#i feel like i am throwing food at some silly birds
twobirdsflytogether · 2 months
I am simply rambling and throwing ideas, with the ever existing hope of a writer seeing and going "hm, yes. Yoinking this idea"
I need more Wednesday fics where Wednesday has bird habits/features, maybe even the ability to shift. Maybe the more bird characteristics came about after crackstone™, being truly a raven
Give her wings and feathers, collect shiny things, have a silly soft moment with Enid (and/or with Bianca) of them doing her hair and affectionately calling it preening. Subtly gifting small snacks to her intended throughout the day (providing food is a very common courtship thing and something ravens do). Learning to mimic other people's voices, a skill she'd utilize to get out of trouble or get her 'flock' out of trouble.
I know theres a few bird Wednesday fics, but there is never too many bird-ified character fics.
Lean into the 'black cat' typing, make her a werecat, maybe hit her with the double psychic and shifting. Have that line Enid says in the start, the "this kitty's got claws" be responded with a very annoyed "you're not a cat" from Wednesday as she brings out her own claws. Add another layer to their conversation on the balcony, of truly not understand why being a 'lone wolf' would feel bad as cats arent typically pack animals. Have silly little moments where she's just sitting really high up and people trying and failing to get up to her/find her, cause cats like being higher. Also obligated mention of silly catnip shenanigans.
Maybe she got turned into a werecat over the break, coming back to nevermore and having to learn to navigate these new abilities and instincts. Maybe add some extra trauma, of finding her stalker over the break and they're the one who turned her.
Would she be bound by the moon like the wolves or would her shifting be voluntary? Add a layer to the voluntary, have it be necessary for her to shift at least once a month.
I dont think I've ever seen a werecat Wednesday fic
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sunbun-fnaf · 1 year
personal headcanons for my fnaf fanfic :]
no one can stop me. i will not shut up about this silly little creature i am working on. you are all cowards who cannot prevent what is coming. enjoy these silly little headcanons . these will mostly focus on the Emilys!
Charlie loves chocolate chip pancakes. they are by far her favorite food and she also just loves regular pancakes to? they tie directly to her relationship with Henry. every sunday morning henry wakes up early n makes pancakes for her
Charlie also loves crows. she thinks that they're really cool birds and that they're also really silly? she loves how smart and curious they are and when she goes birdwatching with Henry sometimes she exclusively looks for crows.
The Emilys do not own a cat! they do however have a bag of cat food sitting on their porch at all times simply so that Charlie can throw out some food for crows before she goes to school in the mornings. Henry doesn't really like crows but he will tolerate them for Charlie
Charlie's favorite non breakfast food is pizza. like every other child ever. her favorite type is just basic pepperoni and sometimes if Henry is working really late at the diner he'll bring some back for her like a peace offering for being gone for so long
When Charlie wasn't old enough to be left alone at the house she had to stay at the diner with Henry. she didn't really like it too much though since the loud noises and crowds were overstimulating n so Henry took matters into his own hands and converted one of the supply closets to a "soft room" for her whenever she wanted to get away from the crowds. its full of blankets and pillows and plushies and has a soft music box for her too if she's still feeling stressed out :]
Henry loves to garden! he prides himself on having one of the best gardens on the whole block. his favorite flowers are day lillies and they are featured very heavily in said garden
Charlie only somewhat likes to deal with plants too, but she doesnt care much for flowers. she instead likes ferns the most, and on their porch there is a minimum of 2 healthy thriving ferns at all times
Henry is nearsighted! because he has longer hair, when working on his stuff he'll use his glasses to hold back his hair so it doesn't get in the way of his work
Charlie is adopted! she typically celebrates her adoption day (december 20th) rather than her actual birthday. she thinks its a lot more important than celebrating a birthday because it was the first time she felt genuinely safe and cared for by a parental figure
Charlie loves cloudy days the most. she doesn't tend to like the sun and doesn't deal with heat very well, and so when its cloudy outside her and Henry will go out and play
just like in The Silver Eyes, Henry makes most of Charlies toys! she doesn't have much of a preference though and will keep all of them. she will fight tooth and nail to keep even the ones she never plays with because they're all so important to her purely because Henry made them :]
oh boy oh boy this got long quickly. theres just so much to talk about with these two specifically??? i love charlie so so much. shes so silly /pos. i'll probably make another one of these in the future just for the Emilys again because there is simply so so so much i could talk about. i hold them all like hamburger
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lightvsdark18 · 2 years
Some responses to voicelines (Jamil)
I applaud your dedication. A deliberate approach makes it easy to handle whatever come your way.
("I can't tell if he's sarcastic or not.")
You're late, you know.
Blame the cat.
I'm no genie of the lamp, but I've amassed quite a bit of power. I couldn't have done it without your help.
I'm kind of a boring guy to be around, you know. I don't follow the latest entertainment or trends. ...You say you do the same thing? You're an odd one.
How am I odd?
With this power, I can... Ah, don't mind me.
School Uniform
I was wondering what all the commotion was. There's never a dull moment around you, is there?
I didn't ask for this.
The Ramshackle Dorm lounge certainly has...character. In a good way, I assure you.
Boy, don't lie to me.
You always look like you're busy fussing over something. Is that a hobby of yours?
From what I have been through, it's more like a job.
Do whatever you like, as long as you don't cause trouble. Babysitting one person keeps me busy as it is.
Excuse you?
I wouldn't neglect my studies, if I were you. Missing the basics makes it harder to catch up later... Like a certain someone I know.
But I don't care, and didn't even want to become a student.
P.E. Uniform
What are your plans for today? If you want to exercise, I'd appreciate it if you could be Kalim's dance partner.
But I can't dance.
Is it customary to casually touch others where you're from?
My shoe fell off, relax.
Ceremonial Robes
I can see that you're feeling anxious. Easy now, deep breaths...
You're talking to me like I'm freaking out. I'm doing breath techniques, I promise you.
Why are you so fidgety? Hold your head high and wear your attire proudly.
But the robes make me uncomfortable though. Also, my body is getting stiff.
Dorm Uniform
What happened? You look like you've found an oasis in the desert.
Kalim gave me food ;-;
Ramshackle Dorm isn't so bad. It's very...uncluttered. That must make it easier to clean.
You say that, but cleaning a whole dorm that's unstable is not easy.
Are you getting used to dorm life? I suppose I don't need to worry; you do have a lot of friends.
Eh, it's still unbelievable given my position.
I was just whipping up a light snack for Kalim at his pestering. You must have an acute sense of smell.
That's because I'm always hungry.
Sometimes, when I see the way you struggle in spite of your magical ineptitude, it feels like my own troubles are downright silly in comparison.
Don't say that.
Gala Couture
I don't see Grim around. Did he wander off? Ugh. You and I share the same babysitting struggles.
(tired) Yeah.
The bird embroidery is striking, don't you think? I'm rather fond of it. They say the Sorcerer of the Sands brought a bird with him everywhere he went.
Oh yeah, what was his name?
These bracelets are heavy. I'm concerned they might throw off my balance when I'm dancing.
Yeah, I would have the same fear.
The full moon calls werewolves forth. Feast your eyes on these razor-sharp claws and fangs!
Oh look, a puppy. Heh heh.
Don't get too close, now. I bite.
... I'm not even going to make a comment on that.
Halloween always gets me in the mood for pumpkin curry. It's got a pleasant mix of sweetness and spice.
I never had curry, let alone pumpkin curry.
It's the start of a spine-tingling Halloween. I can't wait to hear how you'll scream.
Get ready to be disappointed because I don't scream. All you will get out of me is a yelp.
Ah, are you playing a trick on me? Go ahead, but remember that actions have consequences. I never forget a favor...or an offense.
*sprays him with silly string* Not really a offense in my opinion.
Silk Adorned
Vacations are so nice. One of these days, I'd like someone to show me around a place I've never been to.
I would say I wish I could show you around my hometown, but it's boring as F back home.
We've made tremendous strides in the Scalding Sands, but they wouldn't have happened without the Sorcerer of the Sands' teachings. What a great man he was.
("I doubt that.")
Debating which color to pick? Green's not a bad choice, but personally, I'd go with the crimson.
But which one looks better on me?
You should check out Silk City at night, after the fireworks. It has a whole different feel when it's lit up with lamps and lanterns.
Malleus invited me on a boat ride, so I will definitely see the lanterns lit up tonight.
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svnarintaro · 4 years
hi! could u pls write how kuroo,bokuto,semi and oikawa would react to going to the beach with their gf and teammates and getting jealous when everyone’s staring at her in bikini?💖
kuroo, bokuto, semi and oikawa getting jealous at the beach 
a/n: i wrote this on the way home from my camping trip :( it was so much fun !
kuroo tetsuro
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- he is a 'look don't touch' kinda' guy
- like he is eating up how good you look in swimwear
- like it takes a lot for you to make him jealous cause i feel like he really trusts you
- he may have patience of steel with strangers looking at you but if the team of nekoma comes he is keeping an eye out
- he just gets super clingy and his hands tend to wander
- when it comes down to it he will just pick you up over his shoulder and walk away
- he is just super assertive but he will show off that you belong to him
kuroo was just plain annoyed. it takes a lot for him to get annoyed but whatever his team was doing, they were doing a wonderful job pissing him off. "tetsu~ you won't have fun if you just sit there doing nothing.." you pleaded as you tried to pry your boyfriend off his towel. you looked absolutely stunning to him, he loved how the swimsuit made you look even more perfect than you already were but the thing that made him mad was not only were strangers staring at you but his teammates were too.
"kitten can you see i'm having fun here? i'm having tons of fun hanging around the millions of sand grains up my butt crack." he joked around to try and make you happy, but lev came up behind you and asked you if you wanted to go swimming with him and yamamoto. through the process their eyes were busy taking in how your body looked, how the swimsuit showed some of your best assets. the feeling of his own teammates were checking out his girlfriend so he did what he thought was necessary, he picked you up and walked towards to the concession.
"kuroo! let me down now!" you screamed as kuroo hummed a little tune to pretend to not notice you yelling at him to put you back on the ground. "man the weather is kinda beautiful, don't you think kitten?" kuroo played around with his words and let you down when your feet finally met the ground you had a massive frown on your face. "listen kitten i am doing what any jealous boyfriend would do when they have eyes on their precious girlfriend." you were hooked on one word, "wait your jealous?!" "yeah and what about it kitten you got a problem 'bout that cause we can handle that issue right here right now."
bokuto koutaro
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- he doesn't really get jealous
- he gets protective
- like he will just hug you and cover your front side as he gets a towel to cover your back
- like he won't even notice which is the cutest part
- he like puffing his chest a little like a little bird when he wants you your attention
- please let his head when he wants your attention he just has the same smile he has when he spikes a ball
- he just has a pout to guilt trip people into stopping
you put on a cute bathing suit underneath some regular clothing to the annual fukurodani beach outing that bokuto would never stop talking about. you finally got a breath of fresh air when you arrived to the beach, when bokuto faw you he ran up to you and pointed out his lovely swim trunks which had flamingos on them, "me and akaashi found them at the mall and i got them to show you!" he bounced up and down with the endless amount of energy he had.
you squealed in the inside, "bokuto is just too cute' you thought as you watched him run off tot he bathroom. once you got your towel on the sand and sandals off you took off your hoodie and shorts to reveal the swimsuit you got. konoha just widened his eyes and dropped a ball as he turned to ask you you brought any snacks. bokuto was still in the bathroom, "konoha are you okay?" you asked as you tried to think of why konoha has a blush on his face. "suit. cute. you. hehe.." he tried to speak but he malfunctioned.
bokuto noticed his team mate staring so he did the only rational thing he could think of; he came up to you and hugged you. with his broad chest in your face you looked up to see his eyebrows furrowed and a pout on his face. you sighed and brought your hands to his neck, "thank you kou, you're like my hero," you laughed out a bit and smiled. bokuto's chest puffed up a little as a sign of pride and he tightened his grip and held you for while.
semi eita 
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- pretty boy is mad
- like pissed
- not at you but at everyone
- he is calm but i feel like he is a person fully cuddle with you to bring the message that you're taken
- jealousy is something that semi feels cause he really feels like he will lose you
- the only thing that will turn this around will be a kiss
- like on the cheek or lips take your pick
- maybe a jealous make out session if he really is mad ;)
tendou was really getting bored, he tried to play a prank on ushijima and that didn't work. shirabu was away cause he had a cold so he did the only thing he had in mind, get semi mad. you were brought along cause you were the manager of the team but you were also dating semi, so tendou skipped along the sand trying not to kick it in anyone's direction but he got to you. you were standing around the umbrella helping make some food. tendou has this little smirk as he eyed semi.
"y/n~ has anyone told you absolutely tantalizing you look in that bathing suit of yours?" tendou started his line of compliments that were bound to make semi mad. "awe thank you tendou.. um? your shorts look pretty nice to me." you smiled as you questioned his words, you knew something was up but you didn't know wether he was pranking you or someone else. "i'm serious~ semi is one lucky person to have someone who looks like yo-" then you felt arms sneak around your waist and a head resting on your shoulder.
"ouu hi hi semi semi!" tendou waved to the mad boy leaning on you. a huff escaped his mouth as semi asked if you could be excused cause he had an issue that involved you, and proceeded to drag you away from tendou and behind a large tree. "so semi wha-" that was when you felt a pair of lips pressed against yours, you could feel the jealousy seeping through him so you returned the kiss but semi wanted more, he picked up one of your legs and pressed you against the tree and grabbed the other leg. he started to nibble on the bottom lip leaving you breathless and both of your lips pink. "hey there my jealous boyfriend that i love so much~" you teased as semi pressed another kiss onto your lips and you felt him smile a little bit knowing that you were all his.
oikawa tooru
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- super whiney about it
- demands that you wear a jacket
- he throws a tantrum like a child
- like he will pout until he gets what he wants
- will make grabby hands at you whenever he is in your field vision
- always approach a jealous oikawa with a hug or he will be the prettiest little jerk
- he wants you to know that he loves you and wants you to love him back just as much as he loves you
all day the seijoh team was trying to calm oikawa down, he was playing volleyball like a madman and spiking the ball with all of his might. the reason was because you were talking to another boy while you were setting up the table where you brought an assortment of fruits for the team. "oikawa can you calm down a bit? even mad dog is getting a little scared.." makki quietly asked the captain who was pissed out of his mind. you were his and only his, and he hates when people let their eyes wander all over you especially when you are wearing a bathing suit like that.
when the game was over with oikawas team winning by a landslide he stomped over to you with fists closed and pout ready. you looked over to oikawa and he reached out to you, opening and closing his hands to urge you to come to him. you said thank you to the stranger that helped you and ran into oikawas arms. "hey there prince charming~" you smiled as you rubbed you hands on his back feeling the muscles that resided there. "princess... can you please wear my jacket or something?" his played with the bottom of your bathing suit. "but don't you like my bathing suit?" you asked as you looked down at yourself.
"no! it's not that it's just.." he looked around at the amount of males that were around, "i'm scared other guys will like your outfit too much.." he pouted, you shook your head at how silly his reaction was. so to tend to that you went ahead and kissed his lips, "i was seeking your approval dummy," oikawa smiled and turned a little, "i'm dummy thicc." he wiggles his eyebrows, "you're built like a cereal box honey.."
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universallywriting · 5 years
Angry Steven Essay 1 - Ignoring Your Kids and the Consequences
A lot of people have been wondering why Steven is so angry, and where their sweet baby boy has gone, and I think people are struggling because they don’t understand how little they respected Steven before.
Because I don’t think that Steven has undergone a huge character shift. Admittedly, he’s angry more frequently now, but I don’t think his anger is bigger or more intense or any worse than it’s been at other points in the series. Steven’s feelings haven’t gotten bigger…
But Steven has.
I counted up all the times Steven gets angry in the series, being fairly charitable and not counting more minor moments of annoyance of frustration. I’ve got about 21 moments out of 160 episodes for the original series. Granted, that’s only once every seven episodes, but it’s not insignificant. The idea that Steven never gets angry is factually wrong. 
We see his temper the first time in Steven the Swordfighter, and it’s not a very wholesome look at the boy. He’s frustrated because Pearl is gone and Holo-Pearl isn’t a good replacement. And, already, I bet you’re starting to tune out a little. Because Steven’s being a stupid little kid, isn’t he? Pearl’s coming back. He’s just throwing a tantrum.
Tantrum is the word we give to anger and sadness we don’t respect. It’s a word we use to belittle and ignore children, even when their feelings are justified.
We see something similar in Rose’s Room. He screams at the gems because they ruin the ending of his video game. And, sure that’s a bummer Steven, but it’s just a game. There’s a big space opera out there, so why are you so worried about this? And yeah, you got mad that Greg lied to you in House Guest, but he just wanted to spend time with you. It’s a cute father/son moment, really. Steven is angry, sure, but it’s just kind of pitiful, isn’t it? Poor silly kid. He’s wrapped up in his little concerns when the world is so big and scary.
But you were on his side in Warp Tour. Because he’s right this time, so it’s not a tantrum. And you’re mad at the gems because they’re treating it as a tantrum. But here’s the thing - the gems should never treat him this way. Because so far? Every single one of Steven’s fears and struggles are valid and worthy of respect. Steven isn’t pitching a fit because they brought him a scarlet firetruck and he wanted a cherry firetruck. He’s hurt. That deserves respect and attention and apologies.
In Steven the Swordfighter, he’s struggling because one of his guardians is really hurt. Not only that, but she’s hurt in a way that she can’t talk to him, can’t let him know it’s going to be okay, and in her place is the thing that hurt her. You’ll also note that Amethyst and Garnet are conspicuously absent during all of this, because apparently the boy doesn’t need comfort and care after watching Bird Mom get wasted and spending days hovering over her unhatched egg. Steven is going through all this grief and fear alone.
In Rose’s Room, Steven is denied his chance to spend time with the gems after they promised. They don’t respect or value Steven’s time. Why would they? He’s a child. And clearly he proves his time is worthless by putting so much value in his silly video game he interrupted. What’s the ending of your stupid golf game matter when the plot it rolling along, Steven? Big, important adult things are here. Drop what you’re doing. Ignore your interests. What the gems are doing is more valuable than what you’re doing every single time.
This is a general trend. Warp Tour is the perfect encapsulation of the problem, because it’s finally important enough that Steven fights to be heard. The first thing to remember about this episode is that we, the audience, are placed on Steven’s side because we’ve seen what Steven has seen. We know he’s right. The gems, however, believe what Steven is saying to be impossible. From their perspective, Steven is saying that a masked man broke down their door last night. Be honest - if you knew a kid making that claim and the door was fine, are you going to take it seriously?
The problem in Warp Tour is not that the gems don’t believe him. It’s reasonable not to. The problem is the way they react to it. Amethyst groans and complains about how long it’s taking to make Steven feel better, making him feel like a burden. Pearl aggressively confronts him with evidence, treating him like they’re in a debate and he needs to be proven wrong. That makes him feel stupid, belittled and ignored. Garnet says that it’s important to make Steven feel secure, but even that is condescending and quietly insists that Steven is being irrational.
Even at the end, Garnet is the only one who even slightly makes amends, saying she should have listened to him while also not apologizing. Pearl and Amethyst don’t make amends at all. But do you know who does say sorry four times? Steven. Steven has been taught and continues to be taught that his feelings are secondary. The things in his life that are important aren’t really important compared to the serious grown up issues. 
