#i don't see enough photos of this loser so i've decided to take the matter into my own hands
lostintheparsec · 3 months
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cinnaminsvga · 2 years
tlhc!yoongi + 27 + 58 🤪
premise: “Please don't joke about these kind of things.” + "Why is everyone staring at us?" genre: tlhc!yoongi, angst || wc: 1.7K+ a/n: nary you're literally so fucked up for this LMFAOOO i saw this come in my inbox and literally gasped... tlhc!yoongi? in 2022? it's more likely than you think! (and also tlhc!jungkook lovers i am so sorry but also i am not hehehehe)
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The sticky summer heat makes wearing a suit twice as hellish than it already is. Yoongi tugs at his collar fruitlessly, hoping for a scant amount of air conditioning to cool his overheated skin. He fidgets in his seat, not going unnoticed by the equally sweaty man beside him.
"Hyung, please stop fidgeting. The ceremony is about to start," Namjoon scolds, but it's hard to take him seriously when there are droplets of sweat running down his brow like a waterfall.
"Tell me again why on earth our friends decided to have their wedding at a fucking beach? During the worst heatwave of the century?" Yoongi hisses, running his damp handkerchief across his face. He is sure that he will look like he'd just taken a dive in the sea, suit and all, once the wedding photos get circulated around.
"Oh, you know how our beloved Taetae is. He's had this entire dream wedding planned since early November, and it's always easy to plan summer weddings when it's cold in the winter," Seokjin muses, pushing his expensive shades up his nose.
Yoongi notes in irritation that his hyung does not have a hair out of place, as per usual. The bastard never seems to look bad, not even under the sweltering heat of the devil's ass beating on their backs.
"Dream wedding or not, this shit sucks ass," Yoongi murmurs, pouting not unlike a child.
"Something tells me our little Yoonie is mad because he doesn't have his emotional support Y/N by his side," Seokjin coos condescendingly, squishing Yoongi's sweaty bread cheeks. "But don't worry, Yoongi-chi. You'll see your beloved Y/N walk down the aisle and you can jack off to the thought of seeing her in your own wedding when you get home tonight—"
Seokjin's words are cut off by a swift punch to the nuts, courtesy of Yoongi. Namjoon, his own beloved husband, does nothing to comfort him. Instead, he points to the doors, where a handsomely sunkissed Taehyung nervously makes his way to the front of the altar. "Look, Taehyung's here!"
Taehyung makes a stop a few aisles behind them, saying hello to a few acquaintances before making his way over to them. "Hey hyungs! Thanks for coming," Taehyung smiles brightly, reaching over to each of them to give them a hug. Despite the uncomfortable sensation of damp cheeks meeting neck, Taehyung is kind enough (or delusional enough) not to mention their haggard appearances.
"Of course, Taehyungie! Wouldn't miss it for the world," Seokjin grins back, slapping him amiably on the back. "I hope you aren't getting cold feet on your big day."
"Of course not! I've been waiting for this day my entire life," Taehyung says, sighing dreamily. "I still remember your wedding like it was yesterday. I was absolutely itching for my own day to come back then, so I almost can't believe it's finally here."
“As happy as I am for you, could you not have chosen a worse place to have a wedding? I mean, come on! I am literally swimming in my own bodily fluids right now,” Yoongi whines, trying but failing to sound like he’s just joking. 
Lucky for him, his entire friend group is used to his little hissy fits. “Oh, don’t worry Yoongi! I’m sorry for taking Y/N away, but I need my best woman only for today. Y/N will be yours again by tomorrow and you’ll forget about being a sad lonely loser!” Taehyung says cheerily. 
While Seokjin and Namjoon laugh in agreement, Yoongi splutters, indignant. “Why does everyone think I am unable to function as a human being unless Y/N is here?”
“Uh, because you don’t?” Namjoon says matter-of-factly. 
Yoongi fumes, but doesn’t retort. Seokjin mimics the sound of a whip with his mouth, prompting another punch to the nuts courtesy of Yoongi.
“Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the reception later. If you don’t like the food, blame Seokjin since he’s the one who helped choose the menu,” Taehyung says.
“I mostly did it because I refuse to eat McDonalds during a wedding, thank you very much,” Seokjin sniffs.
“What’s wrong with McDonalds? That’s where hubby and I met in the first place,” Taehyung argues, but he knows he’s fighting a losing game.
