#i genuinely just don't go out for coffee so i'm always shocked nowadays
solemntitty · 7 months
i'm having an 'it's a banana michael' moment
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A/N: I fought tooth and nail for this prompt so I hope you like it anon 👀
Dabi had left the Nightscape for several reasons.
For better scenery, for less screaming, for.. for a third reason, and to escape his crazy as fuck ex girlfriend who never seemed to get the point that they were done. She was a phase, she wasn’t the endgame.
Did she get that as he tossed her ass out of his apartment? No, she just came back with a lighter to set his home ablaze. But the woman didn't realize he controlled flames as easily as he did breathing.
So he left. He packed a few things, clothes and whatever currency the humans were using nowadays and went up to the world beyond. His father was one of the lords of the Nightscape, but he didn't need to worry about slipping past him, Dabi was thought to be dead for ages.
More like “Touya” had been dead for ages, but that was a clusterfuck of different issues he didn't care to unfold.
Living above ground had added perks beyond escaping a crazy ex and not being surrounded by shades and wraiths on the daily. He could take on the form of a true human, not the horned and fanged form he usually wore. His tail was gone, and his scars and staples were replaced with tattoos and piercings, but he grew used to his new form very quickly.
In the human world, humans had long since developed quirks, so his flames were not an oddity. He was thankful for them when he was questioned about how he got his scars, scars that would occasionally show through his glamour. It was an easy answer, his body couldn't handle his “quirk”. People gave him sad eyes and let him go.
What he did struggle with was the occasional demon hunter nearly tracking him down, but he always managed to turn their eye the other way. Was it testing the line choosing to live so close to a school that trained demon hunters? Yes, but he was always good at magic, a simple glamour always did the trick.
When he scored a job at a coffee shop, he was pleased to see it was a simple transaction kind of job. No one would be able to ask him why his eyes were constantly rivaling the blue of his flames or why a phantom tail would lash out and occasionally spill the row of cups behind him.
He pegged it as a ghost haunting the shop, and so it became a little inside joke within the workers ranks and some of the shop's patrons.
Opening on a rainy Wednesday, he looks around the room before lighting the candles at the tables with a flame on his pinkie finger. Setting up the tables and scooting in the chairs, he walks back to the counter and sets up the machines when the door rings, signalling someone had entered.
“Welcome.” He rolls out in a soft purr, a habit from years of toying with his playthings as an incubus. Eventually he would get rid of the habit. “What can I get for you today?” He turns around.
You were soaking wet with a satchel above your head, you were shivering and looking at the coffee machines as if they were god sent.
You looked adorable.
He leans on the counter with a growing smile. “Wet out there isn't it?”
Your gaze snaps to him. Your eyes were a soft mahogany color, reminding him of a tree. It wasn't the most romantic thing he could come up with, but trees were also very rare to find in the Nightscape, so he supposed it was based on your point of view. “C-Coffee. Please.”
“Sure thing babe, what kind?”
“A mocha cappuccino with three shots of espresso.”
He quirks a brow as he types in your order. “Three?”
“I usually get five but my doctor told me I need to cut down.”
“How about you aim for two?”
“I don't think I’d survive that loss sir.”
He chuckles. “Sir?” He asks as he tells you the price of your drink, accepting your soggy wad of cash and giving you your change once the transaction was complete. “Well madam, your drink will be out shortly, take some napkins to dry up, they’re by the sugar.”
He spots a small blush on your face as you go to the condiments counter. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” He prepares your drink as he hears you pluck a plethora of napkins out of their container. Small curses are all he hears as you open your bag, he hears the clicking of latches and the zipping of zippers. You scuttle past the counter and stop in front of the register again.
“Do you have a bathroom? My bag is drenched..”
He brings you your drink and tilts his head as he debates your question. A bathroom wouldn't solve the water issue, you just thought it would.
Dabi places your drink on the counter and holds his hand out. “I can dry your bag.”
You smile, adjusting your glasses in the mean time. “You have a wind quirk?”
“I'm not a blowdryer.” He grins. “But I can still dry it for you.”
You debate his words, looking down at your soggy satchel that was only getting worse as time passed. You hand him the bag with an accepting sigh. “Please.”
He takes your bag and lights his hands on fire. You nearly scream before he speaks up. “I can control my fire, this one won’t burn anything, it's just warm.”
