#i get it to compare her to Bakugou but they're not all similar like very very miniscule
epickiya722 · 27 days
I won't lie, it rubs me the wrong way very much that some will view Miruko as the "angry one" like Bakugou when she actually only really gotten angry in a fight and in the one funny scene with Bakugou.
Other than that, she actually doesn't get angry. She's chill most of the time we see her or hyperactive.
Even as a kid, she actually wasn't an "angry child". She was just rowdy, but chill. (Read Vigilantes.)
I'm sorry but a child acting out sometimes doesn't mean they're an angry child. They just like to rebel a little.
Bakugou is angry a lot, but he doesn't sneak out and break into underground fights, now does he? (Miruko did that during her school days.)
So, no, I don't think she's an "angry" person. She gets angry in any situation like anyone would be.
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kiisaes · 1 year
Thoughts on Endeavor?
i think he's a horrible guy but a great character. he reminds me a lot of my own dad (minus all of the. erm. unforgivable abuse and all. it's mostly vibes and motivations in my dad's case, none of the actual heinous shit) so it's hard for me to genuinely like endeavor, but at the same time i'm drawn to how his character develops. he's like a little case study for me. a little lab rat in the lab of my mind, if you will
pairing bakugou up with endeavor in terms of similar arcs was both a blessing and a curse imo. they both deal with atonement and not necessarily requiring any forgiveness from whom they hurt, and i think the emphasis on such an arc really benefits both characters. they're both introduced as unlikable individuals who have hurt others for seemingly no reason, but we learn through time their reasons for their actions. so that's why it's a blessing — really cool character writing that also aligns with the series' themes of always wanting to get better and to be a proper hero without the arbitrary status that comes with it. both are given ample time to change their worldviews and their interactions with others too
but it's also a curse because though bakugou and endeavor have similar arcs, they are so WILDLY different in scale. i wince every time i see someone compare bakugou's middle school bullying era with endeavor's LITERAL REPEATED AND INCREASINGLY WORSE ABUSE, and even worse, when they use that as justification as to why bakugou can never become a better person. as if bakugou at his silly ages of 5-14 could EVER do something as horrible as endeavor abusing his entire family and emotionally scarring all of them, which includes his eldest son straight up turning to villainy, his only daughter growing up too fast by trying to keep her broken family alive because there isn't a mother in the house anymore, his middle son straight up hating him and his youngest son refusing to use his fire side in order to get back at him. his wife grew increasingly less emotionally stable and burnt her youngest son due to the pain endeavor was causing her, and had to get sent to a mental institute in order to recover. all bakugou did was bully a little too many times for comfort, which is unfortunately rather common for kids and young teens. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
the thing is, i genuinely think endeavor is an interesting character and i want to see where horikoshi is going with him. it's obvious that his entire family does not forgive him yet, and they may never will, due to the withstood damage he's done. he may work towards atonement but may never be redeemed and might even face his crimes in the court of law (which i think would be funny over everything. imagine endeavor in a courtroom.)
