#i don't even wanna open my photos app cause i have so many pictures of my grandma in them right now and just looking at them
likesummerrainn · 1 year
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devilbat · 4 years
Quarantine Online
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A/N: sorry I have been MIA for months now. A lot has going on in my life and Depression sucks, making it hard to write, so forgive me.
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: Just fluff
Summery: dating is hard it's even harder when a Pandemic happens.. 
     The picture you stared at only showed a well-toned lean body in a well-tailored suit. Most of the photographs showed the same, never his face. His name was Tom 39 years old, living in London. Though he dose travels a lot for work. Shakespeare fanatic, runner, enjoys cooking, long walks with his dog when he's not running and lots and lots of dancing. Six foot one, six foot two on a good day. Who was testing the waters out there, but will be the perfect gentleman and very respectful.
        His profile stated as you looked through it. He had messaged you right as you thought about giving up once again. Everyone on these dating apps only wanted one of two things. Nudes or sex nothing more. No connection, no relationship, not even a friendship. Sure, you were offered friends with benefits.
That was something you were not looking for. Did it not state in your profile that you weren't going to do any of that. Do men even read?
       The few dates you have gone on all ended up a bust. Then the quarantine happened right as you were getting yourself out there. So it was conversations via text. But soon you were ghosted far too many times because you wouldn't send nude.
        You were all about to shut down your account when this man named Thomas H. sent you a message. You weren't even sure why you click on the email from this man without a face. Here you were reading what he had to say.
           My name is Thomas, but naturally, I go by Tom. I'm sure you might not even respond to this as there is no face to this profile. With my job and for my privacy would be one of many reasons why. But I thought I might give it a shot. And I have to say I'm quite mesmerized by your beauty. You are quite lovely, and I'm sure you get that a lot. But I genuinely mean it. I was a bit fascinated by your profile as I read it, might have had chucked at a few bits of it. I would like to know more about you.
       Like what type of nerd are you? Marvel or DC?
Star Wars or Star Trek? And of course, I'll answer any questions you might have for me. As well I would not ask for any pictures of you clothed or nude as I would like to get to know you as I'm hoping you wouldn't mind getting to know me without the nudes as you put it. Ehehe.
     I genuinely hope to hear from you. But understand if I don't.
Sincerely, Tom.
    Ps, I do hope this quarantine hasn't made you gone completely bonkers.
       Usually, you wouldn't have responded, but something about him told you not to pass this up. What was the worst that could happen that already hasn't happened on an online dating app? Well, there was always the fact he could be a serial killer.
       Hello Tom,
    You may have messaged me in time I was about to give up on this site and return to my habit.  Marvel all the way. I would hope you would agree or we can't continue talking. Though, I can't deny that DC needs to just stop with Batman movies. The should have stopped before George Clooney. Though I will give Christian Bale props, he did a better job than Clooney.
         As for Star Wars and Star Trek? That is a tough one, so I'm just going to say both are good. But let's face it. Captain Kirk is the better star fleet Captain. Sure Picard is excellent as well. But anyone after them just doesn't do it for me. Ha ha..
     And it's all about Baby Yoda. If you are not a baby Yoda fan, you're just wrong. Yes, I'm one of "those" girls.
Coffee or Energy drinks? I would say I dabbled in both. Pancakes or waffles? Yes, there is a difference. I'm a waffle girl myself. Well, that is all I can think of right now.
You hit send before setting your phone down on the table next to you as you yawned. Maybe it was an early bedtime, not like you had anything better to do. You puddled around your usual routine before bed. A loud ding brought you back to your phone.
"That was quick." Recognizing the chim of the app all too well. Grebing your phone, forgetting your face cream as you were curious about what he had to say—settling into bed, getting comfortable before you opened your phone.
I'm delighted to hear from you. If I'm quite bold, and for starters, its tea for me. With two sugars and a splash of cream. As for waffles or pancakes, I'm French toast kind of man, duh. Lol. Though you can't beat a good old fashion English Breakfast and a side of Earl gray. Eheh.
I'm quite a fan of marvel though it is a rather vast universe. What movies/comics praytell do you prefer?
