#i flirt with the barista in my starbucks and he's pretty cute
hiraya-rawr · 2 years
This ask probs sounds weird from the beginning, but like I'm so comforted that you also are/went to college and finding your own way out there?? Like, I get so sad and stressed about finding money for college and my stuff, but then I see that you've also been through/working through the same things?? And it just makes me feel a little more motivated/happy? It's like that one chant of "one of us! One of us!"
no no no it's not weird at all! the main reason i started sharing random things about me was exactly because a content creator i admired talked about their daily life and it just— it made things so much more human? it made me feel more connected to them?? like they're not just a blogger centered around genshin but they're also people with a whole other life and yeah 🥹 i get what you mean and im so happy you feel the same way!
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ohwoopsiescafe · 3 years
Jealousy Time—I Mean Coffee Time
It was a lovely Thursday morning. You and your boyfriend were walking along the college campus heading towards a Starbucks near the centre in order to buy a coffee to get you going and help you pull through your arduous studying session planned for that day. You were wearing a beautiful white dress with daisies on it, a pastel pink cardigan, white sneakers and your hair arranged in two pretty braids. You looked so cute. Yoongi thought the same. He couldn’t stop looking at you and smiling in consequence. You were his everything. He was really cute as well. His outfit consisted of black jeans, a big hoodie and some converse boots. It suited him. It reflected his personality. Calm, tranquil, cozy… everything. He was your everything too.
The weather was perfect. The golden sun rays hit your face softly, giving it a glow. Cherry blossoms were falling from trees making a beautiful petal shower. It was a gorgeous summer day. Both Yoongi and you wanted something cold to refresh yourselves, so when you reached the coffee shop, you played a round of “rock-paper-scissors” to decide which one of you would order. Unfortunately, and like it was most of the time, you lost and had to go lineup in an ever eternal queue that was extending even outside the little shop while Yoongi looked for a place to seat and wait until you returned with your drinks.
You wrote down your boyfriend’s order in your phone’s memos so you didn’t forget it. You swear Yoongi only asks for the most complicated drinks to make you have a hard time. You know damn well he prefers a simple Americano but always ends up with a super long order just to make you suffer. Next time you win that “rock-paper-scissors-thingy” he’ll know what’s good! You frowned like an angry kitten and balled up your fists cutely. Yoongi was watching you from afar and his heart melted at your sight. However, he wasn’t the only one looking. He noticed the barista eyeing you with a flirty smile. How could he not? You were so pretty. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean he wasn’t a little upset about it.
It was your turn to order so you approached the counter with a smile.
—Hello, what are you going to have today?
—Mm… I’ll have a tall iced caramel macchiato, please
—What type of milk do you drink?
—Almond’s good.
—Almond? Okay—the chestnut hair boy wrote it down on your cup.
—And… could you put a little more caramel drizzle on it?
—Sure—he gave you a handsome smile—could you help me giving me your name, miss?
—Oh, yeah, sorry—you chuckled a little embarrassed—. My name’s y/n.
—You come here often, don’t you?
—Yes, I do—you tilted your head slightly to the left—how do you know though?
—I’m a psychic—he laughed—I’m kidding. I just noticed how frequently you come and find it a little funny and cute how you always ask for the same thing with an extra drizzle so I wanted to take your order today to know your name.
—Ah haha—you laughed nervously and played with your hair—now you know who is the annoying girl asking for extras. Sorry.
—No, no, it’s fine, y/n… if I can call you that.
—Yeah, I have no problem…—you looked for the barista’s name tag—Taehyung, if I can call you that.
—Go ahead, it sounds good when you say it—he winked.
Yoongi had heard it all and to say he was mad is an understatement. He had half moons in the palm of his hands due to the pressure he was applying. Why was that Taehyung guy flirting with you so shamelessly? And more importantly, why were you allowing it? It always happened, people flirted with you and you never seem to be aware of it. You were nice to everyone, a total cutie. He didn’t even noticed when you walked up to him and bumped his shoulder with the cup of the beverage he ordered.
—You ready, Yoongs?
—Okay! Next stop: the library to study—you interlocked your arm with his and started marching childishly. You stopped abruptly when you noticed your boyfriend wasn’t following along with your little antics and you pouted—. Are you mad, babe?
—No—he lied and turned his head to give his drink a sip.
—Come on, y/n, let’s get to the library.
You didn’t want to push it so you kept in silence for the rest of the walk. When you finally reached your destination, you went to the second floor of the library, where your “secret spot” was. This was in between some large bookshelves at the far left corner of the building, the exact opposite to the stairs. No one ever approached there so it was perfect. You sat on the floor, with your legs crossed in front of you, got your backpack off your shoulders and took out the inhumane amount of books you had to read to prepare for your exam. Yoongi did exactly the same, except that he did it more aggressively and in silence. You were taken aback.
—Yoongi, honey, is something wrong?
—I’ve told you I’m fine, y/n. It’s nothing.
—Babe, if there’s something making you mad, is better that you tell me what it is. We can find a solution together—you placed down your cup on the floor and surrounded his hands with yours.
—It’s just that I saw you with that barista and…
—Taehyung?—Yoongi huffed.
—Awww, babe, it’s fine. Taehyung was just being friendly.
—Extremely flirty, I’d say.
—Oh he was not!
—Of course he was! You should’ve seen how he looked at you! He was totally hitting on you, don’t try to tell me he wasn’t.
—Okay, maybe he was being a little overly chummy. But it is because it’s his job. Almost everyone working at Starbucks is kind and amiable.
—And does their job include winking and smirking to customers?
—He wasn’t flirting with me, Yoongi.
—Whatever. Let’s study—he said dryly, opening his textbook.
—No, hold on, I don’t want to leave it like this. Look at me—you cupped his face in your hands and looked at him warmly in the eyes—. Yoongi, honey, even if Taehyung were flirting with me, I wouldn’t care. You’re my boyfriend and I love you more than you could imagine. There’s no one else. So stop it ‘cause I ain’t looking at no one else. I only have eyes for you. And if you don’t believe it, I’ll smack your head with this thick ass book until it sinks in—you frowned and grabbed your biggest textbook, threatening him. He laughed.
—Oh come here, baby—he took your hands and made you sit in his lap.
He grabbed your chin and kissed you slowly. The kiss was warm and tasted like coffee, you loved it. His hands caressed your cheek and brushed your hair. It was so sweet and mellow.
—If you kiss me like this and tell me such nice things every time I get jealous, I’ll make sure to do it more often—he laughed making his adorable gummy smile visible.
—God, you’re such a dummy—you rolled your eyes and giggled.
—You know I love you and fear losing you, right?
—I do—you ran your hand through his hair and looked at him fondly—. And you know I love you too and will never go away from your side, right?
—I do—his voice was almost a whisper. He kissed you one more time—. Let’s get to study, come on, I don’t want to fail the exam.
—Ugh, do we really have to?—you said putting your head on his shoulder defeated.
—If you don’t want to fail the whole semester, yes.
—Can’t you give me a better motivation?
—Mmm… if you pass your exam, I promise to take you on a date to the new botanical garden that opened last week.
—Ooh are you for real? Start planning it, I’m gonna crush that mother effing exam!—you both laughed and someone shushed you—. I promised I’ll pass it—you remarked whispering.
—Yeah, yeah, start reading, we still need to study a lot.
—But first…—he gave you a quick peck—I needed a little motivation too—he shrugged with a smirk.
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amyx2001 · 2 years
Goliath's Requiem Asshole Trio Ships because I can
Edan x Raiden 
• Their dynamic is Stupid and Stupider. More specifically, Edan is losing braincells the longer he's around Raiden, who's been a moron since birth.
• Raiden is a total thief. He steals little trinkets he finds like pens, marbles, glitter, just about anything that's shiny and/or golden. Those things end up in Edan's possession as gifts from Raiden, and while he's gonna softly scold his boyfriend for stealing gifts for him, he's not about to just return them to their rightful owners! Nobody has to know about them!
• Raiden has actually only gotten caught once, and it wasn't even anything particularly valuable. He yoinked a doughnut that was kinda set aside in the box. Five minutes later Abrahm comes storming into his office asking about a missing boston cream filled doughnut when he sees exactly what Raiden and Edan were sharing. Bastard just about yeeted them out the door when he told them to go get him another.
• Edan tends to sneak into the schedule files and change up the patrol a little just so he can go on patrol with Raiden. So long as he doesn't leave any evidence, nobody can prove he did anything! Dovahcom knows exactly what he's doing but never says anything because he wants to see how long it'll take Abrahm to notice they've been scheduled to patrol together every day for the past several months. He still hasn't gotten it.
• Raiden is the kind of guy who would ramp a monster truck off a giant pile of dirt, and go sailing over several houses as he plays that little American idiot horn thing. Yk the BEE BER BRR BRR BRR BRR BER BER BEE BEE BER that thing. Edan is the guy wheezing with laughter while bolting after the monster truck to make sure he's okay. Yes this has, in fact, happened. Raiden was okay but the scolding he got from Abrahm was pretty bad.
•Idk why but I feel like Raiden orders the most over the top weird coffee at Starbucks that just doesn't surprise the barista much, meanwhile Edan just orders a normal black coffee with a blueberry shot and that's what completely confuses the barista because of how simple yet absurd it is.
• They both tend to be tasked with patrolling the facility where Doctor Trayte works, and Goliath is being held. Their two favorite pastimes are annoying the shit out of poor Goliath, and hiding tiny chicken toy things all around the lab. It's kind of a challenge to keep a straight face when they're patrolling the hallways and they can hear "WHY THE SHIT IS THERE A CHICKEN IN MY COFFEE CUP?!?!?!" from across the entire floor.
• Sometimes they'll watch Mal's experiments, be they on perfecting a new battery for the Biotides, or trying to rip the Iris from Goliath's skull with a goddamn drill. Edan keeps suggesting he use a bonesaw, Raiden goes "Try sticking a box firework in his skull, I wanna see what happens."
• They're evil little gay henchmen, I adore them. Solid 8.6/10
Mal x Edan 
• Mal is kinda not fond of most of the Smyths, but Edan? Honestly this little golden boy is cute and he doesn't mind having him around. His blue friend is another story.
• Meanwhile Edan is having gay awakening panic because the evil stoic hot scientist is flirting with him??? Is it genuine??? Is it a joke??? What do????? Raiden's just standing there like "FLIRT BACK. FOR GOD'S SAKE FLIRT BACK. EITHER IT'LL THROW HIM OFF ENOUGH FOR HIM TO STOP MESSING WITH YOU OR YOU'LL HAVE THE SEXY MURDEROUS SCIENCE MAN AS YOUR MAN."
• Finally Edan does flirt back and Mal absolutely wasn't expecting that. But it's a welcome surprise, and he asks Edan to join him for coffee. They've been together ever since.
• Every time a Smyth walks past Goliath's cell, one of his ether snakes hisses to scare them off. If it's Edan specifically, Mal starts hitting the button to electrocute Goliath and his snakes, going "FUCK OFF DON'T YOU HISS AT HIM HE'S MINE"
• Edan is the only person keeping Mal sane enough to not go buy a hundred different bottles of liquor and set up a whole bar in his lab. Edan is also the only reason he wants to set up a full liquor bar in the first place.
• Mal has everyone who's a lower rank than him and/or afraid of him refer to him strictly as Doctor Trayte, except Edan. Edan has the boyfriend privilege.
• Edan keeps volunteering to be the Smyth patrolling Mal's lab. Since all the others don't want to, Dovahcom lets him. He also keeps sending Raiden with him because Raiden wants to go so he gets an excuse to chill with his bestie and see him happily talking to Mal about the chemistry books he's been studying.
• Edan is generally the one who reminds Mal to take care of himself, and when they get off work he takes Mal to dinner at this nice little family diner. They may also go to the bar. And then the ice cream parlor. And then Mal's house. I can neither confirm nor deny.
• Mal runs off of coffee, he's engineered himself a stupidly strong blend and he drinks at least seven or eight mugs of it a day. Edan, meanwhile, doesn't drink more than a cup a day, and whenever Mal works late, he ends up with a precious, curly black and gold haired Smyth taking a nap with his head on Mal's shoulder. The scientist never wakes him, he just lets him sleep and runs his fingers through Edan's hair.
• Suave Science Bitch and Little Anxious Smyth, with the mandatory Dumbfuck Wingman Bestie. Very cute, 8/10
Mal x Edan x Raiden 
• Ough polycule of evil,, yems.
• Mal constantly has to deal with these idiotic Smyths keeping the hallways of his lab safe. He hates them. They talk too much. They're clingy and annoying. Neither one of them is remotely intelligent. If they stopped being tasked with patrolling his facility he could actually get some work done.
• ^ He thinks, as he holds Raiden's hand and chats with both him and Edan about the project he's working on, knowing full well that they're so cute and so smart and that if anyone so much as looked at them wrong, Mal would make sure they end up as his next science experiment. He knows that Edan and Raiden's job can be dangerous and he's not about to lose his boyfriends.
• Raiden is the one who brings the other two along for the daily coffee run, Mal goes out and gets the three lunch, and Edan takes his soulmates out to dinner. Two blocks from Edan's house is a cute little cafe and sometimes(read: all the time) he stops there to get something like doughnuts or scones or cookies or something for the other two.
• Raiden is constantly spoiling Edan and Mal with gifts, be they little trinkets, something useful, a huge amazing gift, and one time he actually took down a Biotide and brought it to Mal because he overheard Mal saying that he'd love to pick one apart. Let's just say Abrahm wasn't happy.
• Mal is the keeper of the sacred braincell, Edan is trying to get himself a braincell, and Raiden keeps lighting his last remaining braincell on fire.
• They have "WE ARE GOING TO BEAT YOU TO DEATH" ship energy. Goliath lives in constant fear of all three of them.