but i do think a lot of people very easily disregard his characterization and development because of his sincerely awful first impression. it's hard to empathize with an abusive father who has repeatedly hurt not only one family member, but all five of them. and it's pretty common knowledge that we shouldn't give abusers the time of day, because they'll take it and run
which is absolutely true in the real world, but turns murky when you apply it to endeavor who is clearly trying to better himself. and we know that because there's this fun thing called "looking at a character's POV as an omnipotent reader instead of as another character". we aren't rei, shouto, or anyone else who had the misfortune of being endeavor's family. we're able to see his growth completely detached from his self, so the whole "abusers can never become better, they will just keep abusing" argument works far less for us. we can apply it to real abusers, because we're not in their heads. but we are in endeavor's head sometimes. and it makes his interactions with his family, who clearly don't trust him yet, all the more interesting. like this is one of my favorite pages in the manga for a reason
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IT'S SO AWKWARD it's so funny there's so much unaddressed family issues that all stem from endeavor being a piece of shit. like the fact that bkdk are there and have no idea what the fuck to even say, because they're outsiders in this family drama. it's a no-brainer that endeavor was a terrible father and all but it still leads to scenes like these, where the reader can indulge in just how uncomfortable he makes his family. it's so silly
i guess what i'm trying to say is that i think endeavor is a character worth existing and analyzing, especially because of his purpose in the narrative and its themes. he sucks, yeah, and i will probably never grow to actually like him as an individual. he will never scrape the top 10s or even 20s or even 30s in my favorite character lists. but i think reducing his character to just "shitty abusive father who everyone should hate by default because he's a shitty abusive father" detracts from the overall worth he provides. you can hate him, but you can also, regardless, enjoy what he brings to the table. at least that's how it's like for me
it does, however, annoy me when some endeavor apologists just. don't recognize that he abused anyone at all. like bruh are you for real. what do you think his arc is even about
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dynafight · 1 year
i just had the realization that almost every character who has a mother we've seen has looked very similar to their mother, and don't look much like their fathers (if they're seen)
an obvious example of this is the Bakugous, Katsuki's hairstyle is like his dad's but that's about it
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and then the Midoriyas; we don't have Hisashi so we can only compare him to Inko but it doesn't matter
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with the Urarakas it seems like Ochaco didn't get anything from her dad
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with the Jirous, it's hard to tell with no good color shots of her mom (hence the 2 pics of her), but it looks like Kyouka might have gotten her eye shape from her dad. everything else is her mom's though
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and now the Asui family. you can see Tsuyu and her siblings are all the same level of frog-ish as their mom, while their dad is more toady
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i saved the Todorokis for last bc they are the most diverse! at first glance, they look like their mom. Natsuo is the most like his dad, but he gets his mom's hair/eye color. Touya has his dad's hair/eye color but his mom's eye shape. (he looks more like his mom after his hair turns white). besides the red streaks and glasses, Fuyumi looks just like her mom. Shouto (obviously) has the color split, but his eye shape is like his dad's. however, all but Natsuo have their mom's general body type.
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(I used younger pictures of Touya because Dabi is too crispy to look anything like his parents lmao)
I think everyone else has no (shown) parents. interesting, huh? I wonder if Horikoshi is aware that he does this. it would be interesting to know if he has a closer relationship with his mother than his father, and his subconscious is showing through into his work...
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | f!reader, implied(ish) mafia!kats, choking, exhibitionism, cockwarming, riding, mild corruption themes, degradation, whore/slut!calling. minors dni!
— 2.5k words
"Listen, I don't give a fuck about your friend—I wanna get to know you better."
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“Um, excuse me? Have you seen my friend?”
The ash-blond swimming in smoke stills, mid-conversation with some half-dressed woman to his right. In fact, all the half-dressed women snap their heads your way, all ten of them, sizing you up in your non-promiscuous dress and heels (not compared to theirs, at least) and obvious awkwardness and uncouthness. The ash-blond frowns.
“How’d you fuckin’ get in here?”
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“Um,” you glance at the green-haired bouncer who let you through—he’s too busy guarding the entrance to notice. “I just pretended like I knew who you were and he...let me in?”
“Fuckin’ Deku,” the ash-blond groans, rubbing a hand over his face before tossing it over the back of the booth. “Whadd’ya want?”
“Um, I was wondering if you’ve seen my friend,” you repeat, hands fiddling with your bracelets as you crack under the pressure of all the eyes. “She’s um, kinda short with long brown hair. I don’t...it was hard to see the color of her dress in the dark, but I think it was purple?”
The ash-blond blinks as you fumble over your words, causing a second of silence where he does nothing but stare until he snaps, digging his cigar into the ash-tray with finality.
“All right. Shoo, ladies.”
The women surrounding the ash-blond whine and boo. He seems unfazed though, simply shrugging as he says:
“Gotta help this pretty thing find her friend.”
The women clear out quickly and quietly after that. And though you’re unsure why, many of them shoot very nasty looks your way as they pass under the neon red exit sign and into the chaotic club. They look like they want to kill you.
“So...does that mean you know where my friend is?”
“Nope,” the ash-blond says, popping the ‘p’ as he adjusts to the extra space in the booth. “But you get a solid fuckin’ view from up here. Sit.”
