#i gotta cancel for today now. i hope they won't be sad :
tkbrokkoli · 1 year
aaaaaahhhh guys!!!
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Hey Sweetheart
Summary - Dean was suddenly pampering you too much. Not that you don't like it, but what happens when a Winchester lets his guard down?
Pairing - Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (platonic)
Warning - Fluff, so much fluff you will have cavities (check the tags for more warnings)
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"Hey Sam, have you seen your brother? He's not in his room," You said plopping down on the chair beside Sam.
"Nope", Sam replied without taking his eyes off his laptop's screen, "he is probably in the garage".
"I swear that man loves his car more than his own girlfriend", you grumbled causing Sam to chuckle but you saw Sam's eyes were still glued to the screen.
"What are you upto? Sammy?" You waved your hands frantically in front of your best friend trying to gain his attention and also annoy him.
"Y/N", he warned but a little smile was playing on his lips, "Y/N come on, let me work".
You pouted at Sam, "Leave that laptop of yours for-"
"Chef Winchester at your service, Ma'am", You were startled by Dean's sudden obnoxiously loud voice.
"Wha-you made this?" You pointed at the plate of homemade burger and looked at Dean who had a proud smile on his face.
"Try it. It's tastes real good", Dean grinned.
"Dude? Where's my burger?" Sam asked making you giggle.
"Are you my girlfriend? Go get your burger from the kitchen", Dean said and pecked your cheek lightly. Sam left the library with a huff. You took a bite of the food in front of you and moaned loudly when it's delicious taste hit your taste buds.
"That good, huh?" Dean smirked.
"Oh God Dean! It's amazing. I love you", You moaned.
"Me or the burger?" Dean wiggled his eyebrows.
"...buhguh", you spoke with your mouth full. Dean placed his hand on his chest and put on a hurtful expression. "And here I thought I will take you out on a date tonight", Dean pouted at you.
Your eyes widened at his words, "What is it Dean? Am I m-missing something? Is it my birthday today?"
"Oh come on. Can't a guy just pamper his girlfriend for a day?" Dean rolled his eyes.
"Not when the end of the world is near", you teased.
Dean sat down on the chair where Sam was previously sitting. "Can we, for one fucking day forget that God is trying to kill us? Chuck is MIA and Sammy is always keeping an eye out for any unusual activity. I just want one day for us. If that's not what yo-"
You silenced him by pressing your lips to his. He pulled you closer deepening the kiss and only let you go when you both felt your lungs screaming for air.
"I love you and I would love to spend an entire day, heck my entire life with you", you smiled softly at your boyfriend.
"Dinner date tonight. Meet me at the garage at seven", he pecked your lips and got up from the chair.
"De, where are we going?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"It's a surprise", Dean winked at you.
"Dean! What am I supposed to wear if I don't know where we are going?" You asked.
"Trust me, you will find the right dress", he winked at you again and sauntered off to somewhere inside the bunker. You went towards your room to find an appropriate dress.
"A date tonight, huh?" Sam smirked at you as he emerged from the kitchen.
"You know it's bad to eavesdrop on someone's conversation?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Shut up but honestly Dean is really happy you know even with the end-of-the-world crap hanging over our damn heads. You both deserve this day", He smiled at you.
"Well you want to clear out of the bunker for tonight or do you have noise cancelling headphones?" You teased.
"Oh I'll be out of the bunker as soon as possible and leave you lovebirds alone", Sam chuckled causing you to laugh with him.
You went to your room and found a box lying on your bed. You suspiciously opened the box to find a beautiful blue dress. Your eyes widened when you realised that it was the same dress you saw at a shop during your last hunt. How did Dean even manage to buy the dress? A note slipped out of the dress when you picked it up from the box.
'Hey sweetheart, hope you liked my surprise. Don't worry, I have a bigger surprise planned for you tonight. Love ya baby"
You looked at the time, you had another two hours to get yourself ready for the date. You had a stupid grin on your face that you couldn't seem to rub off. You had never seen Dean being an adorable sweetheart like this and truth be told, you were already in love with this side of Dean.
Two hours passed by. You got dressed and put on some light makeup. You didn't see Dean in that two hours and the suspense was killing you. You reached the garage as the clock struck seven but you froze when you saw the scene in front of you.
Dean was all dressed up. He was wearing one of his FBI suits without the tie and that made the look so much better. There was a table set in the middle of the garage. How did he bring the table up here? Or was it already there? Dean was arranging the chairs and he didn't notice you. The clicking of your heels made him look up at you.