• Cuddle piles and nap piles on the couch are mandatory, as well as matching pajamas and saturday movie nights with spicy cheetos(for Edan), butterfingers(for Raiden), marshmallows(for Mal), and chocolate drizzled caramel popcorn(for all of them). They rotate who gets to pick what movie. Edan's got a bit of a liking for superhero films, Raiden likes awful horror movies and slashers, and Mal surprisingly likes cheesy romcoms.
• Abrahm always asks why Mal's lab reports are late, and every time he gets a response of Mal pointing at Edan and Raiden, who are both pointing at him and each other. Abe still hasn't figured out that they're dating and it's driving Dovahcom insane.
• Sometimes Edan brings his roller skates and goes skating around the lab. Raiden can't skate, but Edan gives him piggyback rides so he can enjoy it too. Mal has no interest in skating, but it's kinda mesmerizing and incredibly precious to see Edan just zipping around on wheels, having a little fun, especially when Raiden's with him. One time Abrahm opened the door as Edan was skating over to it and he accidentally kicked Abe in the head out of sheer panic. Raiden helped console the poor guy while Mal performed a quick lobotomy so Edan wouldn't get in trouble.
• They're a polycule of bastards. Bastard times 3. Bastard cubed. I love em. 10/10
Mal x Abrahm
• Oh, evil science dictator and his evil scientist henchman? Hell yes. Evil science dictator and his evil scientist henchman dating? Hell yes!!!
• Mal is a distinguished gay. Abrahm is a disaster bi. Do the math. Abrahm is constantly blushing at least a little and Mal is constantly flirting with him at least a little. It's like a positive feedback of Mal flirting with Abe, who gets red in the face, which prompts the warden to fluster him more, which makes this todoroki haired dipshit even redder, and so on and so forth until Goliath gets sick of it and yells at them to just get a room. This generally leads to Abrahm practically breaking down the cell door and throwing him at a wall before locking him in again. And then he kisses Mal right on the lips. And just to spite poor Goliath the end up making out literally right outside his cell.
• Abrahm tends to have Mal summoned to his office just to treat him to dinner/coffee/dessert/cuddles/ect. Mal often gives him a halfhearted grumble of "I have work I need to do." and Abrahm just shoots back with something like "As your supreme overlord and employer, I hereby relieve you of your duties for a while. Checkmate."
• Abrahm and Mal like to dance together, usually in the comfortable privacy of Abrahm's personal lounge. Usually they'll end up doing a dramatic tango, and Mal always dips Abrahm at least once, it's the dictator's fatal weakness, but if one of them isn't feeling up for something that fast paced and skilled, they'll just softly waltz together. And give each other soft little kisses. And compliments and words of affirmation, and praise. Lots of praise.
• Many times, Abrahm has forgotten that he can get drunk off of chocolate flavored liquor. Many times, Mal has found Abrahm crying, face down, on the couch in his room, mumbling incoherently in a drunken stupor with an empty bottle of 360 double chocolate flavored vodka falling out of his hand. Many times, Mal has gotten Abrahm to drink some water and then cuddled him for the rest of the night to comfort his distraught, horribly drunk boyfriend.
• Mal doesn't know vines. He doesn't know internet culture in general. Abrahm? Abrahm is quoting iconic vines constantly. You could be one of the lucky(or unlucky) bastards to hear Mal shout "WHY WOULD YOU PUT BARBEQUE SAUCE THERE?!?!" from Abrahm's office and double over wheezing and laughing.
• In this AU Abrahm is smaller than Mal. Mal still uses him as a pillow because his little red and white haired sweetheart is so soft and warm. Abrahm doesn't mind, he gets a free weighted blanket and lots of cuddles.
• Sometimes they make a date out of torturing and experimenting on Goliath, because they're soft and in love but they're still incredibly messed up.
• Evil Assholes Fall In Love, Become Even More Evil, More At 11. They have a Chemistry of Pure Nastiness and I adore them, 12/10
((There we go, that's all of them for the asshole trio!! You uh. may have to put this under a cut because it's long, but that's up to you ^^")) -Z
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
you’re mine - aron piper
Requested by @fashphotolife : yeah just like a hot jealous aron bc like ugh that’s probably hot 🥵Not really a specific request but just like a hot jealous aron Piper imagine
A/N: AHH I LOVE JEALOUS IMAGINES!!!!! Thank you so much for requesting! I saw many people doing the jealous interview thing, like buzzfeed interviews and stuff, it’s gonna be similar to that !
disclaimer: i don’t know any of these people personally, i made some characters up! english is my second language so please let me know if i have mistakes! :) also poor spanish, i’m sorry profesor
note: im sorry i used starbucks, pls don’t sue me that’s the only international coffee brand i can remember!  it’s unedited :))
word count: 1,5K
warnings: none but hot jealous aron is on his way ;) oh and crappy writing :’)
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gif creds to @piperaron​ - <3
“Y/N! Come on! We’re getting late!” Your boyfriend Aron warned you at the phone. He was downstairs, waiting for you. You were getting prepared for the live interview with the Elite cast, including you. 
“Okay, okay!” you said on the phone and closed. You wore a white elegant dress and kinda revealing but you didn’t mind cause you looked amazing. When you ran downstairs you saw a curly head in a car, looking in your direction.
“Wo-w, hola carina” He stared at you, breathless. 
“hi babe!” You get in the car and kissed him on the lips. He still stared at you so you decided to speak up.
“earth to Aron! you there?” you stared at his brown eyes filled with love. He blushed and looked away kinda embarrassed.
“Lo siento amor you’re just to beautiful!” Now it was your turn to blush. He giggled, placed a kiss your lips and started the engine.
You wanted to stop and get coffee on your way. Aron wanted to come to get coffee with you. It was your local starbucks shop.
“Do you remember our first date was here?” Aron asked. You glanced and felt the nostalgia. 
“You were super nervous I can’t believe how you changed so much.” You answered smiling. He managed to laugh.
“Maybe you’re the reason why I’m changed” He stared at you. You giggled at his cheesiness.
“Hi can I get your order?” You and Aron were interrupted by a good looking employee asking for your order.
“Hi, can I get a Latte Macchiato please?” you asked.
“What’s your name?” He asked, looked like smiling.
“Y/N” you said not caring enough.
“I like your name just a pretty name for a pretty lady” he said not caring about the guy next to him. 
You were taken aback by the compliment with saying a simple thank you without emotion but before you could say anything more, Aron pushed you to his side, can’t tell that you guys are dating because you weren’t public.
“Careful big guy, she has a boyfriend and I’ll kick anyone’s ass if I see someone flirting with her.” He was raising his voice. You hold him down.
“Aron, Aron stop, stop, chill” you looked at him you knew he gets calmer when he looks you in the eyes. When he calmed down, you ordered for him. The poor barista was watching you guys on shock and fear. 
You paid and mouthed a sorry for his actions. He didn’t say anything just a weak smile. You hated when there’s a fight. 
Then you got your orders and when you were leaving Aron shouted. “My eyes on you” to the poor barista and he got so guilty in front of his customers.
You punched him in the arm. “Aron what the fuck? He was a poor boy, and we’re not public you know this is so normal.” You stated. Aron didn’t look at you just walked into the car.
“He can’t just flirt with a random girl especially you!” You held him by his wrist. 
“You know you’re the only guy for me right?” You looked at him with a serious expression. He managed to have a weak smile then continued to ride.
When you were on the interview set, Ester and Danna ran to you. 
“Hola bebe, we should get prepared. Hola Aron, go to the boys room.” Danna said. You waved your hand as a signal of saying “bye” and he did the same. The cast didn’t know you guys were a thing either.
You met the other female cast mates and had your make up artist prepare you. After preparing all the cast got into a room and sat around. You and Aron sat next to each other obviously. 
“Hello ColaStation watchers, I’m Amell Wilson and today, I’m here with the elite cast! we’re going to read fan messages and play “Who’s most likely to?”. Here we go!” He said cheerfully. 
Everyone introduced themselves and the interview started with “Who’s Most Likely To?” 
“Who’s most likely to be single?” Everyone pointed you and Aron. You both laughed. Amell, the interviewer smiled too.
“Who’s most likely to be rule a fashion company?” Most of the cast pointed you and you blushed. “You have a great taste in fashion, carina” Omar said, you thanked him by blowing him a kiss. One of a sudden, interviewer Amell commented “You do have a great taste in fashion Y/N you look beautiful.” He said. 
Aron was startled by this comment and you noticed this but ignored it because everyone was here.
You played the game for awhile, laughed, had fun together. By the interview continued you could see Amell watching you. Aron noticed and cleched his fists but couldn’t do anything.
You eventually had a break after the first game. The cast divided, but most of them went to outside to smoke, including Aron. You and Danna, went to restroom and the preparation room before going back to Aron’s. While you were waiting for Danna outside, you saw Amell approaching you. Oh no you thought yourself.
“Hi Y/N”
“Umm so I-” Amell was interrupted by Danna. Thankfully because you were getting kinda uncomfortable and you hated making Aron like this
“¿Qué es lo que pasa aquí?” Danna came and tied her arm into yours started walking. 
“No lo se, he came and talk to me.” You made sure. Your look on your face was explaining and Danna trusted you so she didn’t make a scene.
Meanwhile in the smoking session, the boys were talking about how Amell looking at you.
“No lo se porque pero, Amell can’t stop staring at her.” Miguel claimed.
“Yeah it is getting kinda weird” Alvaro started a little laughter. Aron wasn’t paying attention, jealousy was burning inside of him.
“Imagine Y/N, one of the most beautiful girl in the world not being single. I can hear the people crying.” Omar said. Aron just smiled and smirked.
“Like Y/N would date him.” Aron said sarcastically. Everyone looked at Aron and noticed how angry he was. They knew something was behind this.
After thirty minutes, the cast turned back to do the last activity, anonymous fan comments on the actors.
It started with Ester. 
“ ’Ester Exposito is literally queen she’s my idol.’ Awhh thank you.” She blew some kisses to the camera.
“’ Alvaro is so underrated, he is a great actor. Keep up! Love you!’ Thank you so much I love you too!” Alvaro smiled.
“ ‘Aron Piper is that lucky guy to make out Omar. Don’t you think? I’m jealous.’” Omar just laughed and mouthed a thank you.
“’ Aron is literally every girls’ celebrity crush at this point. Thank you Elite creators.’” Aron just smiled and thanked at the comment. When they handed the box over you, Amell continued to stare at you.
“’Y/N is that girl that I would literally die for, I’m so happy she’s single can you marry me?’“ 
“Hahaha he’s kinda right!” Amell laughed and added. And this was the end of Aron’s patience. He couldn’t help but said,
“Too bad she has a boyfriend” He laughed grasping your hand quickly.
Everyone in shock, can’t say anything.
“I KNEW IT!” Itzan shouted
“ALVARO GIVE ME MY 50 EUROS” Jorge said laughing.
You looked at them in shock not knowing what’s going on. Alvaro groaned and gave him the 50 euro bill.
“We get into a bet, I knew you guys we’re dating” Jorge showing you the bill.
“Honestly, it couldn’t have been more obvious but I’m still mad you didn’t tell me” Danna said pouting.
“You guys are so cute together.” Mina said. You were so happy with all the comments you were receiving by the cast. Their blessings were really important. 
“Now, that it’s public, take your eyes off of my girlfriend.” Aron growled at Amell. You can see he was getting scared. They stopped the live and some advertisements to calm down Aron.
“Okay Aron, I think we should end this live and go.” You said holding him. He looked at you, he couldn’t stand your eyes.
After a break, everyone turned back to the interview, but it was super awkward. Amell couldn’t look at any of you.
“Thank you for the dearest elite cast, and thank you for watching. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more of this content!” Amell said and the turned the camera to the cast to say goodbye.
Aron waved and immediately kissed you on the lips. Everyone was cheering. When you ended the kiss and live, your phone blew up from all of your friends and family.
Best friend: It’s funny how I know it and everyone’s getting crazy hehe
You laughed at all the messages you’ve been receiving, especially your best friend’s. 
After the interview, Danna hold you and forced you to explain everything and all the details about you and Aron. 
“SPILL THE TEA!” Danna shouted.
“Umm so we started dating 3-4 months ago...” You continued to explain while watching everyone’s jaw dropped. For a little while later, Aron came smirking to you.
“Hey ladies, mind if I steal mi novia, for a minute?” 
“No Aron, ella es nuestras amiga.” fought Claudia laughing.
You smiled at girls “I’ll be back in 5″ and they continued to talk.
Aron held you close, holding your hand, pulling you to his side. 
“You’re mine. And no one can ever take you away from me.” He said whispering to your ear with a serious tone. “Especially a guy like A- what Ameelllo?” He said making you laugh with a funny tone this time
“Congrats Aron, you ruined the moment. I said it once, I’ll say it forever, don’t worry bebe, another guy like ‘Ameeellooo’ could never make me crazy like you do. ” 
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pixiegrl · 4 years
I’ve Got The Recipe
Michael keeps going back to the same coffee shop and no, it has nothing to do with the cute barista.
Or 3 times Michael went to Luke's coffee shop to see him and 1 time Luke visited Michael at his job
This is for @redrattlers! Happy birthday darling! You're a sweetheart and lovely, fellow Luke fan and Muke lover. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and getting to hang out with you in The Club. I wish you the happiest of birthdays and the happiest of years! Enjoy your day you deserve it!
On ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29146482/
It starts on a Wednesday. Michael’s bored, scrolling through his phone at the front desk, trying to avoid doing work. He knows he should go shelve some books, or do a lap around the library to check on things, but he can’t focus on anything. He’s trying to kill time until it’s acceptable for him to go on his lunch break and grab something to eat or drink.
“Oh god, I found the perfect drink for you,” Calum whispers next to him, tugging lightly on Michael’s sleeve. Michael frowns, glancing over at Calum, getting a phone shoved into his face in response. Michael pulls his head back, grabbing onto Calum’s wrist and trying to adjust it so he can see the screen better. It’s an instagram post on Calum’s feed, advertising a coffee from the local coffee shop. The caption claims that it’s a vanilla rose latte. Michael hates that Calum knows him well enough to know that Michael will 100% drink anything with floral flavors in it.
