#i figured i'd put this up before I answered some asks or w/e
mercmenagerie · 6 months
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– a silly side blog // written by olivia
carrd & rules
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
@thesuperiorhyena replied to your post: Wait I need to know: Is he scared of the Bendy plushies?! @/shazzbaa: HAHA I feel like he definitely wouldn't want them in his office... or his room... or anywhere he needed to spend an extended period of time.... like he won't panic at the sight of them, but he WILL stick them in a drawer @thesuperiorhyena: Wait but there's one in his sanctuary... New HC: Alice leaves them there to bother him.
OMG! Wanted to pull this one out of replies to give a longer answer -- the short one is that the headcanon about Sammy having a phobia of dolls is specific to the Cthulhu AU version of Sammy, who does not end up in the traditional inky studio situation, so there's no discrepancy there to figure out for him. Cthulhu Sammy doesn't like the cutouts, either.
But I was thinking about whether I'd give this quirk to my other Sammy interpretations, and like, probably some version of it? I don't know if a cis guy version of Sammy would have the specific hangup about dolls in particular since they'd likely be less of a formative experience, but either way his 1935 tape talks about being freaked out by Bendy's face and convinced that "he's always watching", so I'm fond of the idea that Sammy's struggled with some level of paranoia and delusions well before the ink grabbed him, and Bendy's face being e v e r y w h e r e just didn't help. If you asked me if my interpretation of canon human Sammy would put a Bendy doll in a drawer to avoid looking at it, I'd say yeah, probably.
It's different, though, once he's made of ink and seen the light of his Lord. It's easy to assume that what was once unsettling became hopeful after he decided Bendy was an object of worship, and that he wanted to catch the Ink Demon's attention -- but once Sammy actually GETS the demon's attention, he's immediately frightened, so I like the idea that it hadn't changed, really. That grinning face in every room still frightens him, and he internally reframes his unease as anticipation. He sets cutouts everywhere, tells himself that the constant awareness of his Lord's presence is good!! The way he can't seem to stop thinking about these faces watching him is a sign of his devotion and love, and the effigies of his Lord keep him faithful and keep his service ever at the front of his mind!!! Of course, it's natural to be awed and respectful, but he can't shrink away from his calling, and any desire to hide from all those watching eyes will be smothered under yet another reminder that his Lord's love demands sacrifice.
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miyacreampie · 3 years
Lenny sensei's night class has begun!~♡
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synopsis 💭;; Tanaka gets jealous bc some bitch talking to his man.
note 🖋️;; IT TOOK A WHOLE FUCKIN WEEK TO WRITE THIS. WHY DOES WORK ALWAYS PREVENT ME FROM DOING THE THINGS I LIKE? WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- by the way, ‘Isayama Misaki’ is based off of some asswipe I used to know- also, I ran out of ideas at the end, so it kinda cuts of lf at the good part. I apologize to the anon that requested this.
Requested by anon ♡
Male pronouns used
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Tanaka wasn't a jealous man. Or at least he'd like to think so.
(Y/n) was pretty popular around campus, so it wasn't a surprise to see a few fangirls here or there. It kinda reminded him of Oikawa—except (Y/n) didn't exactly pay his fangirls any attention. (And he didn't have an ass as flat as printer paper.) But did that stop them from trying to get into his pants? No.
In all honesty, Ryu felt lucky that he had someone like (Y/n) as a boyfriend, although he didn't like the fangirls—who paid him no mind whenever they were together. It annoyed him that they kept surrounding (Y/n) who clearly wanted nothing to do with them, begging him for dates, one night stands, anything.
To say that Tanaka was mildly uncomfortable was an understatement.
Today was a bit different. Instead of a crowd of women rushing towards (Y/n), it was just one—; Misaki Isayama. The woman (almost) every guy considered perfect. This was...manageable, but what did she want? Well—at least it was only one girl. He had only woken up a little over an hour ago, and wasn't exactly ready for his simps just yet.
“(L/n)-chan, can you help me study for the science exam that's coming up?”
“Just because you're my upperclassman, doesn't mean you can call me that.” (Y/n) said quietly, rubbing his eyes, then yawning. “I'm on my way to the lecture hall though, so maybe after that? I should be fully awake by then..”
Misaki smiled and nodded her head. “It's a date!”
“No. No it's not.”
Tanaka let (Y/n) lean on him during the lecture. That turned into one sided cuddling from the sleepy man. Ryu thought it was cute how (Y/n) always clung to him when he was sleepy. He was a little sad when (Y/n) fully awoke, and let him go, but it was for the best.
“Oh, Ryu-san. I'm tutoring the rumored ‘perfect woman’, and it's gonna be awkward with just the two of us, so can y—”
“You headin to the library? I was on my way there anyway. I'll join ya.”
The (h/c) haired man nodded, and they both walked all the way to the other side of the schoolyard to the library building. Tanaka even held (Y/n)'s hand to flex on the girls they passed by. Some of the girls were noticeably annoyed or a little angry, which pleased him.
When they finally arrived, Misaki was standing by the door. Upon seeing Ryu, she scowled. But it was only for a second.
“Ah, (L/n)-kun..who's this?”
(Y/n) smiled, oblivious to Misaki and Tanaka glaring at each other. Needless to say, the intense atmosphere went right over his head. “This is my boyfriend..Tanaka. He'll be joining us if that's okay.”
“‘Perfect woman’ my ass..the only ‘perfect woman’ I know is Kiyoko-san.” Tanaka mumbled under his breath. (Y/n) may not have known, but Misaki and Tanaka were always competitive with each other. Other times he wouldn't have cared, but now that (Y/n) is what he's fighting for, he wasn't gonna back down.
“Oh, it's fine.” Misaki said through gritted teeth.
Isayama and Tanaka were left sitting at a table alone, while (Y/n) searched for the science books. They sat in complete silence, but it was almost as if you could hear their thoughts—mentally arguing with one another.
(Y/n) returned with three books, seating himself between Isayama and Ryu. “Okay! Let's get started!”
As (Y/n) went on explaining the laws of physics (because Tetsurou used to tutor him), Misaki and Tanaka continued their epic staring battle. The battle ended once they noticed that (Y/n) had stopped talking. He was chewing his tongue in thought, trying to figure out how to pronounce a word.
Misaki didn't notice, but (Y/n) had gone from physics, to microbiology. In less than five minutes.
“Something wrong?”
“How do you say this word again..?” The (e/c) eyed man pointed to a bolded word in the textbook, leaning back a bit so the other two could see.
A suffocating silence reigned over the three of them, but only for about three seconds.
Isayama squinted a bit before she spoke. “Endothelial?”
“Oh yeah. Thanks, senpai.”
Isayama smiled smugly at Ryuunosuke. The said man had a visible tick mark (💢) on the side of his head, symbolizing his annoyance. Tanaka only wanted (Y/n) to call him ‘senpai’—even if they were the same age (if not, then (Y/n) might be older). It made him feel like he was a dependable upperclassman, maybe even a bit turned on in certain situations. But hearing (Y/n) call someone else senpai..made him a little sad.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating. As Tanaka reached into his pocket to get his phone, he caught (Y/n) putting his own phone in his jacket pocket. Tanaka turned on his phone to see a message from (Y/n) in his recent notifications.
Pretty boy💖: Go to the bathroom. I'll join you later.
Although he was a bit confused, he got up from his chair. “‘M gonna go take a leak.” Ryu said as he started to make his way towards the men's restroom.
Almost five minutes pass before (Y/n) goes into the bathroom after Tanaka, telling Misaki that he was checking on him. As soon as (Y/n) had passed the first bathroom stall, he was yanked into the second one, the door locking almost immediately after it shut behind him. He wasn't given any time to react before he felt a familiar pair of soft lips violently smash against his own. (Not violent enough to make his mouth bleed or anything. Chill.)
A heated battle for dominance arose between the two, (Y/n) quickly taking the lead as he gently bit Ryu's lip.