"Hey sweetheart you look beautiful in this dress", Dean smiled at you and came closer, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Wha-what is all this, De?" You looked at Dean.
"Do you like it?" Dean caressed your cheek with the back of his hands.
"I love it", your eyes turned moist, "I love you so much Dean Winchester".
"I love you too, sweetheart. Come on let's go to the table. I made your favourite for the dinner", Dean slowly guided you towards the table.
You took a seat at the table but you froze when you saw the man in front of you. It was not Dean.
"Surprise Y/N", the man in front of you smirked, "Nice dinner date Dean arranged for you. I always knew he was a hopeless romantic".
"C-chuck?" You got up from the chair, "Dean?! Where is he?"
"Dean? He is right behind you", Chuck pointed.
You looked behind you to see Dean lying on the ground writhing in pain. You rushed towards him. "H-hey", he managed to speak out.
"What did you do to him? Sam?" You called out.
"Sammy is not here. Remember you told him to clear out of the bunker?" Chuck shrugged. You looked at Dean and noticed that your hands were red. Blood? You turned Dean on his back and saw that he had a large gash on his stomach and blood was seeping through it.
"Is this your grand ending? To kill us when we don't have our game face on? You coward", you eyes were starting to tear.
Chuck didn't say anything but let out a dark chuckle and snapped his fingers. You looked up and saw Chuck had disappeared.
"Dean? Hey, hey, stay with me. You're gonna be fine, okay? Cas, I hope you can hear me. I need you right now", you prayed. Tears were now flowing freely down your face.
"H-hey s-sweetheart", Dean's breathing was laboured, "Pr-promise..me, you won't do anything s-stupid. P-promise me, y-you w-will take c-care of Sammy. I-I lo-love you s-so m-much...i-it's going to b-be a-a-alright".
"No no no, De. Keep your eyes open. For me please. I love you. You-you are gonna be just fine", You wrapped your arms around him, "Damnit Cas, where the hell are you?"
Dean gave you a bloodied smile and his breathing became shallow-
You woke up with a gasp. You realised that you had been crying in your sleep. You wiped the tears from your eyes and got up from your bed. You reached the library of the the bunker and saw Sam sitting at the table nursing a glass of whiskey and occasionally rubbing his temples.
"Don't you think it's better for your headache if you go to sleep rather than staying up all night drinking?" You asked.
Sam turned around and gave you a sad smile and you could see his eyes were red indicating he had been crying. "Why are you not sleeping?" You kept quiet. "Bad dream?" Sam asked you softly and that simple question made the walls that you had been putting up since that fateful day break down. Tears started streaming down your face. Sam got up and pulled you into a hug, trying to soothe you. But you needed him. You needed Dean.
"I know we gotta a-accept t-the fact that h-he is not co-coming back", you hiccuped, "b-but I-I can't. He's gone, Sammy. H-he is gone".
"Hey, hey, shh..shh. No one's telling you to move on right now. Take all the time you need okay?" Sam's voice was soft, "We both are hurting now but you know what I'm proud of my brother. He saved the world once again. He defeated Chuck. He-" Sam's choked on his voice.
"I'm proud of him too Sammy. He is a h-hero", you sniffled into Sam's chest, "I love him so much. It hurts, it hurts really bad. He left me a note, you know", you pulled out the note from the pocket of Dean's flannel that you were wearing.
"We're gonna make it through this. Together. Dean would want that for us to finally live a happy life away from this hunting but you can take all the time you want, okay?" Sam assured you.
You showed the note to Sam. He read and pulled you into a hug again. A single tear rolled down the younger hunter's cheek. You clutched onto Sam as if your damn life depended on it. You closed your eyes and remembered the words on Dean's notes.
"Hey sweetheart, promise me you won't do anything stupid. Promise me, you will take care of Sammy. I love you so much. It's going to be alright".
Forever taglist - @donnaintx @devil-in-my-boots @amandamdiehl
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yetanotherreader · 5 years
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Genre: College AU
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N, slight Dean x Lisa
Summary: The school's most popular boy wants to be friends with Y/N, out of the blue. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with her hot best friend, though.
Word Count (For the chapter): 2,712
Warnings (For the chapter): None.
[For some reason, some of the tags aren't working. I'm sorry about that.]