“Don’t act so disgusted,” Michael mumbles, shoving Calum’s phone back to him. Calum laughs.
“It’s just weird that you want to put florals in your coffee. It tastes like soap.”
“It does not. Stop insulting my taste,” Michael says, voice rising a little bit at the end of the sentence. He ducks his head when one of the reference librarians looks over at them. Calum raises his hand in apology, turning to face Michael.
“You like weird coffee. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Just thought you might be interested. It’s that new place too. Down the road.”
“Is this your way of trying to bribe me into getting us sandwiches from the Vietnamese place for lunch?”
“Pretty please?” Calum says. Michael sighs, pretending to be put out.
“Fine. Text me your order. I’ll swing by. You owe me dinner though,” Michael says, standing up. Calum brightens up, smiling. Michael heads into the back, clocking out for his break and telling his supervisor he’s going to grab lunch. They nod, waving him out when Michael grabs his bag from his little station and heads out to his car. Michael calls in their lunch order from his car and decides to stop and grab coffee first on his way there.
Luckily, the coffee shop is a quick drive. Their town is small enough that everything sits within a ten minute drive of each other. It makes it easier to pop out and grab lunch on the days he’s too lazy to make it. Michael knows where the coffee shop is, even if he hasn’t been yet. It’s only been open for a few weeks and everytime he and Calum mean to go, they get distracted and go somewhere else or forget. Today though, Michael is determined to get his rose coffee from this place. 
Michael parks in the lot, grabbing his wallet from his backpack and leaving his car, locking it behind him. He pushes open the coffee shop door, relieved to see it’s still empty and quiet inside, little bell over the door jingling. 
A tall blonde man, pops his head out from behind the back area, grinning widely when he sees Michael.
“Hi! What can I get you today?” he asks, coming up to the counter, beaming. Michael’s offended that the barista is pretty and therefore, Michael has completely forgotten his order. It’s not his fault the guy is tall and blonde, with blue eyes and dimples, curls pulled back into a messy bun. His name tag reads Luke. Michael doesn’t stand a chance.
“Um, I saw your post. About the vanilla rose latte. Do you still have it? I know it’s been a few days.”
“Yes! You’re the first person to order it. I got these little sample bottles of different flavors, but so far no one has asked for it,” Luke says, beaming widely as he grabs the bottle and holds it up. Michael blushes.
“Well, I’m your guy. My friend teases me endlessly about the fact that I like adding weird flavors into my coffee.”
“You’re just the kind of guy I need then,” Luke says, winking. Michael blushes. He’s never going to be able to come back here.
“Can I get a small?”
“Sure. Regular milk fine?”
“Yeah,” Michael says. Luke rings him up, rattling off the price. Michael swipes his card, signing on the screen as Luke starts to make his drink.
“So, do you work around here?”
“Yeah, I work down the block at the local library at the front desk. Wanted to stop in on my lunch break.” 
“Well, I’m glad you stopped in. I can finally tell Ashton someone likes my drink, ” Luke says, moving around behind the counter. 
“My partner. Business partner. I am very single,” Luke rushes out, blushing red and turning his attention to the coffee. Michael blushes too, worried he’s been caught out staring at Luke. Just because he's a pretty guy and Michael never gets the chance to see anyone under the age of 60 who isn’t a child doesn’t give him the right to stare at Luke. 
“Well, it’s a good thing you have him,” Michael piped up, blushing harder when Luke glances at him over the espresso machine, smiling. 
“Yeah. He’s a wonderful friend. Terrible coworker,” Luke says. Michael laughs, earning him a wide grin from Luke. 
“Well, here you go! One vanilla rose latte! You’ll have to let me know how it is,” Luke says, sliding the drink across the counter. Michael takes it, sipping from it. 
“Good. The rose isn’t too overpowering. Just the right blend,” Michael says. Luke beams and it fills Michael’s chest with a flare of something. He checks his phone, swearing when he sees the time. 
“I gotta go, break’s gonna be up before I know it. Thanks for the drink Luke,” he says, turning to the door. Luke calls out a goodbye behind him as Michael rushes out so he can get their sandwiches on time and make it back to work. 
Michael manages to make it back to work on time with enough time to finish his sandwich. The coffee sits with him the rest of the afternoon, keeping him warm and reminding him of Luke’s smile. Maybe Michael will have to go back more often for coffee from the shop. 
Michael lasts about three days before he goes back. It’s late Saturday morning and Michael’s finally dragged himself from his bed and his apartment to run errands on his day off. Well, run errands once he gets some coffee, which has nothing to do with wanting to see cute barista Luke again. Even if Michael’s foregoing Starbucks and Dunkin’ just to go out of his way for Luke’s little coffee shop. 
Calum has teased him endlessly for the last few days about it. All it had taken was Michael mentioning that maybe the barista was cute and Calum had lost it. He keeps teasing Michael about going back just to see Luke or making dumb coffee puns for flirting. Michael’s relieved that Calum’s working today, so he can go to the coffee shop without being teased for it.
The shop is empty when Michael shows up. Granted, it's mid-morning but it’s still a Saturday. Michael was expecting a least a bit of a crowd. Not that he’s complaining. More personal time with Luke. Which, maybe Michael shouldn’t be thinking like that about the barista.
Luke’s behind the counter already this time, head popping up when he hears the bell ring. He beams widely when he sees Michael, bouncing on his heels.
“Hi! Vanilla rose guy!” He says brightly, waving as he does so. Michael blushes. 
“Michael. It’s Michael. Only fair since I know yours,” Michael says, embarrassed immediately. Luke smiles, dimples popping on his cheeks. 
“Nice name. Now I don’t have to call you vanilla rose guy. Ashton was starting to think I made you up just to prove my drink idea was good.” 
“All real. Just back for more coffee,” Michael says. Luke’s got his hair down today, curled around the base of his neck as he grins. He has butterfly wing eyeshadow on today, orange and blacks swirled together and drawn on. It’s so enchanting, Michael can’t take his eyes off of Luke. It’s distracted him completely from placing his order, going red when he realizes he’s been standing here for a few minutes in silence, staring at Luke. Luke giggles, tucking a curl behind his ear.
“So, coffee?”
“Yes. Coffee. The thing I am here for. What flavors do you have today?”
“Vanilla, hazelnut, mocha, raspberry, caramel, and the rose one. A few other floral flavors. Nothing too exciting.” 
“Will you combine something?” 
“The mocha and the raspberry. In a small iced coffee.”
“Oh! Yes! That sounds really good actually. Why didn’t I think of that?” Luke says, grabbing a cup and spinning around to start making it. 
“I just like weird flavors is all.” 
“Not that weird. Sounds pretty good. Maybe you should work in the coffee shop, not me.” 
“Nah. They need me too much at the library. Who else is going to help stressed parents find the last copy of Frozen or show someone’s grandma how to use the computer?” Michael says. Luke laughs, pouring coffee from a pitcher into the cup. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ve saved many a tired parent whose daughter wants to hear Let It Go for the 100th time. Are you on break today?” 
“Day off. Wanted to run some errands while I’m alone, but figured coffee would be a good place to start. Library can survive without me for two days.” 
“What if someone needs the last copy of Frozen?”
“Calum can help them for a day,” Michael says. Michael likes working and living with Calum, but he likes the misalignment of their off days. Michael usually gets Friday and Saturdays off and Calum usually gets Sundays and Mondays. It gives them a few days to breathe without each other and it means that for a couple days, they get to alternate who cooks instead of them rushing to finish cooking one meal together. Michael has to go to the grocery store after this to get the ingredients for cheese quesadillas, his promised meal for the night.
“Co-worker. Roommate. Pain in my ass.”
Luke giggles, shaking his head and sliding the coffee across the bar, “Well, I’m glad you get the day off, so you can come visit me and get coffee. You certainly keep my day interesting and exciting.”
“You’ve met me twice,” Michael says, taking the coffee and biting at the straw. 
“Yeah, but you have the most interesting coffee orders. Who else would think to combine chocolate and raspberry? I didn’t.”
“I’m just a librarian with terrible taste.”
“Hey, no mean talking about yourself. You have interesting and exciting taste. How’s the coffee?” Luke asks. Michael takes a sip. It’s good, rich without being overpowering, the raspberry a subtle aftertaste in it. 
“It’s good,” Michael says. Luke beams, smile lighting up his whole face with cheer.
“Good! I’m going to put it on my February drink list. It’ll be a good drink for Valentine's Day.”
Michael checks the time on his watch, frowning when he realizes how late it is, how much time he’s spent here with Luke chatting. He really needs to get to the store so he can buy food and start cooking. He was supposed to clean the apartment too today. Calum’s gonna chew him out if he doesn’t at least get something done because he’ll certainly realize Michael went to get coffee and he’ll mention Luke again.
“Do you have to go?” Luke asks, voice sad. 
“Yeah. Gotta go buy dinner and then cook it. My turn to cook for the evening. Perks of having the day off.”
“Well, thanks for coming in again. You should come back when you have more time.”
“Don’t you have to work?”
“I’m co-owner. I can take a break to talk to my favorite customer,” Luke says, resting his elbows on the counter and grinning, leaning forward just a bit. It gives Michael a good view of his collarbones where the collar of his shirt dips low. Michael swallows, mouth dry.
“I have Fridays off. Maybe I’ll come in next week.”
“Please. I’ll try to come up with a drink for you to try,” Luke says. He smiles, biting the corner of his lip as Michael walks towards the door. He walks into a table nearby, stumbling when he’s distracted by Luke and blushes as he darts out the door. God, maybe one day Michael will stop making a fool of himself in front of the cute barista.
It’s been almost a week since Michael went to the coffee shop on his day off and he’s been psyching himself up to go back. He’d gone a couple other days during the week on his lunch break again, but Luke hadn’t been there. Instead, Michael met Ashton who had raised his eyebrows and gone “Oh you’re Michael,” causing Michael to blush and avoid the coffee shop for a few days to get over his embarrassment. 
It’s Friday though and Michael can’t deny that he wants coffee. He wants coffee and he misses Luke and he wants to go in anyway. So, Michael sucks it up, puts on his best jeans and nice t-shirt and brushes his hair before going on his mission for coffee. He brings a book with him this time, promising himself that he’ll sit around and actually spend time at the store.
He gets lucky today, pushing the door open and seeing Luke behind the counter, humming along to the pop song on the radio as he dances around behind the counter. He brightens up when he sees Michael, grinning and waving, curls falling into his eyes.
“Hi Michael! It’s been a few days. Ashton mentioned you came in a couple times.”
“Yeah, I needed my coffee fix. Kept missing you though.”
“Yeah, it was a weird week for me, but I’m here now. I know it’s your day off and I couldn’t risk missing you,” Luke says, earnest. Michael blushes.
“Well, I brought my book with me, so I can hang around for a bit today,” Michael says, holding the book up.
“Lovely. I’m here all day for coffee while reading needs. What can I get you?”
“Caramel vanilla iced coffee. The larger size,” he says. Luke nods, going about making the drink.
“You must know some good books, being a librarian. You get to see all the new releases.”
“Most of them are those cheesy romance novels. So if you like reading about running away with a duke, I’m not sure what I can recommend. Unless you like horror novels.”
“I like fantasy. And mystery novels.”
“You should read A Cosmology of Monsters. It’s mystery and fantasy with a dash of horror. A good twist. I read it in one night,” Michael says. Luke hums, snapping the lid onto the cup.
“I’ll have to give it a look. What are you reading now?”
“If We Were Villains. Murder mystery novel, very who done it. But they’re theater students, so it’s an interesting read. Even though it’s very predictable.”
“Well, don’t tell me! What if I decide to read it?”
“Hey, I’m just giving you the plot summary. I just think it’s a little predictable,” Michael says, taking his coffee. Luke rolls his eyes.
“Well, take your coffee and your spoilers and go read your book. Don’t give it all away.”
“Aw, you’re no fun,” Michael says, teasing. He takes his cup, finding a table in the corner and sitting down so he’s facing Luke. Usually, Michael wears headphones and listens to music while he’s reading, but this time he doesn’t, preferring to keep them in his bag, so he can talk to Luke. It works, Luke commenting on the music playing over the coffee shop speakers or asking Michael for his opinions on muffins. Eventually, he takes his break, coming to sit across from Michael with two muffins, blueberry and chocolate, and his own cup of coffee to share with Michael. They exchange stories about their families and their jobs, until Luke has to go back to work and Michael realizes he has to head back home to finish cleaning and start on dinner. Luke looks a little sad to see Michael go, but he waves him goodbye as always, sends him off with a couple of chocolate chip cookies he’s made for Michael to take back to his place. Michael tries not to read into it too much, that the cute barista is giving him baked goods and hanging out with him and that Michael has spent a whole afternoon with Luke. He knows Calum is going to tease him when he goes home with the cookies, that he spent the whole day with Luke, to the point he’s running behind on his chores, but Michael thinks it was worth it to get to spend some more time with Luke and his curls and his laugh and his dimples. It’s always worth it to spend time with Luke and getting to see his smile.
It’s Tuesday and it’s boring. Nothing ever happens on a Tuesday. Which, sometimes is nice at the library. Yesterday, Michael had to deal with telling someone who was watching porn to get off the computers and arguing with a mom that no they didn’t have a movie in stock and no, Michael can’t go to another library to get it for her. It had taken Michael’s supervisor to step in and take over before the woman finally got it and left. Michael likes his job but god, does he hate people sometimes.
Calum’s been put on shelving today, leaving Michael alone at the front desk. He’s resisting the urge to spend the chair around in circles to combat his boredom. He could probably read a book or do something else productive, but Michael can’t get away with reading at the front some days and if he pulls his phone out, someone will probably walk by and comment on it.
Michael’s in the middle of making faces at Calum across the way when the doors to the library slide open and it pulls Michael’s attention over. He’s startled to see that it’s Luke coming through the doors, cheeks pink from the wind, and carrying a cup of coffee in his hands. He looks nice today, now that Michael can see his whole outfit. He looks nicer than he should, wearing leather trousers, heeled boots, and a leather jacket over a plain black shirt. He has no right looking this nice at a public library. Michael can’t physically take it.