“Oh.” You shut your mouth with a sheepish bow of your head. “Sorry.”
“It's alright.” He turns the bag in his hold, looking at the patches and bad attempts at embroidery on its edges. It was cute. The sad little attempts seemed to get better as they reached the top, which led him to believe this was your first attempt at embroidery.
What would you do if he had burnt it to ash?
His flames were highly destructive, and sometimes even he couldn't handle them.
Maybe he was being risky to test his powers like this. It had been ages since he last used his flames for something more than lighting a silly candle or a cigarette.
Oh right, you were still there.
He looks at you and rotates the bag in his hold. “Yes?”
“Is it always this empty?”
“Only when you're here.” He winks.
“Rude, sir.”
You laugh, and from that point on he's hooked to the sound.
Dabi used to like his job, now it was turning into something akin to gratitude. It allowed him to see you on most days.
He had learned quite a few things about you ever since that rainy day.
You were a teacher in training, specifically the nearby high school. You were aiming for Shiketsu and had a foot in the door with the vice principal taking notice of you during their mock trials. He didn't peg you for a demon hunter, but everyone had a hidden side to them. Hah. You had two pet birds named Sweet Pea and Darlington, you had a snake named Petra and were looking into getting a newt.
You loved coffee but hated it black, it needed sugar or chocolate of some kind because you couldn't stand bitter food. You loved spicy food even if you couldn't tolerate it, and you adored sour candies.
While you looked book smart, you were also street smart, and he was beginning to believe you might be vying for a spot as a demon slayer teacher. He just didn't know what your quirk was yet.
“Hey Dabi.” You chime in unison with the doorbell as you walk inside, this time with an umbrella to keep yourself out of the rain.
He leans on the counter with a grin. “Hey babe. What is it today? The usual?”
“Just a shot of espresso this time.”
He narrows his eyes. “Are you sick?”
“Nope.” You fold your arms behind your back, rocking back and forth on your heels with a huge smile on your face. “I got news.”
“Do tell.” He says as he starts preparing your shot.
“I got the job!” You squeal in excitement, arms coming out of hiding so you can clasp them in front of you. “Starting in the spring I’m going to be the new first year homeroom teacher!”
He genuinely smiles. So you wanted to ruin your happiness with a shot of liquid bitter? He didn't understand you sometimes.  “I thought your celebration drink would be a sakura latte, not a shot of espresso.”
You wave your hand dismissively, already removing your wallet from your pocket. “I'll come back for one.”
“Two visits in one day? Is that a gift for you or for me?” He chuckles and hands you your espresso, taking your yen and entering it into the register.
You adjust the glasses on your face. "I figured I would grace your presence because you've been so humble as to fuel my caffeine addiction."
"It's my duty to make sure you don't kill some other sorry bastard with a coffee maker."
Your eyes flash green for a split second, and in that moment he has to keep from reeling back. Did he really see that?
The cups behind him tumble to the ground.
His tail had appeared in his brief moment of shock.  
You cock your head to the side. "What happened?"
He kneels and collects the cups. "The shop's ghost. Don't mind it."
"I thought I saw a-"
"How about I give you the latte now? On me." He interrupts you mid sentence, standing up with the cups in his arms.
The blush on your face was one of his favorite sights in the human world.
"You don't have to Dabi."
"It's just a drink." He waves you along to one of the booths. "Sit, it'll be ready soon."
You take your shot of espresso and go to the booth he had motioned you to.
The way you scrunched your nose in disgust as you drank your shot was also one of his new favorite sights.
Maybe it was just you.
After you had gotten your job at Shiketsu, you were around every morning to prepare for the day. Sometimes you would come by for lunch, unfortunately he clocked out on those days, but sometimes he would make sure he was in the area just to catch you off-guard. Those days he spent his lunch with you, and you got to tell him stories about your students.
It was one of your lunch breaks when hell came to toll.
His eyes were trained on you as you spoke, you were talking about a girl who wielded fire similar to him when the bell of the cafe rang.
The sound resonated through him, and in that moment he knew who was at the door.
What was at the door.
His glamour of his new human form nearly drops as he hears a woman's voice ask from the counter of the cafe.
