#i don't even think tommy or carol were super evil cunts either just more selfishly motivated and swept up i could see carol specifically
shopcat · 2 years
What I think is wrong w Steve characterization in fics and some people disagree….Steve was never a BAD person. He fell into the popularity trap and yeah he had his moments of being an ass. Some of these people will try to make you believe he was Billy level when no…they like totally forget that Steve backed down when he and his friend from season 1 (his name escapes me) had that fight, and then went on the help the dude at the theater. Like that was a pivotal point to show it was no longer in Steve’s nature to be an ass. So yeah this Nasty Highschool Bully Steve thing needs to stop 😭
he was literally just some guy his only crime was wearing khaki pants to try and impress a girl also tbh even if he had headbutted tommy h away or something i would've been like yesss kill him <3 but you're right it's literally just showing he wouldn't make the same mistakes again ITS PIVOTAL!!! also i really like how when he cleaned up the marquee the guy was like did you have something to do with this and he didn't even go Yeah he just went "i just wanna help" AUGH!
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