#i feel like she'd like baking? she seems like the type that would stress bake ngl
motherofdogs1010 · 10 months
Need to Know II (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Summary: When she was ready to get back out on the dating scene after dumping a certain Winter Soldier, Y/N was a woman ready to get back out there. She just never expected to find herself in a relationship with a certain nerdy spider. Warnings: Reader is basically Penelope Garcia, toxic ex! Bucky, fratboy!Peter, older woman/younger man, age gap relationship, mentions of ageism, eventual pregnancy Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
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Part I
Present Day
To say that Y/N ever thought she'd be in a relationship with someone younger than her, she would be lying if she said she did. She had never expected to find herself in a relationship where she was the older one, but here she was, laying on her Cal King bed as she watched Peter type away on his computer, writing a paper for one of his robotics classes.
Peter let out a frustrated groan before closing his laptop and falling down beside her, Y/N looked at him with a amused look on his face.
"This professor makes me regret going to college", Peter groaned, Y/N chuckled.
"You're just overthinking yourself", Y/N said as she scratched his head. "You'll do great, remember, it's your last year."
"Between school and being Spider-man, sometimes I feel burnt out", Peter said.
"You'll do great", Y/N repeated as Peter practically purred at the head scratches. “Once you’re done, you’ll be able to work with Tony like he promised and you won’t be so stressed out juggling everything.”
"How did you even become a technical analyst for the Avengers anyways? It's kinda random because you popped up out of nowhere."
"I hacked into the government's system and got on their watchlist, which led me to eventually hacking into FRIDAY for fun one day."
Peter looked at her and she shrugged but it was the truth; hacking and such had always been her thing and eventually led to her being sought out by Tony himself after she may have hacked into his system for shits and giggles.
"Well, that explains everything", Peter said, "can you hack into my professor's computer?"
"I could, but it'd ruin the pardon Tony got me", Y/N pouted, "but for you, I'd risk it."
She leaned over to Peter and planted a kiss on his lips, and Peter chuckled at her comment.
"Alright, maybe let's not send you to federal prison", Peter joked, "but you wanna go down to Delmar's and get sandwiches?"
Y/N nodded, "I just have to shower first."
As she begun to get up from the bed, she looked at Peter and said, "Wanna come shower with me?"
"Babe, if I ever say no, take me to Bruce because there's something clearly wrong with me."
With a giggle, Peter chased her to the bathroom.
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After a steamy shower session that lasted longer than it probably should have, Peter was taking a quick call from his best friend, Ned, who had been accepted and was attending MIT before they left to Delmar's. Y/N decided to wait in the kitchen, walking in to see Wanda and Vision making brownies.
"Hey guys", Y/N said as she sat down at one of the kitchen island chairs.
"Oh hey Y/N", Wanda smiled as she mixed the batter.
"Hello Y/N", Vision greeted as he watched Wanda mix the batter.
"Venturing Vision's culinary skills to baking?" Y/N asked, Vision nodded and Wanda laughed.
"Where are you off to?" Wanda teased, "Peter whisking you away somewhere?"
So far, a majority of the Avengers seemed to be alright with her relationship with Peter, ignoring the age gap between the two of them.
Well, nearly all of them...
"We're going to Delmar's", Y/N replied back.
"Oh! Bring me back a sandwich", Wanda chimed.
"Will do", Y/N said, "hey, where is everyone?"
"Steve and Sam went on another run, Nat and Clint are on a quick recon mission", Vision replied.
The sound of shrill laughter boomed into their ears and Y/N saw Wanda wince and shake her head at the noise while she was mouthing 'wow' to herself.
Y/N knew who that laughter belonged to and she couldn't help, but want to laugh at it all.
"Oh, Y/N, I didn't think you'd be here."
Looking over her shoulder, Y/N raised a brow to the person who spoke in a condescending tone.
Dot or Dottie as she heard Bucky call the blonde haired woman stood in the entrance of kitchen, popping a piece of bubblegum loudly while her phone was in her hand. If Y/N was being honest, her relationship with Bucky had been on the rocks for a while before Dot, but Dot was the final nail in the coffin to end her relationship.
And at one point, Y/N would have felt some form of bitterness towards Dot's presence, but now, she felt nothing but annoyance at the woman's persistent need to try and one up for some reason or another.
"Why wouldn't I be here? I live here", Y/N replied in a confused tone.
