#i feel like it'd be scribbled on the page itself and not be part of college ford notes in the bg (and ford would use a different cipher)
nenoname · 4 hours
Details in Stan's letter that still haunt me
(how long will I continue thinking about a two page letter that's technically not even that long because Stan's handwriting is fricking large? .....you don't need to worry about that.)
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The bro code only shows up in the Lost Journal pages, and to me Stan's message feels like it purposely echoes Ford's "miss you" in the college photo (and for some reason the message doesn't appear in the website version of the photo?) ....or alternatively Stan simply noticed how distressed Ford was about this entire thing and wanted to support him in a way so he can be sappy but without the kids knowing, or both!
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Stan's claim about the Oregon lottery contradicts what the Lost Legends website said about Tate McGucket's ability to predict the winning numbers!! ...but also breaking into the Lottery HQ is definitely a very Stan thing to do and it's not the first time small gags have been retconned
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Despite spending most of his letter nonchalantly destroying him, the taunt about ripping a dollar bill in half is the only part where Stan is directly responding to Bill. Maybe it's the two of them having similar ways of thinking but it's rather specific considering Bill taunts the reader about it...
And after Bill spends an entire book calling Ford Sixer despite normally using a pretty wide range of nicknames for him, Stan then spends his letter mainly referring to Ford as Sixer, even though post-Weirdmageddon he tends to use a mix of nicknames. And it's not like he'd gotten to see Bill himself for long, let alone see him steal that childhood nickname (that is only used twice in the actual show btw!). Did Ford tell him what happened or...?
With all this and the website's "still on your mind" message, what I'm getting at is my tinfoil hat theory of Stan somehow seeing some of the pages the irl readers saw, even when it should be personalised to the specific reader, and he's been lying about it for some reason. Considering that the book flat out doesn't make an attempt at convincing Soos, I find it a stretch that whatever Bill was telling Stan via the book was an attempt to convince him either.
Wouldn't be the first time Stan's skimmed through a book and lied about what it meant to him.
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(...Now I kinda wanna see a story about the family reading their versions of the book and making fun of it while Stan is improvising every single one of his pages and blatantly ignoring Bill's attempts to mock and taunt him)
But also I'm fascinated by the letters that only showed up on the website (aka the Soos+Wendy+McGucket+Pacifica ones). I'm assuming that Mabel had stuck them on after Stan's letter... but they were basically eaten by the book itself because seeing Stan's letter kick-started Bill's breakdown which takes up the rest of the book
#im wearing this tinfoil hat with pride i know something is up!!!!#like three things in one letter??? ...i mean the handwriting is another thing but for another reason that i already mentioned elsewhere#(of course i also love the idea of same coin theory being flat out the reason why stan's perceiving the book differently)#gravity falls#stanley pines#stan pines#ford pines#book of bill#bill cipher#also i'm still kinda annoyed that pacifica got a letter over candy and grenda cos like.... she didn't really do anything in w3 lmao#meanwhile grenda literally ripped bill's eye out and the girls were the main ones holding him off!!! give them respect hirsch!!!!#they helped with the unicorn spell!!!! they're an extended part of the group!!!! they saved stan before!! give my girls respect!!!!!!#also some folks are assuming that the 'miss you' message was directed at mcgucket but if it was for him#i feel like it'd be scribbled on the page itself and not be part of college ford notes in the bg (and ford would use a different cipher)#mind you the photo itself is a day after he met mcgucket so there's no reason why ford would direct it at him#they literally just became besties!!!#and this is a ford recently estranged from his brother and is still trying to convince himself he only feels anger towards him#(i saw some saying that ford shared the bro code with mcgucket too and im ??? theres an entire page about him hiding his childhood stuff#i get there's the 'oh disney!!!' easter egg now but ford at that time was pretty touchy about anything regarding stan#(alex saying that if mcgucket had found his stan o war photo ford wouldve lied and#brushed it off as an inspiration to his career in science instead admitting that he's holding onto it cos he misses his twin)#plus he'd show another recent code that wasn't made by literally kids if he really wanted to share one imo#but also j3 is him using them to hide info from mcgucket!!!)#two sides of the same dollar bill#thisisnotawebsitedotcom
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darkk-academic · 2 years
From the Shadows
[Five Hargreeves x Reader]
[Part I] [Part II] [Part III] [Part IV] [Part V]
Summary : The fact of the matter is, unrequited love sucks.
Warning : None.
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“A mighty pain to love it is, And ‘t is a pain that pain to miss; But of all pains, the greatest pain It is to love, but love in vain.”
Ain't that the truth, you think. Gaze running over the tattered pages of your journal, reading the poem over and over again— as though it might soothe the sting.
Unrequited love sucks. 
