#i do NOT know much about what the starwake system's dreams might look like...... but on the other hand that's really up to johnny-- ]
griefbringers ยท 1 year
i swear i'm gonna fix everything. / for Johnny !!!
"I don't think you are," says the dream, very gently. "You didn't break anything to begin with. Not every burden is yours."
There's music in the air; a sweet, summer melody that comes from everywhere and nowhere, or maybe from deep within the chest of the warm-eyed creature at Micah's side. They know, without needing to ask, that this creature's name is Johnny. He feels like an old friend, perhaps; someone they might have known in another life.
Somehow, this place is familiar, but it's hard to tell what it really looks like. It's just warm, and the warmth is everywhere, over and around and inside xem, and they are outdoors and indoors all at once. Long grass, gold in the sunlight; laundry hanging on a line. A sense of peace. Xe could stay here forever, or just for as long as xe wanted.
"There's nothing to fix," the dream tells Micah again, hand on its shoulder. His voice--it is his music in the air. "Least of all you. I think some of the others would like to hear that more often, and I think it would sound better coming from you."
When the Starwake System wakes, the dream they've had fades as fast as any sunrise.
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