Seokjin huffs. “Fine, be that way. Just don’t come crying to me when you and your husband get the Mickey D Shitspalooza during your honeymoon.”
“Husband-to-be,” Yoongi corrects, just to be an asshole. When Yoongi apologizes later, he’ll say it was the heat making him an asshole and his friends will call his bullshit.
“Semantics! What’s the difference between 30 minutes and now, anyway?” Taehyung laughs, waving him off. “Anyway! Gotta get into position! I’ll see you guys later!”
The trio bid their good lucks and blessings before settling back into their seats. The buzz from the crowd slowly dies down as people start to get into place. From one of the side doors, Yoongi notices a swish of a pink skirt flutter just out of view.
Call it Y/N-sense or whatever, but Yoongi already knows that it’s you even before your full frazzled form makes an entrance, your perfectly manicured hands gripping the door with urgency. Yoongi immediately notices the furrow in your brow as you quietly beckoned Taehyung to come closer, whispering something into his ear.
“There’s something wrong,” Yoongi mutters, watching the two of you. Seokjin follows his gaze, his own shoulders hunching tensely. 
Taehyung pulls away from you, an uncharacteristic scowl on his face. He shakes his head, pondering for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. His face morphs back into its former sunny self, but Yoongi can see the tinge of anxiety tugging at Taehyung’s lips. 
Yoongi tries to grab your attention, and just like him, you also have a Yoongi-sense coded deep within you. Your eyes meet, and Yoongi can’t help but smile. It takes you a beat longer than usual to smile back, your eyes shifting uneasily towards the main door of the chapel. 
He turns to look, and immediately understands the reason for your anxiety. “Oh,” he mutters lamely, his blood running cold.
Seokjin and Namjoon overhear him and turn to look as well. “Oh dear,” Seokjin gasps a little too loudly.
Yoongi lets out a deep, shuddering breath, the collar of his dress shirt feeling more and more like a noose. 
“What’s the difference between 30 minutes and now?” Yoongi repeats Taehyung’s words, watching as a tall, young man make his way to their aisle of seats. Familiar doe eyes meet his, hesitance pouring out of the boy in waves. He offers up a smile, but Yoongi is too stunned to return one of his own. 
“An ex,” Yoongi answers his own question, coming face to face with Jeon Jungkook.
“Hello, hyungs,” Jungkook greets politely, a tip-lipped smile on his face. “The usher told me that these seats were for close friends?”
There’s another question somewhere in there, Yoongi thinks. Are you a close friend, Jeon Jungkook?
“Of course, Jungkookie. Take the seat beside Yoongi-chi,” Namjoon snaps out of his stupor faster than the rest of them, scooting backward to let Jungkook pass through.
Jungkook nods meekly, fumbling his way until he’s seated arm-to-arm with Yoongi. The four of them sit in awkward silence, which worsens Yoongi’s fidgeting by tenfold. 
Eventually, he breaks. “Well, this is going to be fun, huh?” Yoongi says, laughing awkwardly.
“Hyung, please don’t joke about these kinds of things,” Namjoon says through gritted teeth. 
“I... I don’t intend to make a fuss,” Jungkook murmurs, eyes downcast. From the corner of his eye, Yoongi notes his hunched back, his clasped hands. For a split second, he sees a shy 18-year old freshman from a time since past. 
The chapel is thrumming. Everyone has their eyes and ears on them, and it makes Yoongi want to claw at his skin until his nails meet bone and then some. He goes to stand, but Seokjin is quick enough to pull him down back to his seat. “Don’t even think about it,” Seokjin spit at him, his grip on his arm deathly.
The problem with guilt, Yoongi wants to tell him, is that I’ve never been good at dealing with it.
When he meets eyes with you, you nod in understanding. No one else in this room understands the need to run as much as you did. The muscles in his thighs ache as he restrains himself from bolting out of there as quickly as he can. 
The problem is that he already knew this was bound to happen. Everyone in this chapel knew it was bound to happen, and some of them might have been excited. Nothing flows easier than gossip, and Yoongi knows that better than anyone else. 
What no one knows, however, was that it was his fault that this happened in the first place.
“It’s not your fault,” you remind him. “It seldom is.” Endlessly, you will remind him of this.
But it is, he argues. 
