#i feel bad whenever i'm asked about anatomy because it's something i can't exactly help with
emaiiyaru · 2 years
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answering asks
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sorry i’m like the worst person to ask because i draw like this
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although this is only hands, my anatomy process isn’t very different, i just don’t have good anatomy processes to show atm
i’m very lazy to draw guidelines so i freehand a lot
i’d advise looking into art tutorials that give proper guidelines and shapes for both hands and anatomy, but if you’re interested in whatever technique i’m pulling out of my ass, i pretty much familiarized myself more with outlines
here’s an example with some anatomy figure from amazon because idk how else to explain this
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left side is my ugly attempt at guidelines
right side is how i usually draw
and then i keep practicing that so i’m not too terrible at it now
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please i don’t deserve such kindness
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with Juan Carlos ‘Juice’ Ortiz.
Request: Oh please please tell me I make the cut! But can you do a Juice x Reader where Reader and Juice are good friends and she is in a bad relationship and he is trying to convince her that it's a bad relationship? Basically to the song, "Treat you Better" by Shawn Mendes
BY @firebenderwolf
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Word count: about 1.2k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
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I won't lie to you, I know he's just not right for you. And you can tell me if I'm off, but I see it on your face, when you say that he's the one that you want. And you're spending all your time in this wrong situation. And anytime you want it to stop, I know I can treat you better than he can.
Juice has lost the track of how many times he has heard you crying because of that asshole. He has lost the track of how many times he has to comfort you because you had found another infidelity from him. But you are convinced that you love him, that you can change him. You believe your boyfriend every time he tells you that you're crazy, or that he won't do it again when you have proof of what he has done.
This time, you found him with another girl in your house. In your room. In the bed you share. And you have run away to Juice's house. He doesn't need to ask what's happening when he opens the door to see the mess of suffering you are. Heavily sighing with a sorrow installed on his throat, he doesn't doubt to embrace you with all the love he unconditionally feels for you. Making you come into the inside, he closes the door, before leaning enough to place his hands on the back of your thighs; urging you to surround his waist with your legs. You feel bad for him too. He must be tired of every shitty situation you put him on. Tired of always telling you that you deserve the world, that you deserve someone better, that you are worth it, that you're amazing. But you have never listened to. Until now.
Sitting on the sofa, he holds as much closer as he can, burying your face into the gap between his neck and his collarbone. Juice is not going to lie. He loves that you always come to him, even if it's not in the way he would like to. But you finally keep choosing him for a second. Your tears wet his shirt, and he doesn't care. He's just staying in silence, caressing your back, trying to make you feel better.
I'll stop time for you the second you say you'd like me to. I just want to give you the loving that you're missing. Baby, just to wake up with you would be everything I need. And this could be so different. Tell me what you want to do.
Juice could put the world to turn to the opposite direction just for you. He could turn off the moonlight just for you. He would do anything for you. And you know it. You know it pretty well. As you know how much he would enjoy killing that son of a bitch. After some minutes clinged to him, your breathing is calmed, your cry is unnoticeable and the pain is disappearing little by little. He cleans the left tears on your cheeks, pulling yourself away some inches.
“I'm sorry… for putting you on it every damn time”. You try to apologize, receiving a shake of his head back.
“I'm your friend”. He just says, noticing the bitter on his words and hidden on the fleeting smile he shows you.
Yes, he is. And you know that you're really terrified of recognizing your feelings for him, just because you don't want to lose him. Resting your head on Juice's shoulders, he gets up to carry you to his bed. After helping you to take off your sneakers and the socks, he gives you a shirt to sleep on. Sleeping with him after a bad day is like coming back to life after death. His body warms yours, surrounding your anatomy with his strong arms, gluing your back to his chest. The kisses on your head shut your demons, your insecurities and yours fears. Sometimes you would like him to be your boyfriend, but you're not even sure about what he feels. Maybe the bitter tone you noticed it's just because he's tired of being your teabag, after bail him on a lot of times for spending time with your real shitty boyfriend.
Give me a sign, take my hand, we'll be fine. Promise I won't let you down. Just know that you don't have to do this alone. Promise I'll never let you down.
He could be his whole life lying on his bed, with you comfy curled under his grip, peacefully sleeping as if there weren't any trouble outside of his room. Resting his face over the pillow, with yours on his bicep, he presses his lips on your forehead. Two long seconds. Not wanting to end that lovely gesture. Not wanting to stop kissing you. He would never get tired of kissing every single inch of your skin, once and again. But there he is, comforting you before saying go again to be with your boyfriend.
“I wish you could see me the way I see you”. He whispers, gently caressing the back of your head.
The sun is almost shining and Juice knows that you will wake up in a few minutes, so he just fits his body to yours with the only intention of enjoying your company, before letting you leave. Sighing sleepy against his chest, you sink your face in his neck. His heart jumps, praying that you haven't heard his words.
I know I can treat you better than he can and any girl like you deserves a gentleman. Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crying, when you should be with me instead.
Juice feels like shit, sitting on the porch of his house, watching your black car turn the corner. Leaving his neighborhood. He could cry like never before right now, without caring about who could watch him. Every time he is exactly where he is, his heart is squeezed by a painful sensation. Always saying to himself that he isn't good enough for you, that you prefer a man who cheats on her every night than an outlaw biker. And he can't blame you. He chose that life, like you chose yours.
But driving to your house you have something like a flashback, like a deja vu. Like a signal. Parking outside and coming into the silent house, you know that Darren isn't there. Maybe he left for work, maybe he left for another bitch. And you have made a decision on your own. For your mental health. Putting your things into two suitcases and a bag, you are sure that you're not going to tolerate any humiliation more. And you're sure that you can stay at the clubhouse until you find a house to live in.
Even so, your first stop is at Juice's. When he opens the door and doesn't see you crying, but smiling softly and ashamed, he frowns confused.
“I'm not gonna come back with him”.
He's not sure about what you are saying to him.
“It's over, Juice. You wh—”.
You can't finish. He doesn't let you. His lips on yours don't let you. You don't hesitate in placing your fingers in his shirt, tangling them in the fabric of it. You weren't wrong. The words he said last night were true. It wasn't a dream. He pushes you into his house, repeating the same gesture he has done last night. But now, you two are curled on his sofa, giving each other the kisses you have ever wanted to give.
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