"I figured you'd be... rocking the cradle and all", Dot said with a smirk.
Y/N wanted to groan at the jab towards her relationship with Peter, it was Dot's biggest thing to constantly bring up.
"It's robbing the cradle", Peter interjected as he walked into the kitchen. "Not that it applies to us
Peter walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders before pressing a kiss to her temple. Y/N noticed Dot's eyes hyper-fixated on Peter as Peter greeted Wanda and Vision but Y/N knew that were Dot was, Bucky was soon following and Y/N was not in the mood for dealing with the man.
"Ready, babe?" Peter asked as Y/n saw Vision look at the brownie batter.
"Yup", Y/n said as she slid out of the chair.
"Aren't you a little too old to be wearing that?" Dot asked, Y/N frowned.
Her and Dot were the same age and Y/n wore a yellow sundress since it was humid this time of year in New York. Y/N raised a eyebrow at Dot and glanced at Wanda, who rolled her eyes at Dot's comment.
"Nope", Y/n said, looking at the dress. "But you might wanna apply that logic to yourself, Dottie. We're the same age after all."
Dot frowned as Y/n got up from her seat, feeling Peter wrap an arm around her waist as he began to led them away fro the kitchen.
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Y/N looked at Peter amused as he told her about his squished sandwich theory, a smile on her face as he explained that it made the sandwich taste better. Wanda had happily taken her sandwich, running away to continue watch Modern Family in her and Vision's room.
That left her and Peter in the living room, watching Ahsoka on Disney+.
"Man, I want to buy her lightsaber", Peter whined, "it looks so cool."
"It's a nice lightsaber", she agreed with a chuckle. "Personally, I want Darth Maul's."
"That's a huge one", Peter said, "they literally have to assemble it in parts."
"But imagine how intimidating it would be", she argued.
"Now what are you two lovebirds talking about", Tony chimed as he walked in.
"Lightsabers", Peter answered with a grin.
Tony and Peter began talking about some upgrades for his suit when her phone vibrated, she grasped it from under her and saw it was a text from Bucky. She wished she could block him, but since he was a member of the Avengers, she couldn't since she was a asset for them.
Opening the text, she frowned as a slew of texts began coming in.
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She rolled her eyes and put her phone away from her as she hit 'DO NOT DISTURB'. She wasn't sure why Bucky had been like this, sending texts like this but she hoped he got the message soon as Tony said he was leaving to take Pepper on a date, allowing them to go back to their show.
Y/N relaxed back into Peter's embrace, laying her head on his shoulder without a care. She felt happy, even if she hadn't expected it to be with someone younger than her as Peter kissed the top of her head before she connected their lips together.
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It was their monthly Avengers get-together over at the Compound, everyone dressed in their nicest clothes as Tony held a nice fancy dinner. Y/N wore a backless cocktail dress that she had a hard time convincing Peter he could not mess with until after the party was over, although, she had a hard time keeping herself from Peter with his rolled up sleeves that showcased his arms.
Right now, they were all scattered around the room; Nat was working the bar for some reason or another.
"Hey there Tech Queen", Nat said as Y/N approached her. "Where's your other half?"
"Talking science with Strange and Tony", she shrugged with a grin. "Not sure if I trust you behind the bar, Nat. You make the drinks as strong as Asgardian liquor."
Nat laughed just as Steve walked up to them, he kissed the side of Nat's head.
"What are you two laughing about?" he asked.
"Nat's bartending", Y/N answered, Steve winced.
"Yeah, maybe let's not", Steve said, Nat laughed and waved him off.
Y/N looked around to see Carol engaged in some form of arm wrestle with Thor, Sam watching the two, Wanda was conversing with Pepper, Peter still with Strange and Tony, and Bruce and Rhodey talking.
She wasn't sure where Vision was, knowing him he was probably phasing through some walls or something.
"Here, drink this", Nat said with a grin.
"Oh no", Y/N said with a smile. "I don't trust you with making drinks. Last time I had one, I--"
"Yeah, Y/N, do tell us what happened last time you had one."
Her mood was killed, instantly as she noticed Bucky had arrived. Her face said it all as Nat frowned at the man, she noticed even Steve frowning.
"Did this conversation involve you?" Y/N sassily said with a raised brow. "I believe this was a A,B, and C conversation."
"Oh, I was just wondering if the last time Nat made you a drink, you maybe did some things that you regret… or someone.”
