#i don't remember anything about the third guy except him being racist and classist
omnipotent-omnicube ยท 1 month
i'm bored so i'm gonna watch the new great pretender series/movie/whatever that apparently dropped earlier this year
#i don't think you guys understand i was obsessed with this show and the ending made me so mad i couldn't think of anything else for weeks#it was also the first thing i legitimately read fanfiction for. because the ending SUCKED#basically edamura (protag) keeps getting put into grand con artist situations despite literally just trying to make a stable living#and for the fourth case he starts off believing he's finally found a job and a stable living#and it turns out that the place he's working for is actually a front for the yakuza#and he was manipulated into taking the job by laurent and his con artist group#which okay yeah but whatever but edamura tried and failed to put an end to the yakuza's shenanigans which was uhh. child trafficking#and his plan FAILED and laurent faked his death and there was shit with edamura's dad too who ALSO faked his death after edamura shot him#meanwhile edamura is absolutely shaken and traumatized by everything that's happening#and the head of the yakuza happens to take a liking to him and starts to partake in a motherly role to edamura and ALSO manipulating him#and stuff happens but basically at the end laurent pops up and is like surprise! we're alive! and you not knowing was all part of the plan!#idk if that happened to me i'd be fuckin pissed. i wouldn't talk to anyone else ever again#but the case ends just like 'ohhh yay!!! we defeated the evil yakuza boss!!! let's all be friends again'#also there was a whole thing where villains from previous cases made a comeback in the major defeat against the yakuza boss#which i guess i didn't really care about the case 2 guy he was just manipulating bets and stuff in plane racing#but wasn't the first guy literally a rapist???#i don't remember anything about the third guy except him being racist and classist
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