Sorry love to disappoint, but I'm going to say Doctor Who I am British. The tenth and the eleventh doctor. I do hope you've seen the show. I used to watch the reruns of the original with my father when I was a young wide eye lad. I am a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. And there is nothing wrong with liking a baby Yoda. He is exceedingly loveable.
          It says your new to England, where are you from originally? How long have you've been here? Seen any of the sights England has to offer?
       That's all for now.
Sincerely, Tom.
          Emails went on for weeks talking back and forth first on the dating app than via text. You were the one to leap by giving him your number. After hitting send your phone vibrated with a text.
         Unknown number: Hello love, this is Tom. I'm delighted to receive your text.
        More weeks had passed. Still, you had yet to see his face though he did send you photos of random things during the day. You did the same as your toes sticking out from the bubble bath. Then you got a text of his toes sticking out from under the blankets. The two of you would watch a movie together. The quarantine was still in effect. Each of you would pick a film out every other weekend and sit back and watch it—text throughout the movie.
          Y/n: Omg did she just run up the stairs like a dumb big boobed bimbo!!! She makes the rest of us look bad.
Tom: Eheh, you said it darling, not me. Though I think she might survive this.
Y/n: Wanna make a beat? I think she will die within the next few minutes.
Tom: Oh, it's on. Now, what do I get if I win?
Y/n: Whatever it is you want cause mister you are going to lose.
You both patiently wanted to see what happens next. The movie ended, and you waited in annoyance for Tom to respond to gloat about being right. And to see what he desired for his spoils of war.
Tom: Well, Love, it looks like I have won this round.
Y/n: It seems you have butthead. What is it that the winner wishes for?
Tom: Did you just call me a butthead? Eheh. Hmm, let's see. How about a Skype date? I figured it was about time to reveal myself.
Y/n: Tom, I just meet you. I'm not sure I'm ready to see your eggplant. Haha.
Tom: I probably should have rephrased that better. My face love, my face. Eheh. Tomorrow at 7 pm?
Nervous was an understatement. You had cleaned your whole flat even if you were going to stay on the couch, laptop resting on a large pillow setting on your coffee table. You sat playing with your hair, unsure if you wanted it up or down. A chim from your computer startled you from straightening out your dress you finally had settled on. Soon a well-tailored suited chest came on screen.
       "Hold on, darling, trying to adjust this blood screen." The deep British, very attractive yet somehow familiar voice rang through the computer speakers. You only assumed it belongs to Tom.
           You watched the man attempting to fiddle with the view, cursing ever so quietly. Making you giggle relaxing a little bit more. Your laughing came to an abrupt halt when Tom's face came into Focus. Your jaw dropped. And now the unmistakable "ehehe" came in to play as you stared at none other the most eligible bachelor in England none other than loki himself Tom Hiddleston.
           "Darling, I think your drooling." Tom teased point to the side of his clean, shaved face. Tom fidgeted with his now raven-colored hair.
          "Oh, I-I," You stammered out, trying to compose yourself.
           "Didn't see this coming did you?" Tom smiled, wetting his lips with that blasted tongue of his.
           "Well, no. I wasn't expecting Tom
           "Is that a bad thing?" Tom spoke up.
           "Oh, no, no. I would be an idiot to say it was. Hey, wait a minute. I've told you that, that, that. Shit." You muttered.
          "That I was your hall pass if given a chance. Eheh. Well, it looks like you'll have had wasted your hall pass privileges. You only get one and can't use it on someone if you are already seeing them."
        "You know, sir, you are still a butthead." You stuck out your tongue at the man.
        "You do like calling me that. Why are you calling me a butthead this time?" Tom grinned.
              Your time with Tom was extraordinary, the two of you talked throughout most of the night. He told you things you never knew about the actor every woman pined over. Here you were, the one woman out of a billion he seems to fancy.
           "Well, love." Tom cooed as he watched you try not to nod off to sleep. "I should let you sleep."
         "I'm sorry." You muttered sleepily.
          "Do not apologize, my dear. I should be the one to apologize I've kept you up most of the night.” Tom smiled softly. He watched as you rub your eyes, a shy smile softly graced your lips. Making Tom’s heart flutter.
”Perhaps, my dear, would you like to meet for coffee at the cafe that opened back up?” Tom hummed in high hopes.