Luke spots Michael, eyes lighting up and face breaking into a grin when they make eye contact. He makes a beeline for Michael. Michael looks over at Calum, frantic. Calum raises his eyebrows, mouth forming an “o” as he watches it all unfold.
“Hi. So this is your natural habit,” Luke whispers when he gets to the front desk.
“Here it is. Me and all the grandparents and small children.”
“Should I leave and come back so I can watch your heroics in action?”
“Could be awhile. Slow day today it seems like.”
“Too bad. You sold me on you being the big librarian hero.”
“Sorry to disappoint.”
“Never,” Luke says, grinning. 
“Can I help you find something today?” Michael asks, figuring he should redirect them back to the fact that Luke’s at his place of work and eventually his boss will ask if he’s goofing off.
“Actually, I wanted to bring you a treat. You keep coming by my place of work, so I wanted to come visit you. Return the favor.”
“I come to your place of work to buy coffee. My work is pretty boring.”
“All I do is make coffee. You get to help people all day and see all the kids. I’d call that exciting.”
“I wouldn’t call it that,” Michael mumbles. Luke stands there, cocking his head to the side watching Michael. It reminds Michael of a puppy dog staring at him. Michael glances at the clock on his computer, figures it’s close enough now for him to take his break and talk to Luke outside.
“Let me punch out for lunch. We can sit outside on the bench and talk,” he whispers. Luke nods, heading off to the outside to wait for him. Michael darts to the back, letting his boss know so someone else can go sit at the front. Michael makes a point to avoid looking at Calum as he leaves.
Luke’s sitting on the bench by the door, ankles crossed and coffee sitting next to him. Michael crosses over, taking a seat next to Luke, who beams when he notices Michael. 
“I was worried about coming to see you at work, but I thought it might be nice to bring you an afternoon pick me up. Mid week blues are always the worst.”
“Thanks. I need this. What’d you make me today?”
“Mocha with caramel sauce and coconut milk. I remember you ordered it last time. Thought you might like the sweet and warmth today.”
“I do. How do you know me so well?”
“Perks of being a barista. Good at reading people,” Luke teases. Michael huffs, closing his eyes as he takes a sip of the drink, humming his appreciation when he gets a taste of it.
“Just what I needed. The best yet.”
Luke claps in excitement, curls bouncing with him. Michael takes another sip, closing his eyes again to savor the taste.
“How much time do you have?”
“Can probably get away with 15 minutes before I should head in and actually eat my lunch.”
“Tell me how your day’s been going,” Luke says, turning to face Michael. His face is earnest and open. Michael blushes, launching into a story about trying to run the children’s reading group this morning. Michael would take any kid over their parents anyday. The parents are the kicker, always trying to one up each other to prove their kid is better. Michael gets so lost in the story, caught up in Luke’s laughter and snorting that he doesn’t realize how much time has passed until he catches sight of Calum waving at him through the door.
“Shit I gotta go. Breaks almost up,” Michael says, rushing to stand. Luke looks crestfallen and a little sad.
“Oh really? I didn’t realize how much time had passed. I’m sorry.”
“No, no it’s not your fault. I need to get better at time management. You always distract me,” Michael confesses, blushing a little at the admission. Luke blushes too, cheeks and nose a little red.
“Well good. I like being a distraction. I mean...hmmm...you know what I mean,” Luke says, blushing harder.
“I do. Thanks for the coffee. I’ll come by the shop tomorrow?”
“Yes! I’ll be there. Enjoy the coffee Michael,” Luke says, waving as Michael rushes back in. 
“Have fun with Lukey?”
“Shut up. Which of us got free coffee?” Michael says, sticking his tongue out and holding out the cup for Calum to see. Calum squints, leaning in to look at the cup.
“Oh shit,” Calum whispers, pointing at the side of the cup. Michael turns it around, eyes going wide when he notices the handwriting on the side.
“You really grind my beans. Text me- Luke,” the handwriting says, a number written out next to it.
“You have to text him,” Calum hisses.
“I cannot.”
“Do it! The cute barista came to visit you at work and gave you his number! He wants you to visit,” Calum says urgently. Michael looks at the writing, brow furrowed. It’s impossible for Luke to like Michael, but this says otherwise. Maybe Michael should take his chances and text Luke. See what happens.
(It gets him a date on Friday with the prettiest blonde barista in town. It gets him breakfast on Saturday with the same boy. It gets him a cheeky grin from Calum when he goes home Saturday night, covered in hickies. It gets him a boyfriend, who brings him coffee on his lunch breaks with silly little coffee puns. It gets Michael happiness.)
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life can really be beautiful,
on the bus today i saw a man standing on a bridge blowing bubbles out over the river
getting off the bus the bus driver looked exhausted, but she still smiled at me and told me to have a good day
walking through the park i saw a dad and his kids playing tag, they had the biggest smiles
the park was full of wlw couples, i wonder if they were holding some sort of meeting there
i (accidentally ok!) stole a golf ball from the park. it’s gold. i keep tossing it around feeling like i’m james potter
i ordered what the barista recommended and had the best coffee i’ve ever had
i saw a group of kids wearing class of 21 jackets that had to have graduated in the last week or so, they looked happier and at peace than any high school student i’ve ever seen
in a starbucks i saw a guy flirting with the cute cashier, i wonder if he asked him out
i saw a baby on the bus home and she kept looking up at me confused, and then shoving her head into her dads chest, how to express that i’m just wearing eyeliner and don’t actually look like a raccoon
i texted my best friend all of these things and she got very happy too. i hope you get to see the pretty side of life. i promise it’s out there
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bergarachan · 4 years
Idk if you're still doing the writing prompts but Shane saying 30? 🥺❤️
30. “I can’t talk to cute people, okay? I don’t know how to flirt!”
i am going to take this opportunity to hop back onto the feminine!ryan train yall so get ready
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This was not how Shane wanted to start his day.
He was almost late to work at the local coffee shop near campus; his alarm had gone off and he’d completely slept through it. He barely had time to throw clothes on and run out the door to work. His boss, Curly, seemed to be in a mad mood that morning as well, so there was no chance of Shane getting cheered up. The shop opened, and customer after customer came in, ordering americano this and espresso that, no cream this and extra ice that, and Shane was very much considering death at this time.
Around the time his shift was over, a man stepped into the shop, making the bell above the door ring.
“Shane, could you get them for me?” Curly asked him, working on brewing the coffee. Shane nodded, going to the counter and finally looking at the customer.
Oh god.
The boy was... quite frankly, beautiful. He was wearing a baby blue polo with a black dress over it, and a black beanie on his head. His skin was beautiful and tanned, and his eyes were so big and brown that Shane felt he was going to pass out. He did not need to deal with this at 10am. “Hiya,” Said the boy, and his voice was charismatic, but fairly deep. “May I have a black coffee with two cream, please?”
And because lord forbid Shane act like a normal human being around this literal angel, Shane stuttered out a, “U-Uh, well, uh- yeah, I mean... yeah.”
The boy giggled. And oh, what a pretty sound. It made the barista's heart clench. It was high-pitched and adorable. “You okay, big guy?” He asked. (Shane decided that was the cutest nickname ever and he would never be fully happy again unless the boy called him that one more time).
“Um... um, yes, I’m fine, just uh, something got stuck in my throat.” He managed, typing the order down. “Name?” He asked, once he realized he never got the boy’s name and that was crucial to the order.
“Oh, I’m Ryan.” The boy gave him the prettiest lopsided grin, and Shane knew he was never going to forget about him. Oh my god, who gave him the right to be that beautiful?
Then, he heard full-on laughter. “Thank you!” Ryan stuttered out between giggles. And then Shane realized he had said that last part out loud. Fuck.
“I can’t talk to cute people, okay? I don’t know how to flirt!” He exclaimed, exasperated with himself.
“You think I’m cute?” Ryan asked, surprised, and Shane snorted.
“Well, clearly judging by the way I’ve forgotten how to speak English around you, I do.” That made Ryan grin even wider. Shane flushed a deep red. He picked up a cup and wrote Ryan’s name on it, adding a little heart with wings right next to it. Whilst he was doing so, Ryan put his card into the cash-thingy and paid.
When Ryan went to sit down, Shane sneakily jotted down his number onto the bottom of the cup, hoping and praying the stupid cliche of writing your number on a Starbucks cup would work.
Shane got to work on the drink, and when he finished it he gave it to Curly to call out Ryan’s name and set it on the pick-up counter. When Ryan picked up his drink and noticed his name (and the heart next to it) his big eyes looked to Shane. Shane winked and pointed at him playfully, causing Ryan to giggle and wave as he left the shop. 
Shane hoped he’d get a text from Ryan later that day.
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cirrus-lily · 4 years
mocha frappuccino - m. armstrong
author : @cirrus-lily
pairing : marcus armstrong x fem!reader
other character(s) : none
genre : fluff ; one-shot ; barista!marcus
fandom : formula two - motorsport
warning(s) : none
word count : 1.1k
summary : maybe having the constant of a mocha frappuccino would lead to new beginnings.
a/n : i actually loved this au so much it gave me so many ideas geez stop me
today was your first day of university, and to say you were afraid was an understatement. you had moved to christchurch, new zealand to pursue your studies - and now you were 5 million miles away from everything you had ever known (okay, maybe 5 million miles was an exaggeration, but it was still far).
why did you even decide to come here all on your own? sometimes you seriously questioned your life decisions.
while walking around the city last week, you noticed that there was a starbucks present along the route to the university, feeling some comfort in the fact that your daily coffee would remain a constant.
walking into starbucks, you approached the counter, where a guy around your age stood.
"can i have a mocha frappuccino with no whipped cream to go please?" you ask, and he takes down your order.
"your name?"
"pretty name for a pretty girl like you," he says, scribbling down your name on the cup, a smirk forming on his features, a pink tint colouring yours.
maybe studying here wasn't the worst decision you'd made.
as the weeks pass, he memorises your order, not even needing to ask before he takes a cup and writes your name down.
you couldn't lie to yourself - you were kinda crushing on him. he was cute, and the assured manner with which he flirted with you every morning sent your stomach into flutters.
today, even before you reach the counter, he picks up a cup, scribbling down your name and passing it to his co-worker.
as you take out your credit card to pay, he begins to speak.
"you're not from around here, are you?" he questions, eyebrow raised as he scans your card and does what is required. it seemed your accent had given you away again.
"yea, i'm from ||hometown||, but i moved here to attend university," you reply honestly, seeing no reason to lie to him.
a smirk spreads over his features - a look you were used to, yet it made your heart flutter just a little.
"so, you're not just a pretty face - i like that," he replied, and you could hear the sincerity in his voice beyond his flirtatious nature, making you smile - yet the colour rushes to your face, and you can't look him straight in the eye.
suddenly, a small burst of courage surges through you, causing a question to unintentionally fall off your lips.
"i don't think it's fair that you know my name and i don't know yours, is it?"
he smiles as he hands your credit card back to you, your fingertips brushing his for longer than they should.
"marcus, marcus armstrong - your local starbucks barista," his smile turns into a smirk, before he calls for the next customer and you have to leave the queue.
as you pick up your mocha frappuccino that day, there's a heart signed next to your name, that is on every single cup from that day on.
today was the final day of the first semester, and you were glad half the year was over. you'd enjoyed studying her - new zealand truly was an amazing place.
it also marked half a year crushing on your local starbucks barista.
even through short snippets of conversation at the counter, he made you fall for his relaxed nature, his smile, his signature smirk.
you had begun to keep some of the cups he'd give you each morning, some with little notes when you came in with piles of notes in hand ('good luck for your test' was written on those days), some with absolutely stupid things (one said 'are you sure you want a mocha frappuccino every bloody morning?'), and some with sweet little compliments ('you have pretty eyes' showed up on your cup one morning).
the little notes on the cups often gave you something to discuss while paying for your drink the next day, keeping the conversation going, and it seemed to do just that.
until today.
this morning, he'd already prepared your cup before you entered the shop - he knew what time you walked into the store at this point.
it was the usual - you began talking about yesterday's cup note - it was some pun that wasn't even funny, which you had to point out - while paying at the counter, and him wishing you a good day before calling the next customer over.
however, when picking up the cup for the day, you were shocked.
below your name - with it's accompanying heart - was a phone number, along with the words 'call me maybe?' written in marcus' messy scrawl.
firstly, you were kinda shocked that it took him a whole semester, but above all else, you were shocked that he'd passed his number on to you.
but since the message said to call him, that's exactly what you chose to do.
"hello? this is marcus, who is this?"
you giggle over the phone when you realise he had no idea it was you.
"it's me, y/n, the starbucks girl, remember? your number was on the cup this morning, so i took you up on the offer to call you."
he laughs, and you smile. his laugh was something you could get used to hearing.
"glad you took my offer up. left my number for ya because i wanted to take you out for a day, maybe make you my girlfriend by the end of it?"
you felt as if you could hear his smirk through the call, and decide for the first time, maybe it was time for you to keep your ego from inflating further.
"making me your girlfriend after the first date?" you question, and yet you know his smirk does not faulter.
"i need just one date to make you fall for me, love," he responds, making your heart flutter at the nickname, but you won't let it go so easily.
"you think you can woo me with just one date?" you shoot back, but at this point both of you were just messing with the other, the smile on your face widening.
"absolutely," he replies, confidence oozing from his voice.
not wanting him to get the satisfaction just yet, you teased, "we'll see about that."
he laughs on the other end, and you swear your smile becomes brighter than it has ever been.
"we'll settle the details over text, yea?" he asks, and you nod, forgetting he cannot see you, before replying.
"yea, we'll do that. see you tomorrow morning?"
"see you tomorrow, darlin'," he replies back, before hanging up.
and oh, was he right about you falling after just one date.
