#i forgot it's called pot brownies hehe
cosmicanemoia · 1 year
A Minute More
Agatha Harkness x Reader
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One day, you both eat brownies that a vendor was selling. You didn't know it had marijuana in it, so you bought a bunch of it and devoured it together.
A/N: Does not end happily.
You were walking round the town circle not sure where you should go next and you saw a woman sitting on a bench, you decided to approach her, when you came nearer you see her staring at notheing looking far away, you clear your throat and ask her a question.
"Excuse me, miss, would you happen to know where this is? I'm bad at directions, and it's pure luck that I even got here if this even is the right place." She looks at you with extremely creepy wide smile and strained teary eyes. You just shrug it off and start to back away. She probably doesn't want to be bothered.
"Hey hot stuff, where are you going? you came to the right person, I know this place like the back of my hand." You hand her the paper with an address written on it. She looks at it and stands up to go wherever the address says. You just follow her and on the walk over to the address she asks you lots of questions, some of it pretty personal and invasive for total strangers, she comes off as nosy but you didn't care you just wanna get to your new house and rest.
She stopped at a white picket-fence house "this is where the address say dear. I'm Agatha I live next door she said pointing to the house next to yours If you ever need anything just come a-knocking." She gives you a wink. "Will do. I'm y/n by the way, thank you so much Ms Agatha." You thanked her, "Agnes" she said and you move closer "what?" "It's agnes" she repeated, "I'm pretty sure I heard Agatha but if that's what you want me to call you, I will" "Oh don't be silly dear, you can call me anything you like" she said and you said "and I'm sure I will" you give her a wink and took her hand and squeeze it, "but thank you really, I would be lost without you, literally." You let go of her hand and take a few step back, "I'm heading in now, you should too or else you'll catch a cold, it's a bit chilly," you turn around and walk towards your door, after a few steps you turn on your back to look at her "see you when I see you Aggie." You now walk backwards towards your house and turn around when you came near.
As the days passed you both grew closer together. Closer than normal even. She'd spent a lot of time with you. You like your personal space, and Agatha also likes it.
You went to a park together, accompanying her walking the other neighbor's dog cause she volunteer but auddenly regrets it and convinced you to tag along. She tied the dog to a post and you both took a seat at the nearest bench.
You move closer to her and she did as well, you turn to look at her and see her already looking at you with such a sweet gentle smile on her face, you cupped her cheeks and softly caress them with your thumb, she hummed by the action you put your thumb to her lips, tracing its outline you move closer and whisper in her ear "you're so beautiful." You took your hand back and continue to enjoy the natural view like you just didn't admire the ethereal view. How could you look away from her and not give her the most passionate kiss? surely she feels the same about you, right?
She softly nudge your forearms and said in a lively manner "you're as beautiful dear." There it is again, that super creepy wide grinned smile with her teary eyes, like she's trap within her ownself asking you to free her, but that would be silly, would it? But even if she's really trapped, how would you even free her? So you did the only thing you could, the only thing you thought could somehow help, and maybe it did. You pulled her in a tight hug, it is soft and it is warm, almost freeing, almost.
She stayed at your house most times and when she didn't stay at yours you'd stay at her, watching movies, gossiping dancing to music being silly and all. She always cooks you good food and always care for you, you always care for her too much more than you normally would other people, but she's not others, she's something else entirely.
One day, you both eat brownies that a vendor was selling, you didn't know it has marijuana in it so you bought a bunch of it and devour it together.
You both are now high as the clouds, feeling so good, you danced your heart out, sing your heart out. When you both got tired you both dropped on the couch, you put your hand on her thigh not fully aware of what you're doing. "I'll get us water" you took your hand back and stand, she missed the contact and suddenly pulls you down, she's also not aware of what she's doing. "Do it later, just be here with me for a minute more hun," you settled on the couch following her request, she lays her head on your thighs and you gently play with her hair. She puts her hand on your neck and pulls you closer, your lips now just inches away from the other and suddenly the bell door rings, "I think that's the pizza you ordered," you said "right. I'll get it, you just sit here and wait dear." You shook your head in disappointment, and she sighs.
"Hi'ya hun, just came to see if you've eaten, cause I haven't... Maybe we could eat at the same time together," she said "Aggie, I was just about to order in, please come in. What do you want?" You told her, "you-" she said "I was thinking chinese, is that ok with u?" You answered oblivious of what she really meant, "okie dokie artichokie."
You both sat side by side in the couch, it was your usual movie night. Everything was just so domestic. You were watching a "romantic" movie and it gives you both the courage. You both finally did what you always wanted to do.
You finally kissed and WHAM! The kiss emits a rainbow glow travelling the earth but not as fast as light would but just like a cold gentle breeze in a summer night. The curse she was in is now broken thanks to you.
True love kiss breaks all curse.
One would thought she'd flew away, seek wanda and get her revenge. She didn't. She chose to stay with you.
She told you everything. From when she first became a witch, how she came to power, how she crave it, how it all backfired, and how she ended up being cursed. "Serves you right for being such a greedy monster" you joked trying to ease the tension and you pull her into another kiss. She chuckled "I know, hun. --Good thing, I'm greedy for something else now." You burst out laughing which she mirrored, you stop when she did, this is the first time you've heard her genuinely laughing her ass off, and you think it's the most beautiful sound you've ever heard.
You now have an established relationship. Living together for years, and you both were at your happiest, you have everything you need. Everything is perfect, or it seems to be, you both have no idea of the darkness that lurks within. Who are we kidding, nothing is ever perfect and no one could actually have it all.
One day on a rainy day you went out to buy groceries, she offered to come with but you refused and said "you just wait here my queen, I'll be back before you know it." You give her a peck on the cheeks and walk out.
You were on your way back and a black purple smoke surrounds you and you suddenly dissappear like a bubble dissolving into thin air, that it lived its purpose and you've lived yours. It's there and it's gone, you're there and you are gone.
Agatha doesn't feel right not going with you, she always convinced you to let her come, but today is different, there's something wrong, something bad, and she can feel it. She took an umbrella and decided to follow you to the supermarket.
When she got there, you were nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found. She checked the security cameras and she watched, you were about to walk out the glass door and suddenly the computer screen glitches and you were gone just like that. She played it over and over again, but it doesn't matter how much cause it will never change the outcome.
Agatha went back to what she knew before you, dark magic. She'll do anything just to have you back.
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