”Hmm, I don't know.” You smiled, trying hard to look like you were contemplating though you were going to say yes. To hell with this virus, it was Tom Hiddleston asking you to coffee.
”I mean, I'll wear a mask and stay six feet if needed.” Tom added quickly.
”No, no, there is no need for that. I don't mind unless you feel like it's needed.” You pipped up—Tom grind like a fool shaking his head no.
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settersprouts · 3 years
꠵ look at me : chapter three ꠵
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"Mmm." Oikawa's chocolate colored eyes fluttered open, taking in the sunlight leaking in from behind the blinds. The first thing he noticed as he woke up was the fact that-
This isn't my room. The third-year setter sat up abruptly, looking around frantically. Was I kidnapped? Where am I? Where's Iwa-chan? Last thing I remember was- just then, his eyes laid to rest on a sleeping Iwaizumi, who had come to rest right next to him. He had his brawny arms around Oikawa's waist, his leg flung over like he was holding a big stuffed animal. A blush rose in Oikawa's cheeks, as he diverted his attention to anything but him. C'mon. Look somewhere else. Don't look at his cute- I mean- stupid face. He's going to kill you when he wakes up.
Oikawa tried slipping out of Iwaizumi's grasp, but failed miserably. Each time he got close to freeing himself, the other would groan and pull him closer. After a couple minutes of losing this miniature battle with Iwaizumi, he gave up and reached for his phone on the nightstand. The device turned on in his hand automatically since it sensed the motion, and a bunch of messages popped up on his lockscreen.
4 messages from ✨ Makki ✨
2 messages from ✬ Mattsun ✬
7 messages from ♡ Rooster-head ♡
Oikawa sighed, rubbing his temples. Just looking at the messages gives me a headache. He clicked on Kuroo's messages, not wanting to leave him waiting for the setter's reply any longer.
. .
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: oi, oikawa [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: how's it going [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: hey [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: you [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: heyyyyy [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: you there? [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: i heard what happened, how you holdin' up?
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: hey, kuroo. i'm fine, thanks for worrying though!
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: and that is how i know you're not fine- [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: you're using punctuation.
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: u H- why can't i use proper punctuation?
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: you can it's just, you don't.
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: you sir, are incredibly smart.
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: pff, i know right? so, wanna talk about it?
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: maybe. we can meet up soon?
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: sure. you're still coming to watch, right?
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: maybe, i dunno though. i hope karasuno n shiratorizawa both fail, though
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: LMAO you're messed up
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: could say the same about you
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: ah, got me there. i'll text you a restaurant location after my matches.[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: udon or ramen
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: udon
[from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: alright. i'll find someplace [from] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: imma get ready, ttyl
[to] ♡ʀᴏᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ-ʜᴇᴀᴅ♡: bye.
. .
Oikawa sighed once again, scrolling through the other messages he had from Matsukawa and Hanamaki. They didn't really differ from each other : it was just them asking where to meet up later for the qualifiers. He quickly texted them both an answer, saying Iwa would pick them up.
"Mmm." Iwaizumi groaned, making Oikawa's eyes flick over to his friend's face. "Oh. Morning, Kawa."
"Morning." Oikawa hummed in response, setting his phone aside to give Iwaizumi a quick hug. "Get ready, you're going to pick up Makki and Mattsun to watch the rest of the matches." Iwaizumi lifted his arm so Oikawa could leave his warm embrace, and blushed a bit when the setter started taking off his clothes.
"T-trashykawa, the hell are you doing?"
He turned around. "Changing. Is it okay if I use some of your clothes again? I'll wash them as soon as we get back, I promise. I just need something to wear when I walk home."
Iwaizumi nodded quickly. "Sure, whatever, just- hurry up and change already." A couple minutes passed of Oikawa looking through his closet when the gears in Iwaizumi's head started shifting. "Wait, walk home?"
Oikawa turned around, pulling on one of Iwaizumi's large Godzilla sweatshirts. "Mhm. My parents are already worried enough as is, I need to get home before they get even more pissed at me." He pulled off his shorts to reveal regular black boxer briefs, which caught Iwaizumi by surprise. He would've expected him to have alien-themed underwear. "I know it's not the smartest idea to be going home right now, that's why I'm just going to get some clothes and head out. I already called my brother, he said I can stay with him for a little while."