"No, no regrets here", Y/N said as she looked at her nails.
Bucky was beginning to look like he had sucked on a lemon by his facial expression just as she felt a pair of arms around her, looking over her shoulder to see Peter.
"Mr. Barnes", Peter cooly said.
"Parker", Bucky gritted.
Y/N saw Nat taking a amused slip of her drink.
"Dateless tonight?" Peter asked with a smirk.
"Just for tonight", Bucky grumbled.
"Huh, how... unfortunate for you", Peter said with false sympathy. "If you don't mind, well, I know you won't."
Peter gestured for them to leave a fuming Bucky and a very amused Natasha to be dealt with by Steve.
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Later, Y/N wrapped her arms around Peter's neck and he pulled her closer to her; Peter began to sway them with a grin on his face as she playfully shook her head at him, a grin making its way onto her face.
"Have I told you that you're pretty?" Peter asked.
"Not today, I don't think", she teased as Peter bumped their noses.
"What kind of boyfriend am I then?" Peter teased.
She felt happy with Peter, their relationship felt easy and uncomplicated as Peter connected their lips, squeezing her body a little as he tried to bring her in closer.
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vizzy740 · 1 year
Late Night TodoMomo
Momo didn’t usually go out to the commons rooms at night. After curfew, everyone was supposed to go to bed, and loitering around in the common rooms was an easy way to get in trouble.
That’s why Momo didn’t usually participate in such behavior, but once in a while, she wouldn’t have a good night’s rest, like when she was feeling bad about how she’d done on some hero training exercise or some other event, or like this night, where there was an exam in the following morning.
She’d found that the best way to calm herself down was walking down to the kitchen in the commons, brewing herself a cup of tea, and eating a small pastry left by Sato during his weekly baking sessions. She usually  reviewed the chemical compounds for different types of wood and paints during this time. She’d memorized them all when she’d first learned to read and write, in her quest to make her first real object with her quirk, a matryoshka doll.
Thankfully, the rest of the class hadn’t raided the fridge yet, and Sato’s pastries, –baked just last night, most likely as Sato’s own anti-stress ritual– were untouched.
She was savoring a small pastry. She thinks Sato called it a mini boston cream pie, and it did fit the description, but she couldn’t know for sure until she asked him tomorrow.
It was delicious, like all of Sato’s creations, not too rich and with just the right amount of sweetness and moisture.
 She was reading a chemical compound book (though really she already knew what was inside) and waiting for her tea kettle to whistle when she heard the elevator doors open.
Then out stepped Todoroki.
It was strange seeing him late at night. Even though they lived together in the dorms. She'd never seen him look so disheveled, though she supposed she wasn’t very close to him.
She’d never seen him in his nightclothes, but they weren’t anything interesting, just a plain loose pair of pants and a white button up shirt.
They were ruffled and wrinkled and clearly hadn’t been ironed in some time, though Momo supposed that such a thing didn’t matter, and Todoroki probably didn’t care if the pants of his sleeping wear looked crisp and straight or not.
His hair was also mussed, and the red and the white mixed together at his part, with flyaways all around.
He stumbled over to the kitchen counter to stand next to Momo, though he seemed ready to topple over at any second. He blinked, and seemed to gain a bit of clarity from his groggy state, “What’s that smell?” He asked.
“S-Sato’s desserts, he made them yesterday, mini boston cream pies I believe he said? I can get one if you would like,” Momo told him, feeling her face flush slightly as she rambled, “And I-I’m boiling some water for tea, would you like some? It has a mild sedative, since it’s for helping people to fall asleep, but I have other options I can take out too–”
“Yes, I would like that.” He interrupted.
“The cream pie or the tea?” Momo asked, smiling slightly.
“Both.” Todoroki stated bluntly. “And I want the sedative type of tea.”
“Did I disturb you?” Momo asked as she took out a cup, and another bag of the same tea.
“No. I didn’t even know you were down here.” Todoroki answered.
The kettle whistled, and Momo hurried to take it off the stove and turn the dial off. She poured the water into the cups, and handed one to Todoroki.
She was surprised for a second as he put his hand fully around the cup, before remembering his quirk. Then she hurried off to grab a second miniature pie from the fridge and handed it to Todoroki as well.
After she put it in his unoccupied hang, he watched it with his usual monotone stare before taking a bite of it, then the ends of his mouth raised slightly. Only those who really knew Todoroki well could tell it was actually a smile and not just some odd, different version of his usual emotionless expression.
