#i don't know! but odds aren't lookin great
malicemismanager · 4 months
The ADHD urge to make a skirt instead of doing Literally Anything I'm supposed to be doing right now
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cr0g-0 · 2 years
Here you are fellas! You get tiny badass good dadza content hope you enjoy lmao-
Anyway I really hope yall enjoy the fic! And i encourage you to send me some asks about it!!!/gen
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you(Take me back to the night we met) [I]
Tw-Blood, Injuries, Self Deprecation
Word count-4084
At the mouth of a cave, Phil stood with his best friend and partner in adventuring and treasure hunting, Techno. The two had been traveling for hours upon hours and it was much much later than either had thought they’d be out for.
Phil grit his teeth and gripped at his green overshirt anxiously. It was far past curfew for the kids in Esemtria and now that he didn’t have to worry about kids getting snatched up-
(Especially his own son-)
-By saints knew what-he could rest easier. That also meant he wanted to go home to his wife sooner.
This meant however, convincing his best friend for the umpenteenth time that they needed to go home was practically fruitless.
“Techno can we pleas-“
“Phil, I need to look in that cave and you know it. We gotta make sure there aren't any dangerous creatures in there. That's our job and you know Governor Bad wouldn’ be too happy if we didn’t do what he asked.”
Techno was watching the cave. Phil could see the way his friend gripped his sword and how his feet were firmly planted. He was digging in, so transfixed on the cave.
“And I’m asking you to stay out of the cave. Those warning signs aren’t there for show mate. Bad won’t be angry if we don't go in.”
The woods were cold, densely packed with trees and a variety of wildflowers, mainly lilies, chrysanthemums, poppies and a variety of others though neither were paying attention to the flowers.
No, their focus was on the cave that loomed in the distance. The village was only a few miles back. It wouldn’t hurt to turn around.
Techno would never do that though.
Phil knew that. Yet here he was, wasting time and moonlight trying to get Techno away from the gloomy cave of which foretold death and misfortune galore. Techno was always the more headstrong one. He was brash. Foolish even.
Reminded Phil of when he was a younger kid but that's probably why he was so hellbent on keeping Techno alive and well.
Phil was very unhappy about these circumstances and his odds of winning this argument.
“Techno please-I think we oughta go home. Kristen will share our dinner with you alright? I think she’s making pasta or something like that.”
Of course the pinkette graced him no response and of course Phil tried again.
“Tech please-whatever glittery gold bullshit and crystals-whatever is in that cave isn’t worth the risk. Kristen and I have told you that you're allowed to stay with us and I know our son would accept you as a big brother immediately. The kid might be small and young but he has a big heart.”
He infused his voice with nothing but love, kindness, warmth and affection as much as he could.
Techno remained unmoving although he could tell by the way his shoulders slouched that he was losing a bit of momentum here.
“I’ll only be a moment Phil. I just gotta do a bit of lookin and I’ll be right out ok? And if your worried you have legs y’know-“ The kid shot back as he began to walk towards the cave.
“You’re free to join me….If I find anything worth keeping though you aren’t getting a lick of it unless you come in-That’s just the rules-“
Before Phil could further his pleas and offers Techno ran deep inside the dark and ominous cave, the echo of the other’s footsteps being the only thing he could hear as he vanished into the darkness.
The blond man closed his eyes in frustration and groaned. Techno just haaaad to be like this tonight. He couldn’t pick a worse location to be stubborn about as well.
He glanced at his legs for a moment. He swore to the saints Techno was calling him old in some way…but then again he was right. If he wanted he could go after him and drag his dumbass out, scold him a little and then bring him back to dinner.
But kids don’t learn if you don’t let them make mistakes.
So of course, he stood there and waited.
And waited.
The waiting of course, was getting his legs feeling stiff but he’d hold out. That kid would regret going in, he’d tell Phil and that would be the end of it.
He paced back and forth and back and forth and then back again, the ornate sword held in his hands dragged across the ground in a shallow dip it formed. He waited still though.
A Craft didn’t give up when they had their mind set on something-he would know considering his brother managed to make a thriving village that had never had many issues aside a few pranks gone out of hand.
He glanced up and he stopped his pacing, the sword in his hand was gripped tighter as he bit his chapped lips.
The moon had already begun to start setting back down to welcome the new day and he was still there waiting as if something was going to happen despite nothing having happened for the past several hours.
Kristen would be worried. Hell, she was already most likely. She was probably assuming the worst of Techno and him-
Hell-he was assuming the worst of Techno and him and he at least knew he was accounted for!
He sighed before looking at the cave and then to his sword. He could leave his best friend there. Could leave him for dead but why would he?
He wasn’t a monster.
With a final glance back. Back towards where his home was. Back to his family.
He took a step forward into the dark cave. Because a Craft wouldn’t leave someone, who may not be blood family but was still family, behind.