Iwaizumi's mouth formed an 'o' shape. "When are you moving in with him?"
"He'll be back in town next week. So, around then." Oikawa clucked his tongue, something suddenly coming to mind. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to an udon restaurant with Kuroo after his matches are over. Do you want to come with?"
"Sure." Iwaizumi stood up, changing into some clothes as well. As he was shrugging his jeans-jacket over his hoodie, he looked at Oikawa with an unreadable expression on his face. "You going to be okay? I can come with you when you're at your parent's house."
Oikawa waved his hands in dismissal. "No, no, that's okay. I think that'll just set them off again." He put his hands up over his head, stretching and cracking a couple of joints in the process. At every pop Iwaizumi flinched : ever since Oikawa's knee injury, he's been worried about every little unnatural noise that emitted from his bones and the rest of his body. Iwaizumi didn't want another repeat.
"Why would it set them off? They like me, right?"
"Of course they do. They'll probably assume I told you everything and that you're only there to call the cops on them and stuff." Oikawa shrugged. "Something like that. Don't mind, Iwa-chan."
Iwaizumi pouted a little bit, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine. Call me if your folks try anything."
Oikawa smiled brightly at him, and it almost seemed like he was glowing. Like he was the sun itself. "Of course, Iwa."
⊱ ─ ‧̥̥͙⋅. ♔ .⋅‧̥̥͙ ─ ⊰
Water lopped at Oikawa's shoes as he started the tedious trek towards home. The faint pshhhhhh reached his ears, the rain splashing in puddles and lifting Oikawa's spirits. Normally, he hates rain since it usually meant practice would end way earlier then it was supposed to, but he liked walking in the rain, he liked the sound and the smell of the fresh dew. 'I should take Iwa-chan to the park next time it rains,' Oikawa thought. 'He'd like it, right?'
Once he reached his fairly-nice home, he shoved the key into the keyhole, jiggling the knob a little so it would unlock. The lock was a little stiff, so it needed a little push now and then. Once the door had swung open, he called out, trying to see if anyone was home. No answer. Good, I don't have to talk to the old man tonight. He skipped to his room, pulling a backpack out from his closet, as well as his gym bag, and starting packing. Clothes, some stuffies Iwa-chan had got him when they were younger, and the award he received back when he was at Kitagawa Daiichi were all set on the bed before he had to set them in the bag. He pulled one of the pillow sheets off of the pillow on his bed, wrapping the fabric around the award carefully. He didn't want it to get scratched or damaged in any other way when it was in his bag.
He pulled off the sweatshirt and shorts he borrowed from Iwa, dressing up in a white button-up shirt, and a creme-colored vest. He shrugged into a navy-blue suit top, pulling on a pair of brown khakis afterward.
Oikawa put on a pair of glasses, looking into the mirror and styling his hair a little bit. Not bad. Pulling out his phone, he sent a quick text to Iwaizumi, telling him he was ready to be picked up. The latter replied with a "👍," and Oikawa turned off his phone. He looked around his room a little more, packing up anything he might want to take with him. A photo album, his and Iwa's old shared journal, some picture frames containing priceless memories, and many other little trinkets he was given over the years.
A couple of minutes after he had set everything he wanted to take with him in his bag, he heard a loud honk in his driveway. That must be Iwa-chan!, Oikawa thought, grabbing his backpack and his gym bag, racing to the front door. Sure enough, Iwaizumi's car was parked out front, the man himself leaning on the hood. He perked up once he heard Oikawa's front door click shut, smiling a little bit at the sight before clearing his throat and glaring at the setter.
"About time." He muttered, causing Oikawa to roll his eyes a little.
"I didn't take that long." The latter retorted, opening the trunk and setting his belongings in carefully. "You waited for like, two minutes."
Iwaizumi scoffed. "So? I still have to pick up Matsukawa and Hanamaki."
The two third-years hopped in the car, putting on their seatbelts. Iwaizumi turned the key fob, making the engine start to sputter before it leveled out, and backed out of the driveway. Oikawa looked at the dash, noticing a phone propped up with the Maps app open and directing him. "You don't know where Makki and Mattsun live?"
