#i don't think this could have been great but the cape politics still manage to hold it back
zoobus · 1 year
Something they don't tell you about World War Hulk is how blasé everyone is about the reason for Hulk's vengeance, despite how frequently he brings it up. he'll explicitly say "this is happening because you exploded my wife, my child, and millions more. You committed genocide. I'm angry because you genocided my home" and no one cares??? They roll out the most generic, borderline irrelevant centristspeak like "You're not being a REAL hero Bruce, what happened to my good buddy Bruce banner? The guy who believed in democracy, justice, and the American way?"
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One more issue left, I hope Rick DIES, at least acknowledge what it said, he's literally your friend
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Birthday Event: Francis Drake
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Drake: "Give this lovely lady the item we discussed."
Woman: "Understood."
After a brief exchange, the woman brought a large package into the room.
As she unpacked it, I saw一
Mitsuki: "A dress!?"
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Drake: "Ooohh, just as I imagined."
Woman: "Honestly, for a first-time customer, you made some pretty unreasonable demands with that short deadline."
Despite her complaints to Drake, she held the beautiful pale blue dress up to my body and smiled with satisfaction.
(It's beautiful, but I still don't understand what's going on!)
She suddenly put makeup on me and styled my hair.
Just as she was about to help me into the dress...
Drake: "I'll take care of the rest here. I'm getting jealous already."
The woman, stopped by his words, shrugged and politely exited the room.
Mitsuki: "Drake, what's going on?"
Drake: "Hmm? Even if it's a woman, I don't want anyone seeing you naked."
Drake: "Besides, I left marks all over your body last night. I figured you'd be embarrassed if she saw them."
(Yeah, that would be embarrassing, but that's not the point!)
Mitsuki: "I'm not talking about being naked! I'm talking about the dress!"
Drake: "Yeah, that. It's a present from me, of course."
Drake: "Aren't you happy, my little fawn?"
There's no way I'm not happy.
(But I was supposed to figure out what he wanted. Is it really okay for me to receive a gift?)
(Or maybe? Wait, does this mean?)
The suspicion I had been holding onto for a while flashed through my mind.
Drake: "Well, anyway, just try it on. I'll help you change."
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Mitsuki: "N-No, it's fine! I can do it myself. Can you wait in the next room?"
Drake: "Too bad."
After watching him leave, I started unbuttoning my blouse to change.
As I did, I couldn't help but reflect on the situation.
(Last year, he said what he wanted most was me.)
My cheeks flushed with warmth.
Embarrassed, I began to put on the dress's special undergarments but suddenly stopped.
Mitsuki: "Um, Drake. Actually, could I ask for your help?"
Drake: "Hmm? What's up?"
Mitsuki: "Could you tighten the corset strings for me?"
Drake: "Alright."
He stood behind me and pulled the strings.
As my waist was snugly cinched, I let out a soft sigh.
Drake: "Too tight?"
Mitsuki: "No, it's fine. I couldn't manage it on my own, so you really helped me."
(Still, standing here in just my underwear in this brightly lit room is a little embarrassing.)
As I was thinking that, his hand gently grazed my waist.
Mitsuki: "Drake?"
Drake: "I always think this, but your waist is really slim."
He pulled me gently from behind, pressing his stomach against my back.
Drake: "Did you notice? I left a mark here, too."
Mitsuki: "Ah."
His fingers slid along my exposed nape, and as I shivered slightly, he chuckled, clearly enjoying my reaction.
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Drake: "Haha, so cute."
Mitsuki: "S-Stop, I won't be able to wear the dress now."
Drake: "Sorry, sorry. You can cover the mark with a necklace, so don't worry."
Though his teasing stopped, my heart refused to settle down.
But when I put on the dress and the matching accessories and stood in front of the mirror, my heart started racing for a different reason.
Drake: "I had imagined it, but yeah. You're even more beautiful than I could have imagined, Mitsuki."
The pale blue dress fluttered with every movement, reminding me of Cinderella from the movies.
Standing next to him, the cool colors of his cape perfectly complemented my dress.
(It's like this dress was made to match Drake's.)
I was so happy he had ordered such a special dress just for me.
Drake: "You probably have plenty of beautiful dresses already, but I just wanted to gift you one myself. Do you like it?"
Mitsuki: "Of course. There's no other dress as wonderful as this! Thank you, Drake."