The lack of apologies are consistent. In Keystone Motel, Ruby and Sapphire realize Steven is upset and make up with each other, but don’t make up with Steven. Don’t apologize to Steven. In Maximum Capacity, Amethyst never apologizes to Steven for shapeshifting into his dead mom. (Which, always and forever - What the hell, Ame?)
The gems brushed off these feelings and due to that, I think a lot of the audience did too. But the gems do occasionally ask Steven what’s wrong, and he shuts them down.
So why does he do that? Why doesn’t he work it out? Because they spent his entire life ignoring his problems, disregarding his fears, not knowing what’s important to him. I’ve seen a lot of talk about Gemcation and how the stuff with Connie was Steven repressing his trauma over space and… no. It’s not. It’s really, really not. It’s yet another example of how the gems (and the fandom) ignore the things that matter to Steven in favor of what they think he should care about, and it comes down to this one extremely painful moment.
Garnet: Steven, I know what’s troubling you.
Steven: You do? (huge relieved smile) Gosh. I really messed up, didn’t I?
He’s so, so excited for someone to understand him. He’s so thrilled for someone to understand what’s wrong, and value his problems and his life. And what happens? Garnet talks about Pink Diamond. He’s crushed again.The most important thing to Steven is his relationships with other people, his friends. Literally his entire problem solving method is to go make more friends. He’s not worried about getting hurt or how scary Homeworld is, he’s scared that his family is going to stop loving him because of the mistakes he made.
But the gems don’t take the time to understand what Steven truly values. They don’t take the time to respect his interests. They don’t take the time to know him. And we’re still seeing that. They don’t understand what movies he likes. They don’t understand how his taste in food has changed. They don’t realize he’s been a vegetarian for a month. That’s not a little change. And, what’s more, that’s a value. That’s something extremely important, a sacrifice you decide to make because you think it’s a big deal.
And the gems don’t know.
So why would he talk to them? If someone was so uninterested in my life they couldn’t figure out I’d been a vegetarian for a month, I wouldn’t be opening up about my deepest problems. And when have they ever guessed a problem right? When have they ever taken an interest in things that matter to him? When have they ever told him that his human half is just as valuable, that he deserves to do whatever he wants, that he doesn’t have to be the son of Pink Diamond and can actually just be Steven?
But why bother when you can just cheer him up with s’mores and camping and Dogcopter, right? Steven doesn’t get angry! Our precious baby boy pouts. He throws some tantrums. The only time his anger matters is in Warp Tour, because he’s right about these big adult things. Steven is a child and he is small and cute and funny and his voice cracks when he shouts. It’s funny, isn’t it? He’s just a little kid. Little boys get angry and they scream and they holler about stupid things, and who cares, right?
Until one day they’re not so little anymore.
And now it doesn’t seem so funny, does it? Now it’s kind of scary. Now, the little kid that you rolled your eyes at and ignored the emotions of is big. He’s got a deep voice. He’s got broad shoulders. When he screams at you, it’s not something to roll your eyes over. It’s kind of terrifying now, isn’t it? Because there’s real power in that bigger body, and even the lizard part of your brain at the base of your spinal chord knows that. There’s a real, destructive power when he screams, and you have to listen.
The gems still think he’s a kid, and the audience is starting to realize he’s not. And the audience is already scared of what a kid as angry as Steven, with no coping mechanisms, is going to look like as a grown man.
It’s really easy to ignore a little boy with a weak grasp of his strength. It’s a lot harder to ignore a man whose screams shake your house down.
Value your kid’s feelings. They’re going to be grown some day. And what’s more? They’re people. Their feelings mattered all along. Steven’s feelings mattered all along. 
The only thing that’s changed is that you can’t call it cute anymore.
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stuckonmain · 3 years
Anemoia (Over the Garden Wall x Fem! reader) Pt.4
I was not having a good time. The morning had started out all right, with (Y/N) saying my poems were good, Beatrice getting off my back, and Greg having fun singing silly songs.
Then (Y/N) flipped out at me- I’m flattered that she cares about my safety, but still. Being yelled at for something that went perfectly fine kinda hurts. I mean, she apologized, like immediately, but it was shocking in the moment.
But we resolved that quick enough. The real problems came when we left the schoolhouse. About an hour after leaving, we were hit by a storm. My cloak was warm, but it didn’t have a hood. So I was soaked. Beatrice got by because (Y/N) let her ride in her satchel, but (Y/N) was soaked too. It was like the world was warning us that if we continued forward, we’d regret it.
And regret it I do. There’s another THUNK as I’m thrown forward into a stack of hay. I looked across the tiny cart to Greg, who’s positioned at an angle where he can see outside.
“Gr-Greg,” I say, my voice came out all weird and garbled from being tossed up and down.
“Ha-as it st-t-top-ped ra-ining y-yet?!” If it has, then we can go out and walk instead of staying dry in this dumb cart.
“I-I’m pret-t-ty s-sure this dr-driver is cra-a-ay-yzy.” (Y/N) says, looking almost sick. I doubt I look any better, based on how much I feel like throwing up.
There’s a distant yell of ‘THE BEAST IS UPON US!’, not unlike all the other times the driver has screamed tonight.
“Greg, i-is the-ere a be-e-east outside?” I doubt it, but safety first.
“Mmm, I found a duck. Do-do yo-o-u kno-w-w ho-w-w to make eggs from a duck? I’m hungry.”
“Yes, but what about the beast?”
“I didn't see a beast.”
Beatrice pops her head out of (Y/N)’s satchel. “Yeesh, this driver is nuts! He’s totally taken us off course!”
“Mmm, nuts..”
(Y/N) frowns. “Extra walking, or rain, which is worse?”
“Well we won’t have a choice with this guy acting all bananas!” Beatrice snaps.
“Mmm...banana nut duck bread.” Smiles Greg.
There’s a flash of lightning. The cart comes to an abrupt halt, throwing our group outside.
I pull myself out of the mud, and consider offering (Y/N) a hand- it’d be nice of me, and (Y/N) is cool, but maybe it’s too forward? Maybe she’ll think I’m weird? Maybe- I realize that I unconsciously stuck my hand out when I feel wet fingers grab mine.
“Thanks.” (Y/N) mutters. (Is she purposefully not meeting my eyes? Ugh, socializing is hard.)
“Ah, finally some good luck. Let’s go to this creepy old tavern and ask for directions.” Says Beatrice from her perch on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“But..it’s creepy.” I say uncomfortably. “Why don’t you guys go inside and ask for directions, and I’ll just wait out- No, wait, I don’t want to be out here by myself. How about you guys-”
“C’mon, Wirt. We’ll stick together, okay?” (Y/N)’s expression is a cross between empathy and annoyance.
“Taverns have food, usually, right?” asks Greg.
“Yeah, most of the time they do..things are a bit weird here though, so..”
I look around the tavern. It’s got distinctly colonial architecture and interior design, and for a second, I’m back in the sixth grade being led around colonial Williamsburg. That was when I discovered my love for interior design, as I realized that if the interior design there made it feel like we were really in the 1770s, then it follows that a good design can basically take you anywhere you want. But the only place I wanted to be right now was away from the tavern.
The tavern had patrons of all sorts, all with clothing that matched the colonial style of the building. My time travel theory has some merit, I guess.
“Hey there, peach-pot!”
I jump back, taken by surprise. The tavern keeper was talking to me. Why me…(Y/N) is right there..ugh.
“Whatcha doing around- Hey, what’s that bird you got there?!”
“It’s our-”
“I am Beatrice! These three sweet kids and I got a bit lost in the-AHH!” Beatrice ducked behind my shoulder as the tavern keeper tried to hit her with a broom.
“NO BIRDS ALLOWED IN MY TAVERN!” She waves the broom again. “It’s a bad omen when a bluebird enters through your door, it’s bad luck!”
“Lady, bluebirds are good luck! We bring joy and happiness-” WHACK! “AHH! CURSE YOU, LADY! CURSE YOU! YOU'LL DIE SOMEDAY, AND I'LL
But she only gets the broom waved at her more aggressively.
“Forget this, I’m out of here. (Y/N), you and Greg- and Wirt I guess- you get the directions.” She flys out the window.
I scowl. ‘And Wirt I guess’. Hmph. Sure I’m nervous, but so is (Y/N)..I think. Maybe I am just an incompetent nrevous wreak- no, no. I’ve got us this far, right? That has to count for something...or was it all (Y/N) and Beatrice? It wasn’t...was it? The woodsman said that Greg’s mistakes were my responsibility, so does that make it all my fault? I mean, no, it’s not my fault that Greg ruins things, or at least I didn’t think it was...but the woodsman said...but I’m not Greg’s dad, so why should I take the blame? Why do I keep getting blamed? God, why can’t I just be Jason Funderberker? Jason Funderberker would probably know what to do right now….like (Y/N), Greg, and Beatrice. They don’t get confused or nervous.
“Who are you three anyway, bringin’ bad luck to my tavern?” Asks the tavern keeper.
“I’m Wirt, this is Gregory, and that’s (Y/N).”
She nods impatiently. “That’s great, but who are you?”
I look to (Y/N) for help, only to find she's been pulled away by a couple of women who are muttering things like ‘young love’ and ‘courting’. Huh, I guess they want to set her up with someone. Poor (Y/N)- I’d help if I weren’t pre-occupied.
What am I? I don’t know..I... What am I.. I don’t know! I also don’t know what they want me to say.
“I’m...Wirt. I’m-I’m just a guy, I guess. Umm, what do you mean?”
“ Well, he’s the butcher...there’s the baker...the midwife...the master and apprentice...he’s the tailor, and I’m the tavern keeper. Who are you?”
“I-I don’t know. I don’t really like labels. I’m just sort of, like, myself, you know?”
“Maybe he’s simple.” Says the butcher.
“N-no! No, I’m just lost. See, w-we’re trying to get to-”
“I’m the highwayman.” Says a creepy guy nearby, interrupting me.
“Uh, good to know. Well, so you see-”
“I’m the highwayman. I work with my hands…” He starts to sing an eerie song. I sigh and slump down next to Greg at the table.
“Uh, excuse me sir,” I begin, trying to see if this random patron will know anything about Adelaide.
“Do you possibly know the way to-I mean the directions to..well her name is-”
“Oh, I know what you’re after!” Says the old man, in a jovial Santa Clause-esqe manner.
I relx, relieved. Thank goodness.
“No, you’re most certainly not the witless simple-minded fool everyone takes you for!”
“Everyone thinks I’m-”
“You’re the young lover! You’re looking for directions into your Juliet’s heart! You’re after her!” He points across the room to (Y/N).
“And who could blame you? She’s the prettiest girl I’ve seen in a long time, there’ll be much competition for that one indeed…”
“Oh, no- I didn’t mean-”
“Well, here’s what you do. Write a loving letter boy, with sweeps and swoops and curls! Calligrapher is just the thing to help you win your girl. Then you’ll need to dress up smart, our tailors here by chance…”
He continues, and I stare uncomfortably. I mean, I don’t think I...like (Y/N) like that..and she's right there across the tavern...She’ll notice soon, and she’ll think I like her, and then her and Beatrice will run off leaving me wandering the woods with Greg forever…….
‘You left me!’
‘Not in a million years! You’re just unobservant.’
Right. No she won’t, (Y/N) will understand. She says I’m cool. She says that liking cassette tapes is very...me, whatever that means. (Y/N) is cool, she knows what she’s talking about. And she cares about me, platonically, I mean she flipped out when I put myself in danger. She won’t abandon me, at least not until we’re back home. That’s..that’s good.
“Uh, sir, that’s not what I-” I attempt.
“ ...and what a merry time we’ll have upon your wedding day!” He cuts me off again.
I try to ignore him and just locate (Y/N).
Ah, there she is- what in the world are they-
(Y/N) is at the other side of the tavern. Her hair has been combed through, with a ratty ‘veil’ shoved haphazardly on her head. It looks like it’s about to fall off, but the combed teeth of it are tangled in tightly. Her cloak hangs from a chair, discarded by the excited tavern patrons. But the most jarring thing about the scene is her expression: Her lips are curled into a snarl, her nose is wrinkled, and her eyes are burning with anger. She looks like Athena, ready and willing to turn everyone here into spiders.
And yet no one bats an eye.
I ran towards her, worried. Maybe we should go…
Someone grabs the collar of my cloak, and suddenly I’m hoisted into the air. I writhe around to see what’s happening, and suddenly I’m on sharp shoulders and hands. Out of the corner of my eye I see (Y/N) ripping the veil thing off and running towards me.
“Sing your love song, young lover!” Yells someone.
“No, (Y/N) isn’t-”
“Yeah lover, sing!”
“I don’t-guys, guys-” My protests are listless and are followed up by a chorus of “Sing lover, sing! Sing lover, sing!”
THUMP. Yet again today, I’m thrown onto the ground. I pull myself up and take in all the staring faces. Maybe they’ll listen if it’s in song. But...but I can’t really sing. Well, here goes nothing.
“OhHhh...My name is Wirt and his name is Greg, we’re related because my mom remarried and then gave birth to him with my stepdad!” The band tries to play along, but I can’t sing so there’s no melody to play along to. I sigh.
“And that’s (Y/N), she’s not my girlfriend, but she’s still really...cOol…” My voice cracks.
Maybe I can..improve this.. I walk towards the band.
“We’re not from around here.”
I try to make the musicians switch instruments.
Uh, bad, it’s worse-
“Can you all give me, some directiooons today, so we can be on our-” (I pause to take a breath) “WaaaAAaAy?”
“That ain’t no love song,” Says the butcher aggressively.
“It’s a metaphor.” Sobs the tailor.
Uh, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do-everyone's staring…
I stumble and fall again, and as I get back up I’m hit with a head rush.
“Hey!” says someone, but in the chaos I’m not sure who.
“Wirt!” They pull me forward by the front of my cloak.
“Wha-What?” I feel dazed and light-headed. I...when did I last sleep? Who’s grabbing my shoulders?
“Dude! You’re-you’re not okay...uhh..”
“Hey, (Y/N).? Someone..tell her I don’t feel very good...” I say weakly, and the next thing I know I’m on the ground staring up at a black and white blur.
“Wirt! You okay?”
“I-what happened?”
“You just-collapsed!”
My vision clears as my head stops pounding. The people are yelling and crowding around me, and I’m backed into a corner. (Y/N) and Greg are in front of me, looking scared.
“Yeah, I feel sick..” But as I speak, it fades away.
“We can step outside for a moment, get some fresh air…” (Y/N) suggests as she helps me up.
“Nah, I’ll be..fine. I’ve just..walked for a while, that’s all. We’ve been traveling, y'know..” I try to play it off confidently, hiding how mortified I felt. Or trying to hide, that is.
“Traveling...I know who you are!” says the tavern keeper as I regain my bearings.
“You-you do?”
“You’re the pilgrim!”
“What, like the...the guys who eat turkey and cranberry sauce?”
“No, a pilgrim! A traveler on a sacred journey!”
Someone else nods excitedly, adding, “You're the ruler of your own destiny!”
“The hero of your own story!”
“Tell us your tales, pilgrim!”
“Of your glorious triumph!”
Hey, they….they like me!
“Of your challenges!”
“Of your damsel!”
“Yes, tell us of your damsel, pilgrim!”
“Regale us with your travels!”
Greg smiles. “One time, Wirt fell on a gorilla!
I unhook a lantern from the wall in preparation for the next part.
“Oh, and I found this helpful woodsman who told us what direction to go to avoid the beast.” I swing the lantern dramatically as I speak. The crowd goes silent.
Woah, is this how it feels to be intimidating? Heh, I could get used to this!
“The beast?”
“Oh, goodness…”
There’s a bunch of murmuring, and my confidence wavers.
“Oh, you guys know the beast, too?”
“We all know the beast, pilgrim. He lurks out there in the Unknown, seeking those who are far from home, hoping never to let you return.
ooh-ooh, better beware
ooh-ooh, the beast is out there
ooh-ooh, better be wise and
don't believe his lies!
For once your will begins to spoil
he'll turn you to a tree of oil
and use you in his lantern for
to burn!”
“Lantern? The woodsman carried the lantern…” (Y/N) said, trailing off as her eyes glazed over, probably pondering the scenario as if we’re in some mystery show.
“Damsel, he who carries the dark lantern must be the beast.”
“What? No, the woodsman's a good guy. He warned us of the beast and told us which direction to go to
avoid him.” I cut in.
“And now you're more lost than ever, huh?”
“Yeah, but…”
“Oh, yeah. Can you give us some directions? Our friend Beatrice is trying to take us to Adelaide of the pasture, the good woman of the woods.” Says (Y/N), snapping out of her thoughts.
I nod. “She can help us get home.”
“You don't need directions Pilgrim, you follow that compass inside your heart.” says the apprentice.
“Uh… no, I think we need directions.”
And then there’s a scream in the distance. Beatrice!
“Go save your friend and get yourself home!” says the tavern keeper, smiling, followed by a chorus of cheers and encouragement.
“You got it!”
(Y/N grabs my arm. “C’mon, let's go.” her voice drops to a whisper as she adds, “The rain is much better than these madmen.”
I sigh. “Okay, so we’re doing this.”
The rain beats down on us, somehow even harder than before. I was pretending I knew how to ride a horse. Greg sits between (Y/N) and I, telling her rock facts.
“Beatrice!” I yell.
“Look, another one of those trees…” (Y/N) continues talking, but her voice gets drowned out by the rain.
“Halt!” a figure looms in the darkness. A figure with an axe. There’s a gasp behind me, and I feel my face pale.
“It's you!” (Y/N) shrieks.
“Hey, Mr. Woodsman!” Greg waves.
“I told you to leave these woods!” He growls.
The light falls on a tree. My heart drops. Beatrice.
“Beatrice!” (Y/N) lurches forward, and in the dim light and rain I can’t tell if she's horrified or furious.
“You're turning her into an edelwood tree!” She jumps off of the horse. (Y/N), no, NO! I watch pathetically, frozen with fear. She glares up towards the woodsman, and despite being at least a foot shorter, seems almost scarier than he is.
“You were the beast all along.” (Y/N) snarls. The lantern light dances over her face, making her eyes glow.
“Greg, get Beatrice!” I manage to choke out.
(Y/N) kicks the woodsman in the shin, and in his daze, I somehow get my hands on his axe.
“What are you doing?!” Cries the woodsman. “Children, the beast is upon you! Agh!” I shove him back with the axe. I freeze as I see a taller, darker figure in the distance. The woodsman is not the beast.
“Get Greg and Beatrice onto the horse, (Y/N)-” I say, trying to stay strong.
Uh, uh, what now, what do I do. Why’d (Y/N) fight the woodsman like that, she said-now's not the time, not now not now. Uh, uh-
I chuck the axe towards the figure impulsively, and as he dodges it I hop onto the horse. (Y/N) pulls the reins, and we’re off.
This time (Y/N) is at the front, and Greg is in the back. I’m tired, and just ran out of adrenaline, but the only way to sleep is to lean on (Y/N) or crush Greg, and neither seem like particularly good options.
We’d been riding silently for about ten minutes when I noticed Greg slump towards me, fast asleep.
“So.” Says (Y/N), without looking back. “I hate that tavern.”
“Huh, I kinda liked it.” I say, absentmindedly. “At the end, at least.”
“It was overwhelming. No one listened to anything I- well, anything we said. And they touched us without invitation, brushing my hair, taking my cloak…”
“Making me sing?”