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wildandsexyjacks · 5 years
Your Smile and You - Pt.2
Pairing: Han Seungwoo + Reader
Genre: Fluff + Friends to Lovers AU
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Slightly suggestive
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Seungwoo said he’d see you around, but you never expected it to be so soon, or so often.
When you got off work after your first official day in the lab, he was waiting outside the hospital building, sitting by the statue of Hippocrates out front while scrolling through his phone, a cardboard cup holder containing two Starbucks drinks precariously propped on his long legs.
It was a nice surprise, seeing a friend after a long day of meeting new people - maybe it was just a little nicer that it was him of all people, though you wouldn’t dwell on that thought.
You greeted him, moving to sit there too, and you both drank from your cups of coffee while you told him about your first day at work.
Then for the next month or so, he would randomly show up when your shift was about to end and wait for you in the same spot, always bringing drinks or snacks, and you’d spend around half an hour together talking about your days or movies or whatever, then he’d walk you home and hug you goodbye.
After the third time, you started to anticipate these moments, the best days of the week being hands down the ones when he’d come to see you. Then one day he asked for your number, so he wouldn’t show up unannounced anymore, and from then on you started paying more attention to your outfit and hair whenever he texted you letting you know he’d stop by.
For no particular reason, of course.
“Pretty attorney boy is waiting for you outside.” Your friend at the front desk informs you when you clock out at 7 p.m sharp, ready to leave.
“I know.” You smile.
“Hence the outfit.” she gives your black dress a pointed look and you roll your eyes “It’s the third time he comes this week.” she insists.
You raise your eyebrows.
“Are you counting?”
“He’s gorgeous, everyone here notices when he’s outside.” she shrugs “And people gossip too. We all think he likes you.”
You’re already heading out, but that makes you stop walking.
“What?” shaking your head, you turn and walk back to her desk “No, we’re friends.”
“So what?”
You bite your lower lip and try again.
“He’s my little brother’s best friend.”
“So what??”
“You know what? You’re all crazy and I won’t encourage that, pretty attorney boy is waiting for me. Bye!”
You push the door open, and yes, he’s there, handsome as ever, though empty-handed this time.
“Hello, stranger.” You hug him when he gets up. “Somewhere around here, a cute Starbucks barista is missing your pretty face.”
Seungwoo lets out a flustered laugh mid-hug and stuffs his hands in his pockets when you pull back.
“No Salted Caramel Mocha this time.” he shrugs “Since it’s Friday and we don’t have to work tomorrow, I thought I could take you out tonight… If you don’t have plans.”
“Sounds great! It’s been a long week and I think we could use some drinks.” You hold onto his arm, smiling “Lead the way.”
Seungwoo takes you to his car, opens the door for you like the gentleman he is, and offers his hand to help you get in. After going around the car and into the driver’s seat, he turns the radio on and starts the engine.
During the quick 10min trip you talk about your day as he drives around, paying attention to what you’re saying and the road at the same time. After a while, he parks in front of a fancy bar, and you both get off the car. It’s a new place you’ve never heard of, but come to think of it, there must be lots of these now since you’ve been away for so long.
Seungwoo guides you through the heavy wooden doors with a steady hand on the small of your back. It’s a high-end bar with gloomy yellow lighting and lots of abstract paintings hanging on the walls. It looks artsy and kind of melancholic, even though the speakers play loud rock music and people are laughing in the background. Most of the clients are young, they’re scattered in tables surrounding the small dance floor or all the way to the back, where half a dozen pool tables are lined side by side.
“I usually come here with some friends from my internship, the DA’s office is just around the corner.” Seungwoo tells you, holding your hand so you won’t get separated while walking to the bar “Every other week Wooseok insists he can beat me in a pool game, poor deluded kid.”
You order a strawberry gin & tonic and he gets a beer. While the bartender prepares your drink you lean against the counter, propping yourself on your elbows, and look at the tables, watching carefully as a man pockets three striped balls in a row.
“So you’re good at it I assume?” You side-eye Seungwoo and wink “Wanna play 8-ball? Winner gets to pick a punishment for the loser.”
He shrugs.
“Sure.” after taking your drink from the bartender and handing it to you, he moves closer “Can’t promise I’ll go easy on you though, I’m fairly competitive.”
“Don’t worry.” You take a sip from your drink “I’ll go easy on you.”
He snorts.
“Oh, it’s on!”
Seungwoo drags you to one of the tables and gives you a cue stick. While you chalk the tip, he takes the triangle rack and rounds the table to arrange the balls. After that he takes a cue stick for himself then waves his beer bottle at you.
“Ladies first.” he offers with a smirk.
You can’t get your friend’s words from earlier off your mind. Does he really like you? He is definitely flirting, not even bothering to be subtle about it. Is he serious? Would it be weird if you flirted back?
You shake your head and set your drink on the side table, then move past him to make a perfect break, pocketing two balls at once.
“Whoa!” he claps loudly, astonished “It turns out you do know how to play…” he teases, making you laugh.
“Watch and learn, pretty boy.”
As the game goes on, you take turns shooting. Seungwoo is, in fact, a great player. It’s a tight match, but you notice something that could ultimately help you win the game: he gets distracted very easily. By your low cut dress, by the way you hold your cue stick, the way you lean over the table to make your play. It’s a low blow, but you use it in your favor when he’s about to pocket the 8 ball to win the game. Seungwoo draws his stick back and right before he gets the chance to strike you come behind him, stopping just a little too close.
“Don’t miss.” You whisper in his ear.
Flustered, he messes up his shot and hits the cue ball so hard it knocks the 8 ball off the table.
You take a step back, giggling.
“Aw, you missed… I guess I won then.”
“Come on Y/N” he whines, picking up the 8 ball from the floor “That’s power abuse, that’s… That’s… It’s cheating.”
You bat your eyelashes at him.
“What? I didn’t do anything…”
He squints for a second, then sighs.
“Alright.” with a small, sly smile, he nods “Whatever you say, princess. You’re a total 8-ball pro and I could never beat you.”
“Now you’re just being sarcastic.” You scoff, pushing him lightly in the chest but he catches your hand and holds it there, staring at you for a moment more than enough to make your heart jump. He looks pensive, even opens his mouth to say something but ultimately changes his mind, letting go of your hand and walking back to the side table to pick up his beer. He takes a long gulp.
“So what’s my punishment?” Seungwoo asks from a safe distance, an amused smile on his face.
You frown.
“Don’t you look too happy for someone who just lost a bet? I thought you said you were fairly competitive”
He chews on his lower lip, averting his gaze from you.
“I am, but I don’t mind losing to you.”
“You didn’t miss that shot on purpose, did you?”
“Never.” He props his cue stick against the wall and moves forward to lean on his side against the pool table “Now, all-mighty 8-ball master, what is my punishment?”
Something in his demeanor changes, playful flirting gone to make room for an earnest stare. You don’t know what’s gotten into you and it’s definitely not a deliberate move but instead of replying you take a step closer and put your lips on top of his. Han Seungwoo, your baby brother’s best friend in the whole world. And he obviously didn’t expect that as his eyes grow wide at first but he’s quick to react, setting his beer on the edge of the table to wrap both arms around your waist. You run your fingers through his hair, pulling lightly at its ends and he hums against your lips.
“I thought losers get a penalty?”
“They do. Let’s just say we’ve both won.”
Next thing you know, you’re back in the parking lot, mind completely blank as Seungwoo pushes you against the side of his car, towering over you with his body pressed on yours and his hands tight on your hips. You pull him closer, planting open-mouthed kisses down his jawline while he mutters things you can’t understand, so out of it you hear the words but can’t make sense of them. Then you move your hands up his back under his shirt and he stops abruptly, taking a long breath before burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“It’s getting late, I should probably take you home,” he mumbles, but his shaky breath and bruising grip on your hips tell a different story.
You wait for a second but Seungwoo still doesn’t seem inclined to move. His breath feels warm on your neck, and his hands are even warmer over the fabric of your dress. You thread your fingers through his hair to make him look at you - he’s got wide eyes and flushed cheeks and the sight of him in this state makes you want to be a little reckless.
“How about you take me to your place instead?”
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marvel-lucy · 5 years
The Walking Disaster, Chapter 3
All chapters are on the Walking Disaster Masterlist
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The next time I saw Steve, was actually out in the wild. I saw wild, I mean outside the apartment building. I was out for coffee and doing those mental acrobatics to justify spending $5 on a coffee when I could have had it for free at home. Today’s excuse? I was keeping those baristas in employment. I’m all heart, me.
As you can imagine, a coffee shop is fraught with dangers for someone like me. There’s the coffee for a start. Not only is it a liquid and therefore spillable, but it’s also caffeine, and god knows even I’ll accept I don’t really need any pepping up. My mouth would run away with itself under general anaesthetic. I’m asking for closed casket at my own funeral just so my corpse doesn’t accidentally insult my cousin’s dress sense. Then there’s the people. Lots of them, all with legs that might stick out and trip me, conversations for me to get too caught up in that I join in, children who might decide to bite my ankles (don’t ask. It’s a thing) … it’s a wonder I don’t stay inside all the time.
But I was there, with a friend. Yes, even a human fiasco like me can have friends. There’s hope for us all, even Calamity Jane got married. In the movie anyway. So, there I was, with my friend. I don’t know why she’s my friend to be honest. She’s so together. She looks like a ballet dancer, all long legs and muscles. The most beautiful red hair you’ve ever seen, and she’s a killer, Natasha – with put downs and sarcasm that is. But for some unknown reason she tolerates me. Perhaps even likes me. Maybe she’s got some debt she’s paying community service for.  
Anyway, as always, I digress. There we were. I was buying us both coffee (carrying two drinks? Why not juggle fire next?!) and had somehow navigated my way to our table and put the drinks down safely when I felt a tap on my shoulder.  Ever turned around to see an angel? You should try it.
‘Hi! Steve! Hello!’ (Sophisticated with a side of casual disinterest is what I was going for). His friend was standing behind him, and I could see him appreciating Natasha, quite rightly.  Me, I could feel the flush forming because it was only a few minutes ago that I’d been telling Nat all about my new neighbour, Steve, and I could tell from the arch of her eyebrow that she’d worked out who this was, and was going to watch this play out with amusement. With any luck she’d take pity on me and save me from myself, but I doubted it.
‘Hi, I’m Natasha,’ she said, sticking her hand out towards Steve. She obviously didn’t trust me to manage to speak coherently.  Steve shook it, then gestured behind him.
‘This is Bucky.’ His friend mock-saluted and I knew Natasha well enough to see her interest rise.  ‘Can we join you?’
Oh Lordy.
Steve took a quick look around the coffee shop and spotted a couple of empty seats, dragging them over, and then we were four, around one of those too-small round tables. I was sitting at an uncomfortable angle trying to avoid bumping knees with Steve, who was next to me. Me, Steve, Bucky and Nat, all friends together.
I picked up my coffee and took a big gulp to hide my confusion. You know the thing about coffee though? It’s hot. Really hot. Especially when you take a big mouthful.  
And that’s why I ended up spraying Nat with a mouthful of hot coffee, then turning scarlet as I choked. To be fair to Nat, she’s used to it, and she’s the one who decided to sit in the splash zone, so she didn’t scream, but just rolled her eyes and pulled up a pile of paper napkins that she’d wisely thought to pick up before she sat down, and started mopping herself up. Meanwhile, I tried to get my coughing under control, tone down my redness, regain feeling in my tongue, and get a hold on myself.  I’m usually pretty OK with being such a catastrophe, but some days I’d really like to be cool, not make a fool of myself, especially not in front of someone quite so cute.
When I finally looked up, Nat and Bucky had started communing over mopping up some puddles on the table, and I could see her sizing him up. He’d be eating out of her hand soon, it’s like she brainwashes them.  I risked a glance at Steve out of the corner of my eye, and he was smiling at me. But oh. OH. Bless him, he didn’t even look like he was laughing at me, just… smiling.
‘Too hot? I swear the coffee in these places is nuclear. ‘S’why I always get iced these days.’  He gestured towards his iced coffee, then tilted it towards me.  ‘Want a sip? Cool your mouth down.’  Was ever a man more charming? I challenge you to name one.
I didn’t take a sip. I mean, I wanted to, my mouth hurt. But it seemed a little forward when I’d not really managed to speak a sentence to the poor guy. And knowing my luck I’d end up poking his eye out with the straw anyway.
So we sat there, the four of us, for an hour or so. I drank my coffee, eventually, when it was a bit cooler, and I didn’t spill any more of it. I relaxed a bit and didn’t freak out (externally) when my knee bumped into Steve’s. I found out a bit about him, and about Bucky, and Nat told them about her, and I told them about me, and Nat only had to kick me twice under the table to get me to remember to stop rambling. I couldn’t help it, I was trying to find the right thing to say, that would make me seem less of a disaster; trying to find the right phrase that would make me sound as cool as Nat, only my approach seemed to be to keep on talking in the hope I’d get there. Hadn’t worked yet, but first time’s a charm, right?
Here’s what I found out.
1.       Steve liked his coffee cold.
2.       Steve had the most beautiful blue eyes the world has ever seen.
3.       Steve’s knee felt really warm.
4.       When he picked up his drink, his biceps bulged.
Oh, wait, what, you want facts? Whatever.
Turns out they both did really good people jobs. You know the kind that make you rethink your existence? I mean, I’m not a bad person, but Bucky worked with disadvantaged kids in Brooklyn, and Steve was an art teacher, and they probably both rescued kittens from fires and knitted homes for orphaned bunnies out of organic wool. I may be exaggerating, but saying ‘yeah, I do admin for the VA’ just didn’t sound that impressive.  Nat was her usual secretive self, and just went with ‘I do the jobs that people need doing and are willing to pay for.’ Makes ‘I’m currently signed up with an agency doing temp work’ sound much cooler.
What else did I find out? They’d known each other since school – it showed, from the way they teased each other. They’d lost touch for a few years – I get the feeling Bucky had made some bad choices, but they glossed over that – and now that Steve had a new job, they were reconnecting. Steve used to be scrawny (I found that hard to believe, but Bucky pulled out his phone and showed us this picture of a teeny Steve before his growth spurt had hit).
