#i don't recommend the biography i'm reading due to the fact that it was written in the early 1900s
sukimas · 10 months
Monsignor Corbishly, the late ecclesiastical head of Ushaw College and a school-fellow of Lafcadio 's, stated that if there were any ideas on the part of Hearn's relatives that he should enter the priesthood, the authorities of Ushaw College, as soon as they had become aware of the "mental and moral tendencies" of the boy, would have decided that he was quite unfit to become a member of the Roman Catholic priesthood.
king (again)
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very-straight-blog · 6 months
I know that it was John Lydon who was against the creation of this series, but in my opinion "Pistol" gave him justice. He showed that he was right from the very beginning, that he was the heart of this team that was worried about his friends. I haven't read Steve's biography that inspired this series (because I can't get it anywhere in my country ☹️), I don't know if maybe there was something inappropriate there, or maybe John just didn't want to share his private life in this way, but it's good that this series was created and showed that this nonsense from "Sid & Nancy" is just nonsense. It felt more like fan fiction than something related to a biopic. I don't recommend it. I didn't like Gary Oldman's Sid, even though I think he's a good actor, but Louis Partridge's one made me like him (but I'm still not a fan of the real Sid). Maybe it was because it felt like he was a young man and not an adult pretending to be twenty, or maybe it was because he and Anson Boon had really good chemistry together. I'd rather watch them than Sid and Nancy, lol. There was a sense that they cared about each other like brothers, and it hurt Johnny when they started to grow apart. (And although I consider RP fanfiction to be yuck, I'm not surprised that after the series premiere on AO3 they started being shipped more. But still yuck) I love that even the way he dresses, his hair, and his tension changed throughout the series. There was a lot to read from it. And that scene with his mom when he invited the band after the album was released! It meant so much to him! And then it started to go wrong :(
Yes, yes and yes again. It's a real shame that this show didn't get any awards for HOW it was made. Everything you mentioned was at the highest level and you could feel that Danny Boyle put a lot of heart into it. He and the entire gang, so it's a great pity that the series ended up in the trash due to low viewership :( In my country, it was on Disney+ a few months before it was canceled. It didn't even get a single review from any pop culture portal. It's a disgrace :(
I don't know anyone who watches the series, only you and another person on tumblr, so I'd love to read everything you write about 😊
Sorry for the slow answer, I was very very busy!
Now I'm reading John's autobiography and everything he tells there was pretty accurately shown in the series, I didn't find any significant differences, so yes, I agree. I started watching Pistol without knowing anything specific about the band members and John instantly won my love and respect - which means the creators did everything right, even if the real John was against this project.
In general, the book is wonderful, I advise you to read it if you're suddenly interested in the band. It covers the time period from John's childhood to the breakup of the band. It's wittily written and really reveals John's relationship with the people around him, including Sid. I marked the places I found interesting and ended up with them on every page lol.
And yes, in my country, even the series itself was very difficult to find, especially in English with subtitles. I spent several hours on this.
The actors did a great job and it can be seen. Sid and John have amazing chemistry. Despite the fact that I can't stand Sid, I almost started to sympathize with him simply because of their relationship with John and how everything that was happening affected him. Weird huh.
I think how much content could have been obtained if the series had gained more popularity and I feel sad. I need art, fics and stuff(
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