She smiled, “I’m happy you like it.”
He turned to meet her eyes, and with his cheek similar to that  of a chipmunk, his cheeks slightly puffed out, Momo couldn’t help but give out a little giggle.
Todoroki was cute like that, when he did those little, easy things in life, when the untouchable feeling he gave off melted away, showing the boy underneath.
A boy that Momo liked.
She smiled at him as she let the thought swirl in her mind. By the time she returned back to reality, taking in the changes to her surroundings, she felt herself flush again.
Todoroki was less than a foot away from her, still staring into her eyes.
“T-Todoroki.” she stammered, too dazed to say anything but his name.
She glanced around, and saw her cup upon the counter beside her. She picked it up and glanced into it, upon seeing that the water was sufficiently colored by the tea bag, she decided that it had steeped for long enough, and removed it from the water, dropping it into the nearby kitchen garbage can without moving from their close position.
“I think the tea’s steeped long enough. Do you want me to put yours in the tea bag?”
Todoroki shook his head.
“The taste might get worse if you don’t.”
“I don’t care.” He replied, “I want the sedative to be at its most potent.”
“Okay…?” Momo answered hesitantly. She took a sip of her tea. It was nice, as it usually was.
Todoroki continued to look at her. Momo wasn’t really used to this. She’d seen Todoroki look at her every once in a while, he stared at everyone really, if he took an interest in something, his eyes would just stay on it, either not knowing or not caring about being strange.
Usually it was fine, and it didn’t make Momo uncomfortable most of the time, it was more of a question of why.
Because the why changed everything.
Her face was hot. Todoroki had walked back up to her, and they were close again.
Then Todoroki touched her face, and–
It was cold.
She blinked, a bit surprised at how cold it felt.
“Is that good?”
“I– uh, yeah.” She answered, because it was nice, the cool feeling, it was a bit surprising, but overall it was soothing, it felt good on her left cheek. “I… thought you were going to do something else.”
“What else would I do?” Todoroki asked, his voice even as usual, even as he leaned close to her, their noses barely an inch away from each other. He kept his hand on his face.
“Kiss me.” 
“Do you want me to?” Todoroki asked. For Todoroki, the monotone of his voice sounded completely genuine.
“D-do you want to?” Momo asked, her voice trembling.
“I think so.”
“Then… do it.” Momo breathed out.
And he did.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC most likely
Thanks to @willtheweaver here, @the-golden-comet here, and @sleepywriter00 here!
Rules: fill out the prompts of the OC most likely to do something, then provide three more prompts!
Most likely to fake their own death
I dunno, I feel like Maddie would be dramatic just out of curiosity to see what would happen.
Most likely to get a name wrong
Probably Wendy. Her mind is on other things.
Most likely to sing loudly in public
It's either Sam or Alex, no contest. I feel like Alex is slightly more likely because in specific situations Sam may be a little too self-conscious, while Alex is a self-confident machine.
Most likely to hate swimming
I've already decided Gabriel is terrified of the ocean, but honestly wouldn't be surprised if he didn't like public pools, either. Carmen also would hate going swimming for unsanitary reasons.
Most likely to go to the gym
Tyler already works out casually, so him.
Most likely to own a pet
Wade has a dog named K'Ehleyr and I'm working on pets for other people. So right now it's Wade.
Most likely to punch the person who jump scares them out of reflex
Hye-Jin. This one took a lot of thinking, but I just know she'd do it.
Most likely to stress bake
Once Noelle teaches him how to cook and bake, it's Jedi.
Most likely to convince the cops they're innocent, when they aren't
Honestly? It's Gwen. She has a fire inside of her that is completely capable of doing illegal shit. But she has an innocent aura about her that makes her not seem like the type, especially considering how quiet and soft spoken she is. She's really good at understanding people and how they're feeling, and I'm sure she'd be able to play that mind game with the cop. She's also twelve so that may help.
Tagging @mk-writes-stuff @elsie-writes @dyrewrites @winglesswriter @duckingwriting
Y'all's prompts: 1) Most likely to eat a sandwich cut horizontally. 2) Most likely to successfully parallel park. 3) Most likely to have a Tumblr.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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bittertarot · 9 months
Hey I would like to join your game!
Im a Virgo, dk
Idols: jaehyun nct, jungwon enhypen, karina aespa and Hanbin zb1
How would my idol spend New Years with me?
