#i edited it to include the links skdfhalksdf i'm so sorry
dowonist-blog · 6 years
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so, uh, hi. my name is leigh ( he / him ). i'm 27 and i've been rping for longer than is probably healthy ( never gonna stop either ). i'm in the pst time zone, aka west coast of the usa. i'm shit at formatting things so i probably won't be a pretty with threads as everyone else is *sweats nervously* so uh, yeah.
my muse is dowon, simply dowon. he's a recover-droid, aka one of the first sent out and one made to mimic humans most, including emotions. i have his stats here, his bio here, and some wanted connections / plots here. please also look at my nav page, as it doubles as a mun page ( aka what to expect, dealing with my sorry ass ).
below is a small summary of shit about him ( i also cuss a lot, i'm sorry in advance )
( min yoongi , twenty - five , cismale , he / him ) —— i’m pretty sure i just saw that DOWON , a RECOVER - droid , with the model number #1000 printed on the back of their neck , walk by . something tells me they ARE defective because i caught them vandalizing the side of a building the other day . i don’t want to assume anything though … droids seem to be getting more & more suspicious by the day .
— remembers exactly zero of his former master, thus made up his own idea. meaning his master could've actually been pretty shitty to him, but he doesn't remember since getting his software upgraded.
—  has only vague memories of being turned in for defections, doesn't remember that he killed someone, but knows ( and fears ) he's something dangerous
— goes to the cavern frequently, just enough to get his software tended to and maybe relax without his hoodie ( bc he wears it all the time to keep his number hidden -- very rarely uses a patch of synthetic skin over it unless he's intending to go nude *eyes emoji* )
— has a shitty ass apartment in the middle of hell highway
— works at a mom and pop restaurant that has little technology save for a really high end television and a slow-as-molasses computer for accounting ; cooking equipment doesn't count ofc
— tends to any and all stray cats happily
— causes his bit of trouble by tagging ( by which i mean grafitti-ing ) official buildings ( when he can get away with it ) && regular buildings -- it's usually things about respecting androids and seeing them as equals
that's really all there is about this boi. so uh, yeah. hit the like if you wanna plot? or just poke me in IMs that's cool too bc i'm terrible at approaching ppl cause i am a w k w a r d. ( you can get ahold of me on d*scord at mothtopus#7748 -- warning though, i don't answer right away, and today i will be slow af because i have to go grocery shopping ) and again -- awkward.
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