They didn't want this to end, but eventually Tanaka had to break the kiss because he couldn't breathe. He stood there, breathless in his boyfriend's arms, not wanting (Y/n) to let go.
“Ryuunosuke..” Tanaka flinched upon his first name being said—even though (Y/n) said it many times before. His reaction brought a smile to (Y/n)'s face. “I love you~..” He said, drawing out the three words in a sing-song voice.
Ryu felt his legs getting weak, and held onto (Y/n) for dear life. (Somewhat out of fear that he might fall.) He wasn't actually feeling like this because of three words...right? “Babe..am I supposed to be kinda horny right now?” It was a bit of a strange question, but hey, it never hurts to ask.
(Y/n) chuckled. “Well, yeah. I might have to carry you out of here once we're done.” His warm smile from earlier didn't falter as he spoke.
‘How can he say something like that so casually? If I say something like that, I'd get d–’ Ryu's thoughts were snapped away when he felt his chest touch the stall divider and his pants being pulled down. He let out a soft moan as (Y/n) stroked him through his boxers.
‘What the hell is taking them so long?!’ Isayama got up from where she sat, and went to the men's bathroom. There wasn't anyone around, so no one would see her going in. She opened the first stall's door. ‘If they ditched me, I swear to go–’
“W-Wait, (Y/n)!~ Haa!~♡”
“Geez senpai, you're so wet inside~..♡”
Misaki froze. She couldn't be sure that it was (Y/n) and Tanaka in there—but those were definitely Tanaka's pants hanging over the second stall's door. Now she felt more..curious than angry. Isayama slipped into the first stall, carefully and quietly closing the door behind her, and slowly locking it so it didn't make noise.
Ryu tried to keep his breathing steady as (Y/n) fucked him with his fingers—even though that did absolutely nothing to help his current situation. Hell, he couldn't even process words anymore. The only actual word he could say was his boyfriend's name. He eventually remembered how to speak after about two minutes of being finger-fucked.
He wanted to sound more demanding, but his voice came out more whiny than what he'd have liked it to. “Fuck me already..ya fuckin– Hng!~” It may have been that he couldn't process it, or that (Y/n) had moved at the speed of sound, but Tanaka wasn't able to register how fast (Y/n) pulled his fingers out, and shoved his cock into his still tight hole. He wanted to say something, but all that came out was a choked whine.
“You were saying?~♡” (Y/n) asked, though it sounded more like a demand than a question.
Tanaka wasn't given a chance to answer due to (Y/n) ruthlessly fucking the poor man senseless. His loud whines and moans echoed throughout the bathroom, much to (Y/n)'s pleasure. He wanted everyone to know that he was a taken man. He wanted everyone on campus to hear Ryuunosuke's pleasurable cries.
Hearing the two men fucking in the next stall turned Isayama on to no end. (Even though it was more of (Y/n)'s voice that made her wet.) But she resisted touching herself because she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she masturbated to her rival getting fucked. (A kinda stupid reason, but okay.)
“Fu–fuck, (Y/n)!~ So good..it feels so good!~” Ryu babbled, the words almost incoherent as he attempted to push back against his boyfriend's cock. “More!~ Give me more!~♡” He begged, voice broken and choking on his own breath.
The (e/c) eyed man didn't say a word. As his senpai had politely asked of him, (Y/n) drove his cock so deep into Tanaka that the said man let out the loudest drawn out moan (Y/n) had ever heard from him. If it weren't for the cum spewing from the teary eyed man, (Y/n) would've thought he had hurt his lover. He wasn't entirely sure until he felt Ryu continue to push back against him, desperate for more friction.
“Aww..you're so cute when you act like a bitch in heat, senpai~..♡”
He only got a choked whine in response.
“I'm pretty close anyway..do you want it inside?~♡” (Y/n) asked, pulling the shaky man up to his chest. Again, only a whine. (Y/n) parted Ryu's lips with his fingers, those fingers soon being coated in saliva. “Use your words~..”
Finally, Tanaka spoke, despite his unintentional dry heaving. “Fuck me- please~..”
“As you wish~♡” (Y/n) almost whispered, gripping Tanaka's cock firmly, earning another broken moan from the said man. “You're the only person I'd fuck like this, you know that, right?” He said, as he rubbed the shorter man's stomach.
“Y-Yeah..that makes me happy~..”
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Lmao this was like- 80% highschool drama (in a college setting), and the remaining 20% being me getting horny for no reason. Also, I'm aware this made no sense. None of the stuff I write makes sense. :)
The class session is now over!~♡
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belit0 · 4 years
Sibling Issues
Chap 2
Rating: E
Pairing: [Uchiha Madara / Uchiha Izuna / Fem Reader]
TW: nope
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Madara has always been perverse with his punishments, profoundly enjoying the sight of you suffering in front of his eyes, witnessing your despair to an almost maddening extent. It is not as if you had something to complain about, being tied up and over-stimulated to the limit of frustration by a man like him seemed like a dream, and every time you felt his expert fingers wandering through the scars he created in your skin, you wondered if your relationship with the Uchiha was not purely a charming fantasy.
That's how you felt at that moment, imprisoned in bed, naked and bound by hands and legs. With your limbs forced to stay apart by ropes, it is your man who watches you from his intimidating height, standing in front of you, rejoicing in your humiliation.
Gagged with your panties, you cannot speak or beg for mercy, for knowing him, you know that something heavy is coming, even considering the torture he has been inflicting on you for the past thirty minutes. How did you end up in this situation? You refused to accompany him to his meeting with Hashirama this morning, as the previous night was filled with passion and rudeness on his part, and you really needed to sleep. Of course he did not take your disobedience well, and no opportunity escapes Madara to punish you when you are a bad girl.
Crossed arms in front of the bed, wearing a black turtleneck shirt, with his hair pulled up in a ponytail and ready to leave again, he observes you with malice. In one of his hands, a black vibrator is off, glowing with your fresh fluids because it has been recently removed from you. He's only wearing gloves on one of his hands, and it's the one he's not holding the object he's using to tease you.
"Now, [Y/N], I'd love to stay and play with that sweet, tight pussy of yours, but I've been summoned by the elders of the Clan to a private meeting. You have 10 seconds to cum, otherwise you will remain tied up until my return."
Flushed and on the verge of tears, you did your best in begging him to take you, as the constant stimulus he had been applying to you for the past half hour was too much, and you could no longer bear it. In fact, you weren't even sure you could concentrate enough to cum with the speed he was demanding.
The incoherence of your words, which were suffocated by the fabric of your underwear, and the drool that fell from your mouth because of the inability to close it completely, only made Madara laugh in front of you, sending even more heat to your lower body and a feeling of deep humiliation to the whole situation.
This man delights in throwing you low.
"Keep quiet, are we clear?"
Approaching your dripping cunt again, he turned on the vibrator, while slowly positioning himself between your legs. He travelled all over your skin with the moving object, rubbing all areas of your body and purposely avoiding your clitoris. Staring into your eyes, the devilish grin on his face was unable to wipe off his features, enjoying your helplessness and cravings, the need to feel pleasure and liberation once and for all.
When a tear escaped from one of your eyes, he decided he could give you what you finally deserved, and without warning, he directed the vibrator that was slowly massaging your nipples towards your pussy, pressing it directly on your sensitive pearl, watching you with expectant eyes.
Your back curved upwards, while you pressed your hips towards him, seeking even more support and contact with the object that would give you your long-awaited orgasm. Your eyes inevitably closed, and your mouth opened in an incredible way, making your underwear go even deeper into it.
“1… 2… 3…”
In the face of Madara's hasty account, you remembered with effort his warning, and made your greatest effort to direct your mind to the greatest point of pleasure, even without being able to move your legs or arms.
"4... 5... 6... such an obedient little whore..."
At the compliment of your man, the motivation you really needed appeared, and you could feel the much-awaited moment finally arrive.
“7… 8… 9…”
And before he could reach the end of the count, one of your best orgasms hit your senses, causing your whole body to shake and your limbs to seek compression against your figure, protecting your sensitive clitoris from the abusive prolonged sensation of the vibrator.