Hopefully it’s not too much
I spend my Christmas baking with my mom and just being home with my family
Hello! Thank you for joining this game! It definitely is not too much! That sounds like a really fun way to spend christmas :] How would NCT's Jaehyun spend New Years with you? *7 of Pentacles Reversed* - Ooh, it seems like his energy would be quite dedicated to working on this day? Making progress/being productive. You would distract him and try convince him to loosen up, he may feel like he'll lack the rewards and profit he would like if he gets distracted. Very busy energy, here! You might take him outside for a bit to walk around and watch the fireworks, perhaps having a can of beer or something. If you're a minor, then something non-alcoholic ofc. It would help him calm down and he would be quite thankful to you for that. You may offer some words of advice that he may not want to hear, but will benefit from in the long run from you. A very sentimental celebration! He doesn't have much to say, though, as his energy seems very busy/consumed right now. How would Enhypen's Jungwon spend New Years with you? His energy prefered not to talk, I'm sorry! If you would like, you may request another idol. He seems a bit upset, at the moment? How would Aespa's Karina spend New Years with you? *Knight of Swords Reversed* Are SM idols really stressed today or something? It seems like she'd be a bit afraid of the clock striking midnight/entering 2024. She is not ready to let go of 2023. She may spend the night clubbing with you, or going to a massive party with you. She doesn't seem to think about how this would affect her job as an idol, huge disregard for consequences. She's very unpredictable, so she may have the messiest cocktail or take part in a drinking contest. This would shock you, as she normally is very strict with herself. But on New Years Eve, she would decide to let go for just a day! She would 100% be fully wasted, you'd have to drag her all the way back home tbh. She may do some drunk rambling about wanting her group to do well in 2024, how tired she is, how much she wants to go practice so she can be better, how she wants more drinks, etc. You may end up passing out on the couch once you get to her place LMAO How would ZeroBaseOne's Hanbin spend New Years with you? *9 of Pentacles Reversed* - Eee, seems like he'd be the type to spend the day working, he seems very obsessive over his work, any mistakes he makes, etc. He would want to spend the day bulldozing over any/all setbacks. He does not want to spend the day messing around, having fun, etc. He feels like he's blocking himself and his team in terms of success and wants to be more dilligent and ambitious to help the group succeed. He wants to make it as an idol, he's hungry for it. He wants to accumulate enough money to satisfy him and his group members as well. Though, this would cost him. You would notice this and may not something this time, but next time you would ensure that this does not repeat itself and try to comfort him, telling him he's doing well, taking him out to go walk and eat something so he can relax a bit more. That's all for this reading, thank you for joining this game! I hope you're having a wonderful 2024<3
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bearseulgs · 2 years
IVE as girlfriends
gn!reader x ot6
genre: fluff
wc: 891
warnings: food
requested!! tysm
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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Gaeul ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
i see Gaeul as being a very playful gf
y'all love joking around w each other
you don't see each other much during the week due to school and work so you've dedicated saturday night to y'all's night where you watch movies, bake, and play board games
you would expect twister to be cute and stuff but no twister is WAR
she probs likes those group hangout dates where you're with friends but y'all two end up going off to do your own thing
y'all're just so enamored by each other
also on game/movie nights, you sometimes have little showcases where you get to show off your interests in powerpoints UGH an autistic's dream date tbh
but she also knows when to be serious
she's very good at talking things out, and bc of this arguments rarely occur
that and you just match each other very well
the perfect relationship tbh
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Yujin ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
loml fr
you can always lean on her, she loves helping people, esp you
but she also needs support bc becoming leader at such a young age can be stressful, esp after debuting at 15
anyways what's it like having the coolest gf ever??