Your eyes dart up from your journal, fixing on the subject of your thoughts.
Five Hargreeves. 
Sitting a seat forward on your left, next to the window. Head tilted down, scribbling away, wholly oblivious to your stare.
It'd caused such a ruckus in the school when 'The Umbrella Academy' started attending. Whispers and wide-eyed stares followed them, like they were stars—which fair they kinda are. It took months before things settled down. 
Not that the stares and whispers stopped, mind you, they are still the apple of everyone's eyes, the students just got less starstruck and more subtle.
As for you?
After being paired for a project with Ben in literature class, you'd gotten closer to some of the others, emphasis on some. 
Luther had shown clear disapproval at your appearance—something about you being an outsider. Diego too prickly, and prefers to brood. Allison too busy with theater, although you still exchanged polite greetings. 
Klaus, Ben, and Viktor, on the other hand, had welcomed you with warmth. Ben and Viktor share your love for literature, and Klaus brings along an impulsive kind of fun with him, which you are all too eager to participate in. 
Which brings you back to— Five. You still don't know how you became friends with him. 
All you know is one afternoon you were waiting for your friends in the empty library, only to receive a text that they were bunking. You remember saying—
"Damn you, Klaus!"
"I share that sentiment," a voice spoke, startling you. 
You turned around, eyes settling on the culprit. Five Hargreeves. He stood, leaning against the bookshelf, hands shoved in his pockets. 
You'd talked to him a handful of times, during class, or when with his siblings. Acquaintances at best, still you both never tried to initiate a friendship or conversation. 
"Seems someone was ditched," he continued, an easy smirk on his face. "I feel like I should ask you to join me," the smirk grew, "out of the goodness of my heart."
"And why, exactly, am I being showered in such kindness?" You retort. Lips curling upwards as you stepped towards him. 
"Haven't you heard?" He tilted his head, a brow rising. "I'm a superhero. Benevolence is kinda our thing."
"Is that so?" you asked. 
He gave a nod, mirth gleaming.
"How will I ever repay for such generosity?" Eyes widening dramatically. 
"Well," a mocking frown, he pursued his lips. "You can promise to stay quiet as I work? Not too much, is it?"
You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped past your lips. You looked at him, taking note of the tiny curl of his lips. 
"Lead the way."
And that was that. After that, talking to him became a routine, and before you knew it you'd grown much closer to him than Ben, or Klaus or Viktor. 
It's been two years since you both became friends. Almost a year since you realized you're in love with him.  
It feels like it happened all of a sudden and simultaneously, as though every second and every moment spent with him led to it. 
Everyone knows. Your best friend. Ben, Klaus, Viktor. You have a suspicion that even Diego knows. And yet, it's a secret. 
A secret that protects itself. Only from him. 
You are a coward. You don't—can't fathom confessing to him. So, you stay in the shadows. And your love stays there with you. 
You and your love. 
From the shadows. 
Your gaze clears at the thought—stepping out of the reverie—and locks on him again. 
The sunlight filtering through, tracing his skin, making him even more mystical. A blue hue in his eyes as he concentrates on whatever he is working on. The furrow of his brow, the twitch of his nose. 
Him in his entirety. Extraordinary. 
You sigh. Extraordinary sounds like such a beautiful compliment, but not to you. To you, him being extraordinary means he's that much out of reach. Your reach. 
Like, no matter what, there's always going to be an invisible line between you two. Separating you. 
"You are staring," a voice cuts through. "Again."
Tell me something new.
You turn in the direction of it. Peering at your best friend. "Yes, Lila," you deadpan.
Lila, your best friend. 
"It's pathetic."
Lila, your childhood best friend who has no filter. 
"Yes, Lila," you agree. Honestly, at this point you're devoid of shame. 
"Seriously, what do you even see in him?"
You open your mouth to question what she sees in the brooder, but your attention diverts. 
Gaze narrowing at the feminine hand that has curled around Five's hand, to draw his attention. And yours inevitably. 
You almost dismiss her. Almost. 
It's Five. He'll brush the girl off. It's what he does. Has always done. 
Not this time, it seems. 
Because Five smiles.
A seed of dread plants itself in your stomach. 
You look between the two of them. The smiles on their faces resonates a sinking feeling in your heart. 
Yeah, unrequited love sucks.
A/N :
The poem at the start is by Abraham Cowley. Beautiful isn't it?
I really wanted to write an AU like this tbh, unrequited love kinda one. Angsty. So here it is. This one will have more parts btw.
Also for those who're waiting for Ballerinas & Brellies, I'm working on the chapter it's taking a bit longer, sorry about that.
I'm considering making a taglist, so like if you guys want to be added let me know.
Hope you enjoyed this.
Thankyou! ❤
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