The first thing of note was that the whole area was fridged. The summer harvest was wrapping up, the fall harvest upcoming meant that yeah, it was getting a bit chillier but it should not be this…cold.
This…This temperature was cold enough to where he craved warmth…
Yet it was off enough and just weirdly warm enough to make his insides writhe uncomfortably.
He blew out some air from his mouth, watching as it curled into a fog that dissipated. He kept walking and going further and further, glancing for any coves and crevices that the pinkette was hiding in or near.
As he went deeper the temperature went from an uncomfortable chilly cold to a warmth that was prickling and tense.
‘Where the hell was he…?’ Phil thought anxiously, eyes darting around the dark.
“Techno! Technooo….! Where the fuck are you Mate? It’s been hours!!” He shouted out into the dark. No response.
He would have responded…
Unless…something…happened to him…
No. Nothing would. Techno was incredibly capable of keeping himself safe! Sure, Phil was more experienced but Techno was strong and he would have called for help. He may be head strong but he wasn’t that dumb.
He took one more step into the dingy cave. He took a sniff of the air and gagged. Smelled rotten and humid.
That’s when he heard a scratching from the cave floor. He tensed up and held his sword tightly as he glanced around with narrowed eyes. He rotated around in a small circle to ensure he wouldn’t get crept up on, the warmth in the cave making his skin crawl.
And that’s when he heard the growl.
He readied himself into a fighting stance as he saw dark shadows approaching him and he prepared to fight off whatever was there.
Until he realized they were bats. He watched the creatures fly to the cave entrance, screeching and cawing in the strange way only bats could.
He let out a sigh while he turned to look out at the entrance that the bats had flown too.
Maybe Techno found a way out already? Was there another entrance? Was he just being paranoid? Surely that was the case
It was probably the fact that he didn’t want to lose who he fully intended on being his son’s godparent. He was paranoid. Kristen would be worried and he had dinner and a son to tend to back at home.
Phil looked tiredly at the entrance before taking a few steps toward it. He needed to go home. He’d ask around to see if Puffy-hell-maybe even Sam could help-
Sure the sheriff didn’t like Techno, he didn’t even really like Phil, but he’d surely help if Phil asked enough times and bribed him.
His boots quietly clicked as he slowly headed to the entrance before something dripped onto his head. He reached up and ran a hand through his hair, silently cringing. Gods it was slimy and disgusting-
He wiped it on his pants and turned around, looking up before his blood ran cold.
Looming up above his head, was bright, white eyes with shining, saliva glistening teeth. Every other detail of the beast was shrouded by the darkness of the cave.
His hand went down to his sword hilt and he took it out in one fell swoop, narrowing his eyes. This is what he trained for.
So he cleared his throat, got into stance and charged as the creature attempted to grab him. He took a heavy swing over his head.
The beast let out a pained cry and Phil barely dodged the swipe as he rolled to the side, his hat falling off. Phil made another advance towards the monster.
He had to slay it-after all, it must have been the thing to hurt or kill Techno-that’s why he hadn’t responded to him.
He took another swing, slicing into the beast's thumb web, it snarled out in pain and retaliated with a swipe at Phil’s face too fast for him to evade.
He dropped his sword once the burning pain registered in his mind, the clang of metal hitting the floor was the one thing he heard in his ears.
He stared at the beast, blood getting in his mouth and filling it with its hot iron taste as he licked his lips.
His mind felt surprisingly clear as he looked into the snarling creature's white, soulless eyes. The two of them were seemingly locked in a stalemate, both breathing heavily.
Phil wasted no time regaining his bearings as he bolted from the cave, collecting his sword into his hand quickly as he sprinted at full speed to the breaking daylight.
He didn’t dare look back.
He could tell the beast was chasing after him, the loud growling and footsteps were a damn good indicator as his own footsteps were drowned out.
He needed to get away from the cave but he also needed to move in such a way that didn’t get anyone in Esemtria mauled-
The blond nearly stumbled as he finally made his way into the freezing cold air, goosebumps forming on his skin. He dared to look behind him for a split moment to see a giant hand reaching out, growls spouting out of it before it began to keep crawling out of the cave.
Phil didn’t wait for it.
He kept sprinting into the woods, the blood on his face long forgotten aside for the taste in his mouth and smell in hitting his nose.
The sun was rising behind and he silently cussed, hoping to make it home before people left their homes so he wasn’t seen by worried faces.
He began to weave between trees and bushes, sword still unsheathed as he slid throughout the muddied grounds. He needed to reach the border-
He forced his tired and aching body to push onward, his muscles feeling like they were being torn apart. Still, he knew he needed to keep going-for Kristen-For his son.
Everything felt like a blur as he kept mindlessly running despite the protests of his limbs, not daring to stop, look behind or even rest a second as he aimed to get home.