y'all love going on fun, adventurous dates together, like hiking or amusement parks
yujinnie trying to win you a plushie at those game booths I'M CRYING 🥹🥹
y'all would defo make each other playlists, and she listens to every one you send very carefully, always wanting to hear your music taste
she thinks it helps her get to know you a lil more &lt;3
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Rei ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
other loml
i really like Rei's art, and she seems to like making art, so i feel like y'all would sometimes have those dates where you do that thing where you share a canvas and every 5 minutes you switch so the other person adds onto the painting until y'all are done
sorry if i didn't explain that right 😭
or if you aren't an artist or singer or anything arts related, she'd love watching you do your own little thing and learning about it
like if you play video games, she's always down to game w you, or if you keep a garden she'll tend to it w you
but if you are a musical person she loves hearing you perform, whether it's at a school concert or just you and her
y'all are each other's biggest supporters
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Wonyoung ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
she'd be such a good gf
always very caring and attentive, your needs would never go unnoticed by her
but she expects the same energy in return
Wonyoung values you a lot, but she's also very sure of her worth, so for the relationship to work y'all have to put the same amount of effort in
different types of effort is okay tho
like i see Wonyo as being very physically affectionate and liking to praise her s/o ☺️
but say you sometimes don't want physical touch, but like being in the same room doing separate things?? she loves you for that
y'all go on all sorts of dates around the city, whether it's lunch at the local cult's deli (yes we have that where i live), afternoon tea at the park, or shopping at a local bookstore
y'all always exchange little gifts and do small tasks for each other, it's like your thing
whether it be her bringing home a flower she found that she thought was pretty like you or you doing her laundry bc you know she's been busy
overall a very healthy relationship, y'all are absolutely perfect together
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Liz ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
she's so shy and i find it so endearing
definitely was scared to be affectionate at the beginning bc she didn't wanna seem clingy
but over time she got much more comfy with you and now she's always cuddling up to you aw 💞💞
aquarium dates
i honestly think Jiwoo would love the aquarium
y'all taking pics of each other next to the pretty jellyfish wall 💞
or when both of you are tired and want a stay at home type date, baking/cooking
esp if you've been watching food shows together,,, the kitchen is your professional workshop
she loves you so much, she is the sweetest girl so please take care of her ☹️
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Leeseo ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
she's the absolute opposite of Liz lmao
she seems so confident, she defo asked you out and asked you to be her s/o
Yujin said that Hyunseo has a lot of friends that she's close with so i feel like she'd love introducing you to them
going bowling and then hitting up the arcade after 😩 GIMME NOW
she spends like,,, $5 at the claw machine before you intervene
(whether to show her how you do it or drag her away depends on your claw machine skillz)
going insane on the hammer thing and competing to see who can hit it the hardest
y'all are so competitive fr
but at the end of the day you really do love each other and would do anything for each other
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a/n: bruhhh this should not have taken me as long as it did 💔💔 anyways get me a Liz, also lmk if you want a more detailed version for a member!! i'd be more than happy to do that
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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hauntedmilkshake1 · 2 years
Fat Kaede or Tsumugi Headcanons?
Why not both!
To be honest i always saw Kaede as pretty chubby anyway so her getting bigger seems to fit in well!
I think a lot of weight gain would come from absentminded eating, like when she's practising piano or hanging out with the other ultimates' she'd always have a snack in her hand at all times. To her eating in a social setting just made the food taste better and eating in general kept her mind busy when doing more mundane tasks.
For food she would devour any sort of baked good or pastry kirumi or anyone else made. She enjoyed other foods just fine but a thick slice of cake or pie was heavenly to her. Those little snack cake tables are a must for her.
Body type wise i feel she'd take on a somewhat top heavy body shape. Her face, arms, boobs and especially belly getting the brunt of the WG for the most part.
In terms of how she feels towards the WG i feel at first she'd sorta try and hide it a little and feel sorta embarrassed when she first starts packing on pounds but overtime would come to accept her body and let herself just enjoy things as they come along. Although having to scoot back on her chair to accommodate her belly squishing against pianos too much would probably get annoying after a while. Plus a certain lil detective wouldnt be complaining about the extra pudge im sure ;)
What also would be annoying would be clothing sizes, snapping a bra or bursting a few shirt buttons would be impressively shocking at first but after while it got very uncomfortable and even her stretchy clothes would get far too taut and snug so of course Tsumugi and Kirumi would fly in and help tailor better outfits.
A personal favourite of mine honestly i need to do a story about her-
Like Kaede i honestly see Mugi to have a pretty chubby bodytype herself.
Alot of the initial weight would pile on in a somewhat similar manner. What with her always making new costumes shed be snacking away at pretty much anything, although the timeframes would add quick stress to her life causing more stress eating to add to her growing waistline.
For food she would be chowing down on any processed snack and microwavable meal there was. 4 packs of kraft mac/cheese? oh yes please. 2 litres of dr pepper and a pile of chip bags? might as well be christmas dinner! along with a copious amounts of fast food bags too.