You nod and take the spot next to him, scanning the crowd below with narrowed eyes. You look for something, anything that could hint at where your friend could be, but wind up empty-handed.
"D'ya come here often?" he asks, and you shake your head.
"No. I mean, I heard the place is kind of new anyway, so," you shrug absentmindedly. You think you see your friend for a second, just catching a glimpse of brown hair, but once the girl turns, it's clear she's not who you're looking for. Dammit.
"Guess so," the man grunts. You hear him shift but you don't look. "The o—"
"Shoes, did you see her shoes?" You ask before realizing your thought process is light years ahead of his. He gives you a blank look. "I mean—sorry, they're like, really high stilettos with gold on the bottom. I think."
The stranger's angled eyebrows drop. "No."
"Dammit," you click your tongue, before turning back to the crowd. No...no...no...no...
"Listen, I'm not gonna sugar coat it—I don't give a fuck about your friend." He says with a sigh. Your head snaps to look at him because it doesn't matter if he meant it, that's rude, but your thoughts disintegrate into nothing as he grabs you by the chin and says, "I wanna get to know you better."
"Um," You swallow. He's close to the point where your eyes cross trying to put him into focus. "M-Me?"
"You," he confirms with a cocked eyebrow. "What, never been the center of attention before, Princess?"
You falter. Not like this.
"So," he continues when you don't respond. "What's your name, Princess? I'm Katsuki."
You give him yours and meet his hand halfway for a handshake, much too aware of how big it is compared to yours. Katsuki hums, both arms on either side of your being and ultimately, caging you to the booth.
"Y/N..." He repeats, experimentally, like he's trying to see how it fits in his mouth. You don't mind the way it sounds coming from him. "I like it.”
"O-Oh, um," you're unsure of what to say, so you do nothing but blush and place a hand to his chest. You try your hardest to hide your surprise upon feeling how firm it is. "Thank you."
"Don't gotta thank me for stating the obvious," Katsuki grunts, adjusting so his eyes are leveled with yours. "What do you like to do, Y/N?"
There's a hand on your thigh.
It sits right where your dress stops, and it burns—but you find yourself unsure of what you want it to do, whether you want it to go away or continue its journey up. And that's exactly what it does, as Katsuki thumbs the hem to your skirt and you try your hardest to focus on your reply.
"U-Um..." you panic, too much heat in his eyes for comfort. "I don't know."
Katsuki raises an eyebrow in faint amusement, "You don't know?"
"W-Well, I mean—!" You try after realizing how utterly empty-headed you must sound. Katsuki's chuckle diffuses your efforts fairly quickly.
"You're cute, you know that?" He says gruffly, carmine red eyes burning through the dark of the club. You suppress the urge to shrink.
"I—um, thank you," you flush embarrassingly red. Katsuki's eyes study your being for a moment, flickering up and down, and up again until he's tapping the side of your thigh twice.
"Sit in my lap, Princess."
He guides you using your wrist and for some reason you allow him to guide you into his lap, grunting as he nestles you on him comfortably as he overlooks the club. You falter upon feeling something...strangely hard. “What’s that?”
“My dick,” Katsuki grunts, almost absentmindedly, and yet the vulgar comment takes you so off guard that it nearly knocks the wind out of you.
“‘S your fault for gettin’ me all worked up, Princess,” Katsuki’s hands find their way around your waist before they’re guiding your hips into rolling small, smooth circles against him. Katsuki’s back thumps against the back of the booth as he admires the view, groaning behind a bitten lip. “Told ya to sit still and you didn’t listen.”
You suppose that’s valid.
Plus, you’re enjoying the little groans he’s letting out—along with the sharp inhales when your hips dig harder into his.
“How um—how do I help?”
“Just keep sittin’ pretty, Princess,” Katsuki growls, and you nod, allowing him to guide your hips to his will. It’s a lot of movement, and you find yourself shying away from the balcony as he hikes your dress up to your waist—ultimately exposing the entirety of your lower half. Your goosebumps rise.
“What if people see?”
