#i could see like 'shes kairi as sora remembers her' explaining her hair style being flipped from kh1 kairi
darkvolley · 9 months
Just heard a youtuber have a very interesting thought that maybe Skuld is somehow involved in the creation of Xion to explain how she's the only one in the weird fusion dance situation that has black hair (under the assumption that Skuld is Subject X that is)
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party-of-rpg-muses · 6 years
Mun Plays Kingdom Hearts 3
............. I finished Kingdom Hearts 3... For those who may be confused, I’m not upset or disappointed. If anything... I’m surprised. Speechless.
Continuing where I left off, I took the Leviathan and sailed to Shipwreck Cove, but found myself getting intercepted by Luxord and his army of Heartlesses. For the first time, I made use of the water wall, which I had completely forgotten about and it really saved me a few times. I just barely managed to beat Luxord with only a sliver of health.
Also, one thing I forgot to mention in my last post, I thought game was going to follow the whole Never say “Die” rule. In Monsteropolis, you can hear Randal saying “Why won’t you just fail already” and in The Caribbean, Jack says “Four of you tried to annihilate me.” when the line in the movie was “Half of you tried to kill me.” So I thought they were going out of their way to not have characters say “die” or “kill” or “death”. But when Jack was traded for Will, Elizabeth did use the word “die”. I just wanted to mention that.
Now, at Shipwreck Cove, I fought against the Kraken, saving the Black Pearl from both it and the Flying Dutchman, allowing me to use the water all even more to protect myself. The fight against Davy Jones was honestly rather difficult, if mostly because of the Kraken, but I managed to win. Not only that, but I won with STYLE!
I was interested in the fact that they didn’t show Davy Jones’ heart, but I understood why they couldn’t show it. Even then, you could just faintly heart his heart beating inside the chest. I was surprised to see them keeping Will dying and even Davy Jones dying as he fell overboard. A little disappointed they didn’t include the marriage between Will and Elizabeth. I also couldn’t help but notice that Sora basically had a hand in killing a normal human being and not a Heartless or Nobody.
After that was San Fransokyo from Big Hero 6. Brief mention: Didn’t care all that much for BH6. Didn’t hate it, but found it kinda average. I’ll say this, I had tons of fun exploring the city and I was able to practice Flowmotion and get used to using it in battle. Funny thing, while out on the town with the others, I forgot the chest that held a map of the area. Like, I saw the chest and planned on getting it after taking care of the Heartless, but completely forgot about it once I was directed to the top of a nearby building, so when I had to track down the Micro-bots, I had to backtrack my steps to find that chest. But other than that, nothing was really major. I know many people would be super happy to have the original Baymax back, but I didn’t really care.
But one thing that was of interest was seeing Possessed Riku from KH1. I’ll admit, I was actually confused about how he was there, but that’s kinda par for the course with a Kingdom Hearts game.
With that done, I went to the Realm of Darkness, YAY! I had the biggest grin on my face when the best character Aqua showed up, even if she was Norted. And I still had that grin while fighting the Demon Tower as Riku. It wasn’t hard, but it did kinda take a while. Then I got to play as Sora to fight my wife Aquanort. Honestly, she was quite difficult, what with her tendency to attack while offscreen and combo Sora for some good damage. But as time passed, I started to figure her out. But I managed to beat her. I want to bring up my theory again and as it turned out, my theory was half-right.
I couldn’t help but shed a tear when Aqua realized she was finally free from the Realm of Darkness, but I couldn’t help but wonder how she lost her Keyblade, but I think they might have been explained in a previous game that I didn’t play, but whatever. I also grinned when I saw Aqua return Castle Oblivion back to the Land of Departure. I grinned even more when I saw how beautiful the inside was, especially when compared to what little was shown in BbS. It feels much bigger than in that game and even more regal.
And I was SO excited to play as Aqua after so long and I was able to take to playing her almost instantly. And I LOVED the new animation for Spellweaver; the way she pirouettes and performs like a graceful ballerina is beyond graceful! Fighting Vanitas wasn’t too difficult, since he pretty much acted the same way as in BbS. I managed to beat him and I was SO happy to see Ventus finally wake up! And the way Aqua and Ven treated each other was adorable, much like an older sister and younger brother. I do wish Ven and Sora could connect a bit more, but I guess there were more pressing matters.
