#i couldn't stop laughing when i was doing gyeom's reading he's such a comedian
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skylinesnsunshines · 4 years ago
got7 reading: youngjae & yugyeom ideal type + as a boyfriend
hi friends! today i’ll be finishing my got7′s ideal type + as a boyfriend series with our sunshine and dandelion!! for now requests are CLOSED since i have a lot of them and i’ve been starting to get assignments/essays so please be patient with requests as i’m doing my best, you all know the drill so let’s get into it :)
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: ethereal visions tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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5 of cups, 8 of cups, 8 of pentacles rx, the world | engineer, teacher, mouse, earth: persistence, patience, practicality
i got major scorpio vibes when i was shuffling for his ideal type (the two 8 cards) and it’s unsurprising due to his scorpio moon. with the 5 of cups i do feel youngjae wants someone with two contrasting sides like himself, one side is someone who’s incredibly empathetic and feels for others whereas the other is someone who’s optimistic and doesn’t let setbacks slow them down. with the 8 of cups it’s possible that he likes someone who’s very hard to get to know and a bit mysterious cause fire venuses in general find intrigue in people who are a bit difficult to figure out and youngjae’s leo venus can be the type to like the “chase”, i do get the feeling youngjae likes someone who plays a little hard to get. the 8 of pentacles rx tells me youngjae likes someone who’s a bit of a workaholic and very independent, this card can also describe someone who’s always working to improve themselves and aren’t satisfied with mediocrity, just like jackson’s reading i do think youngjae likes a little bit of healthy competition in relationships as it motivates him to be the best version of himself especially when it comes to work (smh fire venuses). with the world card, youngjae wants someone who’s very cultured and is experienced in different aspects of life, i feel like his ideal type would be skilled in different languages and has a high level of intelligence when it comes to different topics, someone who’s multitalented wether it’d be with practicality or creativity would catch youngjae’s eye. his leo venus can make him attracted to the showman types and people who stand out, i do also get the feeling that he wants to have someone who’s very balanced and uses an equal level of emotion and logic to solve problems, his scorpio moon wants someone who’s intense behind closed doors whereas his leo venus wants someone to be outwardly enthusiastic and energetic. 
the engineer card tells me youngjae likes someone who’s able to handle pressure and doesn’t let setbacks dictate their actions, this card also talks about someone who gives creative energy a practical expression so it links back to the points i made earlier about the world card. the teacher card talks about someone who has the ability to communicate knowledge, experience, skill or wisdom which basically reiterates my points from the world card again, i do also get the feeling youngjae gets a lot of energy from those around him so if he has someone to look up to and advise him when he needs it he’ll be incredibly motivated. the mouse card talks about someone who’s organised, resourceful and prepared, since youngjae’s venus and mars is in his 10th house which is ruled by capricorn it’s unsurprising he wants someone who’s reliable and practical, i think spontaneity will work for youngjae at times but due to his fixed placements he prefers to have a schedule and stick to it and would prefer if his partner is the same. earth card basically reiterates the points i made earlier, but he does want a long-lasting relationship and will do anything to keep his relationships lasting for as long as it can, he’s very into to building a firm foundation with his partner however long it takes them as he wants a love that lasts and continues to evolve.
judgement, 2 of cups rx, the sun, 10 of wands rx | scribe, liberator, starfish, jupiter: grow and expand
with the judgement card being the first card i do get the feeling youngjae is an incredibly dedicated boyfriend, in youngjae’s case i feel there’s a few people who catches his eye but only a select few who keeps him engaged so once someone intrigues him he’s gonna be very persistent/dedicated, due to his scorpio moon and leo venus youngjae definitely leads with his heart more than his mind in relationships. the 2 of cups rx tells me youngjae loves very deeply and sometimes struggles with putting up boundaries due to him wanting a very intense love (unsurprising cause of his fixed moon + venus), i feel that there’s also a tendency for him to put his partner on a pedestal and idealise them but it definitely comes from his scorpio moon (i can vouch for this). the sun for our sunshine!! youngjae’s gonna be the happy virus in the relationship and will love messing around, his leo venus and mars can make him someone who loves joking around and have a lighthearted romance, he’s gonna love laughing and having a lot of fun with his partner and he’s probably gonna act like a big kid with them. the 10 of wands rx tells me youngjae could hide a lot of his sadness/burdens from his partner, he’s the type to be a serial optimist and would hate dwelling on negativity for too long which is why he would hide his more somber side cause he doesn’t like burdening other people, he’ll definitely be the type to cheer others first before himself, a true sunshine. 
the scribe tells me youngjae could write a lot for his s.o, wether that’d be poetry or songs youngjae has a way with words due to his scorpio moon, leo venus and jupiter in 3rd, he’s naturally gifted with his words and loves sharing his gift with others as a form of affection. the liberator reiterates the points from the 10 of wands rx card, he’ll definitely try his best to serve others before himself and try his best to make his partner feel as comfortable as they can. the starfish card describes someone who’s uplifting, artistic and expressive, with youngjae’s chart ruler being his leo venus it’s unsurprising that he is incredibly charming and the descriptions fit him perfectly. with the jupiter card i do feel youngjae’s always looking to grow materially, emotionally and spiritually with his partner, it’s possible that he’d be the type to always think about the future and plan where he wants to go and what he wants to achieve, his love has no boundaries.
