#i don't think i can tag it properly without bringing in pornbots so maybe i'll skip it this time
bluedestinybluebird · 10 months
According to a popular-but-kind-of-unethical streaming platform, my musical year was primarily defined by listening to upbeat dance pop songs sang by skinny white blondes...
Which I expected... because at some point I even considered making it a theme of a separate playlist, with the first idea coming to life 2.5 years ago, thanks to a cute montage in a deeply moving drama movie, and its usage of a certain hit (which, I assume, sounds terribly when heard live as sung by the original artist, known primarily at first for being her rich father's daughter).
However, as December comes, so do other associations: with winter breaks. Snow, darkness, hot chocolate, pomegranates, library trips, and all that jazz. Or, in this case, funkish hip-hop/rap with tunes that warm you up from the inside, heating one up when it gets too cold even in a NY(E)-Darcy-style pullover.
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