It is his fault that Jeon Jungkook isn’t walking down the aisle, and after all these years, forgiveness still does not come easy to Min Yoongi.
Guilt incarnate speaks before he can do anything. “I... Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” Jungkook says, already stepping over their feet in his haste to get out
“No, Jungkookie—” Seokjin starts, but his words fall on deaf ears as Jungkook’s feet propel him out of the hall as fast as his long legs can take him. His footsteps sound loud in these hallowed halls, and it feels like they echo for eons inside Yoongi’s head.
From the altar, no one notices the way Taehyung has his arm outstretched, almost like he’s about to run after him. No one except for one pair of eyes, whose heart breaks at the sight. 
“Taehyung,” you whisper, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He lowers it immediately, without a fight. 
He swallows thickly. “I know.” He bows his head sadly.
The chatter returns, louder than ever. The eyes refuse to leave Yoongi and his friends, and eventually, Seokjin gets sick of it. “Why is everyone staring at us, huh? Got something to say?” he snaps angrily.
Ashamed, the guests all turn to the front, the polite silence returning with a vengeance. Yoongi almost wishes the noise had stayed, something to drown out the mess of thoughts running through his head.
“I fucking hate weddings,” Yoongi says to himself, quiet enough that no one will hear. When he closes his eyes, all he feels is the tightness of his collar, the trail of sweat running down his back, and the doe eyes of a boy he used to care about. 
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
149 days & The Grieving Stage
Steve harrington x hopper!reader
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Summary: things hurt but luckily you have people to help.
Song choice: Ease my mind by Ben platt
Warning: swearing/ angst
I also kinda wanted to make this a part of "unseen things" but I'm obviously probably not gonna work on that cause it sucked but enjoy this anyways
You and El both tumbled out of the car as quickly as you could and raced to your friends.
You where especially excited to see Steve again. He wrapped you in a hug and supn you around. "Hey dingus, don't hog her!" you grinned pulling away to met robin. "You've been keeping an eye on him?" you mumbled into her hair, you could feel her chuckle as he pulled you away holding you out at arms reach.
"There isn't really much to keep an eye on...you know he's crazy about you, plus he's awful at the flirting thing." You both laughed and could feel Steve come up beside you taking you from her grasp.
"Be careful steve, she's miss steal your girl." you joked leaning into him. He simply rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around you.
"Watch where you put your hands on my daughter, Harrington!" you both turned and spotted hopper pull up in his car.
"Holy shit..." you breathed you freed yourself from Steve's hold and watched el run towards him. Tears welled in your eyes as you watched them hug.
And from the back of your head you instantly remembered everything you where trying so hard to forget About that night. The overall fear and pain from that night, waiting in the ambulance with El and steve, waiting and hoping that by any sort of mirical it would be over and hopper and Joyce would make there way back to so everything would be normal.
But instead you got Joyce who gave you and your sister both a look from over wills shoulder that took all that hope and crushed it.
And now here he was. That stupid patterned shirt he insisted on calling "cutting edge", a huge smile, one you had to admit you hadn't seen in a while. And all you could do was stand there and stare at him. El pulled away looking back at you with the same excited grin and moved away a little making room for you.
And within an instatant you went racing towards him collapsing in his arms, so much so he stumbled a bit upon catching you in his arms before falling to your knees. You instantly felt your self sob into his shoulder murrmering things that you didn't even understand. You chocked out more tears as his hold on you tightened a little, finding hard to keep any sort of breath do your wheezing.
"Kid, kid, it's ok, everything is fine, deep breaths." You pulled your head from his shoulder and looked at him. He cupped your face in his hand rubing away tears with his thumb. "I...I...though...thought...thought You where...where..." you couldn't even mutter out the last sours before you coughed out another cry. He only nodded in response giving you a sympathetic look.
"I know...it's ok...it's all over now..." you wrapped your arms around him again. "Its all over...you can live life again." You nodded into his shoulder blinking away tears until you finally shut your eyes and relaxing in his hold.
You blinked your eyes again suddenly feeling the loss of warmth around you, you opened your eyes full taking in everthing around you and sighing lightly.
The moonlight filled your new room do to not owning any curtains yet. Or maybe Joyce had some and they hadn't been unpacked yet. Your bed was pushed up against one of the wall's with a small night stand that held a few things, a dresser was pushed against the opposite wall, really it wasn't much yet. You stared at the ceiling taking note of the glow in the dark stars the previous owner of the room had left.
