#i doesn't matter if dr barry was trans
disabled-battlekukku · 3 months
Since it’s pride month, what are your gender/sexuality headcanon’s for the main cast (sonic, tails, Amy, knuckles,…) and side characters(you pick)?
Ooooo I've always wanted to do this one but was scared of people calling me a "forced diversity" guy lmao. Not gonna put all characters ofc but mainly game canon, since otherwise the list will be too damn long (more than it already is, at least):
Sonic: AroAce. Trans Male (Typical Sonic headcanons, basically)
Tails: Questioning, future Asexual (he's baby still). Trans Male
Knuckles: Bisexual, male preference. Cis Male
Amy: Pansexual. Trans Female
Eggman: Bisexual (yes shut up i watch snapcube). Trans Male
Mighty: Unlabeled. Cis Male
Ray: AroAce. Non-Binary
Metal Sonic: Unlabeled. Genderfluid
Has Bean (he matters too!): Unlabeled. Agender
Fang: Bisexual, male preference. Non-Binary
Espio: Gay. Intersex Male
Vector: That one kind of dad that likes women but will make very unstraight comments about other men™. Cis Male
Charmy Bee: Unlabeled (he's baby). Trans Male
Heavy and Bomb: Unlabeled. Agender
The Witchcarters in general: Unlabeled, they're just kids causing trouble and having fun (maybe questioning on Focke's part). All cis
Witchcart: Grandmother that says that "we all have those kinds of thoughts towards other women". Cis Female
Speedy: Closeted Gay. Cis Male
Dr. Fukurokov: Homophobic™. A trans person would give him radiation poisoning
Great Battle Kukku: Gay Homophobic™. Cis Male
Bark: Gay. Cis Male
Bean: He ain't cishet alright
Honey: Lesbian. Trans Female
Tails Doll: Baby. Beyond the concept of gender
Metal Knuckles: "I might be gay but I have a job so idrc"
Gamma: No sex. No gender 👍🏼
Big: AroAce. Non-Binary
Tikal: Bury Your Gays™. Trans Female
Void: Technically canonically trans male??
Shadow: Gay. Trans Male
Rouge: Bisexual. Trans Female
Cream: Baby. Cis Female
Vanilla: Bisexual. Trans Female
Omega: Attack Helicopter
Blaze: Lesbian. Trans Female
Jet: Closeted Gay. Cis Male
Wave: Lesbian. Cis Female
Storm: AroAce. Cis Male
Silver: Gay. Cis Male
Marine: Baby. Trans Female
Shade: Lesbian. Cis Female
Zavok: i may not have a headcanon for him but i sure headcanon myself as gay for him
Sticks: Something for sure
Lyric: Boomer who doesn't understand about neither gender nor sexuality
Avatar/Rookie/Gadget: Unlabeled. Non-Binary
Infinite: Closeted Gay. Closeted Non-Binary
Barry: AroAce. Canonically Non-Binary
Trip: Closeted Lesbian. Non-Binary
Ariem: her and Illumina are married
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years
It doesn't matter whether Dr James Barry was a trans man or nonbinary or butch lesbian or or genderfluid or a cross dressing woman. What matters is that he wanted to be remembered as James. As he. As a man. He didnt want to be remembered a woman who crossed dressed to fool the public and overcome societal barriers. The systemic changes he advocated for were largely centered around the enslaved, imprisoned, disabled and mentally ill, and improving sanitation. His accomplishments are impressive but are constantly overshadowed by controversy about his gender identity. It needs to be laid to rest, as he intended, which is why I refer to him with he/him pronouns.
If the gc radfem crowd wants epic feminist icons there are plenty others to choose from. Forence Nightingale knew Dr James Barry, yet I dont think I've seen a single radfem mention her. She was literally the founder of modern nursing! She discovered that bad hygiene was the primary cause of death among soldiers in the Crimean war. She improved sanitation everywhere. She established an entire medical school. Florence Nightingale basically revolutionized all of healthcare. AND she did much of that work when she was bedridden for 10 years. All while openly being a women fighting for women to be in medicine at all.