When he saw that you met his demand, he walked away from you and removed the object, took the panties from your mouth and gave you water to drink.
"Well done [Y/N], I expected nothing less from you... but I regret to inform you this is not enough."
"You abandoned me all alone with Hashirama and his delusions of worldly friendship all morning. Did you think such a modest punishment would save you, doll?"
"Madara please!"
He took your jaw with his gloved hand, exerting a slight pressure to open your mouth, and pushed the same underwear back into your cavity. A muffled scream escaped your mouth in surprise, which the Uchiha easily silenced with a slap on your thigh.
Leaving you tied up, he turned on the vibrator again, and there you understood the worst was what you were about to face. He pushed the object deep inside you, wiped his fluid-soaked hand on a towel, arranged his clothes and put on the missing glove.
"I'll take my time; I expect to return and find you a mess."
You couldn't even think of an answer, as the pleasure and sensitivity your body was experiencing at the same time was too much to concentrate on anything else.
With a firm step and completely unconcerned with your condition, Madara disappeared out the door of the room, while his steps were heard increasingly faint in the corridor. A second later, the front door opened before closing again, leaving you alone in front of Uchiha's mansion.
Your figure twisted in bed, thanking every orgasm caused by the vibrator inside you and trying to cooperate with the over-stimulation, forcing the ropes that kept you tied up, trembling at every sensation and movement, your skin bristling and your eyes watering from such torture.
So abstracted were you in your world of self-indulgence that you did not hear the front door open and close again.
Nor did you hear the footsteps outside the room.
Nor did you hear the voice of a man who was not Madara asking if everything was okay.
Reality hit you again when your reddish eyes met those of Uchiha Izuna, who, for some reason unrelated to you, was at your house, at your bedroom door, witnessing the kinks you and your man shared.
"...I-I... I-I... shouldn't b-be here..."
As the Uchiha was about to leave, the vibrator touched a key point inside you, making you scream loud and deeply while another orgasm was released into your body. The muffled moans caught his attention, and the way your body contorted itself mesmerized him into an inexplicable spell.
Awakening from the enchantment of your figure, Izuna realized that his Sharingan had been activated, and that in his memory now lay engraved the intimate moment of you reaching your peak of pleasure. Ashamed of himself for even having such thoughts with his brother's partner, he walked over to the bed, and removed the garment that prevented you from speaking.
"I'm sorry [Y/N] I'll leave you alone and..."
Stupefied by his uselessness and feeling guilty about your clear suffering, the Uchiha tried to regain his composure and not let himself be carried away by the image in front of him.
"S-Sure! Just... just tell me what I have to do."
Obeying your demands, he quickly released your two wrists, having to lean slightly over you to untie the one at the other end of the bed. When you regained movement, something fierce took hold of your mind, and the fact of having another Uchiha in front of you, belonging to Madara's family, no less than his little brother, set your senses on fire even more.
Taking him by the hair with force, you made his face bend towards you, brutally bumping his lips against yours. Izuna found himself reluctant to reciprocate the kiss at first, but when your tongue slipped over his lips in hunger and need, his mouth opened without hesitation and devoured you with the same intensity.
Separating slightly and for a second, you managed to look him in the eye and tell him.
"Please fuck me Izuna."
"Shit, if you ask like that."
He quickly positioned himself between your legs, and rapidly Dropping your almost numb extremities on the mattress, you watched as he removed the vibrator from your interior, moaning at every centimeter of the object.
In the blink of an eye, his clothes lay forgotten somewhere in the room, and a hardened limb stood in front of your entrance. Aligning himself with you, his thrust was sharp and direct, penetrating you mercilessly.
He leaned over you, hiding his face in the hollow of your neck and biting into your skin, while your legs locked around his waist to feel him completely within you. Your hands became entangled in his hair, and soon you found yourself undoing his ponytail so you could pull his strands more easily.
His breaths became agitated, short and deep, arousing you even more, to the point where you thought it was no longer possible to receive stimulation. His muscles above you tensed with every movement of his hip, and with your tightened eyes, you breathed in his male scent with despair.
"I'm going to... ah... fuck you so well... shit... that you'll forget... his name... Kami... you're so tight [Y/N]"
"I-Izuna-a -gasp- I'm c-com-ming -gasp-"
Upon hearing your response, his thrusts took on a new speed, an almost overwhelming pace for your labored body, making you reach the last orgasm of the night with just a few moves. You felt his cum spread inside you, covering your walls with that warm liquid, and your mind was delighted with satisfaction.
Until you realized what had really happened.
And when Izuna came down from his orgasm, he couldn't help but feel less guilty than you.
"[Y/N]... what... what have we done..."
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gingerwritess · 5 years
Hello, I hope you have a nice evening, morning, afternoon or whenever you read it and in whole just a good day🌸 Secondly I'd like to ask: how would Loki react, if Elliot doesn't think girls are 'bleegh' anymore? Would Loki give Elliot advice on how he courted the reader? I'm sorry if you don't take these requests and I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable in any way. Stay healthy and happy🌸
also i know i didn’t get to the actual “advice” but this was getting really long so that part will be a separate drabble h e h
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“Hey, dad?”
Loki nods, biting the tip of his tongue as he carefully measures a teaspoon of olive oil. “Hm?”
“You busy right now?”
“A bit,” he murmurs, focusing on not spilling—the tiny little measuring spoons you got years ago are much to small for his fingers.
Elliot quickly nods. “Gotcha. I’ll, um, come back later.”
“No, no, I can multitask, what can I do for you?”
“It’s all good,” Elliot assures him, backing out of the kitchen. “It’s stupid anyways, I’ll just ask mom or look it up or something.”
“Elliot,” Loki laughs, setting down the olive oil and grabbing a wooden spoon, pointing it at his son, then at the fridge. “Talk to me. And get me a stick of butter, I could use the help.”
A little smile lights the kid’s face and he rushes to the fridge, grabbing the butter and tossing it to Loki. “You know I can’t cook,” he reminds him, leaning against the counter as Loki mixes. “So I don’t think I can be of much help, but I’ll try.”
“You didn’t get that from me,” Loki chuckles. “Blame your mother. What did you need?”
“That’s kinda what I wanted to ask you about.”
“Your mother?” Loki glances at the time—good, you’re not supposed to be home for another hour. “Are you wondering how she ended up with someone like me?”
“Not really, I think I get that part,” Elliot replies, rubbing the back of his neck. “Kind of. I don’t know. Um, I just was wondering if you, um…”
“If-if you could maybe, I don’t know, give me some advice?”
The wooden spoon falls to the counter with a clatter.
Oh, no big deal, Loki’s son just came to him seeking advice, trusting him to lead him in the right direction with his knowledge and guidance, trusting him not to steer him wrong, that’s all.
Easily one of the best moments in Loki’s thousands of years of life.
“O-of course, I’d be happy to help,” he stutters, quickly trying to cover his surprise. “Advice with what?”
A relieved grin breaking over his lips, Elliot shuffles a little closer to his dad at the stove. “There’s, uh, this girl.”
Loki all but chokes, dropping the spoon in his risotto and whirling around to his son.
“There’s a WHAT??”
“A girl,” Elliot laughs sheepishly, picking up the fallen spoon and handing it back to Loki. “C’mon, dad, don’t make this weird.”
“Okay, right, sure.” Loki nods, trying to control his grin. “What advice do you need?”
“Well, I, um, don’t know if she likes me back.”
“You are in love with someone who doesn’t like you?”
“No!” Elliot backtracks, eyes wide. “No, no, no, I didn’t say I’m in love with her, yikes, no—”
“Why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?”
“I can’t be in love, dad, that’s…not possible. I just like her.”
“Not possible,” Loki repeats slowly, going back to his cooking. “You know, your mother tried to kill me when we first met. I didn’t think loving her would be possible either, but here we are.”
“So you’re saying if Morgan tries to kill me, she might love me?” Elliot snorts and shakes his head. “Nah, thanks, dad. I think you and mom were just a little weird. Special case.”
