#i fought someone kissed someone and almost went home with the worst possible candidate
megan-is-mia · 3 years
May I have Jade with number 12 off your new yandere prompt list? Thanks!
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(No biggie it happens sometimes my dude) 12. “You do love me…right?” (Yandere! Jade Leech x Fem! S/o)
“Was my wish too ambitious? Was it too much to ask for a quiet life with someone who loved me?” (Y/n) thought to herself as she floated on her back in the early morning light. The hours right before sunrise and right after sunrise were her favorite parts of the day. They were the only time she had to herself anymore, her partner Jade preferred to sleep until the sun was completely above the horizon. She needed to make sure she was home before he awoke and already making breakfast lest he accuse her of sneaking off to have an affair with someone. (Y/n) had met Jade back when she had just reached the delicate age of fifteen and had been permitted by her parents to visit the beach to gather clams when the tide was low and fish for herring and anchovies while the tide was high. She spent many days contentedly foraging before she began to get the feeling that someone might be watching her. A few weeks of being watched passed by before she gathered the courage to confront her observer. Foolishly she’d called out for the person to reveal themselves to her and she’d met her stalker face to face. Jade had been so different when they’d first met. He’d acted so gentlemanly towards her that if she hadn’t been able to see his normal-looking clothes she might have guessed he was a fairytale prince out of a storybook. The boy had been so gracious to her, offering to help her fish and dig up clams so that it took half the time it took her to complete the job on her own. The only compensation he’d asked from her was that she spent the time she saved by receiving his help with him just talking and getting to know one another better. (Y/n) had no idea that her agreeing to such activity might be her undoing.
A few years passed by, (Y/n) finally reached the age where it was time for her to settle down and start a family with someone her parents approved of. She had considered asking Jade what he thought of her marriage prospects only to have him offer himself up as a possible candidate for her hand. The girl had turned him down without a second thought, he was her best friend! There was no way she could marry her best friend! Not to mention the boy didn’t exactly fit her mother and father’s ideal for what kind of man their daughter should be wedded to.
The lad was too spindly and lacked enough muscle for hard labor, he would not be able to provide for their child or any children. That was what the girl’s father said. The boy lacked knowledge in a proper trade, he would not be able to find a job to support their daughter or any grandbabies she brought into the world. That is what the young woman’s mother declared. (Y/n) hated to say it but she agreed with her parents’ assessment of Jade’s skill set as a potential husband. Despite this she did not wish for a rift to form between her and her beloved friend, so she continued to visit him each day. It was on the day she brought him the good news that she’d found a match that he struck. Jade grabbed (Y/n) by the wrist and dragged her into the ocean. Deeper and deeper they went until the girl’s feet could no longer touch the ground without her entire head being submerged and still, they went deeper. Eventually they’d gone far enough that the boy was almost completely submerged and the young woman finally put her foot down to end this nonsense. Wrenching her wrist from his grip she tried to swim back to shore only to be met with a nasty surprise as a thick thing wrapped around her body and dragged her under. She forced her eyes open despite how the salty water stung them, desperate to see what had pulled her between the water’s surface and discover if she could escape the thing’s clutches. That thing turned out to be Jade, who’s pale peach skin had turned a horrifying teal everywhere but his hands, chest, and face which instead had taken on an unnatural white tone. His ears had elongated into fins and when she looked down she saw a second pair of fins located on his forearms. When (Y/n) looked further down she saw that it was a tail that was wrapped around her keeping her captive. “I’m so sorry it had to end this way Minnow. I did want to continue playing human with you awhile longer but you forced my hand. I just can't have you running off and getting married to some land-dwelling halfwit when you clearly belong by my side living life to the fullest” Jade said with a reluctant smirk at (Y/n). “You just shut those pretty eyes for me okay? I promise i won't let you drown, i’m just taking you somewhere safe so we can live our lives in happy domestic bliss alright?” the boy went on pressing a kiss to the girl’s lips and transferring oxygen to keep her alive as she passed out from shock. The next time (Y/n) awoke she was curled up in an unfamiliar bed with Jade holding her close and looking as human as he ever had. However now she knew the truth and that changed everything. At first, she’d fought tooth and nail to escape, but it was no use. He was faster than her regardless if it was on land or in the water. Especially when it came to water, he seemed to delight in showing her just how powerless she was in the water even if he didn’t shift into his eel-merman form. Yes that was right, she was now the partner to an eel-merman. A fact she’d never be allowed to forget.
These thoughts swirled around (Y/n)’s head as she continued to float in the water and she lost track of time. Jade awoke to an empty bed and started thinking the worst until he saw his sweet Minnow enjoying gentle ocean waves outside. Creeping into the water he changed shape and swam beneath the girl before grabbing her ankle to drag her under playfully. He enjoyed how she fought to keep her head above the water and let her flounder and struggle for air for a few moments more before he surfaced with her held in his arms like a newborn baby.
“Minnow… You do love me…right?” Jade said softly as (Y/n) coughed violently and tried to clear her lungs of water before giving him an answer. He knew what the answer was for him, he loved his Minnow more than anything in this world. He’d planned on eating her when they’d first met but had grown quickly enamored after talking with her only a short while. He had wanted to marry her and make it official on land but alas things don't always go according to plan. The eel felt a kiss being pressed against his lips, breaking him from his musings and serving as an adequate answer to his question… at least for now… THE END
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