“Is Dabi here?” She croons in a sickly sweet voice he hadn't heard in nearly a year. He doesn't hear his coworkers' response but he feels the air fill with the flowery scent of her. He grits his teeth to keep his fangs from showing through as he hears her heels click against the ground.
You had stopped your explanation and looked behind him, adjusting your glasses as you did so. “You're looking for Dabi?”
“I am, what a sweet peach you've got here Dabi~ I didn't know you still had it in you to snag such a cutie, your charms must still be working even in this sad form.” He feels her hand on his shoulder, her fingernails drumming along the stitching of his jacket. “Did you catch her, or did she come crawling to you?”
He knows he has to speak up, before she says another word, but his fangs were already piercing the inside of his lip as his glamour slipped.
He looks at you with the most apologetic gaze he can muster. Grabbing his coffee, he lifts it to his mouth to hide his fangs and he speaks. “Excuse me.” He stands up and slams the cup on the table, grabbing the wrist of the woman behind him and dragging her out of the shop and into the closest alleyway.
He slams her against the wall with her arm pinned above her head. His glamour drops completely, his scars and horns bared for the world to see as he growls with rage. “You!”
The succubus in front of him smiles coyly, dragging a finger across his scars and the staples holding his mouth together. “Aren't you happy to see me? To see one of your own again?”
“No. What do you want?”
She plays at pulling on one of the staples but is stopped as he pins her other hand up as well. The succubus sighs and turns her head, “I come see you and all I get is this. And seeing you with a little human.” She peers at him with violet eyes. “Don't tell me you've gone soft Dabi. She’s human, she’ll die just like a human too.”
He hadn't let that thought slip into his mind and wasn't planning on starting to. He tightens his grip on her wrists. “We broke up, I made that clear.” A feral grin forms on his face, pulling at the staples on his face. “I told you, if you try me again, I’ll kill you.”
“I heard you had a human now. We all heard.” She whispers, her eyes glowing in the dark of the alley. “They know Dabi.”
His grip falters.
Shit. Shit Shit-
He lets go of her wrists and he paces in the alleyway, flames licking at his face as his emotions spiralled.
“They need your power, but you’re squandering it here with a girl who will die before you know it. While you're full of youth, she will be an old crone with nothing but a coffin awaiting her.” She didn't sound bothered at all as she rubs her wrists. “Honestly Dabi, you were the one that taught me never to fall for a human. They’re too brittle, their life essence too weak.”
He did teach her. He taught her to keep her heart shut and to leave it open only for him. He taught her a little too well, as she now believed she had rights to him.
But he never taught himself as well as he did her.
He fell for you bad, and you were mortal.
“Anyway, I was told one of two things. Either bring you back with me, or expose you so you have no other choice but to return.”
He looks back at her, his rage quelled only by the dread that was now spiralling in him. “You will do no such thing!” He roars, his flames igniting and setting him ablaze. “If you dare go near her-”
The succubus’s body transforms into mist starting from her feet then rising to her waist. She puts a finger to her lips. “I’ll be back in three days. If you don't do it, I will.”
She was gone. Leaving him alone in the alley with nothing but flames that wouldn't stop burning.
Dabi spent the next two days trying to find ways to tell you, but with each scenario came the same question.
What would you do if you knew he was a demon? You worked at a school that trained demon slayers- what other option for you would there be if not to turn him in? It was your duty to turn in any demon that showed up at your door, and here you were having coffee with him.
He couldn't do it.
On the third day, it was raining, just like the day he met you.
He hated the mist that had surrounded the shop, reminding him of the succubus and her promise.
Three days.
He had to tell you.
But why was it so damn hard to do? He used to be cold and calculated, having his fun toying with human emotions and killing without regret. He had no empathy, no sympathy for the lives he ruined.
But you were kind. So incredibly kind.
He rests his head on the counter as the door opens. He scents you in the air before you even step through, the smell of milk and honey wafting in the air as you approach the counter.
He had to tell you.
“Morning Dabi!” You cheer as you fold up your umbrella. “A mocha cappuccino with two shots of espresso please!”
He looks up and smiles crookedly. “Finally down to two?”
“I figured I would finally listen to you.”
“That's my girl.” He chuckles as he grabs a cup and prepares your drink. His hands were shaking, but he knew what he had to do.