"No, of course not. I've never been to either of their houses before." He replied, glancing at Oikawa. "Also, you look nice."
Oikawa turned to face him, his cheeks matching Iwa's. Both boys' faces were flushed, and they both seemed to turn their heads away from each other in unison when they noticed this. "Thanks." Oikawa mumbled a reply, twirling a lock of hair around his index finger. Iwaizumi smiled at this action. It was almost childish, and he was glad Oikawa hadn't changed at much as he thought he did.
"I haven't?" Iwaizumi snapped back to reality as Oikawa said this.
"You said I didn't change all that much."
Iwaizumi blushed again, scratching the nape of his neck with one hand, the other safely holding the steering wheel of the vehicle. "I said that out loud didn't I?" Oikawa nodded. "Well, you haven't really. You might present yourself differently, but you still act like that annoying, crybaby dumbass I grew up with."
Oikawa huffed, crossing his arms and staring out the window. "You're so rude, you know that?"
"Whatever, Shittykawa."
"And vulgar!"
chapter 4 !
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sorikkung · 2 years
I don't mind, I just like talking to you anyways and this is a good excuse 🙃 first things first I'm in my mom's place, so I'm almost 100km away from where I live and I thought would be a good idea to open up Tinder and see if I could match with some interesting people now so basically I have two gossips about my midnight Tinder matches.
First one was with this really sweet guy that lives in my city. He's a hella sportist and even participates on jiu-jitsu championships. You know those quiet math guys that don't usually talk much but they are very talkative when it comes to his interests and this hard shell is only to protect a big warm heart? Is him. And the fact that it only took me a a couple of DAYS to get so close of him bothered and scared me a lot. Right now, we're in a video call and he keeps saying that I'm pretty and that he's falling in love with me and I can see, by the way he looks at me, that it trully might have something going on.
I don't know, I feel a little scared about it, not gonna lie, but I assume I'm intrigued as well as I want to try out and see where it goes but is all so unsure...
This second gossip is about some friends of mine from here. They used to date for a long time, I met them with already two years of relationship on their backs so, this year they would be like, 6 years together. As I said, I was at Tinder and I saw this profile with a picture I've seen before. I went to this friend Insta and the picture was there, same name, age, place, everything was the same. I was gagged but, anyway, brushed it off because it might be a fake profile or maybe they were seeking for someone to spicy up their relationship, I don't know, I was trying to create an excuse for why was him there that wasn't because he was cheating.
Obviously, I swiped right on him because, if he was really cheating, he would know I saw him and I knew what he was doing. But that left me really unsettled, so I went to Insta again. I checked both his and hers profiles and they weren't following each other anymore, all their cute photos with texts celebrating their birthdays were also gone... Was like they were never together. I even checked her TikTok videos and, apparently, she had returned to her parents house after a year living with him.
They had broke up and I heard about it from Tinder 🤡
To add up: he just text me today, while I was in call with this new guy and legit asked about a hook-up. Like a good slut, I said he could pass by with drinks and drugs and we would party and kiss like good friends do 🙃 so I guess this will have more scenes to come. And I hope I can kiss her as a friend too, they're both hot
this is so wild lmFAOooo mainly the second part but damn look at you go??? mfs fallin in love w you n shit??? goals???? i keep telling myself ill never stoop as low as to download tinder bc too many straight people but honestly all the lgbt focused dating apps be kinda dry i might as well 😭😭 doesnt help that i usually leave convos on read bc they bore me easily or just take too much effort... oof. but i digress. why are you so scared of where things are going w your tinder match? lmfao right now as in as you type this?? does he know youre gossiping abt him to a random australian online 😭😭
as for the second part at least theres no cheating, but if you kiss them separately when they seem to have broken up on bad enough terms to wipe it all i feel like thatd cause drama... but if youre not super close w them and just wanna shitstir, im not gonna deter you lmFAOoo live ur hoe life bestie. wish that were me (i say, with like 37 bitches in my dms i ghosted bc i ran out of things to say to them and they didnt interest me enough to ask to meet SDFGSDFKHSDFH)
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