When he reached the border his chest was heaving and he stared out at the dimly lit city he and his family called home. The streets were silent and covered in a sheen of morning dew. The streets had a few people beginning to leave their houses to set up at the market.
He numbly began to walk over to his house. It wasn’t hard to see-the lights were bright and all on compared to their neighbors. Kristen must not have turned them off. It probably annoyed them to no end but honestly? Phil couldn’t give a fuck.
He reached the door and barely got one knock in before the door swung wide open and before him was a very angry looking Kristen.
“I swear Angel do that to me again and I’ll-“
Her voice trailed off. Phil could probably take a good guess as to the reason why. He sheathed his sword and gave her a sad smile, tears welling up in his eyes.
“I know my love. I won’t…”
She started to grab a handkerchief from her pocket but Phil simply pushed the offer to clean his face away. “I’m ok Kristen.” She hesitantly lowered the cloth and he laughed quietly before adding on. “Now may I enter my own home or will I be getting kicked out for the day?”
Honestly the kick to his shin was welcomed and totally deserved. He could see tears in her eyes as she pulled him inside and into a hug.
“Not the time Phil. Me and your son have been worried sick-“
Phil just let her hug him and he looked about the house. “He’s still up?” Gently, he pushed away from Kristen and glanced around more uncomfortably.
“Yes he insisted on staying up till you and Techno returned. I tried to get him to bed but he nearly crawled out the window in his room to go find you so I gave up.”
Phil was immensely glad Kristen had caught him before his boy was snatched up by any beast. He headed into the kitchen carefully, checking for any sign of his son.
“Speaking of Techno…Phil what happened? Where is he? I know you’d never leave someone alone-especially your best friend…”
She entered and Phil tensed, feeling tears bead in his eyes. He wouldn’t break yet. He could tell Kristen when he wasn’t as vulnerable.
“Can you get me some rags, disinfectant and water? I don’t want our son to possibly see me covered in blood.”
The kitchen was silent and the only sound Phil could hear was the sound of his wife sharply inhaling before heading out the room, presumably to get him the things he requested.
He ended up sitting down, pulling out a chair and getting settled at the table. He was exhausted and he just wanted to sleep yet he was on alert. Staying quiet to listen for the loud, careless footsteps of his son just in case the boy figured out he was home.
He’d need to teach him to quiet himself and move less loudly and rambunctiously. It’d get the kid into trouble. Trouble Phil wouldn’t be able to get him out of.
He tapped his boot nervously against the ground. Somehow the thought of his son being in trouble terrified him more than anything the gods could throw at him. And they had thrown that-that beast at him-
Kristen came bustling back into the room and sat parallel to him, placing the medical supplies down in front of him.
“Once your cleaned up I need an explanation Philza Hart Craft.”
‘Fair enough. You know what’s not fair? Having had the ability to save your best friend but failing because you were too lenient-‘ his mind bitterly snarked at him. He just forced himself to take a deep breath.
He began to douse the rag in disinfectant and rub gently at the blood coating a sizable chunk of his face. He made sure to go over the wound gently, not wanting to agitate it.
He knew it would scar. He knew he’d be asked by everyone in Esemtria and Hermitville what happened to his face. Where was Techno.
He didn’t want to share this though. It hurt so much. He didn’t want to tell anyone-no one could know that he failed to save Techno-no one would believe he was capable of keeping anyone safe again-
And that’s what he feared. Because if he couldn’t keep Techno safe, who was to say he wouldn’t be able to keep Kristen safe? To keep his family safe from harm when he already failed to protect his brother in arms-
He hadn’t really noticed he was sobbing and hiccuping until he felt reassuring hands on his shoulders and he just let it all out, letting the blood soaked rag fall to the wood table as he let another ugly cry rip it’s way from his throat.
Kristen stayed there and just listened to him cry. He felt bad for just breaking down. That wasn’t very Phil of him. Usually he could keep it in.
He silently prayed to the gods to avoid making this any worse but he was just a hair too late as the soft, uncharacteristically quiet footsteps could be heard approaching the kitchen.
“Dad, why are you crying?”
He glanced from behind his hands, hiding the wound and blood best he could.
He looked tired and defenseless. The boy began shuffling closer, eyes shining with worry but he was ushered away by Kristen quickly.
“Honey please go to bed now dad’s home now.” Kristen barely let Phil get in a word but he could tell she wouldn’t let Phil convince her it was okay to let the boy stay here.
With a loud sigh, she leaned to look at him. “My angel, are you going to be ok?”
He nodded to her and smiled the same sad smile from earlier. “Hopefully….Kristen I’m…I’m not going to go hunting for monsters or treasure anymore.”
From the look on her face, she looked confused, joyful and sad all at the same time. “Wha-but Phil! You love exploring and searching for that shit!”