“Yeah, exactly like that! I mean, Wirt, you fainted. That place was stressful.”
“Ugh, that felt weird. Really embarrassing, too.”
“Yeah...well, you handled it well. Quite clever of you, to blame it on the long journey.”
She thinks I’m...clever?
“I like the titles they gave us, well, mine.” I say, shrugging.
“Hmph. You got a cool title, of course you liked it. I got ‘damsel’!”
“Well you are a girl, a ‘damsel’- you’re just not in distress. You can be, like, the damsel of being badass. I dunno.”
“Ha, yeah, I sorta like that! Needs better wording though.”
“Hmm. The Grim Damsel.”
“Ahh, curses! The nickname returns!” She chuckles. We rode in silence for a moment, before I remembered something that was bothering me.
“Hey, (Y/N), remember what you said yesterday about not diving into dangerous situations impulsively?”
“Uh, yeah?” She turns to meet my eyes briefly. I frown.
“Learn to take your own advice! I mean, well, I-I know how you felt now.”
She winced. “Sorry. You’re-well, you’re right.”
I am?!
“I am a hypocrite, huh, telling you not to do dangerous things and then fighting the woodsman without a second thought...”
“Yeah, a bit. But I get that too. And now I feel bad about yesterday because it is terrifying, you were right. It’s- well, I thought you’d get hurt, and I wouldn’t be able to save you-” I accidentally cut myself off with a yawn.
“Oh, are you tired?” Asks (Y/N), changing the subject.
“Uh, yeah..I guess so,”
“So sleep! We have time.”
“I- I, uh...am I allowed to- y’know-”
“Lean on me?”
“Uhm...yes?” I try not to blush. Touching people is...not something I’m used to.
“Go ahead. Just...don’t overthink it.”
As I close my eyes, she murmurs, “Goodnight, Kitty.”
Looks like she’s sticking with that nickname.
“Beatrice! You’re up!” I hear (Y/N) shriek. “You all right?” She adds.
“Yeah, I just-I saw a weird shadow and then stupidly flew into a tree and got knocked out.” Beatrice said, rolling her eyes.
“Well, we're all right now.” I say, looking around. It's still dark out, and we’re approaching a mansion. The horse is walking at a fairly slow pace.
“Wirt was amazing! He sang a song, rode a horse, and he and (Y/N) saved you from the axe guy! He's the pilgrim!” I blush at Greg’s praise.
“That's all well and good, but you were supposed to get directions.” Says Beatrice, unimpressed as always.
“Oh, it turns out we did. I just got directions from Fred before you guys woke up.” Says (Y/N) nonchalantly.
“Wirt, Beatrice, meet Fred the talking horse.”
“Nice to horse your acquaintance.” says..Fred, apparently. I guess I’m not too surprised anymore.
“You can talk?!” Says Beatrice. (As if she isn’t a talking bird.)
“Right, well supposedly this mansion up ahead belongs to some crazy rich guy? Fred says that he may or may not give us shelter for the night, so...that’s where we’re headed.”
Author's note: I'm not crazy about this chapter...there isn't a lot of (Y/N) action because this episode is important to Wirt's character, but maybe it's boring? Like re-watching the episode but with more drama and less gorgeous visuals...I dunno. I hope it's good.
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viastro · 4 years
despite everything, it’s still you | wen junhui
ミ★ synopsis: in which you only have eyes for your best friend, but he sees everyone else.
ミ★ genre: best friends to lovers!au, angst, some fluff, some humor
ミ★ warnings: mentions of vomit and drinking
ミ★ word count: 3,897
ミ★ pairings: junhui x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys ! i actually scrapped this last night when i first wrote it, but i came back to it a few hours ago and actually finished it. this isn’t one of my favorites, but i think it turned out better than i originally thought it would. so as always, please give jun lots of love !! and i hope you guys like this one <3
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“Aren’t you tired?” You turn your head to see Minghao staring at you with a pitiful expression on your face. Squinting, you respond, “Of what?” 
“Of being lonely.” You scoff, turning away and going back to typing on your computer as Mingyu and Minghao lose their shit beside you on the couch. You don’t even know why you invited the two stooges to your house as you did homework, but alas. 
you were lonely.
“I should’ve never invited you guys.” You mumble as you add the last few sentences to your essay. Mingyu giggles, walking over and wrapping an arm around you as his apology. While Minghao steps over and puts his face close to yours, giving you a big smile. 
“Forgive us queen.”
“Fuck you.” 
“Damn.” Mingyu mutters, raising a hand to his heart to feign offense. The corner of your lips tilts up at Mingyu’s reaction, and Minghao claps his hands. “She forgave us.”
“Aye, now I didn’t say all that-”
Minghao and Mingyu stop you as you turn around, hands raised in your direction. You stare boredly at the two as they give you a mischievous smile. “You forgave us, you can’t take it back.” 
Letting out a sigh, you run a hand through your hair, grinning at your two friends who are now discussing who gets to choose what movie. Your ears perk up when you hear the sound of your door opening, and the three of you turn to see Jun walking in with the containers holding the fried chicken. He lets out a grin at the sight of you guys, and you quickly call him over so that you can begin devouring the food he brought. 
The four of you have been friends since your first year at University. What started as a group project in your guys’ film course, became a three year long friendship that you all hope will last until you’re all old and wrinkly. 
Jun quickly settles himself down beside you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders in greeting, and you let out a soft smile. He gives you a grin, “Did you finish your essay?” 
You nod your head, and he lets go of his hold on you to throw a thumbs up your way. You let out a laugh, and run a hand through your hair, before turning back towards the chicken. 
Your guys’ friendship all began when the four of you got paired for that group project. However, you were attracted to Jun from the moment you laid eyes on him on the first day of class. When the four of you all got closer as friends, you decided to let go of trying to go after him. Especially when you found out how popular he is among the ladies and gentlemen at uni. 
His popularity has only grown since freshman year, and he’s been with his fair share of different people. You claim to be over him, but it’s you simply just ignoring the warmth in your heart whenever he pulls you into a hug, or the pain whenever he introduces his new fling to you. 
It’s your biggest secret that you’ve been harboring, and Minghao is the only one that knows. He wasn’t even supposed to know of your feelings for Jun, but he stumbled in on you crying on the floor after Jun left on a date with this one girl a few months back. 
In your defense, you were incredibly stressed with midterms and seeing Jun go on a date with another girl that isn’t you, really set you off the edge from that stinky week in general. However, Minghao refuses to believe that you being stressed was the main cause for you crying over Jun going on a date. 
So that’s why you ignore Minghao’s gaze when Jun hands you the crispy part of the chicken you always enjoy most. You turn and give Jun a smile, and he fondly knocks his head into yours. “It’s your favorite part, right?”
Nodding your head, you place it into your mouth, and Jun grins happily. He turns back towards his food, and takes a big bite of chicken as the four eat in a relative silence. Mingyu glances over at Jun, letting out a mischievous smile. 
“How was your date?” You freeze slightly, and Minghao notices, his eyes trailing over to your rigid form. Jun chuckles, shrugging his shoulders as he wipes his hands on a napkin. Leaning back into the couch, he lets out a breath. 
“It was good. She was actually more funny than I expected.” Jun explains briefly, and Mingyu nods his head. You stay quiet as you eat, knowing that if the two end up going on a second date, you’ll have to meet her in the near future. 
“She kinda reminded me of you.��� You pause, turning to see that Jun is staring at you with a fond smile on his face. You raise an eyebrow, pointing at yourself with the drumstick in hand, and Jun chuckles, nodding his head. “Yeah, you.” 
“How?” Minghao asks, and you shoot him a glance. Minghao just waves you off with his hand, and you widen your eyes with more urgency, but he chooses to ignore you. Jun thinks to himself for a moment, before chuckling. 
“Yn’s humor is really weird, you know. Remember the time she just laughed to herself about that video of a bird jumping off a building?” You snort at the memory, raising a hand to your mouth to try and hide your laugh as you remember the video. Jun turns to you with amusement painted over his features, and he points at you with his thumb, “See? She’s just giggling from the thought of it.” 
“It was funny!”
“You sadist.”
“I am not a sadist!” You exclaim, and Mingyu purses his lips. He turns his head away and takes a sip of water, while Minghao takes a bite of chicken. You squint at the two, before turning to Jun and seeing him also avoiding eye contact with you. “I’m not!” 
“Anyways…” Jun begins, and you roll your eyes. He chuckles and pats your head before continuing, “Aiya was kinda like yn, in a way. She laughed over silly things, and made good jokes, so the atmosphere was nice.” 
Your mood drops slightly, and you turn away. Mingyu changes the subject by bringing up the time he saw you painting a meme of kermit on a canvas, and you laugh at the memory. Jun turns to glance at you when he hears your laugh, and he smiles softly at you. 
Minghao bites the inside of his cheek, wondering when the two of you will finally realize that you’re a perfect match so that the pain on both sides will stop. He’s the middle ground, with him knowing that you love Jun, while also being able to tell that Jun is in love with you based on the fact that everyone he goes on dates with is so oddly similar to you. He just questions whether the two of you will be able to realize that fact.
And with that, Minghao smiles, holding up the remote to turn on the TV. “Well, let’s watch a movie.” 
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Your head is laid over a sleeping Mingyu’s lap as you drunkenly listen to Aiya and Jun laugh together. You open and close your eyes slowly, staring up at the colorful lights displayed on the ceiling. You begin to wonder how many shots of soju you had, but you’re unable to come up with an answer when you hear Jun’s angelic laugh across from you. 
The music is loud and it hurts your head. You question how you were able to let the boys convince you to come to the party their friend Jungkook is throwing. However, the answer is simple. Jun gave you that smile of his and outstretched his hand towards you, telling you that he wants you to meet Aiya tonight. You wanted to decline the invite and stay home, maybe have a self care night as you knew you were going to simply have an aneurysm at the thought of Aiya and Jun. The thing is that you can’t ever say no to Jun, so that’s how you’re here now.
At a party you don’t want to be at.
With Jun and his potential new girlfriend sitting right across from you as you try to sleep on Mingyu’s lap because you couldn’t walk straight anymore. You were originally going to get another shot of soju, but Minghao threw you over his shoulder and brought you back to their group, laying you down on the already passed out Mingyu’s lap so that you can just go to sleep instead. It’s not working though, because every few seconds you hear Aiya’s giggle and Jun’s laughter. 
And you hate it.
Aiya’s a nice girl, and you think she’s incredibly beautiful. You don’t blame Jun for wanting to date her, you would’ve gone for her too if you weren’t so hung up over Jun. You’re sure that the two of you would’ve gotten along, but the pain from seeing her and Jun was too apparent that it made it hard for you to try and initiate any close friendship. You don’t think she minds though, as she’s been attached to Jun’s arm the whole time. 
Minghao glances down at you, and he finds you wordlessly staring up at the ceiling. He purses his lips, turning to look at Jun to see him having a pleasant conversation with Aiya. Not even noticing the state that you’re in, let alone care. So Minghao stands up from the couch and bends down beside you, resting a hand on your shoulder. You turn to glance at Minghao, and you see the sad smile on his face. 
“Wanna go home?” He asks you, and you nod your head. He helps you sit up from the couch, but you move too fast, and you feel the alcohol coming back up. Minghao’s eyes widen at the lack of color to your face, “Wait yn-”
You vomit over his shoes, which leads to a chorus of screams from Minghao, and Mingyu waking up to the sound of said screams. Next thing you know, you’re being carried by Jun into the bathroom, and he’s setting you down on the counter. 
“I hope Hao doesn’t hate me.” You mumble as Jun wets a paper towel from under the sink. He lets out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “Hao could never hate you.” 
He begins wiping the area around your mouth, making sure to get rid of all the traces of alcohol. You stare into his eyes as he concentrates on cleaning you up, finding them to be his most beautiful feature even through your drunken haze. Jun feels your intense stare, and he glances up into your eyes, feeling his heart rate quicken slightly. He keeps eye contact with you for a moment, and you wonder if he knows. 
does he know how much i love him? how could he not after all this time? 
Jun looks away first, coughing into his shoulder. He grabs the mouthwash from the cabinet, pouring out a bit into the cap and handing it to you with a soft smile. “Let’s gargle some mouthwash, okay?” 
After you’re sure that you no longer smell of vomit, the two of you step out of the bathroom. You’re about to walk down the stairs when you see doors leading to a balcony down the hallway, so you turn the opposite direction and head towards it. Jun raises an eyebrow, following after you. 
“Yn, where are you going?”
“Fresh air.” 
“You can get fresh air when we head to Minghao’s car. Come on, I’m taking you home.” Jun states, reaching out to grasp your wrist, but you pull your arm out of his grip. Jun’s slightly taken aback, not used to you reacting like that before. However, he blames it on you being under the influence. You open the doors to the balcony and walk up to the ledge, resting your hands on it as you stare up at the stars. 
Jun walks up beside you, turning to glance down at you as you close your eyes. He lets out a breath, seeing how the moonlight illuminates your features. You open your eyes, and Jun frowns when he sees tears fall down your cheeks. He reaches out and grasps your face with both hands, turning you towards him. “What’s wrong?”
You swat his hands away, but Jun refuses to let go. The tears continue to stream past your face, and Jun grows more concerned by the minute. “Yn?”
You close your eyes and push Jun away, and he feels a sense of shock hit him. You’ve never been so physical with Jun, and he’s confused as to why you’re pushing him away now. You glance up at the sky, and at this moment, you wonder if the stars are laughing at your fate. “Did I do something wrong?” 
“No.” You mutter, and Jun tilts his head to the side because he knows when you lie. The two of you are best friends, you know each other's mannerisms now.
“Why are you lying to me?”
“I’m not.” 
“Yn, you’re lying.” Jun states, and you look away. You stare down at the ground over the ledge, watching the sprinklers turn on and begin watering the grass. Jun bites the inside of his cheek, attempting to reach out to you, but you step away. 
“Yn. What did I do wrong-”
“I love you.” You confess, and the words die in Jun’s throat at your confession. 
“I’ve loved you for years, and it hurts to know that you’ll never love me back. It hurts so fucking bad whenever you introduce me to your new fling and I have to put on a fake smile.” You explain, and Jun stands there in silence. He watches as you hurriedly try to wipe away the tears continuing to fall from your eyes, but it’s not working. You let out the most sad smile Jun has ever seen, and he wants nothing more than to take away the pain you’re feeling. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jun asks, and you scoff, turning away and looking back up at the stars. He frowns at your reaction, and you begin to wonder if the stars could ever be brighter than the galaxy in Jun’s eyes. 
“Yn?” You turn to glance at Jun, staring into his eyes, while his trail after the tear falling from your left eye.
You decide that the stars are no rival to Jun’s galaxy. 
“How could I tell my best friend that I love him, when he’s never even noticed me.” You state, and Jun shakes his head frantically at you. You squint at him, and he reaches out to grasp your hand, but you pull away again. 
“Are you going to tell me that I’m wrong? How am I wrong when all you’ve done since the beginning was introduce me to the people you go on dates with, huh? How am I wrong when you’ve never once caught onto the fact that I love you.” Your sadness slowly turns into anger at the way Jun stares at you in shock. You shake your head, trying to wipe away the tears that continue to fall past your eyes, wondering how many tears you’ve shed for the man in front of you.
Jun just can’t help but stare, feeling his own heart break within his chest at how stupid he is. How he never noticed. How he never admitted that he loved you. How he dated around to try and fill the void in his heart that can only be filled when he’s with you. How is he so stupid?
You cover your face with your hands for a moment, feeling pathetic at the fact that you can’t stop crying. You finally look back up at Jun after a second, and you shake your head at him. You take a step towards him, and point your finger directly over his heart, and look up into his eyes. 
“Despite everything, it’s still you.” You whisper, and Jun’s mouth opens and closes as he tries to think of the words to say. While you just stare into his eyes, the tears continue to fall past your own.
You question whether or not the love and sadness you see in his eyes is just a reflection of your own.
“But it’s not me for you, right?” You ask, and Jun doesn’t respond. He’s internally quaking at the fact that you love him, but you don’t know that.
So you take his silence as his answer, taking a step back, you give him a sad smile. Running a hand through your hair, you turn to walk off the balcony and back into the house. Your hand rests on the doorknob when Jun finally speaks. 
“It’s always been you.” You freeze, hand clutching the doorknob when you turn to look at Jun. The moonlight casts a glow over his skin as he stares at you, and you come to the answer that the love and sadness in his gaze isn’t just a reflection of your own.
“What?” Jun takes a few steps towards you and grasps your hand. You stare down at your connected hands, and you wonder why you pulled away in the first place.
this whole hand holding shit is nice. 
“It’s always been you, yn. I love you, and I’m so, so sorry it took this long for me to finally tell you.” Jun confesses, and now it’s your turn to just stare at him in a shocked silence. “I’m so sorry for all the tears you’ve shed, and all the pain I’ve caused because of my own stupidity.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I- I was stupid. I never thought you would give me the time of day, or-”
“Have you seen yourself?!” You sputter, and Jun shrugs in reply. “You’re the most handsome guy I’ve ever seen! And when I got to know you, I saw you as the most perfect human being.” 
“I just! I didn’t know! I’m stupid yn, you know this.” Jun says with a little laugh, and you can’t help but giggle back, shaking your head at him. Jun lets go of your hand so that he can reach up and grasp your face with both of his hands, wiping away the tears with the pads of his thumbs. 
“So please stop crying. You shouldn’t let yourself cry over me. I’m not as great as you think considering the fact that I couldn’t even tell that the girl I’m in love with loves me back.” Jun mutters, and you let out another giggle, causing him to smile. You shake your head at him, and he leans down, resting his forehead onto yours as the two of you stare into each other’s eyes.
“I’m stupid, and I know this is so long overdue. But if you’d let me, I’d like to take you out on a date.” Jun whispers, and you let out a smile at how ridiculous this all is. Just a minute ago, you were pouring out your heart to this man under the assumption that he didn’t love you back on the balcony of Jungkook’s house. Speaking of Jungkook’s house, you pause when you remember who Jun came with. 
“What about Aiya?” You ask, and Jun purses his lips at the thought of her, and you scrunch up your nose when the action causes him to peck the tip of your nose.
“She kept seeing me take glances at you throughout the night. So when you threw up over Hao’s shoes and saw me immediately stand up, she told me to be with you. She said it was rather upsetting how I go for everyone else when it’s obvious that I only have eyes for you.” Jun mutters sheepishly, and you decide that you do like Aiya. She’s cool.
“She did not lie.”
“Nope, not one bit.” Jun agrees, and you chuckle. The two of you stare into each other’s eyes for a moment in silence, and Jun leans back so that he can get a glimpse of your whole face. He smiles fondly at the sight of the sparkles in your eyes.
“So, what do you say?” Jun asks, and you find a smile breaking out over your features as you nod your head.
“Yes Jun, I’d love to go out with you.”
“Fucking FINALLY!” You and Jun jump apart at the sudden voice, just to find Mingyu and Minghao standing by the balcony doors, with Minghao holding his shoes in a plastic bag. You mutter out a quiet apology, and Minghao raises his hand up towards you, basically saying that it’s okay. 
“How long have you been standing there?” Jun asks, his hand resting on your waist, and your heart does a a fucking windmill within your chest. 
“Long enough to know that you two stopped being stupid.” Minghao answers, and Mingyu lets out a sleepy smile. You purse your lips at Minghao’s snarkiness, but then remember that you just threw up on his shoes. 