[[ Also I'm sorry for the no Read More thingy because it doesn't happen on the phone app :-(]]
Useful Masterlist
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
You dreaded them. For some reason, they were never good. They were sleepy, tiring and grumpy and unfortunately you couldn't do shit about it. You always had to wake up extra early for a hopefully refreshing shower, take the supposed-to-be small bus ride to the uni, which just got longer because of the Monday traffic and run to the lecture hall, only to have the professor glaring at you for coming late to the class.
Today was no different. You woke up extra early, took a hopefully refreshing shower, took the supposed-to-be small bus ride—WHICH was surprisingly not as long as always—and still ran to the lecture hall. Fxckin' tiring mess. The sleepless sleep still showed in your eyes and you would have given anything to have an extra hour for it that morning. But well, same old—Mondays. 
And suddenly, today was different.
"Come on…" A group of annoyed whines were heard from the lecture room just as you entered the hallway.
"What's wrong?" You asked a very pissed Rhea, or was she Akira?
"Morning classes got cancelled. We woke up for nothing."
Honestly.. what the fxck was wrong with the university? Mumbling and whining to yourself, you made your way to the cafeteria, maybe some coffee would help. Tried enjoying the warm sunshine on your face, keyword: tried, as you slowed down your steps near the playground. Or maybe you could just sit in the sun and make the most out of your oh-so-lovely Monday morning? Taking a seat in the bleachers, you decided on reading the book you were, at that time, reading.
Just halfway through the chapter— "Good morning, nerd. I see you're doing some fun stuff over here." You sighed, not wanting to get into any kind of argument at that particular time, or day- or life.
"You're back at it, aren't you?" You looked up at the still smirking Dean, dressed in his black and blue football jersey. A sight for sore eyes.
"Back at what?"
"Being a dick?" You looked back at the book still tired, "Look, Winchester, I'm so not in the brightest Monday sunshine mood right now. Don't bother."
"And here I thought we were friends." He sighed feigning sadness as he turned around to make his way back to the other side of the ground.
"You're here for practice?" He turned back to you, grinning adorably, just as you rolled your eyes.
"Yep but it doesn't start until at least a couple hours."
"Why so early here then?"
"Apparently, there's an emergency board meeting that all the HODs need to attend. So, delayed."
"Oh...that is why" You concluded why your classes got cancelled, "God. Don't you just hate it how they don't inform us about anything beforehand." You groaned.
"Not having the best morning?" He chuckled, as you gestured him to take a seat next to you.
"Nah. I'm the happiest I could ever be," You said with a yawn, "Should we go to the cafeteria before I die or we just let me die?"
"You're such a mood," He laughed toothily shaking his head, "Let us."
Sitting in the cafeteria, you sip on your coffee awkwardly trying to ignore the very obvious gazes of the people around you. You couldn't even make out how Dean looked so unfazed by all the attention, or maybe—obviously, he was used to it.
"You know," Dean started, seemingly, figuring out your awkwardness to ease the tension, "You could have just asked me on a date instead."
You chuckled, thankful for some words, "You wish, Winchester."
"Honestly...I don't" He said winning a laugh out of you.
Time flew by quickly, filled with laughter, corny jokes and sassy remarks with you not even realizing that all that attention didn't bother you anymore. Quite honestly, you didn't even realize they were there. To your surprise, you really did enjoy a Monday morning. 
"Oh," Dean exclaimed as his phone buzzed, "Totally lost track of time. It was fun, but Y/N, I gotta hurry now. I'm late."
"Well I still have an hour to kill. Good luck with the practice."
"Oh yeah, there's still an hour to the class," Dean said as he hurried, "You wanna come see the game?"
"Oh, no no. I don't understand it. I'll rather read my book here."
"Nerd," he smiled at you, "Alright then, see you in the class."
"Yeah" You smiled back, as he went. Maybe Dean wasn't all that bad after all.
You just started with the chapter, again, that you were rudely interrupted... again.
"Look who's trying to get some attention, there. Whatcha think guys? What does she think of Dean's charity? That he got the hots for her or something?" You flinched at the ear-piercing group of laughter came from the direction.
"Tss. Geez, Cassie, mind toning down that screechi- sweet laugh a lil bit? Kinda trying to concentrate." You gave her a sweet smile and turned back to your work.
"Hey, Y/N. How's you? Long time no see." She came and sat where Dean sat not even a couple minutes ago.
"Was doing just good." You muttered as you kept your eyes in your book.
"You were? Obviously, you were," she started taking ahold of Dean's cup, playing with it, "Y/N, stop trying, darling. Dean is very out of league for you. I'm saying for your good."