Drake: "Great! That's the smile I wanted to see."
He put on his hat and extended his hand to me.
Drake: "Since we went through the trouble of dressing up, we might as well show it off."
Drake: "Shall we, Princess?"
We left the room and went to a dazzling hall within the same building.
The elegantly dressed gentlemen and ladies were dancing to the music and chatting.
Mitsuki: "A social party?"
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Drake: "Yeah. Wait, what's with that surprised look?"
Drake: "Is it unlike me to give you a dress and invite you to a soirée?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah, it's a bit unexpected. I thought these places weren't your thing."
Still, he seemed pretty used to the place, probably because of his past service with the Queen.
Drake: "Well, I admit it's not really my style."
Drake: "But when provoked, I couldn't back down."
Drake: "I wanted to do this for you, even if it’s not my usual thing."
He laughed, leaving me puzzled about the whole story.
Just then,
Comte: "Good evening to both of you."
Mitsuki: "Comte! You're here, and Napoleon too!"
Drake: "Hey, don't startle us like that. You really didn't have to announce yourself."
Mitsuki: "Did you arrange for us to be invited to this party?"
Comte: "Yeah. There's a bit of a backstory to it."
As Comte and Napoleon looked at me, they exchanged glances and deepened their smiles.
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Napoleon: "That dress was chosen by Drake, right? It looks pretty good."
(Wait, how does he know Drake chose this dress?)
When I tilted my head in confusion, Napoleon said something even more surprising.
Napoleon: "Drake, did you get what you wanted?"
Mitsuki: "Wait, what!? Napoleon, do you know what Drake wanted? And maybe Comte, too?"
Comte: "Yeah. We came to see if he would successfully get that tonight."
Mitsuki: "That?"
Drake: "Ah, ah, ah! Stop, stop. That's enough."
Drake cut into the conversation, pulling me firmly by the hand.
Drake: "Before you ask any more questions, let's dance, little fawn."
Mitsuki: "Wait, Drake!"
Drake: "I'm not satisfied yet."
Drake: "I'm going to take the best gift from you."
And with that, we stepped out onto the dance floor.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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jinnyu · 4 years
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regarding romance!
Used artwork credits
It started as the cliché love story about falling in love with your very own bestfriend
Which, actually turned out great??
His Zacian/Zamazenta loves you as much as it's trainer does, and is willing to protect you from anything
Probably because it observed Hop being protective over you, and proceeding to do the same
Sure it might took a toll on him when you defeated him on the championship semi-finals, but he wanted you to be happy more than anything
He's such a sweetheart even if he doesn't show it much
The type to appreciate small little things, especially when it comes from you
"Let's camp together!!"
You camped together
He got chased by a wild steelix whilst trying to gather data for his research later
His Zamazenta/Zacian was busy playing with your own legendary
*from the distance* "GAH! HELP!"
You ran after him and calmed down the wild steelix
Then you walked to him and checked if he got any wounds or scratches, which leads you to cupping his face gently with a worried look on your face
Hop's blushing
He's freaking out inside
You didn't notice the tint of blush dusting his cheeks,which gradually reddens with each second that passes
"im okay, dont worry" he tried his best reassuring you
Even though he's blushing, he proceeded to press his forehead gently against yours, closing his eyes and smiling
oh no he's cute
You're blushing
haha blushy reader
You let him do his thing, its somewhat calming
He's warmm
His hands are calloused, different from yours; you just remembered this when he placed his hand on top of yours while you were checking for his wounds from before
This just shows how much he's been working off to reach the champion title
And yet he's completely alright with you taking the spotlight
After all, you're his shining star
And he wouldn't have it in any other way
You let him borrow your champion cape
And he lets you borrow his labcoat
It fits just right with you! And it got his scent, which calms you down whenever you're feeling anxious
When you wear his labcoat, you're 1000000000% irresistible to his eyes
"Don't be so adorableee" he said as he pulled you into a hug and burying his face in your neck
You only laughed softly at his reaction. He was blushing too,,,
You often waited for him to finish his lab work, even if it's until late hours
He's a really hard worker, no wonder he stayed until late
"Im sorry for making you wait"
He looks exhausted, but tried his best to pull a bright smile, not wanting to worry you
You only gave him a warm hug, which surprised him at first before he hugs you back and proceed to walk you to your house
💓💓💓 < your heart
Comfort time
There's usually some jerks who'd tease you for being the champion, or flirt with you in an impolite way
If Hop caught on to this, he would politely ask them to leave
If they still dont understand, his legendary comes out of his pokeball and growl at them