Here’s what they would have found out about me.
I like cats, the colour blue, Thai food, prefer Star Trek to Star Wars, like Marvin Gaye’s Trouble Man album, and can’t shut up.
Maybe it’s not as bad as I’m remembering. I mean, they stayed there with us for a while, right, and it can’t only have been because Nat is worth staring at for an hour. Maybe? Perhaps? But right now it’s 3am and I’m sitting in the dark and wincing as I replay the conversations in my head.  Doesn’t help that my head is throbbing either. I didn’t mention that did I?
See, it wasn’t going so badly. I mean, we were chatting, and if I’m being kind to myself, I’ll be honest and say that I did say some things that made sense, and the conversation flowed, and Steve laughed on occasion and, it could have been worse. So then I needed to go, because I had an appointment, so we did the whole ‘lovely to meet you’, ‘see you around’ thing, and I managed to untangle myself from the chairs and tables pretty easily, and headed for the exit with Nat. I could feel her just waiting for us to get out of eyesight of the windows so she could pin me up against a wall and quiz me about everything, and I was kinda looking forward to doing the same to her; she wasn’t going to get away with that kind of flirting with Bucky without some interrogation.
So I just needed to hold it together for a few more seconds, just pretend not to be a complete farce while I walked out of the door.
You can see where I’m going with this, right? Shame I couldn’t.  You see, I tried to do this sophisticated sweet little turn of the head, waver over my shoulder, leave them wanting more as we left.  Which would have worked great, if I hadn’t pulled the door a little too hard, turning my head back towards it as I went, and slamming the door right into my own forehead.
Starbucks employees are very generous with their ice cubes when your head is developing a lump the size of a small planet.
And that’s why I’m sitting here, regretting my life choices, and planning to move to another state by morning.  Wish me luck.
@melconnor2007 @avengerscompound @kittyslove @badassbaker @phoenix21love @lbouvet  @bellenuit45 @prplprincez  @gingerrootknits @pineapplebooboo @feelmyroarrrr @avengerofyourheart @eyeofdionysus @hellomissmabel @learisa @mitra-k-w @imhereforbvcky @shaddixlife @iwillbeinmynest @amrita31199 @whatsbetterthanfantasy @pixierox101 @edward-lover18 @madcheshire89 @heartfulloffandoms @chipilerendi @kenya-17 @mckorni32843 @amandarosemire @rda89 @nyxveracity @sea040561 @mrsalh32611 @ruinerofcheese @callmebucky-doll @vintagepigeon @bubbasmom @sassycanoodler @ladylorelitany @natcad @thisismysecrethappyplace @mywinterwolf  @moderapoppins @rinthehufflepuff @holyfuckloueh @onebatch--twobatch
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Coffee Shop AU (9) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: April 16th, 2022
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part ten
A Small Passion Fruit Sweet Tea - unorthodoxsavvy
Summary: Phil is a barista at Starbucks and Dan becomes a customer.
A Visual Representation Of Holiday Wishes (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan is a barista, and Phil is a customer. Dan tries to flirt via phallic foam latte art on Phil's drinks (altered it slightly, sorry!)
Background Noise (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: “Do you think I’m too old to still be working at Starbucks?” Phil asks after a few minutes of quiet.
Dan turns to look at him. “Do you?”
Bags Under My Eyes And Coffee In My Hands - andystanberg
Summary: Phil works at a 24/7 Starbucks and Dan just can’t get any sleep.
Best Drink I Take Is When I’m Sippin' You - tobieallison
Summary:  Phil is a barista who is allergic to coffee and hates his job - Dan hates coffee but orders it anyway because he likes Phil.
Coffee Shop (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase
Summary: Dan's working in a coffee shop while he studies at Manchester University. He still watches youtube in his spare time, of course - that isn't a habit he's likely to break any time soon. He gets a bit of a shock when AmazingPhil himself walks into his lowly little cafe on one of his busiest shifts.
Coffee Shop Crush (ao3) - softsocks (orphan_account)
Summary: Dan works in a coffee shop. Boring, right? Maybe not. Not, when there's a coffee-loving boy whose name he dosent know, but whose lips he wants to kiss...
Coffee Shop Drawings (ao3) -  flymetomanchester
Summary: Going to the same small and vintage coffee shop each day, Phil didn't think much of it. He goes there everyday and orders his drink as usual and sits in the corner and draws. However, one day a boy with brown hair and shimmering eyes walks in and steals Phil's breath away, quite literally as well. Taking it upon himself as an artist to draw beautiful things, Phil starts to sketch him, while he doesn't know. One day as Phil rushes out in a hurry, he leaves his sketchbook behind and Dan notices.
Coffee Shops and Cute Baristas - amazignphil
Summary: Coffee Shop AU with a blushy Phil and fanboy Dan.
Coffee Spills And Ink Smudges (ao3) - TheKidFromYesterday
Summary: Dan writes stories on post-it notes and Phil works at a coffee shop.
Frottica (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan finally acts on his feelings toward the sexy barista at Lester's Coffee Shop. Phil is relieved by the man's boldness, and an exciting new relationship begins.
Lightning Mask - fiction-phan
Summary: The one in which Phil is a superhero and Dan works at his favourite coffee shop.
Love Yourself (ao3) - imnotinclinedtomaturity
Summary: A lot of things about Dan's life are pretty great. He gets to make the music he wants, he's got a great fanbase, and his manager is his best friend. A few things about his life suck a bit more. He's currently lacking inspiration, he's rather lonely, and he's stuck in a rut.
Dan's been going to the same coffee shop for years. It's quiet, it's quaint, it's near his home. Most importantly: none of the employees give a shit that's he a world-famous singer. Things change when he meets the new barista.
Paperback Writer - auroraphilealis
Summary: Phil Lester’s novel is still riddled with errors and mistakes, but he hates the whole editing process because it results in nothing more than re-written scenes and a bad taste in his mouth, because he’s never quite satisfied with what he’s written. And then he meets Dan, the cute guy at the coffee shop who makes sure Phil knows he could help him edit his novel.
Phil's Summer Job (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Phil gets a job as a barista and wants to learn how Dan does that cool latte art. Cuteness ensues.
Tears of Joy (ao3) - mollieblack
Summary: Soulmate AU where when one soulmate cries, the other's eyes fill with tears.
That Warm Feeling In Their Chests - likhaless
Summary: Dan walks into a coffee shop for shelter and warmth, not expecting to experience a warmth that was entirely different from what he wanted (but maybe, just maybe, needed.)
Then You Come Through Like The Sweetener You Are (To Bring The Bitter Taste To A Halt) (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Phil really wants to be annoyed at the new shop owner next to his bookstore. the problem? the owner is really cute.
Whipped cream with sprinkles on top (ao3) -  theshyauthor
Summary: Dan is a university student who gets too little sleep and Phil is the cute barista he has a crush on.
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noahsfreckles · 6 years
Keeping Secrets from Strangers (4)
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So this is happening. 💕💕
I start my hair once I get home. I try not to stain my whole bathroom. I decide to only do half up my hair instead of my whole head just Incase I don't like it and want to cut it off. I go back to my room once everything is setting and I just have to wait to wash it out.
I carefully grab my phone and look at my notifications. 2 new texts from Jamey🐱 2 new tweets from J. 2 new texts from Lexi🤪
I open the tweets first;
@browneyedboy: my friends are so embarrassing @browneyedboy: wishing someone could know the real me
Lexi🤪: did you do it? Lexi🤪: send me pics ASAP!!
Jamey🐱: hey I'm back what's up? Jamey🐱: are you dyeing your hair? Jamey🐱: I should wash my hair lol text me when you can 😎
I smile a little at Jamey's texts. I text back Lexi and Jamey.
Mia to Lexi: it's setting so it will be a while Mia to Lexi: I only did half my hair in case I hate it and want to cut it off
Mia to Jamey: hey 🤓 Mia to Jamey: did you wash your hair? lol
Lexi🤪: good idea. What did the parental say?
Mia: they're not home yet you know they won't care
Lexi🤪: well I wanna see it when you're done
Mia: you'll be the first to see it besides me Mia: omg Lexi I got whistled at today by some cute guys well at least I think the other one was cute he was hiding
Lexi🤪: what I want all the details I'm calling you!!
Lexi🤪 calling: answer / decline.
I answer and put it on speaker phone because of my hair.
"I want details missy!" Yells as I answer.
I just laughing, "calm down and I will."
"Well I was going to Sally's to get the dye and two guys were standing out by the gym, you know that's over on Main Street. And one of them whistled at me so I turned and looked at them, one of them was hiding behind the one who whistled. I smiled and waved and went in Sally's."
"So when I came out they weren't that far away from the Jeep so I whistled at the one who whistled at me cause he was the only one not in the their Jeep yet. I laughed a little at how fast he turned around and waved at him, then I left and went to Starbs."
"That's all?"
"Well tell me more!"
"I am! So I look behind me and I see their Jeep behind me following so I pull into Starbucks and park cause I didn't know if I wanted to go in or the drive-thru, so they go in the drive-thru and order so I decide to go through the drive-thru too. I pull in behind them and I order my stuff, pulling up to the window, the barista said that it was already paid for by the guys in the Jeep. So I pull up next to them in the parking lot cause they parked and the one who whistled at me, Kyle."
"Oh she got a name."
"Oh shush.
"Kyle rolled his window down and we started talking and I said thanks for paying and he said his friend did, and his friend was kinda ignoring me."
"What was he doing?"
"He said he was looking for something in the backseat, his name was Jason. And then they randomly started arguing about something I couldn't really hear so I said I better get going back home. Kyle turned back around and says okay, hope to see you around and then he winks!"
"Damn I can't leave you alone for five seconds and guys try to steal you!" She jokingly says.
"No guys are trying to steal me away."
"Uh huh first Jamey and now Kyle."
"Neither of them are trying to steal me. Jamey and are just friends, if that and I just met Kyle and probably would never see him around again."
"Mhmm sure. You know where Kyle works out and gets Starbucks after. But his friend was really weird."
"Yeah I wonder what's up with that?"
"Maybe he knew you and didn't want you to know or he could have been famous and didn't want you to freak out on them."
"Hmm maybe we do live in LA and I was near the more expensive part of the city. I bet that was it."
"I wonder who it was."
"Noah," Lexi says and starts laughing.
"I hate you. It wasn't Noah."
"I bet it was and he didn't want you to see him and freak out on him and ask for his hand in marriage and to want him to impregnate you and have beautiful lil Noahs and Mias running around."
"I really hate you," I say then we start laughing. "And for the record I don't want his hand in marriage."
"But you want him to impregnate you! I knew you were obsessed with Noah's sexy body."
"You didn't let me finish," I whine.
"Okay finish."
"I don't want his hand in marriage but I wouldn't mind getting freaky with him."
"I knew it!" Lexi about screams.
"Oh shit I gotta wash out my hair!"
"Bye. Send me pics!"
"I will, bye."
We both hang up and I go wash it out. I blow dry it out and curl it a little. I love it. I take some pics and post them on my socials but send Lexi and Jamey pics first.
Lexi🤪: omg girl I love it!! 💕💕💕
Jamey🐱: ohh I like it. 😍💕
I blush a little at Jamey's text.
Mia to Lexi: thanks. 💋💋
Mia to Jamey: thanks. 😍
Jamey🐱: wanna finish our game? And yes I washed my hair in while shower, my friend said I smelled
Mia: sure 😂😂
Jamey🐱: what made you dye your hair?
Mia: I wanted to try something new and was googling pics and saw a pic of a girl with pink hair and I wanted pink hair and I have pink hair now.
Jamey🐱: I wish I could do something with my hair. It's out of control.
Mia: why can't you?
Jamey🐱: my mom won't let me
Mia: oh that sucks 😕
Jamey🐱: maybe this summer I can
Mia: what do you wanna do?
Jamey🐱: I don't know maybe just cut it some. My curls are crazy.
Mia: would you ever dye it?
Jamey🐱: probably not. I love my hair. And I get to ask three questions in a row like you. 😋
Mia: deal.
Jamey🐱: fave color? Number? What did you do today besides dyeing your hair?
Mia: probably blue, like a baby blue, 13, yes I know it's unlucky but it's been lucky for me and I went to Sally Beauty and went to Starbuck. You?
Jamey🐱: well you know I went to the gym with my friend then we went to Tropical Smoothie Cafe and got our power shakes.
Mia: sounds fun.
Jamey🐱: what are you doing for the rest of the night?
Mia: probably order some food and watch Netflix. You?
Jamey🐱: probably the same but hopefully texting a pretty girl 😎
Mia: oh a girl? Tell me about her.
Jamey🐱: well I think she's pretty. She's like to steal my kitty, tease me, and text me too.
Mia: she sounds great. What makes her pretty?
Jamey🐱: her heart, sense of humor, and her face.
Mia: what does she look like?
Jamey🐱: well she has blonde and recently dyed pink hair and she has brown eyes.
Mia: she sounds really familiar
Jamey🐱: hmm I wonder why 🤔
Mia: do I know her?
Jamey🐱: she's in your mirror right now 😮
Mia: you're a dork.
Jamey🐱: I know. 🤓
Mia: thank you ☺️
Jamey🐱: you are very welcome. 😎
Mia to Lexi: Jamey is flirting me. And I like it.
Lexi🤪: what's he saying?!
I send a screenshot of mine and Jamey's conversation to Lexi.
Lexi🤪: aww he likes you. Lexi🤪: do we know what he looks like? Other than the brown hair?
Mia: no should I ask? I don't want to scare him away. 😕
Lexi🤪: yes just bring it up casually and don't just ask him for a pic
Jamey🐱: Stuvi says meow meow
Mia: tell Stuvi meow meow back.
Jamey🐱: now he's sniffing my phone. What did you say to him?
Mia: I asked him for a selfie.
