#i didn't MEAN for this to become anything but the words just kept coming 😂
theflyingfeeling · 2 years
regarding to the shared flat fic ideas: something with drunken confessions?? and maybe it gets all awkward and the others being done with them and all thst?
so...maybe it goes like this:
One week into the California song camp and the band accidentally drinks too much wine at dinner: Niko turns all giggly, Joonas is flirting with the guy he met in the men's room, and Joel is arguing with a loud seagull that came to hang out behind the window by their table. Aleksi and Olli, though? They start exchanging warm looks over the table more frequently as the evening progresses, whispering their stupid inside jokes the others never even bothered to try to understand. Maybe their feet touch under the table, way too many times for it to be an accident. Maybe one rests their head on the other's shoulder on the taxi ride back home. Maybe they lean onto each other as they stumble upstairs to the bedrooms. Olli knows he should at least try to resist when Aleksi drags him to his bedroom instead of letting Olli retreat to his own. Maybe the look in Aleksi's bright, shining eyes has got a hold of Olli and his rapidly thumping heart, and the words just come out of his mouth before he can stop them. Maybe there's sloppy, drunken making out afterwards, although Olli isn't all so sure about that (maybe it was just a dream).
The following week they're barely able to look at each other, the memories of that night coming right back whenever their eyes accidentally meet (oh, how Olli misses the blue of Aleksi's). The others are quick to notice something's off but decide to not intervene, thinking it's best they solve it by themselves (they're dying to help them out actually, but this is Tommi's orders, all the way from Oulu). Maybe there are more secret looks excanged as the week goes on, perhaps even a silent chuckle at the other's joke or a soft nudge as they walk side by side to some local attraction near the Hollywood Hills Joonas is dragging them to. Maybe they stay behind the others, intentionally walking a little slower. They're still far too scared to say much of anything to each other, but maybe it's enough to just have the other there, right next to you, after a long week of yearning and worrying. Maybe holding their hand a little is a start (of what, Olli doesn't dare imagine just yet).
The Sunday of their second weekend in L.A. is chilly and kinda rainy, so it's decided they're staying in. Aleksi offers to look up his best pasta recipe, but he couldn't possibly go to the grocery store alone in such a big city, could he? (Tommi's orders also include they should always go out in pairs at least.) After all, he could really use a second opinion on which lemon looks the most juiciest or which pasta shape to choose, and maybe the others are occupied with tasks of their own, so Olli must offer his helping hand for Aleksi to hold all the way to their local super market and back. Maybe they slowly fall back into their easy Olli-and-Aleksi routine of silly jokes and soft smiles and physical intimacy, no longer caring nor knowing how to hide how much they've been missing each other, even though they've spent every day for the past few weeks in each other's immediate proximity. Maybe they stop at the door of their rental home away from home, hoping the other would say something, but suddenly the words that were so easy to blurt out the other night now seem to be stuck somewhere down their throats (or maybe they're right on the tip of their tongues and all it would take to lure them out was just a little more encouragement in the form of another tongue).
The evening is spent in the dim lighting of the kitchen (dim because they haven't figured out how to turn on the ceiling lamp), grating lemon peel and crushing garlic and torning fresh basil. Maybe they're standing close enough to each other to feel the other's warmth against their own arm (the kitchen is tiny, so who's to judge them?), but not close enough for the other to notice how you're trembling, or so Olli hopes (he's wrong). When their dinner preparations advance to a more passive stage, maybe the glow of the range hood light, although not the most romantic one, is just bright enough to reveal the whirlwind of emotions raging in both their eyes. Maybe the rain strumming on the windowsill in rhythm with Joel's acoustic guitar sounding from the living room is just comforting enough to have their shoulders relax; just homely enough to make them both forget they've travelled to the other side of the globe to be exactly where they've needed to be for so long.
"Are we done running in circles yet?" Aleksi asks, his quiet, familiar voice muffling all the other noises currently hitting Olli's eardrums.
A sigh of relief emptying Olli's lungs of air, then a sudden, yet long-awaited feeling of warmth and hope and love filling them again. Olli doesn't know which one of them leans in first (or maybe they both do, on a silent agreement), but once their mouths are reunited at last, there's no more uncertainty.
It is then Olli knows for sure; it had not been merely a dream.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
WIP Game
Thanks for the tag, @passionatewrites! These games always read me for filth but I love them. 😂 If nothing else, it proves that every time I make a post or ramble in tags and my author's notes about "having a wip that..." I'm not full of shit and the wip actually does exist 😂💯
Rules: share your unpublished WIPs. No updates to ongoing fics, just new shenanigans :)
I'm doing multichaps and only a couple of my one-shots because if I did all of my one-shots this post would be way too fucking long lmao
Please feel free to send me asks about any of these! Snippets, questions, lore, whatever you want! I'm always more than happy to talk wips!