He'd ask them one more time to stop bothering you, but this time, with a menacing smile that says "stay here any longer and you wont get to see another daylight"
Then he'd check up on you, asking if you're alright, if they did anything to you or whatnot
Hed wrap his arms around your waist and drape his labcoat over you, because he knows his labcoat always manages to calm you down
"It's okay, you're okay, everything is alright now, c'mere"
You let him hug you as you feel safe around him, and you two stayed in that position until you feel alright again
He's not the best at showing affection but at least he tries
You help him come out with quizzes for his gym challenge
And sometimes joke about the poses he makes when practicing
Sometimes, he gets reminded that you're the champion of Galar and he's way out of your trainer level
Which actually motivates him to become the strongest gym leader there is by pushing past his limits
"I'll show you how strong fairy types can be"
He said to himself as he was thinking about you
People kept misunderstanding fairy types after all, and thats a big mistake
You appreciate his efforts in maxing out his strength, and you show it by coming to his fairy stadium whenever he battles a challenger
You texted him "good luck, I'll be cheering 4 u!❤️❤️👍" before his matches start
And you looked at his direction after sending the message
He has just gotten your message, and opened it
Which leads to him blushing furiously as he covers his face with one of his hands
He took a deep breath and tried to regain his composure, only to fail miserably when he saw you looking at his direction with pure ambition and determined eyes as you grinned happily
All that i could say is, he's red as a beet
He wont lose this match, not when you're watching him.
He puts extra effort when you're watching his match, and made sure not to slip up. It'd be embarrassing if he did.
Opal notices this and only smiled seeing her successor acting out of his place whenever you're around
Opal knows something that you dont, and that's Bede's feelings for you
After his match ended, his Hatterene walked towards your direction, pulling you into a tight hug
You were surprised, but apparently Hatterene has grown to like you ever since she first met you
And when you look at Bede's direction, he was looking away with his arms crossed infront of his chest, visibly drowning in embarassment
,,,you wondered, is Bede projecting on his Hatterene or what,
Yes, yes he is
So you asked him if he also wants a hug, which of course he answered with "Why would i want a hug from someone like you? That'd be an insult to me"
You let go of Hatterene and hugged him anyways
He flinched when you hugged him, not knowing where to put his hands and just let them stay still in a defensive pose
Hatterene watched with a smile from behind you, seeing her master in such a flustered state was truly something new for the Pokemon
Not long after, Bede finally let his arms wrap around your waist, giving in to his subconscious and just hug you
he wanted to hug you anyways so thats a win win situation
You were actually surprised when he hugged you back
He smells nice!! Like perfume?? Cologne?? Floral scent
His Hatterene decided to join in and wrapped her arm around you both, making you all hug even more tightly
Bede cant handle this well.
No, not at all.
His face was really red and its hot— in all honesty, its cute, but he was burning
"Why do you have to embarrass me like this?"
You buried your face in his neck, which startled him as he couldn't think at all
He feels nice and soft, so you're not planning to let go any sooner, likewise with Hatterene.
Bede's mind: ASDFGHJKL????—GODDAMMI—
His true nature would come out when you're not feeling yourself or when people would makw you feel like shit
His face shows concern, but it still his usual look of coldness— however, his actions are warm despite his cold features
He'd let you wear his coat as he battles anyone who dared to hurt you
"Are you alright now..?"
He cupped your face and made you look at his face, swiping off the tears that stained your face with his thumbs delicately
He hated seeing you cry, and he'll try better next time to make sure you didn't cry
He's kind at all but sometimes he's just... "???????"
Training!! Dates!!
More like battle tower dates because he really admires your strength as a champion
Occasionally, he'd visit your house and check up on you, wondering if you're free for the day for "quality time"
At first, he was surprised to see one of the legendaries answering the door for you
And he couldn't resist to ruffle it's hair
your legendary on the other hand was kind of irritated by it
So it let out a displeased howl
Which leads you to come down stairs and see who is it
He looked up and greet you with a goofy grin as your legendary returned to your side, walking with you
He treats you like a gentleman, and sometimes is very strict with your training regimen
In which you usually whine about because you're the current champion and you have no business listening to him
But he'd swoon you with lovely words
And you would easily fall for it
you hate this
You hate him
No you dont
You love him, you could never hate a goofball like him anyways
Hey did i ever mention Leon's sense of direction is shitty
You went on a date in Wyndon a couple of times and he still gets lost everytime
"Ah!! Hey—....."