“Anyways, can we head back to my apartment now? I just wanna eat ramen and watch Train to Busan or something.” You and Jun turn to glance at each other before turning back to your two friends. 
“Yeah sure, but you know how yn gets when we watch that movie.” Jun says as the four of you begin walking off the balcony. You pinch his side, causing him to chuckle. 
“It’s not my fault that shit hurted.” You mumble, and Mingyu grins. The four of you walk down the stairs and out of the house after bidding goodbye to Jungkook, who is currently vibing with Taehyung in a corner of the room. 
Minghao glances down at his throw up shoes in the bag, before turning back towards you and Jun, seeing the two of you walking with happy smiles on your faces. When you all finally reach the car and step inside, he lets out a sigh, and the three turn to look at him.
“I guess we have yn throwing up on my shoes to thank.” Minghao jokes, and the three burst into laughter while you profusely apologize for vomiting on Minghao’s sneakers. He pats your head, “It’s okay. You and Jun finally being together makes up for it.” 
Jun tilts his head to the side, “Really?”
To which Minghao turns in the driver's seat to glance at Jun in the backseat beside you, and he shoots him a death glare. “No, that only applies to yn. You owe me new shoes.” 
Jun rolls his eyes, cursing Minghao under his breath as he rests his head onto your shoulder, and you smile softly. You press a kiss to the top of Jun’s head before closing your eyes. Jun closes his eyes as well, a smile displayed on his features.
After a few minutes of silence into the car ride, Minghao glances up into the rearview mirror, just to find you and Jun fast asleep. With his head resting on your shoulder, and your head resting over his head, and he lets out a quiet chuckle. 
You and Jun are finally happy.
And Minghao couldn’t have wished for anything better.
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lilsuzn · 4 years
MLQC Gavin - Fluff abc headcanons
So by the popular demand - I am back.
Just kidding. No one was asking.
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: None (the reader is gender neutral)
Dedication: @marytheredqueen
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
You need to trust me when I tell you that Gavin had indeed tried to find at least one thing he could dislike about you. Many times.
Yet your body seems to have no flaws. He checked quite a few times at this point.
Your heart is pure. Loving. Patient. Loyal.
Whenever you’re at his side… The world is at peace. No pain exists, nor does suffering.
You are his purpose. You are his equilibrium. Nothing matters as long as he can be by your side.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your beautiful eyes.
There will never be anything more beautiful than the way they shine before your lips meet in a loving kiss.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Him on his back.
You in his arms. Laying on top of him.
Your head rests on his chest, no matter if it’s your front, side or back that presses against his muscular torso - it’s perfect.
He also likes the smell of your shampoo… it’s just intoxicating for him.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
He likes doing things outside with you.
Attending festivals, engaging in new, interesting sports, indulging in some street food or picnics.
He’s a sucker for long, romantic walks too, soooooo
He takes you out to the festival. Buys all kinds of yummy food for both of you to share. Wins you an enormous plushie and then carries it around for you. While holding your hand. Tightly.
Then takes you for a night stroll, to then kiss you under the sky full of stars before you turn back.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He only feels like he can really express himself around you - so it will get intense. In all the best ways.
Gavin doesn’t shy away with showing you his affection, even if he tends to have a slight problem with voicing it sometimes.
His expression softness, his fingers brush delicate circles on your skin.
He doesn’t need to say anything. You know.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Oh he really, really wants a family.
Two kids… or maybe more.
A dog for them, maybe.
House with a big garden and a treehouse.
He wants to play and fool around with his kids. Put them to bed. Support them. Be proud of them… Everything his father never did.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
When you want something, no matter how silly it might be - it’s yours.
Don’t even make me start on what you need.
Because there are very little things (and all of them are about you) that could make him happier than seeing you happy because of what he gave you.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
It's not optional.
There will be hands holding whenever it's possible.
It’s as much for your safety as it is for his comfort. 
All these guys with eyes better don’t use them to stare at you. 
See this hand? This beautiful gem of a person is with ME.
Likes to hold your hand while snuggling on a couch. Or in bed while falling asleep.
Holding hands is like a physical projection of the bond that’s between the two of you - and he loves it.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He would blame himself. No matter what. It might be ridiculous, but he would always feel guilty for not preventing it from happening.
Wouldn’t leave your side. Would help you with anything and everything.
If there’s a concrete person or a group of people that caused your harm... Insert a very, very angry and strong bird cop with a gun.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
You would have a light-hearted relationship in which he would tease you from time to time and he wouldn’t be mad if you did the same to him.
However he’s not one to prank you. He would find no enjoyment in it.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Gavin loves to be kissed and he loves to kiss. All over your face. All over your body.
Any kisses are game. Slow and passionate ones. Heated ones. Sweet, delicate, loving, appreciating - he loves them all as long as he can share them with you.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Acts of service - He looooves to spoil his lovely sweetheart (you) this way. Wants to bring you food, tidy up your apartment for you, brush your hair, paint your nails… Just ask him and he will do it. Whatever it is. And then he will do things on his own initiative, because he likes to surprise you. You smile so beautifully when he does…...
Gifts - He likes gift giving as I already mentioned in G, but it’s no indication of love to him. He just enjoys your reactions. Prefers to show his love differently.
Physical touch - His number one and you can not convince me it is not. He’s a snuggly bear who loves kisses. You are just so soft and warm and he loves you sosososososo much. Would never want to hold this way any other. His physical affection is something reserved only for you. 
Quality time - see Q.
Words of affirmation - Gavin is not very good with words. Not that he can’t be when he wants to, but he kinda doesn’t want to most of the time. It’s uncomfortable. He’s feeling unconfident doing so. He prefers other ways, but when he does speak up… It’s the most adorable and loving thing you will ever hear in your life.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
It was your first 'real' date, but even though you both confessed love to each other, you weren't a ‘official’ couple yet.
At least there was no proper act of becoming a one.
You walk through the park on an evening of a chilly fall. Not many people in sight.
You just finished a lovely dinner date. Gavin even bought you a dessert to share.
And it just felt right. Everything.
The way your fingers were laced. How you both couldn't spot peeping at each other.
"Will you be my girlfriend Y/N? Please?"
He sure was pretty sure you wouldn't deny him, but he didn't expect you to throw your arms around his neck and kiss him the way you did.
"Nothing could ever make me happier than that, Gavin."
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He’s scared of losing you.
Either by you walking away from him after discovering that you “deserve so much better”
Or by not being alert enough to protect you…
Surely, he would prefer the first option, but he can’t deny that both would hit him harder than anything else ever could.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Gavin is a little bit of an odd duck in general, but I think he has one major weirdness about him.
I would call it… A Keanu Reeves complex.
He doesn’t like compliments. Always feels like they’re far from true, because he always feels like he’s not enough and maybe even never will be.
Which is so far from true.
Like, Vivi, come on! You’re so freakin perfect!
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He usually calls you simply by your name, but the boy has his moments.
Moments when he can help but call you all sorts of the cutest names.
Little angel, starry eyes, little munchkin along with the classics like honey, babe, sweetheart, treasure and my precious.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He just wants to be by your side. Any. Chance. He. Gets.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Moonlight by Ariana Grande
Because Gavin’s sweet like candy, but he’s such a man...
Or A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope 
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Not at all. At least at first.
He gets better with time, but you still need to ask for it. He would never just come to you to lean on your shoulder and tell you what troubles him.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Well. A lot.
Because of what I say in X below.
He just assumes that you don’t reciprocate his feelings, because he doesn’t deserve it.
He eventually tells you about his feelings under your insistent questions regarding the subject.
And then? After he finally tells you?
That’s when it escalates quickly.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
At first he tries to keep it inside. Not let you see… But it’s pretty obvious since he doesn’t talk to you. Barely throws any acknowledgment your way.
It would take quite some convincing for him to tell you what’s wrong.
Unless it’s jealousy that is a reason behind his anger. Then he will show you just how upset he is…
Not necessary in a bad way, tho...
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s very proud of you. Always.
Even when you think you’re a failure, he still recognizes how hard you work and how smart you are.
And he also prides himself for earning love of a woman as wonderful as you.
But he’s not a show off. He doesn’t like to be in a center of attention. He doesn’t care for compliments or recognition.
He knows how wonderful you are and that’s all that matters to him.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Well, it goes without saying.
Yes. Obviously.
This is Gavin. He does it actively throughout the whole story like it’s the only thing he knows.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s not an expert in emotions.
He gave MC a blood stained letter and was surprised she was troubled by that.
Okay, let’s not sugar coat it - he’s not good at it at all. I said it.
I’m sorry. I wish it was different for you Vivi.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
I think in Gavin’s case it would be no kneeling with a ring type of thing, because he personally sees no value of that.
Of course, he would if you told him that that’s what you want, but if you don’t…
It would be a beautiful, summer evening. The both of you watching a beautiful sunset from the rooftop of a high building.
Last months you spent together were absolutely wonderful. Life with you by his side was much happier than Gavin could ever dream of… And the way the golden sunlight graces your skin is so, so beautiful.
It wasn’t the first time the thought crossed the bird cop’s mind. He caught himself thinking about it more and more often as your relationship progressed… And before he knew it, the words left his lips.
At first you were sure you must have misheard, so you asked him to repeat. And he did.
His beautiful eyes glimmered with so much love… just as much as you felt for him. 
How could you say no to that gorgeous man that adores you so much?
And after that, expect to someday come back home to find the most beautiful and meaningful ring in the world waiting for you to wear it.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Gavin is a man who enjoys simple things in life.
He likes to cozy up with you on a couch on his birthday. 
Watch a sunrise and drink cocoa with you on Christmas.
He obviously enjoys various sports, especially if he can enjoy them with you.
But what really, really makes him perfectly calm? Driving Sparky with your hands around his ways and your chest pressed against his back.
The feeling of freedom mixed the warmth of your closeness… how could anyone ask for more?
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lavenderbexlatte · 4 years
sort it out
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stray kids 1.1k words gender-neutral reader insert Reader x Bang Chan FLUFF/SFW
🖤 warnings: a lil bit of academic stress. and pancakes. 🖤
🚨🚨 fluff fluff fluff fluff-
  connect with me! / masterlist
Between doing your homework and laying here on the floor, the choice is obvious.
You should be doing the homework, of course. But you don’t want to. You’re at that level of burnout where even looking at the syllabus makes you want to run out the door and go live in the woods with all the deer and the little birds, where deadlines don’t exist.
There’s so much to do that you don’t even want to start, even though digging in and at least making a plan would help immensely. You’re hungry, too, on top of it all. Tired and overwhelmed and hungry.
So you’re just laying on the floor, cheek pressed to the carpet, hoping for some kind of second wind to carry you through at least the most pressing of your assignments.
The second wind comes, too. Just not in the form that you expected.
Your boyfriend’s voice echoes down the hall of your small student apartment.
Huh. You weren’t expecting him, but here he is. As his footsteps approach your room, you would love to peel yourself off the floor and look like you have yourself at least a little bit together, but you’re not gonna.  He’ll have to take you as you are, crisis and all.
Your door creaks open, and there’s Chan. From your spot on the floor you can only really see his shoes and the legs of his jeans, but it’s definitely him.
“What are you doing?” he asks, as he comes in and shuts the door behind him.
“As little as I possibly can.”
“On the floor?”
You nod as best you can, and peer up at him. “Don’t feel like moving. How did you get in here?”
“The front door was unlocked,” says Chan, taking a seat on your bed.
“Oh,” you mumble.
“What, you didn’t leave it open for me?” he asks.
“No. Must’ve forgotten to lock it when I got in the other night.”
“You can’t live like this,” he scolds. “Not every visitor is just your amazing boyfriend with breakfast for dinner.”
“Breakfast for dinner?” you perk up slightly, rolling onto your back to regard Chan with new interest.
He holds up a plastic bag full of takeout containers. It smells like pancakes, like sweets and coffee and you’re suddenly even more aware of the ache in your gut. How dare he bring exactly what you need and distract you from your meltdown.
“Help me up,” you demand, holding out your arms.
Chan hops up, and takes hold of you by both wrists. It seems like it takes no effort at all for him to haul you right off the ground and make you stand on your own.
“I would’ve been stuck down there,” you tell him solemnly, “Just wasting away.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” he says, and presses a smacking kiss to your forehead.
You were just teasing, but his earnest reply makes you melt a little. He begins unpacking the food, setting out flat takeout boxes on your desk and handing you a steaming cup with your usual drink order scrawled on the outside in marker.
“Why’d you come over, anyway?” you ask, as he pops open the first box.
“You stopped replying, so I texted your roommate, and they said you hadn’t left the house in about three days. So I figured I’d come check,” he says matter-of-factly.
“Oh, yeah,” you say, wandering over to your bedside table, “My phone died, and I figured if I charged it, I would just use it to procrastinate more. Sorry.”
Chan shrugs. “As long as you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.”
As you look through the boxes of food, picking out what you want to eat, Chan digs through your desk drawer and pulls out a few sheets of printer paper. He scribbles as you tear into your meal, reaching over occasionally to steal a bite from your flimsy plastic takeout fork.
And when you’re satisfied, sitting back down on your bed cross-legged, Chan turns to you triumphantly.
“Can you pull out your class syllabuses for me?” he asks.
“Ugh, why?” you groan.
“Come on,” he pesters, “You need help and I’m helping. Just trust me.”
You do trust him, even if he’s asking you to do exactly what you’ve been trying not to do all day. The syllabuses are in a pile, partially crossed-out and angrily shoved to the side, and you point them out to Chan. He takes them, and hands them to you.
“Read me all the stuff you need to get done,” he says.
“But then I’ll just know exactly how behind I am,” you pout.
“Don’t be a baby,” he chides.
“I’m not being a baby.”
He leans in close to you. “I think you are. Baby.”
You pout harder, and Chan just leans in to press a kiss to your pouty lips.
“Would you just do it?” he says.
Chan is almost as stubborn as you, but he hits you with his best exaggerated innocent eyes, and you break. He knows you can’t resist the eyes.
You read out the things that you haven’t finished from each class; some assignments here and there, some readings that you didn’t have time for, and of course, all the studying and essays that come with finals season. He writes everything down dutifully, when it’s done, he turns the paper towards you.
It’s a study schedule. Nothing fancy, just a bullet list of assignments and dates in pen and marker on plain paper, but he’s drawn all around the outside, little characters and bubble hearts and silly patterns. You can make out a big Valentine’s love heart with your initials and his inside, and a little doodle that looks kind of like a round, bubbly snake, with a crown floating above its head.
“It’s done,” he announces proudly.
You want so badly to laugh at how cute and earnest he’s being, but you don’t want him to think you’re laughing at him. So you settle on a smile so wide it hurts your cheeks, as Chan puts the schedule with your pile of unfinished work, looking supremely self-satisfied.
Leaving the food where it is, Chan climbs around you onto your bed, laying down on his back. It’s his turn to make grabby hands, opening up his arms and waiting.
You acquiesce, dropping yourself down so that your head rests on his chest, throwing an arm across his middle. He smells good, like clean and boy and just a hint of cologne that he must have put on this morning. One of his arms rests along your back, and the other strokes the top of your head gently.
“What about all that work?” you ask, amused.
“You can’t do anything if you’re all worn out,” he says. “Go to sleep.”
“But I’m not all that-”
“Sleep,” he repeats, tugging you even more firmly against himself.
Well, who are you to argue with that? You close your eyes, and just listen to the sound of his heartbeat beneath you.​
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spitpr1ncess · 3 years
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                                               (not my image)
Picking out a beautiful soft white linen dress you hum to yourself, Jools pulled through with your day off but had gotten himself roped into some business so was no longer free, not a huge loss because although you love spending time with him, it’ll be lovely to have some time to yourself. You ponder what you will do, whether you’ll read a book, draw or maybe even write something, you just feel in your soul that you need a break.
Pulling the loose dress over your head you pick out some white ankle socks, never being one to dress for anybody else but yourself, comfort is key and feeling good is the main goal. You glare at the reflection in the mirror staring wearily back at you, you feel more connected this time, yet you’re still unsure about who is staring back. Her eyes are sunken, her knees wobbly and her collarbones protruding in a boyish way. You wave off any ugly, intruding thoughts and slip your feet into the one pair of black shoes you own, you decide you’ll browse the shops before you finally head down to the local park.
Reaching for your shoulder bag you throw a couple of notes in, followed by a little pocketknife you had stolen from your father as a young girl, you can’t be too careful outside, especially wearing the branding of a working girl, everybody knows and nobody respects you except for a select few. You head out, closing the door and turning the key in the lock, you wear it around your neck with an old scrap of garden string.
You pass by Jools seat, occupied with one of the other men Boss employs whilst he was out with whatever emergency he was roped into, you notice that you miss him when he’s not here, the other stranger wouldn’t wish you a good morning on your way out.
Your mind wanders as you make your way towards the large, wooden doors in the entrance and you find yourself reminiscing over how much you’ve moved around, and how this has been your favorite base so far.
You’ve moved around a fair bit over the years as Boss has accumulated more money and has had more to spend on you. You’re currently located in a lard mansion, it has a sizeable forty rooms on each floor, with four floors in total, that’s without including the large ballroom, kitchen and diner rooms and a large lounging area. There is a basement too, full of rooms you’re forbidden from entering and a beautiful surrounding estate, it’s a secure, gated property, of course, so you can only leave with permission, given by Jools, with Boss entrusting him to be responsible with his decision. You’re allowed to freely roam the surrounding land; Boss even keeps a few horses that you and a few of the other girls happily care for. Hacking them on those gorgeous summer days and taking long afternoons just enjoying each other’s company, as an escape from your sad little lives.
You will often spend the summer evenings sat on the grass, allowing the sun to beat down onto your pale skin, allowing you to feel something, head buried in a book, escaping reality and taking ever-so-important time to yourself. The feeling of freedom you get is fleeting, but even that is enough to temporarily satiate your hunger to run away.
You look back over your shoulder and shout out to the man at Jools desk, “I’m going out into town, I’ll be back no later than six, you needn’t worry, I already have permission, it’ll say on my appointments tab on Jools computer!” he grunts, and waves you off, completely disinterested. You think back to the last time you were late home, true, it was an accident, you’d fallen asleep in the meadow and nightfall had come, Boss had sent out a search party, assuming that you had made a break for it and you could tell he was relieved more than angry when you were frog marched into his office and disciplined for your silly mistake. You shudder, thinking about Boss’s thick fingers coming into contact with your tiny throat, you live to please him yes, but it doesn’t mean you have like him.
As a direct result of your falling asleep and having a search party sent out for you, you weren’t currently a favorite between Boss’s men, with all of them being suspicious of you, expecting you to make a break for it at any moment. You were sure they’d had your face ingrained into the backs of their eyelids incase they ever saw you acting “suspicious”. You can hardly blame them but you do with they would stand down, it was exhausting having to calculate your every move, to stay out of the limelight as much as you could.
The streets are dotted with people, all busy and completely engrossed in their own perfect little lives, what you’d give to be able to live like them. A wave of sadness drowns you as you notice mothers and daughters, couples in love and shop keepers attending their stalls in the bright morning light. Your feet subconsciously decide your route as you make your way down the stone high street, enjoying the smells and sounds, the birds singing loud songs was like a beautiful music concert made just for you. You allow yourself to be completely immersed and wonder if you could slip away and never be seen again, if you could have that freedom one day, if you could be one of those mothers with daughters.
