#i don't ship steddyhands except for the times that i do you know what i mean
laceratedlamiaceae · 1 year
Stede and Izzy watching the sun rise, drinking tea and discussing the plans for the day while Ed sleeps in.
Izzy and Ed watching the sun set, leaning back and reminiscing over old times while Stede tells the crew their bedtime story.
Ed and Stede stargazing, laying on the foretop and making up stories about the constellations while Izzy gets some well-deserved rest in their bed.
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gydima · 2 years
Because I haven't written fic in years and don't know if I will again -- no matter how much I want to -- this is the Steddyhands fic I'd write if I could.
Stede's on the horizon, in a stolen ship, on his way back to Ed.
Ed's like "OH FUCK" because he's a disaster. He hasn't done shit since Stede left. Like, maybe a raid here or there for supplies, but mostly he's just let Izzy badger him into stuff. (The whole Kraken thing didn't last long because it just took too much energy, man.)
But Ed can't let Stede think he's been pining after him or something, so when Stede's about to re-board the Revenge, Edward grabs Izzy and yanks him against his side and pretends to be completely uncaring about Stede's reappearance.
Ed's all, "Great to see you again!" and "Oh, you want to come back on the ship? Well, you can stay in Izzy’s old cabin because he’s got other sleeping arrangements now, wink wink nudge nudge."
Izzy’s like "What the fuck?!" but also Stede’s face is so amazingly horrified that Izzy's like, "Oh yeah, I’m totally bangin’ Ed now!" (Except in words Izzy would actually say.)
Stede’s all, "WHAT, REALLY?"
And all the other people who’ve been on board (Jim, Frenchie, Fang) are like, "WHAT, REALLY?" But also "Huh, I mean, I guess maybe?"
So Izzy has to sleep in Ed’s cabin and Ed’s like, "We have to share a bed for believability." (There was only one bed! Snuggles and morning wood ensue!)
So Ed enacts much PDA with Izzy in front of Stede, and Izzy’s so touch starved it’s like the best torture. And Ed kinda likes it too, ngl.
Well, Stede keeps trying to make up with Ed anyway, but he feels sorta guilty about wanting to steal him from Izzy. But Edizzy is kind of weird, isn't it? There are times Ed and Izzy seem verrrry awkward around each other. Stede wonders, "Is it possible this is a fuckery?"
Stede tries to catch them in the lie, grilling Izzy maybe, but it becomes very clear very quickly that Izzy definitely loves Ed. So, Stede wonders, does Ed love Izzy?
Paying close attention to their interactions, Stede realizes that holy crap, Ed DOES love Izzy. What to DOOOOO?
Stede still wants Ed, obviously, but would it be doing Ed a disservice to woo him away from Izzy? Maybe there’s another way?
Lucius seems to think so, and he makes some VERY interesting suggestions about Izzy that make Stede super confused but also SUPER hard.
Something something, things happen, not sure how to work them out, but eventually Steddyhands FTW!
IDK how they get there, what am I, a writer? LOL yeah right. Not anymore! 😭😭😭
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fanishjuli · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you babe for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 62 works posted on ao3 (although some are anonymous and some are not fics but original stuff).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
131,372 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Many, lol. The fandom I have the most fics posted is Sherlock (BBC). The second is Good Omens (and also the fandom I have the most WIPs for). I have also posted fics for the MCU, Star Trek (TOS, AOS, TNG, DSC), the TAZ podcast, DC/Batman, OFMD and, most recently, X-Men.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 in all statistics, by a wide margin of difference, is Gotham Online, my DC/Batman social media AU fic, with 3,033 kudos. Second, with 479 kudos is Epiphanies at dawn, my OFMD Izzy/Stede Steddyhands fic; I'm relaly proud of this one actually. Then there's Surprising and unexpected (Star Trek), then There's No Truth Like Home (Sherlock) and fifth is Seeking Knowledge (Good Omens).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I like replying to comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um, none? I don't write much angst, and when I do it always has a happy ending. Probably the angstiest fic I wrote is In your precense I trust, my last Good Omens fic where Crowley has a shit day and seeks out Aziraphale for some comfort. But it doesn't have an angsty ending at all.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Literally all of them? Most of them have very soft endings because that's what I love.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. I think I got some weird comments a couple of times? But no. And if I did I deleted them and forgot about them lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven't posted any smut, yet. I have two (...three? Can't recall) smut WIPs, one OFMD that's almost finished and needs editing (although I haven't touched it in months lol) and one Good Omens one as well that is significantly more incomplete.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't? I have had a few ideas for crossovers, and I even started writing a couple, but none I've worked on in a while. The craziest one is a Good Omens/Los Simuladores (Argentina) crossover; I had the idead with @two-hands-toward-the-sun and they actually wrote a fic about it, every morning the same big and little words all spelling out desire. It's very good and you should read it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. Not to my knowledge at least, I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! I translated a few of my own fics (from english to spanish and spanish to english) and I had several of my Sherlock fics translated to russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup, Obsession is a Sherlock fic I co-wrote with @0therainbowmind0 during late 2019/early 2020.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Something you need to know about me: I am terribly indecisive. I don't have favourite anythings because I can never choose and my asnwers change constantly. So, at the moment and for the past couple years my favourite ship, or at elast the one I keep returning to, has been Good Omens' Aziraphale/Crowley. Although, at this very moment, as in, the day I'm writing this and for the past week or so, I have also been very much into X-Men's Charles/Erik.