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the empress, page of swords, queen of wands, 6 of swords rx | rebel, rescuer, nightingale, house ten: structure, discipline, life mission, accomplishments and career
with the empress card, yugyeom wants a nurturer and someone who’s able to take care of him since this card describes someone who often ‘mothers’ and takes care of others because of their innate nature, i also get the feeling yugyeom wants someone more mature age-wise but most importantly emotionally and mentally. with the page of swords however, i do think yugyeom also wants someone who has a childlike wonder/spirit to them due to his gemini moon (gemini represents twins) so someone who’s able to match his level of enthusiasm/curiosity will steal his heart for sure, this card alongside yugyeom’s sagittarius mercury tells me he wants someone who’ll be able to match his humour and even poke fun as sagittarius mercuries love teasing as a form of affection. the queen of wands reiterates my point of yugyeom wanting a mature character but this also tells me yugyeom wants a partner that can hold their own and someone who people see as a leader, i also get the feeling that he’s attracted to the charismatic social butterfly types, he definitely loves an independent individual and will find them even more attractive if they have their own goals they aspire to achieve, his ideal type is someone who uses their strength and their sensitivity. the six of swords rx tells me that his ideal person is someone who has gone through lots of personal hardships and transformation, but instead of acting out of revenge and resentment they’re very gentle and always wants to protects others cause they don’t want to anyone else to experience the feelings they experienced. his ideal type is someone who has a lot of love for themselves and is always willing to give to others, someone who’s very genuine with sharing their love. 
the rebel card definitely gives me queen of wands/page of swords energy, someone who’s willing to stand out and not let have anything/anyone sway them when they have their minds set on something. the rescuer reiterates my point of someone who wants to help others without wanting anything in return, this card also makes me feel that yugyeom is very attracted to leaders and when he sees someone who’s independent yet gentle his heart swoons. the nightingale describes someone who speaks their truth and is unafraid, their way of communication is very direct but it comes from a place of kindness instead of authority. of course yugyeom and his capricorn venus would get the house ten card which is ruled by capricorn, basically reiterates all the points i made but additionally i do feel like yugyeom wants someone who’s well respected in their field, he craves stability and wants to build something with tangible his partner so he’s in it for the long ride. 
as someone who grew up with 3 capricorn venuses i can confirm that these people are more attracted to those older than them
4 of cups rx, king of cups, the magician, high priestess | damsel, companion, unicorn, capricorn: ambition, realism and methodical steps
with the 4 of cups rx i feel yugyeom has a tendency to rationalise his emotions a lot (unsurprising since his only water placement is his sun) so occasionally he might seem a tad detached in relationships, this does tell me however yugyeom often thoroughly analyses his own actions and his partner’s actions (which something cap venuses do often) and then decides on what to do next from that, due to his air moon and earth venus yugyeom’s love language can range from something more action-oriented or something more verbal. king of cups tells me yugyeom’s very mature when it comes to his emotions and has a very nice balance of logic and emotion, yugyeom’s very kind and sensitive but he’s not a pushover so he’ll definitely be the type to check up often and be there for his partner emotionally, i do see him being the type to try his best to make his partner comfortable and let them vent to him as much as they need, he definitely loves emotional intimacy and is very romantic in this sense as he wants to always make sure his partner is loved. the magician card tells me the reason why yugyeom wants someone who’s accomplished is so he can learn from them, yugyeom’s capricorn mars makes him incredibly determined towards his goals and he often feels motivated when those around him are so he’s an incredibly supportive boyfriend and will always be curious when it comes to different things he can learn from his partner. the high priestess tells me yugyeom relies a lot on intuition in relationships, his capricorn mars and venus makes him only act on a situation if he feels it’s right, once he’s committed i also feel he won’t verbalise it as much due to the fact that if he feels like he knows and his partner knows he doesn’t need to say how much he loves them. 
the damsel tells me yugyeom’s a romantic at heart and could occasionally romanticise his relationships, he could also have a tendency to want to be “saved” and rely a lot on his partner when he’s in a relationship. the companion crd does tell me though that yugyeom’s incredibly loyal, dedicateed and unselfish in relationships as once he’s committed he’ll hold on to them for as long as he can, his life can easily revolve around his relationship if he’s not careful. the unicorn describes someone who relies on their intuition a lot as they feel that often a higher power is the one that’s commanding them, i think this is also a major reason why once yugyeom’s committed he’ll do anything to make the relationship work cause his romantic nature believes in “soulmates”. the capricorn card for the capricorn mars and venus i cannot make this up lmao anyways, this basically reiterates my point of yugyeom’s level of loyalty and dedication in relationships, yugyeom only gets into relationships when he feels he and his partner are working towards a mutual goal and he will be incredibly persistent once he has his eyes set on someone and will make sure they know. 
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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