No answer.
Loki’s frozen at the stove, knuckles turning white around the handle of his spoon—he must have misheard the name.
Not Morgan…Stark, right?
“N-no,” he tries to bring himself back, give the best advice he can—giving advice? Yeah, this is a first for Loki. “I only mean to say…love, if you, erm, believe in that sort of thing, it’s—it’s different for everyone, a-and you never know where you might find it—”
“But I know where I found it,” Elliot cuts in, confusion etching itself into his brow as Loki rambles. “I just don’t know what to do with it. What’d you do when you figured out you loved mom?”
Loki swallows thickly. Gods, he wishes you were home for this conversation. The puberty talk was fun enough on his own, but now this?
A little part of him wonders if it’s healthy to be scared to talk to your children, yet here he is, heart pounding and palms starting to sweat as Elliot waits for him to answer.
Elliot repeats the question, a little quieter, gentler this time.
Oh, gods.
“Y-you should ask your mother,” he quietly offers, keeping his gaze trained on his cooking. “She’s better at this, all these, ah…” he breathes a quiet laugh. “Emotions.”
His dish isn’t turning out well, honestly, the rice is a bit burned and the sauce seems to be about to break on him. Wonderful.
It was supposed to be a surprise for you, since you’d been gone most of the day after weeks of little sleep, a surplus of work, and Frigg deciding she “doesn’t need third grade” after all.
For the record, he’s a supporter of the little movement.
“Okay.” Elliot nods, glancing at the mess on the counter. “Do you want some time alone? You don’t look too good, I don’t want to be a bother…”
“No,” Loki snaps and his fist hits the countertop, sending measuring cups flying as he stares at his failed meal.
Elliot flinches and takes a step back.
“Mom’ll be home any minute,” he reminds him, palms up in front of him. “I’m sorry, I’m really, really sorry if I said something, dad, really—”
“Please don’t leave.” Loki’s voice cracks and Elliot gulps.
A moment passes, Loki hunched over the counter and gripping the edge in a white-knuckled hold, Elliot watching cautiously from the doorway, picking at the palm of one hand.
Laughter breaks the silence, Loki’s, Elliot realises, his dad is laughing now and sounds borderline psychotic.
“What did I do?” Loki turns to him, eyes bloodshot and swimming with unfalling tears. “Yes…what did I do when I realised I loved your mother?”
Elliot just stares, wishing you were here, too.
“You want to know—w-what I did,” Loki laughs behind a wet sniff, “when I realised I loved your mother? I denied it for months, Elliot, and I treated her like a piece of shit.”
A hollow, dull ache fills the boy’s chest and the room goes cold—Loki doesn’t cuss in front of him or Frigg; only on the rarest of occasions when he needs to really, really emphasise a point.
“I acted like I hated her,” he spits out, eyes flashing, “and many times convinced myself that I did, a-and when I finally admitted I-I loved her, she wanted nothing to do with me because I’d ruined every single chance to love her with my arrogance a-and my stupidity—”
“Dad, dad, easy,” Elliot laughs nervously, rushing to Loki’s side and laying a cautious hand on his arm. “It’s alright.”
Loki pauses, taking a deep breath and glaring at the ground, hating himself for snapping so easily in front of his son.
“Is this…something to do with your past?”
Ignorant little boy. Beautiful, ignorant, clueless, perfect little boy.
“The part you won’t tell us about,” Elliot clarifies. “‘Cause I didn’t mean to trigger anything, dad, I’m sorry, I really didn’t.”
“Don’t apologise.” Loki runs a hand over his face, exhaling heavily and trying to rub away the tears left in his eyes. “Gods, don’t ever apologise to me, I don’t deserve that.”
“Okay, but—”
“And you’d never be a bother,” he keeps whispering, an intensity in his voice to match that burning in his eyes when he grabs Elliot by the shoulders and bends down to eye level. “Thank you for coming to me, I-I’m so sorry I did this to you, put you through this—”
“We’re baaack!”
Frigg flounces through the door, slamming it behind her—right in your face, but you just sigh and trudge in after her.
“There she is,” Loki laughs, squeezing Elliot’s arm once more before bending down to swoop his little princess into his arms.
A flicker of light flashes over Loki’s face, a split second of changing energy, too quick for your tired eyes to catch or for Frigg to notice in the midst of her hug—Elliot sees it.
He glances up at his father, seeing a smiling, fresh face, full of light and nothing like the broken man he’d just encountered.
Elliot’s learning that his dad is a really good liar.
“Get expelled yet?” Loki plants a kiss on Frigg’s cheek, smiling all the while.
“Not yet,” she giggles, hugging him tight around the neck. “M’gonna need some help for that.”
“Just tell me what you need.”
“Loki,” you yawn, waving a hand at the three of them. “Don’t encourage this, she’s already gaining supporters on the playground.”
“Are you really?” Loki sets her down, grabbing her hand and guiding her in a quick twirl. “You’ll be a fearsome queen one day, Frigg. I can already see you on your throne, leading your people to prosper—”
“How about a shower for her majesty first,” you jump in with a pointed look to your husband, “and ruling kingdoms later??”
“I would listen to the current queen, if I were you.” Loki raises an eyebrow at his daughter. “Obey and you might just survive her rule.”
Frigg immediately straightens up, flinging a stiff salute at you and bolting off down the hallway to her room.
“Good lord,” you groan, sinking into a chair at the table. “She’s…she’s…your child.”
You wave a hand at Loki.
“Goddess of mischief,” he laughs, and Elliot glances at him—there’s no use hiding it anymore, right? Frigg’s gone, you’re here…
Nope. Loki walks to your side, tilts your head up to plant a kiss to your lips, brushing his thumb over your cheek as you hum happily and lean against him.
“Well, I attempted a risotto.” Loki sighs and gestures at the mess across the kitchen. “I had hoped to surprise you, but…no such luck.”
“Aw, thank you,” you mumble, reaching for him again and pulling him down for another sloppy kiss. “S’sweet of you, I bet it’s really good.”
Elliot wants to laugh, awkwardly watching the two of you, but it’s more painful than heartwarming or humorous to watch his dad act this time, knowing what he’s really hiding.
“Want me to order takeout again?” Plastering a smile on his face, Elliot walks over and gives you a quick hug.
“That…might be best,” you reply, hugging your son back and giving Loki a sheepish grin over his shoulder. “Unless you wanna eat it anyways, Loki?”
“No.” Loki shakes his head with a laugh. “I’ll cook for you tomorrow, it’ll be better, I promise.”
Elliot desperately wants to say something, warn you about what happened and suggest maybe you eat the attempted meal anyways, but Loki just smiles and laughs and ruffles a hand through his hair.
“Thanks, Elliot.”
His smile seems sad behind the facade, and he squeezes Elliot’s arm as he walks by—almost like he wants to say something more.
But he doesn’t, he takes your hand in his and follows you as you lead him out of the kitchen, apparently unbothered by what just happened.
…leaving Elliot standing in the middle of the kitchen, extremely confused.
* * * *
After a lovely dinner with thankfully only one wonton thrown across the table—you’d expected Frigg to start it, but nope, thanks, Loki, very mature—you noticed Loki’s a bit…off.
Not terribly off, no, just acting a little bit strange.
A little distant, distracted, and he doesn’t even laugh when you tell him about the “mimicking the principals voice and telling her teacher he’s fired” phone call that Frigg had managed to pull off today.
His mind is clearly elsewhere as you kiss your kids goodnight and send them off to bed, clearly elsewhere when you drag him out of his little library-office to go get ready for bed, only for him to flop onto the mattress and curl in on himself, hugging his knees to his chest.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
Climbing onto the bed and poking his turned back, you peek over his shoulder. “Seriously, Loki, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He pulls a pillow over his head.
Very. Very. Mature.
“You’re a bad liar,” you sing, yanking the pillow off his head and pressing a loud smooch to his cheek before he can protest. “How many times do I have to tell you? I can see right through you, trickster.”