Do to the moon light they wheren't doing much, but they still kept your mind off of what had just happened. Until finally they didn't and you broke.
You let a real sob wrack through your body and tears spill as you did your hardest to bite your lip and keep quiet making sure not to wake the other four members in the house.
You brought your fists to your eyes and held them there until explostions of color where the only thing you saw behind your eye lids, you could feel the mattress beneath you along with your cheeks and chin become soked as tears scilently continued to fall.
After what had felt like hours of tossing and turning in bed, crying off and on again. You finally sat up on the edge taking one of the two blankets on your bed and wrapping yourself up in it before crossing the room to the dresser.
Your eyes hurt and your feet where now cold from the wooden floor under you. You grabbed the phone from onto of it ignoring the picture frame you had purposefully facing down and sat in the little book in your window, you cracked it open inorder to obtain fresh air and started dialing the number.
You sat there for a few moments letting it ring, and ring, and ring, you stared out the window into the moonlit backyard.
Joyce told you when you moved in that maybe the three of you girls could go to the local garden center and pick out a few plants and stuff to start a garden back there.
You where suddenly yanked from the thought as a clearly exhausted voice filled your ear. "Hello?"
You took a shaky breath and turned from the window to look down at the phone cord. "Hey Harrington..." you finally breathed.
"Y/n? Are you ok? What happened?" you could hear the sleep in his voice vanish with every question along with the shuffle of bedsheets. "I..." you stopped to clear your throat. "I'm just holding you to that promise you made before we left...it's not to late is it?"
Before you moved steve made the promise that no matter the time, the issue, the want he would answer the phone and be there for you.
That was the same day you missed your chance to tell him you loved him. And that you had since God knows when. Instead you cried barrelly able to get a "I'll miss you." out.
You reached over to your night stand and grabbed the alarm clock to check the time in the light. 1:40.
You mentally cursed yourself as you set it back down and leaned back. "No not at all what's up?"
"Just...just a nightmare..." You combed a finger through your hair and sighed. "I'm sorry...was it about-"
"No it..it was different this time..."
He humme. "Care to talk about it?"
"I..it's late I just wanted a little comfo-"
"No, no, hey I'm up now so you have to tell me." you chuckled and took a breath.
"Y/n?" you licked your lips before answering. "I saw...him..."
"My...my dad." you croaked looking back out the window.
"Shit...y/n I'm so sorry...I..." he trailed off attempting to find the words to comfort you. You only laughed when you realised it. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing...nothing. Just you always where just the worst at these kinda things."
He gasped a little and you could only imagine him placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Wow no matter how far away you still manage to hurt me y/n." You laughed again.
"It's times like these I wonder-"
"Why the hell I'm your friend?" you asked do ishing his scentence.
"Yea." he replied. Steve sat at the edge of his bed, phone tucked between his shoulder and ear all the while he held a photo he stole from your photo album.
His heart swelled a little just looking at it. You where happy, happier than you have been lately. And he looked at you in that picture with the same goofy grin he was wearing now.
"Steve?" he jumped at the voice instantly putting the photo down. "Did you fall asleep over there?"
He lied back down. "No...not at all...I wouldn't dream of it."
You smiled softly. "How are the kids?...and robin?.." you asked.
"The little shit's are fine...they miss the three of you a hell of a lot, speaking of which you should be gettinging something in the mail soon."
"Yea...you've been gone a month and we decided to wip something up for you guys."
"What is it? You asked curiously."
"Can't say...don't wanna spoil the surprise."
"Right I forgot Mr. Steve "the surprise king" Harrington."
He rolled his eyes but mustered a smile. "Whatever."
There was a beat of scilents Before you spoke again. "I miss you Steve..."
"Hey, I miss you too....but you'll be here for Christmas soon enough."
"Steve that's so long..."
"No...149 days to be exact...it'll fly by and before you know it you'll be back in Hawkins."
"You've been counting?"
"Of course I have." you hummed and again went quiet for a moment.
"Listen there's something...something I've been meaning to tell you.."
"Oh yea?" you opened your mouth but the words refused to come out.
How difficult was it to just say it? Why no matter what the words never fully formed on your tounge. You sighed. "You know what never mind...it can wait.."