You swing a small glass door open and hear chimes ring as you step into your favorite hole in the wall café,
“Olive!” a voice booms from behind the bar as Mr. Benzo swiftly approaches you and pulls you into a bear hug, “we’ve missed you! Where on Gods given earth have you been!?”, you lean into the giant man and allow him to envelope you into a protective embrace, inhaling deeply, and imagining this to be what it is like to have a present father figure.
“Careful with her David! Hug her any tighter and you’ll snap the poor girl in half!” Mr Benzos wife stands a few feet behind, her aged and ring clad hands grasping together at her heartspace, “you’re wasting away my child! They cannot be feeding you! Come, you shall eat”, she gestures gently to a window bench, you are ushered over and take your seat, feeling utterly overwhelmed by the love coming from your favorite shop owners.
Mrs Benzo rushes herself around, building you a hearty spread, she grabs slices of bread, fruits, vegetables and slices of pies, laying them down at your table she grins, “whatever you don’t eat is going home with you”, she sighs, “and you shan’t pay a single penny, you’ll be blown away with the wind one of these days, think of it as an act of service. I mean look at you! Your eyes are so hollow that I’m afraid they’ll disappear into the back of your skull young lady!”. She brushes her finger against your protruding collarbone, you shudder, anxious at the touch of another woman, and at how maternal it was. She senses this and apologizes.
The Benzos know of your situation, they guessed as much after getting a glance at your brandishing. Mr Benzo had taken it upon himself to explain to his wife the full meaning. She had simply been heartbroken, set on spending every one of your visits spoiling and pampering you.
“Mrs Benzo, I cannot eat all of this, I might throw up, my stomach would not hold it!” You place a hand over your stomach and jokingly pat it, she tilts her head and smiles, letting out a small sigh.
“I’ve told you to call me Shirley, child. Enough with the Mrs Benzo. You are a friend here, remember that.” She sits quietly opposite you, watching you eat. Normally it might unnerve you, but her presence calms you today, you allow her maternal stares to engulf you, soaking in her care, allowing her to protect you, Lord knows you need it. David had gone back to serving customers, it was picking up into lunch hour, you hear his warming laugh as he makes conversation with them.
“Thank you… Shirley, it means so much to me, the way you treat me as a human, and an equal. You don’t see me for my brandishing, you see me as me. It’s refreshing.” You feel your eyes begin to ache as though they will cry again. She takes your delicate hand in both of hers, the warmth feels like a hug all over, you can see she has the same familiar feeling in her eyes. For a moment, you are the same. You feel safe. You feel loved. You are loved.
It gets uncomfortable for you to handle all these emotions and you pull your hand back, it’s too much vulnerability, Mrs Benzo understands, she knows it will take time for you to heal from your childhood trauma, and she has the patience of a lion, always willing to wait for you, you smile and continue to eat.
You leave Benzos with an abundance of food supplies, you’ll surely have enough to share with all the girls and Jools. Not that he needs it, he has enough supplies to last him a lifetime, after all. Smelling the air and closing your eyes, you turn and walk back towards the shops, enjoying the serenity of the early afternoon. You’re drawn into one stand in particular, a small jewellery stand, you approach quietly and notice a gorgeous emerald ring, it’s like it calls to you, you dare to reach out and touch it.
“You couldn’t afford that with all your life’s savings, silly whore.” A cold, harsh voice sounds from behind you, you turn, furious at the unnecessary comment directed your way.
“You really shouldn’t speak to wome…” you start.
“Do you know who I am? I will have you disappear if you so much as try to continue that sentence.” the cold voice shoots back. The voice grabs your wrist and pulls you close. It hurts, but you are used to being manhandled. You find yourself a little excited. Finally, something different. You slowly take in the voice’s harsh exterior. Smart black shoes, tailored black trousers, crisp and obviously ironed. A tucket white shirt and expensive cuff links. You inhale, expensive cologne, hints of pine and mint, you meet his eyes, staring into your soul, he licks his lips before continuing.
“You’re the little shit that missed her curfew. What on earth are you doing out here? Running away again?” his glare doesn’t falter, in fact, you’re sure it intensifies, your nerves are starting to get the better of you and you note that if looks could kill, you would be driving away in the back of a hearse right now.
“Speak.” The command is clear enough, yet a lump in your throat makes it impossible. You drink in his facial features, sharp and chiselled, like a God. His short black hair with a harsh undercut. It’s styled immaculately, not a single strand out of place.
“Are you a mute, whore?” the man continues, the grip on your wrist tightens, you whimper and plead with your eyes.
“No. You’re hurting me. I’m sorry, I’m allowed out now, I am. I have permission.” It practically falls out of your mouth as a measly cry.
“Do you expect me to believe that? I have half a mind to drag you by your hair back to Boss for questioning. You truly are moronic.” You consider arguing more, but deem it useless, this angry man is obviously set in his ways.
“Fine. Take me back, but I promise you, I can be out here.” You huff and stick out your bottom lip. It doesn’t go unnoticed, as the man slowly lifts his other hand, he rests his palm against your cheek and runs his thumb ever so lightly against your lip, you can sense his distraction and you curse your stupid, pouty lips. His eyes soften for a moment. Then he snaps back to reality.
“You will walk with me now, back to your house. Let’s go.” He loosens his grip on your wrist but does not let go. You begrudgingly begin the awkward walk back, nothing is said until you reach the gates.
The man buzzes the intercom and Jools answers, he must be back, internally, you relax, knowing that this will go a lot smoother than if the other man was still filling in.
“Olive? Is that you?” Jools questions, obviously anticipating your return, but not so early, his confusion is notable.
“It’s Levi. Open the gates.” The man answers back without emotion
Levi. You ponder on his name as you are practically hauled inside. You’re sure you’ve heard it before. Jools meets you at the entrance, he glances to Levi’s tight grasp on your wrist, you see the cogs going at maximum speed in his head and you know that he has assumed the worst.
“What have you done Olive?” His voice is flat but you hear the concern.
“She was out. Wandering around. Flaunting herself, like she is not on house arrest. Touching expensive jewellery, you should really pay more attention Wilkinson.” The use of Jools last name is alien, you’ve almost forgotten he has one.
“Levi” Jools begins cooly, he holds back a snort. “Olive is not on house arrest anymore, although I admire your commitment to your job.” You cannot make eye contact with Jools or you will be beaten for laughing, you are sure of it, Levi drops your hand like you have shocked him, he grunts and addresses Jools, “Wilkinson. Were you not one of Bosses favourites, I would break your nose. You are stupid to let her wander around alone. If I were in charge, I would leash her, like a little dog. A stupid, little dog.” you can tell this was one of his kinder name callings. “She has plans to get away. I can tell, and I’m warning you, she is not to be trusted,” Jools interrupts, his tone is equally aggressive as he bites back,
“Levi, Boss has not tasked you with worrying about the girls. You should go back to your real duties. Olive is my problem, not yours.”, You’re sure there is a little possessiveness behind his voice. For a moment, it is like Levi and Jools are facing off like two aggressive hunting animals, and you are the winning prey. Levi opens his mouth to say something, and then resigns himself, he sighs and turns away to leave.
“I will catch you when you try to run eventually, little puppy. And I will beat the living shit out of you for disrespecting Boss after everything he has done for you. Watch your back.”
He is gone before you can make a snide remark back, though you should know better, Jools would surely step in to protect you here, that you are sure of. You settle at sticking your tongue out in the direction in which he left, Jools laughs heartily.
“You stupid girl. There isn’t a person alive who has spoken back to Levi Ackerman, he is Boss’s right hand man, you should be more careful.” He ruffles your hair playfully.
“There is something about him Jools, that makes me want to provoke him. A feeling that he may not be capable of hurting me.” Jools snorts.
“You really are an idiot,” He pauses, “though there was something about the way he looked at you, like he wants to devour you alive,” he shudders, “creepy.”. Your cheeks blush, you would never say so aloud, but you might fancy the idea of being eaten by Levi Ackerman, Boss’s right hand man.
You breathe in and start, “I’m going to retire to bed Jools, I am tired. Give these pastries and pies to the other girls. Mrs Benzo sent them.” You hand the bag to Jools and smile. “What time is my first call tomorrow?” Jools looks at the screen of his computer, he clicks the mouse a few times and raises an eyebrow.
“10. Seems like Boss is set to be paying you a visit tomorrow. You’d better spend some time making yourself extra presentable tonight Ol, you want to remind him why you are worth keeping, and not discarding…” You shudder, Boss has made it abundantly clear that when you’re no longer deemed suitable as a working girl, he will send you away to be married off, or “dispose” of you, you don’t fancy either of the options and considering your savings are coming along nicely, you won’t have to endure this all for much longer.
“Thanks Jools. Love you.”. You turn on your heels and head back to your room. You spend the evening showering, shaving, sugaring and cleansing every inch of your body, ready for tomorrow, your mind keeps wandering back to a particular pair of sharp eyes and a chiselled jaw. How he would leash you and “beat the living shit out of you.”
You shake away the thought one last time and retire to bed. You close your eyes and pull your blankets up.
“Levi. Ackerman. Huh.”, you drift off to a comfortable slumber, something that happens once in a blue moon.
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hopelessly-me · 3 years
Spooky prompt: avengers pumpkin carving contest
LISA HI! Omg- this one turned into feelings. I was originally going to write it to be a silly, crack type fic but then... my brain decided feelings had to be had. So here is some Bucky and Clint (with the team) goodness, and I hope you enjoy. (1689 word count)
If y'all want to send me spooky season themed prompts, I'm still open to doing them. =)
“Going to join in?” Clint asked Bucky, tilting his head over to the layers of plastic wrap on the floor constructed in a large circle, pumpkins all around.
“I… don’t know,” Bucky answered honestly.
“I’ll save you a spot, just in case,” Clint said with a wink before he walked over to the group that was assembling. Clint placed his forearm and elbow on Bruce’s shoulder, looking at the scientist and smiling.
“You know… it might not be a bad thing if you tried,” Steve pointed out. Bucky nearly jumped, not expecting Steve so close. “If you want, you can help me with my pumpkin.”
“I think I should sit this one out,” Bucky said.
He knew Steve wouldn’t push. None of them would. It was only a few months since Bucky had started his stay at the Tower and there were just some things he wasn’t ready to do just yet. Going out on Avenger mission, training with them- even holding knives could make him start to panic a little, worry that something, somewhere, deep within him would come back out. He couldn’t shake the idea that the Soldier sometimes had more control than Bucky did, and it was terrifying.
“Let me know if you change your mind,” Steve said, patting his shoulder before he walked by. “Alright guys- ready?” he asked. “FRIDAY, are you taping this?” Steve asked.
“Of course, Captain,” the AI system said.
“Alright guys, Rules for the annual Avengers pumpkin carving contest. You may only use the tools in front of you. No additional knives, no lasers- nothing.” Bucky was pretty sure Tony pouted. “We have one hour to recreate the pumpkin that auto generates on the screen. Whoever wins gets the entire month of November off from training. All agreed?”
“Agreed,” was the common response.
“Alright then. FRIDAY, the count down please,” Steve said.
A handful of months and slowly Bucky was learning about the people who stayed in the Tower nearly full time. He knew who he could go to when he needed to get his mind off of things, and who he could sit with when he just needed some quiet time. He knew who was up for the most fun, and who would really rather be alone themselves without someone nearby. But it seemed like no matter how they liked to live their lives, everyone came together for these monthly “family night” events and would just… breathe. They would all find enjoyment out of each other’s quirks and sometimes those moments transcended into their daily lives.
Still- Bucky wasn’t ready to be fully involved yet. He was still working out if he felt like he deserved it, which was harder when Tony became visibly worried of Bucky’s presence in the room, especially if he was around knives. And while Bucky knew he couldn’t take the blame for things he didn’t have control over, that didn’t mean he couldn’t take the emotions from it and hold them close.
He walked around the room and watched as everyone worked on their pumpkins. He was beginning to see who were the artistic types and who wasn’t solely based on how well their Haunted Houses turned out. Natasha might not be the best artistically but she was by the far the best with wielding a knife, although Clint was a close second. Steve was arguably the best artistically, Sam fairly good himself, but neither of them could wield the tools in front of them quite like Clint and Natasha.
“Hey,” Clint said, looking up from his pumpkin with a smile.
“Hey. Having fun?” Bucky asked.
“Eh. It’s pumpkin carving,” Clint answered honestly. “Wanna sit?” he asked. Bucky couldn’t see the harm of sitting there, so he did. “Spooky season. How do you feel about it?”
“Well.. at one time in my life I would say that there wasn’t a point to it because monsters weren’t really,” Bucky answered. “Now… that’s a hard argument to make.”
“No joke,” Clint muttered.
“What about you?” Bucky asked.
“I love everything Halloween,” Clint answered. “Magic might not be my favorite thing, but I like everything else. Corn mazes, hayrides, pumpkin spiced everything.” He was leaning over, the back of his shirt riding up as he did so. “But growing up in the circus- you get to see Halloween every day. I used to hate it for the longest time because the season reminded me of my life before SHIELD and the Avengers. Now I can kind of separate the two and go back to loving the season again. Haunted houses and all.”
Bucky knew there was a point to this conversation. Clint didn’t open up about his life before SHIELD to anyone without there being a reason. So when Bucky didn’t answer, Clint looked over at him and held the smallest of the knives out to him. Bucky looked down at his hand, covered in chipped away pumpkin and tiny little scars before he looked back up.
“You can still hate what they put you through. But you get to decide how to move forward and what you get to love again. And maybe carving pumpkins can be one of those things,” Clint said. “Your choice though.”
Bucky nodded and took the tool out of Clint’s hand and pulled the pumpkin over between them. “Never carved one before,” he admitted. “At least not that I can remember.”
“That’s okay, my pumpkin looks like shit anyway,” Clint replied.
Bucky turned it around and snorted. “Did you even try to make this a haunted house?” Bucky asked, looking at the stars and the arrows Clint had etched into the pumpkin.
“Nah. Not with the shit food I eat all the time. I need that training in my life,” Clint answered with a grin. He scooted closer to Bucky and set the rest of the tools between them. “Your move, Barnes.”
The hour passed much too quickly before the fake air horn sounded. Bucky startled and looked at the others before he looked down at the pumpkin in front of him. Arrows and stars, a moon, planets, swirls- the pumpkin he shared with Clint looked like a mess of anything and everything they could think of. Bucky glanced up at Clint, who was all smiles, leaning over and talking to Sam, checking out his pumpkin and laughing. Bucky looked back at the pumpkin and the tools that were set between them.
“You alright?” Natasha asked.
Bucky looked over, Natasha leaned over his way in one of those rare moments she was willing to extend the olive branch, just a little. “Yeah- I’m alright,” Bucky admitted, finally setting that small tool Clint had handed over down. “I… think we might have lost the contest,” he admitted.
“If it makes you feel better… Steve always wins,” Natasha said before she leaned back and away.
Each pumpkin was turned around when Steve called out to them. Thor looked mighty proud of his attempt, which wasn’t half bad if it wasn’t for the fact that half of the house looked like it had toppled over due to a misplaced cut. Tony’s and Bruce’s looked almost exactly alike- both simple in form, but to the point- Bucky wondered if it was because they could look at blueprints and space things out easily. Natasha and Sam’s looked like completely failed attempts, just like Wanda and Vision’s attempt, but none of them seemed to care.
“Alright you two- how did it go?” Steve asked, looking at Clint and Bucky.
“Ta-da!” Clint said loudly, proud of their work as he turned the pumpkin around. “I am calling this one- friendship!”
“Wow. Masterful art piece. We should encase it,” Tony taunted with a smile. “It’s very early childhood-esque. It make you feel-”
“Ew, don’t museum me. That’s what Steve is for in real museums,” Clint scolded playfully.
“Did you even attempt a haunted house anywhere in that?” Sam asked with a grin.
“Who would do haunted houses when you can do arrows?” Clint asked. He sighed dreamily and let himself fall back, Bucky’s arm reaching out quickly to prevent him from hitting the ground. “I love arrows.”
“You’re a dork,” Natasha said through a laugh.
“Honestly- is anyone surprised by bird brain and Terminator’s pumpkin?” Tony asked. There was a small chorus of no. “Alright Steve-”
Bucky watched as the team argued and bickered about who’s pumpkin was best. Clint had leaned forward again, throwing himself into the conversation, grinning and laughing with the others. Bucky looked back down at the pumpkin that Clint and him made, still trying to figure out how he felt about it until he realized that this was the closest he had been to the team since coming along. That warm feeling started to push its way in as he realized for almost an hour he was lost in something other than his thoughts, and that he was part of this small community.
Looking up, Bucky caught Steve’s eyes on him before Steve smiled and looked down at the pumpkin. Bucky nodded and smiled himself before he glanced over at the person who helped make it happen. Clint stated how he needed the training because his diet was shit. Maybe Bucky should start going to the training sessions now- needing them to help him settle into this community. Maybe he was finally ready for it.
“Rigged! This contest is rigged! Clearly my pumpkin is the best!” Steve shouted.
“Sorry Stevie- the voting has concluded,” Clint said in a very serious tone. “Brucie has the best pumpkin.” Bruce’s face was starting to turn red and Natasha had leaned over, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
“It's okay to lose sometimes, Stevie,” Tony taunted, reaching out to pick at Steve, who pushed his hands away.
“Collusion,” Steve muttered.
“Collusion,” Sam repeated in a high pitched tone, straightening up as he laughed, his hands over his stomach. The whole team was laughing now. Clint knocked over, pressing against Bucky’s side to keep himself upright. Bucky looked at him and smiled before he looked at Steve.
“Sorry Punk,” Bucky offered.
“Yeah yeah- it’s alright,” Steve said. “Happy Halloween, team.”
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pasiveagressive · 4 years
Spill Your Gut // Harry Styles
You are a famous actor/model/singer and your manager signs you up to do the one segment you don’t want to. 
I mean no offense to Rihanna or anyone who likes her. I do think that she is extremely talented, but I have no idea what is like as a person, I just needed a famous singer to use.
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You hate your manager for signing you up to do this. You had argued with him for two hours after he told you what was going to happen. 
“Will! I told you never to sign me up to do something like this!” you exclaimed he simply rolled his eyes at you,
“I remember what you said, I also remember you saying that you love James and would do anything for him.” You huff 
“I don’t understand how that translates to this…” 
“Really? You don’t understand how playing a game on James’ show translates to doing anything for him?” Will askss with raised eyebrows
“Obviously I understand that, but why does it have to be, ‘Spill your gut or fill your guts’?” Will just gives you a look and you roll your eyes but say “Fine.”. 
Now you were in your dressing room waiting to be called up for the segment. Someone who you assume is an intern knocks on the door. 
“Come in!” you call out.
“Ms. Y/L/N you are on after the commercial break so it's time to head out.” The girl says.
“Thank you so much, would you actually be able to lead me out? I always get lost back here.” you admit, the girl nods 
“Whenever you are ready I will lead you out.”
“Thank you, we can go now.”you smile at her. You never want to have the reputation of a diva or a stuck up bitch so you always are kind to everyone, even someone who might seem insignificant to other people. 
The girl whose name you learn is Sierra, leads you out to the set where there is a table set up with three chairs and nasty looking food around it. You make sure to thank her again and go greet James. You hug him.
“Hello James, thank you for having me.” 
“ ‘ello love, don’t play with me. I know you don’t want to be here.” He replies with a mischievous smile.