They Were Roommates (Nestor x OFC, Angel x OFC): Based off a request that someone sent in literal years ago at this point but I've been trying to pull it all together ever since. Nestor starts seeing a girl who is new to town, but what he doesn't know is that her roommate is dating one of the people he dislikes most in the world: Angel Reyes
Untitled Gilly/Tasha Fic (Gilly x OFC): When life with her family in Northern Cali starts to fray at the seams and get messier than she can handle, Tasha packs a bag, gets in her car, and drives to the one person she knows will take her in no matter what: her Uncle Bishop. What was just supposed to be a couple weeks-stay to cool off suddenly becomes much more complex when she meets the men from the MC.
Bloodline OBX Crossover (Gen Fic): After finally managing to get back to the mainland from Poguelandia, JJ brings all of his friends to the only person that he has left anymore, and truly he doesn't even know if the man is still going to know who he is. Lucky for JJ and the Pogues, Danny Rayburn never forgets anyone.
Bad Ideas (Canche x OFC): Bad blood between charters and the aftermath of the shoot-out at the clubhouse means hell for the MC> None of that is really on Lia Reyes's radar when she stops by to check in on her brothers who have gone radio silent. In the midst of all the drama, the last thing she expects is to strike something up with the one person that her brother can't stand, and who can't stand her brothers. It all becomes a waiting game to see how long it takes for her last name to come into play.
Untitled The Bear Fic (Marcus x OFC, Carmy & OFC): Carmy finally broke down and started going to Al-Anon meetings, not expecting to actually get anything out of them, certainly not expecting to make his approximation of a friend. Lucky for him, Ray hasn't ever stopped herself on someone else's account. When bad luck and family troubles bring her to The Beef, she finds Carmy and a whole lot more.
Your Mess (Nacho x F!Reader): Being new to town meant that you had no idea what you were really getting yourself into when you met Nacho and extended an invitation to him. He knew, though. It wasn't long until you both realized why you should've taken the first 'no' he gave you and ran.
For Everything (Happy Lowman x OFC): Everything about the Teller family spells out bad luck, but it doesn't stop Happy from falling into bed with one of them. However, before the curse of the Teller family can catch up to them, ghosts from Happy's past rear their ugly heads first.
Brick by Brick (Opie x OFC): In the aftermath of getting out of prison and finding that his entire family had taken off while he was still behind bars, Opie tries to put the pieces of his life back together again. Despite his better judgment, he allows someone close to help with it all.
There and Back (Nestor x Erin): They only got along because proximity didn't allow otherwise when they were teenagers, but as time went on and everything in life got more complicated, their feelings did too. Both of them promised not to be the type to fall hard and fast, but Erin was the only one who kept her word no matter how many years went by.
Coming to Terms (Rafe x OFC): Despite all the fight that he put up about it, Rafe finds himself drying out and thrown into more therapy sessions than he can keep track of in some rehab center on the mainland. He was determined to fake and lie his way out until he met someone who frustratingly calls him on his shit at every possible turn.
Boxing AU (EZ x OFC): Fresh out of prison and looking for something extra to keep him from going back inside, EZ finds himself walking through the doors of one of the most old-school boxing gyms in Santo Padre. He's expecting a ring, some sparring, a coach who gives him more grief than necessary. What he doesn't expect is the woman who meets him at the door and flips his entire world upside-down.
Against All Odds (Juice x OFC): Juice knows better than to think that getting involved with Jax's younger sister is a good idea. He knows it's not. But as time goes on and tensions start to thicken, it's not enough to stop him. What he wasn't ready for, though, was realizing that their relationship was the least of their problems.
Pieces Into Place (EZ x OFC): College AU. From Stanford all the way to Harvard, EZ has been one-track minded. Always focusing on school and the next step beyond it. When someone comes in and pulls his focus from that, it's a breath of fresh air, at first. But the familiarity of it comes at a cost that EZ isn't ready to pay, and has him putting up walls before he can stop himself.
Tragic (Angel x OFC): EZ going to prison caught everyone off-guard Nothing made sense to Angel, or their childhood best friend. Both of them lost with no one else to turn to, they turn to each other in an attempt to figure it all out.
Figuring It Out (Happy & OFC): Happy showed up to the tattoo shop looking for one particular person to give him one particular tattoo. When that person wasn't there, though, he settled for the young woman who was at the shop. One smiley face later Happy realized he had no say in the matter of having her in his life from then on out.
From The Start (Opie x OFC): Falling for his best friend's little sister hadn't been part of the gameplan, but it was too late to go back on it now. The problem was, that for as good as it all sounded in his head, the reality of who he was dealing with was far harsher than Opie bargained for.
How We Got Here (Coco x OFC): Despite not knowing her his whole life, Coco couldn't remember a time before Daniela Reyes. Pain was what brought the two of them together, but it was also what drove the two of them apart. Coco clung desperately to everything that happened in between, hoping to mend those fences one panel at a time.
Untitled Juice Fic (Juice x OFC): Desperate to get out from under the thumb of the club for a night, Juice finds himself in a bar just outside of town, getting far drunker than he should. The bartender who could have and should have tossed him right out onto the street extended a little kindness instead, unknowingly creating an entire web of secrets for the two of them.