"Im lost again aren't i?"
He tried to find his way back to you but got surrounded by paparazzis
Even if he's not the current champion
You saved his butt since he couldn't say no to the people and his fans
He said thank you and hugged you, lifting you up to the air before pulling you close to him
This only made you laugh softly as you hugged him back, letting your fingers comb his thick lavender like hair
His body is warm and comforting, you really like his cuddles and hugs
He came into your house one time when you didn't answer his calls or messages, only to find you drown in your anxiety and self loathing
He pulled you in his arms and let you cry on his shoulder until you're all done and alright again
He'd draw circles over your back and tell you reassuring words— tell you that you're more than enough and he's grateful to have you here, alive and well
Your Zacian/Zamazenta got out of it's pokeball and helped you in calming you down too by giving you small licks on your knee
It'd whine whenever you're sad and climb onto your bed, nudging your arm afterwards as if it's asking what's wrong
You're lucky to have them both whenever you need them the most, and they're lucky to have you
Raihan 🐲
It's finally the Character y'all been waitin for, dragon boi coming through
Okay serious talk here— Raihan is TALL
His hoodies makes you look smaller than you already are
You tried copying his "Gaooo~" pose a couple of times while wearing his hoodie
Its cutest thing he has ever seen his entire life
It makes him melt everytime
Okay aside from that, he's gentle and laid back, even if his personality is quite the opposite when he's on battle
Don't forget his fangs, never forget his fangs
You're actually curious about his fangs since the first day you saw him
And he lets you touch it whenever you like
Youre still curious, because what the hell, its so cool
The first day you saw him after defeating him in a match and gain your gym badge, he immediately took an interest in you and your strength
"Hey Challenger!"
He called you before you tried to take your leave, gaining your attention
He then asked you if you want to practice with him next time, and have a rematch when you've become the champion
You agreed and exchanged numbers
What can i say, he spams you like?????? A lot
And casually sends you pictures of him and his duraludon
You love his dragons, especially flygon
Flygon loves you too, and one time it wanted to come with you
Raihan lets you keep his Flygon and you send him pictures of you with it
He sends emotes of duraludon crying, wanting to join you and your fun trip with Flygon to grab the Champion title
After you took the Champion title, Raihan greeted you with a big hug
And you hug him back with no hesitation
"Congratulations, may i have a selfie with the new Champion?"
He asked in a teasing manner, letting you down on your feet as you nodded
You took a selfie selfwith him numerous times before he posted it to his social media
He captioned 'First person to get a selfie with the new Champion'
He took pride in that, and some of his fans were jealous that you managed to get a selfie with him
From that day onwards, he'd have casual selfies with you, sometimes hilarious one and sometimes its just for showing off
You didn't mind it really, he's a celebrity anyways, so you understand why he does that
"Hey.. do stars have feelings"
It was three am what the fuck Raihan
You squinted at your screen seeing his message
"Why in the Galar would you be awake, dear Dragon tamer?"
You answered him
And immediately he answered "oh? The Champion is awake?"
You guys didn't sleep afterwards and was sending streaks of blurry selfies
It was fun and helped you cheer up
You got some of his blurry pics that he captioned "party rock in the house" when clearly its just him and his pokemons
What a goofball pt.2
You love him anyways shut up
Haha smol reader pt.2
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
Chapter 1 - intentions, a Tom Holland series
The name of the series is super random, don't mind me. No warnings. Reader is a postgraduate student at NYU, made a docuseries on her research and the show got picked up by Netflix. She goes on press tour and meets Tom on a ‘chat show’. This could be an amazing few days or more? It’s been interesting writing how they’ll deal with distance and tight schedules once ‘honeymoon’ is over...
(y/f/n) = your first name
(y/l/n) = your last name
(y/n) = your name, complete or not
1.8k words
Chapter 1 - A new city
Chapter 2 - Show time
Chapter 3 - Unexpected texts
Your docu-series was doing better than anybody expected, well, anybody but you, it was a project that you really believed in. You sold the first season to Netflix with its 10 episodes shot all in NYC and they premiered with almost no press or promotion. But still, the wholesome moments and captivating stories had already become viral and people were so impressed by you. The text was amazing, and your improvisation and good mood lifted the spirit of the whole thing, making it the new feel-good show everybody was binging and talking about.