"Sweets. You know the only reason I'm replying to you, Cassie, is just because it's rude not to?" You looked up at her at annoyed, managing a sarcastically polite smile, "Now if you could excuse me, I'm kinda in the middle of something.
She stood up rolling her eyes as you spoke up again, "And well, don't worry. I'm no threat. Dean and me, nope. Not happening. Also, stop acting like he's your property. The guy's got a life of his own to live, about time, you get one for yourself too."
Before she could retaliate, you made your way out of the door, leaving her processing what you said. Not gonna say that you had got bad blood with her but you had got bad blood with her. Honestly, you wouldn't give two flying shits about her if she wasn't the one with the brilliant idea of throwing you into the pool on your very first day. And if that wasn't enough, she had the nerve to bully you about it for the next few months too. Initially you ignored for a long time, hoping she would end it herself, but was she one to? When you had enough of her shit, all it took, then, was one punch to the wall and an angry 'next time it won't be the wall' for her to stop. Not that she ever was a trouble for you later, but you were her glare dart ever since. You were kinda looking forward to her passing out of the college— one year without her unnecessary glares and hushed whispers but she just had to get a year back for her last year. Oh, your life. 
Practice was tiring, and since they had gotten just one hour for it, they didn't even get any breaks. On top of that, Dean might have sprained his neck. Maybe Y/N's bad day was contagious. Maybe she passed it to him.
Y/N. The thought of her bringing a faint smile on his lips. Damn, she was awesome. He wondered why she kept to herself, her personality sure would get her a lot of friends. That morning, Dean had actually enjoyed himself after a long time. He'd been so lonely for the past few months, he had almost forgotten how to laugh like he did today. She could be an amazing friend. Not to mention, he was still not over how she helped him back at Jo's without even mentioning it once today. Y/N was a good person, he could say that. Mysterious, but nice. He hoped that they actually became really good friends.
His eyes wandered to find her sitting by herself, in a corner as he made his way into the almost empty classroom, "This seat taken?"
She looked up from the book and, for once, smiled, "Hey..yes..no, please sit."
He smiled in return as he sat down beside her, lowly groaning in pain.
"You okay, there?"
"Yeah, I don't know, I think neck strain."
"Oh, geez. Want some help?"
He chuckled humorously, "And what will you do to make it better?"
"Well, they do say I have magic hands." She chuckled in response too, getting up to stand behind him. She started lightly massaging his neck and shoulders, pressing her fingers to his shoulder blades whilst her thumbs worked on his neck. She did the motion a few times as she felt his muscles relax, his knots loosening. He felt himself relaxing, the pain still there but better. How was she always good at whatever she was doing? She stopped her movements abruptly, as he realized a loud moan escaped his lips, only to burst out laughing the next second, "God, Winchester, what the hell?" sounding a little embarrassed.
"S-sorry. Damn it, your fault. What can I say, you do have magic hands." He laughed out, too.
The day went by quite fast after that. They didn't cross paths post the class again. It was the last lecture when Dean met with Cas and Jo. Finally.
"Hey!" Jo chirped as she came after the class, and hugged Dean from behind, Cas copying the action, "Dude?"
"Hey, strangers." Dean said, not in any mood to have a happy-go-lucky conversation with them.
"What's wrong?" Cas asked, clueless. Jo elbowed his ribs gently.
"What's wrong? Nothing." Dean walked ahead, rolling his eyes as the two of them followed him.
"Dean, come on. We're sorry, okay?"
"Well, don't be. Not that it matters anyway." Dean said coming to a stop, "What? You guys didn't go somewhere private, again?"
"Okay, first of all, stop taunting us, jerk. And second of all, we're sorry. We didn't mean to-"
"First of all, don't copy Sammy. And second of all, I called you two how many times, Joanna?"
"What can we do to make it up to you? Jo is right Dean, we're genuinely sorry. We just had a tiring night, so we slept in. Really really tiring." said Cas, blushing a shade of pink, as Dean's lips lifted in a very surprised smile.
"So...you finally, finally did it?" He looked from Cas to Jo grinning, "So you finally did our virgin angel, huh?"
"Shut up" she grumbled, trying to stifle a laugh of her own, blushing a few shades herself, "What about you and the specsy?"
"Who? Y/N? What about us?"
"Don't act innocent, De. Coffee dates and massage and all, huh." She said, cocking her brow, piquing Cas' interest in the conversation too, "Didn't think you'd go for her."