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hard question! I don't like posting WIPs, so I almost always wait until I have completed a story before posting it. The only exception is Gotham Online. I would like to finish that fic sometime, although there's not much plotline, I would simply like to continue it because I have many ideas. One other fic I would like to finish but I am not certain I will is my "Heaven's Prayers Department" Good Omens WIP, where some angels in heaven hear Crowley's prayers through the millenia.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think probably writing dialogue is what I'm best at. I'm good at it, even though sometimes I may struggle to properly get a character's voice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, I really struggle with them in general. I'm bad at describing places, clothes, everything. Ambientation is not my thing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine? I don't know; I don't do it. The only time I did was in my Good Omens' spanish pet names fic, which to be fair, I wrote originally in spanish (Los nombres del amor) and later translated to english (The names of love). In the translation I kept the pet names untranslated, as they were the entire point of the fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I don't remember if I ever actually wrote or just daydreamed and maybe, at most, wrote down a handful of ideas as a bulletpoint list, but if we count that then it was, embarrassingly enough, for the Spanish gamer youtubers fandom circa ~2016. But the first fandom I actually wrote for was Sherlock. Or maybe MCU? I don't remember which one I wrote for first but the first fic I ever posted was a Sherlock one.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh fuck. This is literally so hard to choose. I think my favourite Good Omens fic is the previously named In your precense I trust or Lavender Suits You, which I wrote for the Ineffable Butch Wives Week last year. Other favourites I really loved writing and also enjoy rereading are: Crush, a TAZ fic written for the Blupjeans Week 2021; Joanna McCoy's Week In Space, written for the Spones Reverse Big Bang 2020-21; my previously mentioned OFMD fic, Epiphanies at dawn; and my most recent fic, age with all its ailing brings blessings, I believe, which is an X-Men fic and the first part of the old men cherik series. The second part of the series is finish and already half edited, and I started writing the third (and probably final) part.
Honestly if anyone wants to do this, consider yourself tagged. It was very fun XD
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internerdionality · 9 months
Can I ask if there is anything percolating in the Suffer a Sea Change series? That "pre-ship" tag is haunting me.
I am also equally haunted by the I'm Not Ready for Whatever This Is series. The impending poly situations. help.
Yes, you absolutely can, thank you for asking, and yes, there is! The latter will be out well before the former, but both are very much in the works.
I am kind of a classic case of ADD “takes on too many fics” kinda writer. Right now my top priorities/fics I feel driven to write are:
My winter exchange fic for the Sprizzy server (currently untitled, about halfway done, will be posted third week of January come hell or high water)
The next Stizzy installment for I’m Not Ready for Whatever This Is, which is going to be titled "Add a Flourish" (I was hoping for this next part to plunge into the SteddyHands but Stede wasn’t done wallowing in angst. Almost done, will be posted second or fourth week of January depending on how progress on the exchange fic goes)
Finishing Fuck it Through as a Crew (draft of the chapter is done but needs some heavy editing, also January)
Final chapter of Paid with Sighs and Rubies (about half done, aiming for late January/early February)
Always another chapter of my “Batman becomes a cat” fic, whenever I have time
Past that, things get hazier. I really want to get back to my Marvel time travel fix-it but I’ve been a bit blocked on the next chapter. I have a T4T4T modern GentleScribed that I keep meaning to finish but have barely touched since Season 2 came out. The next chapter of Burning Like Embers, Falling Tender is actually about half done but every chapter of that thing is a monster, now, so it still has a lot of writing before it'll be ready to post.
Annddd yes, the sequel to Soaked to the Skin, which is titled Cut to the Bone and explores Izzy and Lucius settling into Stede's crew and figuring out what Lucius being polyam actually means for them, while Ed wrestles with having lost Stede and Izzy! I have about 35K written for it, but most of that was drafted in late 2022 and very early 2023. I haven't had the motivation to work seriously on it for a while, I'm afraid, but I do really want to get back to it.
To be honest, I have some insecurities about it being not as good as Soaked to the Skin—I don't want to follow my baby with something that'll disappoint readers! But I'm hoping once I clear the decks from some of my top numbered priorities above (assuming they don't immediately get replaced with new plot bunnies, lol), I'll find the energy to focus on it again. I've had some beta readers go through the current in-progress chapters recently and they have been giving me some more hype about it!
(Although if it's the Ed/Izzy pre-ship tag that's haunting you, that plot thread isn't going to pick back up until the third — and final? maybe? unless I turn in into a quartet? — installment for that series, tentatively titled Struck to the Heart. Except for how, you know, his devotion to Ed is always driving Izzy's character and motivations. But they're not going to be in the same zip code at any point during Cut to the Bone. I'm so, so sorry. )
And then finally, down here in my purgatory, I have my "I swear I haven't abandoned you" fics like Unmoored (next chapter started, at least?), Dining is Pageantry, my three Good Omens WIPs, the sequel to Learning at the Foot of One of the Greats, the next chapter of What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor (I swear I'm gonna finish that fic one day, I swear), Praying on the Height, and that Rizzy cannibalism fic I keep promising HopelessScribe I'll finish :D
And below that I have my graveyard fics that I haven't worked on in months but really do want to go back to one day—the DC/Slayerverse crossover, the insane Dragonriders of Pern OFMD AU, my winter piece (from last year, oy) for Dragonmuse's Leda House series, and all my poor abandoned SuperBat wips!
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
Stede/Izzy is yaoi and Ed/Izzy is yuri and only by uniting them into steddyhands can we achieve peace
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