“You’re just nosy,” he grumbles, but sits up and crosses his arms. “I only ruined every good idea my son may have had of me, that’s all, will you leave me alone now?”
You blink a couple times in shock, flabbergasted and more than confused.
“What are you talking about?? Elliot loves you, he thinks you’re incredible!” You scramble over the bed to wrap your arms around him, hugging him tight to your chest. “You’re his biggest role model, his hero, my hero, and we love you. And like hell I’m gonna leave you alone, nice try.”
“He came to me asking for my advice.”
“Loki, that’s amazing,” you murmur, stroking a hand through his hair. “I can only imagine how much that must mean to you, that’s wonderful, snowflake—”
“Know what I did?”
Voice gone sour, he pushes out of your hug and looks you intently in the eye.
“Yelled,” he hoarsely tells you. “I yelled and I punched the counter and I told him that I hated you, and-and I cried, I broke down and wept in front of my son like a fool, a-and—”
A sob cracks through the room.
“Fuck.” He drops his head to his hands, shoulders shaking. “Damn it, I can’t stop fucking crying.”
Heart pounding, you hurry to sit on the edge of the bed next to him, rubbing a comforting hand up and down his spine.
“Hey, Loki, honey…where’s all this coming from?”
“Like hell I know,” he spits, hiding his face in his hands, hunched over with elbows on his knees as you try to comfort him. “I had a chance. I had a fucking chance with him and I threw it away, made his ‘advice’ all about my own sick problems like the selfish, fucking idiot I am.”
“Loki! You’re not selfish, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Yes, I am, my son came to me admitting to possibly being in love with someone and by the end of the conversation, my son was comforting me, being gentle with me, reassuring me in my relationship—”
“Wait, wait, Elliot’s in love with someone?”
Loki’s mouth snaps shut—the more he thinks about it, he’d nearly forgotten the initial topic of Elliot’s asking for advice.
“That’s what he told me,” he answers quietly, staring at his hands. “Someone named Morgan. We didn’t even get to talk much about it before I ruined the moment, as you know I do so well.”
A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you take his hands in yours—finally, Elliot.
“Well, that’s wonderful,” you laugh, rubbing his back and tilting his head up with a finger under his chin. “But know what’s even better?”
The glare Loki shoots you could only be described as royal.
“He told you.” Your fingers curl around his jaw and you pull him closer. “Your son still told you that, he came to you and wanted to share that with you, he wanted your advice, Loki.”
“Yes, and I ruined it and pushed him away like I always do, I just told him to go talk to you.”
“He didn’t.” Resting your forehead against his, you stroke a thumb along his jaw, smiling softly at him. “He never said anything about this to me, snowflake, he wants you to help him.”
Loki falls silent, head slowly leaning into your touch.
Whenever you hold him like this, arm around his shoulders and now hugging his head in the crook of your neck, running languid fingers through his hair, Loki swears he can count the days of his life.
This seems so…mortal. This whole failure thing.
Humans are so good at failing—it’s the one thing he’s noticed since he first started watching Midgard.
You’re good at failing. It doesn’t scare you, it seems; you rush head-on into uncharted territory and look for things to try, just so you can fail and try again.
You actually like his failures, calling them opportunities and learning experiences and helping him back up, forgiving him time and time again like the clueless idiot you must be to love him—
More failure, his mind spins, just another person to disappoint.
He’s known that since the first moment he held Elliot’s tiny form in his hands.
Your fingers curl and brush through his hair, heartbeat steady under his head.
“…what do I do?”
You press your lips to his forehead, brushing some strands of hair behind his ear. “You could start by going a little easier on yourself. Have some faith that you’re not completely unlovable.”
He gives a dry laugh. “Not completely?”
“Mmm…I don’t know,” you giggle, hoping your smile can help get him back on his feet. “There’s just something about you I can’t help but love.”
Half a lopsided smile tugs at his lips.
“I’ll try.”
“Good.” You hop to your feet to stand in front of him, grabbing his face between your hands and gazing seriously into his eyes. “Know what else?”
“I’m pretty sure Elliot’s room is just a hallway away. And I’m pretty sure he’s still awake, wondering how the hell to successfully court a certain fair maiden.”
“Oh, gods, no.” Loki stands up, furiously shaking his head. “What am I supposed to tell him? Well,” he sarcastically starts, “you could always burn down her office building, asking her to kill you seemed to work well for me—”
“No, no, no,” you laugh, jumping up after him and pulling him into another hug. “Just talk to him about…doing nice things for her, things he wouldn’t normally do. Just get him to talk about his feelings about her, and report everything back to me, I’ve been waiting years for these two to get together.”
Loki frowns. “You know this girl?”
“You do, too, snowflake.” A giddy grin spreads across your face. “Morgan?”
“Wait, no.” His eyes wide, he takes a step away from you. “No, no, no, not Morgan Stark, tell me it’s not her.”
Biting back a laugh, you raise an eyebrow at him. “Do you know any other Morgans?”
“My son is in love with Tony Stark’s daughter.”
“Get used to it.”
“Do you have any idea what hell this is going to unleash?? Stark is going to wring my neck, and gods forbid Elliot ever upset her—if he even allows it—or it’s my own back taking the lashings—”
“Just go,” you laugh, pushing him towards the door. “Teach him how to be just as romantic as you are and just as adorable and absolutely, completely irresistible.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, please reblog and feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney
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prettypinky · 5 years
Bedtime 🌙
Setting: Shortly after season three
Warnings: Mild cursing, tooth rotting fluff, extremely fluffy Steve
A/n: I just felt like writing fluffy steve and reader and lemme just say.... uwu uwu Its kinda short but I personally love it I uwu'd more times that I'd like to admit...
Summary: I think the tittle sums it up pretty well: reader assists Steve for bedtime
Your friend, Steve Harrington had excitedly called you, telling you that he managed to land a job at the Family Video Store with Robin. Since his parents were on a business trip you had gone over to Steve's house for a mini celebratory pizza night with the party (including Robin).
It was late now, everyone had gone home now, everyone exept you that is.
Steve was falling asleep on the couch next to you, his head resting on your shoulder as you gingerly pulled on his brown locks.
"Come on!" You whined, finishing the last bite of your pizza slice. As an attempt to fully wake him you tugged on the fabric of Steve's shirt which only earned a small groan from the boy as a response.
"You're gonna wake up sore if you sleep here." You tried again, shaking him a little. This time Steve didn't say anything but shifted his position, snuggling closer to you, wrapping his arms around your torso, his head in your stomach.
"Steveee," you said in a sing song tone as you ran fingers through his fluffy brown mane.
"Whaaat?" He replied in the same tone, his sounding a little more tired than yours.
"Bed." You said sternly, standing up, him refusing to let go of your waist.
"No!" Steve whined like a 5 year old as you snatched his pillow from under his head, finally sitting upright seeing as he was no longer comfortable in the couch. "If I get up I'm not gonna be sleepy anymore!"
"Bed." You ordered as you took hold of his wrist, leading Steve to his bedroom upstairs. He begrudgingly let you drag him up the stairs, his tall figure almost tripping twice.
"Oh great," he whined rolling his eyes, throwing his head back for the extra drama.
"What?" You asked turning around to meet Steve's chocolate eyes.
"I'm not sleepy anymore!" He whined, eyebrows furrowed as his fat lip curled up in a pout.
"Quit being such a baby Harrington." You snapped as you turned the doorknob to his bedroom open. "Remind me to tell your mom to assign you a bedtime when she gets back." You said only half joking.
"C'mon," you said, sitting Steve on his bed. "Let's get you to bed Stevie." You finished as you pulled his jacket, shoes and shirt off, heading to his dresser to find some sweats and shirt for him to wear.
Deciding on a pair of grey sweats and a white shirt, you turned around to face him and hand him his potential sleepwear just to find Steve laying stomach-down on his bed, the covers pulled over his half naked body. "Harrington!" You yelled as you yanked the soft covers off of him.
"I was just getting sleepy again!" He groaned, stuffing his face on a nearby pillow.