Love Triangle (Carrillo x Reader, Javi x Reader): You hadn't known Javi as long or as well as you'd known Carrillo. You certainly didn't expect that to change as things with you and Carrillo got more serious. However, as things start to disintegrate between you and the Colonel, you start to wonder if there's more to Javi offering you a shoulder to lean on.
Chaos at the Lakehouse (Gen SOA & OC's Fic): Years after everyone had grown up and moved away, the entire crew that had once called Charming its home base all decide to get together again. Everyone is grown with their own families now, and life looks different for everyone, but in a lot of ways they all pick up right where they left off.
Beautiful Stranger (Bucky x Natasha): After losing Steve, and losing just about everything else, Bucky and Natasha both take off separately, desperate to start over in different corners of the world as people with a little less pain to carry around with them. However, after a lot of time and a lot of moves, they somehow end up on opposite sides of the same bar together and realize that maybe they just aren't supposed to be staying away from each other.
Lovers to Enemies (Carrillo x F!Reader): Things that seem to good to be true, usually are. If anyone was well-acquainted with that fact it was Carrillo. And yet, when you came traipsing into his life, he couldn't help but to hope that he was wrong. But. He wasn't.
Better Than That (Coco x F!Reader): In the aftermath of a messy breakup between you and Angel, you find yourself growing closer to one of the last people you expected.
Like I said before, if any of these make you go 👀 then feel more than free to send me an ask about it! I'm more than happy to gush about them all! 💖
Tagging (no pressure as per usual): @garbinge @bullet-prooflove @spaghettificationandpretzels @artemiseamoon @darqchilddaydreamz and anyone else who wants to gush about their wips! (or hold themselves accountable like yours truly lmao)
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nikatyler · 4 years
For Caleb and Rachel 8, 13 & 24 Thank you!
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Fun fact, I have eight pages of answers to asks in my Google Docs file. One day I’ll know how to keep it short. One day.
8. What were their first impressions of each other?
Okay, so they first met when Rachel became the librarian in the Twinbrook Library. She was in charge now, all alone, hadn't even been out of uni for too long and had just a little idea of how real life is. They would've given the job to someone more experienced but no one was interested, only her, and she really wanted to take this challenge and transform the library into a better place. Which she eventually did, but first, she was there alone for a few months and they were difficult, she needed a helping hand. And again, no one in the damn town was interested in working there…no one but Caleb, who was slowly crawling out of the pit of self-hatred and grief after his divorce with Angel.
When he first saw Rachel, he was surprised by how well she's actually doing. He heard that she was struggling alone and he expected the library to be a mess, but that wasn't the case. She was organized, tried her best even if it meant coming home exhausted, she dealt with every problem immediately and didn't let it show that maybe she was worried…she was so strong, determined, hardworking and capable in his eyes, he was just impressed. She was so open-minded and nice too. Plus, she was just adorable, but he didn't think about it too much at first. She was supposed to be his boss after all!
Same with Rachel, her first thoughts about him were work-related. Her first impression was "okay, he seems to be qualified enough, he's apparently had a part-time job here before, let's give him a chance". When she watched him during his first days, she couldn't help but think he's cute. He didn't smile much, but when he did, it made her day. She couldn't understand why he seems so quiet and distant and why he sometimes gets entangled in what he wants to say. She suspected it would be more than "oh he's just a shy introvert" (and she was right, ya boi has anxiety and now also some depression as a cherry on top ✌️), so she wasn't too hard on him and tried to make things easier for him whenever she could. He was doing his best and she was glad to have him around.
13. Name something they would never do for the other person.
I had to think about this for a long time because I kept coming up with obvious examples like "kill a man" or "rob the bank" 😂
Rachel would never be the "good obedient housewife" for him. Not that Caleb would want that. No. He wouldn't even ask her to be like that. But it's a role that was expected from her, something she was taught to become and something she deeply resents now. She will speak her mind and she most definitely won't be the only one at home to do the housework.
Caleb…I think he'd do anything for her. The only limitation is his anxiety, and if he's anything like me (he is, we been knew), that's a HUGE limitation 😂
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24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
At this point it's unlikely I'll actually rewrite gen 4, so even if I'm not sure if I want to keep this fight canon, I'll list it as an example. Remember when they find out that somehow, Rachel was able to get pregnant? Caleb, knowing how things are with him, immediately jumped to conclusions and assumed Rachel cheated on him (even though he knew her well and deep down knew she just wouldn't do that). He refused to believe it's yet another miracle happening in his life. (I mean, I guess we can't blame him, you spend your whole life thinking you can't have children the natural way, even the doctors tell you so, and suddenly you can?) While defending herself and explaining that she didn't do anything wrong, Rachel also said some hurtful words she didn't mean. They had to forgive each other for that.
But like I said, I'm not sure if I'd keep this part if I rewrote the story, I don't really vibe with the cheating accusation (especially not from a character like Caleb - I can see why someone would react like that, but would he be the one to do this?).
Thanks for the ask! ♥
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