"How long?" he asked clearly anxious. "149 days to be exact...it's better if i tell you then."
"Oh c'mon at least give me a hint?" You shook your head with a smile. "No...I wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise." you joked. He laughed making your heart jump." just swear to not find someone to replace me within that time frame."
"I swear. No one would even come close to you." You smiled softly. "Uh listen thanks for taking my mind off of things....you should probably get some sleep....I promise to call in the morning if anything happens."
"Just call no matter what."
"Ok...goodnight shit head."
"Night loser."
You hung up the phone and sat there for a while. Letting things pan over in your head.
Your mind was finally off of your dad for a little bit. And you though about how you said you would tell him at Christmas and wondered of you even meant that, you wondered if he really meant the last thing he said about not finding anyone else.
"Knock knock..." you looked over to your door and found Joyce peeking in.
"Hey...what are you doing up?" you asked turning so your feet touched the cold floor.
"I could ask you the same...another nightmare?"
"Yea...something like that.." she let her self in shutting the door and leaned against the dresser. "How do you not...not have nightmares?...I mean you where right there..."
"Well I never said I didn't..." She said picking up the picture frame and looking at it.
"How do you keep it together then?"
She glanced at you but kept her eyes on the picture for a moment. "Someone's gotta be strong for You kids..." she took the picture and made her way over to you sitting down.
"You don't have to be all the time."
She nodded. "I know...but life had been so rough on you guys already...it helps." You leaned your head on her shoulder and looked at the picture frame in her hands.
"I don't remember these." she said looking at it with you. In the frame was a photo of you do and your dad, tucked outside of it was a picture of you Steve and robin.
You smiled pointing to the one of you and hopper. "The night me and el went to the snow ball...I told him it was an important night for all of us and we had to remember it. He fought me on it but eventually gave in."
She smiled.
"What about this?"
"That was the day we moved...johnathan wanted to make sure I had something good to remember them both by...I miss them all so..so much..." you mumbled.
"I know..."
"Will it ever...not hurt?" you asked sniffiling.
"No...not Right away...just give it a little time..." she placed the picture frame on the bed stand.
"I think you should get some sleep...sleep in extra long if you need."
She kissed your forhead before you got up and walked over to your bed. "Y/n..." you and Joyce both looked up and saw El come in with puffy red eyes that matched your own. You opened your blankets and she quickly made her way over and fell into bed next to you.
"Hey it's ok...it was just a dream..." you kissed her head and Joyce quietly left the room letting you two get some sleep.
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lovskim · 5 years
rewind | 01
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pairing; jung jaehyun x reader
genre/warnings; fluff, best friends to lovers! au, swearing
word count; 2.7k
:: summary; you find an attractive man in one of your old pictures, except you have no idea who he is. you suddenly have the urge to do everything you can to find out who he is, and maybe if you're lucky, make him fall in love with you.
author's note; yay the first chapter! as i've said before, this will be a mix of some social media edits and the actual text so don't be confused if pictures randomly show up in the middle of the story!! i really hope you all enjoy!
( gif credits to owner. )
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You rummage through one of your drawers, cleaning out the stacks of papers as well as some clothes and a few books.
You were – finally – moving out of your apartment shared with college student slash best friend Mark, and you were ecstatic. This was the first time you were going to own an apartment by yourself, and just the idea of you being alone without being bombarded with Math questions made you feel giddy inside.
Once you reach the bottom of the drawer, you let a sigh of relief as you wiped a bead of sweat on your forehead. Summer was going to start soon, not like it mattered for you. You graduated from college a year ago but still got excited whenever summer came. Maybe it was because Mark had more free time than usual, but you weren’t really sure.
You pull out a crumpled piece of photo paper, wincing when you see how old and dirty it was. Dust laid on the edges of the paper because of how long it stayed at the bottom of the drawer. You carefully blew the dust away before flipping the photo around.
You stare at your appearance in the photo. You looked gross, to be honest. The photo was probably taken four years ago when you were just starting college. Your bangs looked hideous and your outfit looked like a wreck. You wanted to burn the picture, hoping it never got to see the light of day again.
Just before you were able to do the deed however, another detail caught your attention.
You had no idea who he was, but damn, you had to admit, this man was practically perfect.