Better late than never, Netflix decided to promote the show and so they sent you to give interviews and go on talk shows. You still didn’t have an agent, something that you were in desperate need of, because your phone was blowing up all the time with offers for publicity deals, new interviews, and even some job offers. You couldn’t think about that now, you had to focus on making this “press tour” the best possible so, in the next meeting with the Netflix executives, you could close at least two more seasons for your show (and maybe score some other deal for yourself). With all this, you still had to worry about grad school (you still had at least one more year ahead of you until you get your PhD, if you managed to get time to write the dissertation)! You’d have lost your mind for sure, if it wasn’t for your producer and partner in business, David. He was helping you schedule everything and organizing talking points for the promotion tour, but ultimately you were the face of the operation. Fair is fair, that’s why you got to find an agent ASAP.
Currently, you and David were in London for the last bit of the trip, after tomorrow, you guys were going back home to NYC. One thing at a time, you thought to yourself while he talked on the phone with his fiancé outside of the coffee shop you guys were grabbing a bite at lunchtime.
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You looked outside the windows, this was your first time in London and you couldn’t stop thinking about how it looked exactly like everything you ever imagined but so much more at the same time. Just like NYC, in that sense. You smiled thinking about maybe shooting a season here someday.
“Hey! Did you order something?” David snapped his fingers and to get you out of your trance.
“Huh?” you looked up.
“Earth to (y/n)? I thought you were hungry?” He laughed at you.
“Sorry, but common, look at this city! You can’t blame me for getting hypnotized.” You answered while he went straight to the counter to order some food and beverages for you guys.
“Yeah, it's beautiful. But this weather, how can someone function with this much moisture all around? Is like the air is heavier.” He said sitting back.
“The air is heavier because of the pollution, probably.” You joked back. You always loved big cities, but that didn’t mean you’d close your eyes for their problems, you just had a better tolerance for this kind of stuff. “How’s Lukas anyway? Everything alright back home?” You asked.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. He’s just touring wedding venues. He was really happy with the sudden budget increase.” He answered.
“Well, if he waits long enough, his budget might get even bigger. Speaking of which, we got to talk to some layer about that meeting next week. I think we’d be smart to go in there with our terms very well thought about.” You said.
“Right. I’m looking into it. You worry about finding that agent. One thing is the show, the other is your image. And something tells me the more you’re valued in, the more we can negotiate for the show.” He reasoned while the waitress walked towards the table with two plates.
“Own! Is so sweet to have a friend looking out for me!” You joked and threw a napkin at him.
“I am! You’ll see that when your huge face it's on Times Square and you’re closing the deal on some penthouse at 5th.” He laughed.
You shook your head and rolled your eyes at him. David was sweet, but he wanted nothing to do with the celebrity part of this project of yours and you knew he said this kind of stuff in a condescending kind of way. He wasn’t wrong, but you also couldn’t say you didn’t enjoy the attention you were getting because of the show. Maybe he didn’t felt like that because he had Lukas, but you were more than ok to take a few selfies with strangers and doing some photoshoots here and there. You liked the attention, but as long as you were concerned, penthouses and money deals weren’t included in your idea of happiness. Regardless, everything was so new and fun. Thrilling, if you didn’t spend too much time thinking about it.
“Is everything ok for later? Is just this one today, right? Then Radio One tomorrow morning?” You asked him before taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Yes. Yes. And yes. Mary sent your clothes straight there and someone from the show will make your hair and makeup. I think we should go right after here? We’ll have some time to kill there, but I think we can hang out backstage.” He answered.
“Oh, I don’t know. I was thinking maybe we could walk around. Get to know the city? Maybe visit-”
“Excuse me?” You were interrupted by two girls, apparently close to your own age.
“Hi!” You answered happily, but you could see David recoil in his seat (probably already expecting to be asked to snap the picture).
“You’re (y/f/n) (y/l/n)? From that Netflix show?” One of them asked the blonde one.
“Yeah…its (y/l/n), actually, but that’s fine!” You laughed and tried to be friendly.
“Oh! Sorry! We thought the show was so cool and you’re so beautiful!” The other friend said, the one with black roots and blueish tips.
