#i dont think this figure's fingers articulate at all but the pose they put it in makes it really difficult to tell as it moves and rotates
krawdad · 4 months
I get that they probably are trying to make the gigantic robot lizard as unscary as possible but who's idea was it to give the alligator fuzzy fleece skin
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There isn't a closeup where it's still enough to be sure but that sure looks like puppet/mascot suit fleece to me.
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Also since I'm here it looks cool without its skin
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Imagineer for scale
#I'm finding out about princess and the frog ride stuff late#im not sure it's fleece but like. they made the crocodile guy fuzzy#it doesn't look like it's even stretching all that good its moving like it has a fabric skin#did the rubber they made ursula out of not age well or what#makes more sense to me to stamp scale texture into a rubber skin than to like. make it look like a giant stuffed animal.#plus it would like. bend and stretch in ways that fabric doesnt#like the way skin does#like the way the skin of the other characters they showed did#it's like. someone somewhere said 'make sure the animatronic looks exactly like the costume' so they had to commit to that#I'm impressed with literally every other part of this figure is why I'm so focused on the skin#would be nice if the eyebrow shapes on top of the eyes moved even a little bit but that's a nitpick all else considered#i will also say that i am impressed specifically by the hand poses they chose#i dont think this figure's fingers articulate at all but the pose they put it in makes it really difficult to tell as it moves and rotates#maybe they arent even final skins who knows#so much about this works so well its sort of weird to me how the skin stands out#i didn't mention the articulated stomach panel#i appreciate that they gave him dedicated gut motors to make squash and stretch happen#but it also makes me wonder why they didnt give that eyemask shape around his eyes any movement. the whole thing could squish up or down.#tons of expressive potential squandered
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howlingbarnes · 8 years
Yuanfen - Part 8
Characters - Bucky x Reader, Mentions of Tesla and Steve as well as a few others
Word Count - 2116
Warnings - Fluff? Bucky being the cutest, Almost smut, Language
A/N - HOOBOY. That's all I'm gonna say. Please dont hesitant to tell me what you think! This is an AU. 缘分 (Yuanfen) is a Chinese word that has no direct English translation and (roughly) means “A relationship that is brought together by a force such as destiny or fate.“
Yuanfen Masterlist
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“What are you saying?” You eyed him suspiciously as he let your fingers slip from his grasp.
“I’m saying that I want the cute girl crashing on my couch to live a little,” Bucky’s voice buzzed into your ear as you walked further into the massive park to find a good spot to sit. “I won’t push it, we won’t do anything that you don’t want to do.” He let go of your hand and created space between your bodies, “if you don’t want this to be a date, it’s not a date. Y/N, I can handle this being a one sided thing but I want you to know that I’m not walking away until you tell me too - and really mean it.”
Though you were reluctantly letting Bucky under your skin, you weren’t sure if you were ready to let him in just yet. You were starting to break out of your shell; tearing yourself away from the safe confines of the blanket cocoon on the couch, putting on big girl clothes and stepping out the door pretty much every day.
In just a few short days, Bucky had managed to turn your outlook on life around in a positive way, but that didn’t mean that you were ready to allow yourself to start falling for him. You knew it was unfair, but after your last breakup, you weren’t sure if you could handle another catastrophic heartbreak.
“I can’t give you what you want right now,” you couldn’t ignore the clenching of Bucky’s jaw as you spoke. Rolling your eyes, you moved closer to him, sliding your fingers down his forearm, you took his hand in yours and gave it a squeeze, “but that doesn’t make this not a date.”
“Well in that case, this is a good spot.” Bucky beamed, his smile so bright you thought his face would split as he handed you the basket and pulled his camera from the bag that was slung over his shoulder. He stepped back from you, taking on a different demeanor with his eye to the viewfinder, “let’s document our first date.”
“Do you want me to pose or something?” You stood awkwardly, both hands gripping the wooden handles of the basket as you stared blankly at a chuckling Bucky.
