#i figure for the villains i'll go with this layout
zephamello · 3 months
What is Hety's personality in your AU? I really want to you since i seen that she plays a huge role in your AU.
(ps, one of my headcanons of her, is that she's like a daughter to Tab\Dave) ^^
Hehe oh boyyyyy. I won't give specifics because this post would be longer than the Twilight book series /hj, but I'll give the general stuff!
Also to start, it's so cool how people can see a relationship between two characters differently. I never imagined Hety as a daughter figure to him, that's a really interesting thought :D
Okay, so to try to put it simply: She really wants Tab to be hers, like an obsessive crush. Hety is dedicated to showing off her skills in the cult to get him to see her as more than a friend, he starts to fall for someone else, she gets furious, does all this crazy shit to try to win him over, literally becomes an insanely obsessed yandere-type villain that is willing to do almost anything to get him to love her. Eventually she has no choice but to give up, hate herself and fall into a bad depression because Tab and his partner (who I'm terrified to reveal to the public to be completely honest) forgave her, but eventually Tab and his partner were able to help her start to feel better, and she started trying to distract herself with lab work and mastering even more her skills in biochemistry and grafting. Eventually she becomes healthy, invests time into a new relationship, and is back to being the bright and happy Hety that Tab was best friends with from the very beginning.
So to put it shorter: Strong crush > obsessive crush > basically yandere crush > depressed > healing > back to her inner self that she almost completely let go of, happy and healthy and bright
There are a LOT more specifics but, that's the general layout of it! :D
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soaringsparrows · 7 years
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Suguru Kamoshida // Lust // Asmodeus ( more persona 5 gifs )
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