#i cringed at ''drama yanma''
ionozoned · 6 months
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Though she'd been (mostly) over-exaggerating, when she saw the way he reacted, she almost wondered if they really were sick. Probably not dying, but her fellow gym leader seemed to be even more exasperated than usual. That could probably be explained by the way she'd burst into the wrong room and interrupted Grusha's own hospital visit, but realising that would require Iono to accept that she'd made a horrible mistake here- she much preferred living her life purposefully oblivious to her own wrongdoings and deluding herself into thinking that people were just overreacting when they got upset with her.
So in proper Iono fashion, she tried to brush off Grusha's grievances with a little "psssh" noise as she waved one of her sleeves around in dismissal. She gave her eyes a small roll to complete her little act of nonchalance. "Kay, FIRST of all- Giratina? Ewww. That's so cringe and like, emo. 'Least pick something cuter, like Cresselia." She shrugged, seemingly unbothered by Grusha's abrasiveness.
Instead of doing what she should have and absconding after a polite apology, she took the response as a welcome to enter further into the hospital room. Her eyes wandered around the room, not focusing on anything specific. In all honesty, she didn't really know what anything was for and she wasn't too curious about it. Overall, she found hospitals too boring and lacking in stimuli for them to hold her interest for very long. Everything was just so plain and muted and blocky, but not in the fun way like Minecraft or Lego.
She found a chair not too far from the other and happily sat down in it without asking, swinging her legs underneath its seat as she turned back to Grusha with a bit of a pout on her face. She shook her finger at him in a scolding manner, as if she wasn't nearly a decade his junior.
"SECOND, I thought this WAS the right room number. Maybe YOU'RE just in the wrong room, Grusha, ever think'a that???" Classic Iono deflection. She'd figure out where she'd gone wrong later, but right now she was a lot less concerned than she probably should have been. Somewhere, there was a poor sick kid waiting to see their favourite streamer, but Iono was far too caught up in this accidental visit with Grusha to worry about that now. The kid could wait! It's not like they were going to die, or anything. Probably. Beside, they probably had a backup in case Iono was a no show, so all's well that ends well. Ce la vie!
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"Anywho! Don't be such a drama yanma, no one's gonna sue me over a lil mix up or nothin. And if they even try, my legal team would totally get the W in the end." She was missing the point entirely, but it wasn't entirely clear whether she was missing it on purpose or if it was genuine ignorance. "But since I'm here, I'll just be your make a wish celeb instead! You're prob waiting on the doc or somethin, yeah? SOOOO BORING. I entertain like, MILLIONS of people every day so I can totes keep you busy 'til the doctor shows up."
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