Jamey🐱: that explains it, well he can't really take one but I can. Is that okay? Jamey🐱: I don't know really how to say this but I um think it's kinda bad that I know what you look like but you have no idea what I look like cause my display picture is of Stuvi and kinda my hair and I'll shut up now and show you.
Mia: wow Jamey.
Jamey🐱: good or bad wow? 😕
Mia: good wow I promise. Wow as in that's a lot and I didn't mind not know what you look like. It gives you some mystery but I would like to know who I'm talking to when I'm talking to you.
Jamey🐱: okay good wow. Jamey🐱: 
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      I don't say anything for a moment as I look at the picture of Jamey. He kinda looks familiar but I can't place it since I can't see his whole face.
Jamey🐱: Mia? 😕
Mia: sorry I was staring at something. 😲
Jamey🐱: something good I hope.
Mia: something very good 🙂
Jamey🐱: thanks 😊
Mia: you're welcome 🙂
Mia to Lexi: he won't send one 😕 I'll try again later.
Lexi🤪: good luck 🍀
Jamey🐱: wanna watch a movie?
Mia: how?
Jamey🐱: we start the same movie at the same time and if we need to pause it we tell the other person.
Mia: what movie? I have Hulu, Netflix, and amazon prime.
Jamey🐱: TATBILB. 😋
Mia: very funny Jamey.
Jamey🐱: I know 😂😂😂
Mia: how about The Incredibles 2?
Jamey🐱: yes I love Jack Jack.
Mia: me too.
Jamey🐱: I'm ready when you are.
Mia: one Mia: two Mia: three
We both hit play and start watching the movie. And that's how we spend the rest of the night. Watching movies together and eating our take out 'together'.
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(I made a fic for this)
"BARISTA BOY!" John froze and looked up. There, a bit down the road, was Alexander, also known in his Starbucks as "The Coffee Fae". ("Surely he's not human!" His coworker, Lafayette, had sputtered. "Nobody could drink that much espresso and still look exhausted!") Alexander stood there, waving frantically. "You helped me pass my final!" He announced. Lafayette had to be right: he couldn't be human. Regardless, John smiled.
"I'm surprised you didn't have a heart attack," he chuckled as he walked over. He looked like he was starting to grow some peach fuzz. "It's nice to see you without a murderous look in your eyes, Alexander." He beamed.
"You remembered my name!" His face positively lit up. "How could I not? Your order was ridiculous." Alexander shrugged. "I've had stronger," he said nonchalantly. Christ, was his blood 25% caffeine? What ELSE did he drink that was worse? "Anyway, I've gotta repay you, I got a 98 on my physics exam." John gaped. "Most people just barely pass! Getting a C is godlike and you got an A?" He ran his hands through his hair and propped a hand on his hip. "Dude, my coworker is not going to believe me if I tell him I met you again, can I get your number?" "Are you coming onto me, Barista Boy?" He smirked, pulled his phone from his pocket. John blushed. "Wh-What?" Alex's smirk widened. Heh. Cute. "Well, anyway: my number," he immediately diverted the conversation. He recited the number to John, who then gave him his number. ••• John side eyed Alex, who was spinning a highlighter in his hand. He was so focused. And John was so distracted. They sat in the library—this semester, they shared a class, so they decided to study together. John had a pen in his hand and a notebook in front of him, but he had ceased to make notes. Ever since he'd called out to him on that street, John had developed something of a crush on Alexander. Then, they became friends. Months had passed and they spent almost every day together. Everyday, John's little crush had grown into something more, bit by bit. John sat in that library, stared at Alex from the corner of his eye. His eyes flickered across the pages, his passion for his work flourished in moments like this. His eyes sparkled, he was silently mouthing the words he skimmed over, his lips pursed at confusing lines, his eyebrows furrowed at the graph in his textbook. John felt what one might call admiration for the man in moments like this. Alex suddenly dropped the highlighter, grabbed a pen, and scrawled something in his notebook. He pushed the notebook over to John, who peered at the ink. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." John's face lit up like a stoplight and he couldn't tell if he wanted to laugh or shrink away in shame. His brain quickly came up with an excuse. He tugged the paper a bit closer and wrote a note back saying he didn't understand a certain part and was debating whether to ask or not, Alex had looked so focused. Alex snickered and helped him quietly, whispered advice to him. Meanwhile, John's internal monologue was basically an hour-long loop of "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He couldn't make out what Alexander was even saying. A realization had slapped John right across the face. He had fallen in love with Alexander Hamilton. "You get it now?" He murmured to John. "Yeah, thanks," he whispered back and snapped his head back to his own notes. ••• The summer break was over and Alexander was nearly vibrating with excitement. He'd get to see John again! He'd missed him so much, oh god, he'd never missed anybody like he missed John before in his entire life! And he was determined to articulate that to the man. He'd been so oblivious, how could he not have realized sooner? A sudden wave of anxiety washed over him. What if he'd been reading the situation wrong. What if John didn't feel the same way? What if he made a fool of himself? He fiddled with the end of his ponytail. Alex supposed he'd just have to take that chance. He couldn't just not do anything, he couldn't just wait around to see if John would ask him. He paced in his room with his phone in his hand. The Coffee Fae: Hey where's ur dorm this year 
The Coffee Fae: I wanna see you!!! I have John withdrawal :(((
Barista Boy: I room with Laf this year but he's not here yet
Barista Boy: Alex I'm so bored I'd be happy to see you John sent him an address, Alex stopped pacing. He shoved the phone into his pocket and exited his dorm. He knocked on the door, rocked back and forth and his feet. John opened the door and smiled like he'd seen the sun for the first time. "Alex!" He beamed and jumped forward for a hug. Alex laughed into his hair, which he'd left down. "It's wonderful to see you, too, Barista Boy," his smile was audible in his voice. They, reluctantly, pulled apart to enter John's room, half of it still barren. John shut the door. "Welcome to my humble abode which I will be housed in for my sophomore year," he gestured dramatically around the room. He had posters and pictures all over the wall already. It looked very him, Alex smiled. John plopped down on his bed. "Summer was so boring, I hate going back home, there's nothing to do." "Small towns can get like that," Alex put his hands in his sweatshirt pockets and sat down next to him. "My summer was pretty uneventful, too." John sighed and fell back onto his bed. "I'm so happy to be back, you have no idea," his grin became calmer, softer. He looked over at Alex fondly. John could've sworn his cheeks reddened a bit. "Me, too," he averted his eyes. A very non-Hamilton move. John raised an eyebrow curiously. "Hey, um," he fidgeted with his hair. "Can I tell you something?" "Anything, Alexander," he encouraged. For once, words failed him. He may be a huge flirt, but he didn't tend to put himself in an emotionally vulnerable position. "Well, you know what they say: show don't tell," he chuckled nervously. "Slap-me-or-something-if-you-want-me-to-stop," his words were so quick they could just barely be understood as he turned around, grabbed the side of John's face, and leaned down. John's eyes widened, his face felt like it was boiling. He closed his eyes and moved his sprawled out arms so he could wrap them around his neck. Alex was flying, ecstatic. Their lips parted, Alex rested his forehead on John's. John was smiling like a small child who'd just found a Christmas present with his name on it. "I missed you so much," Alexander breathed. "Me, too," John replied. The door swung open. "I'VE ARRIVED, JOHN-" Alexander shot up so fast he fell off the bed, John giggled at him. "Oh, I interrupted. I can leave, if-" "Laf, I swear to god," Alex groaned as he sat up on the middle of the floor. John sat up and got up to help Alexander. He had the dopiest smile on his face and Alex couldn't tell if he hated it or loved it. He gave a lopsided smile back.
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adorkablephil · 6 years
Fic: The Body Electric (Epilogue)
Title: The Body Electric Summary: Filmmaker Phil Lester finds his computer infected by a surprisingly endearing artificial intelligence virus that calls itself D.A.N. Phil just calls him Dan. Rating: Mature (But there’s no sex here.) Word Count: 1.8k Tags: Phandom Reverse Bang, Science Fiction AU, Computers, Virus!Dan, Rather Unconventional Romance Thanks: This story was inspired by a prompt from the artist @lilacskylester in the @phandomreversebang. Their art for the fic is here! The story is straying from the original prompt, but that’s still where the inspiration came from. You can also read the whole fic on AO3
[ The Body Electric Chapter Masterlist ]
Epilogue: Hacker
Sitting at one of the window seats at my favorite Starbucks, dipping an almond biscotti into my pumpkin spice latte, I notice a tall guy with a dark quiff staring at me oddly from the queue at the counter. He’s cute, in a dorky kind of way—kind of gangly and awkward, as if he doesn’t quite know what to do with the length of his limbs.
In my experience, that doesn’t necessarily translate into a lack of coordination in the bedroom. I’m just saying.
Also, even from this distance, I can see that his socks are two different colors. I have a weird thing for guys who wear mismatched socks. I like the way it implies a relaxed refusal to comply with societal expectations. I’m not a big fan of societal expectations in general, whether it comes to gender roles, sexual identity, physical appearance, sock choice, or pretty much anything else.
I’m just not a big fan of people telling me what to do or who to be.
I dip my biscotti back into my drink and take a bite. Biscotti by themselves taste like cardboard, but pretty much anything tastes good if you’ve got a tasty dip. I chew and swallow, then glance back toward the queue.
The guy with the quiff and the mismatched socks shoots me another strangely intense look, and I smile. Maybe he’ll have the guts to come over and say hi. I don’t have to be at work for another half hour, so I wouldn’t mind a bit of flirting with a cute stranger to start the day off nicely.
He lurks awkwardly near the pick-up area after placing his order, but then the barista booms, “Pumpkin spice latte for Phil!” and he jumps, then walks over to pick up his drink. He glances at me again, obviously nervous, and I give him another encouraging smile.
He sips from his drink, still standing near the counter, and jerks his mouth away from the cup abruptly. Probably burnt his tongue. He shoots me another glance and smiles sheepishly, so I finally just motion him over, and he comes to sit across from me at the table. He takes the lid off of his drink and blows on the hot liquid. I notice his lips are soft and pink, his face pale and narrow with killer cheekbones.
“Hi,” I say, and take a sip of my drink. “Pumpkin spice latte, huh?” Phil gapes at me for a moment, and I begin to question his intelligence. “They just announced it when you picked up your order,” I remind him with a chuckle.
“Oh, right.” He ducks his head and blushes, and I realize he’s just really nervous for some reason. And he keeps shooting quick glances at my face then looking away again. “I’m sorry,” he says in obvious embarrassment. “This is just really weird.”
“Why is it weird?” I ask, taking another sip of my drink. “Do you not usually talk to strange men in coffee shops? Or do you not usually drink pumpkin spice lattes?” That gets an honest laugh out of him, and his face looks much more relaxed afterward.
“No,” he says, still laughing, “I always drink pumpkin spice lattes. It’s an annual rite of passage. It’s the start of the lead up to the Big C.” I raise an eyebrow in question. “Christmas!” he explains.
I nod knowingly. “Of course. There needs to be a specific dividing line for when the festive season actually officially begins, and the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks is that line.” He nods solemnly, taking my fake seriousness as it’s intended, and then grins.
It’s a nice grin. A nice smile in general. And his tongue peeks out just a little bit out of the corner of his mouth, which is perhaps the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen on a grown man. It should look silly, but it just looks cute as hell.
“That’s why I’m drinking one, too,” I admit. “I think they’re too sweet, personally, but who am I to argue with festive traditions?”
Phil looks aghast. “There is no such thing as too sweet!” he insists.
I just shake my head sadly. “Here I had such high hopes for us, but we’re clearly hopelessly incompatible on a basic molecular level.”
His face lights up. Almost literally. It’s like something within him just shines, and I notice the beautiful color of his pale eyes, multiple colors all at the same time. One of the colors is actually yellow, as if sunshine itself is beaming from the center of his irises. I’m a little stunned by the sudden output of pure wattage, to be honest.
“You had high hopes for us?” he asks, still beaming at me like the freaking sun. “Based on what?”
“I like a guy with mismatched socks,” I say with a smirk, getting my metaphorical feet back under me. “But the real problem is that I need to get going to work soon.” I give him a more genuine smile. I wouldn’t mind getting his number.
Phil’s eyes grow wide. “It’s Derek!” he murmurs in this voice that sounds almost awed. He seems to be staring at my smile, but he must have seen someone else behind me.
I look around. “Did you see someone you know?”
Phil blinks a few times and shakes his head. “No. Sorry. Just … you were telling me about your job,” and the weirdness seems to have vanished, leaving just his cute sort of awkward oddness behind. “What do you do?”
I sigh. I hate my job. I hate talking about my job. I hate everything that even remotely pertains to my job. “I’m a solicitor, specializing in cyber crimes,” I admit with chagrin. “I love the cyber part, but the solicitor part is a huge drag. I don’t know why I ever studied law.” I’m leaving a lot out—such as my own extracurricular forays into the “crime” part of “cyber crimes”—but I just met this guy. “What about you?” I ask, taking another sip of my PSL and noticing that it’s only half finished. We’ve been talking longer than I realized, and my drink is beginning to cool. I set the remaining half of my biscotti on my napkin, not really interested in it anymore. And I really do need to get to work.
But you know what? Fuck work. I hate that job. All those classes in computer coding, and I end up a fucking bureaucrat.
So if talking to a cute guy makes me late for work for once, who gives a fuck? Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to get fired. I can become a pianist or sell Kanye CDs on the street or something. Become a fashion model for Alexander McQueen. Make baking videos on fucking YouTube. Anything would be better than this hell job. Talking to this cute guy is definitely better.
“I’m a filmmaker,” he tells me, and I’m instantly intrigued.
“Really?” I ask, and he nods.
“I started out making movies when I was a kid. I wanted to be the next Wes Craven,” he says.
“Ah! Horror films!” He nods. “I fucking loved The Ring!”
“Me too!” Phil enthuses, and then he just sits at looks at me for a long moment as we both sip our drinks. His has apparently cooled down enough for him to drink it normally now.