“That’s sweet! Thank you for telling me! David helped me produce it, did you know?” You pointed to the guy extremely uncomfortable in front of you. You loved messing with him.
“Hi.” He said uncomfortably. There was an awkward silence.
“Anyway, would you mind taking a picture with us?” The girl with blue hair asked you.
“Sure! No problem!” You answered quickly and got up to pose.
After you guys took some selfies and David took some pictures of the three of you, you insisted he was in the shot too and the girls agreed politely. He wanted to kill you, but you didn’t care, you were only messing with him. How often you had the chance anyway?
“Thank you so much! Bye!” They said as they left you two to finish your meal.
“If only every teenage with a phone was this civilized,” David said grumpily.
“You complain too much. They were sweet! And they liked our show! That’s awesome!” You seated back.
“I guess that’s pretty great.” He smiled at you. But his smile died once he looked at his clock.
“Anyway, finish eating. I don’t think we’ll have time to even hang around backstage. They told me we’d have to be there at 3” and its already 2’30!” He told you while signaling the waitress for the check.
When you got to the studio, which was in central London luckily and not far from where you guys had lunch, there was a corridor with some doors and your name was in one of them. The Graham Norton Show was super fun and guests sat together on the same couch while being interviewed at the same time. You hadn’t even thought about who the other guests would be yet, but you had to put on the outfit that Mary, the Netflix stylist, had prepared for you and get your hair and makeup done.
“Hey! Can you find out who the other guests are while I change?” You asked David.
“Sure! I’ll be right back!” He answered opening the door and letting a small middle-aged woman inside.
“Hi!” She greeted him. “I’m Rosie. Here for makeup and hair.” She announced.
“Hi! I’m (y/n)! I’ll just change real quick, do you have a cape we can put over the outfit so it doesn’t get dirty?” You asked already undressing in front of her, David was long gone by now.
“Sure, sure. We have to be quick though darling, you’re going on in 30 minutes.” She said opening the little suitcase on the counter under the mirror.
You put the dress on and sat on the chair in front of the mirror.
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“You can keep it simple, all the way. I get more nervous if the hair and makeup are too pretty, afraid of ruining it with my movements and sweat. Which of course, only makes me move and sweat more!” You laughed, trying to make conversation and relax.
“Relax, you’re already beautiful! We can just make some curls and after I’m done with your skin, a good eyeliner and pink lips?” She asked. You were glad she was nice and chill about it.
“Sounds perfect! Do you know who the other guests are? We were kind of squeezed in today.” You laughed again.
“Oh! Yeah! Its -” She started to say but was interrupted but David coming abruptly inside.
“Ok! Don’t freak out!” He said.
“I already am! Why would you come in like that? What is it?” You asked already freaking very much out.
“Its Tom Hanks. And -” He said.
“WHAT? Are you serious? What the hell man?” You tried to move but Rosie pushed you back on your seat.
“Yeah. And Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland. And Stormzy is singing later. They’re promoting Spider-man and Hanks is here for the new Toy Story.” He explained.
“I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m going to die.” You mumbled.
“Well, which one it is darling? I’ll just add some more blush anyway.” She laughed at your reaction.
“Fuck David, they must really be betting on us. Why else would they put us on the same couch as Tom Hanks and those guys? Super-hero guys!” You reasoned with him.
“I was thinking the same thing…” He started to talk but he noticed your expression.
“Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Relax! You’ll be great! You’ll do great! They were really excited to meet you actually! They love the show!” He told you trying to calm you down.
“Oh, man! What? They’re out there? And they want to meet me? And I’m in here? Oh boy, they must think I’m so rude!” You thought out loud.
“No! No! I told them we were late and you had to get ready. Yes, I chatted with Spider-man and Bumble Boy.” He gloated.
“Bumble boy?” You laughed at him but thanked him with your eyes because you knew he was just trying to distract you. There was a knock on the door and a stage assistant pecked inside.
“Hi! Is Miss (y/l/n) ready? We’re starting in 5 minutes.” She said.
“All ready!” Rosie answered.
“Oh lord. Thank you Rosie.” You were freaking out but didn’t want to forget to thank her.
“Oh! I forgot to mention. Gwyneth Paltrow is here too.” David said before running out of the room.
“WHAT?” You wanted to chase him but were scared to fall from low blood pressure.
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