#i feel like i'm reading niche community drama btwn the very specific overlap btwn linguists n compsci people and it's FASCINATING
rubberbandballqueen · 2 years
due to a wikipedia rabbithole, i have been reading abt what is apparently called "the han unification problem" for unicode, which talks abt the current problem of the fact that written chinese (both charsets), japanese, korean, n vietnamese all originate from the same writing system, but due to years of history, now are basically "these things broadly overlap, but the distinctions matter to the people involved" if that makes sense.
anyway, i kept reading it like, "why does this article keep saying this is a political thing. how is this such a contentious issue" until the article said that chinese speakers tend to be ambivalent towards this issue specifically bc they get entirely separate encodings for their two different character sets (rather than treat them as visual variants of the same character), and i was like, "...ah. called out."
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