"We're just friends," said Dean, thinking about it from all the angles, "I think."
"You think?"
Dean shrugged, unable to come with a proper answer.
The rest of the day went pretty okay for him. Cas and Jo finally did spend time with him but it wasn't like before at all. They were different and he expected this, as much as he shipped them. They were a couple now, dynamics changed. He wasn't the same for them like earlier, he was the lesser priority. And single.
"So, you're telling me you're single?" You said, surprising yourself with the subtle, unnoticeable relief you felt. Dean and you had bonded pretty well over the past couple of months. You had never thought you two were ever going to be friends, but he was nicer than he made himself look. You learned a few things about him, and about the first day dare too. Oh boi, weren't you just ready to whack his butt with a spoon.
"Yeah. Well, that sounded judgy, Y/N."
You grinned apologetic, "Hee, sorry. It's just it's hard to believe is all."
It was funny how you two became good friends so soon. You were not really one for friends. For a long time, you'd been alone, convincing yourself you liked the quiet. Although you did, it was undeniable how loneliness got to you every time you wanted to talk to someone about something going on in your life, a bad day or even something as normal as your new favorite TV show. It sucked, now that you were admitting to yourself. It sucked how you had no one to talk to. It sucked how you couldn't even complain about it to anyone. And it sucked to spend your weekends alone in your dark room, trying to distract yourself with a book or fanfic, pretending that it was all okay.
And now here you were. Not in a dark room, not alone and not pretending. Here you were actually talking to someone about the random-est things on the planet, laughing with him and actually enjoying yourself. You both still weren't on the we-tell-each-other-everything stage and you highly doubted you ever were going to be but it was still nice. Yeah maybe you hadn't told him shit about yourself yet, but he was still the closest you'd ever been to someone in years. You had Lisa and you cared about her, you did. But where was it written that the person you care about would care about you the same way too? You were never in the list of her priorities, never even close. But she trusted you, and that's why you were...friends? You didn't know exactly. She would come to you after a break up or when she was having a bad day. You had helped her so much, for so many years, it became your instinct to do it. She had friends, she was loved and she had a life you would never. She was Lisa Braeden. She was she, and you were...you. Plain, dull, unattractive Y/N. That's it. That was you in three words. And honestly, you didn't mind. You had come terms with it a long time ago, terms with no one caring about you.
Until two months ago. Dean was a good friend. He was nice, sweet, protective and funny. And most importantly, he...cared. He would tell you jokes on Monday mornings, give you ice pack when your clumsy ass ran into the closed door and invite you for movies with his friends which you always refused to. When Dean realized you didn't like going out with strangers, he invited you over for a movie night to his place. It was, maybe, the sweetest thing someone had ever done for you. He made you snacks and then you guys talked about random things the entire night only to pass out on the couch later. After that, it had become your Friday night tradition.
And with all these sweet things, could you blame yourself for starting to feel something more for him than you should? You, very well, knew this would never happen. Dean had a type, a taste in girls and you were far from that. You had too few/many curves than what looked beautiful, you didn't have the most beautiful hair or skin and you were not pretty. Simple. He would never feel for you. And you, too, only had a silly little crush on him, which would go with time. Right?
You woke up, cuddled with a warm figure on the couch, head under the blanket. You struggled to pop your head out of the covers and once you did, you were met with a beautifully freckled face sleeping soundly. He looked so peaceful that you never wanted to wake him up. Your eyes just briefly glanced at his plump lips, wondering what it would be like to touch them or maybe, feel them against your own? And in a matter of seconds, your eyes were back at the blanket, hiding your little secret you kept from yourself. A secret only your late night or early morning self knew, which you would conveniently deny to yourself later during the day. A secret you would pass off as nothing but your sleepy head's made up story.
Nothing, but a story.
Chapter 4
A/N: Alright, I don't know how it turned out. It took me more than a week for this chapter, and I couldn't even think of anything. I'd write a few sentences and close the document. A writer's block, I think. Well anyway, I didn't have anything in mind so it's mostly a filler chapter which I somehow used to make the little-st progress in the story. Mostly their friendship. I think I'll make it stronger before I do the shit I have planned. Please don't hate me for the chapter coz I already do :')💔
Tag list:
@bi-danvers0 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @itsjaybro16 @mml232 @blablatiti @stilltoomuchafangirl @bat-shark-repellant @bluebell-24 @shortwinchester @always-money-in-the-banana-stand @soullessbabee @ima-be-a-mongoose
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