"Yeah well you're still wearing your jeans and haven't put a shirt on." You pointed out. He quickly stuck his bottom up in the air as a invitation for you to take them off. You complied, a small chuckle escaping your lips as your hands settled on the denim, helping him shimmy the jeans off. "Sit up Steve," you poked a finger on his shoulder.
"Owww!" He whimpered, bringing a hand up to rub the spot you poked.
"Shirt." You replied, raising an eyebrow up. Grabbing his shirt, you made your way towards his bed. He propped himself up as you stood over him, you held your hands out for him to take the shirt. Instead he brought his arms up for you to put the shirt through. You scoffed at the action, "I swear you can be such a baby sometimes," you held back a giggle as he gave you a childlike smile, helping him get in his shirt. "Alrighty," you sighed, lightly pushing his chest for him to lay down. He furrowed his eyebrows and pouted but did as he was instructed. "Bed." You ordered pulling the bed covers up to his shoulders.
"I'm not sleepy." He whispered as if it were a secret.
"You can't be fucking serious you little shit. Go. To. Bed." You spat, now slightly frustrated at the boy. "You were passing out the whole time and now you're not sleepy?!"
"Nope!" He giggled like a 5 year old, sitting up on the mattress finding your frustration amusing.
"Welp!" You said throwing your hands up.
You loved the boy but his stubbornness? Hmmm not so much...
"You're on your own!" You called out, making your way out through the door. His eyes visibly widened as you threatened to leave.
"Don't!" He yelped. You tried to hold back your laugh as you turned back around into his room,
"Why?" A sly grin began to creep up on your lips as your y/e/c eyes met Steve's brown ones.
"Stay a little longer....?"
Steve timidly asked as he sat in his bed with his legs crisscrossed, fiddling with his hands.
"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't leave?" You taunted, your voice growing louder with confidence.
"I'm lonely." He replied sadly, his tone breaking your heart.
"Can you sleep with me?"
He shot you a pleading look with big brown puppy dog eyes and you just couldn't bring yourself to say no (not that you would have anyways).
You looked up and rolled your eyes in fake agony as you made your way back inside. His face brightening up as you got out another pair of sweats and a plain red shirt from his dresser for you to wear.
"Don't look." You glared at him as you began stripping off your jacket and shoes.
"I won't!" He said holding his arms up in defense as he shut his eyes closed. You had taken your shirt off and began unbuttoning your jeans when you realized Steve's eye's were partly open.
"Steven!" You hissed as you threw your shoe at his head.
"Sorry! Sorry!" He began, closing his eyes again. "You're just really pretty."
Ignoring the blood rushing to your cheeks you brushed past the compliment, "Thank you Stevie but so are you."
He frowned at your words and made a face, "Guys aren't pretty, they're handsome." He said changing his tone into a flirty one when he said the last word.
"No, not with you Harrington," you said, finally finished changing. "You're pretty." You said planting a kiss on his cheek, not noticing the blush that quickly spread across his face at your words. "You can open your eyes now."
He did, looking into your eyes and pondering at the thought of the feel of your lips for what seemed like forever until you broke his train of thought.
"What you staring at?" You asked the boy.
His face noticeably flushed as he carefully picked his next words. "You- You're.... I ju- just...." He stammered, sighing in defeat, "I just really like you." He finished, not wanting to meet your gaze.
"Well," you began, tilting his chin, his glassy eyes meeting yours again . "I really like you too." You finished as you crashed your lips onto his, his cheeks turning from pink to red within milliseconds. As you lightly pulled away you could see the love sick smile he tried to hide but failed, earning a giggle from you.
"Yeah, wow." You cheekily smiled as you gave him a peck on the nose. "Now," you began jumping in bed next to him, a mischievous shit eating grin spreading on your face like wildfire. Steve leaned forward in anticipation, waiting for your next words. "Bed." You finished throwing yourself back on the bed, pulling the covers over your head.
"What?!" Steve shook you, pulling the covers away from you, "you can't just get me riled up like than and just say 'bed'!"
You brought your wrist up infront of your face, looking at your watch, "It's fucking 3:37 in the morning Steve!" You protested, "A very much appropriate time to sleep!"
"I'm not even sleepy," he whined with a sad pout.
"Stop looking like a kicked puppy Harrington and go to bed."
"I am in bed."
"Yeah but go to sleep."
"But I'm not sleepy." He said as if you even needed to be reminded again.
"Well I am!"
"Well I'm not!" He huffed, crossing his arms infront of his chest.
"Well then let's get you sleepy you big baby!" You exclaimed sitting upright, pulling steve onto your lap, his cheek resting just below your shoulder. It caught him completely off guard, his face turning even more red than before as if it was even possible.
"Y-y/n...?" He managed to whisper, "I love you."
"I know baby boy," you paused, kissing the top of his head, "I love you too." You resumed, brushing strands of brown hair out of his matching brown eyes. He smiled softly, his eyes fluttering shut when you began rocking on your sides, whispering a lullaby under your breath. "Sleepy now?" You whispered. Steve nodded his head slowly, just enough to let you know his answer. A soft giggle escaped your lips as you planted a kiss on his forehead, "You're such a baby, you know that?" You teased, protectively draping a blanket over the now sleepy Steve.
"Perhaps," Steve mumbled, snuggling closer in your hold, "but I'm your baby." A sly smile tugged at his rosy lips as he finally fell asleep in your arms.
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fromheroestodust · 6 years
Be Alright
Summary: Stanley goes through the mind breaking experience of someone he loves dying at the hands of his worst fear.
Warnings: cussing (duh), dead body?, Much sadness
Word count: 1,471
Pairing: Stanley Uris x reader
A/N: this is based off of the song Be Alright by Dean Lewis! This is also my first It fic! (Sorry if it's shit, I didn't edit) also this is the first fic I've posted in a while, I have a lot but I haven't really been motivated to post them. I promise I'll be posting more soon ! (Also I know that this isn't really what the song is about but I wanted to change it a lil)
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I look up from the ground
To see your sad and teary eyes
You look away from me
And I see there's something you're trying to hide
And I reach for your hand but it's cold
You pull away again
And I wonder what's on your mind
"Y/n? What's wrong?" I ask, concern quickly spreading to my voice. She never acted like this.
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
You start to tremble and your voice begins to break
"I made a dumb mistake, Stanny." Y/n mumbles, her voice cracking with her words. The blood drains from my face as I see her suddenly turn around, her eyes void of life as tears stream from them.
I bolt upright in my bed, my chest heaving for breath and my skin covered in cold sweat. The memories of everything that'd been going on the past few weeks suddenly washes over me, nearly pulling me under the waves as a hybrid of a sob and a cry escapes my throat and I bury my face in my hands.
So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent
And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head
I stand after ten minutes of sobbing and rubbing my eyes raw and walk towards my desk. I open one drawer that was flooded with notes and letters and remove one, a sad smile grazing my face as I read the messy hand writing.
Dear Stanny,
I'm coming back in a week! I'll be sure to bring you plenty of shells from the beach. I love you, more letters soon!
Lovingly, Y/n
The others keep telling me I shouldn't keep rereading the letters because every time I did I would end up crying again but I couldn't stop myself. It was one of the only things I had left of her.
I gently place the letter back down in the drawer before moving on to the things on top of the desk. A few dead flowers and a jar filled with seashells sits in the corner. I gingerly pick up one of the flowers with dry purple petals before setting it down again.
My mind starts running to the week before the incident no matter how much I beg it not too.
But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday
It's the feeling of betrayal, that I just can't seem to shake
"Y/n, truth or dare?" Richie asks, a mischievous shine in his eyes. I look to Y/n who sits next to me, a grin grazing her face.
"I dare you too... Kiss Bill." Richie states.
My face falls as does hers but she crawls across the circle, quickly pecks the corner of Bill's mouth, flicks off Richie, and returns to my side. Though everyone else stares in shock I start seeing red.
"I think I'm going to go home." I say through gritted teeth before standing and walking towards the basement door.
I hear footsteps behind mine up the stairs but ignore them until someone pulls my shoulder and forces me to turn around.