“No, babe,” he answered, already snapping shots of your now blushing face, “just ignore me, move naturally.”
Doing your best to ignore Bucky’s demanding presence, you dropped the basket to the ground and started to ruffle through its contents. You laid out the blanket packed on the very top before pulling out two glasses and a bottle of wine.
“Pinot Grigio,” you smirked down at the bottle in your hand, “I wonder how Tesla could have ever known.” The sarcasm lining your tone earned a laugh from your personal paparazzi just before he willed himself to shush you as you pulled out various containers of food, making a mental note to get Tesla’s number to thank her for putting this all together.
“Perfect,” Bucky mumbled to himself before lowering his camera. Flicking through the shots as he moved to sit by you, jerking away when you leaned over to catch a peek.
“Why do I feel like that was your way of getting me to do all the work?” You asked, quirking a brow at Bucky who was staring back at you with a sickeningly sweet look in his eyes.
“I would never,” he answered with a false innocence as he uncorked the wine. Pouring you a glass, his mood shifted to a more serious nature, “what’s your story, Y/N? I've been trying to figure you out from day one.”
“Oh no,” you paused to take a long sip of your wine, “if you want my origin story, you’ll have to wait for the movie to come out.”
“Come on, doll,” Bucky’s hand rested softly on your face, his eyes searching for nothing more than your soul as he studied you, “let me in.”
“Okay, fine,” you sighed before taking a heavy breath, knowing that you were about to go into details that weren’t all going to be light. You hadn’t opened up to anyone about your family or your life since you’d finally started to get comfortable with Steve and he was the only person in all of New York that knew you inside and out, “I’m going to need some more wine.”
“So you grew up in Texas?” Bucky repeated the new piece of information as you nodded, rim of the refilled wine glass pressed to your lips, “I would’ve never known; you don’t have an accent.”
“Well, people here couldn’t really understand me so I worked on being more articulate,” you shrugged nonchalantly before continuing the tour of the bones in your closet. “I have two brothers. One was born to my parents, the other is adopted like me and they’re both older than me.”
“Where are they?” Bucky asked, avoiding the topic of your adoption, unsure if it was a soft spot.
“Thor, the eldest is still in Texas,” you smiled at the thought of your brother, though a bit of guilt flashed across your features briefly, “He’s a football player, married with a few kids and a white picket fence.” you continued between bites of the food that was laid out, “Loki is an actor, living it up in Hollywood.”
“Thor Odinson and Loki Laufeyson are your brothers?” Judging by his tone, he knew of them just as much as the rest of the world did. They were in the spotlight constantly which is why you chose to stay away. You didn’t want to be in the public eye like that, you just wanted to live on your couch and write books under a made up name. You cared not for the fame or money, you just wanted to live.
“Yeah, so you know what happened to my,” you opened your mouth to talk but there was an undeniable knot in your throat forcing the wine glass back to your mouth.
“Your parents,” Bucky finished the sentence for you before taking the glass from your hand. He put it down and pulled you into a hug that you instantly melted into. “My parents are gone too.” You weren’t shocked at the information but, hearing made your chest tighten for him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring down the date,” you shook your head, straightening yourself up.
“You didn’t,” Bucky pressed a kiss to your knuckles before standing taking you up with him, “as a thank you for opening up to me, how about we go for a walk and I return the favor?”
After packing the basket back up, the two of you walked hand in hand through the park as Bucky told you about his life. You learned that he was born in Brooklyn, meeting Tesla when they were just little kids. During high school, he was constantly getting into fights to defend her against bullies and assholes that were set on breaking her heart. Bucky told you about his past heartbreaks and wild travels while you walked, snapping photos of you, capturing you in organic moments when you weren’t looking. It wasn’t long before the conversations transformed from serious to casual and light.
“So what’s the deal with Steve?” Bucky asked, his free hand pushed into his pocket while you toyed with the camera that had found itself hanging around your neck.
“James,” you sighed, letting your head lull back in exasperation.