“Fine then, I won’t be pleasant for the whole segment.” you smile back
“Oh please, like the Y/N Y/L/N could ever be unpleasant.” James laughs 
“I can too! Just ask Will, he deals in my moodiness all the time.” 
“Alright, alright, lets go sit, Harry should be arriving any second.” You feel your eyes get wide.
“Harry as in…” you trail off
“Harry Styles of course, Will was supposed to tell you.” James says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. But William had definitely not told and you know exactly why. He is fully and smuggishly (is that a word? You aren’t sure but who cares)  aware of your gigantic crush on Harry Edward Styles. 
“Oh yeah! He did, I just forgot for a second. Silly me.” is all you say, trying to cover up your shock and slightly spike in anxiety. 
A few minutes later you are sitting at the table of doom with James and Harry. James is looking at the camera. You hear an intern count down,
“5,4,3,2,1.” Then see him point to James.
“ Welcome back everybody! Tonight at my table we have the lovely Y/N Y/L/N, and the ever handsome Harry Styles.” the crowd cheers. “And we are playing Spill your guts or fill your guts!” the intro to the game plays. “Alright on the, what did you call it again Y/N?” James asks
“Oh the Table of Doom.” you smile and try to hide your fright behind some humor.
“Oh that’s right, so on the Table of Doom tonight we have a delicious assortment of goodies. Let’s see, cow tongue, bird salvia,” you kind of gag a little
“Are you alright there love?” Harry asks. You nod your head no,
“Let’s just say whatever is asked to me tonight will be receiving an answer.” James laughs and continues
“We have a water scorpion.” the crowd makes a disgusted noise, 
“Yeah eww.” Harry says 
“Salmon smoothie,” James goes on “Here is some worm spaghetti, pork blood jelly, a bull penis,” that one really gets the crowd going, why you have no idea “there are fish eyes, and finally everybody's favorite a shot of hot sauce.” The crowd claps “Okay so here is how it is going to work Y/N will ask Harry, Harry will ask me, and I will ask the lovely Y/N. None of us have seen these questions correct?” you and Harry both agree, “Okay Y/N, since you are the guest-”
“Hey what am I chopped liver?” Harry cuts him off you giggle
“Well Harold, yes in fact you are.” James sasses “Anyway back to what I was saying, Y/N will answer first, or maybe eat first, who knows?” James spins the table “hmm I will give you the… bird salvia that you seemed so keen on earlier.” You pick up the glass and smell it, causing you to gag again. “Okay, Ms. Y/N, you have been featured on several big named artists albums including but not limited to, Halsey, Niall Horan, Twenty-One Pilots and Ariana Grande.”
“I have.” You agree
“Who would you never want to work with again?” James asks and you suddenly feel very nauseous. 
“Um, well I know who it is right away.”
“You do?” James askes,
“Yeah and well I think I will just say it, Rihanna.” the crowd gasps and cheers. “The woman is insanely talented but she is the biggest diva around.” you grimace James is laughing hysterically and Harry’s jaw is on the floor,
“I can not believe you just said that.” James is able to get out through laughs. 
“Okay Harry I will give you, worm spaghetti.” He inspects it closely. That's when you look at the question and want to laugh “ Harry, you have dated Supermodel Kendall Jenner who just so happens to be one of my best friends, rate the girls in hers/my friend group from best looking too worst.” You see his face get red and eyes go wide “If you need to know who those girls are, it would be me, Kendall, Gigi, Daya, and Dua.” you smile at him.
“Oh wow. You see I could definitely answer, but do I want to seem like an ass or not is the real question.” he rubs his face
“Oh just do it.” James says then the crowd cheers.
“Well of course you want to know.” Harry exclaims and the crowd laughs “Okay from best to worst, Y/N, Kendall, Zendaya, Dua Lipa, and then Gigi Hadid, who I still believe is gorgeous by the way.” He kinds of laughs off the fact that he just said that he thinks you are better looking the Freaking Zendaya Coleman. You feel your face get hot, but luckily it seems as though Harry doesn’t want to dwell on that either and moves on.
“James, James, James what to give you. How about the pork blood jelly.” James picks up his fork and stabs it holding it up, 
“I am not a fan of this consistency.” he says
“Okay James, you have been asked this before and wouldn’t answer, Who has been the worst behaved guest on your show?” James palm faces
“Are you kidding?”
“Not at all mate, that's what the card says.” Harry laughs and you join him.
“Well it has actually changed, however I still won’t say.” He picks up the jelly and takes a big bite. You  have to look away. He wipes his mouth, and starts choosing for you. “Hmm, what should I make you eat? I think that Salmon smoothie looks right up your alley, what do you think Styles?” 
“Yep looks good James.” harry nods and you whisper 
“Bastard” under your breath making him laugh. 
“Okay Y/N, you have been on almost every talk show including, Ellen, Kimmel and Fallon. Which of those three did you like being on the least.” You pick up the smoothie glass and inspect it.
“You know James, if I could say yours this wouldn’t even be an issue, but I like all those people so I guess a drink it is.” The crowd cheers when you say this. You take your spoon and scoop yourself out a bite then before you can think too much shove it in your mouth. Immediately you spit it back into the can that is sitting beside you. You wipe your mouth and take a drink. “Okay Harry, you are going to eat cow tongue, how does that sound?” 
“Honestly disgusting.” He replies 
“Good. Harry, your question is why did you turn down the role of Prince Eric in the upcoming-” before you can even finish the question he is biting off a piece of the cow tongue. He swallows it, and sticks his tongue or to prove it. 
“Last Question James and you are going to eat the shot.” James gets a sour look on his face
“That's what you get for making me eat cold salmon.” You stick your tongue out at him like you are five. Harry laughs
“Okay James, who is your least favorite member of one direction?” The crowd oohs and James does his nervous laugh. 
“Um well.” he thinks then picks up the shot glass and throws it back. He looks at the camera,
“Ah, that was Spill your guts or fill your guts and we will be right back!” 
You walk back to the dressing room with Harry. 
“I meant it, you know?”
“Meant what?” you ask
“That you are the most beautiful in your friend group.” he says and you blush.
“Yeah well you're not so bad yourself.” You giggle. You then walk in silence for a few minutes and he speaks up again.
“Would you go on a date with me?” this takes you by surprise,
“Will you go on a date with me?” he repeats you feel your face get hot for the thousandth time tonight. And shake your head
“Yes I would love that.”
“Yeah?” He asks
“Yeah” you confirm 
“Well here put your number in and I will message you to work out details.” you take his phone and do as he says. 
“Okay I am looking to hear from you.” you hand him his phone back and kiss his cheek walking away into your dressing room. You close the door behind you. Hmm, you think, maybe playing spill your guts was such a bad idea after all. 
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blueprint-han · 4 years
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☆⌒ hilltop — bang chan | fluff, boyfriend au | 1394 words | slight kissing
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“Hey, you mint-head!”
Chan stops in his path halfway through, turning around to squint through the lush green trees and bushes when he spots your ruined and debilitated form trying to catch up with her overly-active boyfriend. He chuckles when you hesitantly place a hand on a tall tree’s bark, crouching down on the moist, wet floor to catch your breath.
“I’m not as fit as you are, did you forget?” You heave out, shifting from one foot to the other because the trekking shoes Chan had given you were one-size-too-small, and now your feet felt like they were enclosed with molten-hot-lava. Yikes, not cool. 
“Did you just call me mint-head?” Your boyfriend raises an eyebrow, sauntering towards you before taking a seat on the random wooden bench that’s littered here and there on the pat to the top of the hill.
“Well,” You take a deep breath, uncapping the water bottle — thank god you’d brought one — before taking a nice gulp of the liquid. It feels cool and refreshing when it runs down your throat. Once you cap the bottle back, you speak again. “You deserve it, for dragging my ass to this —” A clapping sound echoes throughout the space and you separate your hands, pushing off the dead mosquito on your hand. “— wild forest, even though I told you we could’ve just taken the photos on the apartment’s terrace.”
“Oh come on,” Chan laughs heartily, slinging an arm over your shoulder before dabbing his handkerchief over your sweaty forehead. “It’s just a fucking hill, stop being such a drama llama. It’s literally just a straight walk up.”
“But we’ve been walking for hours!”
“Actually, we’ve only been walking for five minutes.”
“Sorry, you’re the one who literally carried me against my will from my comfortable bed and into this weird ass place, and all for dumb —” you swat at another mosquito. “Photos. Yeah, I think I have to right to be mad.”
“Hey, now let’s not get too angry there.” Chan runs his hand through his mint green hair. “The view from the top is magnificent, just give it a chance, babe. You do remember what I promised you once we’ve successfully reached the top, right?”
You scowl and then that gradually morphs into a pout as you shove your water bottle back into your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder. “It doesn’t even seem worthy anymore — all this climbing for one kiss?”
“Oh please,” Chan smirks, crossing his arms against his chest. “You’ve always told me I’m a good kisser, so you can’t tell me that you aren’t the slightest bit excited for this.”
“Yeesh, stop being so cocky—” A slap at his chest and you get up, ignoring the fiery feeling in the apples of your cheeks as you walk further up the hill. “You better catch up or no kiss for you!”
“Hey that was my deal!”
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Once you and Chan both reach the top of the hill — albeit with a lot of groaning and complaining — the first thing you do is kick off your damn shoes and revel in the feeling of the cold grass under your feet, and finally, finally, some circulation to let your feet breathe! You feel as free as a bird, as calm as a swan in a lake —
“Why are you standing over there like you’re in the Titanic movie?” Chan asks, biting his lip to muffle out his giggles while you scowl at him once again.
“Because someone —” You smile, pointing at your boyfriend who’s trying hilariously hard to not laugh at how silly you look right now. “Decided to bring me here when I was totally—”
“Oh shut it, don’t start again.” Honestly, Chan isn’t even offended over how dramatic you’re being. You’re overly loud, chaotic, and look at the fun sides in life (expect for now, surprisingly) and Chan is calm, patient and more diplomatic in his approach. You two are opposites, but that’s what attracts both of you.
Plus, he finds it absolutely adorable, and all he wants to do is throw his camera away and cradle you into his arms and shower you in praise. Your dorkiness only brings out his affectionate side more — and Chan’s an affectionate person already.
“Ugh, fineeee...” You whine. “What am I supposed to do now?”
“Okay, so — stand there.” He points to the railing that surrounds the hill and you nod, moving to take your position. The cold grass and the air feels oddly nice, so you feel energetic. Maybe this photoshoot will go well after all.
The next two hours is spent with you and Chan taking pictures of each other, the scenery, and you also throw in a couple photos of Chan stuffing his cheeks with the sushi you’d picked up on the way — those were private and confidential though, because your boyfriend looked so cute when his cheeks were filled with food, and you were selfish and wanted all that serotonin for yourself.
Honestly Chan doesn’t even care about the photos — neither do you, but you’ve made it clear since the beginning — he just wants to spend quality time with his girlfriend, and college’s been an absolute pain in the ass — he misses going on silly yet nice dates with you.
Even Chan manages to catch a few portrait photos of you when you aren’t looking, and for all intents and purposes he will be keeping it to himself — because your beauty deserves to be admired, and just like you, Chan is selfish to share it.
Seems like you both fit together perfectly.
When the photoshoot is done, you decide to separate from the cameras a bit and gaze at the sun that’s going down bit by but, bestowing it’s existence with a magnificent view. The sky is tinted the slightest orange, mixed with a hint of pink and blue, and the scenery itself is picture-worthy.
“So...” You say, having calmed down from your burst of energy from before. “Today was nice.”
“What —” Chan says with sarcastic intent, gasping and clutching at his heart like he’s in grave shock. Now he’s the one who’s being dramatic. “— Didn’t you say it wasn’t worth my kiss?”
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes playfully, quirking your brow before gazing off into the afternoon-evening sky.
“Pfft, I’ll shut up after we finish the one more picture we have to take.”
“What picture, didn’t we have all of them already?”
“Nope, stand here.”
Chan runs to fix his tripod stand a few feet away from where you’re standing, setting the timer before rushing back to his place.
“This one’s special, so please get rid of the grouchy face.” You frown, but nonetheless smile at his excitement.
“Okay so, close your eyes.” 
A raised eyebrow is thrown in his direction, but you still comply, extremely curious to know what your boyfriend was up to.
“I swear to god, if you pull that thing you did to me last time when you put a bug in my hand I will —” Hey, you were just being proactive! The bug incident had freaked the fuck out of you, so much that you didn’t go near Chan for a whole two days until he’d apologized and bought you McDonalds.
But oh god, what you felt was so, so much better than that prank. 
Soft lips press against your own and efficiently shut you up, leave be for the muffled nose that rolls off your tongue in surprise. His lips move with synchrony, and you barely notice the camera flash behind you when Chan cups your cheeks and you wrap your hands around his waist, delving deeper and deeper and deeper until you ran out of breath. Not that you didn’t feel breathless when Chan got like this, and you loved every bit of it.
When you pull away, you gasp for air, panting as you rest your forehead against Chan’s.
“So,” He says, rubbing his thumb against your cheek and kissing the tip of your nose. “Was it worth it?” He cocks an eyebrow, and you giggly softly, pulling him into a hug.
“You know it always will be.”
And the framed picture of you and Chan kissing under the medium-orange toned sunset looks ever-the-pretty on your room’s wall.
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*:・゚✧ find the other fics here !
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106 notes · View notes
yvainegelinemarie · 4 years
The bois tell MC how proud they are of your hardwork and they see you giving your all!!
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𝚨𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌: ✨ ALL my writing prompts are gender inclusive and promote love, kindness and fun for all! 
✨I know that each and every one of our boys would love and support each and everyone of you and I hope that my readings portray that comforting, accepting and loving nature through and through~ 
✨And with that I hope you Spookies enjoy~~
☪ 𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
☪ 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌:13+ No Warnings, Fluff, Encouraging, A Pick Me Up. 
☪ 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙 : Quick Read, bullet points
𝚨𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝚴𝖔𝖙𝖊: I have been feeling kind of low and crummy these past few days trying really hard to put myself out there to chase after a dream of mine and I wasn’t expecting to be really hit hard with so many highs and lows and when it seems like you are stepping out of your comfort zone and facing your biggest fears at 90 to nothing there are a lot of times that you just need to crawl into someone's arms and to just let them tell you that you are good enough and that they see you working hard.
So for anyone else who has been trenching through this tough year and trying out new things that may scare you half to death, I want you to know that your favorite boy see’s you kicking ass and that he’s well, proud of you. 
Even if you have one particular boy as your go to I suggest checking them all out since each of them have different types of encouragement of different types of situations. Or at least read the one you feel like fits what you need to hear the most right now (and well, of course your fav.)
VICTOR | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 01
✨For those who are struggling with reaching their dreams✨
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Hell knows when was the last time you have had a good night's sleep.
You couldn’t help but to be on your toes now glued to your computer screen in your darkened bedroom.
Completely unaware of the sun slowly creeping its way through the blinds.
This project was something you had only dreamed about producing years ago,
and in 3 days it was going to be launched to the public. You have done plenty of projects before but never something as passionate and as close to home as this one was.
This project was taking out a deeper side of you that you have never shown before and deep down you knew that it was time for you to express it. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t spend the last 4 months terrified of the outcome.
Your tired eyes reread the entry over and over again as each time you only feel your heart grow more and more anxious and your eyes fill up with tears. Can I really share this with the world? What if people think that this is all fake? Will I really be able to accept the criticism?
With your mind running on it’s own you missed your phone vibrating next to you. You had already received 3 miss calls from Victor in just the last 30 minutes.
It wasn’t until the ding of the voicemail that you snapped back to reality. 
Sliding your lock screen open and taking in a deep breath, ready for whatever lecture Victor was going to throw at you next.
In the Voicemail Victor’s voice opened with a deep sigh. “You better not be asleep, especially after you promised to have breakfast with me this morning. I’ll be arriving at your apartment in 20 minutes, you better be ready du-”
His words were cut off when you were startled by your phone ringing again, seeing victor’s name pop up on the caller ID. You quickly glanced down at the time on the voicemail that was sent 23 minutes ago?! Why did your phone just now decide to remind you?! You knew now from Victor’s call that it meant that he had arrived and you, racoon eyed, sleep deprived and still in your clothes from the day before felt a rush of tears swell up in your throat.
You were so focused on this project that you completely forgot about something that you were looking forward to so excitedly just a few months ago. 
You answered Victor’s call and brought the phone to your ear. “Dummy, don’t tell me that you just now woke up?” Victor said in his usual stern and playful tone. You choked on your tears before letting out a little hic. “I-I’m sorry…” You said brokenly as you heard the sound of shuffling, the click of Victor’s seat belt unbuckling and the slam of his car door followed by a soft beep indicating him locking it. “Why are you crying?” His voice instantly became concerned as he was quickly heading into your apartment complex. 
“I-I don’t want to talk about it...it’s silly.”
“Nothing is silly if it’s making you cry so early in the morning. When I get to your apartment, tell me what is bothering you.” He said bluntly, leaving you no room to make excuses like always. Even in times like this Victor was sure that he was going to effectively fix your problem. 
When he arrived at your apartment you slowly opened the door with your head hung down low as you looked just like you did moments before, sniffling softly. 
Victor gently put his hand on yours causing you to open the door quickly before embracing you in a hug as his soft, deep voice tickled your ear. “Dummy, don’t tell me you stayed up all night working?” He said as you hugged his suit jacket tightly, feeling his heartbeat against yours, his was a bit more fast paced. He must have been really worried, you thought before he let out a large sigh. “You always do this,” his soft voice continued. “Working all day and all night when your projects are close to the end. I know that you want to make sure that everything is right...but i've told you this before, there is no need to bear all of this on your own. Let me know when you are stressed.”
You squeezed his jacket lightly as you looked up at him, tears streaming down his face. “You don’t get it Victor. “Someday I want to be just as great as you. I want to be hardworking, successful, a-and I want to be proud of what I do. I want you to be proud of me too.” Your voice sunk as your hands slipped off his large back to rub your tired eyes.
Victor let out a deep sigh before lifting your face up to his.
“Dummy, you think I got to become this successful overnight? And just because I am good at handling my money doesn’t mean that I am good at everything. After all, I didn’t check up on you enough or tell you how great you really are.”
“What do you mean?” You questioned before getting cut off by a smooth and minty kiss as Victor’s lips warmed yours. He pulled away slowly as his silvered eyes observed yours intensely. “You are already great ____. And the only way for you to get better is to have confidence in yourself. As long as you are doing everything in your power to succeed, then you will. That and I am already very proud of you dummy, so you should be proud of you too.” 
Your eyes lit up widely as you were left at a loss for words. Victor was complimenting you! “I-” You didn’t have much time to speak before you were swept up into his arms and led over to your bed as your cheeks flushed red. “U-um Victor?” You said.
 “We're not doing that this early in the morning.” He said with a sigh before placing you on your bed lightly. “Get some rest.” He added pulling back the covers on your bed.
“But what about our breakfast date?” You stuttered out as you didn’t want to miss this opportunity. 
“We can go another time. And I’ll just cook you something here while you catch up on a bit of sleep.” He said with a soft smile.
“Ah...Okay...but…” You trailed off as his smile faded away.
“What?” He said with his arms crossed.
“Well, it’s just that I really wanted to eat at that restaurant...since you talked so highly of it last time. N-not that I don’t like your cooking I like it a lot it is just that-” 
Victor then let out a deep chuckle as your cheeks flustered up.