"Stan? What's wrong?" Y/n asks, concern and curiosity displayed in her eyes. A humourless laugh escapes my mouth.
"What's wrong? What's wrong is that you kissed Bill, Y/n." I respond with bitterness I never even imagined I could use towards her.
"It was a dare. There's nothing else than that." She says, clearly confused to my reaction.
Betrayal pangs in my heart as I stare down at her. "Just because it was a dare doesn't mean that it's okay! You kissed someone else in front of me! We're dating not you and Bill!"
"Stan, I'm sorry I didn't think-"
"No, you're not sorry. You don't care because I'm just always supposed to forgive you." I quip, no emotion but anger and betrayal quickly rising in my voice. "I need to take a break from you all."
"Wait, Stanny!" I hear Y/n call out as I walk towards the door. I ignore her calls and walk outside, steam practically pouring out of my ears as I walk down the sidewalk.
I shake my head and push away the memory, sniffing before getting dressed. I pull on a marroon dress shirt and black suit pants. I trudge down the stairs, saying a quick bye to my parents before walking outside.
Another fifteen minutes later I stand outside a gloomy building and reluctantly pull open the door. I walk down the dimly lit hall and into a small room, my feet stopping in their tracks. In the front of the room there she lays. Y/n lays in a casket that seems way too small to be remotely okay to have been made - how could someone so small be gone? She looks so peaceful. Her eyes are gently lidded and her hands rest on her stomach as if she's sleeping. I walk towards her until I'm right in front of her. My hand reaches up to cup her cheek, a tear falling over my cheek when I no longer feel the warmth I'm used to; just cold skin.
I think it was an hour before the other Losers arrived. They all gathered around me and Y/n, giving sorrowful glances to us both. Everyone's cheeks are stained with tears.
And everything I know tells me that I should walk away
But I just want to stay
I know standing here was not helping me. I know standing there was ripping down everything I'd rebuilt after her death and more but I couldn't will myself to walk away, I just wanted to keep seeing her.
And my friend said
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
It's never easy to walk away, let her go
It'll be okay
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
"Stan, how long have you been up here?" Mike asks gently.
"I don't know. An hour at the least." I answer barely above a whisper with my voice cracking.
"We should maybe go sit down." Eddie says.
I shake my head, not bothering to pull away the hair that fell in my eyes.
"I know you love her but we need to let other people see her." Beverly adds, biting her lip to hold back tears.
"I can't. She needs me." I croak, taking her still hand in mine.
"I-I know it's not e-e-easy but yuh-you need to let go." Bill says, placing a hand on my shoulder.
Reluctantly I let them lead me to the front row of seats. Almost as soon as they all sit down in a small circle of chairs I let out a sob and hold up my head with my hands.
"It'll be okay Stan." Richie whispers, giving me a look of concern. I can hear his own crack in his voice.
"Bill?" I call out, looking up. "D-does it ever get better?"
"I-i-its gonna hurt f-for a while b-b-but yeah. It w-w-will eventually." He answers.
We spend the rest of the day at Y/ns funeral, tears never leaving the scene as we share our happiest memories of her. It hurts. It hurts so much to know we were all so, so close to escaping this whole mess alive but the fucking clown had to kill her in the last week. It hurt so much to have her lying right there but to not hear her laugh and not see her smile and not hear her call me by her nickname Stanny. Everything hurt; literally and figuratively. I think back to every moment I could've made better but didn't and regret it. But, with the others there everything was slightly more bearable. It was slightly easier to breathe - to exist in a world without the girl I loved so much.
The funeral comes to an end and I walk back to the casket after asking for some time alone. I dig into my pocket and pull out a letter, a seashell, and a flower along with one of the many shirts of mine that she loved to wear. I gently set them all down around her before leaning down and placing a feathery kiss to her almost blue lips. A pang of hurt hits my heart when hers don't move in response but I ignore it, give her one last look of longing love, and walk back towards the others. It definitely hurt to know that was the last time I'd see her in person. Every thing that slightly mentioned her did. But, I had no choice but to pull through it. I had to.
It's never easy to walk away, let her go
It'll be okay
It'll be alright
It'll be alright
It'll be alright
It'll be alright
It'll be alright
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hello steph! first of all i'd like to say that i love your blog and from it seems like youre an incredibly nice person 💛 i would like to ask if there are any pining sherlock in tsot fics you would like to recommend? thank you!
Hi Nonny!
Aww, you’re too kind!! Thank you!
I’ve actually a MASSIVE Pining Sherlock Fic list here (Mobile Friendly Link, tap here) with over 100 fics on it, and I’ve actually a second list I’m putting together offline because I know people are inevitably going to ask for more! But this is pretty specific, so here’s what I have that are semi-related to TSo3 in some way, plus a few on my MFL list I added recently :P 
If anyone has any others they wish to add, please feel free to! Enjoy!
EDIT: I noticed while going through my pining Sherlock list I missed quite a few fics, so check out that master link, and scroll down to “John’s Getting Married” for some other fics I missed!!
Something Old, Something New by Aztecwarfareandcrumping (K, 778 w. || H/C, Angst, Pining) – Sherlock and John share a quiet moment before John’s wedding.
Velvet by headlessjess (G, 1,155 w. || TSo3-Fic, Pining, Angst, Jealous Sherlock, Loneliness, Sad Fic) – It’s the day, the wedding day - John and Mary, getting married. And then there’s Sherlock, in pain and in love, without knowing how to deal with it.
L'Esprit D'Escalier by TheSoulOfAStrawberry (K, 2,011 w. || Ace Sherlock, Romance, H/C, Pining) – A lack of understanding leads to a misunderstanding, which in turn leads to two confused men dealing with something they should have sorted out earlier, rather than on John’s wedding day.
Unspoken by PipMer (T, 2,770 w. || Drugged John, Mutual Pining, John’s Missing Wednesday, Fluff & Angst, Canon Compliant, Gap Filler) – Sherlock wanted to test a hypothesis. About John. He wanted a question answered that he couldn’t just ask, at least not under normal conditions, because John would never tell him the truth about that.
Behind Closed Curtains by twisting_vine_x (G, 2,939 w. || Dancing, Angst, Pre-Slash) – Set loosely during season two, when Sherlock and John are still, ahem, dancing around each other. Sherlock teaches John how to dance.
John’s Missing Wednesday by PipMer (K+, 2,999 w. || Pre-Slash, Pre-TSo3, Non-Con Drugged John, Friendship, Experiment) –  “Now John I’d poison. … Sloppy eater – dead easy. I’ve given him chemicals and compounds that way, he’s never even noticed. He missed a whole Wednesday once, didn’t have a clue.” – The Sign of Three. This is the story of that missing Wednesday.
Out of Time by westernredcedar (T, 3,163 w. || Wedding, Angst, Pining John, Sad Ending) – Somerset is a lovely place for a wedding, but what John hadn’t accounted for was the getting everyone there.
Nineteen Seconds of Falling by EmmyAngua (T, 3,739 w. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Falling in Love) – Sherlock spends exactly nineteen seconds zoned out after John asks him to be best man. He retreats to his mind palace in the desperate hope of figuring out what he wants, unfortunately for him his mind palace is full of people who keep trying to give him advice.
The Dance Lesson by bittergreens (G, 4,596 w. || TSo3 Missing Scene, Dancing, Pining Sherlock, URT/UST, Romance, Angst, POV John) – Sherlock teaches John to dip. Part 1 of Goodnight, Vienna
I think You Need A Doctor by TheGoodDirector (M, 5,254 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Sherlock Whump, Mistaken Couple, Humour, Platonics, Mary is Nice) – John’s not been to Baker Street in four months and returns to find a bleeding Consulting Detective. John can’t help but take care and put up with him. Set after The Sign of Three/Before His Last Vow.