“I’m just curious,” Bucky lifted his hand in surrender while you snapped a picture.
“I met Steve seven years ago and hired him as my editor back when I thought I was going to make big moves in the world of writing,” you shook your head at your naive hopes in the past. “I’m not sure why he’s stuck around for so long through all the hell I give him but I’m glad he did because he’s my best friend.”
“Is there anything else I should know about?” Bucky spat out the words before he even had a chance to think about them and you could see the genuine concern etched into his features.
“We hooked up once,” you admitted with a long sigh, “it was a stupid, drunken night. I was fresh out of my last relationship, got smashed and got a tattoo on my shoulder -”
“The lilacs,” Bucky interrupted.
“Ye-Yeah, they were my mom’s favorite,” you peeked around the camera as Bucky balanced along the edge of a fountain, “anyway, we ended up back at my place and, uh, that happened but we don’t...there’s not,” you trailed off, trying to find the right words.
Bucky jumped down from the fountain and walked up to you. Gently, he took the camera from your hands and pulled it from around your neck before grabbing your hand. His thumb brushed across the back of it and you felt butterflies erupt in your belly, “it’s alright, shit happens. I do want to meet the guy sometime though.”
You were a bit shocked at Bucky’s reaction. He was calm and collected, a stark opposite to the jealous nature that you’d experience just that morning but you had a feeling that it was because it happened so long ago. Perhaps it was because you weren’t his to get upset over in the first place, you couldn’t really be sure. Despite the information you’d given Bucky about Steve, you wanted to introduce them to each other, something told you that they’d get along just as you felt you would with Tesla.
The walk home with Bucky was full of life. You couldn’t remember the last time you clicked with someone in such a way. There were no awkward silences or searching for the next thing to say. You could be yourself fully, not hiding what would be considered embarrassing or tasteless to most. It was refreshing and you started to reconsider your previous thoughts about Bucky; maybe he was what you needed.
“Thanks for letting me take you out today, doll,” Bucky  expressed sincere gratitude as you kicked off the heels you’d been wearing all day.
“Thanks for taking me out,” you answered with a smile as you padded over to where he stood and pulled him into a tight hug.
The hug lingered longer than normal and you felt something different within that moment. There was no doubt in your mind that Bucky felt it too when his eyes met yours as you pulled back. Your heart hammered away at your ribcage as your body moved on its own accord. Your hand gripped the back of Bucky’s neck just before your lips crashed into his. He was taken by surprise at first but quickly yielded, molding his lips into yours as if they were two pieces created to fit together.
“Are you sure abo-" he started, a hushed whisper against your lips, his eyes still closed.
“Shut up before I change my mind,” you responded just before pressing your lips back into his with fervor. You fingers tangled into his hair, pulling him as close to you as you could. Your tongue swiped across his bottom lip, begging for entry that was easily granted. You moved in unison in a passionate dance until you both were out of breath. Bucky firmly gripped your waist between small, gentle kisses and pushed you back to create space between your bodies.
“What’s wrong?” You asked breathlessly, your brows knitted together in confusion.
“It’s - I..” he trailed off, glancing down at the erection pressing firm against the confines of his jeans before cupping your cheeks, “I want this, but we’re not ready and I don’t want you to regret this tomorrow.”
You wanted to argue but you couldn’t bring yourself to. He was right. It had only been a few days since you met and you’d quite literally just finished your first date together. With your kiss swollen bottom lip caught between your teeth, you nodded.
“I’m going to take a shower and when I get out we can watch some movies, okay?” He waited until you agreed before pressing a kiss to your forehead and making his way to his bedroom, adjusting himself on the way.
You were left a sweating mess, leaning against the door. Letting your head lull back, you stared at the ceiling and steadied your wrecked breathing. Just as the sound of the shower turning on filled your ears, your phone chimed with an email.
Miss Y/L/N
I have your contract and I was writing to see if you have time to stop by the office tomorrow?
Hope to see you soon
- Tony Stark
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