“Dummy, I know someone who cooks as bad as you isn’t criticizing my cooking. And we will eat at the restaurant next week, as a celebration for you completing your project.”
You blinked softly in shock before brushing your hair back. “Isn’t it a bit early to be making a promise like that?” You said softly. 
“Not at all. Because I know that you will finish it, AND I know that you will do well.” He said with a handsome smile as you felt your confidence slowly start to build back up.
Victor was right, you are great and you just need to have faith in yourself that things are going to work out for you in so many beautiful ways.
After all if it wasn’t for your assertiveness and strength you wouldn’t be where you are today. 
You pulled the covers close to you falling asleep almost instantly.
When 30 minutes had passed you were woken up to the song of birds greeting the sun and the lavish smell of a french styled breakfast.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes you join Victor in your small quiet kitchen surrounded by an array of foods that you are completely in awe of. You can’t believe that you had all the ingredients in your kitchen to make this?!
Crepes cooked to perfection with your topping of choice sat neatly on your plate with a summer colored mimosa delectly placed beside it. In the center of your small table was an arrangement of different types of bread, each piece carefully sliced next to small glass bowls of butter, honey, and two hand made jams. One sweet and strawberry while the other was citrusy and tangy. 
“You made all this?” You said to Victor as you slowly sat down. 
“Of course, I wanted to make a breakfast that suits you individually. It would have been grander. But given the time and limited space. This was all I could do. I hope you like it.” He added. 
“Yes...Yes I do! It is very lovely Victor…” You say calmly while your heart beats with excitement. 
“You truly are worth something this luxurious.” Victor’s calm and creamy voice says to you amongst your meal as you can’t help but to smile and nod softly in agreement, for he was absolutely right.
SHAW | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 02
✨For those who failed and need to pick themselves back up✨
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This is it, you finally decided to try to go back to college. 
You figured that having some sort of title might help you gain some more rep when you go off to meetings with other executives andddd it wouldn’t hurt to learn a new skill or two that might help you with your growing career.
But who would have known that an entrance exam and thousand word essay would be so fucking hard to write?!
You already reread the prompt question a hundred times and were still facing the devil of writer's block. Staring at the blank page for hours and hours as your mind just kept wondering off to the chorus of the last song you heard. 
Normally back in high school you would have just stepped away and tried to start writing it tomorrow...or the day after...or maybe the night of (usually the night of) but now you really didn’t have any other time to write this paper unless it was right now!
Because you still had a job to do. There is absolutely no other time that you can squeeze in to write this paper unless you are writing it right the F now!! 
You ruffle up your hair in frustration and stomp your feet Come on stupid brain!!! Just give me something to fucking write!!! You curse at yourself only to find that it slumps you into a cycle of self depreciation.
Am I really so dumb that I can’t even easily pass a college eterance exam? Even Shaw makes straight A’s and he spends all of his time running from the cops in alley ways or playing hooky at the bar all night long. 
You lay your head down on the keyboard of your laptop as the letter h just types itself quickly across the pages where your essay should be. You let out a long sigh, laying there in silence as not a single thought floats by.
You soon sit back up, convincing yourself that if you start writing out nonsense then maybe something will come to mind. You then take a long stretch before tapping your hand down lightly on the keyboard. Then you hear the dreadful click of your mouse. 
Your eyes watch in doom as the essay page filled with the letter H soon disappears and a happy “Thank you for submitting your application to Loveland University.” pops up. 
Your heart then sinks to your ass. No way...no way!...NO WAY!! 
You quickly rise up from your chair as your breathing grows heavier and heavier. You feel your eyes foaming up with tears. Your one last opportunity is now completely screwed up all because your hand slipped?!?
Covering your mouth you begin to sob uncontrollably. Everything about today was going wrong and this was just the cherry on top. 
As you stood there crying Shaw had walked into the apartment with his skateboard and backpack in hand, sitting them down at the front entrance.
“Hey, Babe. I’m home.” His charming voice startles you. Oh great, you thought nowhere near ready to approach him about this. 
“Hey?” He says again as he makes his way through the apartment. “Where are you at?” 
Once he finds you sobbing in your office his expression turned forgien with concern.
Shaw is the WORST when it comes to comforting you but you knew that he tried his best to make you feel better. 
“Woah, woah...Babe...baby, why are we crying? What’s goin’ on?” He walks over to you, his arms open and ready to embrace you in a tight hug. 
The coolness of his leather jacket chills your heated face as you sob on his shoulder. He lets out a calming sigh as his hand rubs up and down your back, letting you get out all of your much needed cry. 
When you reach your composure enough to talk you explain to him between sniffles what had happened. Your self deprecation building up more and more before Shaw shakes his head no. 
“Hey now, stop talking shit about my girlfriend okay, only I can do that.” He said as you blink at him confused. 
“W-what?” You stumble on your word as Shaw leans over to wipe a tear off your eye. 
“Well I think that you’re really cool, and smart. And if someone like me can pass that entrance exam you can too ___.” He said.
“B-But I submitted my essay by accident already.” You lower your head defeated, ready to cry again as Shaw lets out a light chuckle before ruffling your hair.
“You know that we can call the administration and let them know what happened. They will see that it was an accident and let you submit it again. Mistakes happen babe but the longer you sit on them the longer it will take to get over them. The school doesn’t close until 8. So you have 4 hours to call them and get it fixed.” He said calmly as you nodded quietly.
Shaw was right, this was a mistake yes, and also a bit embarrassing. But it is human to make them, and everyone does. And when you make a mistake like this, dwelling on it is only holding you back from achieving your goals. 
You raised your head and clenched your fists confidently. “You’re right! For once.” You said to him.
“Hey!” Shaw laughs as he pushes you lightly causing you to giggle as well. You two playfully push one another back, poking at each other and slipping out silly names before Shaw’s arms wrap around your waist.
He kisses you lightly on the lips before smiling sweetly. “You got this, I know you do.” He said as you couldn’t help but to agree with him.
And sure enough the university understood your dilemma and sent you a new registration. 
GAVIN | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 03 
✨For those who struggle to let go of the past✨
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You knew how this was going to play out. After all you have seen it time and time before.
And now you can’t help but to get a little discouraged at the disappointment that this was going to bring you. 
The past already proved it to be true after all. 
Countless failed outcomes have led you only to conclude one thing.
That this dream of yours was going to end up in complete and total failure.
But even if that was the only logical outcome you could think of you still couldn’t fight the feeling in your heart that was telling you that this WAS right. 
Yet, now here you were, stuck in limbo and unable to move forward. 
You sighed looking at your notes, you had always dreamed of one day that you would get to start your own business. Now not to read you wrong, you did love working as the CEO of your fathers company but it was seeing him build his business from the ground up that inspired you to one day do the same. 
You have spent as long as you can think back to. Brainstorming ideas, doodling logo designs and daydreaming about something that you could call your own.
And now here they come, those heart-wrenching thoughts from the past ready to quiz you and make you think, am I really good enough to have this dream? Do I deserve it? 
All those past experiences of people questioning your skills, telling you that you aren’t prepared enough and that you’d never be able to be the person you dreamed of just makes you want to curl up into a ball and give up. 
Even for a moment the thought of maybe they ARE right, floods in and you feel yourself wanting to cry, believing in it just for a moment as your ego tries to back up the negativity with ‘facts’ to prove it. 
You crawl your way back into bed heartbroken and honestly just wishing that all your thoughts, good and bad, would just fade away.
You pull the covers over your face as you begin to sniffle as your throat clumps up, ready for the tears to fall from your eyes.
And right on que they do. You bundle up closer and closer to yourself, sitting in silence with the haunting memories of the past.
You soon feel the bed sink down a bit before a warm hand runs it’s way up and down your side.
You choke on your tears more, knowing that it is Gavin and there was no hiding your tears from him now.
You felt the warmness of his body tower over you as his lips pecked the top of your head through the covers. 
“When you are ready to talk about it, I’m here okay.” He said to you quietly.
Gavin continued to rub your back in the silence of your room waiting patiently for you to collect yourself enough to talk to him. 
And after a good 30 minute cry session you slowly sat up before pulling Gavin into a warm embrace. Sniffling into his neck as he just gently pressed his lips to your shoulder. “You know ___, when you are hurting like this...I don’t want you to keep it from me okay? I’ll help you through this.” He spoke to you in a gentle voice. 
You slowly pulled from your hug as you wiped your eyes and began spilling out your heart to him. Telling him about everything. Every past encounter that has left you hurt and how you like to think that you have grown and gotten over the pain but it is moments like this that it just all comes back up again and you feel like you are right back to where you started. 
Gavin’s caramel eyes watched you quietly as he listened to you greatly, taking in your pain as if it was his own. You could tell that he truly understood and got you and that he really knew how badly it was hurting you.
And after a moment he spoke up. 
“The past can be painful sometimes, but it’s there to help us learn and grow. And you can’t ever know how something is really going to play out in the future either.” He said calmly. “All you really can do is take little steps now to lead you to the future you want. Don’t let it get the best of you okay? I know that you will do great. And I will be here to support you through it all.” 
He was right, all those times that people told you that you weren't enough, or looked at you like you were crazy. All those failed attempts and embarrassing moments, they were all there to teach you that you are great! And that you are very much worthy of your hopes and dreams!
Gavin leaned over to pick your notes up off of your nightstand as he studied them closely, a sweet smile on his lips. 
“I might not know much on how to start your own business, but just seeing this idea, I know that it is going to help so many people. You should go through with it.”
“B-but what if it fails?” You say with your head down.
“Well then we will just figure out the root of the problem, fix it, and move forward.” He said as you quickly looked up to see Gavin’s handsome smile as your eyes started to water again, but this time with happy tears.
Because now here you were, taking on your dreams, with someone who has always believed in you, and who has never once questioned just how amazing you truly are.
LUCIEN | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 04 
✨For those who rob themselves of fun✨
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You were so excited to sit in at an exclusive lecture that you have been begging Lucien to take you to for months now. It was an introduction class to understanding Quantum Mechanics. A subject that racked your brain,but in a good way. 
And even though Lucien’s undergraduate degree was in biochemistry;he was still fairly knowledgeable and greatly enjoyed physics, and with that happily obliged to accompany you. 
You were filled with anticipation and the utmost excitement. Swaying your feet beneath your seat with anticipation as the instructure took his place at the podium. 
He was an older gentleman with a rustic and well uniformed style. His caramel colored suit complemented his toffee skin. His visible laugh lines and crow's feet along with his brightly colored red bow tie,symbolized a man who lived a full and prosperous life. And even now with no head of hair and whispers of grey singing through his beard expressed that same song of legacy and abundance through him. 
You were thoroughly impressed by the wise looking man whose hands were clasped behind his back patiently waiting for students to fill the seats before glancing at Lucien’s young and smooth features. Only to notice that he had been watching you the entire time, lips curled with his hand pressed closely against them. 
You panic for a moment waving your hands and covering your face. “S-stop looking so intensely at me.” You say as Lucien’s princely chuckle caused your heart to ache. 
“I can’t help it...You just look so excited. Like a silly little kid in a candy store.” he said before letting out a teasing sigh. “I am a bit upset that you never look this excited when you come to see my lectures.” He said crossing his arms and looking away from you with a sorrow filled expression.
“T-That’s not true! I love going to your lectures Lucien.” You said proudly. “It’s just that..well...sometimes it’s hard to understand...since you teach such an advanced class.” You say admitting defeat as you lower your head.
“I see…” Lucien said softly looking at you once more. “Then next time I’ll be sure to explain them to you in a way that you can enjoy and understand.” He said before lightly brushing your hair behind your ear. 
You glanced up for a moment to see Lucien’s gentle smile but before you could say anything the professor at the stand began his lesson. 
The first 30 minutes of the lesson went by in a breeze as the professor recapped on the basic understanding of quantum mechanics and the movement of an electron. These were all things that you have heard from Lucien before and even information you yourself have researched and understood. You happily listened, jotting down notes between cute doodles of bunnies and flowers as Lucien would occasionally add a cute butterfly or heart to your scribbles. 
“Hey.” You said in a soft whisper swatting his hand away playfully. “You of all people should know better. Don’t draw in class.” You teased him as Lucien couldn’t help but to laugh. 
“Your bunny looked lonely. I wanted them to have a friend.” He said in a soft voice, amongst the lecture it was almost too hard to hear, as you glanced over to see that Lucien had his notes displayed as well. 
You weren’t surprised to see how minimal and organized they were. His tablet was exposed with a series of information already written out as he was just adding to pre existing notes he had already written before the lecture started.
They were all neatly organized with his straight lined handwriting and not a single ounce of color or doodle was on them. Just a simple shade of light where certain words were ‘highlighted’ as important.
They look so professional. You thought as Lucien picked up his stylist and calmly added a bit of information to them. You watched him in awe for a moment, the way he was resting his hand on his chin,the engagement in his eyes and the way he quickly jotted down the information in tune with the professor's quick voice. It was clear that he had done this for a while and that he was good at his routined way of note taking. 
When you finally snapped out of your trance you noticed how quickly the professor was on a new topic from the last thing you had written down and glancing at your notes once more than the black board ahead of you. You realized that you were so far behind that the information you had written wasn’t even on the board anymore! 
For a moment you were ready to panic until you realized your position. You weren't in school anymore so taking notes wasn’t essential.
And with that you began to zone off again, letting your egotistical thoughts build up and up. The elder man before you had spent his whole life, in your opinion, becoming something great. He went off to college, got a degree, became an educator and he knew so much!! Even Lucien who just at the age of 26 became a well renowned neuroscientist! Yet here you were...the one who took over their fathers business. You started thinking about all the times an episode idea didn’t even make it past the first meeting with Victor and how you almost lost the entire funding of your show! You sunk down in your seat, spinning the ink of your pen over one of the cute bunnies...Was I ever good at anything? You wallowed to yourself unaware that Lucien’s soft glances were reading you like a book. 
He knew instantly that you were down. The way you were slouching, the unconscious pout on your lips, your eyes shining;trying to hold back tears, and the way your feet stopped patting with excitement from under the table. 
After the lecture was over and you and Lucien were walking hand in hand down the halls he spoke up. “Was the lecture too hard for you to follow? You suddenly looked sad?” He said as his eyes were stuck on you.
You groaned before slouching your head on Lucien’s shoulder, furrowing your brow. “Nothing ever gets past you huh?” You mumble as Lucien brushes back your hair, waiting for you to speak out your worries. 
You began your rant, talking about how amazing he is and the professor and how you enjoy learning about science and sitting in on all these cool lectures but you aren’t the expert and that you feel it is pointless to learn something that you are not good at. It then lead you to feeling that you are not the best at anything. Lucien listened to every ins and outs of your problems, holding your hand tightly in his. Once you finished with a long sigh he spoke up.
“You think that I’m the best neuroscientist in the world?” He said softly as you nod. “Of course, your 26 and you own your own research center, you travel the world, who wouldn’t think that you are-”
“But I’m not.” he said softly as the two fo you stopped walking. You glanced up at him as the same calm and sweet smile stayed on his face. “If not now someone better will come along and do greater than me but even then they won’t be the best...because someone will come along and become greater than they are. After all Science is built on advancement. When something is deemed as a fact that is helpful yes, but people are much more complex. Personally I think that if you choose to see life as becoming the best at something then you are viewing everyone and everything around you as competition. But your idea of greatness is not the same as someone else's, what you may see as failure and a fault someone else sees as empowering and inspiring, and that includes how people see you. I think that you are the best at what you do but that shouldn’t matter...since you know yourself better than anyone else. I think that you should be more proud of how much you've grown. Being the best only brings temporary happiness. While growth is ever changing and there's no limit to how it should happen and what needs to be done in order to grow.” Your face softened as Lucien spoke. You felt your thoughts lighten as a soft voice in your head kept telling you that he was right. I see Lucien as the greatest and most amazing person in the world but he doesn’t… he sees. “You.” his princely voice said softly. “If I had to choose who the greatest person in the world is to me...it’s you.” He added before kissing your forehead. 
You could feel the soft rise and fall of his chest as his warm lips laid gently on your skin. His rainy scent engulfing you while your hands slowly pulled him into an embrace. He hugged you back before brushing your hair lightly through his fingertips. 
Even in this moment with Lucien you have learned so much, you have grown...a sweet smile fluttered across your lips as your heart grew with pride. “I am so proud of me, and how much I have grown.” You whispered. 
KIRO | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 05 
✨For those who are feeling lonely amongst hard times.✨
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You slouched at the front door of your apartment. Bags in your hands, coat slung between your arms, hair a mess and dark circles slowly morphing you into a racoon.
You kicked off your shoes to see your red and slightly swollen feet. An emergency had happened that caused you to stop and change every course of your life for the next month and a half. Having to make phone calls between friends, family, and companies ensuring the safety and calmness of everyone around you.
You had already spent hours reassuring worried hearts that you had forgotten to give yourself a moment to breathe and process everything. And now with this short time to finally be with yourself the stress, anxiety, worry and guilt flooded through you like a river as your eyes dropped like a waterfall. 
You had been trying so hard to remain optimistic for everyone else that your own feelings were casted aside and now here you were, alone and finally able to feel them. Only for the idea of being alone to make it worse. Sliding your way down and onto the floor beginning your crying session. Soon the buzzing of your phone scared you half to death. The handsome face of Kiro and his bright golden smile popped up on your screen. Oh great. You thought seeing the FaceTime message as you quickly dried your face and answered the call.
“OHHH My (Miss) Chip(s)!!~” Kiro’s voice sang. “Hey,” he pouted. “Why can’t I see your face? It’s so dark. And you’re sniffling...Don’t tell me you caught a cold again?” he said. 
“Ah-s-sorry. I’ll turn on the lights.” Your voice cracked as Kiro’s playful expression quickly turned to worry. You flicked on the lights and turned the screen to your face, rubbing your nose with your sleeve. Seeing yourself on the small screen of your phone, there was no way for you to deny that you were crying. Your eyes a puffy red mess (and makeup smeared down your cheeks). 
“Ah...I was um..” You try to explain as You watched Kiro already up and heading for his jacket. 
“Don’t worry ____. I’m on my way, you can tell me when I get there. Have you been crying for long?” he said as his cute voice now had a alert and serious tone.
“N-No...not too long. I just got home.” You say softly.
“Don’t hang up. I don’t want you to cry by yourself. Next time you are feeling sad, let me know.”
“Y-You don’t have to come over.” you say feeling like you were about to cry again.
“Don’t say that. Of course I do. It is a hero’s job to help those in need. Especially when it’s someone they love.” Kiro said as you bit your lip softly, you couldn’t deny him of this. 
When he finally arrived at your place you cleaned up a bit as you opened the door to an tight embrace. His hug was warm and inviting as your hand tightening on his back the moment Kiro pressed your head to his shoulder. You began to cry again. “It’s okay...I am here...you can cry now.” He said in a low voice. With that you spilled out your heart as kiro held you closely, his blonde hair tickling the edge of your ear.  
Once you had calmed down enough to talk the two of you sat beside one another on the loveseat in your living room.
You expressed all of your pain that you had been repressing about the situation and although you didn’t mind that people were using you for support, you never realized how tough it would be to take on everyone's pain and have no one to help you through yours. Kiro held your hand quietly, hearing out all your worries as the rings on his fingers were slowly starting to warm up by the embrace of yours. 
