#i don't usually do long wordy posts but i had things to say lolol
dragonpigeons · 7 years
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Bam. I cannot believe how much I have drawn (and improved?) this past year. I owe it all to the support of my friends and followers. Thank you.
Special Mentions to Special People
@casxia @anandinair @serensama: My two sisters/wives and mother, respectively. A girl couldn’t ask for a better family :’) I know we’re all busy doing our shit but whenever I hear from you guys it makes my day. You’re all so talented and I hope you get what you’re after in your crafts because, dang it if y’all don’t deserve it and more! Thank you for being the first friends I made on Tumblr and sticking with me. Let’s talk more in 2018!
@7space0chips7 @lilith5th @sander-sonia @crystalsoul16 @yoosungsbutt aka the Plus Ultra Server: You guys are lit. I’ve had the funniest and wildest chats ranging from outlandish speculations on ink boy’s quirk to designing the most ridiculous otome game featuring Larry the Seagull together (which we should totes carry on doing LOL). You never fail to make me laugh. Let’s Go Beyond to 2018 PLUS ULTRA!!!
@kuromiyadk @indispanna @blissfullyintoxicated @mariamagica @nanahuatli @didem-dg @yooshixlucy @pokebe @princeforestfox @prisoner-of-cerebrum: We don’t talk that often but when we do I really appreciate getting your messages :) I basically met all of you via the MM fandom and I’m really grateful to know you. Getting to know you has brightened up my life and I hope we keep in touch into 2018 :D
@The MM Server by @chaoticstarblossoms: I joined you guys only several days ago but I’m really happy I did. You’re all so friendly and welcoming and, for someone who’s kinda shy when it comes to big groups, I’m pleasantly surprised by how quickly I came to feel a part of the server. Not only me but you take any new member under the wing right from the start with warmth and it’s just really awesome! I hope to get to know you guys more and to join in with more shenanigans in the next year. Thank you for having me ^-^
@The MM fandom: Thank you so much for welcoming me with open arms. I created my first MM fanart at the start of 2017, not really expecting to draw much more than that for the rest of the year. Well pffftttsjfsehjerhej I did a rough count and would you believe that I’ve drawn 100+ MM-related and 50+ BNHA-related pics in the past 11 months?? 8D This is a huge deal to me because previously I drew maybe 10 pics on average per year. I was unmotivated, uninspired and pretty hopeless back then. But MM was the spark I needed and you guys became the fuel that keeps me going. It gives me life when I read your comments in the tags and reblogs. It also gives me life to see what you’ve created and shared. I have awed, laughed, cried and suffered over fanart, fanfics, edits, memes etc. You’re all inspiring and you gave me a place to belong. Thank you.
@my followers: What can I say...thank you for actually hitting that follow button. I don’t even know why you would tbh. There is practically no consistency to my posts - I’m not creating any long-term comics and I don’t just draw one thing, like strictly painting MM or BNHA. And also I don’t think my ideas are all that popular in the grand scheme of things. It sometimes makes me feel a little insecure but that’s a whole other topic for another time.
I just gotta say this - you guys give me hope as an artist. Before I came to Tumblr I was on Deviantart and my stuff largely went by unnoticed for quite a few years. It gave me the impression that nobody cared about my art and that it would never reach anyone because the things I draw aren’t the things a lot of people cared about. But you guys proved to me that it can reach someone. And not just someone but several someones. I really can’t believe that nearly 2k of you actually like what I create. Even though I draw silly and strange things you still chose to follow me. Thanks to you all, for the first time I feel that I can make something of myself as an artist. And that is more than I could ever ask for.
To the newer followers, welcome to my shithole. To the older veterans, thank you for sticking with me. I hope you’ll all stick with me for a long time yet but if you have to go then thanks for the time you’ve spent with me. Ultimately, thank you for instilling some much needed confidence in me. I still have a long way to go and so much to learn and improve on. But if there’s one thing I wanna do going forward it is to put more of myself into my creations. For someone who’s kinda shy on social media, I guess I just want to show more of myself as a person through my stuff. Whether that means more crack or something serious, well...who knows. Either way, I hope that you’ll continue to enjoy my art in the coming year :) 
Thank you once again for being with me.
TL;DR @Everyone mentioned here: Thank you for giving me the best gifts of 2017 - love, friendship, laughter, confidence and hope. I’ll wrap this up by wishing you all a fabulous year ahead. Let’s work hard and make it happen in 2018 <3333
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