His hair looked styled to perfection, he looked extra hot in the basketball jersey (no one in your college was that cute that’s for sure) and he had this smile that brightened up your day immediately (accompanied with a cute pair of dimples). You were practically drooling over him, and mind you, this picture was taken five. years. ago.
If he was this hot during college, how hot is he now? You end up wondering as you stare at the photo in your hands.
You stare at the jersey again. The team name was covered, but he was definitely not from your college. But why couldn’t you remember anything about him?
The picture looks familiar, except nothing is coming to your mind. You have no clue on who this handsome man is, or what he does, but you sure wanted to find out.
Was I drunk? You shake your head. You never drank enough to get drunk, especially in college. You cared too much about your grades and reputation, even Mark was annoyed with it. But Mark is the biggest nerd you know.
You stood up and walked to the living room filled with boxes, grabbing your phone to text your friends.
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“I’m home!” Mark calls out as he leaves the coat by the rack. You run out of your room and take his bag from him. You check the clock hanging above the TV in the living room. “Why are you home so late?” You scold him as you drop his bag by the couch.
“I went out with some friends.” Mark shrugs as he drags his feet towards the kitchen, looking for something to drink. You follow him, taking out a glass and pouring Mark a cup of water.
You watch as Mark gulps down the beverage, looking away once Mark raises an eyebrow at you. You’re silent, playing with your fingers as Mark practically stares you down.
“Uh..did you find..anything?” You don’t know why you're embarrassed about asking Mark. You guys were best friends, and Mark wasn’t used to you being embarrassed around him. He gulps down the last of his water before wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jean jacket.
Mark's quiet for a while, setting down his glass and just staring at you, not saying a word.
“Nope. I'm so sorry Y/N.” He mutters sadly. He gives you a sympathetic look as you look down at the floor again. “Did you try asking Doyoung and Ten?” He takes your hands in his and you sigh, nodding.
“Doyoung’s out of town with no wifi and Ten hasn’t been responding to my messages when we damn well know that little shit doesn’t do anything.” Mark laughs at your comment on Ten before giving you an encouraging smile.
“You can do it. I bet you’ll find him soon.” You shake your head, losing hope and confidence. Finding him would be nearly impossible, especially since you didn’t know anything about him except for what he looks like.
“What if I grow grey and old and I still don’t find him?” Mark nearly chokes on his second glass of water at your statement. Water spills on his shirt and on the kitchen counter and all you can do is groan. “Gross! Mark keep it together!” You take a rag from the sink and throw it at him.
“Is that seriously your only concern right now?” Mark coughs as he wipes the wet spot on the counter. "You coughing your soul out of your body? Yes." You take the rag back from him before wiping the mess yourself.
"You know what i'm talking about."
You cross your arms in annoyance. Were you being irrational? Maybe. Were you taking this search a bit too far? Definitely. That didn't stop you though.
“Yes!” You argue back and he shrugs his shoulders. "Are you that desperate for love?" Mark leans against the counter. You think for a while. "Maybe." You admit sadly. You didn't date in such a long time it was getting annoying.
Mark finally decides to give up.
“Can I at least see the picture again?” Mark asks and you nod. You come back, handing Mark the photo you protected with your entire being. Mark raises his eyebrows in approval. “I see why you’re spending your time looking for him. He’s cute.” Mark says as he stares at the photo intently.
It’s quiet for a few moments. “Yo, what if he has a girlfriend?” Mark snaps his head towards you. You didn’t think about that. You shake your head. “Well, I didn’t think about that.." You reply, sound hopeless. Mark sighs before placing the photo on the table.
It was possible. A man with such a pretty face wouldn’t be single, right?
“It’s fine! You can meet up as buddies!” Mark claps, joking around and you immediately glare at him. You take the photo back immediately.
“Shut up Mark.” You mutter. It’s silent again.
“What if you guys had a relationship?” Mark wiggles his eyebrows and you nearly choke at his behavior. A relationship? Never. Right now, Mark sounded absurd. “First, I would’ve remembered that much, and second, college me would never.” You point at him.
“True. The college you would never.” Mark snorts at the vague memory of you during college. He runs his hand through his soft black hair, and you actually felt a bit sorry for the kid. You decide to drop the topic. You pat his head. “How are your scores?” You ask, referring to his finals. He got the last of his scores today, and he was worried the entire week.