Once you had finished what you needed to say Kiro gently pressed your head to his chest, his arms holding you in a loving embrace. 
“Thank you...for sharing with me your worries. I know that it’s not easy having to take on other people's burdens but you aren’t alone...and I will always listen to you and I will always be here when things get tough. I want to be that someone you rely on to lift your spirits. You are the person that I want to make the happiest. Even when you feel like no one sees or hears you struggling, just remember that I do see you.” Kiro said in a soft voice as your eyes watered once again. You hugged him tightly, nodding your head as you felt like a large weight was just lifted off your shoulders. 
Kiro reminded you that you belong and that there is so much value in how hardworking and kind you are. 
And that this strength wasn’t something you need to burden through alone. 
✨Thank you for reading and I hope that this helped any of you guys going through a tough time who just needs a bit of encouragement. 
My DM’s are always open too and I’ll gladly hear anyone out. 🖤 
Sometimes all we need is just someone to vent to. 🖤
✨Check out more of my writings on my ✨master list✨
✨ If you like my blog and want to see more of me check out my other social’s, it would mean a lot to me~~ https://linktr.ee/Yvainegeline
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riisinaakka-draws · 4 years
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1st part of my old Black Sails scraps and doodles from 2016–2021. Not in any particular order.
This post has a glimpse to one of my BS binders with the most less-effort-and-crack-idea doodles. Also lots of puns and the Walrus crew shenanigans. Flint is a dick and Billy is tall and Silver keeps bringing the parrot into canon one way or another.
And of course, please, do not steal and repost elsewhere! But if you do get inspired, feel free to make your own interpretations! :)
I put them under the cut, because this is a very long post!
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Puns with “Black Sails” lead of course to all kinds of things, one of which ended up becoming the Full Walrus Speed! comic (2018). Here I was thinking how to convey “the scarf sails” with Silver as he sneaks out at night to test Flint’s words (and how the wind keeps blowing “the sail” onto his face) although it didn’t end up in the finished comic.
There’s also Eleanor holding a chart with Vane’s name and “black sales” as he wasn’t doing so well. The Death is sailing a variation the trash raft with “black sails” as it did in this other art: The Death following the Walrus (2016).
There’s also a comic with Flint, Thomas and Abigail’s letter, but that’s gonna be it’s own post when I finish it (but wanted to mention it here as it was related to these). It includes “Block Spoils”, “Block Soils”, and 2 x “Bleak Seals” ;)
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“I’m going to make you the Princes of the New World!”  and some of the Walrus crew as “princes”. Flint made them paper crowns and these were the very first BS doodles I ever drew, or at least one of the firsts (no date written tho). This was done right after I watched the first episode and when I got the spark that this show was going to be something... truly spectacular.
Also I hadn’t drawn anything for months (closer to a year) and even holding a pen and the thought of drawing anything felt almost nauseating at the time (I was crawling through depression) but I just had to do something with the excitement. And doodling ended up helping me a lot to get back on my feet, so thousands thanks, Flint’s bloody feral face (and billion thanks to Black Sails fans who have encouraged me during all these years!).
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Around early season 3 by the looks of it. Doodling cool Flint with a felt tip and then the parrot and goofy Silver photobombed. The parrot is parroting Flint of course. I was wondering if they were going to include the bird in the show and this is how it manifested.
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Season 1. “Framing problems” inspired by the scene with Flint and Billy (although in the doodle there’s also Silver’s top of the head)
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...because the height difference and I wondered if it was hard to get them fit into the same frame lol
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I love Silver’s face here and the sock-parrot although I didn’t even bother with Flint here other than the pose. This lead to the art: “Let Me Tell You A Story...” (2018) although the composition changed. Tbh I like this version a bit more in retrospect but I coudn’t make it work with the hammock/pallet at the time... Silver is trying to cheer up Flint.
Half way through of this post, btw!
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Alternative scenes for this art: ”Neverland!crack!AU!” (2017) which features Captain Silver Hook, Billy Pan and Ginger Bell.
The texts are the bolded parts:
Gates dreamed it (he wakes up in cold sweat and is like NO.)
Israel Hands as Smee, and another one where Dufresne is Smee. Silver as Captain Hook as in the art too, although here it’s very obscure.
Billy as Peter Pan + lost boys and Silver saying “I thought you never grow up” and it ended up in the final piece too, but a bit differently.
Some texts in the lower left corner: “Robert Stevenson and Bay roll in their graves” (uh..Michael Bay? He’s not dead. I guess I added Bay later and lost the thought anyway)
“The hyena guy laughed when I was doodling these at 2 am” (I had a weird neighbour at the time and he’d randomly laugh like a hyena at nights and it happened again while I, too, was sniggering at my late night silly doodles because I couldn’t sleep). I didn’t bother to start cropping this snippet out :)
“Flint as Tinkerbell” and “Only one emotion per time, needs to be believed” (in). Here’s a close up:
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The other doodle is Flint sleeping, because instead of Mr. Gates, maybe Flint dreamt this weird au with the faces of people around him. Silver (or Billy? Gates?) is trying to wake him up and he mumbles “Mmmh, NO, don’t throw food around” (this was a nod to the movie “Hook” and the Lost Boys waisting food in that one dinner scene).
“No, I’m the fairy!” (I can’t remember was I thinking of someone else to be Tinkerbell at the time or maybe it was because I was also thinking Flint as Hook? but instead he “wanted” to be Ginger Bell in his dream instead so...) and “Fuck you England crocodile!” (who’d be the antagonist in this au).
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Mr. Gates: “Look at my lad!”
“The reason why Billy didn’t have a beard in early seasons.”
...was because otherwise he might have been pressured to style it like his father figure, lol. Also *sob* with Gates gone, Billy’s beard became wild in the show as the time goes on (remember beard of betrayl?).
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Flint, after the fight with Singleton, here sleeping peacefully with a nosebleed. The text (someone saying it): “Gross.”
Flint: “I think I was in heaven for a sec” (because he bumbed into Billy). “It felt like hitting a brick wall”. Texts: Flint being a dick (and blind from blood-loss), and Billy thinking (and getting the idea for the legendary Black Spot early on): “I have been marked... with a red spot“ (and it’s his doom).
In the left corner: “favourite Billy Bones face”
inspired by this one:
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And the last two doodles for this bunch:
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“Someone get me a glass!” ... and the aftermath of Silver shouting for a spyglass and of course the Walrus crew providing “a glass”... which here is an hourglass, a wine glass and another one, a magnifying glass, a mirror (looking glass) although at first it was supposed to be an ice cream (Swedish word, because hey, there might be some Swedish pirates on the crew etc..) and some one bringing a glass of water but making it fancier with a coctail umbrella. For their beloved new quartermaster, you know. Oh yeah, and someone threw Dufresne’s glasses at him but they got stuck on the rope.
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Aaaand doodles for “A Tattoo Boom on board the Walrus”. Everybody wants a walrus tattoo and there ends up being all kinds of variations on board. Cute ones, sexy ones, creepy ones, and so on, all featuring a walrus in some form xD
For a long time I was going to draw this properly but never really got into it, so feel free to draw bunch of pirates with cool Walrus tattoos if you need something to draw! (or need an excuse to practise anatomy, as I was planning to do...lol) :D
Thanks for reading, I hope you had fun <3
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Diary of the Writing Raven; Birds of a Feather
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For the 1100+ follower milestone, here is the next part of the cursed raven’s story!
This time, we revisit entries in Miss Raven’s diary. A familiar face assumes prominence on the stage--what role will he play in this story of ours?
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4
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Day 47
I feel like I am being watched.
Uncle says I am just nervous and excited from the ceremony yesterday.
I am not so sure.
Day 48
I ran into that weirdo again today.
The weirdo is named Rook Hunt. He also calls himself the Hunter of Love...? I do not understand what that means.
He said that he will not be fooled again by Mon-sure Mastermind’s tricks again. He said he knows I am a bird, and he will chase me to the ends of Twisted Wonderland to see me in flight.
He shouts many strange words and chases me around. I managed to narrowly miss him by diving into the bushes. He was distracted by some students with animal ears--and I was able to run all the way home safely.
I suppose it is good to be curious, but...Mister Rook is too curious...!!
Why couldn’t I have run into Mister Jade instead?
Day 51
Uwaaah, I saw a very pretty upperclassman today! He had golden hair, violet at the ends.
The pretty upperclassman snapped at Mister Rook and told him to stop scaring me.
I am thankful, but...it seems like that upperclassman was scanning me all over. Judging me silently. I wanted to disappear into my clothes.
Before we part, he tells me that my ponytails are not symmetrical. He adjusts it for me and sends me off.
Mister Rook’s friends are strange people, too.
Day 56
Another run-in with Mister Rook. They seem to happen every day now, though they are not always...eventful.
He says I am too formal, and that I can just call him “Rook”.
He would not stop pestering me until I agreed.
He gave me a toothy grin when I, at last, relented.
What a troublesome man.
Day 57
Ever since I tried Flounder’s Blue, I have been sampling new foods and drinks.
Today, I got a cup of caw-fee.
Silly me, though...I tripped and spilled it all over a Savanaclaw student. He was so angry. He threatened to gobble me up.
I was trembling and sobbing when the Savanaclaw student yelped. Rook had a tight grip on his trail and kept tugging it, saying weird things until he scurried off.
I thank him.
Day 60
It feels like I see Rook around every corner. He does not always approach--sometimes, he is just content with watching from a distance, or he gives a small wave.
Jade has noticed too.
He asks if Rook makes me feel unsafe..
Rather than feel unsafe, I am a little curious as to why Rook is...well, Rook. He is certainly an odd fellow, but when I think back to a few days ago, I can’t help but think he has a good heart.
I do not think he means any harm.
So I tell Jade I am fine.
Day 66
Rook smelled funny today.
He says there was an accident in the Science Club, so he will reek of tomato and basil for a few days. That hunting trip he was planning is cancelled; the smell will alert too many animals of his presence.
I tell him that he reminds me of the pasta served at the Mostro Lounge, and he laughs.
How he is able to stay so cheery is a wonder to me--but it is not a bad thing, I suppose.
Day 72
Rook tells me of a carny-vale in the nearby town, and says I must experience it for myself. I was curious, so I followed.
There are so many bright sounds and sights. It smells like something fried and sweet.
We ride the spinning tea cups and the carousel. They make me feel like I’m flying once more.
I’m no good at any of the game booths, but Rook is. He has impeccable aim and strength. The game booth runners cry and beg him to not run them out of business.
Rook just smiles and asks them for their best prizes. He has no use for most of them, so he dumps his prizes onto me with a part on the head.
My arms are too full to hold any food, so Rook helps feed me. He stuffs funnel cake, cotton candy, and candied apple into my mouth.
The last thing we do for the day is the ferris wheel. We go up and up against the sunset.
In the dying light of day, I realize something.
Rook has very pretty eyes, too.
Day 80
The pretty upperclassman came up and introduced himself.
Vil Schoenheit, Pomefiore’s dorm leader.
The queen.
He remarks that my pigtails are not asymmetrical today, and that I am a fast learner.
“You must be, little Shetland potato,” Vil comments, “if you are to deal with my huntsman.”
Day 84
...Rook was carrying a Pomefiore boy over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes.
He says that it’s his job to capture runaways, in service of his queen.
...I wonder how much he gets paid to do this?
Day 85
I told Rook about my hiking trip with Jade!
He seemed very interested, listening intently and nodding while I spoke.
Rook says that he, too, is a fan of the great outdoors, and that we should go on a camping trip together sometime.
I look forward to it.
Day 90
Today is the promised camping trip with Rook.
The weather is getting chillier, so he reminds me to dress warm. He will take care of the rest of the preparations. After all, he has had much more experience with these sorts of things.
I’m still cold, even when I show up in three layers. Rook tuts and throws his jacket over me, despite my protests.
He guides me through the forest, pointing out tiny things I would not have noticed on my own. That bunny’s burrow, those squirrels storing nuts for the upcoming winter, the rustle of the leaves, the trickle of water, how the sunlight filters through the trees...
Rook has such a poetic way of speaking.
He reminds me of a prince in a fairy tale.
Day 94
Rook told me that he has noticed that my speech has improved. He is proud, puffing up like a proud father. He spouts some nonsense about how “mon petit oiseau” (he helped me with the spelling) is becoming such a refined young lady.
I told him that his own manner of speech is far prettier than mine.
Rook just laughed and offered to help me improve more and more, if I wish.
I should pay a visit to Pomefiore, he said, and the queen will welcome me with open arms.
Day 95
Pomefiore is...beautiful. Violet tapestries, crimson curtains, and gold decorations dripping from every available crevice. And everyone is just as beautiful as their surroundings, skin like glass and eyes set in jewel-colored shadows.
I expected nothing less of the oldest dormitory at Night Raven College. The castle is steeped in years of history.
I was offered tea and a three tiered stand of snacks. Vil introduced me to a boy named Epel, who squirmed in his seat with discomfort.
He made us hold our tea cups all funny and barked at us to exchange words. Rook stands at his queen’s side and just...smiles at us as we suffer.
After that, Vil shepherded us to a large table, where two sets of cutlery were laid out.
I’m drilled for hours on end, until I can differentiate the several different variants of spoons, forks, and knives. Epel, too.
I am told to return every few days, to join Epel for his lessons. “It would do him some good to have someone to go through the motions with,” Vil insists. “It gives him some much needed...’encouragement’.”
More lessons for me.
...Somehow, I feel like Rook has me caught in a snare.
Day 100
Vil quips that we are learning ballroom dancing today.
I do not see the practical use of such a skill, but he will not take no for an answer.
Epel and I mutter apologies as we link hands and step on each other’s feet. Then the queen has us take turns spinning around with Rook.
He is very graceful on his feet--far more than myself or Epel. I’m nervous when my turn comes up, but Rook reassures me that it will be fine.
His arms form a cage to keep me from stumbling.
He clicks his tongue and says I need more practice.
Day 102
We focused on the arts today. Vil was busy with modeling (?) and told us that Rook would be our instructor. He says that the arts are his best subject, so please leave everything to him.
Rook shows us fruit bowls and pictures of scenery (he says he took the photographs himself)! Then he sets out canvases and paint sets and tells us to follow his lead.
His voice is a soft murmur as he beats his paintbrush against a blank canvas, breathing color into an otherwise lifeless world.
I do my best to do as he says.
Rook glances over--and he tells me, through a blinding smile, that my painting needs some work.
I have to agree.
Day 110
Epel is with friends today.
Rook takes this opportunity to grant me a language and writing lesson. He knows that I like writing, so now is as good of a time as any.
Rook hovers over me at a desk and suggests ways to make my writing sound...fancier.
I practice writing sentences like...
You are the light of my life, the lark’s birdsong in the still morning.
You are as lovely as the petals of a rose, lush and delicate and breathtakingly beautiful.
You are the moon and the starlight, twinkling in the depths of the darkness and guiding me to salvation.
I ask him what the point of these phrases were--and Rook answers, “For when you wish to woo whomever has captured your heart!” He makes it sound so easy.
He teaches me a few basic phrases of his flowery language, too.
I tell him merci.
Day 117
The queen puts books on my head and tells me to walk without dropping any of them.
Rook holds my hand and helps me keep balance.
It is warm, and comforting and supportive, just like Jade’s.
Then Vil whips out a pair of odd shoes, with stick-like things instead of a flat sole. He calls them heels and urges me to put them on.
I fall on my face, and Rook has to help me up.
On my second attempt, he catches me. He tells me I have the grace of a newborn fawn--that is to say, none at all.
Still, I feel safe in his arms.
Day 133
It is cold, and snowy.
Rook drags me outside anyway. He says exercise will do my frail little body some good.
But...no matter what I activity I do, I am miserable at it. Snowshoeing, ice skating, sledding. I am horrible at all of them, and more.
We settle for building a snowman.
I try to make it look cute.
Day 140
The cruise ship is boring. The beach is boring. It’s mostly older folks like Uncle sipping on tropical drinks and sunbathing.
I wish I had someone to talk to.
Of course, Jade would be nice and set my heart at ease...but Rook would be able to make even something as mundane as this fun.
I can already hear him shouting in my head about the clear blue waters, and the amber sunlight, and the snow white sand.
Look at me, I’m beginning to speak nonsense.
Well, nonsense it may be, but it is interesting nevertheless.
Rook is...interesting.
Day 149
There are lots of seagulls here.
...They remind me of Rook.
I am not quite sure why.
Maybe it is the incessant cawing.
Though...that is charming, in its own unique way.
Day 155
Rook brought back a souvenir from his home land--a bright blue feather on a beaded necklace. He says it is similar to the one the young prince of his country wears.
It turns out, he is from the Afterglow Savannah! What a surprise; I thought he would be from the Land of Pyroxene.
He regales me with stories of his adventures, of the many hunts he embarked on and his trophies.
His eyes are like emeralds, shining with excitement.
Day 167
I saw a play with Rook.
It told the story of two lovers whose families detested one another. The actors all speak quite frivolously, just like Rook. I can see why he would like this kind of thing.
My favorite part...it was the balcony scene.
The male lead cannot stand to be apart from the female lead, and so he sneaks into her garden at night. He summons her to the balcony and makes a vow that he will, no matter what, find a way to be with her.
...The play ends with death.
I cried a little, and Rook let me lean against his shoulder until I stopped.
Day 170
I penned a little story based on the play.
This one has a happy ending.
I want to put some hope into the world.
Day 185 (Continued)
I asked Rook if he was excited for Valentine’s Day, if he was expecting any gifts.
He gave me a mysterious smile in response and said, “Ah, that is for me to know and for you to find out, mon petit oiseau.”
I wonder what he means by that.
Day 186 (Continued)
I will give Rook some chocolate, too!
As thanks for being my friend.
Day 197 (Continued)
I made little heart-shaped bon-bons for Rook.
Perfect for the Hunter of Love.
Day 198 (Continued)
I want to curl up and die, diary.
Rook saw me crying today, under the shade of the great apple tree that towers in the school courtyard.
He asked me what was wrong, a concerned look on his face.
I snapped at him, told him to leave me be.
...But rather than bombard me with questions or annoy me with overly embellished words...
...Rook sat next to me silently. He held my hand until I stopped crying.
Then I spilled everything. I don’t know why I did. I...I guess I wanted someone to know of my story.
Starting with my arrival at Night Raven College. Ending with Jade’s betrayal.
I told Rook the tale through my tears and disgusting sobbing. It was absolutely pathetic, but...he listened patiently.
When I finished, he told me something.
“Mon petit oiseau, I would never lie to you.”
And I believe him.
Day 200
I cried again.
Stupid Leeches.
Day 202
I am scared of Jade.
I say as much to Rook.
He makes a joke about sharpening a harpoon and going eel hunting.
...At least, I think it is a joke.
Day 215
Rook now greets me as soon as my classes let out. His smile and laugh are reassuring to see.
He makes sure I get home safely, and without being accosted.
I cannot say merci enough.
Day 227
...It is ironic.
The man I once ran from is now the one I willingly go to for shelter, and the man I once went to for shelter is now the one I run from.
What a strange reversal of fortune.
Day 228
I feel eyes on me again.
...Leeches, most likely.
Day 230
Tomorrow is another day.
I will stay at Rook’s side.
It is the only place I feel safe beyond Uncle’s attic.
Day 231
I can trust him.
I can trust Rook.
He will tell an ugly truth right off the bat.
He values honesty, integrity--like me.
And birds of a feather must flock together.
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