#i dunno i guess i feel like it's extremely easy to develop an unhealthy relationship to your work if you're online a lot
starlitsilver · 2 years
i was watching a let’s play of kingdom hearts a couple days ago (only tangentially related i promise). and in one of the sections the let’s players were just talking about Stuff, and they got onto the topic of art since they’re both artists. talking about how to motivate yourself as a beginner and that kind of thing, how to not get discouraged when you feel like art isn’t going your way, and one of them said something i thought was interesting. [paraphrased] “remember, art is fun!” and like usually i see that sentiment phrased as “art *should be* fun” or “being creative *should be* fun” but like no. the gamers were right. art just *is* fun!! i dont think there are very many concrete laws of the universe but i do think that being creative is inherently a fun thing! writing is just an extended, complicated game of make believe. painting is a form of play. etc etc, regardless of the medium.  
and that’s not to be dismissive of getting frustrated with your creative endeavors, i think that’s part of the process too, but i guess...idk i feel like creative people (which, in a better world, i really think would be most people!) owe it to themselves to do what they can to make creating stuff more enjoy for them. working in the way that you enjoy the most, seeking out the subject matter that most endears itself to you, making it easier on yourself in whatever ways you need to (accommodating your own needs is important!!)
idk i dont really have a point here, i just feel like it’s really easy to get lost in thinking that you Need to make art in a certain way, or make a certain type of art (you don’t! you can do whatever you want! the rules of Art are your bitch). Or that you can punish yourself into being a better artist if you just hate your work enough. ive been there. turns out hate isn’t actually a great motivator and also it feels bad. the process of artistic improvement does not actually need to involve any amount of self-flagellation for not already being better. 
conclusion: remember to relax and enjoy yourself! any kind of creative endeavor is inherently a cool thing and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. putting lil sounds together to make a song is cool!! putting a bunch of colors on a canvas to make a painting is sick as hell!! putting words together to make a story is fucking rad! making sculptures out of clay or wood or stone is goddamn awesome! i love art!!! :D
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