#i couldn't figure out which meme you were referring to so i answered both
academicgangster · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 12
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
Shit, I’m gonna have to count again.Okay I just did (might be missing a couple, though) and there are NINETEEN. N I N E T E E N just the one major one right now, thoughBUT N  I  N  E  T  E  E  Nhelp
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
Fanfic-wise, I have a bunch of Star Wars recs from @ishipallthings to get to, and a truly lovely MIB fic I’m told was a gift for @wintersknight, that I’ve been saving for a rainy day / a time when I can slip back into MIB headspace without losing Fugitive headspace. Book-wise, my fascination with medical stuff has kicked into high gear of late, so I’m reading The Matter of the Heart by Thomas Morris and Migraine by Oliver Sacks.
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?
I strongly prefer canonverse. That said, I do have a soft spot for point-divergent AUs (as in ‘what if this happened instead of this’ - very much including genderswap), as opposed to AUs set in whole different settings like colleges and coffee shops. I also sometimes enjoy fandom fusions (as in ‘characters from X fandom in the universe of Y fandom’), but I’m very picky about those.
4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
VARIES WILDLY. I’m not reading much fanfic these days, because my reading tapers off when I’m working on hardcore writing projects of my own. I used to read a lot of MCU fic, but that’s dropped to almost zero since Civil War. These days when I go on fanfic searches, I look for hurt/comforty Star Wars stuff featuring Han. I…do not often find much. This is sad.If I find a film that fascinates me while making progress on my watchlist, I’ll probably look for fanfic of it too. (see also: Sam/Richard, Roy/Reggie, MIB in general, I can’t believe there’s no Witness or Blue Sky fanfic…yeah. #obscure)
12. Friends with benefits or secret dating? 
oh no oh no. Neither is usually quite my speed. I prefer characters who are in love to be quietly but shamelessly in love. That said, I’d maybe be okay with friends with benefits. Maybe.
[Getto Know Your Author]
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
apart from ‘everything else is on hold so I can work on the Sam/Richard fic’? Hm. Well…yeah, kind of. There’s that one utterly self-indulgent Sam-centric h/c fic set like eight years before the film, that may never see the light of day because it’s basically just Me Working Out My Issues. (Goddamnit.)
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
Self-Indulgent Weirdness v1.0 about, I think, Jim Kirk reading Anne’s House of Dreams by LM Montgomery? Why did I do that. (I’m not embarrassed about it exactly; I’m not going to take it down, but, uh, damn, younger me. Damn.)
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological?favourite scenes first? something else?
4) favourite character you’ve written
See, I would say Sam, but that’s quite possibly recency bias at its finest. I do love his POV, though there’s less of it than Richard’s so far. I’m also really enjoying Kay’s POV (again, bits and pieces of unpublished work). The most different POV I’ve attempted so far is Nina from Black Moon Rising. HI I’M CAIN AND I’M BAD AT PICKING FAVOURITES
12) your weaknesses as an author
Dealing with timeskips and segue words. Sometimes every damn sentence I write sounds like a conclusion and I’m a mess. Other times things flow like they should. I am a perfectionist maniac, which is possibly definitely why I am so goddamn slow.
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