#i dont know why i wrote this down now this is really just apropos of nothing
sixeye-sketch · 7 months
one of my most cherished memories is being at a friends house as a teenager, maybe the third or so time i got high, smoking a hero's dose of spice or somesuch synthetic weed,
i had sequestered myself away to the bathroom, living life in like two second increments with ten second pauses inbetween to think. sat on the toilet, pants down, eating a massive piece of nougat chocolate with my bare hands, melting it, making a mess all over my hands, thighs, underwear, and the floor,
and sloooowly realizing that oh! this does not look good at all, not at all, and over several minutes easing in to this delicious panic trying to clean myself and my surroundings, laughing like a maniac all the while at how bad i messed up, still being clueless and getting chocolate fingerprints on the handles, windowsill, etc.
in the end i managed to clean it all up just fine and nobody even noticed i was gone because they were, too, very much fucked up on drugs
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