#i feel like im just doomed to sit here til i die
no-onesgyrl · 3 years
Hey just checking you’re still with us
hey thanks yes im still here. I have had some huge fires to put out while hobbling around this place. I made a little progress and progress is good.
I dont know you from Adam, but I am going to share this cuz at this exact moment your all I've got. I am facing some minor legal issues, lost my truck, got a notice to vacate, my insurance is cutting all meds treatment and therapy visits til i meet my deductible...blah blah fucking blah...and I am so selfish I sit her profoundly lonely, my ex cheated the entire relationship and withheld affection the entire last year...I miss kissing i miss long real hugs, i miss being asked how my day was or if im sad, or did i publish another book..I miss fucking hard and fast at length then laying in the quiet...skin on skin...what is wrong with me? I know you cant roam around in doom and gloom, but I just feel like a throwaway girl, that is pretty but men are afraid of me, I let the man lead but will stand my ground if it means something to me...I will stand up for a friend, even if they are wrong in public I got you, then private we talk. But no one has had my back in so long...and to make matters eve that more ridiculous sounding...my kids put my cat up adoption who I loved dearly, cuz they thought i ws going to die in the hospital. Okay...whew...done...good cry...hot bath...good not sleep...I think I'll be okay for now. Thanks for checking on me and made me smile...something else i miss.
Ps. I penned my first childrens book today and if i dont fall asleep, im hoping to go live on amazon tonight...this is my first childrens genre...i have 4 others out there. Somethings gonna hit, I know it...thanks again.
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