“They’re actually really good. I flunked my Math and Chem, though.” Mark sighs, running his hands through his hair once more.
“What did you get? a 93?” You joke and Mark scoffs in reply. “Nope! An 89." He clicks his tongue. He walks out to the living room. You give him a look. "Yikes! Your finals were never that bad. Should I stop letting you out of the house?" You laugh and Mark rolls his eyes playfully as he enters the kitchen once more. "It’s fine. I’ll pass the subjects at least.” He gives you a goofy smile and you laugh again.
“That’s good. I know how hard you worked for them.” You say with a soft smile. He leans in for a hug and you gladly wrap your arms around the kid. He was so cute. Although you were older than him by two years, he was like your own child. “Thanks.” Mark yawns, stretching his arms.
“Go to sleep Mark. You worked hard today.” You pat him in the back and he nods. “Okay. Goodnight Y/N.” Mark mumbles as he walks towards his room.
“Goodnight. Sleep tight!” You smile, and Mark gives you a thumbs up in reply before leaving the kitchen. You take the photo in your hands and leave the kitchen, shutting all the lights in the process.
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You sigh, tapping your fingers against the hard wood while waiting for your friends.
You promised your three idiotic best friends that you would treat them out for dinner today, which ended you up at a fancy Chinese restaurant at 8:00 in the evening. Of course, these losers would offer to eat at the fanciest restaurant in the district as long as they’re not paying.
After a few minutes, Mark arrives first, panting and sweating all over. He grips on to the chair, stopping you from saying anything. “Sorry.” He pants. “I got lost.” Mark pulls the seat in front of him and sighs in relief once you hand him a glass of cold water. “Those little shits. Doyoung and Ten told me that you weren’t paying today and the last one to arrive would pay for everything.” Mark wipes the edge of his mouth with the napkin in front of him.
“Hey.” You tell him in a harsh tone. “They’re still older than you. Don’t treat them like that.” You give him a look and Mark’s angry expression washed away almost immediately. “Sorry.” He sheepishly replies. You roll your eyes. “It’s okay. I’ll scold them later.” You smile playfully and Mark lets out a breathy laugh.
The next one to arrive was Doyoung, who just came home from his out of town trip. “Thanks for treating us today.” Is the first thing he says as he sits down in front of you. Mark chokes on his water, a few droplets flying out of his mouth and landing on Doyoung.
“What the fuck, Mark? Gross!” Doyoung groans as he uses the napkin to wipe the water on his shirt. "Mark this happened yesterday! Get a hold of yourself!" You pat Mark's shirt which had a few water droplets as well. Mark ignores him as he continues to cough. “Who are you?” Mark almost yells and you pat his back. Doyoung rolls his eyes in response. “I did a lot of thinking because there was no fucking wifi and data. I was practically suffering.” Doyoung sighs dramatically.
Finally, after waiting for an agonizing and painful fifteen minutes, Ten finally decides to show up for dinner. He smiles and places his fanny pack on the table. “Fashionably late as always.” He sits down beside Doyoung, smirking at his own comment. You place your phone down beside you and give Ten a smirk of your own.
“You’re paying for your own meal.” Your face tells him that you were dead serious, and had no intention of lying.
Ten gasps. “Take that back!” You give him a challenging look before raising your hand high in the air. “Waiter!” You call out, and Ten practically leaps on you, trying to pull your hand down. Doyoung chuckles as he hides behind the menu while Mark just seems to be dead hungry. Ten continues to attack you until he sees a waiter approaching. He quickly returns to his original seat, making you smile wide.
“I’ll do whatever you want.” Ten whispers in your direction and Mark stares at you, waiting for your response. You smile sweetly at the clueless waiter in front of you. “Sorry, I called you by accident. You can go now.” The waiter rushes away at once to keep up with the other orders of the customers. You turn to Ten. “Anything?”
You can practically feel Ten’s fists clench under the table before he huffs. “Anything.” He says.
“Okay! I’ll get back to you for that.” You lean back in your seat and Ten sighs in relief. “Good! Now that we’re all here can we order? I’m starving! ” Mark complains, clutching his stomach.
Ten calls the waiter as Mark gulps down his third glass of water. Doyoung just gives Mark a weird look while the waiter writes down all your orders, wrapping it up with Doyoung’s long list of orders. You sigh once you hand the menu to the waiter and drop your head in your hands. “I’m going broke.” You mutter.