She paused a moment before lowering her voice, Phil smirked internally. Swearing was not something they’d be teaching him for a long time.1
“I would love if you stopped but I know you love doing it-so-so if your doing it for me-“
“-I’m doing it for our son.”
The silence that filled the room was light, comforting-like he’d shaken a weight he no longer needed nor wanted.
He gave Kristen a reassuring look.
“I’m doing this for the sake of our family. You see what has happened to me-I’m a walking scar collector-not to mention I miss out on spending time with the two of you…and I want to spend as much time as possible with the both of you before the gods decide it is our time.”
He turned so his whole body was facing her.
“I will not let any more lives be lost based on stupid adventures and treasure hunting. I’m…I’m a changed man….I want to be there for you-for our son-for the whole of Esemptria and beyond.”
Phil looked into Kirsten’s eyes and saw understanding and sympathy. Neither needed to exchange anymore words as he stood up and pulled her into another embrace.
“I’m going to go say goodnight to our little brat and then go send a quick prayer to the gods.”
She nodded. “I’ll be most likely asleep when you get to bed. I’m tired after worrying for you all night.” Although it was meant as a tease, Phil couldn’t help but feel horribly guilty.
He made his wife worry so much if made her feel physically tired. What good husband did that?
She had already headed away, leaving the blond to stand in the kitchen alone. He sighed before slowly walking towards his son’s room. He hoped that he was asleep. Then he could avoid mentioning anything about the whereabouts of Techno.
The kid always was curious about Techno’s adventures-he was probably more interested in treasure hunting and monster hunting more than anything.
He walked to his door and gently knocked, gently pushing open the door to see the boy blinking at him owlishly.
Curse the gods-
“Dad, why were you crying and-and why is there a scary thing across your face?” The boy got up out of his bed and ran to Phil. He crouched down and scooped him up in his arms.
“I just had some dust in my eyes. And this thing?”
He pointed to the cut running jagged along his face.
“It’s just an oopsie that I got when I was in the woods today.”
He forced a smile as he carried him to his bed.
“Now can you promise me some things? It’s important, ok?”
His eyes stared into his and he nodded his head in understanding, giving Phil the silent ok to keep going.
“Promise me you won’t be reckless and dangerous like I am ok? And I don’t want you around anymore hybrids unless Kristen or I are with you.”
His son didn’t seem pleased by this news.
“B-But-But what about Miss Puffy and-and Mister Sam and-“
“Honeydew you have other people you can go too for help.” They were certainly not the only people that could protect his son….but they were the ones he somewhat trusted and knew-
Still. What if they could become monsters and hurt his family? He…He’d make an exception for them and no one else.
“I’ll let you go to them if you need anything but otherwis-“
“But what about Uncle Grian!?!”
Right. The whole of Hermitville. His face became strained but he just kept a soft smile as he settled his son into his bed.
“And any of the Hermi-“
“But what abo-“
Phil gave up he could just monitor him all day since he was never going to hunt for shit ever again-
“Ok fine you can talk to any hybrid you like-so long as they don’t make fun of you or hurt you ever.”
His son grinned bright and wide and hugged Phil rib crushingly tight. He laughed and hugged him back, running a hand through his hair gently.
“Now can you please go to sleep honey?” He softly asked, gently pulling away from him and grabbing a blanket for him.
The boy eagerly grabbed the blanket and crawled under the covers of his bed. Once nestled in, Phil tucked the blanket under his son before gently kissing him on the head.
“Good. Get some rest now…”
The child huffed a little before closing his eyes and nestling more into the blanket. Phil smiled softly before sighing as he walked out of the room, gently closing the door.
Once that was done he headed to the backyard and kneeled down in front of a stump. He closed his eyes and clamped his hands together, bowing his head towards the rising sun.
“Please gods, please keep my son and wife safe. Safe from harm. I will do anything that you will ask. Any quest-any mission-I will accomplish it if you keep my family safe.”
Phil kept praying as long as he could, hoping for a sign that they heard him. It wasn’t until Kristen had gotten tired and worried about where he was. Phil had startled and tensed a bit but relaxed as he murmured an apology to her.
He headed back inside as he entered Kristen’s and his room, kicking off his shoes quickly before removing his sword hilt.
He removed the sword and opened up his closet before hanging the sword up, looking in his reflection.
He felt different. More than just physically. He brought a hand up to his shoulder, lifting up the sleeve before running his hand along the scar left by Techno’s and his first encounter.
He loved that day, even if he hadn’t known it then. A warm smile fell upon his face before he grabbed an emerald from his pocket, running a thumb across its edges.
He’d take it to a jeweler. It wouldn’t replace the missing other half but it would be closer to him. Close. Close enough to remind him of the life he let be lost.
His fingers closed around the stone and he held his close as he walked to his bed and laid in it, closing his eyes and forcing himself to fall asleep, grip on the gem tightening.
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