“Do you feel like we’ve met before?” Phil asks out of nowhere. He’s giving me that weird stare again.
I raise an eyebrow and smirk. “Aren’t we past those kinds of pick-up lines? I think we’ve already established that I’m into you.”
He blushes the prettiest pink I’ve ever seen, the shade of his cheeks almost matching his lips, and he looks away before glancing back at me, looking adorably shy. “No. It’s not a pick-up line. I really want to know. You don’t … I don’t seem familiar to you?”
I shake my head. “Should I remember you from somewhere?”
“No. No, you shouldn’t,” he replies, and I think there’s a bit of sadness in his tone. Did he think I was someone else, and now he’s disappointed? Well, I don’t need that kind of baggage.
“I should get to work,” I say abruptly, and scoot back my chair to stand, prepared to toss the rest of my stupidly sweet PSL into the rubbish bin.
But Phil jumps to his feet and pleads, “Wait!” We stand there a moment, just watching each other, and then he takes a deep breath and says, “I’d really like to see you again. If you want that. I … I like you. More than I thought I would.”
That seems like an odd thing to say, so I raise an eyebrow. “More than you thought you would?”
Phil shrugs uncomfortably. “Well, at first you reminded me of this other guy, but once I started talking to you … I don’t know…” Yup, baggage. I don’t need that.
I head to the door and toss my cup into the rubbish, and Phil follows me. Gotta give the guy points for persistence. “Look,” he says firmly, “I know I’ve been a little weird.” I shoot him a look and he sort of laughs. “Okay, maybe a lot weird. I’m just generally kind of awkward, but … you seem really cool … and I’d really like to get to know you better. Nothing about any other guy. Just … you. I like you.” He bites his lip, and there he goes again with the adorableness. I’m not immune to it.
I can’t help but smile, and his shoulders drop about two inches in relief. “Okay. Meet me here again for coffee tomorrow? Same time. We can talk more. And maybe you can show me one of these horror movies of yours.”
“One’s showing at the independent film festival next week,” he says with shy pride. The combination of humility and self-confidence makes him even more attractive.
“It could be our first real date,” I suggest, half joking. “Will it scare me enough to make me leap into your lap?”
“One can only hope,” he replies with a grin. “Some people really like it. I hope you will, too.”
We stand and smile at each other until somebody pushes past us to get out the door. I really do need to get to work.
“So … I’ll see you here tomorrow?” I ask, and I find that I’m really looking forward to it.
“Definitely,” he says. “I promise.”
Author’s Note: Now THAT is the end! I hope you enjoyed it!
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full of surprises, even after nine years
title: full of surprises, even after nine years summary: Phil is bored and decides to do a joint live show with Dan. Things escalate from Domestic Bants to Big News pretty quickly. words: 1500 genre: fluff fluff fluff rating: g
Dan and Phil were lazily spread out on opposite ends of the couch with their legs intertwined between them. Phil was bored and switching aimlessly between apps on his phone while Dan edited a new main channel video.
Phil noticed in his twitter mentions that several people were complaining that they hadn’t seen much of Dan or Phil in the past few days—they weren’t wrong, they’d mostly been hibernating and working all week and had neglected interacting with their viewers.
Hmm, a live show could be fun, we’ve barely talked about anything we’ve done recently anyway.
Phil nudged Dan in his side with his foot. Disgruntled at the interruption, Dan pulled an earbud out of his ear so he could hear Phil but didn’t look up from his screen.
“I was thinking of doing a live stream tonight.”
“Okay, just don’t go too late. You promised we’d watch that movie tonight.” He started to put his earbud back in but Phil nudged him more insistently.
“I was thinking we could do a joint one?”
This time, Dan did look up, hesitating for a moment before responding. “Sure, but you’re buying pizza then.”
Phil rolled his eyes. “You know it doesn’t matter who buys it right? The money comes from the same account regardless.”
“It’s the principle of the matter, Lester. I work for you, you buy me dinner”
“Right,” Phil giggled. “Because a live stream is such ‘work’ and doesn’t benefit you at all either.”
“Shut up, this was your idea, not mine.”
Stubborn idiot. “Fine, I’ll be in charge of the pizza. Six alright with you?”
Dan looked back at his computer, presumably checking his progress on editing the video. “Make it 7. I want to get this edited first.”
“Sounds good. I’m going to make a coffee, want anything?
“Ribena, please?”
“I should have guessed.”
Dan put his earbud back in, turning his attention to his computer and muttering a quiet “thanks, babe.”
While Phil waited for the kettle to boil, he pulled his phone out to announce their new evening plans. After typing and retyping a few drafts, he settled on a tweet.
“@AmazingPhil: Joint live show at 7! Join us for free animal emojis”
Unsurprisingly, Dan responded to his tweet almost instantly. Obviously he’s hard at work.
“@danielhowell: @AmazingPhil gee thanks for remembering to tag me in this.”
Chuckling, Phil tweeted back.
“@AmazingPhil: @danielhowell right because there so many other people I do spontaneous live shows with.”
Clearly Dan wasn’t willing to let Phil have the last word because his phone chimed again before he could even put it down.
“@danielhowell: @AmazingPhil hmm idk you’ve been awful social lately”
Phil abandoned the kettle and stomped back into the living room, flopping down on the couch, nearly sitting on top of Dan.
“Daaaaaan, I told you we were only being friendly.”
“Mhmm, sure. And that’s why he wrote his number on your coffee cup, right?
Phil threw a cushion at Dan’s head. “I didn’t ask for it and you know it.”
Much to Phil’s annoyance, Dan caught the pillow and threw it back at Phil, successfully hitting him in the face. Rude.
“Really, now? I was convinced my boyfriend of almost a decade was hitting on Eric the barista,” he deadpanned.
“Get it right, it’s fiancé now.”
Dan shoved Phil away from him, but Phil could see the blush rising on his cheeks and smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Get out of here and let me work nerd.”
Before getting up, Phil leaned in and kissed Dan’s dimple, which only deepened his blush. Even after close to nine years, Dan was still so easily flustered by the little things Phil did.
Several hours later, Dan and Phil were sitting close together with the loose excuse of needing to both fit into the tiny computer frame.
“How do I look?” Dan asked, ruffling his hair while they waited for the computer to boot up. “I didn’t have time to really get ready.”
Phil ran his fingers through Dan’s hair, arranging it in a slightly-less-messy pile on his head. “Gorgeous as always. You left your ring on though,” Phil said, nodding down to Dan’s left hand.
Dan started to tug the platinum band off his finger but stopped before it was even passed the first knuckle.
“What?” Phil asked, confused as to why Dan froze.
Dan hesitantly looked up at Phil. “I don’t wanna take it off.”
Phil held Dan’s gaze and cocked his head to the side as he tried to figure out what he was thinking. “And if it shows?”
“Then it shows.”
Phil’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, that wasn’t what he expected to hear. “Okay.”
As younow loaded, Phil looked at Dan, poking at Dan’s hand. “You sure about that?”
Dan stared back, looking serious. “Positive.”
Phil smiled, pleased with how much more comfortable Dan had become with being open in the past few months. When it came to their public relationship, Phil had turned the reigns over to Dan ages ago; he trusted Dan to do the right thing when he—no, they were ready.
Phil turned his attention back to the camera just in time. “Hi guys! Welcome to the show, thanks for being here.” Dan gave his two-finger wave with his right hand and joined Phil in saying hello to a few people.
“Can you believe this guy?” Dan rolled his eyes but his voice was light and teasing. “He announces he’s doing a live show with me but forgets to tag me in the actual tweet. Rude.”
“Hey! Sorry I was busy making your ribena.”
Dan glared at him, unimpressed. “Which you never actually brought me.”
From there, the conversation shifted from topic to topic, like usual. Dan chatted briefly about his upcoming main channel video and teased that a gaming video would probably be up tomorrow.
Phil scanned the chat for a new topic of conversation. “Dilismyson asks who I’ve been social with besides Dan. Well—” Dan cut him off before he could say anything more.
“Oh no you don’t, I’m telling this story.” Dan turned his attention back to the live show audience. “Okay, so we went to Starbucks yesterday—I know, I know supporting big capitalist corporations—and Phil is freaking bonding with the barista over this animal pin that the guy’s wearing and completely ignoring me. And then, when the barista gave us our drinks, he had written his number on Phil’s cup! Doesn’t he know Phil’s not supposed to have friends besides me??” Dan conveniently left out the part where he possessively wound his arm around Phil’s waist as they left.
Phil hid his face in his hands, his voice going high and whiny. “Shut up, I didn’t mean for it to happen, I didn’t realize I was being flirty.”
Dan gave the camera a disbelieving look. “Sure, Phil. Because everybody knows that it’s totally platonic and not at all flirty to compliment a random cute boy’s accessories and get all giggly when they respond that they think your glasses look nice on you.”
“Right, because I’m the only one here that has accidentally flirted with people. Do I need to tell the story about the checkout girl at Tesco the other day?” Much to Phil’s satisfaction, Dan’s face turned bright red.
“RIGHT,” Dan said hurriedly. “Let’s move on before we have a proper domestic spat in front of our audience.” Dan shifted the topic to another viewer suggestion, probably the first one he saw.
The live show was going well, but Phil noticed that Dan kept his hands folded in his lap and seemed a bit more tense than usual, not that anyone else probably noticed. I wonder if he’s having second thoughts. Just as Phil was considering texting him to just take the ring off since he was clearly uncomfortable, Dan proved that he’s still full of surprises.
Dan was skimming through the chat, looking for messages to read out, and finally read one out.
“Hmm. Phangirl28 asks if I’ll paint my nails again to go with the new earrings from Topman. I don’t know, maybe. My nails are really short right now so I’m not sure if it’d look very nice.” To demonstrate his point, Dan held the back of his hand up to the camera.
His left hand.
Phil’s eyes widened in shock. He just did that. He didn’t need to look at the chat to know it was going wild.
“Chill guys, the chat is going so fast I can barely read it,” Dan chuckled. “Seems like a lot of you are complimenting my ring though. It’s pretty right? Look at all the little diamonds in the band.” Dan moved his hand back in front of the camera, this time letting his ring be in the center of the shot and slowly rotating his hand to let the diamonds catch the light. “What can I say, my fiancé is pretty amazing.”
Phil had to bit his lip to keep from audibly gasping at that.
Fine, two can play at this game.
Without missing a beat, Phil responded, “I don’t know, I think mine’s better.”
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boysintears · 6 years
Stupid Fake Names // Stisaac
Warnings: none
Words: 690
A/N: none of you seemed to care what pairing I chose, so I decided stisaac bc they are my otp.
Prompt: "you give me a different fake name every time you come into starbucks and I just want to know ur real name bc you're cute but here I am scrawling 'batman' onto your stupid cappuccino" from this prompt list
The first time Isaac saw the cute stranger, he couldn’t help but stare. His cheeks turning red, and his breath stocking for a second. The guy was tall, lanky, and nearly tripped as he stepped over the threshold. He looked disheveled as he threw his hands around, talking to the girl that was following him, a petite looking brunette, with an Asian look to her.
‘Of course’, the curly haired Barista thought, ‘how could he not have a girlfriend’. But when the brunet boy ordered his coffee, and was flirting with him so blatantly, he changed his mind. Maybe the two of them weren’t a couple. So he flirted back, while scribbling ‘sherlock ‘ onto the cup of his coffee.
The next time the cute guy came in, he was alone. Making his way to the counter and ordering the same thing as last time, his gaze was focused on Isaac’s face. The boy felt his cheeks turning hot under the stare of the cute customer. Asking for his name, the boy replied ‘Lois Lane’ with a smirk on his face. Isaac refrained from rolling his eyes at the boy and wordlessly scribbled the name on the cup.
After grabbing his finished drink and a cookie that he bought with it, he winked at Isaac and walked out of the door, nearly crashing into the lady that was about to enter the store.
That day certainly wasn’t the last time the cute guy entered the Starbucks, and every time, he gave Isaac another stupid fake name to scrawl onto the paper cup. It was getting on his nerves, honestly. He just wanted to know the boys real name and ask him on a date. His coworkers already started teasing him about the boy, that always came while Isaac was on shift, and wanted to specifically be served by the curly haired worker,  
So while he was writing ‘batman’ onto the guys stupid cappuccino, he decided to be bold, and in very small letters he wrote onto the bottom of the cup. A small smile played on his lips as he gave the mole covered boy his coffee, excited for the next time he came into the store, and at the same time wondering if his moles would be as numerous on the rest of his body as on his face.
Being lost in thought, he didn’t notice his blonde coworker coming up next to him and looking after his crush. “He has a nice ass” Jumping he told her “Fuck off Erica”, but with no real anger behind his words.
The cute guy took a bit longer that usual to return to the Starbucks. Long enough for Isaac to think that he was too bold and scared the guy off. But then on an especially slow day, the boy stumbled in, drenched from the rain, that was pouring down , and muttering to himself angrily.
“Hey stranger”, Isaac greeted him. The boy just huffed and ordered his usual cappuccino. “Your name?”, Isaac asked, a bit of hope in his voice. “Stiles”, disappointed the barista looked up, because that was definitely another fake name. His change of mood must have been pretty obvious, because the, still nameless, boy became frantic. “No, no, no!  That’s actually my real name! I mean a nickname, but still. My real real name is just unpronounceable to most people, so I started to call myself Stiles, and you can’t believe how many people think I am kidding when I tell them my name It’s honestly so annoying- Hey, are you laughing at me?”
Chuckling, Isaac shook his head. “You’re cute” Stiles eyes widened and his skin became a soft pink color. “You know, my shift ends in 30 minutes, maybe we can hang out?”, he asked as he started to blush a similar shade. “Yes, definitely. I- I mean, yeah if you want to. I’ll just wait here” “Good”, Isaac gave him a soft smile and started to get to work on Stiles cappuccino.
The next time Stiles walked into the store, Isaac wordlessly wrote Mieczysław onto the cup and started to make the boys coffee.
Masterlist  •  Drabbles
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