#i couldnt spell half the words i was writing but i was asking for challenging math problems ok einstein (derogatory)
my embarrassing fact is that in my fifth grade interactive journal i asked my teacher to give me math problems for fun
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jenosweave · 6 years
going to hogwarts w/ jaemin !
requested by anon!
talented. brilliant. incredible. amazing. show stopping. spectacular. never the same. totally unique.
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house: gryffindor
year: 3
patronus: dolphin
favorite class: defense against the dark arts
extra info: promotes the welfare of muggle-borns and half bloods by writing speeches and speaking before different executives among the department of magic. is also in knitting club so he can make his friends cute matching sweaters
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the nicest boy you could ever meet
is really just so caring
never lets anyone sit alone during lunch and always invites over kids to sit with him and his friends
stands up against discrimination
a bi icon but you didn’t hear that from me
countless rumors of him dating jeno that he “can neither confirm nor deny”
jeno denies it
has friends in every house
everyone likes him, it’s hard not to there is one exception but we’ll get to that
writes really sweet encouraging notes for his friends to find when they’re stressed over a test
everyone wonders why he’s not a huff bc he’s so sweet and cares so much
but then he threatens to beat someones ass after insulting a muggle born and everyone’s reminded he’s super bold and brave
has challenged some dumbass bitches to a couple duels
is undefeated
the dueling club leader BEGS him to join but with knitting club and all his studies? i think the fuck not!
kinda clingy with his friends
has cuddled with all his roommates before
soft baby
warms the hearts of all his teachers
a really good student tbh
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les get it
basically, one day
jaemin really wasn’t feeling all too confident on a test everyone was gonna have in defense against the dark arts the following week
so he went to the class to beg his teacher to re-explain a concept to him that he couldn’t understand even after a fucking 20 min discussion abt it
his plan was to go during lunch and harass his teacher then
so, he set off during lunch and surprisingly found the door to be unlocked as normally he has to BEAT on the door to get his teacher to open it
and that’s where he found YOU
wand in hand
shaking wildly
with a fucking butterfly in front of you
and you struggling to cast the spell riddikulus
he BURST out laughing and caused his presence to be known
the teacher noticed him and placed the boggart back in the wardrobe and you were BRIGHT ASS RED
this super cute gryffindor just saw that you’re scared of BUTTERFLIES it was so embarrassing
and from that point on jaemin basically harassed you everytime he saw you
he called you “butterfly” and deadass won’t leave you alone and his friends and your friends always question you two about it and you choose NOT to say what happened
“y/n omg when did you meet that cute gryffindor? whats his name?”
“jaemin??? butterfly???? wtf?????”
and eventually it kinda dies down but he still makes little faces at you when yall see each other in the hallways or in between classes
you kinda wanna like talk to him... but he just really intimidates you.... like hes so pretty and funny and sweet and that just scares the shit out of you
so... you decide to take a different route and kinda... ask the defense against the dark arts teacher for a tutor bc you’re f*iling and need a pick me up
maybe you request jaemin omo but you BEG him not to tell jaemin that bc you’re like INTO him into him and you don’t wanna be weird or seem weird lol hahah
so the professor called yall into his office to discus it w/ yall (jaemin got fucking SCARED bc he thought yall were abt to get expelled for the teasing and almost shat himself 👇🤪👇)
and when he explained the situation jaemin was secretly like really happy
and you knew the teasing would worsen but you didnt really regret your request bc jaemins cute and funny!!!1!
the next day yall met in the library and it was highkey awkward
like yall just avoided eye contact and kinda sat there but you decided to break the silence
“um,,,,” your sudden words made him shoot up to look at you “how are you uh,,,.. liking dada so far?”
and unbeknownst to you... a beast was unleashed
but you found it oddly endearing how his eyes frantically searched the room as to figure out how to make his thought coherent and how his smile shown through his words and ESPECIALLY how his hands flailed around as he spoke
it made you deadass uwu and giggle and you guys just talked for hours and hours
like yall didnt get shit done mood
and like jaemin was like HIGHKEY so cute and it made your heart beat at a million beats and it didnt help that yall kinda became inseparable after that took place
like you two were so compatible and alike that like being with other people was so..... weird
not to mention that all the time you spent with the boy helped you catch feelings like drake omo XD
he made your heart race and you couldnt just like all of sudden tell him so you push it to the back of your mind for now
until his friends lowkey start hinting that he likes you like at least jeno tries to be subtle... hyuck just blurts it out
“hey y/n! lovely morning we’re having! oh and btw, jaemin likes u! see you in potions!”
so now that his friends have been hinting at it, you start getting like..,,,, really flustered around him
like you constantly blush and are at a loss for words when he hugs you now
like UGH feelings suck
soon, christmas rolls around and you weren’t able to spend it with your relatives :( so you had to stay at hogwarts and kinda just hang around
but then!!! before all your friends left (a lot of jaemins friends were now your friends too lmao) hyuck deadass whispered in your ear
“jaemin is staying here during christmas too for certain reasons uwu have fun!!”
and then he ran away skxjsjc
the days leading up until christmas,
you spent a lot of your time studying but rarely any of it with jaemin :(
it kinda sucked bc you were having withdrawals from not seeing your bestest friend
however! you finally ran into him where he was for the past couple days you had no clue and he asked if you two could spend christmas together :(
obviously you agreed and thus you counted down the next couple days until christmas finally arrived
you two planned on eating breakfast together and then was when you would exchange gifts !!!!
nervous doesnt even begin to describe how you were feeling bitch ooOjdjd
you saw him already sitting at the gryffindor table with a big ass bag and when he waved at you??? with that big ass smile on his face????? oh my GOD!!!!!!!! butterflies!!!!!!!!!!!
you felt kinda self conscious since your gift bag was literally a fifth the size of his, but you carried on and sat at the empty space across from him
you guys ate and caught up on what had been going on (why he had been afk for fucking days)
and when that topic was finally brought up he let out a sigh and reached for the gift bag and took a woolly sweater out and handed you what remained
“now! open it!!”
and in there was a pastel yellow sweater with the word ‘yes’ knitted in black
uhhhh???? you were so confused???? what does yes mean????? and right when you looked up to ask, jaemin pulled on the other sweater he took out of the bad and put it on himself
it was the same overall pastel yellow with black text... but the words were different and your jaw DROPPED
‘will you go out with me?’
and that was when the power couple of hogwarts started
everyones been knew you two liked eat other hyuck said “its abt damn time”
anyway!!!!! yall are so cute like he walks you to class and even the teachers think you guys are just the cutest thing ever and when you told your friends???? they were SCREAMING like you got such an amazing guy UGH your mind
all i’m saying is... dating jaemin is like dating your really clingy and attractive best friend and you aint mad abt it
uwu that’s all for now!!! if you’d like to request another member.. our ask box is open!
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