The Light of Day by allonsys_girl (M, 7,297 w. || First Kiss, Angst, TSo3-Fix-It, Possessive Sherlock, ) – Rewrite of the end of Sign of Three. John actually notices Sherlock leaving the reception early, and chases after him. Angsty Johnlock. Happy ending, for sure. Part 1 of The Light of Day
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w. || Pining, Love Confessions, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock POV, Eventual Happy Ending) – “For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face.” Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
I haven’t read these yet so read at your own discretion.
About What Happened Yesterday… by Ewebie (M, 1,439 w. || Missing Scene, John’s Missing Wednesday, Sherlock is a Bit Not Good, Drugged John) – I think I’ve always wanted to know what exactly happened to that Missing Wednesday… You? Part 22 of Tumblr Shorts
I Want to tell you but i don’t know how by Lightofonesoul (G, 2,028 w. || Pining Sherlock, Love Confessions, TSo3 Fic, Angst, Sherlock’s Violin) – Have you ever wondered, what’s happening at the 3X02 after John asked at Sherlock to be his Best man? What did they say then? “Can a soul be crushed? It’s very illogical but that is what it feels like to him. Sherlock feels like a violin, tensed and tight, scratched by an invisible bow, but without any sound. ”
The Eleventh Hour by EchoSilverWolf (T, 2,968 w. || Stag Night, Drinking, TSo3, Idiots in Love, Fluff, First Kiss, POV John) – Stag Night fix-it starting from the scene on the stairs. No case interruption. “Even in the eleventh hour, it’s not too late…”
If He Knows by shamelessmash (M, 4,513 w. || TSo3, Pining Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Texting, Internal Monologue, Pillow Forts, Bed Sharing) – I imagine mornings: John handing me a cup of tea, hair sticking out at odd angles. How he would bend down to kiss me, smiling fondly as he pulls away. The way his skin crinkles at the corner of his eyes, the way his skin looks in the morning light. The soft sigh as he sits in his chair with the morning paper, the way his toes curl in the carpet, the way he rolls his shoulders before sinking deeper into his seat. I watch him, how he is when he is content, as it should be. As he deserves. Happy. With me.
You Are The Reason by ICanDoThisAllDayy (G, 9,432 w. || Post-TSo3, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Letters, Bisexual John, Song Fic, Heavy Angst) – When Sherlock leaves the envelope for John and Mary at their wedding, he forgets to take out another piece of paper from it - the paper on which he poured his heart out while preparing the Best Man’s Speech at 221B Baker Street. He intended to burn the piece right after he finished writing, but he was too exhausted from the emotions and accidentally slipped it amongst his composition for the Waltz. As things work out, somebody reads his letter. That somebody is John Watson. Part 2 of Songs-inspired fic(let)s
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crackerbox-palace · 7 years
@errol-harrison tagged me! thanks woah ok here we go! Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people go to bed
 1. Drink: water (an appropriately boring start to this) 
 2. Phone Call: one of my best friends i needed her to pep talk me into breaking up with a dude 
3. Text message: my now ex, he asked if I was ok
 4. Song you listened to: DaNcINg DaYs aRe HeRE aGaiN
 5. Time you cried: today, ,, a lot, like thirty minutes ago,,,
6. Dated someone twice: not yet aka pray 4 me
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: shoutout to my first kiss
 8. Been cheated on: nope 
9. Lost someone special: My half-brother Michael died at 9 months old this January
10. Been depressed: sophomore year-end of junior year, this summer-good question
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: like two weeks ago? or one week? please NEVER combine carrots and vodka everybody….,,,,,,…,,,,, 
12. yellow (in symbolism I don’t wear it)
13. black 
14. a tie between light blue and light pink, I dont really care anymore
15. Made new friends: yes! 
16. Fallen out of love: shoutout to three days ago!!!!!!!! 
17. Laughed until you cried: two nights ago, me and my friend got stuck at a shitty concert and memed the whole time
 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah, a hot sleazy dude at school had wanted to bang me all four years, it was a full circle for me cause I always thought he was into me
19. Met someone who changed you: why are all of these turning into prompts for me to talk about my ex
20. Found out who your friends are: yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t have facebook so I hope not
 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: re: #21
23. Do you have any pets: my sweet angel Danny!!!! I love my dog more than I love anything 
24. Do you want to change your name: yes, fuck my last name
 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: my birthday was on my Baccalaureate Mass, which is a 4 hour mass the day before graduation, and then I went home and cleaned my house, and then I got in a fight with my mom and fell asleep crying, and don’t get me started on the next day
26. What time did you wake up: fuck idk 10am??
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: hell if I know what a clock is once the moons out
28. Name something you can’t wait for: nothing at all, except for that father John misty concert I bought one ticket to. yep. just me, living my adult life, going to concerts alone, , , . , 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a few hours ago
 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my life
 31. What are you listening right now: my thoughts
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: tom peters, aka the dreamiest boy in third grade
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: re: #30
34. Most visited Website: hell if I know anymore, maybe NYT or Tumblr
35. Mole/s: yep
36. Mark/s: a few, all from my childhood
37. Childhood dream: ya know that Animal Planet show Animal Cop? I wanted to be an Animal Cop. No one ever told me they were just regular cops. it took me a long time to figure it out
38. Haircolour: light brown
 39. Long or short hair: long
 40. Do you have a crush on someone: :’””””””) 
41. What do you like about yourself: thats a complicated question rn but I am going to say everything bc I am a strong independent woman
42. Piercings: ears
43. Bloodtype: ab positive i think 
44. Nickname: I had a shit ton as a kid (miggle, miggie, Maggie moo, miggie moo, etc), my friends call me Bunny now
45. Relationship status: ….… . ,  , . single
46. Zodiac: taurus
 47. Pronouns: she/her
 48. Favourite TV Show: twin peaks, always sunny, Portlandia, the OA, I used to really like Marco Polo
 49. Tattoos: hhhhaaaa my friend gave me one at 4 in the morning in her bathtub using a sewing needle stuck into a pencil, I was listening to I Am the Walrus on full volume on repeat and I may have gotten drunk by the end of it and ended up with a squiggle on my left shoulder, we were 15 and I regret absolutely nothing its a great story and an iconic tattoo
50. Right or left hand: left 
51. Surgery: nope
 52. Hair dyed in different color: I wish
53. Sport: who is she????
 55. Vacation: w h o  i s  s h e??????  actually I went to Florida some time ago and it was terrible fuck the sun
 56. Pair of trainers: my sister took them bc I don’t wear them
 57. Eating: I just had some cake, before that bread, before that ice cream, before that ravioli, see also: I’m Dying Inside
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: sleep goddamnit
61. Waiting for: sleep goddamnit
62. Want: sleep god— idk maybe some money
63. Get married: nooooooo
64. Career: how do I get money for writing??? without like??? a job??? thanks
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 
66. Lips or eyes: v hard to choose, probably eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller but idc in the end
68. Older or younger: depends (on if I’m making money or not) (just kidding I'd fuck certain older men for free) 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idc 
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive probably 
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship but also I don’t know anything anymore??? whats happening . org 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idc
 74. Kissed a stranger: no, yes, kinda, no. definitely no. I’m reading too into this.
75. Drank hard liquor: my stomach hurts reading this 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes, both
77. Turned someone down: yea
78. Sex in the first date: my last two times, 0/10 don’t recommend to a friend
79. Broken someone’s heart: once sophomore year, another today, god bless the usa
81. Been arrested: nope
 82. Cried when someone died: a few times, yeah
83. Fallen for a friend: nope
84. Yourself: good question
85. Miracles: idc no too religious sounding 
86. Love at first sight: sure
87. Santa Claus: in a pagan way, perhaps ? 
88. Kiss on the first date: re:#78 except highly recommended do whatever you please
89. Angels: re:#87
90. Current best friends name: re:#23, actually thats too much scrolling, its my dog, Danny
91. Eyecolour: green, with bluish specks
92. Favourite movie: idk? like Across the Universe or Life of Pi or Mr Nobody or Annie Hall
and good god, I can’t think of 20 people to tag and I’m going to bed, sorry Tumblr I’m bad at tumbling I really just prefer to call it gymnastics anyways
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