#i don't have to not be neurodivergent to tell that this logic does not compute in every sense of the word but my mothers
rajanilefreak · 1 year
My mom likes to invent chores to do when all the regular day to day stuff is done just so that she has something to complain about having to do.
Normally I'm fine with that. I'm just too used to her ranting about being tired over something that she herself decided to do unnecessarily that I just let her be. She«s happy this way and that's what matters.
What I really don't like is her coming up with increasingly even more irrelevant 'chores' to do that take up a lot of time and space and that haven't needed to be done in ages and certainly could have waited a lot longer to be done right when my sister asked us to take care of my 2yo nephew and she spend part of her ranting time complaining about a literal toddler getting in the way of her vendetta against free time and relaxation.
What was this fully grown woman expecting!?!? It's a fucking toddler! Of course he's going to get curious about all the stored crap she randomly decided to dig out of storage 'in search of a very specific thing' and want to touch literally everything! Of course all the excitement of new thing will mean he'll be running and standing all over the place and get in the way! He already runs and stands in the way enough as is, without all the random crap anyway! Why would he have any less zoomies when there's new stuff to inspect?! If anything, he'd get more zoomies from the excitement!
And she could have literally done all of this after he was no longer in our care! we have a whole summer free for her to do this crap. It's bad enough that she tries to drag me into helping her with her crazy ideas to occupy her time that SHE decided to do ON HER OWN. But having her berating a little kid for being a kid just takes the cake.
Urgh! And I'm supposed to be the 'not normal mentally' out of the two of us. Why do I, the very much childfree neurodivergent young adult, have to be the responsible one in this house. I mean, I might never want to have kids of my own. I literally do not want a child in my care ever (I do not have the mental and emotional maturity nor patience to take care of a smol human) and still I am taking far better care of the kid than the person who made the plans (without my knowledge or input, btw, not that I would have said no because I am all for family helping each other even with my lack of skills in this area, but I would still have appreciated being asked about it) with my sister for having the kid over so that she could hurry up and finish taking care of her workload.
Now I'm off to do some more damage control. I just needed to rant about this bullshit.
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reel-fear · 2 years
Love as a construct rambling below bc Im thinking so fucking hard abt it rn
one of my favorite bits ever since I read the fic as a kid who has just played portal 2 in elementry [yes I've loved it for that long, I still remember looking up GLaDOS x Wheately on my first shitty little windows computer when I stumbled upon it haha and man did I love it] was the one where Rick shows up, both bc its hilarious and very fun but also because it's just... It's such a delight. Everything about it. I've got so many lines from this fic outright memorized bc of how often I read it. If all fics were suddenly wiped one day this is the fic I would desperately try to keep archived no matter what.
ANYWAYS THO THE RICK CHAPTERS, not only hilarious but a great dissection of Wheatley's character and his true love for GLaDOS. The way his character contrasts with Rick is soooo well explored and in mere words is put out so plainly and well in character. Having Rick go full out Alpha Male Podcaster in this chapter was a great way to show just how well intentioned Wheatley always is. Rick speaks of trying to bed GLaDOS and who Wheatley is a little idiot who will never Get anything out of his relationship with her leaves Wheately baffled and confused. Because he's not in this relationship to try and wrangle something out of GLaDOS, Rick is projecting and Wheatley can't even seem to understand how or why Rick would view GLaDOS almost like an object for him to own.
It baffles and terrifies him. How could someone ever view the amazing, complex, powerful and beautiful GLaDOS like that? The way he starts to view Rick for the weirdo hunter/predator he is also shows Wheatley's intelligence, which is ironic but regardless. He might be stupid but he knows GLaDOS deserves better than that and that the way Rick thinks of and talks about her is demeaning.
But specifically these lines in particular.
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everything about it potrays Wheatley so in character, the way his thoughts are so scattered, he gets off topic so quickly in a way that only makes sense in his brain. Me and Roddy have talked at length about how in this fic GLaDOS and Wheatley easily potray neurodivergence and Wheatley in particular has a very frantic fast and panicked mind. He screams ADHD or Autism mixed with an anxiety disorder to me. The way he thinks, the way he tries to talk it reminds me a lot of myself. Even if generally I find GLaDOS the most relatable character here.
Hell Wheatley after this thinks of how strange it would sound to tell GLaDOS he was visualizing her as a butterfly. Her brain just doesn't work the same way his does.
Not to mention it shows one of the best things about Wheatley's inner conflict here, how does he protect someone he views as so much more powerful than he is? He can't just disregard the idea of protecting her. Even if it doesn't make sense logically. He wants to protect her more than anything in the world, she might not need that protecting, he might not be able to do it, but those facts don't matter to him. His love for GLaDOS overpowers everything.
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When Rick implies GLaDOS made a mistake Wheatley tells him bluntly GLaDOS Doesn't make mistakes, even when she herself has admitted it to him that she's not perfect. Wheatley just thinks the world of her and while Rick passively demeans her Wheatley sings her praises.
When Rick shoves him his instinct is to shove back but his second thought, what would GLaDOS want? This is the thing that makes Wheatley not like Rick, even in this part where Wheatley can be read as somewhat protective and possessive, this thought in particular shuts down the idea Wheatley would ever let such things overide GLaDOS' desires. He wants to protect her and keep her close to him, that's his first thought but his second? What does She want? What would She do?
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THIS, is what makes Wheatley different than Rick. Wheatley doesn't want to warn GLaDOS about Rick so she won't hang out with other men or so she won't fall in love with them. He doesn't want her to do those things of course, but most of all he wants her to be able to make an informed decision about what she is doing. If Rick and her did get together, he wanted there to be no deception, no tricks or manipulation. That's what he wants for GLaDOS that's how he protects her.
It's not about keeping her to himself, it's about knowing if he lets go... She'll still be okay and happy.
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