”They won’t. We’re too high up,” Katsuki soothes, rubbing a thumb over your ribcage as he hooks his chin over your shoulder. “And if they’re fuckin’ nosy? Let ‘em see. The sick fuckers will appreciate the show.”
Let them see. You shiver at that.
Katsuki’s running his hot hands all over your body and they make you feel nothing short of sexy, sliding them up the sides of your body until they curve over your breasts, and drop back down to your hips. They move as if they’re mapping out your body, trying to figure out what makes you tick and what makes you crumble, and you sigh along with the satisfying glide.
“Fuck...you have a better body than those girls ever will,” he groans, but you flush at the way he seems to say it more to himself than to you. “Fuckin’ perfect, fuck.”
“T-Thank you,” you flush, unsure if you were supposed to take the praise or not. Katsuki chuckles.
“So fuckin’ cute, too. You’re welcome, Princess.” His hands move from your waist to the sides of your thighs, tapping twice with open palms. “Squat.”
“Squat?” You confirm with furrowed eyebrows. Katsuki grunts and manhandles you to your feet with a sigh. There isn’t a whole lot of space between the booth and the railing, forcing you to fold over the banister with the cool thing pressing into your gut and your arms keep you from falling completely. You shiver from the cool air as his fingers hook around the fabric of your panties, and then you feel something hot kiss your entrance before Katsuki’s guiding you back down using your hips.
You’re full of him, immediately, and you struggle to hide a whimper as he wastes no time in bottoming out.
“Never had somethin’ this big before, huh Princess?” Katsuki’s strained voice is the only evidence that lets you know he’s feeling good, and you’re tightening around him with a nod.
“N-No, definitely not.”
You have to rest your head against the buzzing railing to just breathe through it, to adjust, and Katsuki chuckles at your shuddering chest. He taps a steady rhythm that matches the beat of the music into your side but doesn’t move, and you find a strange comfort in the vibrating club, with the addition of something inside you providing a uniquely comfortable warmth.
"C-Can I—"
"No," Katsuki grunts, placing heavy hands on your hips to ensure you'll stay in place. "Find your fuckin' friend, first. Y'got a good view."
You whimper and nod, resting your forehead against the cool railing. Fuck—he fills you up too well. As you watch people live their lives down below, you rake your eyes through the crowd in search of a purple dress—and you come up empty.
"I-I don't even know if she's here," you defend, chest shuddering. Katsuki chuckles, though it's laced with something heavier.
"Really? 'Cause you were so fuckin’ sure about twenty minutes ago."
Katsuki's hand cracks against your ass—with a sound you're surprised no one heard over the music—and you yelp. "Dirty fuckin' girl, grinding back on my cock. Impatient girls get punished, you know."
You nearly moan behind a bitten lip. You weren't even aware you were moving.
“F-Found her,” you barely croak out, so relaxed your upper body practically drapes off the balcony. Katsuki snorts, leaning forwards so his mouth is flush against the back of your neck—you gasp from the adjustment.
“Prove it.” He grunts breathily, clearly in a similar condition.
“U-Um, the gold stilettos," you barely manage, and Katsuki hisses as you tighten around him to point down into the fray—lo and behold, there she is, in the middle of the goddamn dance floor with some guy you've never seen before. You...suppose you're in a similar situation. A better one.
"Good girl," the ash-blond coos. Shivering, your hips rolling on their own, but this time Katsuki lets them. You don't stop. “Fuckin’ choking my cock, shit.”
His hands get a little shaky and though it’s hard to discern through your own arousal, you take note of how thin his voice sounds, and continue to roll your hips in the way that makes him shiver. Katsuki starts to trail kisses up your neck which turns into a bite of your earlobe, causing you to hiss from the feeling.
“‘S good?” You ask—Katsuki’s chest vibrates against your back.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” he huffs, guiding hands sliding down your waist. “Keep goin’.”
Not that you were planning on stopping.
Katsuki’s hands slide between your thighs to rub at your clit. You nearly shout, thighs seizing, and the ash-blond chuckles at your inability to stay quiet as if he wasn’t sliding a free hand up your dress to play with your chest.