I mean... holy shit! What a fucking badass!
But I guess all that isnt as impressive or as compelling of a narrative as The Cross Dressing Woman™️ to them. As if nursing isnt already considered a less admirable career on account of it being associated with women. You know... mysogyny.
But what do I know? I'm just a dumb TRA.
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rudjedet · 3 years
I mean mostly yes, but since being trans is a neurological condition based on dysphoria your claim that this person definitely wasn't trans doesn't hold water. It may not be incredibly likely, but it is most certainly possible. Trans people, especially trans men have almost no historical figures, unlike women, so please don't be rude.
Is there like.. a reason you're copy pasting a three year old comment on Controversial Truths into my inbox or what's your deal here anon?
So for the record, while I'm not trans I know that trans people without dysphoria do exist. The idea that you have to be dysphoric to be trans is outdated and harmful I'm pretty sure.
And secondly, as I've said a thousand times before: even if we ignore the fact that we can't apply current gender/sexuality terminology to ancient cultures simply because they would not have had the exact same gender/sexuality experience, we should always listen to the individual in question when it comes to their identities. In Hatshepsut's case, she referred to herself with feminine markers whenever and wherever she could. The times she used male markers were when she couldn't do otherwise for grammatical or sometimes religious reasons, and she wasn't alone in that. Two other female kings did the exact same thing. Based on that - based on listening to the closest thing we have to her own words on the matter - we can say that she likely wasn't trans.
Tumblr talks a big game about listening to an individual's words about how they want to be addressed. Y'all do it right for Dr. Barry, but Hatshepsut is definitely not getting the same treatment. Even if that is because you've all been told that she "had herself portrayed as a man" and "referred to herself as a man" without further context or nuance, too many people are unwilling to change pace even after being told the whole story. Why is that?
Lastly, this discussion is literally front and centre in my FAQ and it would behoove you to peruse it instead of copying years-old comments into my inbox, which is, uh, pretty rude. From this point on I will delete any and all asks about Hatshepsut's gender identity immediately simply because I'm done repeating myself.
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thatfunkyopossum · 4 years
Hey, I hope this doesn't come off as dismissive because it wasn't the main point of that post and what she said absolutely was transphobic, but Sydnee McElroy has apologized for that comment, changing her stance from "it's not important" ' it's not my place to say' and she and Justin have put in the work to educate themselves and become better allies in the years since
Aside from her apologizing, i’ve only seen improvement in her treatment of trans women.
Whats SIGNIFICANTLY worse than saying it didnt matter, imo, that sawbones has done is the episode titled “an incomplete history of gender confirmation.”
I cannot express to you how painful this episode was for me, as a trans man whose best friend is nb. I couldnt even finish it. Even remembering it hurts.
The episode has a trans woman on as a guest host, and the two main topics of the episode are vaginoplasty and uterine transplant. An incomplete history of gender confirmation. Vaginoplasty and uterine transplant. Thats not “an incomplete history”, thats just exclusively the history of trans women.
Every time i’ve listened to sawbones since, which admittedly has now been a fat fucking minute because again i cannot tell you how bad that episode cut despite how much i genuinely love the mcelroys, any time the opportunity comes up to talk about trans men she just! Doesnt!
Also the episode is still fucking up and telling cis people it doesnt fucking matter if James Barry was a trans man or not! It hasn’t been re-released, or amended in any way. That original episode is! Still! Up! Its STILL hurting people! Its STILL telling trans men that their history doesn’t matter! ITS STILL UP TELLING CIS WOMEN THEY CAN TAKE OUR HISTORY BC ITS STILL UP SAYING IT DOESNT MATTER.
Like yeah im proud of them for getting better and i do love the mcelroys and i think it would be cool if someone brought me proof that Dr McElroy has improved her treatment of NB people and Trans men in addition to trans women and taken steps to undo the damage she’s done!
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