And in the cutscene after, I enjoyed Aqua remembering Kairi and Sora from when they were kids. Of course Sora and Kairi wouldn’t remember meeting her, since they were only children and it was a long time ago. And yay! Axel/Lea and Ventus still remembered each other and they’re still close friends!
After that, I went straight to the Keyblade Graveyard. My blood was pumping during that massive battle against the Heartless and Nobodies, which I called the Battle of A Million Heartless and Nobodies. It was tons of fun laying waste to countless enemies one after the other and once it was done, I continued onward.
While I was happy to see Terra, I instantly knew things weren’t right. Why would Terra just suddenly be there and unpossessed? What followed was the gang getting destroyed one by one while Sora was left in despair as the Demon Tide claimed him. I enjoyed seeing the Chirithy (I don’t know much about the other games, but I know he belongs to Ventus, so there’s that.) It was fun collecting all the different Soras and interesting seeing other people who found themselves in the Final World, clinging on the something in the real world. And going through all the other previous worlds was kinda fun, but the Lich quickly became a pain, what with his Aero magic and leaving behind afterimages that Sora sometimes focuses on, leaving me unable to get away in time. But I managed to get them all. Still confused as to how everyone was seemingly warped back in time to before Terranort and the Demon Tide attacked.
But this time, I was excited to see the Lingering Will return and protect Aqua and Ven. And even pull off these insane moves with its Keyblade that I had no idea it could do. I didn’t fight it in KH2, so yeah... And as for the Demon Tide fight, I was doing... decently until later in the fight. I got combo’d so badly, not even the Kupo Coin could help me and I got a game over. When I tried again, I learned I could damage the core while the tornado is spinning, just not when it turns orange. I eventually managed to win, which then brought one of the coolest moments in the game up!
The Keyblades of the fallen warriors came to Sora’s aid to help him against the swarm of darkness. And not the Keyblades of any fallen warriors, but the people who actually played Kingdom Hearts χ! There were so many names and so many Keyblades being used! And I want to say this; for those who lost their lives in the Keyblade War, I thank you. Your hearts may now rest and be at peace. Light shall prevail.
After that, found myself in Xehanort’s maze, deciding to help Riku against Young Riku, Ansem, and Xigbar. By accident, I focused on Ansem until he ran away, leaving only Young Riku and Xigbar. I focused on Xigbar, since he was always a bit of a pain; both in KH2 and BbS. But thanks to Sora’s amazing aerial combat skills, he wasn’t all that difficult. Young Riku, however, was a bit harder and rather aggressive. But I managed to win. After that, I helped Mickey out against Xemnas, Larxene, Luxord, and Marluxia. I ended up targeting Larxene, but after a few hits, Xemnas left the battle and Luxord captured Mickey, so I focused on Luxord and defeated him first before turning my attention toward Larxene. Once she fell, Marluxia was next.
Later, I decided to help Kairi and Axel with Saïx and a mysterious hooded figure. I focused on Saïx until his Berserk meter filled up, triggering another cutscene. Xemnas managed to defeat Axel (and somehow(?) took his Keyblade away) before having the hooded figure attempt to kill him. I had my guess, but I was so happy to see I was right! Xion is a vessel! Sure, she hasn’t been Norted with the orange eyes and white hair, but she was one of Xehanort’s Organization XIII. I was even happier to see her come around. And happier still with Roxas suddenly appeared to help his friends while Kairi was kidnapped. With Xion and Roxas, I was able to defeat Saïx almost easily. I then went to help Aqua and Ven against Vanitas and Terranort. I focused on Vanitas because he’s kind of a massive jerk and I wanted to see how Sora would react to seeing Vanitas’ face. It was nice to see Ven act so mature towards Vanitas and I was expecting him to accept Vanitas as a part of himself and absorb him back into his body. But honestly, this is fine too.
After Vanitas, I focused Terranort. I was really struggling when he brought the Guardian out and I couldn’t seem to do anything. No way to damage it and no way to avoid it, but I managed to survive. Terranort fell shortly thereafter, since he also got caught in the crossfire against Vanitas. I was surprised to see the Guardian resist Terranort, only to find that the Heartless in question was Terra himself, successfully driving Xehanort’s heart out of his body and reclaiming it as his own.