“Dirty fuckin’ girl—you aren’t even trying to hide it now, are ya? Moanin’ in the club like a goddamn whore.”
You nearly choke at that, slamming a hand over your lips to muffle the sound. Not that anyone would be able to hear you over the club music, but still. Public decency.
Either way, your reaction has Katsuki chuckling, and he hooks his chin over your shoulder as he says, “You like it when I call you dirty, Princess? You like when I point out how fuckin’ filthy you are for me?”
You nod your head vehemently, now bouncing on Katsuki’s cock with a newfound enthusiasm—and you figure the slap on your ass is a signal to respond.
“Answer me, slut.”
“Y-Yeah, I do,” you whimper, and Katsuki’s hand crawls from your breasts to your neck, cutting off your oxygen supply in the best way. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, nearly gasping as you slur:
“Gonna—gonna cum.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum all over my cock in the middle of a club, huh?” Katsuki’s chuckle strains from arousal and you’re positive he’s not that far behind. The hand on your clit speeds up and Katsuki curses as you tighten around him, teeth digging into the meat of your shoulder.
“Cum for me, Princess, fuckin’ do it—“
You squeeze around him with a shout before your orgasm comes over you, shoulders shuddering. Katsuki groans out a broken good girl before his hips buck and grip tightens around your waist as he cums, hands guiding your hips to ride both of your orgasms out until they finally come to a still.
You shiver as Katsuki catches his breath in your neck. Eventually, your racing hearts beat in time with the music and bodies cool enough to not feel so slick with sweat, and finally, Katsuki pulls out with a groan. He doesn't remove you from his lap, though.
"You good?"
You nod, fixing your hair in hopes that you'll look more put together than you feel. "Yeah—yeah I'm fine. You?"
Katsuki turns you in his lap to face him (though it does take some awkward clambering due to the limited space). He zips up his fly and you pull down your dress, the next steps about as uncertain as walking in the dark.
"Why're you asking me?"
"I dunno," you shrug, bottom lip poking out in indifference, "Pussy can take a lot out of a guy, I guess."
Katsuki's pale pink lips slide into a lazy smile, and he drops his head with a snort. "I—yeah okay. Sure."
"What?" You giggle, gesturing at his heaving chest before crossing your hands over yours with a huff. "You're out of breath, aren't you? I did all the work."
Katsuki chuckles at your petulance, shaking his head in defeat, "Y'got me there."
He rests his head against the backboard of the booth to give you a look. You can't put your finger on it, but you feel exposed nonetheless, and you struggle not shrink from it. He licks his lips, "You drink, Princess?"
"Depends," you shrug. The ash-blond grins.
"What do you like?"
"Shirley Temples," you giggle, coiling your arms around his neck. Katsuki's hands return to your waist and it's...comfortable. "Why, you wanna buy me one?"
Katsuki makes a face that signifies yes, he does, and you follow his eyes in peering towards the dance floor again. You see your friend exactly where you saw her last, and upon feeling eyes on her, she looks around to find yours. She shoots you a wink—you roll your eyes.
"What about your friend?" Katsuki snorts, lifting an eyebrow. You snort.
"I found her, didn't I?" You wink, standing to your feet to pull him towards the bar. "Now c'mon! Doing all that work made me thirsty."
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click to return to CLUB 777.
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gwyynbleidd · 3 years
8 and 12!!
