ranboo instantly cut him off, knowing what he was going to say.
"Were just friends. They were nervous about leaving their long time home, and I don't blame them. We talked alot during the trip so I suppose we got quite close and they started clinging to me for safety? I'm not sure, we'll just see how it goes."
Ranboo said. It was a simple response, with a simple theory, he just didn't know if it was correct.
You later walked out of where you were changing in your new clothes, happy with the selection.
"These are nice, thanks Phil."
You said. Phil simply nodded his head slightly.
"Hungry? There's some mushrooms over there if that's what you fancy. They're overworld ones though, not ones from the Nether."
Ranboo asked. You headed towards where Ranboo pointed and looked at the mushrooms. They were way different to ones you were used to, they were beige or red and white spotted, rather than blue and orange. You looked back over as if to say "Are these safe to eat?" and they all nodded. You simply shrugged before taking one of each and trying them one after the other.
"Mm! These are nice! Different from the usual, granted but it's nice that they are different."
You sealed the approval of the mushrooms.
You hung out at the base of the Society for a bit longer, meeting more hybrids and getting to know others better. It was getting late, and there was just one problem. You didn't have anywhere to sleep. You started getting tired, and they all noticed.
"Hey, we got beds here, want us to stay here tonight and we'll find you somewhere to sleep tomorrow?"
Tubbo asked, praying the others wouldn't mind what he put them up to. All you could do was nod, before you physically went out cold.
"Damn, they are tired, huh. It's been a long day for them I suppose."
Phil said, while Ranboo picked you up before taking you to one of the beds and staying until you felt comfortable.
"Goodnight Y/N. See you tomorrow."
He said before walking out. It was a different life, of course it was, but it was going to be a nicer one for you, with more people to talk to, and a best friend you would trust with your life.
A/N: a place for them would be nice where they just do stuff yeah
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