I then turned my attention to the Xehanorts. I focused on Young Xehanort, managing to defeat him despite having to also deal with Ansem and Xemnas. Once Young Xehanort was defeated, I felled Ansem, followed by Xemnas. My heart stopped when Master Xehanort up and killed Kairi and my jaw dropped when I saw the old man actually stop ULTIMA, AKA THE ULTIMATE MAGIC SPELL with Stopza!
I went into Xehanort’s heart (I think) and entered Scala ad Caelum. I struggled heavily against the masked enemies. Even Rage Mode could only help so much and I eventually got a game over. When I tried again, I wised up to some of their tricks and eventually managed to beat them.
Next cama Armored Xehanort... I barely knew what I was doing during the first phase, struggling to find my footing, but managed to beat the first phase, even making use of Flowmotion attacks. In the second phase, underwater, I was more cautious, since I was out of items. I also bought an Elixir earlier on to use in a desperate situation. I used it during that phase, so... yeah. At times, I would just run away and try to survive until Donald was either revived and healed Sora or my MP was filled again so I could use Curaga. I eventually managed to win as the third phase started.
Almost instantly, I was blindsided and instantly defeated, since I didn’t have time to heal. Now, during the entire fight, I feared that if I died, I would have to go through the whole fight again, but thankfully, I was just sent back to the start of the third phase. I managed to deal good damage and ALMOST WON but thanks to some bad luck, I lost... Rage Mode helped me out a bit. And for the third attempt, I FINALLY managed to win!
Then came the battle against Master Xehanort himself! Honestly, it was much more managable compared to the others and nowhere near as stressful. I did quite well until he summoned Kingdom Hearts, making for a great backdrop. I still fought against him quite well until he took Sora’s light, forcing him into Rage Mode. I wasn’t expecting it, so it took me a while to recover, but when I did, I managed to take back Sora’s light... and found myself in a grey area with the Organization XIII chairs surrounding the area. I was assaulted by hooded figures with weapons of the Organization XIII and barely managed to even gain a footing, let alone heal. And there were the massive lasers. But I managed to heal and hold my own until returning back to the battlefield.
Once the battle restarted, I returned to fighting Xehanort, eventually getting him down to trigger the ending. But he easily deflected Sora’s Ray of Light and countered with his “Ray of Darkness”. And during the struggle, I couldn’t help but notice a different version of Dearly Beloved. This truly was something major! And thanks to the power of friendship, Xehanort was defeated!
And with that, I BEAT THE GAME!!! I watched the ending cutscenes, Xehanort and Eraqus becoming friends again as their hearts pass on. And I liked how Xehanort acted at the end too. I was hoping that Sora could finally return home to see his mom after so many years, but with Kairi missing, Sora went on a journey by himself to search for her while everyone else went back home. AND Naminé is back too! During the absolute final cutscene before the credits, I thought that Sora had found Kairi and they were returning to greet everyone, but it seems Sora was gone somewhere, leaving Kairi alone, despite being with her friends.
And for the after-credits scene? Well... I won’t say~ But I’ll say this, my jaw dropped, since it revealed MASSIVE things! Some characters will be returning, but I won’t say who. I’ll also say this; the end of the beginning and the beginning brings about the end.
I look forward to the next game! Also, my total game time? 25 hours. Yes, if given enough time, I could start and finish the game in a single day, with an extra hour. Honestly, I’m a little disappointed that there were only 2 returning worlds: Pirates of the Caribbeans and Hercules. Sure, the new worlds are great, but still. And the number of worlds overall is disappointing. So few Disney worlds and all of the worlds don’t give much. Winnie the Pooh can easily be finished in a few minutes while the Disney worlds take about an hour or two to finish. But I guess they wanted to focus a bit more on story and wrapping things up. Still, the game felt short overall. I also hope that Final Fantasy characters make a return in a later game. I’m still bothered by the fact that they removed Final Fantasy characters, who have been present in every KH game since the first, 17 years ago! Again, oh well. Overall, I had fun playing the game and really enjoyed KH3!
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