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anime asks : @tenderpulsive : accepting
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8. anime character you are most like
I’m about to expose myself in the worst way. There’s three characters a plethora of people have compared me to and, yes, I’m going to explain each because they're all questionable people. Bakugou Katsuki . FIRST OFF: I’m not the type to tell you to kill yourself, that’s just childish, rude, and out of line (I’m not middle school mean). That being said, he’s an ENTJ and I’m an INTJ with anger issues; cognitively we have a lot of overlap. I’m a perfectionist motivated by my own high expectations and desire to be the absolute best I can in every way possible. If I don’t meet my expectations, I get angry. That anger motivates me to push forward and keep fighting. My best friend said this when I asked her the question just now: “You have his drive for success and perfection and show affection through acts of service. You're very hard on yourself. FKGHSDFKGHSDKFHGSDKFGHSDKF. You're also very blunt about your feelings when you do voice them, like bakugo holds no bars when dropping truth bombs.” TLDR: I’m Bakugou, but better (which leads me to the next two characters) Gojo (trash bag) Satoru & Sukuna . It all started because I was taking JJK character quizzes with some friends and kept getting either Sukuna or Gojo. We needed a tie-breaker and Gojo ended up winning. After that, my friends started watching/reading the show/manga and came back saying “yeah they’re literally you”. Now they won’t stop making comparisons. These two have parallels as it is, making it reasonable to be compared to them both at once. Without giving spoilers, they're both confident in their skills, which can come off as arrogant (is it arrogance if you can back it up?) One is a chaotic crackhead whose intelligence and talent can be jarring to witness after seeing them act dumb as fuck two seconds beforehand (also why are people shocked when you’re pretty and funny but also smart?); we’re also naturally good at whatever we try, idk why. Morally, Gojo and I are identical as well. Sukuna is an ENTJ so, like with Bakugou, the cognition aspect is pretty similar.
12. anime that should get more attention from others
I don’t see nearly enough hype for the Chainsaw Man anime coming out. Everyone should watch/read this. It’s SO good. But I also wish more people would talk about YuYu Hakusho. 
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avasem · 4 years
Ok guys I'm been thinking about a headcanon I had while doing a tiktok.
There has been a lot of talks lately about female characters in mha being a little two dimentional especially compared to the guy characters.
So I might have found a way to make Ochako a little more interesting .
What if instead of having Todoroki in the fight against Stain we had Ochako in his place?
Everyone is already saying that because she is being a hero just for the money, she is the exact reason why Stain is doing what he's doing and she's a perfect example of what he think a hero is not supposed to be.
I mean of course she's not doing it because she's greedy and she just want to earn a lot of money, she's doing this for her family, to put them in a better situation and to have a little bit of economic stability.
But let's talk about how much more meaningful and iconic would have been her change of character.
In the anime she is already changing because of Deku, because she finds inspiration in him.
Of course Stain wouldn't know about Ochako motivation but she can learn from this fight and the exchange that they have with this villain. That could have been the moment when Uraraka see for herself what it means to be a hero. And Deku could show that to her.
Especially right after she realised that the villain spared Deku because of his motivation and his determination to become a hero for all the right reasons.
The tention in the scene is already really high, but instead of having one of the most powerful and skilled classmate in the hero course fighting, we have a powerful one still, but she's definitely not in the same class range as Todoroki, it would have been even more suspenseful.
And then we have two of the closest people to the main protagonist in a very dangerous situation where they both have to change their worldview and their beliefs in order to become better people.
There would have been a lot of similarities between Tenya and Uraraka they're both doing what they're doing because of their family and they might have noble intentions.
I could see even more her consoling him after fight, and not just because she's a good person and a good friend, but because she understands having to let go of your motivation and what you have believed was the right thing to do.
Also during that internship Uraraka was learning new techniques to fight close range and close combat and she could have shown for the first time in that battle what she had learned so far.
I can totally imagine the scene where Deku is screaming "no don't do it, it's dangerous" because he doesn't know yet about all the training that she had to go through before that fight and she's just a BANG, decking the villain.
For this alternative story to take place we would have to change a few things about some previous events for example the mini character development that we had during the tournament arc.
Maybe we could have keep Ochako fighting Bakugou but that could have been just about her proving that she can too me powerful, show how much driver she has in her.
Maybe she could have started more as a greish character, with a more realistic view of the hero world. She could have seen it more as a job just like any other. One of the most praised jobs in society. And saving people would have been a plus to her.
She could have been really determined to do anything to put her family in a better situation that sometimes she forget the idealised reason to be a hero: to save people and give hope to others.
And she could be reminded of that by Deku actions in the fight.
And also Iida could have been a good character foil for her, to show her what happens if you become a hero for other reasons that the one of saving people.
I can't get this idea out of my mind!
What do you guys think?
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