You sigh, scrolling through your notifications before Doyoung breaks the silence.
“Any luck with pretty boy?” Doyoung takes a sip of his drink. Ten shakes his head in response. “No offense, but this dude’s probably dead. None of my friends know who he is, and I have a lot of friends.” Ten says and Doyoung rolls his eyes.
“There are 7 billion people in the world. It’s going to take more than your friends to find him.” Doyoung states the obvious.
“Do you wanna try asking social media?” Mark suggests, leaning his elbows on the table. Ten claps his hands. “Watch! You’ll get invited to star on Ellen!” Ten says excitedly and Mark snorts. Doyoung just chuckles at Ten’s statement.
“It’s fine. It’s not that important.” You assure your friends and Mark’s trying so hard to hold in his laugh. “That’s not what you said yes-” You kick Mark harshly in the shin, causing him to yelp in pain. As Mark rubs his shin, you notice Doyoung’s constant staring in your direction.
“We didn’t do shit and yet you’re still treating us.” Doyoung gives you a sorry look and you place your hand on top of his. Sure, Doyoung was a shithead most of the time, but he still cared about you and supported you whenever you needed it. That’s why you loved him.
“Consider this as Mark’s congratulatory dinner for acing his finals.” You clap your hands and Mark looks down shyly, too embarrassed to respond. “Yeahhhh nice one Mark!” Ten pats Mark a bit too hard on the back, causing the younger to cough and wince in pain.
Doyoung gives Mark a high five, and he chuckles, his cheeks turning a bright red.
After dinner, you recite a quick prayer as the waiter heads your way after Doyoung asked him for the bill. You reluctantly take the booklet from him, closing your eyes as you expect the worst. Doyoung leans back in his seat, looking pleased while Mark leans over to see how much your wallet has to suffer today.
“Damn it.” You mutter as you open your eyes and stare at the bill in horror. You reach into your purse and take out your credit card. Doyoung and Ten clap as you place the card in the booklet and slam it shut. The waiter looks at the four of you amused as you hand the booklet back to him. "Doyoung, you're treating for my birthday." You say angrily.
You step outside in the freezing cold, hugging your coat tighter against your body. “See you guys tomorrow?” Ten turns around and the three of you nod.
The four of you agreed to meet up the next day to go “shopping”, which is actually Ten going shopping while the rest of you lounge around, waiting for him. Mark loops his arm in yours.
“See you.” Mark says and Doyoung waves at the three of you, walking in the direction of his car. Ten waves goodbye as well, following Doyoung who was giving him a ride home. Your Uber arrives, and the Mark and you climb in the car. It’s quiet throughout the entire ride, neither of you saying a word.
The driver drops you off and you thank him, stepping out of the car before Mark slams the door shut. You wrap your hand around Mark and he smiles gratefully before following you in the apartment complex.
“Tired?” You laugh at Mark, who was already dozing off in the elevator. Mark nods, his head on your shoulder. The elevator doors open, and you practically drag Mark towards your shared apartment.
“I think i’m just going to head to bed.” Mark mutters as you enter your home. “Okay.” You bid Mark goodnight before entering your almost empty room and shutting the door.
You flop on your bed, letting out a sigh of relief as you kick off your heels and rub your aching ankles. You’re drifting off to sleep, not really caring about your current state until a soft ding! resonates through the quiet room.
You fall off your bed, too lazy to grab your phone. You practically crawl to grab your purse all the way across the room. You quickly open your purse, retrieving your phone and flopping back on your bed.
You squint your eyes as you adjust to the bright screen to your phone. An unknown user pops up on your phone. You're confused on who the hell this person is, or what he’s talking about, but nevertheless, open up his account.
You enlarge his profile picture. He looks familiar.
Another ding! resonates, and you open up your new text message from Ten. “Y/N!!! I FOUND HIM!! I FOUND YOUR GUY! his twitter is @jung1997!!” The text reads.
You open this guy’s Twitter. His username? @jung1997.
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Your eyes go wide as you click on the guy's profile picture and enlarge it once more.
You immediately run towards your drawer and pull out the picture. You compare the pretty boy’s face to the profile picture displayed on your phone, and they almost look the same.
That’s when the realization hits you.
You found him. You finally found your mystery man.
“Oh…Oh…OH SHIT!”
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