When your drink was ready and paid for, Dabi keeps his hand on the cup as you take it from him, your hand overlapping his. You look at him with curious eyes behind your wide rimmed glasses. “Dabi? What’s wrong?”
“If I told you I was a bad man, what would you do?”
You narrow your eyes, but keep your hand over his. “Stealing a croissant from the place you work at isn't evil Dabi-”
“Not that.” He laughs but it's noticeably strained. “Not that.” He looks you in the eyes, greedily taking in the sight of you, for perhaps the last time. “What if I told you I was a bad man, who did horrible things. Whose caused terrible things.”
Your hand tightens around his, he feels the tremors in your body before you still.
“I would tell you I know better than to judge you for what you've done, and tell you that I judge you for who you are now. Does that forgive you of what you've done or what you've caused? No. But I judge what I see. And I see a good man.”
He lets out a shaky breath as his glamor drops, revealing his true form of scars and fangs and horns. His flames curl around him as he whispers. “What if I'm not a man?”
You jump back, hands flying to your glasses before they could tumble off of your face. You stare at him with your jaw hanging.
He looks at the coffee still in his grasp. At the scars covering his body.
He knew it.
He puts down the cup.
He knew it.
Clapping comes from the corner of the room where the succubus has taken form, her body still halfway between corporal and mist. She smiles, showing off her sharpened canines. “Bravo Dabi, I almost thought I’d have to do it myself.”
You shut your mouth and look at the succubus. “You're from before-”
“I am.” She purrs. “And I’m here to take Dabi home. Shigaraki will be happy to see his lieutenant again.”
Dabi burns away his apron, leaving him in his normal attire, the stitches of his black coat catching his eye. Memories of your embroidered bag slip through his mind, though are soon flushed out entirely when he hears the shattering of tables as a high pitched shriek comes from the mist succubus.
He phases through the counter in a wall of heatless flame as he sees you covering your ears.
The shriek had destroyed the tables and windows turning them into scrap, and had shattered your glasses. Blood was running down your ears from between your hands.
He stands between you and the succubus, his arms lit with powerful blue flames. “This wasn't part of the deal!”
“Not our deal. Shigaraki doesn't want you to have any temptations for returning to the human world. We need your girl gone for good.” She grins fiendishly. “She will never grow old, isn't that the best gift you could receive?”
“Dabi-” You call out from behind him.
“Stay back!” He yells at you. “Get out of here!” But he knew if you went into the rain outside, you would be done for. The succubus would be able to drown you where you stood.
Her body turns to pure water as she rushes at him. With her power boosted by the rain that washed in through the broken windows, all he could do was send wave after wave of fire to evaporate the water.
But what was evaporation if not mist?
He was fighting a losing battle as he backed up until he finally reached you. He covers you with his body as he puts up a wall of flame.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers to you as his flames are soon put out. “I’m sorry.”
You lift your hands to his face, eyes still closed, and pull him in, pressing your forehead against his.
“Don't be sorry for the things you can't control.” You whisper in return.
The succubus’s body turns corporal from the waist up. She coos. “How sweet, one last goodbye.”
You press a kiss to his lips.
“Don't open your eyes.” You murmur against his lips before letting go of his face and turning around to look at the succubus.
He closes his eyes, prepared to hear you scream in pain, prepared to hear your body drop to the ground.
But all he hears is the loud boom of thunder from outside and the crackle of rock breaking.
He opens his eyes and sees you on your knees in front of a marble statue of the succubus.
His eyes widen as he sees you stand up. From the reflection of the marble, he can see your eyes flashing green.
“Did I ever tell you my mother was a demon?” You ask as you kneel and pick up your eyeglass frames from the floor. “She called herself Medusa. Silly, huh? My dad was human though, and well, as you know, they had me..” You turn around, your eyes now closed. “I guess you can say my quirk is having a very strange lineage.”
Dabi gets to his feet and runs at you, barreling into you with his arms swiftly wrapping around you.
You return the hug, your face nuzzled into his chest.
“So.. you're not mortal?” He says quietly, as if the good luck that had been shone upon the both of you would wither out.
“I'm not. It's my hundred and twenty-fourth this year.” You look up from his hold, he could see the faint glow of green from under your eyelashes. “Will you be there?”
He tightens his hold and presses his lips against yours.
“As if I'd ever leave.”
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