Tsumugi herself would take a much more equal shape to her body which i can only describe as "fat packed" where every part of her is plump and jiggly.
Now tsumugi wasnt oblivious, she'd notice immediately when she gained weight which would make certain things more annoying, a part of her almost enjoyed the new chub, how warm she felt especially after a binge session whilst making a new cosplay, how her body jiggled with every step and the snugness of some of her more casual wear, plus the jokes and jeers from her classmates gave her this weird rush of pleasure. The feeling finally fully clicked in when her corset snapped off during a big meal time and her bulging belly flopped out onto her lap in front of everyone, leaving her bright red in both embarrassment and something less than easily explained...
However what WAS annoying was getting clothes to fit consistently, so many god damn characters have pencil thin waistlines so getting clothes that accommodated was an annoying process half the time and the amount of cosplays that had to be scrapped due to wardrobe malfunctions was immense. Although the response online from her photoshoots was surprisingly positive despite what plus sized cosplayers usually get online. So whilst resizing was annoying, it was oddly worth it to.
and there you have it! :D
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kung-fu-headcanons · 3 years
Hi love! 💜 okay so how do you think li shan x Jin will react/feel (separately) if the other baked/cooked whenever their Stressed or feeling anxious? Like li shan/Jin wakes up to them in the kitchen cooking. And the kitchen is just being filled with different types of pies, cookies, cakes, banana bread literally all kinds of different foods.
We eating good tonight 😋 /j
Li Shan:
He didn't know that Jin would bake out of stress he just thought it was a hobby of hers 😭🖐️ (even though he's not wrong, will be explained later)
You would think the mass amounts would show that it was more than just a hobby but since it was said for Li Shan's wife to have a huge appetite, it didn't come across as anything strange to him
There's all sorts of bakery goods, there's pies, bread, pastries, you name it. It's astounding how much ingredients they have in the house.
Truth be told, neither of them even realize they have that much lmbo- their food stock always turns out to be much larger than they think
Adding onto what I said about him not thinking it was much, he really never did. I'd think it was when he really started talking to her about all the stuff she's made does he realize she kinda looks.. like she's trying to hold something back, in a way.
Her face is a little scrunched and her lips are pressed together tightly, a face she'd make if she were worried/anxious/stressed.
Li Shan asks her what's wrong, thinking, well did she make too much and tire herself? She doesn't look fatigued though.. did she forget some ingredient? Made something wrong?
He assumes it's that and asks her if that's the case, she answers no, everything is fine, so then why does she look worried?
Jin then explains to him why she bakes so much, it's to calm her down when she feels stressed or anxious, and ngl Li Shan feels really bad for thinking that I was just a hobby
But the thing is he's not even entirely in the wrong- it IS one of Jin's hobbies, she just did it excessively when she's under stress, so there wasnt anything Li needs to worry about :)
Baking just gives Jin something else to focus on so when she bakes when she's feeling stressed or anxious the stuff she makes are really good, better than normal, because she really focuses on what she's doing, but she does add a bit too much sugar to the recipes 👀
Okay but like this request goes against the fact that I think Li Shan can't cook or bake JDJDJSJS
In fact trying to bake/cook something would make him more stressed cuz he wouldn't know what hes doing 😭🖐️
It's okay we can make adjustments 😌 I feel like he'd make a LOT of cookies. He seems like a cookie guy to me.
Like him and Jin would probably make some cookies together and they take it out for friends, but then Li Shan is protective of his food and he's like "NO THOSE ARE MY COOKIES" 😂😂😂
Jin would probably walk in on Li Shan furiously mixing some batter with some of it flying out of the bowl with him tiredly smiling widely at her 😆
It's a bit easier for Jin to tell if Li is stressing over something because he does not bake often, so that's already one sus factor. And the fact he's making so much? Even more sus.
I think Li would be more of a cooker in this situation, so Jin does all the desert stuff, Li does all the meal stuff lol
So with that being said, LOTS and LOTS of dumplings. So many. Bowls and bowls of them. It's literally enough to feed the whole village 😳 maybe he even does give some out-
He probably makes noodles too ngl spoiler alert they are good but not better than Mr Pings
Jin is glad that Li Shan is doing something to take his stress off but ngl he looks more stressed making all this food- so she does tell him to be careful and lay it off if he desires so
She eventually joins in with his cooking & baking and they have a fun time making food together :D
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